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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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clearly understood for myself at the time, well , it was probably more of an intuition, although it was of course based on some observations and reflections, i was absolutely sure that ukraine would win and that chernihiv region would remain free and ukrainian, although, although i could describe my reasoning in such a way that , of course, i did not know what would happen, well, in detail, what would happen, but i allowed how and in general, then this, well, from a rational point of view, it must be done, i i think i allowed both worse and better options, and here is the worst option for me it was that the enemy could come in and a protracted war of such a partisan, semi-partisan nature could begin, that is, some parts of the territory may be occupied by the enemy, and parts, and parts, under the control of the ukrainian army and authorities and free.
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that is, this was the worst option for me, but i absolutely did not allow such a thing that they would be met here, welcomed there and surrendered as prisoners or open the gates for them there, so to speak, but this definitely could not happen, well, this shows just communication with people, people's moods, and the fact that chernihiv region for 10 years, starting in 2014, and if in relative terms, not in absolute numbers, but in relative terms, then chernihiv... gave, if not the most of the regions of ukraine, gave soldiers who fought in the donbass to defend ukraine, so the mood here was definitely and still is mainly such that chernihiv region is ukraine, and ukraine will win, but on the other hand, there is, one cannot fail to mention it , there are also enemies, there are collaborators who cooperate and are now going, but three days ago, for example,
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the security service of ukraine exposed an employee of the local unit of ukrzaliznytsia in chernihiv oblast, who entered into contact with the enemy, worked for the enemy, gave them information about the movement of railway echelons, apparently, tracking was meant for that, that is, the enemy wanted to know the logistics of the ukrainian railway, regarding the movement of troops armed forces of ukraine or supplying them with something, but, but the enemy was discovered, it turned out that... that this local resident, he came into contact with the enemy through social networks, but his activities are now suspended. unfortunately, there are only a few such cases, but they do exist, and again, our special services are working on this. actually, there is a special distinction about how it was, how chernihiv was defended, how long the defense was, and, as far as i understand, awards were also presented. it was for the defense
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of chernihiv that the guardsmen got us, actually, what was the role of these soldiers in those two difficult months of the first war? it's just like that , but about the national guard, you can say that it coincided like this, maybe it's by chance, maybe not by chance, that it was on the anniversary of the liberation they were awarded, in general, in the last few weeks there were awards several times, including in the city council, awards to representatives of various units, and regular units of the armed forces, and in general various defense forces, and volunteers who defended chernihiv, and they were also awarded this medal for the defense of chernigov. the national guard, of course, was also involved in this, and there were several, for example, if we talk about the national guard, i spoke recently with those, with some members of the defense. who talked about what
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especially in the very first days of the invasion, it is clear that it was not possible to predict the enemy's movements in advance, and therefore some directions, let's say, were covered, well, let's say, this is me talking about the role of the national guard, i'm talking specifically that, let's say, on the southern approaches to chernihiv there was such the episode that for several days there were volunteers, a small group of volunteers, and there were also national guardsmen. even later some more, say, mechanized forces came, powerful and so on, where there was already some equipment, and uh, well, that is, in this way, the national guard sometimes played a role, the role simply stood in for the role of regular units of the armed forces, that is , it is meant where, where there was a shortage, it was precisely the army units that were lacking, not to mention that they are always everywhere, i constantly met them in the city, they maintained order, delayed. mr. oleksiy, recently in
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chernihiv a publication was presented: about authentic patterns, this is what makes chernihiv different, for example, from other cities, such wooden decorations on houses, i confess honestly, before the full-scale invasion of several i have been to chernihiv several times, usually on business trips, several times i have also made private visits to chernihiv, an incredibly beautiful city, although it is a little neglected, i hope that we will have the time, strength, means, and money to do so. .. to destroy the cities, and the full-scale invasion itself is what also destroyed the city a little, destroyed the ancient buildings, how much, in fact, how much these attacks on chernihiv destroyed the architecture, the unique architecture of chernihiv, and how much these
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wooden houses with all kinds of these friezes cornices, carved, right here in your question. the smallest part, in terms of damaged houses, of course, it is always this, this is the number of restored ones, let's say this, it changes, because the restoration is ongoing, the most damaged were, if we talk about chernihiv, then these are the suburbs, also the surrounding villages near chernihiv, here here we are talking about hundreds of damaged houses, restoration is ongoing, and if we talk about these, these wooden... houses, including those with whitewash and often unique whitewash, it is worth noting that there is there is such a group in chernihiv, it is not even a public organization, it is an association that works on a volunteer basis, these are people who are passionate about the idea of ​​preserving
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such an authentic local culture, and wooden networks in chernihiv, this group is called this is a conventional name, and these people are engaged in restoration... they take on a particular house and restore it, that is, specialists are involved on the one hand, but on the other hand, there are people who are simply willing to join in this, and there are also specialists in architecture from the same woodworking, and they are restoring it based on some old photographs, that is, it is auto-authentic, that is, they are trying to restore what was there, and so they work house by house point by point, here... i would especially like to pay attention, that is, chernihiv, it is also unique, and unique in in two respects, with regard to such wooden carvings, wooden lace, on the one hand, there are examples of such, such wooden carvings of traditional, i.e. folk, which was carried out by the previous generation, our
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ancestors, and accordingly these authentic patterns ancient, but on some houses and those video frames that we just saw, by the way, there are also such houses and traditional authentic patterns there are such patterns, and at the same time there was such a time at the beginning of the 20th century, somewhere around 110 - 120 years ago, when these wooden houses were built in this style of art nouveau, that is, on the one hand, something folk was imitated, and on the other hand, they were already new patterns with the use of some possible. even new technologies at that time, that is, it is still modern, that is, at least two styles have been preserved in our country, both ancient folk woodcarving and modern early 20th century, and this is also a unique thing, and unesco specialists are now very interested in
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chernihiv in chernihiv to emphasize restoration not only, for example, of ancient stone architecture, but also of these wooden ones. i hope that local residents also understand the value, those who live, for example, in such houses, understand their value, their value and uniqueness, and will not spoil these houses by converting them into a new way, because sometimes it happens that ukrainians terribly chase after something so new and fashionable and destroy what is authentic and unique that they have. mr. oleksii, thank you for participating in our broadcast, it was oleksii maslov, a journalist from chernihiv, we were talking about that. how was the night in chernihiv region and what are the current challenges in the region and in the city, dear friends, then we will move to kherson region, we will ask there how the night passed, the city, which is constantly under fire and the region as well, in the meantime we want to remind you that you can go to
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well as information about those compilations that the espresso tv channel has already closed, if your hryvnia is in those compilations, then this may please you, it is already with us yuriy sobolevskyi, first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, in touch, mr. yuriy, good morning, i greet you, what a night, what a morning, well, right now without right now in kherson itself. there were shellings quietly at night, and there were also about two dozen settlements in our country during the last day, they were also under shelling, yesterday, as of the day, there were no complaints, fortunately there were no wounded, but now a little, well, a little later will be erected information from hospitals, previously there were calls, so there may be clarifications, and which ones? what, what news is there from the occupied territories, sir? in fact
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, the situation is already critical in the kakhovsky district, the most recent information that comes in, there are five populated areas are completely without gas supply, there is practically no electricity supply, water supply, including the city of kokhovka, the occupiers are actually doing nothing to correct the situation, there is a minimal number of repair... they are destroying critical infrastructure there, although the defense force does not strike critical infrastructure, but exclusively for military purposes, because our land, our people, of course, conduct battles in a completely different way actions, uh, obviously, i will also ask, saldo wrote about this recently about the fact that... there in his antiler channel, that it seems that the armed forces of ukraine struck nova mayachka,
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as well as kakhovka, genychesk , it seems, even he said that they seemed to aim at peaceful objects, what were the goals of these objects and whether the hymers are really working on these objects now, we do not comment on your, in your opinion, specific goals at the request of the military. i can say that the work there is carried out on a daily basis, and every day there are successes, it is really military targets and enemy concentrations that are destroyed there, and warehouses in the first place, because logistics is of key importance, if you destroy their operational warehouses, then the number of shellings decreases significantly, because they have problems with the delivery of ammunition after that, in relation to the statements of the occupiers or collaborators. about strikes on moderate targets, this is not true, it has already happened many times and with evidence
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that they themselves fired at our olezhki, and nova kokhovka, other settlements, and their propaganda groups are already in place , filming there, and people can see the direction of the blows and, by the consequences, see where it is coming from. well, that is, this work, it is constantly carried out in them from time to time, unfortunately, they make such armed provocations. what is happening in the oleshkiv community, there they write that some settlements can already be found on the map? unfortunately, it is so, there are very few people left, in fact, in the olezhkas themselves, and in the settlements near the selzhkas, because well, first of all, the occupiers created a humanitarian crisis there. it has been a long time since there were no major problems
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with access to medical services there, and humanitarian support there is minimal, and besides, it is close to the actual zone of introduction of active hostilities, of course people left, so now those people who remain there are simply surviving there, in fact, well , thank you very much for this conversation, yuriy sabolensky was with us the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council from... kherson, well , now we will go on a short break and come back, come back, visit kharkiv oblast, the russians shelled it again, what are the consequences of this night shelling, we will ask serhiy zhukov, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, about this. stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong unbox tube saw is just for you, with it you can cut trees and bushes with ease, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price only from uah 1,499,
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psarynsky, pam and oskad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine. countering russian information attacks in the information war chronicle project with olga len. tuesday-thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat, tuesday-friday at 10:00 p.m. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and
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in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine. can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. serhiy zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, employee of the center for strategic communications and information security, we are waiting for it on our air, try it now. to establish contact with him, unfortunately, there are casualties in kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, in addition to all that, there are also victims, again the russians tried to beat in such a way that the rescuers arrived at the scene, and they fired again, damaged high-rise buildings,
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private sector houses were also damaged, the details of this massive attack by the shaheed will be... inquired, there are people who are in serious condition and in moderate condition after all this, now they are in hospitals, mr. serhii is already with us, mr. serhii, good morning, good morning, this night is not easy, i was in kharkiv again, there are already dead, there are people who are wounded, can you tell me some details of this massive missile attack, not a missile attack, but a shahe attack? yes, the russians once again resorted to terrorist tactics, they used two waves of rockets to target the rescuers. well, in other people, maybe they wanted to impress someone else, when after the first wave, when it flew into a residential building in
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the novobavarsky district, they waited, when rescuers will arrive at the scene and hit a second time, we have at least four dead, ten wounded, rescuers got people out of the rubble, they unblocked people. which got into, well, which were blocked as a result of the swindlers hitting an apartment building, there were, well, three rescue vehicles were seriously damaged, well, it’s all already on the video and in the photo, so you can see it all and, unfortunately, fail so far , the preliminary results regarding the number of victims as a result of this next terrorist attack on our city, ee somewhere... this week or last week , one of the deputies of the russian state duma said that kharkiv should be destroyed and shelled in such a way that all the people, all the people of kharkiv
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, gather their things and simply get out of the city, and we see that the russians it's just that what some stupid deputy from the ldpr says, it seems from there, they gather such people, they in principle put it into practice, well... such statements are part of a psychological operation against the people of kharkiv, and it is worth noting that regional strikes, they do not correlate with the statements of russian deputies or russian propagandists, they are dictated, well, by the general, let's say, tactics chosen by the russians in relation to ukraine in general, and these statements are simply information support and part of an informational and psychological operation, if you look at... the information space is very much in kytiv, there are a lot of fakes about the city, a lot of attempts to create the illusion that, well, there is
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panic, that people are fleeing the city, that we have a humanitarian disaster and so on, the situation is not easy, indeed, but it is not critical if not to talk about those people who are directly affected, affected by it or. suffer after another raid by the shahreds or a rocket attack on the city. obviously. kharkiv is still trying to adapt to any of these conditions. mayor ihor terikhov announced that three more underground schools are going to be built in kharkiv before the start of the new school year. another one has opened, the first one has already opened in the industrial area. uah 60 million was spent on the implementation of this project. this can be a real answer to the situation exist. well, of course, similar schools, well
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, a similar first school, yes, which is opened here at khtz, in an underground format, this is certainly such an important step to demonstrate both the stability of our city and the stubbornness of our desire. to live, work, teach children and so on, this is of course, as i understand it, a practice that the city council, the city government plans to continue and build, to open such an institution again, although it is worth it at once, well, it should be taken into account, yes, that this underground school, then that underground school that works in our subway, the so-called metro school, it covers a small number of those children who are currently in the city and... school-aged children who study in kharkiv schools, most of them are still forced to study in an online format, and of course there are
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problems with light , which we have been experiencing since the end of march after the massive strike on the energy infrastructure, we have schedules that have, well, which are not always adhered to, unfortunately, due to objective reasons, but nevertheless, so to speak, m. .. this is how i see kharkiv residents as a whole understand these things. well, thank you very much, mr. serhiy, serhiy zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, employee of the center for strategic communications and information security, contacted us to talk about the night strike by shaheds in kharkiv. we wish kharkiv a peaceful day, although i don't know kharkiv, every time the russians come up with ways to simply take away... to take away peace, some pacification of people, take away some comfort, and ultimately take away life, because, unfortunately, there are those who died that night after the attack. around
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kharkov, the russians will try all kinds of things with psychological attacks and so on, to intimidate kharkiv residents in the same way, but so far they have not succeeded, and i hope that they will not succeed. i also wanted to tell you one more piece of news, quite strange, i would say so, yesterday the elections of the public committee, under the committee on freedom of speech of the verkhovna rada, were held. it is extremely important for us that representatives of the journalistic community should be part of such a committee and thus be able to influence the activities of the parliamentary committee responsible for freedom of speech question, and therefore, in particular, the espresso tv channel also delegated our mykolusiak, who participated in these elections, to apply to be in this, in this public council,
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the second applicant was oksana. is also very well known to the community, it is the head of the institute of mass information, it is a journalistic public organization that protects freedom of speech, partners of reporters without borders, an international organization that has been known for a long, long time since the gongadze case, and by the way, i had the honor of working in this organization as well organization in the mass institute information, was the chief editor there, back in the days of the gongat case for the identification of taraschansky's so-called body and so on, in a word. what i wanted to tell you was that there was a third candidate, this is a certain dmytro komarov, a man who is not the same komarov who used to shoot travel programs, this is a host of some small radio from the diaspora radio from philadelphia, i don't understand, even is this radio in general, well, in principle for russian-speaking people, there are a lot of russian guests, about russian music, they talk about the russian economy and so on and so on
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so like that... and there is also a program called ukrainian breakfast, maybe ukrainian breakfast, i don't know exactly how it is right, maybe we can show it now, we can output the sound for a second so that i don't just tell you what he speaks russian there, yes, this sound is in russian, yes, they just speak russian there, it’s anton komarov and dmitry komarov, i don’t know if they are brothers or it’s just that they somehow have something with the komarovs there... philadelphia , and somehow, by some incomprehensible miracle, this komarov became the head of this organization, how did it happen, how to explain it, why more people voted for him, suddenly more votes were counted than the number of members of this commission, something really strange happened yesterday,
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here it is... dmitry komarov is rude to everyone here on facebook , says that he is a great journalist, just everyone does not understand his depth and, so to speak, the degree of his ukrainianness, here, despite all this, the head of the committee, yur chishin, instead of explaining what happened yesterday in general, fasts himself as beautiful in scout monotony, tells how big the platoon is, well, that is, literally instead of explaining what happened yesterday. this whole story is strange, i see that we are 83rd in the position of freedom, we do not like it in the index of democracy, together with honduras, we want lower positions, we want to defeat sierra leone somewhere and move belarus in the future, well, obviously, somehow we are in this direction we're moving, it's literally, our dear viewers, what i wanted to say about the situation with freedom of speech
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and... and what's actually happening in some, well, i don't know, some simple show, simply, just some 95th quarter. well, what is happening in the country, kateryna shirkopoyas knows about it and she will tell us all, katery, congratulations, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the terrible details of the night attack on kharkiv and the operational situation at the front. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirkopoyas works in the studio. four people were killed, among them three rescuers, as a result of a massive attack by shaheeds on a whim.


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