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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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so, there are no special changes at the front now , so the enemy is also continuing his separate assault actions there in small groups, in the direction of the same thin one, nevelske, that is in the area of ​​pervomaisky, let’s say, uh, tell me, please, on this week, the president finally signed into law... on lowering the enlistment age, is that how you hope it will affect your brigade, and what is the average age of, for example, your brothers in your brigade, well, the average age, somewhere, let's say around 40 years old almost, yes, there are absolutely all categories, and i will say that when we have already engaged in recruiting... we are
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more active there in january, those are the people who want to join us, they are age 20 21, 22, 23 years old, most of them are young boys and girls who today voluntarily go to the tsc, enroll there, ask for it , go through interviews, and in many cases , they are motivated people, they have already learned something on their own, that is, tactical medicine there, and so on , so yes, sorry, i interrupted you, yes, no, no, then, i just interrupted you also, how about if you can compare the performance of people who have less years on their passport and those people who already have a little of those years. so, well, everything depends on
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each person personally, because , for example, there with great effort we accepted one doctor who probably stormed the tsc for a year, but in order to be accepted, he is a specialist doctor, but he absolutely voluntarily wished to serve and something else, and we took it. so i will say that if a person is 58 years old, he is absolutely there, well, probably 15 times he pulls himself up on the horizontal bar, he holds the bar and something else, well, how can i say it, but there is, we see it in civilian life, and there are no 30s, he already has a stomach hanging below the knee, blaha, well, that is, it depends on each person, how a person is disposed, i say that... it doesn’t matter at all, well, let’s say, age
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in this regard, if we talk about the situation at the front now, there are a lot of publications, and now even president zelenskyi is finally saying that the russians are preparing an offensive for this summer, will they have additional mobilization, what are the army's thoughts on this, how to stop this offensive, or will it be possible not to... not collapse the front? well, at the moment we are preparing for any, any development of events, this is meant, in relation to there , fortifications are constantly being built, that is, on all lines, and in depth, that’s right, just in case, yes, but, let’s say yes, the mood, directly the mood to win or
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as soon as possible, because the longer... they can place their production, to set them up to absolutely do not care about their population, how they will live, they can, well, they have one goal, to win and capture these wild ideas. well, in principle, we see that their powers are constantly increasing, but the civilized world still understands this, it has already begun to do more, you see, the president of france and others expressed there that the war must be ended, for this we need the participation of all , of all the good forces on this planet in order to end this war, and in the first place it should be, well, let's say... there should not be any indifferent
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citizens of ukraine, but if we don't have any indifferent ones, i will say, we have a very strong help from other forces there. and we will not need the troops of other countries, the russians are now primarily using kaby and this is a tactic against which we currently have no good answer, what do the army think about it? e kabi is very bad, you see, it is very bad, it is such a destructive weapon that destroys everything in its path, where it falls and so on. but, to be afraid of her, these cabbies, well, why be afraid of them, well hit, hit, that's not how it happened, but until a soldier sets foot on this land, there will be no victory, this must be understood, that's why i
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see and know a lot that we cannot say, neither the leadership of the country nor the leadership of the armed forces ukraine is doing everything in order to... make sure that these cabs are not there at all, and i hope that soon we will feel it on the battlefield, i want to tell our viewers that 18 hryvnias have been added to our collection, we are collecting most likely for the two brigades of the 93rd and the 72nd, but in the meantime, dear friends, maybe someone else wants to help to the public organization ukrainian ants who play for the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, whose officer is mr. serhiy, mr. serhiy will tell us what the volunteers are gathering for and what it is, how it will help his brigade, mr.
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serhiy, i tell , that is, thanks to the donations, that is, thanks to the fact that today, well, we are following very carefully. according to the news in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles, it means that, apparently, during the last week, we have practically killed most of the enemy's drones, that is, we we have the means to make their activity impossible, let's say, on the battlefield, how we do it with the help of i will not say. but this is a great achievement, i think, because if it takes off, flies in a direction, and then we can land it and deactivate it, that means it no longer reaches the place where it was planned, which means that
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life and health are preserved i am our military personnel, so we are collecting exactly these devices, we are also collecting components for our fpv drones. what our pilots successfully use, bombers, as we call them, which are today, despite the fact that the enemy is afraid to use them directly on the front line, it means that for a combat encounter the equipment is heavy, we find it in the rear, but just overnight today, an 82-meter mortar was destroyed , destroyed... four units of wheeled vehicles that transport bulls and personnel to the front line, and we are also very actively hunting for their control points with these drones, and this is all work right into the body of the enemy, and when this happens,
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it means the enemy already there, well, let's say, it can't to drive, can't drive a bull and so on, so thank you very much to everyone who joins... this gathering, it helps us, by the way, i recently visited somewhere around your region, only on the other side, a russian propagandist and the so-called military journalist, about kalashnikov maksym, that's his real name, well, it's real, he's from some family of stalinists, although he himself is from odesa, so you understand, yes kalashnikov, he's been there from that side. so to speak, and came back with very bad news and mood, said that the servicemen of the russian army are already on the verge, they do not understand what is happening in general, they hate the incompetent command, they demand a purge of the generals, and he said that ukrainian
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drones prevail in the air, gamers are massively destroying russian soldiers, and he said that the losses are simply limitless. that, when it's all over, in a word, the russian soldiers on the other side are also very demotivated, we just keep saying that nothing ends with them, they stick around, there's no end to them, well, actually. there, too, the mood is the same as there on the other hand, well, in the complex, you see that even these russian volunteers, who today attack the belgorod and kursk regions, but still we see that there are people on the territory of their russian federation who would not like to live with this putin regime , and which really correspond, well, let's say the principle of observability in the first place, and that's what i said. the hero in the movie of the same name, yes, what is strength, brother, and strength is not in the number of tanks or planes,
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strength today is in the truth, it has always been in the truth, sooner or later good will defeat evil, and the truth always wins the lie, so no matter how much you try to hide something there, it will still surface, so we are doing the right thing, more than 445.000 occupiers in this war have already been eliminated, yes, at the most, these are the combat losses of the enemy, those half a million, almost already the number reaches half a million, what other proofs are needed, stop, go home, get yourself in order there, build roads , install normal toilets, they are showing off today that they are installing a payphone in the city of donetsk , and this. rejoices, or opens in some in the regional center, this wooden one, how
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to call it there, i don't even want to say there, that's how successful they are, well, that's all, as long as you can, that's it, you have to stop, be able to, be able to lose, all the same sooner or later peace will come to us, but what will these disabled people do, i'm not talking about the families of the dead. on the other hand, and the disappearances, we hope that the russians, after their attempted offensive, will actually think about how they want to end this war, in order to think about it , you have to have something to think about, you understand, and there solid propaganda in the cities, so good, mr. serhiy, we need to shoot them in the legs, so that their heads remain, so that they have something to think about, although it seems not, it also makes no sense, serhii stikhotsky was with us, an officer of the 59th. we will go now, gentlemen, for a short break, and then mykola malamush, the general of the ukrainian army, will be with us and
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we will talk a little about, in particular, the high-profile publication on bloomberg, which predicts an escalation at the front and the fact that putin, after secret attempts to agree on a freeze on the war in ukraine with washington took a course for war, to attrition for years, is this really the case, and what will this mean for us? we will talk with mr. mykola malomuzh. warning! proceed from unpack tv. sofa cape covers with a discount of only uah 599. your sofa is dirty. sofa cape covers. the paneling was torn. sofa cape covers. tired of the color. sofa cape covers. one movement. and in front of you is your updated favorite sofa for almost nothing. just look at these incredible repurposing furniture. our customers, it is so simple and so affordable, because the price of covers is much lower than the price of furniture. cape sofa covers
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stronger together. of the week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian. present the project own names with myroslava barchuk, a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, the topics will definitely be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk.
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sunday, 17:10 at espresso. we are dear friends. we are coming back, and you remember that there is a muster going on here, a muster for our military, for two brigades of the 93rd, the cold ravine and the 72nd black brigades citizens of zaporizhzhia, we collect for what they really need, in fact they don’t even need it, we, it’s fpv drones, now you see all the necessary details on your screens, write down the card numbers, scan the qr codes, and we are with you for this morning already collected 18 thousand, almost 19, but we want to collect today. actually more than yesterday. yesterday 67 00 for the whole day. i hope that today we will be able to collect 80,000, for this we need you to donate, join our collections and thus support our army. well, we in the meantime, we will talk with mykola malomuzhy, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-2010. mr. mykola, we congratulate you.
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mr. mykola, can you hear us? yes, us. can you hear us, good day, good day, yes, we have a little problem with the internet, let's hope that this will not prevent us from talking, actually, come on, president zelenskyi said that the enemy and putin are preparing to mobilize another 300 thousand russians and... and this, and the offensive of the russians is also being prepared this summer. the russians hope that by then military aid from the united states will not be unblocked, even if it is unblocked, it will not be delivered yet, it will not be delivered on time, and therefore the mobilization problems, as well as the ones ukraine is experiencing now, all this is in a heap, and it
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is also not enough developed systems of fortification, defense, can lead. to the fact that in some areas they will manage to break through the front, in a word, putin is determined for a major offensive operation, what do you think about it and what should we prepare for, well, we know these strategic plans of the enemy, he already long ago predicted to increase precisely the number of mobilized to 300,000, and even at the beginning of the year this figure was announced at the collegium of the ministry of defense of russia, and for this... various measures are being carried out and today , accordingly , terrorist acts that took place in the moscow region are actively used for mobilization , but everything turns upside down with the fact that ukraine is allegedly behind this terrorist attack, so it is necessary to mobilize its resources against us today, and we can simply see that putin effectively used or deliberately conducted this operation in order for the mobilization to go like this actively, and already today the russians are reporting
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that many volunteers are already going to fight against some kind of imaginary terrorism, the terrorists themselves are trying to form new realities for the russians under a terrorist act, but throwing more and more at the front of friend 300 00, i just said, it is not critical, although it is really a large number, but if we say daily, for example, we have it, until the summer it will be exactly the same... the number will be, therefore, in this situation , we assume that 3,000 will be withdrawn from order, russia will only be able to make up for those losses that indeed during this period there will be approximately. on the other hand, we knew that such an operation was being prepared at a strategic level, that five strategic directions were being prepared, this is kupyansk, this is svata kremina, bakhmut, avdiyivka, now
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just novapavlivka, and of course, the zaporizhia direction , where the enemy is trying to actively attack and probe positions for a future offensive, somewhere in one of these places there may be a powerful breakthrough, well, alternative options, but we are all enemy movements. we also see the strategic level, where he prepares reserves, like them they move, how they arm themselves, and it is clear where they can be involved in tactical, especially strategic operations, there is readiness, the second component is that the enemy really took into account the shortage of ammunition in ukraine, but we have also already suffered from that shortage, it is already going in all directions, this is the case . our communication is interrupted, today they are the leader in this in terms of ammunition, you know, gentlemen,
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we must probably re-recruit, re-recruit general malomuzh, maybe we will try to do something, because this is how we actually lost communication, maybe we will try to re-recruit by phone, meanwhile i wanted to say that the military aid is from the united states. may be delayed for another week, again hindered by the unpredictability of the trump minority among republicans, whose representative mike johnson is today the speaker of the house of representatives, who said that he will not put the bill to a vote again in this form, all this again pushes back the possibility of help from the united states, and said... it is critical enough for ukraine, there is not much there is still time to get this help and prepare for the russian offensive this summer, here is also a group
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of unnamed generals with them, they also gave some comments to the western media, and the opinion was expressed that ukraine is not ready for this... of its russian offensive, and in fact the west is lagging behind with aid steps, one of the unnamed generals said that the f-16s were needed a year ago, and unfortunately, the f-16s this summer, if they even appear in a small quantity, they are not will be able to change the situation and, in particular, solve the problem with russian cabs, and this is with these winged air bombs guided and ... as the russians are preparing for the appearance of the f-16, in particular , they are preparing their air defense systems to shoot down those f-16s. general
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mykola malamush has returned to us, mr. general, please continue. well, we still have the plans of the enemy, we record their movements online, having a deficit, we directly say, yes, we are really late in this program, we only hoped for partners, even came out with offers, what's the point now com regarding the fact that we need to strengthen our military industry, and of course for the purchase with various funds, ukrainian, credit of the european development fund abroad, which is tens of billions of dollars, a large amount, that's the same. done literally, we cannot talk to ms. and mr. mykola about what may be happening at the front, the russians yesterday volodymyr zelenskyi said that putin
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will announce mobilization, wants to mobilize 3,000 more troops by june, but in the meantime piskov decided to calm down and said that it everything is a lie, but it is also interesting that what does this mean, that they fear that the russians. will start to riot or something, why are they smoothing them so much? lie, what exactly? that zelensky said that 300,000 will be mobilized in russia by june, piskov says: no, no, not true, we will not mobilize anyone, well listen, if you listen to them, they say that they have 1,500 volunteers every day , literally 1,500 volunteers per day, ugh, ugh, you don’t believe it, absolutely, but what the russians have and what is definitely worth talking about, we recently talked about this by the way, penzen, a famous ukrainian economist, said on the air that in general, that the russians are strong, they simply give all people who sign up for a contract a million rubles or something
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like that at the entrance, penzen said. radio halychyna radio halychyna and our radio and just look at the point, that is, in russia in reality there are a lot of people who are very impoverished, very very poor in some kind of debt, because mortgages and consumer loans in general were very popular in russia before the war, and many very russians from the province, from lybinka, from that huge russia they took out various loans for all kinds of viburnums, then for some apartments and so on, they all have terrible debts. now and here, for example, a person signs up in such desperation, and he immediately gets 6-7 dollars, he immediately has 6-7 dollars in his hands, and even then it is fantastic money for them, the person at least closes some of his current problems, settles with debts, and you can, if you're lucky, still earn something in the war and come back a hero, and many russians will also be soaked in money, as you understand, well, like, for this, for this, for this are leaving, the question is that we have some kind of
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slightly different system, we have. some people are being grabbed on the street, and now we have come to this point and they say that you are nothing, nothing, you go to the army, and if you die there, your relatives will be paid 15 million, but there is a big and classified question, how much those 15 million is paid skillfully and on time, firstly, and secondly, in general, the very question that you go and then we will pay 15 million for your body is strange, well, actually. you know, i already, i already say from the point of view of even ethical, i'm not talking about any kind of marketing, because here the russians are just playing ordinary marketing for muscovites, they buy cheap people, relatively speaking, they send them like meat, well, but it works like that, mr. mykola is with us again, mr. mykola , you're on the air, yes, i'm already there, okay, well, we hope that we have three more minutes, less than
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three minutes with you until... we're saying, actually, you haven't finished the thought, please continue it, so today the strategy for replenishment of ammunition of various, so to speak, types, from various sources, what i emphasize is purchases on foreign markets by us, our czech colleagues, who are currently leading purchases of 800 thousand or more, we anticipate that in a few months we will generate several million types of different types of ammunition, this will be a strategic reserve and for striking at... the debt, destroying them new reserves that we are talking about, including 300 thousand, and of course, this is a powerful format for preparing offensive operations. the second component, still on the extreme edge, was clearly led by a number of countries, for example, britain, france, germany, with regard to the drone army, artillery, missile, tank army, i think this format will work, we are in contact
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with the republicans and democrats. after all, there is an understanding to vote on this package somewhere before the middle of april, and i think that it will not be possible to thwart russia's plans, and it will be not only f-16 attacks, but also guided air bombs, radio electronic systems that can not only detect some aircraft , but also to create an electronic shield against russian missiles, against drones, against aviation, these are the latest developments that can give an advantage in protection plan and the city of siv of ukraine. and the third component is, in addition to ammunition and equipment, which will go in the order of priority, this is an army of drones, literally every week we work together with developers and suppliers, there are already hundreds of thousands of alternative drones, they still don’t take russia’s raps, because we had the problem is that they took them all the time, but now it’s tactical and ballistic, you see, we’re taking them all the way to tatarstan, their increase in the next 3-5 months to half a million, in the future, a million, this is a way out of the situation, mr. mykola, thank you
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you. it is difficult, but mykola malomush, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-2010 was with us, dear friends, and now i will remind you that there is a moment of silence for all ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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