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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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at lviv university it was forbidden to teach in the ukrainian language, and the students went on a protest, then the professor supported them, because they were also forbidden to teach in the ukrainian language, and it was basically an act of protest, if so briefly, an act of protest, when they singled out and created precisely for contributions, voluntary voluntary, civic contributions, they made this university, they hid for several years in a row, really. they were followed by the local police, the police actually followed them, and there were inspections, and that was the case, and they were in different in places and in apartments and in st. george's cathedral and somewhere else in the novakivskyi school, which was actually just a part of this university, which was located in the building that is now opposite the george's cathedral, where there is now a memorial museum, and there, too, actually sessions, meetings, and training were held just in time. and this place was given there in
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order that this university might exist. it's amazing, for me, it's just an amazing story about about a secret university and about how or there are any memories that it was for oleks novakivskyi, that is, how, how he about he said that it was a hostile university , i didn’t find it, i can’t say, but the fact that it was very important for him, he was, he saw himself as a guide for... youth according to sheptytskyi, i understand from his comments, that he was not just a guide, he was a role model, that is, he is a person who, as a self-made man, he was able to make himself and he was able to be ukrainian, he chose to be ukrainian, he was able to be influential, the media wrote about him all over europe at this time, he was actually successful financially. uh, and, uh, well, and
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he, well, was a creator, he was an artist, and to be a successful ukrainian artist, before him, it was almost unrealistic. he, in fact, set the creative industry, the beginning of the creative industry, because he showed that you can make money not only from paintings, but you can develop there on postcards, on caricatures, and this is what they, they did with students, this is actually one story, another story. when they came back after the plein airs, they made small exhibitions in the cities, and you could come and choose the paintings you wanted there, and in this way, they engaged in education in small towns so that those who belong to the auto business also raise their level of beauty and aesthetics a little, understanding what aestheticism is. please tell me which of the famous artists graduated from the novakivska school, who, who we know, huh. well, i'll just name
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a few names, but we can say the peace is roman selskyi, and actually he's not so direct that he studied for a long time, but he started by going through corrections, and then he stayed, sviatoslav gordynskyi, this is a very famous artist, writer and poet, and this is also such a... the true story of how the youth around novakivsky developed in this environment, because it was not only about art, and we can say, although i know that it is controversial question, but yakiv hnizdovskyi is one of the most famous ukrainian artists in the american field, his paintings hung in the white house, and he was also an art researcher. er, and the artist, er, and myron -
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lewinsky, actually, he is also a very famous artist, who developed as well independent, independent like that in painting, very interesting, bright such a path he had and very successful, edward kozak, he is actually just interesting that he took this line in a caricature, and this is what he created and used very qualitatively. i am thinking now, you are enumerating, i think how many of these people ended up abroad, yes, that is, how many ukraine, well, lost, how, how many artists , but not how many of its citizens who have, but how strong the school should have been and this impulse to be ukrainian is so strong that they all left a ukrainian signature for them, they left the signature is ukrainian, that is, there... an american
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of ukrainian origin, a canadian of ukrainian origin, and i will also ask you, you mentioned that sheptytskyi supported the novaks. this is a myth, but do i understand correctly that this is a wonderful villa, where, where, later there was a museum, yes, yes, novakivskyi, it was given to novakivskyi by sheptytskyi, no, not true, yes, my god, yes, many, many myths, well, first of all, i'm not saying don't support, i wouldn't say don't support, i would finance from the point of view, yes, vila actually, just... well, this villa is was actually dug up by sheptytskyi, but also donated, but not to novakivskyi, but donated to the ukrainian national museum, which he created, yes, of course, novakivskyi also paid for the school, well, that is, for this
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premises for the school and for the accommodation that was nearby there, he paid, he paid with his paintings, and that was... one of the reasons why he had a very close relationship with the museum, and he never once in his life had a personal exhibition in lviv, never, er, because actually just vintsitsky, who was invited by sheptytsky to become the director of the museum, he tried, well, as an enterprising man, he tried to constantly lower the price of paintings, and since novakivsky, he knew what he was for , well, that is, it was his opportunity to keep the price and live on it. and in addition to living, well, to maintain the school as well, because it very often happened that those who came there, they came, well, let's say this, it was often a story when novakivskyi fed and provided for and there were, there were, there were different things, and
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that's why it was important for him, and his, his paintings were expensive, and he kept this stamp an expensive painting, but at the same time, if he did not hold this stamp of an expensive painting, then his students would not have become those successful ones and could not feel that the painting can be sold expensively, listen, and what does it mean when diana kolichko says , that novakivskyi is the most expensive ukrainian artist, what does she mean, and actually this is exactly what she means, that in his time, what he put up as a price for paintings, it was really very high, it was very high, i want an important topic that you and i have not yet discussed... but what really interests me is your relationship with your great-grandfather, so it’s not just for you this initiative of yours , novakivskyi space, and your interest and your work in general, it’s not just, it’s your family
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history, when, when did you start relationship with novakivskyi, how did you find out about it, and in general, do you have any personal ones, or do you have any? hours, yes, stories about him, or all that you know is mostly from the biography, actually written, do you have any family stories about him, but first of all, i must say that there are a lot information was hidden and classified because sheptytskyi, as i said, was not a patron, he was very friendly to novakivskyi so much. i.e., they alienated, and they alienated so much that when novakivsky was gone, sheptytsky actually adopted his children, well, and it was simply impossible for the soviet authorities, and that is why i think that
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he hid a large amount of information precisely for so that i can't, let's say, protect us children there, and those who grew up in this family, well, but hide... which, let's say, yours, yours parents, or parents of parents, well, well, we knew, well, about who the great-grandfather was, we knew, because i grew up among the paintings of my great-grandfather, and, well, you also have to realize that the museum is a memorial, he was created by my grandfather, with a very interesting story, because he first wrote to unesco, and... con unesco in what they should do the year of novakivskyi, and then he returned to the lviv authorities and said that well, look, the year of novakivskyi in unesco, it is necessary to highlight 100 years of novakivskyi there somehow, and i signed up for the that he will make the first exhibition, and the family will invest in it, that is, in essence, there is a museum, it is he
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, it is a big contribution, a big investment of mine, my grandfather, and therefore it is clear that behind this story and, we... well, there was , there was an understanding of who, as an artist, and what paintings, that he was of great importance for the country, but what importance was not unpacked, not explained. forged, and for me, in fact, there is also such a story that the second such a little touch to the history of his school happened through my father, who headed the national museum, he headed it in the late 80s, your father is an architect, he is an architect-restorer, and a lot of what tourists see now in lviv, such as a pharmacy, a museum or the actual arsenal, is... what is his, well, it is his, his work, and a large part of the buildings that are on the market square,
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by the way, my grandfather, he saved a part of lviv from destruction, because there was an idea of ​​redevelopment of lviv, approximately as it was in kyiv in the area of ​​st. michael's cathedral, and that is this is the son of oleks novakivskyi, this is the son of oleks novakivskyi, and yes, and then, and after all, your father is the grandson of oleks novakivskyi. yes, as a grandson, he, yes, he, as a grandson, when he became the director of the national museum, he began to make contact with the students and give back, that is, through him i understood what the school was and who his students were, ugh, eh , actually, it was precisely because of him that i started to somehow touch on this and research it, but unfortunately, his story with the national museum ended very sadly, i would say that he is very decennial if he had a story, now we will not be very to deploy, but... due to failure to fulfill a certain party wish,
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a case was opened against him, he won the court, but he did not want to return to the museum, and actually it is very much like that, what a year, well, it is not actually the beginning of independence, but with the beginning of independence, we know, as well as the fate of chornovol, we understand that the appearance of a person who was for... independence, well, there is an interesting moment that, for example, he, this is my father , was the person who achieved that the national museum was located in the premises where the lenin museum used to be, and near the opera house theater, now everyone knows this, that it is a national museum, yes, but when dad raised this issue, everyone in lviv was afraid to solve it, but fate turned out like this, simply mythical and mystical, that... gorbachev, who was supposed to go there to one city, ended up in lviv, raisa maksimivna had to be entertained, and my father
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would have taken her funds and after that they had given permission for the premises of the lenin museum to be handed over for this project, but now you will not read about my father anywhere , precisely because he was erased from history, because of this history, because of this conflict, because of that there was a conflict with the transfer of the icons, he... he refused to transfer the icons, because a quick transfer would mean destruction, and he didn't want to do it, but someone really needed to get them done quickly, and there were others, well you can feel a family, a family-like character, i actually want to ask, to return to oleks novakivsky, to ask about his character and his eccentricity, i have heard and read a lot about the fact that he was an eccentric, that he was an eccentric and even a poser. about the fact that he could invent some things about himself, let's say that he sleeps for an hour or
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two a day, about his chinese origin, maybe it's true, i don't know, about the fact that he tripled with paints and so on, that is , tell me about it, and about the chinese truth, well, as far as i followed there, dna was not really done, i think that this should be done, listen, i would have done it a long time ago in your place, you know what is possible, but even just on the outside. by this you can understand that there are roots there, ah, and he actually introduced oriental studies as an interest to the school, and he was also very interested all his life in the topic of japonism, that is, for him it is so very important, as a person who created himself in art, he was no less successful there than warhol, yes, he created beautifully his legend an artist, he certainly had an incredible talent, they say that he really, he had a certain
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magical gift, he gave, well, we certainly understand that he had the gift of a visionary, but in addition to all that, it was just the gift of seeing people to manifest somehow, he had a talent something very amazing if the history of clairvoyance becomes clear, let's say this, on the one hand, on the other hand, this not... incredible talent, the students said that he had leonardo between his fingers, and, comparing him with the ninth, well, all the time when they he was taken to italy, then he... looking at michalanchilo said that here he is, here he is his teacher, and, that is, in principle, this is a person who could really manage very well what he had, these characteristics of his, as a person, he really unpacked it, as as talents, as talents, and sometimes manipulated, of course, if he had stories with a stick, although
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he really had periods of prolonged hunger there and... this hunger then affected his health, he lay there for a long time because of this he could not to get up, but there were periods when he threw the stick and when inspired he could run, move, and, but when he remembered, no, no, let's carry me, support me, yes, well, it was like that, i immediately remembered parajanov and about his eccentricities, yes, yes, yes, he was very lively, bright, and that's why behind him directly pulled herself. yes, i can see even from his self-portraits and from his photographs that he was an extremely charismatic person, that is, he and he used it, he used it, we only have maybe 3.5 minutes left, i want to ask about interpretations, i am very interested in this cycle of awakening, in which
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there is a lot of talk about there is a clothed girl standing against the background of some icon or crucifix, so this is just one work, and the naked girl is the same, there in the cycle there is a very a lot of work for example, i say that, for example, yes, yes, i, i mean the cycle, and very often we are told that it symbolizes the awakening of ukraine, and that to me, it sounds very somehow unconvincing to me, so what exactly is this girl, anna maria palmova. she will become a 16-year-old girl, yes, a polish girl, a child, a child, you, you better tell about it now, also a 16-year-old child whom he drew, and she will become his wife, yes, and this interpretation seems unconvincing to me, unconvincing , did he talk about it somewhere himself, or where did it come from, what
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this is the awakening of ukraine, ugh, well, first of all, who was this child? the first thing i want to say is that there was not only a child, it is a certain cycle that actually, when diana klitschko and i talked, it ends with the last work of mother mercy, uh, in my head it is a very connected cycle, which is essentially about growing up and what needs to be done, what choices need to be made in this growing up, and in order to balance freedom and carefreeness with e. responsibility and transformation, and that is, it is interesting that the last work itself, it is to have mercy , but not love, and small-heartedness is when i accept without question, and this is the level of a master, and this work really, it began with the spending of my great-grandmother, who really, when she was an orphan, my great-grandfather, took her into custody and
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then married her, and it was an incredible couple in love. people who had the opportunity to live in love, in contrast to many others who did it out of obligation, yes, got married. at the same time, this cycle, it has many images, and in particular, it is very clear with yellow and blue elements of a woman who at a certain moment, well, that is, there are even those who somewhat reminiscent of the symbol of the french revolution, and if this is the rebirth of birth, and there are a lot of if stories in this cycle, and ... stories about it being from the dungeon, uh, that you have to go down to the dungeon from the dungeon first, then when you will already be considered dead, and that is where the birth will take place, and this is the myth of demeter, which he also mixes from there, that is, that in ukraine there is a period of spring when
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she can come out, light up and stand, take her place . but if we are not growing up enough at this point, she will have to to go back to hell again and have to go back to the underworld again and die unimaginably, you see, it's very good that i asked this, because the meaning is much deeper and much more sinister than it is often interpreted, and in fact you yourself have already led to to a wonderful logical conclusion, so do i i... would warn if i ask about the last line he said to golubovsky before he died: "nothing dies, what does that mean?" "at". and what does it mean to you? i think that this is very much about the fact that even now i
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will take a step back, but nothing can be mine property to be, nothing is not controlled by me, and once i realize that even there the collection that i have, it is not my control, it is something that i can share, that i share, for pradi. it was history, that's what he recognized, he knew this treasure about art, what it is, that it's a gift from god and it 's a destination, and it can't be, it can't be finite on you, it can be passed on, and the more you, as a master, can pass it on, the more likely it is that it will be alive, will be to live on, and at the same time this... this is actually just life, life on, regardless of whether there, i don't know, are ready to celebrate any dates related to novokivskyi in lviv or not
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, it's about the fact that he , he will live on, he will move on, and just as we talked with malevich, whether we are ready to admit that he taught and had his school or not, but he will live on, and for me , the fact that his paintings appeared this year at the belvedere, they returned to europe. where exactly they were exhibited, where they were recognition, although i would say that the selection of paintings, well, not the best, yes, that went, but it is also about the fact that it is not, it is not final, it is also the story that can be unpacked further and told further, depending on how ready you are to approach this material and get to know, the way we know ourselves now, because of this war, we discover a lot of new things about ourselves, thanks to dzvenislav, dzvenislav. novakivska, the great-granddaughter of oleks novakivskyi and the founder of novakivskyi space, was my guest today.
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thanks for being with us, these are proper names, i 'll see you in a week. thank you. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. the most outrageous judges-offenders, how to keep their position. after all, they continue to be judges and receive a considerable salary. but why does the vrp weakly consider complaints against the servant of themis? the supreme council of justice acts to preserve the status quo, not to clean up the renewal of the judiciary . congratulations, this is judicial control, a program to ensure declarative and real the rule of law in ukraine. the foundation for the further development of our state is, in particular, high-quality judicial reform. ukraine's chance depends on it. for joining the eu. today we will talk about those who bring this introduction closer for us, and those who, on the contrary, distance it. but first to the news. the specialized anti-corruption
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prosecutor's office sent an indictment to the court against the acting head of the comintern district court of odesa, pavlo dobrov, who was found guilty of bribery a year ago in september. according to the materials of the investigation, the judge for 1300 $ promised to assist in making decisions about security. in a civil case in favor of a citizen. tell me, what you said about provision is also about, well, about these two things, both about demand and about provision. so. if the court finds pavlo dobrov guilty of corruption, he faces a penalty of imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years with confiscation of property and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions. the odious judge of the kharkiv district administrative court olena izovitova vakim is trying to challenge the results of her quali. evaluations, which are hers found unworthy of the position. the judge appealed to the cassation administrative court with the lawsuit. we will remind, after the interview, the higher qualification commission of judges recommended to the supreme
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council of justice to dismiss izovitova as vakim. as a result of her dismissal, she will also be deprived of life support. in his statement of claim, izovitov vakim demands that the actions of the higher qualification commission of judges be recognized as illegal. izovitova vakim is the judge of the maidan. in 2013, she made decisions. on banning peaceful gatherings in support of euromaidan in kharkiv. first the judge vetoed peaceful protests from november 26 to 29, 2013, and the very next day banned protest actions indefinitely. the previous composition of the high council of justice recognized that the judge had violated the rules of procedural law, but exempted her from punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. judge olena izovitova vakim has a lot of property, the appearance of which is difficult to explain by income. and not only her, but also her. children who, with a minimum salary, became owners of expensive cars. mother of the judge lidia izovitova, head of the national association of lawyers of ukraine and an associate of putin's godfather, viktor medvedchuk.
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more than four months ago, the supreme council of justice finally resumed the self-distribution and consideration of disciplinary complaints of judges. however, during this time , she did not consider the most high-profile cases of the most scandalous ministers of themis, behind whom there were corruption scandals and property of dubious origin acquired during the judiciary. what's more, these judges are often involved in high-profile criminal cases themselves. they are suspended from the administration of justice, but they still work as judges, and you and i... we continue to pay them a considerable salary, we are talking about judges whose names and surnames we all know, in particular the judges of the former district administrative court of the city of kyiv, against some of them there are dozens of disciplinary complaints, against the head of this court, pavlo vovka, only one is open, as far as i know today, and the question of whether it is being considered or not, it is, well , at least not known to us, because
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there is no result. vovk, the odious former head of the liquidated most scandalous court of the country, the district administrative court of kyiv, that himself, who canceled the new edition of the ukrainian spelling, blocked the renaming of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, which, according to the decision of the verkhovna rada, was to add "connection with russia" to its name. and at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, the judges of the district administrative court of kyiv took into consideration a lawsuit from viktor yanukovych regarding his return to the post of president. of ukraine. the head of the kyiv district administrative court , pavlo vovk, appears in the case of interference in the work of the court and influencing the adoption of certain decisions for money. in 2020, nabu announced that vovka, his deputy, yevhen ablov, and five other judges of oask, were suspected of creating a criminal organization and captured by the authorities. there is a huge problem in the fact that the judges of oasku, even after the liquidation of the court, they continue to be judges and receive a considerable salary. district
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administrative court. was liquidated at the end of 2022, since then pavlo vovk does absolutely nothing, but still receives a salary. over the past year, taxpayers have paid the suspect a heavy bill corruption crimes and an attempt to seize power over uah 1.5 million. and he is, of course, not the only one, his first deputy yevhen ablov, also involved in the criminal case, and also received about 1.5 million. as an outside observer, i get the impression that simply no one is interested in this, to be more precise. the supreme council of justice is interested in keeping tandyr, the wolf, ablov, and other figures like them in their positions, and the supreme council, i would like to be wrong in fact, and i will be glad to be wrong, everything that is needed in the supreme council to make a judgment is to start considering these cases and dismiss those judges who should be dismissed. the case of the judge, the culprit of the fatal road accident, is also pending before the supreme council of justice. last year, on may 26 , the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv
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region oleksiy tandyr. driving a lexus car, he ran over national guard soldier vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at the checkpoint at the entrance to kyiv. the military serviceman, who was originally from cherkasy and raised three children, died. according to the investigation, at the time of the accident, the driver of the car was moving at a speed of 100 km/h, tandyr himself was intoxicated. this case caused a great public outcry, however , it did not attract the attention and priority of the supreme council of justice. oleksiy tandyr is probably in a pre-trial detention center. will be found guilty and sentenced to a real prison term, but he is still a judge. the most interesting thing is that the supreme council of justice itself included in its regulations a rule according to which high-profile cases, cases that have public weight, significant public interest should be considered as a priority, or at least priority unfortunately, we do not see this, and in fact, in this way, the members of the supreme council of justice themselves violate the new regulation. a special category for dismissal are
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judges-collaborators, those who betrayed ... in the oath and went over to the side of the enemy during a full-scale war. they should have been released immediately, but the supreme council of justice is in no hurry here either. the judge of the northern commercial court of appeal, volodymyr kuksov, who is accused of collaborationism, justified atrocities after the liberation of kyiv region from the occupiers racists, and called ukrainians fascists. but it seems to me that only the people of bandera, damn, fucking can rape, and we have such a situation here, we have half salaries like these, the supreme court decided to give them. half pay for the war, what do i need this war for, damn it? kuksov was detained by law enforcement officers back in september 2022, since then he has been in a pre-trial detention center, and the prosecutor general's office still has not found time to consider his release. as well as the case regarding another collaborator, the former head of the poltava district court, larisa bogomolova, who suspected of treason because of the alleged


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