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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna works in the studio. in rokupoyas, four people were killed, including three rescuers , as a result of a mass attack by shaheds in kharkiv, and at least dozens were injured, the regional prosecutor's office reported. as a result of the shelling, high-rise buildings and private houses were damaged, fires started at the site of the hits during the liquidation of the consequences. the occupiers struck again, as a result of which rescuers, policemen and a nurse of the regional medical aid center were injured.
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emergency services are on site. in the city kharkiv, the enemy released about six uavs. one of the uavs hit a three-story residential building, the other uav hit a 16-story residential building. other shaheds hit the private sector. russia plans to mobilize another 300,000 military personnel this summer, volodymyr zelenskyy said. the president emphasized. that the ukrainian command is aware of moscow's intentions of prize mobilization for the war against ukraine. we clearly understand what they are preparing for in russia, what they want, what they will recruit soldiers for in their army. and we, and all of us, our partners must have a strong response to russian operations, any russian operations. we must win this war. this is
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a historic chance for ukraine to break russian revanchism, and we have to use this chance. a tragic car wreck in the lviv region. cars collided in the village of moshchana, as a result of the accident, there were fatalities. this was reported to the regional patrol police. traffic was blocked on the ternopil, lviv, rava ruska highway. the circumstances of the accident are currently being clarified. and for the first time in ukraine, the supreme court recognized it as legal transition. from the church of the moscow patriarchate to the ocu. this was announced on the website of the supreme court. according to the case file , part of the residents of kalynyvka in zhytomyr oblast decided to voluntarily change their canonical affiliation. however, the supporters of the uocmp contested such a move. courts of first instance and appellate instance refused to grant the claim. russia was restless again. the tula region was attacked by drones and...
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popo forces allegedly shot down two drones - the ministry of regional security of the country's terrorists said. all consequences are currently being clarified. and in taiwan, the demolition of rubble and the demolition of damaged buildings began. as a result of the earthquakes, at least nine people died, and more than 900 were injured. this was reported by reuters news agency. i will remind you, yesterday the country was shaken by the most powerful earthquake for a quarter. according to the central meteorological administration of taiwan. over the next four days , earthquakes with a magnitude of up to seven points will still occur. and in poltava , volunteers are collecting aid in one of the churches of the orthodox church of ukraine military in particular, they weave camouflage nets. the biggest need now is additional workers. our correspondent anna morozova saw what was being sent to the front. old clothes. these are sheets, agricultural fiber,
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knitwear. mrs. olena, on the first day of the full-scale invasion, she left for poltava from kharkiv, reading the news and observing the consequences of the russian attacks, the woman could not sit idly by and joined in weaving camouflage nets in one of the churches of the orthodox church of ukraine. i am an architect, restorer by education, i lost my job later. what is our company, it, who, where, now? volunteers agreed on their unique weaving technique, slightly different from others. we developed our scheme and cuttings with leaves like these and a scheme of weaving, i.e. two by two, two by one, one by one and so that... our task, like that of
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doctors, won't hurt, right? maria volodymyrivna, parishioner of the church. as soon as she heard from the abbot that working hands were needed, she joined the other volunteers. he has been cutting fabric for weaving for two years. grid, i wanted to do something, i already, i don’t work anymore, where should i go, i came here to the church and the priest, our father oleksandr, announced what was needed, i see nets here, that’s all, well, i started coming here, under insults saints and prayers, the lady does not think about fatigue, but about those whom her work can save, it is necessary, it is necessary, sometimes you are already tired, but you keep going, because you know that our boys, and there it is even worse and... we think that maybe something will save someone, this net is ours, this is our work, maybe it will save someone from, oh, from worst of all, the first framework for a camouflage net appeared here long before 2022. in the 19th year, when
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the government changed, we realized that the war was fading away, and immediately there was a proposal to weave a net. so that people understand that the war still exists in our country, and we cannot show it, do not show it, do not tell about it. currently, there is a great shortage of volunteers in the temple, because there is always a need for camouflage nets. people come, promise to come, then freeze. we are all silent, we only taught them, and they have already shut up not everyone can be a volunteer. it's a lot of work, a lot of huge work. these are people who refuse... some of their household items, and still need to donate, because a roll of base for a camouflage net costs uah 17, a green base fabric - uah 400. all orders for products are carefully recorded by volunteers. unfortunately, this is already our second notebook, i started keeping records, i came
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here on 1.4.22, and they started keeping a notebook when the orders simply collapsed. for 22 months in the walls of the temple. already spread and sent over 13,500 km of camouflage nets, and the volunteers will continue to work as long as there is a need for their work. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. and our espresso volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces of ukraine. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum, and in the parcels to... the front, in addition to vitamins , there are also other goodies necessary for our defenders, such as dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry cloves and borscht, lard, canned meat, in short, everything that will feed our nanoni, we constantly have an extremely large number of requests, which means that
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there is a need for our help at the front, so we ask you to join, support our soldiers with your donation, all the necessary you can see the details on your screens now, so scan and donate. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of atero, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the section shorts. subscribe, comment, because your opinions are really extremely important to us. be with us every day. and to find out more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our website and our social networks. in a moment, meet my colleagues andriy saichuk and lesya vakulyuk. we will see you in less than an hour. don't
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switch and stay with espresso. see you well, gentlemen, congratulations to everyone who watches the espresso channel, my name is andriy saichuk, the 771 day of the russian large-scale invasion from the circle of russia begins invaded ukrainian lands, hostilities continue in the east, not simple hostilities, we monitor the events at the front, we monitor the situation in the world, the international... by supporting ukraine in this conflict, we speak in this war and also monitor the which is happening in russia itself, as well as in ukraine, and since economic and political life is eating away in ukraine. even now, dmytro bychkov, chairman of the dnipropetrovsk district council, is with us. mr. dmitry, we congratulate you. good morning.
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tell me, please, how was the night in nikopol region, in nikopol? unfortunately, we all have them nights, days, mornings, they are all disturbing. nikopelshchyna is a territory of constant almost aerial alarm, for a long time now, and this night was no exception, we are still waiting for the results of the actual shelling that took place. for a long time, the enemy continues terror, terror of the economy, terror of humanity, unfortunately, increased the attacks of drones, which more and more frequently arrive on the territory of nikopol region and, unfortunately, hit civilian objects, we can say that these drones actually chase cars that drive through the area dnieper, in fact, this is a training zone for... and a terrorist, training on, unfortunately, on people, on civilians, that is, it is
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very cynical, in fact, even to say, but this is actually the face of this enemy, who is simply training on ordinary people who are not exactly in their cars do not pose any threat to these terrorists, but this is a fact, how can you respond to such terrorist actions? well, i can say that... that we always say that the number of inhabitants of nikopolshchyna is not, let's put it this way, actually does not decrease, and sometimes increases, that very, very many people return, somewhere more than 60% of the residents of nikopol, marganets stay in their places and take care of their parents, work, support the economy, and i can say, despite such constant attacks, ah, and... throwing in the relevant ipso, which are constantly on the side of the enemy, that there are some captures
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of nikopol, certain crossings, people are almost sure that this cannot happen, because there is a lot of support for the armed forces forces of ukraine, and we are sure that this is exactly it the fact that people do not leave, but partially returns, this indicates that there is confidence that the armed forces of ukraine protect, and within the framework of their capabilities , the armed forces of ukraine, given that all this is in the mountains is making around the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and these are, shall we say, precise but complex decisions made by the armed forces of ukraine in order to defend nikopchyna. mr. dmitry, what about the nikopol ferroalloy plant, how does it work, does it not work, and how are the enterprises in the city in general, well, the enterprises are large. which average, everyone has their own story, some work at reduced turnover, but work, some
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do not work at all, ah, some are trying to rebuild, large enterprises are a lot of jobs, and of course, the enemy periodically makes appropriate attacks, destroying these enterprises , trying to do terror accordingly, and very often during an air raid, certain processes are stopped in order for people... to make it to the bomb shelters er and not be killed by the enemy, so the enterprise works differently, the ferroalloy is experiencing the corresponding crisis there, you can say about such people as he worked before, he is not working now, there are certain downtimes, but we hope that in the near future he will still manage to reach that level, return to that level, in which he worked before the war, but it is of course incredibly difficult. in the conditions of that terror, which the enemy is doing, drinking in the territory of nikapochna. and what
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percentage of people are involved in those enterprises, and how many people in connection with the beginning of the full-scale invasion due to shelling by the russians lost their jobs because of it. well, i am to you i cannot say the number, but i can say that of course, well, a large number of people, because a certain number of people were mobilized, a certain number unfortunately for people. working at large enterprises died, was restrained by injury, a certain part of people was, let’s say this, well, of course people have appropriate layoffs at work, they are looking for other solutions, but we recently talked about the epicenter, which was simply destroyed by the enemy in nikopol region, that is , it's very good that people were all alive, that no one was hurt, but... we can say that, accordingly , the number of people who worked in the epicenter no longer work in the epicenter, and this is a decrease
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in the number of jobs, this is a decrease in the percentage of personal income tax that will go to local budgets, which means less opportunities for the development and support of territories, therefore, of course, it is this terror that they do not only in nikopolshchyna, but they do terror throughout the country, it is actually an attack on our economy, on the fact that we could not pour out our own weapons, we could not keep pensioners, this of course, their actions regarding terror in our country are so complex, but... we need to focus extremely on supporting the armed forces of ukraine, optimize, reorganize our activities, make appropriate strategic decisions on the ground, because the potential to help more more, there are still some in ukraine. there are a lot of expectations that russia will
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try to make breakthroughs, big offensives this summer, at the end of this spring, in several directions. this is what president zelenskyi says in an interview western media, western media talk about it with reference to their sources in the kremlin, and how does it affect the residents of nikopol, nikopol, what do you expect from the russian offensive attempt this year? at the beginning of the war , nikopol saw with his own eyes when the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant was burning, and it was just a shock, because no one was ready, of course, for that. first there was an offensive, shelling, then the zaporizhzhya nuclear metro station burned, and over time it picked up, the kokhovskaya hpp was blown up and more than 200,000 residents were left without water, and over time the water returned, partially drinking from the taps, because some territories are on technical water, we are waiting for the main pipeline, which will be completed
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by the state in order to start this line, the terror is daily, ten by 10 mopeds. drones every day, i can simply say that after the horrors that nikopol is experiencing in various issues, i think that it is actually impossible to intimidate the enemy even more with something on the territory of the residents of our district, because on the contrary, i agreed before that that the confidence of the armed forces of ukraine is much greater, because we see adequate protection and readiness and mobilization. people to support, we see daily gatherings of support, so i can say that the confidence is so moral, it is not falling today, i can say at a pretty good level, and these are all, let’s say, throwaways on the territory of nikopol, they, i don’t i think that they are working 100%, because we have already experienced a lot, but
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it can always be worse, well, we wish that... this did not happen, absolutely, of course, at the same time, in nikopol, i see, they are going to land 100 trees and flowers, this is some kind of, i don’t know, therapeutic action to make people a little grounded, or are you afraid that during this landing the russians may start their shelling, well, in our territory it flies up to 10 seconds, and of course, any - what kind of activity... to a store, to a pharmacy, a walk with a child, unfortunately, can end in anxiety, and therefore it can be said, of course, that the communal services of nikopol, and marganets, and all other rural areas, are trying to find suitable solutions, you can say that life will go on planting trees, flowers, and restarting
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children's football teams, who today travel hundreds of kilometers, find the strength to find an opportunity ... to keep these children and return, i can say, as a person who has a little something to do with football, that during the war , virtually all activities of children's sports schools were established at the beginning of the war, and today 23 football teams from the nikopol district take part in regional competitions due to the optimization of finding certain actions, the number of teams in twice as much as before... the war, this means that during the war , people still continue to look for appropriate solutions and help children to switch, this is very important, because they lost a full-fledged education, a full-fledged communication with friends, and the opportunity to do sports, culture, constant telephones, computers, this is just a tragedy, and of course,
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so that children do not lose their happy future, appropriate actions must be taken, and i am grateful to all local authorities. who find opportunities for their children to be in the process, one can only admire this skill, with this adaptability of people who live practically on the front line and find room for optimism, find room to continue living a normal life as much as possible, these ukrainians are really champions of survival, and this gives we all hope that in the war on... attrition, we have no equals, we will be able to win, mr. dmytro, thank you very much for this conversation, dmytro bychkov was with us at the head of the nikpov district council, we will now go for a short break. and then we will move to chernihiv, we will visit there, we will ask about how chernihiv remembered the next anniversary of the release of the city,
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represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are returning to the ether, continuing our calling. oleksiy maslov. a journalist from chernihiv joins us, mr. oleksiy, we are glad to see you, i congratulate you, how was the night, what is the morning like in chernivtsi region, please tell us how the enemy continues shelling the border communities, and this night, this day is no exception, obviously, although the official data comes a little later, usually, but unfortunately, there can be no doubt that these... this night there were also shelling of border communities, in general, in recent days, if to take them, the enemy mostly uses mortars when shelling
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the border forces, these are 120-caliber mortars, and also, if you look somewhere about a week before that, practically, well , he used about 20 several times, it seems that the russian troops used them, also and... also on the border communities, attacks with the help of fpv drones, in this way , in addition, i would also like to say that, unfortunately, this is despite the fact that there were no deaths from enemy attacks, at least there is no information about this at the moment, but for the past day, precisely in that area, in those communities where these shellings are taking place, that is, in the novgorod district. due to weather disasters, people died, a tree fell, obviously due to strong gusts of wind, trees are now falling, breaking, uprooted in some places, then on the road fell where...
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a tree on a passenger car, and it was yesterday in the day, and two people died, a couple, such a tragedy, you see, well , that is, in addition to the fact that there is a threat from the enemy, then also natural conditions, unfortunately, they added such difficult, sad circumstances for us, well, war does not put a pause on other, other events that happen to us, and they can also... be not only joyful, but somehow sad, unfortunately, there is no such thing as you can say, now we have a war, and everything else that could happen to us in peacetime, does not happen. mr. oleksiy, are there any thoughts among the residents of chernihiv oblast about what could be next for another attack on chernihiv oblast, or some, er, preparation for this, or on the contrary, will people
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be reassured that everything will be fine? people are calmed down and in principle they do it correctly, because it is not possible, it is not possible to allow any panic moods, on the one hand, on the other hand, it is not possible to allow any relaxation, but the enemy, you see, does not allow you to relax, and if we speak in a general way, try to analyze the situation, it is really simple , even without being specialists, for example, military, people understand that the enemy has power. for some kind of large-scale offensive , there is no border now, because in the 22nd year, and this is even more so now, it is worth mentioning that this is the anniversary of these events, the liberation of chernihiv oblast, exactly two years ago, in these days, chernihiv oblast was, as and in general, the north of ukraine, freed from enemy troops, is being recaptured in many places, just like everywhere in ukraine , summaries are being summed up, something is being mentioned about it, there are many new publications of some kind on...
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titych and so on, we see that compared to that time, now there are no large accumulated groups of troops on the enemy's side on the territory, if we talk about chernihiv region, then this is the territory of the bryansk region of the russian federation across the border from us, but on the other side it is clear that the enemy continues to inflict constant strikes on the territory of the region, and from time to time these strikes also go deep into the region. and every day, as far as these borders are concerned, in addition, they can be of course, of course, unfortunately, this is what we have to say, looking simply at practice, at the fact that happened over these two years, starting with the beginning of the full-scale invasion, then these could also be visits, so to speak, of subversive and intelligence groups, they have already, they have already been, well, probably more than 10 times for sure, this is if you keep in mind simply the information
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that arrives. this is also taking into account that the military , of course, does not tell and report about everything, but there were such raids of the trg of the enemy, sometimes, unfortunately, they were also for the enemy and successful, although in most cases our military and border guards gave an eye, therefore the danger can be just like this: shelling and raids, drg raids, did you remember that it was actually another... anniversary of the de-blockade of chernihiv oblast, do you remember your emotions, how it happened? i remember that also for one of the channels i was included on the 24th, and why did i mention it not in order to praise myself or show off, but i remember if you have already asked about your years and emotions, i stayed in the city and clearly understood for
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myself at the time, this... it would probably be more intuition, although it was based, of course, on some observations and minds, i was absolutely sure that ukraine would win, and that chernihiv region would remain free and ukrainian, although, although i could describe my reasoning as, of course, that i did not know what would happen to happen, well, in the details, what will happen, but i allowed how, how and in general, this, well, with that... i think, i allowed both worse and better options, and the worst option for me was that, that the enemy may enter and some protracted war of such a partisan semi-partisan nature may begin, i.e. somewhere some spots may be some parts of the territory occupied by the enemy, and parts, and parts under the control of the ukrainian army and authorities and free.


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