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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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freedom of speech, but at the same time, of course, it is necessary to realize the potential and real harm that certain e-e information channels, including telegram channels, can cause, it must be clearly identified and certain mechanisms of regulation must be clearly established which are actually in question, this is actually a very difficult task and a legislative one. and at the expert level, because everything will depend on what powers these bodies receive, which will be authorized to actually regulate what they will have the right to do, close, to fine, find the owner or author and bring him to justice, all this in connection with the activities of anonymous telegram channels, for example, it will be very difficult to do. i think that here, after all
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, the concept of national security should become a conceptual, procedural, and legislative basis, but it is necessary to start from it and, in this area, to look for the criteria by which certain sanctions and restrictions can be imposed on the activities of certain information sources, and those tools that... should operate in this sphere protecting national security is something that is understood by society, and in principle, this is where relatively clear tools and rules apply. thank you, maksym, one more short piece of news, or rather, a message from the fifth president of ukraine, petro poroshenko, that he plans to run for the presidency of ukraine again, but for this he must first...
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war. poroshenko gave an interview to the al-jazeera channel, and in fact, it was broadcast on this channel. let's listen to what poroshenko said. if you ask me, do i plan to participate in the next election? yes, however first, we need victory for these elections. secondly, i am absolutely sure that i will participate in the elections to the european parliament. and this will be proof that ukraine will be. a member of the european union, and most likely i will have the honor to be a member of the european parliament and do everything in my power for you. serhiy, how do you assess the prospects of poroshenko's re-election as president of ukraine after our victory. i think all responsible politicians in ukraine who are currently involved in politics will say that they will continue political activity. this is absolutely normal. if they are involved in politics. as a rule, they will
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continue to deal with whether politicians have a chance to become the president and whether poroshenko has a chance to become the president, then definitely there is, because in any case, a very serious reformatting of all political processes in ukraine will take place now, after the end of the war, or after the end of at least this phase of hostilities, when citizens can speak more freely, will come out... a lot of pleasant and unpleasant questions from the years when ukraine was at war will also be a lot of issues related to the preparation for this war will be discussed, and i think that many different and pleasant and unpleasant discoveries will be made for many citizens, so of course in such a situation everyone has a chance, including petro poroshenko to become president again, in general, i think it would be very good if we finally waited for the biggest problem in ukraine to be... the elections, and you and i
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discussed who has more chances, who has less, because now we see that these political processes, they are checks for us that, unfortunately, very distant, of course, there are objective reasons for this, the hostilities, but i really wanted them to finally end, and we finally returned to a stable democracy, where there are different politicians, where they compete with each other, where it is accepted as an absolutely normal process, what i like most about what i heard is that... and poroshenko, i hope, not only poroshenko, understand that sooner or later in ukraine there will definitely be elections to the european parliament. i expect this no less than the end of hostilities and return to democratic processes. i would very much like ukraine to finally become a participant in european processes. we also have european elections. this would lay the foundations for the sustainable development of ukraine and would make it impossible to repeat a new war. therefore
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, elections and politics will certainly return to ukraine, but i would like it to happen sooner, for now, unfortunately, we cannot say when. thank you, maxim. russia is quite active now pedaling the question of the legitimacy or illegitimacy of zelensky, just as the main the intelligence directorate, the ministry of defense of ukraine, that they are trying in some way to question the legitimacy of zelenskyi after may 20, 2024, what would you advise the ukrainian authorities to do in this situation, because, well, obviously, i probably should have. .. there would be a conclusion of the constitutional court regarding the extension of zelenskyi’s powers, that ’s one thing, well, that’s in my opinion, and the second thing is probably that putin is illegitimate and pump up this topic, because he was elected in the territories, temporarily occupied territories, ukrainian territories , and this too
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questions the legitimacy of the president of russia, what else could be advised to the ukrainian authorities so that they actively ... oppose this story about the illegitimacy of zelenskyi? well, i think that it is necessary to give very simple, clear and obvious answers, they consist in the fact that these answers to the question that ukrainian legislation does not contradict the fact that zelenskyi's presidential term is extended after. its completion of this five-year term, and it must be confirmed by a truly constitutional court, if it is not it is quite obvious that zelensky does not plan to usurp power, so to speak, and elections will be held as soon as
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the appropriate conditions for this arise, and that democracy is preserved in the country, freedom of speech is preserved, so to speak. freedom of political expression is preserved, i think all this will be convincing enough so that doubts about the legitimacy of the ukrainian government do not arise either in ukrainian society, or in european and western societies that actually profess the values ​​of democracy, and that concerns, so to speak, the reverse of our influence on russian. tion, then it seems to me that such a ping-pong is already starting here, because it is precisely the doubts about putin's legitimacy, which, by the way, are supported not only by the fact that the elections were partly held in the occupied territories, but also by many other
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factors, such as the murder political opponents, such as the so-called changes to the so -called constitution of the russian federation, well , i'm not talking about... freedom of political movements, foreign agents there, suppression of freedom of speech, in short, all this the totality of political life in the russian federation, it is sufficient to recognize putin as a usurper of power, and it is enough to, so to speak, distract the attention of the world public from this situation, including, the russians are beginning to shake this myth about. .. thank you, maksym rozumny and serhiy taran were guests of our program today, gentlemen, i thank you for participating in the program, during our broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you, friends, whether ukraine will receive an invitation to your opinion on joining nato in the 24th year 24% yes,
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706% no, these are the results of a television poll on youtube, our results are as follows: 27% yes, 73% hundreds, no, this is a poll on youtube, we put an end to it , this was the verdict program by serhii rudenko, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your family, goodbye, there are discounts on eurofast softcaps, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, pump and savings, there are discounts. on glycysed and glycysed max 15% in pharmacies plantain, you and save. riv is a leading manufacturer of windows and materials for windows. riv, for more than 20 years, we have been creating quality at an affordable price. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is
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the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets with us, and what the world is like. about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy dobrovecher, please give me your word, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for information about cultural news , presenters, who have become familiar to many, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy. people's deputy of ukraine, he was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast
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winters a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. football is stronger together 32-year-old karina has been living with a spinal cord injury for 20 years, has lived in lviv for 7 years and helps people with similar injuries, says that the city of lviv has become more convenient for people with reduced mobility during this time, but there are still many barriers, and we decided to protest together how accessible lviv is for people in wheelchairs. this way, so that the center of dovzhenko is already considered accessible, is here should be normal. coverage normal coverage so that a person can reach it to this length, because now what
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we use special skills to move these slabs and these gaps between these slabs, it's like our superskills, but there are a lot of people who they don't have these superskivs, and there should already be a normal coverage, and then the center of the length can be considered accessible, so now i would already say that it is not accessible, well, let's see what's inside. the essence of the ramp is that it should be so gentle, there are certain degrees, and the longer, the higher the rise to be climbed, the longer the ramp should be, and it should be so gentle that an independent person in a wheelchair who moves can go up, that is , any ramps should have a large slope, and where a person cannot climb up on his own, it is not a ramp, well, that is, it is not... uh, an element of architectural accessibility, it is the same barrier as if there were just
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steps, ivan, for example, climbed now with the help of a handrail, and this is often used by people, for example, who have damage to one side, and their left hand, for example, does not work well, and then they can use their right hand to help themselves up, well , these handrails are... but it will be difficult for people with visual impairments to move here, because there is no tactile tile , visible signs of movement and obstructed by stairs, opening the door can also become a difficult task. if we are talking, for example, about ivan and me, then we will be able to open this door now and enter without hindrance, if we are talking about a person in whom, in whom even the upper limbs, then she would have it accordingly. could not do, and therefore, of course, a good door is a door that can slide apart,
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if only automatically, we understand, yes, that it is not possible to achieve this everywhere, and then the door should at least open with a light effort, and so that the handle can be was to touch lightly with the brush of your hand, even if your fingers don't work, well, we can check that now, well, you see, i just... put my hand, and, for example, if my fingers didn't even work, i can pull the door and open, even in this way. in order to use the elevator in the dovzhenko center for people in wheelchairs, you must first get a key from the employees of the institution, here they admitted that they have not yet had visitors in wheelchairs, karina did not have any difficulties with access to the restroom, but she says that she can easily not be everyone, okay, i go inside, i can. what can i do, i can turn on and off the light myself, that's
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the good thing, the good thing is that the mirror is lowered, that's good, because usually they are somewhere under the ceiling, well, here, in principle, you can use to wash hands, it's not inclusive, this is like a wash basin, but it's like that, you know, no big deal, there's no handrail, as you can see, there should be a handrail, it should be hinged, it should be at a distance. cm from the center of the toilet, as far as i know, but it is almost impossible to get to the shelter, there are no signs of a bomb shelter either, such an institution, according to karina... is not friendly to all categories of people, but lviv transport has become more accessible to everyone categories of the population, the worst with trams, because only 20% of them, if our heroes managed to get into tram, then getting out of it became a problem, because the call button didn't work, we had to
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ask the tram driver to manually lower the ramp, and people like, they won't get out... they miss often, you just have to, well, if we just try to calculate each step in advance and to know when to return , when to go, where to wait, well, you just adapt in one way or another, you need to create all the conditions so that people can realize themselves, work and pay taxes, and not sit conditionally for, well, only there on pensions, for example or something like that . right in because of everything that is happening, and let them rustle, and then they will get used to it, ramps are not installed everywhere, but where they are, they are completely inaccessible for use, karina says, the state should not randomly place ramps and consult only with experts on reduced mobility, because the same ramps should
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be comfortable for different types of wheelchairs, with an appropriate slope and... the same situation with stairs made of tiles or smooth stone, if there are no rubber strips on them to help prevent slipping. well, look, this is a non-normative ramp, because it has these two grooves, but they are not universal, all people have wheelchairs of different widths, and accordingly, the wheels may not simply fall into these grooves, firstly, secondly, it has a non-normative slope, that is, it is more than need. you can't climb it on your own, and the handrails too, accordingly, are not standard, they do not have a normal height, and their thickness does not allow you to grip them properly. the space of lviv with its old narrow streets, stone steps and curbs is difficult to adapt for people in wheelchairs, but everything is possible more coffee shops, cafes and bookstores are becoming
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disability-friendly and adapting their businesses. karina for... says that she plans her route in advance, looks for establishments with an accessible entrance area and a restroom, and if there are none, she will not be able to visit them, so leave money there. but if we talk about inclusion as a whole, then this is a process not only of removing physical barriers, yes, it is also a process of removing mental barriers, including communication ones, and there is a certainty in this too. problem, because people still have them different stereotypes about a person, for example, in a wheelchair, and maybe i can be perceived very superficially, you know, and accordingly feel a superficial attitude towards myself, for example, about my financial capabilities there, or about my mental capabilities, just because, that i use a wheelchair is of course unacceptable, it shouldn't be like that. karina says
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that a person's limited mobility should not deprive him of his sense of dignity and it is possible... to return to his life, now everything has changed very, very much after the full-scale invasion, of course, people have realized that disability will now be everywhere in our country, well, yes, present as a phenomenon, and that something needs to be changed, and of course the rhetoric has changed a lot, politics has changed a lot, and now i personally feel such, you know, even excessive attention and excessive desire to help we don't need excessive attention, we don't need them to run after us and bring us ramps, yes, we need them to just let us live quietly, use their services, work and not pay too much attention, well, it's not necessary to guests and residents of lviv could easily and quickly find barrier-free locations, the lviv tourist office created a map: an accessible city.
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more than 100 restaurants, museums, theaters, and communal institutions are already marked on the map. hospitals, shopping and entertainment centers, which must comply with all norms of inclusivity. natalya stare pravo, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zamat, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. i and my colleagues are with you within the next hour. for 45 minutes we will talk about the most important things, and of course, we will report on what will happen. during our broadcast, and we want to start by thanking, well, not us, but the soldiers of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade, they have already received night vision binoculars. we collected together with you. 170,000 hryvnias are needed and the necessary life support has already been handed over. now, during combat night missions, our soldiers will not only be able to feel safer, but also
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more skillfully destroy the cursed and hated the enemy well, of course, some military men thanked, and other military men are waiting for you and me to collect the necessary amount to help them. espresso and the public organization baza ua sprovit call for support for the fpv collection. for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and for the 72nd black zaporozhian brigade. our own production, testing, variations for the needs of defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting 2 million hryvnias. the amount is large, but it is possible to collect. the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already there, join us so that there will be more and more of them. our goal is uah 2 million. do you remember donat for the armed forces of ukraine. this is an investment. to our common victory. thank you for the meeting and thank you for continuing to support our soldiers, and we are the middlemen in this, trying
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to do this job well. yes, and we start with a conversation about odesa, fevza mamutov, deputy of the odesa regional council. i congratulate you. and i congratulate you. and thank you for what you do for the military. it is very important. thank you. thank you and i thank you. for what you are doing, by the way, i actually wanted to start from the security situation, but i will still start with positive, positive news, well, in particular, in the odesa city hall, i understand that you represent the regional council, but maybe you have more information about it, in the odesa city hall they bought 30 kamikaze drones, i i understand that they are not cheap for extra-budgetary funds, maybe it is not only in the mayor’s office, maybe in other authorities this is done, how it is implemented and whether there is an opportunity to attract this money, to what extent it can be expanded and... to do it more efficiently in order to send more and more necessary things to the front. now we are talking about kamikaze drones, but these could be other technical means for the armed forces. please. you know, i
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always say that i, i am very happy when i see how odesa, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, it has been very ukrainianized, it has been very mobilized for such a full-scale invasion to help the army, because there are a lot of public figures. a lot of deputies of regional and city councils gather their teams somewhere, which initiate meetings, even meetings of the fpv drones themselves, and purchase - anything for of the army, and it is very gratifying, because it also sometimes has the opportunity to go to the front, and now we all hear from the military that it is the fpv drones, it is the mavics there and so on, they... save lives, yes, we understand, that life is the most valuable thing, so it is the most important thing to preserve, because we understand, um, this is our
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goal, er, and this makes odessa very happy for me, and now let's talk about the situation with energy supply , also water supply,... what is the current situation with this in odessa, in odesa oblast is also very important, because the enemy is hitting not only in the regional center, but also in the cities and settlements of the region, what is the situation now after those long shellings, which were not stopped by the enemy, where was it possible to repair, where was it possible to restore the supply of water or electricity, where are there problems, maybe even critical moments, when it is not possible to normalize the life of a separate community or a separate city or town. yes, the north, the north of the region is still feeling this whole history, odessa itself felt a lot with blackouts,
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blackouts, but now the city is almost there are not many such outages, unfortunately, again we are talking about provision, of course, provision of weapons, i think that... one patriot would solve this issue of protecting our region, but since he is not there yet, then we see that the work for our energy workers is increasing, and they are really heroes, unfortunately, in one of the shellings, when a day of mourning was announced in our city, after the first shot, when the emergency services arrived, they too were hit by the second shot in... the very point, and this happens, in plan, in terms of energy, yes, now the north, the north of our region feels the most that
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there is... the most work left, and by the way, regarding enemy strikes, the executive committee of odesa plans to approve, the word plans just scares me, well, i hope , that it will not be long, compensation for destroyed property, well here it is interesting that whether it is only about the private property of citizens, or whether it is about the property of businesses, the enterprises are different, and again , they are planning to approve, how long it can last and then at what cost is this compensation? that's it it is necessary to calculate, evaluate how much it costs, how much, how much damage has been caused, because people always want more, and this is normal, but we always have to start from what we have, and when we plan with you, we can say no only her private residence, but also a business and everything, everything, not everything is usually drawn out as beautifully as it is told in the plans, but there really is
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a replacement of windows. does not last very long in terms of, well , even from city services for private buildings there, unfortunately, we have a problem with again, with that shot, which was a month old yesterday, yesterday was a month old, when the largest number of people were injured, among whom there were five children, i'm sure you remember it. you know, it's on dobrovolskyi street, and this, of course, this is a terrible case when one entrance was completely destroyed, and it is certainly inappropriate to insert windows there, so housing compensation is a slightly longer process, and it, it continues, no
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no very many people have like you. yes, there is the right to own apartments, the right to own a house, and this, it increases a little this whole circle is bureaucratic, so now i think that you and i should advise all our citizens, just in case, just in case, to look at the documents for their housing, to see that they are all in order. so that later you can with these documents, god forbid, if this happens, then contact the city council so that you have confirmation that this is your apartment, that it is completely your property, and so on, because often we do not we look into these documents, and then when a situation occurs, again, a situation that was here a year ago on sabansky pereuluk, out of seven
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affected... apartments in four, i.e. 50% plus, there were problems precisely with the documents, i.e. there the share of the apartment belongs to someone else and so on, but this bureaucracy does not give an opportunity to quickly, quickly resolve the issue about compensation, well, here i can only join in and call on people to really draw up all the necessary documents so that various problems do not arise later, in odesa they stole another scheme regarding... the export of evaders outside of ukraine, there is an entrepreneur, a father of many children , there is a whole such a group of people was involved in this, how large-scale this scheme is and how many schemes in principle continue to operate, we understand very well that the border with odesa, odesa with the republic of moldova, and with moldova it is also clear that there are certainly certain options, such as it can be arranged, and what sums are in
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question is interesting. now, unfortunately, you and i have to understand that every conversation about the mobilization e-e law on mobilization, about its efforts to strengthen the work of the tsc, is, as you know, the stock exchange of this kind, which causes an increase in prices for these are corruption schemes, and if uh... at the very beginning, some actors there tried to get people out there for some , maybe insignificant sums, now i really can't even imagine that people find this uh money, opportunities for to give this bribe, and then get caught...


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