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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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well, what sums are being discussed is interesting now, unfortunately, you and i have to understand that every conversation about the mobilization e-e law, about mobilization, about its efforts to strengthen the work of the tsc, is, as you know, the exchange of such a kind that causes price increases are corrupt. scheme, and if at the very beginning some actors there tried to get people out for some maybe insignificant sums, now it's really, i can't even imagine that people find this money, opportunities to give this bribe , and then catch up on... uh, because you gave a bribe to an almost
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swindler who, uh, doesn't represent anything, nothing of himself, like uh, another, like, you know, such a - yes, swindler, all these schemes, about some sums of money goes, everywhere different, every time people, when they come across, they announce, they gave 850 thousand there. hryvnias, well, these are some amounts in dollars, and here, god give the sbu a lot of strength and inspiration to keep these schemes under control, thank you very much, thank you very much for joining, thank you for your comments, fevzi mamutov, deputy of odesa of the regional council was in touch with us , they talked about the situation in odesa region, well, really there... the whole story happened with a scheme, here,
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you know, here really, mr. fevzi correctly says that, god, give the sbu the strength to solve these issues, well, and of course, to cover those people who are trying to make money from this, how else to solve these problems, again, we have special people who have positions, professions, knowledge, appropriate salaries, who have to solve these issues and regarding mobilization, regarding involvement , regarding preparation, regarding front support, regarding support economy, regarding many things, because there are actually a lot of problems in ukraine, we will talk less with taras zahorodny in just a minute, and the statements coming from our partners, they are also ambiguous, and the threat that is on the front today and they can be at the front, they too, well, they are not invented, and the fact that russia, say, is preparing another mobilization for 300,000 people, it, it affects the same and... and in terms of resources, russia can
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provide these mobilized people, first of all , financially , we understand very well that russia buys these people, well, he buys there trivially, we are talking about, as they say, the lift for the mobilized at the level of 5 thousand dollars, these are amounts that do not appear in principle in ukraine at all, many, many questions, well, but let's try at least something from to find out these questions, taras zagorodny is in touch with us, he is a political technologist, mr. taras, i congratulate you, have a good day. i am glad to see and hear, well, i would like to start with the fact that we finally received an unequivocal answer once again, let's say from the united states of america voiced by blinken, that the us army in ukraine is not will be, but ukraine will be supported and ukraine sees prospects, i want to hear, as they say, the essence and instructions of the step, please, no, well, they said before that that they were not going to send troops to ukraine, so there is nothing new here in principle .
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we did not see, we also did not hear anything new about the fact that they will help, er, everything else is already the work of the ukrainians, we must understand that it should not, that is , in order to force the united states to us to help more, it is already the work of the ukrainian army and the ukrainian people, who consists in a simple formula, the more often ukraine strikes on the territory of russia, the more they will help us, well , again, the more strikes, the more they will help us, at the same time , again ukraine receives this signal that the strike on yalabuz is not welcome, this is the fact that it arrived in the region of tatarstan 1200 km away, and here it is difficult to understand whether it is in the states that certain officials make such a statement to the public that we do not welcome, but actually congratulate and support, because it looks like...
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like a blow in the back, and how, well, president zelensky said a very good phrase that whoever condemns or does not support ukraine's strikes deep into russian territory, let him come to kharkiv and everything will become clear to him, please. well, look, there is such a country as israel, yes, if the country of israel listened to what is being said to it, even the united states of america, such a country would not have existed a long time ago. for example, on the eve of the 1967 war, the six day war, the united states of america categorically asked israel not to attack arab countries. what did you do? israel? moshedan styles, give us money and finances, and leave your... councils with you, that is, what israel did, they split up the country, split up the armies that surrounded them, managed to sink the american communication ship liberty, about 40 people died, massat was sent to cut down the antenna from the american
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embassy, ​​so that they did not have time to convey that the war had begun, so what were the results of this war, the united states of america began. supply weapons to israel, because this is how the world works, we need to listen less, we need to act, we need to understand that countries are hunters, they are promising, they invest money in them, regardless of how convenient they are, inconvenient, and so on, all this talk there, let's not beat there and so on, you have to understand that the biden administration itself is quite heterogeneous, there is rusofilsk wing selivan byers, and there are others who also see the madness that they are trying to do, including this whole group, so it is our job to make this group lose within the immediate united states of america, and
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act on principle, or a kind word and a gun you can achieve more than the good ones in a word you know, i would like us to talk a little... about this corruption scheme that our anti-corruption bodies managed to uncover, corruption in ukrzariznytsia, in which a former adviser to the president's office, an employee of the sbu, as i understand it, mr. shilo, was involved, and there is also a certain group of people from the ukrzaliznitsa, that there they are transformers, if i am not mistaken, they purchased, and they purchased, that is, all those who offered real prices, well, they rejected adequate prices on the market, they purchased somewhere at inadequate prices, but from these inadequate prices, of course you can was in his pocket. to invest adequate amounts, and now it was covered, and this is a victory, because you know, today i spoke about this topic with another guest, and they told me, well, when we see the court verdict, then we will say that it is a victory, because so far in unfortunately, we are either released on bail, or disappear somewhere, or
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dissolve into thin air, please, or or nabusa works to justify corrupt officials, as was the case with the criminal case, i do not believe that this will end in anything, we have seen many of these ... things, er, by the way, it's naboo was replaced in approximately the same case, remember, there was the issuance of a certificate, fictitious, non-fictitious, it was in 2018, when the deputy of the nabu issued the same certificate, where there was trade, there was something related to corroboromprom, and the so-called agent of the nabu, was involved, a lot of other things, so i don't believe that it will end in anything, that's the case. this mr. shilla, some kind of something there again, some beautiful video, just the nonsense that our principles have been feeding this anti-corruption vertical for the past 10 years, i believe that it is necessary for a long time to conduct audit of the activities of these anti-corruption bodies,
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because at the customs office everyone knows that they are stealing, there is no case at all in 8 years, so it is always beautiful. the videos will not end with anything afterwards, the nasirov case has stalled quite a bit, martynenko, do you remember how loudly they shouted the case back when it was in the 16th year, eight years have already passed, and the rhetorical-ukrainian question and whatnot, so i believe that one should be more critical of all these conversations, corruption, theft and so on, and one should already ask questions of these... anti-corruption bodies, because i see solid ibd imitation of fraudulent activity, i would also like to ask, here there are even two topics that are being discussed a lot, well, maybe we will make it, we have very little time, but we will make it, and the first is what was
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announced, the destruction or attack on the crimean bridge, well, the destruction of the crimean bridge somewhere before the middle of the 24th year, this is now very actively discussed, the second, what, actively. will be discussed petro poroshenko said in an interview with el jazira that after the end of the war he is ready to run for president, this is also very true. let's first, let's start with the bridge, and secondly, why is poroshenko now... he said, well, the bridge, i think that ugura, this is budanov, in my opinion, he said, ugura, actually there is a strategy, it is difficult for me to say whether it will be or not , on the crimean bridge, they have the sbu there, in general , they have such a good competition there with the sbu, at first the sbu messed around on that crimean bridge, and now gur says, so then the sbu made these... sea babies and everything else, well maybe earlier the gur started, i don’t know, they now had a competition, how many of the black sea
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fleet will be destroyed, now they have a competition, who is more will soak oil refineries on the territory of the russian federation, so such a good, productive competition to destroy our enemy should be welcomed, maybe it is part of the disinformation complex, maybe it is confirmation, maybe it is many other things, the main thing here is the result. and regarding the statement of petro poroshenko that he is ready to compete for the presidential seat after the end of the war, why was this statement made now, because even maryana bezugla, a well-known supporter of petro oleksiyovych, said that he has just as many chances as she does, well that of course her wet dreams, i'm not here to evaluate it as good or bad, every politician has the right to state certain perspectives, yes, but why was it said just now in your opinion, and why is this decision well... obviously made by the fifth president , well, i think it is still too early
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to talk about it, it is not yet known when the war will end, the state of war, and the configuration of the political field will also be unknown at the end of the war, well, if poroshenko has announced it now, well, it is probably a way, including to record your position, that's how you move on. move in the direction that, well, how will the political map lie again, because again, until it ends, there will be no end to the war, well, it is not clear how it will happen in general, well, actually, but you know, again, many people watch, well, i understand that a politician has every right again, well , let's say, today some of the politicians repented for their trip to the verkhovna rada, someone announces their plans, that's good, but on the other hand , many people have something to talk about speak. although politicians should talk less, act more. now i am talking about those who will discuss the statements.
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thank you very much for joining. taras zagorodnik, a political technologist, was in touch with us. and they discussed urgent political topics. and i will also remind you that, as president zelenskyi said, the enemy is preparing the mobilization of 300,000 soldiers, well, as civilians who will become military, plus they are preparing an offensive for the summer, on the other hand, again, we know very well that when they talk about an offensive in a few months, this attack usually happens. unsuccessful, why, because we saw it with, well, not that unsuccessful, not like that effective, we saw this with the ukrainian counterattack, which was talked about for a very long time, by many people, and then the plans for this offensive in moscow were revealed, as the president said, and even more so, i recall february 22nd , russia was told that no attack there won't be, there won't be a war, everything is fine in general, it's just training, so what kind of sunji, the art of war, attacks the enemy when he is not ready for it, so when they talk about an offensive four months before the offensive, it seems to me that here... there is a different idea and a different goal, but it is necessary to talk and think about it, well, the person
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who can talk about such things is serhiy zgurets, the director of the defense agency, the host of the military summaries of the day column. sergey, congratulations, i’m glad to see you, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our columns we will first of all talk about this new mobilization in russia, about new initiatives regarding the supply of ammunition for our armed forces, and the passage of combat troops actions in the most difficult areas of the front in conversation with ours. military about it in a moment. so, today the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, at a joint press conference with the president of finland in kyiv, where an important security agreement was signed between the two countries, said that russia is preparing to mobilize an additional 300,000 military personnel from june 1. this is new, but quite expected information about the enemy's upcoming actions, against the background of the kremlin's plans and statements about
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the creation of new divisions, armies, the formation of military districts and rhetoric already encroaching on european nato countries. it should also be noted here that in addition to this statement, now in russia has announced a spring draft for 150,000 soldiers, and about the same number is to be released from the laurel. of the russian army, but most likely a significant part of these former conscripts will also be reformed into contract workers or volunteers, because in fact the financial conditions in russia or... dying for putin in ukraine are quite attractive against the background of earnings in such depressed regions of ukraine. in this regard, i would like to note that before this, just a couple of days ago, the deputy head of the main development department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, vadym skibytskiv, explained about certain changes with the training of the enemy, that he said that the enemy has now developed
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training programs for units that are formed from scratch and... for example, it takes 27 days to form an infantry battalion that is ready for use on the battlefield, this in fact, the time is short, and such a short period of training means that the quality of such replenishment will be low, but the enemy is quite deliberately going to use this cannon fodder to achieve the goals set by the political leadership of the russian federation, but - this is a regular replenishment of russian troops still makes it possible to compensate for losses on the battlefield and to increase the number. let me remind you that now the ground component of the enemy in our territories numbers 474 thousand russian troops, and by the beginning of the 24th year this figure fluctuated around 450-460 thousand
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troops, that is, there is a certain build-up and they are forming at the expense of this. certain reserve regiments and additional units, but it must be understood that numbers are one situation, and another situation is the provision of these enemy forces with equipment and weapons, and here the enemy has indeed, there are certain problems, because now about 80% of the weapons that are supplied to equip these units in russia are from stocks, or those that have been repaired precisely from remnants or from arsenals. which are slowly running out, but if we put everything together, all these statements are related to the expectation of a new mobilization, a new draft, weapons, then in any case we can conclude that the minimum time required for the formation of new parts and new reserves of the russian army, using these
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human resources and those expected receipts of equipment is somewhere within three months. that is, in this way, we can make an assumption that the actions of the enemy, which is aimed there at the preparation of a new stage of the offensive operation, can be carried out there only at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn, from this, from this we will proceed when evaluating the actions of the enemy, but when we say about our troops, today volodymyr zelenskyy said that he did not say how much needed to be mobilized. of ukrainian citizens in order to increase the potential of the ukrainian army, but said that 5,000 is too much, but in any case we understand that the measures there are also related to the reduction of the mobilization age and so on, this is not enough to more actively launch the flight training of our forces to reflection
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of enemy actions expected there in other directions, but in any case we understand that now... our armed forces along the entire front line are restraining the enemy and are demonstrating examples of courage and heroism and professionalism in almost all areas, one of such areas this is just west of avdiyivka, where the 47th separate mechanized brigade operates, and a soldier from this brigade is now joining us on our communications. a fighter with the call sign azimuth. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you on the air of the espresso channel. i consider health. now your brigade is holding the defense to the west of avdiyivka, in particular, it is providing the defensive section of the front of the front in berdychy. there were reports about
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counterattacks by our troops, about the enemy's attempts to gain a foothold in this settlement, this was literally a few days ago. but which one the situation today, what does it look like, what is happening right now? if we are talking specifically about their counterattacks, counterattacks, then they have not stopped since the very moment when ours left avdiivka, they keep us in tension all the time, but for six months we have held the area, we held the steppe, now the area of ​​the settlement of berdychi, all six months the assaults continue, they add up in number. there are three armored cars, two armored cars, most of the time they enter on foot, just a month ago, a month and a half ago, they tried to enter in whole platoons, columns. directly 18, 20, 30 men at a time, today the tactics have changed a little, and they try to do it in fours, fives, and depending
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on how many they reach, one can get there, maybe two, they stop somewhere in some house, in the basement, there in the ruins, and from there the remnants all gather, they try to pass further, and in such small groups, there starting with a platoon, arriving one by two, one by two, like that certain subdivisions are formed. who try to make some minimal assaults in the settlement, we usually stop these assaults, but there are such a large number of these russian servicemen that they still have a small advance, today they keep more on the southern street, our guys stand on the northern one, and here is the beginning of berdych, we hold this area, and these assaults take place mainly during the day, or increasingly at night, because in other directions... i spoke with the military, they say that part of the assaults at night become all more and more that you have a similar situation, at first it was on the day, this is what i
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told about these directly targeted formations that entered, because of what we saw when these servicemen were taken prisoner, there was a mobilization of their two months ago, three months ago, it is clear that these are new arrivals, without any experience, literally after some training centers there. today they try to drag out one, two, or three men during the day, they also drag out at night, we just understand that if we are talking about some of their equipment, they don't have such good thermal imaging cameras and so on there, or night systems that can directly drive the equipment into the village to understand where they are, so they try to do it more in the dark, that's when the day turns into night, or night turns to morning, reduced examples... when ours there, or rather, bmps of your bradley and abrams brigade are used in combat operations, there is no need for this anymore, given the fact that
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the enemy’s armored vehicles will decrease there, or are these tactical decisions adopted based on experience in the past, no, at the present moment, both bradley and abrams are using it, of course, after the troops of our enemy, our neighbor, have crossed over. area and have established themselves there at the coke-chemical plant, they are able to deploy anti-tank missile complexes, which from a high position very well survey the area around, so our, our anti-aircraft vehicles, as well as our abrams tanks work a little from a further distance, but they work, just there are no longer such clashes as there were before, mr. oleg, the situation with the use of now... we see a video where your fpv drone operators are destroying various enemy platforms there, and literally a day ago i saw such a very
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good performance of your operators in the fight against the enemy, can you tell us a little more about this component of your activity there brigade? yes, we recently saw on the official pages the statistics of destroyed equipment. the enemy's manpower, the manpower turned out to be a little more than 1300 people, that's about two battalions, we, i know that we completely disabled the 137th assault brigade theirs, which was based in koksokhim and tried to capture berdich, despite the fact that they had bmp-3, which we destroyed, they did not succeed, now the 74th motorized rifle took their place and now they are trying to continue this situation during this period this month of march, our guys destroyed one tank 17 bmp of various types, there are three mtlb, three bbmka, four artillery
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systems, four anti-tank missile complexes, you saw the video how our guys destroyed two unmanned ground ags systems that the enemy began to use, similarly there 'yeah two halls of cars were destroyed, i know of five lancets, one orlan and one supercam, that is. a large amount of destroyed equipment and a large amount of destroyed personnel still does not stop them, but we destroy it every day and every day those assaults continue. mr. oleg, i cannot but ask about the enemy's use of kabs, which had a significant impact on the enemy's capabilities there, when such fierce fighting was going on in avdiivka, that now with the intensity of the use of these means, the impression on the part of the enemy has increased from... what dynamics? in compared to the time when we are talking about avdiivka, and today it has decreased by an average of two to two and a half times.
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that is, we understand that it was a mass assault, they specifically destroyed all our positions, destroyed and neutralized our equipment, places where our guys could hold a site, now they are either accumulating it, or stretched it across the entire front, if we are talking purely about our segment, it decreased by about 2.5 times, when we talk about the use of artillery on both sides, we we understand that we are partially forced to compensate. lack of ammunition due to the use of half-buckets, on the other hand , from time to time we hear that these czech ammunition or ammunition from other countries are coming to us, has this affected the price of receipt in your area, how does the situation regarding the use of artillery by the enemy and by ours generally look like strength? on the part of the enemy, we did not notice any changes, the same number as it was, it is the same, that is, we always feel that
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they... there is enough ammunition, enough ammunition of various calibers, and that is why we realize that today our troops still lack ammunition, if russia can make some disturbing fire there, simply cover certain squares with their artillery, then our fighters try to be accurate, they try to be smaller, smaller with the number of shots to hit that equipment and that manpower that approaches us, they are more filial'. they treat it early, due to the fact that we still do not receive the amount we need, well, fortunately, we have a certain the number, at the moment, it is still sufficient, that is, unmanned systems that can overlap these moments and be used in the same way as accurate projectiles that hit the target directly, destroying both the manpower and the same equipment of the enemy, which before it suits us, mr. olezhe, and what about the use
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of mortars, because no... i have repeatedly heard from our military that the enemy, well , the enemy's mortar component is quite well developed and we are sometimes forced to respond to their mortars with artillery, although in fact it was would it be good to increase the number of mines and mortars in our battle formations, what are your assessments of this situation related to mortars? do you mean the number of mortars the enemy is using or do you mean the number of shells. mortars, which we use in particular, is that the enemy has first of all, including the advantage in mortars, which are used, well, quite densely, and the threat from mortars is sometimes no less than from long-range artillery, and we are this component, well, sometimes , well, we cannot satisfy to the extent that we are we need it, it's true, probably for one of our mortars there is the 120th or 82nd, the enemy uses two or three, and sometimes
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four. mortar, we also have a difference in this, and it is noticeable, of course. and, of course, the issue of fortifications, because the commander, syrsky, when describing the situation along the lines that are now held by your brigades and other brigades in this area, said that the actual units of the unit occupied the lines and secured the fortifications with their own forces, and precisely at they now hold this area. this front line, which is actually, well is not ideal for maintenance, although the verdichi are obtained quite effectively compared to other areas of the front, what about the fortifications, is it possible to restore it, or is it extremely difficult and almost impossible to do it in such conditions? berdichi, in fact, our guys, berdichi are holding and will hold until the moment when it is needed, and you can even notice on deep state that we
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are... a little closer to the side of the enemy and this is the kind of nest in which we stand , that is, we keep a little distance the border, if we are talking about fortifications or their restoration in the settlement itself, it is extremely difficult to do this, because everyday shelling and the same cabs, yes, which i said, there are two times less 2 15, but there are 30 of them per day it happens, they still destroy everything on their way, we are building and strengthening it very well now... yes , dugouts, trenches, and loopholes are being built by our brigade, by the forces of engineering assistance, it is being built every day, it is true, and they are becoming by echelons, one single line, the second line, the third line, specifically about restoration it's very difficult to say, like, that's why our guys are trying to make a line on which we can stop the enemy completely, where we can not lose areas, just maneuver on it there.


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