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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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that already in the first half of this year the crimean bridge and the kerch bridge will be destroyed, write in the comments whether you believe such forecasts, promises, now or not, whether you count on it, and here i will remind you that we are talking on our air with a military expert, this is valery ryabyha, today we will discuss this statement by gur about the destruction of the kerch bridge and we will talk further about military challenges, in particular, what the ukrainian president said that the russian troops are mobilizing even more people into their army, well, it is about 3,000 even. so, mr valery, returning to our broadcast, i don’t know if you heard my question, yes, but i’m talking about the fact that gur promised and predicted a lot, which did not come true, including the entry of ukrainian forces into crimea at the end of 2023, but nevertheless, this statement that was made, what means are needed for this, how many missiles, well, a lot of them are needed, i already understood so much from communication with your
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colleagues, military experts, and whether these means, in your opinion, are really in an unusually difficult situation in ukraine with the help of western partners? well, are there means, well most likely, there is, and it is against this background that the statements of the main intelligence department can be made, this fact can also be confirmed by those strikes. which have become more frequent on the territory of the russian federation, this can also be confirmed, well, for example, by the publication in the washington post that missile complexes with a range exceeding 640 km have entered mass production in ukraine, and well, this can also say something, well and, of course, so that we do not discount... well, from
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the accounts and the means that were supplied and are supplied by our partners, well, without taking now, for example, the same united states of america, i mean the same missiles that showed themselves on the battlefield of skype and ston shadow, and what else can inspire, let's say, optimism in this. the fact that the implementation plan for the release of unmanned systems in ukraine is being implemented and even uh, we see that the pace, they are growing, uh, faster than it was announced by the officials, well, and we know that within the framework of this increase and build-up of unmanned systems we should receive this year in addition to a million. fpv drones, here the pace
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has already been shown with an estimated average of 80 thousand per month, 2,000 were produced in january and february alone, this is according to the official statements of ukrainian officials, then 10,000 drones are added to this, which can hit enemy targets at distances of up to 500-700 km and... and more than a thousand drones systems that are capable of defeating the enemy at distances of more than 1000 km, we have already seen similar systems in action recently, and of course the operation to destroy this object will not be simple, it will be complex and must include all means and including unmanned aerial systems,
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missiles of various types, including, in addition to shock missiles, those missiles that would ensure a breakthrough in the enemy's air defense and suppress its ability, well, in other directions, it can also be parallel to naval systems, and of course, only thanks to this complex impact, with damage to critical elements of this bridge can be broken. operation of this object, are these systems? now you can answer this question more confidently than, for example, well, last year. and do you think western partners will agree to strike such plans along the kerch bridge, given that the attacks on russia's oil production facilities there, well, the western partners are not very happy. well, there are no, well... no
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contradictions here at all, because it is clear that our partners can be disturbed to varying degrees. exactly similar actions of ukraine to reduce the military potential of the enemy, and the destruction of the same objects of the oil and gas infrastructure, this is a direct, say, influence on the ability of the enemy to kill ukrainians and build its plans for the future in this, then the destruction of the kerch bridge, it does not go beyond the scope of even the constitution of ukraine, because this... object was built in violation not only of the constitution of ukraine, but also of international law, and here there are even formal grounds for expressing dissatisfaction with our partners or someone else,
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well, apart from the country, there is no terrorist at all. let's talk about the information from zelensky, about his statement that russia is preparing an additional mobilization of 300,000 troops on june 1. servicemen they called in the kremlin this statement of zelensky is false. in your opinion, are there really such, well, you can observe that russia is preparing for an offensive, that it is preparing several hundred thousand soldiers. and what is the purpose then? could it really be some kind of intensified offensive, all the talk there about attacks on kharkiv, attempts to seize kharkiv, or what could it be for? well, will it be. is there a mobilization in the russian federation, it goes on, and it has not stopped, and here, well, of course, there are 20 thousand people each, they have the ability to recruit every month, and this is a mixed number, and it includes, well, no
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only those mobilized there, primarily precisely those who were motivated there by large guarantees of some kind, or... either by money or by other offers from the kremlin regime, now they are also running a company for the recruitment of conscripts in parallel and which will also be, let's say, to proceed with the growth in stimulating their rapid transition to contract service, all the legal grounds have already been created there. well, of course, there is a hidden mobilization, it will only gain momentum, and this is connected with strategic failure of the russian federation to change something on the frontline with the available means that
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it has, first of all, these are precisely those technical powers or those super-duper means that... they advertised, because after using zircons and successfully repelling them anti-missile defense, well, there are few arguments here, and the only such resource that the occupiers have now is the increase of their capacity in terms of its personnel, and this is for the purpose of increasing efforts specifically in the ukrainian direction and... as well as to ensure the formation of its capabilities in other directions, well, in particular , for the plans for the creation of the same two districts in the north of the russian federation already for the confrontation of nato, nato, so this is a completely
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natural process here, and it will be implemented, and the enemy will try in the near future to create opportunities for further pressure on ukraine. what have joined, unfortunately, we have to end the conversation with you on this topic. thank you, valery ryabykh, military expert, expert of the information and consulting company defense express, was a guest of our broadcast, we talked about the loudest statements regarding the russian-ukrainian war. only important topics, sharp statements, operational news are on our air, be sure to join and sign. put favorites, then we continue, you will also be interested in an interesting topic. it is interesting, personally, if you want to enter higher education, or you are planning, well, your children are probably planning to, or your acquaintances.
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the fact is that this year , instead of an external independent assessment, applicants will take a national multi-subject test, and temporary examination centers will be able to do it not only in ukraine, but also abroad. will be created in 57 cities of 32 countries, the number of places for participants in foreign centers will be limited, by the way, future students can register for the test on their own, in particular, using... the format of conducting the nmt is new. from now on , entrants will no longer be required to take four, not three subjects, but four - the ukrainian language, mathematics, history of ukraine and one optional subject. and the testing will last four hours. registration for this assessment is still ongoing and will close in a week. and everyone who wants to enter bachelor's programs of institutions of higher education must pass the nmt. due to the russian invasion, the classical external independent evaluation is not possible. already two years. tetyana vokulenko, head of the ukrainian center for evaluation
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of the quality of education, joins our broadcast. congratulations to our broadcast. thank you for joining. good day. tell me the details. the national multi-subject test this year is very different from the external examination which are used to is it more difficult, for example , and how do you advise preparing for it. as for the methods of organization, the national multi-subject test is as similar as possible to the external one. independent evaluation, the actual testing is also conducted the same for all participants within one session, we also monitor the integrity of the participants, the participants familiarize themselves with the evaluation programs in advance, can see the types of test tasks, that is, we try to ensure the principles of external of independent assessment, which are in the system have been formed since 2007, that is, it is justice, it is transparency, it is objective'. ness and comprehensibility for participants of procedures. at the same time, i see the difference between the nmt and
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the classical external examination, which is that the testing is conducted in a computer format, as well as the fact that in one day the participant has to pass an assessment not from one, as it was before, but now from four subjects. of course, from the participant's point of view , it is extremely difficult to pass assessments in four different academic subjects in four hours. on the other hand, we... have no tasks with an open answer form, the participant does not need to come to the evaluation points several times, and the participant will immediately receive the result, so to say that the evaluation format is easier or more difficult, here it will be a rather subjective characteristic, there are pros and cons, well it will be such an experiment and it will be possible to draw conclusions after that, well, at least for now, it is clear that there on social networks parents are complaining that it is very difficult, that it is four hours, four subjects, and by the way, mathematics has also been added to the compulsory linguistic object, before such
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there was no, mathematics will be compulsory for the third year in a row, ukrainian language, mathematics, history of ukraine - these were compulsory subjects in 2022 there was no subject to choose from, in the 23rd year there was an opportunity to take a subject of choice, but mathematics and the ukrainian language were compulsory, now mathematics, the ukrainian language are... ukrainian is compulsory, but of course an optional subject is also added. it is so difficult to pass the assessment in four hours. the only advice that can be given here for entrants is to study hard now at school, to do everything homework, come online or offline to all seven or eight lessons that are in the school, in order to get used to such painstaking, long-term work. it will be possible to pass the nmt abroad, but the number of places is limited. limited, why is it limited and does this mean that not everyone will be able to get to the test, is it
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like who registered first, or you just don't see that many applicants? yes, the national multi-subject test is an assessment, supported by our partners, we do not have our own premises abroad, be it computer classrooms, that's why we turn to the ministries of education of other countries, and we are also very much supported by ukrainian embassies in other countries and open. are opening their doors for us to actually create such temporary exam centers, the number of places is limited when it comes to specific cities, in particular, for example, we have some restrictions on taking the test in prague, but currently there are still places available in mrno, as well we are talking about spain, unfortunately we have very few seats in spain in general, but it was possible to take advantage of the opportunity to pass the assessment in portugal. whether in france, that is, in any country that is convenient for travel. those countries where most
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ukrainians are forced to stay at the moment, namely germany and poland, we have more than enough places there, and everyone who wants to can definitely register. those participants who pass the assessment at the same time, or plan to pass it at some remote points, they should have registered at the beginning of the preparation for the assessment, i.e. from the first day of registration, then they might as well... be able to take part in these assessments in those cities where they are generally very comfortable. there is still time for registration, so everyone who wants to hear this information, please have this opportunity, and ms. tatyana. explained to us how it will work this year. thank you for joining. tetyana vokulenko, head of the ukrainian center for evaluation of the quality of education, was a guest of svoboda ranok. thank you to all of you, our viewers, for being with us, and these difficult mornings, we learn the news together, analyze the main statements. subscribe to radio svoboda and see you
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innovative technologies and modern ecological materials. order now. mattress from the ukrainian manufacturer. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, this naratam on espresso, it continues, it lasts until 12 o'clock, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working this morning for you, and we remind you that we also have a muster for military personnel from two brigades of the 93rd and 72nd. and we collect fpv drones, so keep an eye out for announcements like these, scan the qr codes, you and i have already
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collected 24,000 this morning, and some 48,000 separates us from the fact that we already have... 3,000 in our account, 3,000 of the necessary 2 million, so in small steps, but little by little we are already getting closer to our goal, so join everyone for your every hryvnia, we will be incredibly grateful, and especially our military will be grateful, and while we are talking, you will also have the opportunity to donate, because you will see on your screens, in a corner, this will appear the qr code is also behind it, so it has already appeared. thank you to the director, we, you can also donate during our conversation with lyudmila denysova, a human rights activist and the head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights. ms. lyudmila, good morning. good morning. ms. lyudmila, please tell me what has changed for ukrainians in terms of military service this week . volodymyr zelensky actually lowered the age and
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there were several innovations. well , look, first. it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that on may 4 the law comes into force, which removes such concepts that exist today, and there are some privileges for military personnel who are recognized as unfit for military service, that is, in peacetime, or limitedly fit for military service - wartime, that is, there will be no such concepts at all, there will be only two: or suitable for military service, or... unfit for military service, i.e. all citizens of ukraine who were recognized by military medical commissions as limited fit for military service from... within nine months, i.e. starting from 4 may 2024, then almost february 4, 2025
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are subject to a second medical examination in order to determine their fitness for military service, that is, if there were such grounds, for example, upon discharge from military service, if the serviceman himself was... recognized as having limited fitness before military service in wartime, this right no longer applies to these categories, for example, military personnel serving in the officer ranks, i.e., now the reason for dismissal from military service can only be unfitness. same the condition was also the termination of the contract with the servicemen, when the serviceman was recognized as having limited fitness. to military service, now it is possible only when a person is recognized as unfit for military service, you mentioned the increase in the age limit for
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conscripts, yes, this is very much the norm that was adopted by the parliament in the summer of 2023, and only now the president signed this law, and it comes into effect today, april 4, what does it mean? that all men are 25-26 years old, who have been to this day on the military register, just like conscripts, today, they become conscripts and can be mobilized for military service, if first, they are fit for military service in terms of health, or... they do not have yet the right to deferment from military service, that is, these two conditions, if they are suitable and do not
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have the right to military service, they can be mobilized from today, that is, it happened, it must be said that there are many changes in the accounting of military service connected conscripts and reservists. you all know that there is one such single register, it is called oberig, it works automatically, but it does not give us citizens of ukraine the opportunity, for example, to issue a certificate of a participant in hostilities, or the family of a deceased person, or statuses, well, simply automatic, that is why the legislator has already adopted today. enters into force, that this register will work not only automatically, it will be an electronic information and communication system. what does it mean? which
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will be used for harvesting, storage, processing and use of all data on conscripts, conscripts and reservists, there will be an opportunity, all data will be transferred. to the ministry of defense about men from 17 to 60 years old, all the information, it will not only be the one that is currently in this register, it will also be a phone number, an e-mail address, it will also be, for example, language skills, education, it will also, for example, if there was administrative responsibility, or criminal responsibility for the man who is in the register, or in general... there will be all medical information, a medical examination and a citizen’s participation in hostilities are necessary, that is why it is so complete, all the information, the ministry
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of defense will also use all the information in the registers of the tax office, the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of internal affairs, the migration service, i.e. all the complete information, this information will be entered into the military service by serviceman , vocatives. and reservists without the consent of these citizens, consent will be needed only to enter there information about the family members of these citizens, it is also important that there will be a personal account of the conscript, military reservist, where all the information that is in the register about this person will be entered, and most importantly, what the citizen can enter himself. information, exercising this right in a personal account, well, for example, new information about education, or admission to graduate school, or some other facts that... there,
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which are not there, and therefore, of course, that is of interest to us, as rights seekers , which now help to issue the status of a combatant in our military, or help the family to obtain the status of the family of the deceased, i.e. digitization of these processes, that is, the citizen will no longer need to collect all these necessary documents, and submit a bunch of documents to the tccsp, or to those families who will already apply, according to the necessary algorithm regarding the registration of the status of the family of the deceased, they will also use these documents, which is in this register, this is important, er, lubinets, that is, our human rights commissioner recently gave an interview in the public, where he specifically expressed
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the opinion that employees of the tsc. do not have the right to detain people on the street, i will quote mr. lubinets himself: they cannot walk around on the streets and physically detain citizens of ukraine with the use of physical force, they cannot, this is nonsense, - emphasized lubinets, your opinion is whether the representatives of the tsc really do not have the right to detain people on the street, and how then and whether the adopted laws will be enough for in in this case , mobilization processes cannot be stopped. you know, delaying is definitely a violation of human rights, the ctc also works by other means, and i think that it is this electronic register after all, which i think that it will work after all, not like remember, a decision was made in the 19th year on the issue of leaflessness under special circumstances, and we all pressed, including, i am grateful to express journalists, you, we pressed,
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pressed, pressed that he took action. only became may 2, 2023, only then people were able to get these statuses and the corresponding benefits and social guarantees. i believe that here we also need to follow this and do everything to ensure that such a register works in e-vit, and then not in tcksp, it will not be necessary to chase people on the streets, but still they will to have all the information about these... who exactly belongs to the mobilization according to these norms, which are introduced today, including, for example, by age, and the mobilization will not be disrupted, but i believe that today it is disrupted not because the tsk spnya following people on the streets. i believe that the verkhovna rada, if they have already considered all amendments to the so-called law on mobilization, should be adopted, adopted unconditionally in these
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norms and in... all parameters that will not violate human rights, provide social guarantees, to provide protection homeland, the defense of ukraine in this shameful war, which the russian federation is currently waging on the territory of our ukraine. mrs. lyudmila, thank you for the conversation and for the clarification, lyudmila denisova, human rights defender, head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights was in touch with us, and we are approaching 10 o'clock in the morning. which means that we will now watch a fresh selection of news prepared by our journalists, kateryna shirokopoyas is ready to tell us about new things. katra, i congratulate you on the word. greetings, colleagues, we will promptly discuss the most important events this hour is already a minute ago.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. four people died, including three rescuers, as a result of a massive attack by shaheds in kharkiv. another twelve people were injured, among them policemen and a nurse of the regional medical aid center. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. the russians launched 15 drones around the city. as a result of the shelling , high-rise buildings and private houses were damaged, and the occupiers struck again at the time when the rescuers were getting under the rubble a 67-year-old man was crushed by slabs on the third floor.


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