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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

10:30 am
different time, two hours of your time, two hours of the world, two hours to be informed , an hour to learn about the war and what life is about economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become a native language to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are coming back, continuing our conversations. iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, is already with us in touch, and to ms. iryna, i will start the question from the post. maryana bezuglai, because maryana bezugla
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doesn't write something just like that, i don't know, at least this is my observation, i don't know how mrs. iryna, your observations, she has a post, by the way, for those of our viewers , who loves mariana bezulga and who does not, show your great love in the form of donations for our military, it will be useful. so, maryana bezugla wrote yesterday about andriy yermak, and wrote that he is either being attacked and coming up with hundreds of different reasons. why exactly he is so bad, they are jealously accused and mythologized, or they are silent, as if talking about him is some kind of taboo. then she said that the fair is not toxic, and the number of attacks rather says that they attack the one who does it, but she also said that from personal observations this is a complex person with his own ideological beliefs, the degree of his involvement in the fate of the country and will unprecedented before the changes, and no head of administrations, where did this post get lost, well , the head of administrations of our presidents...
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was not like that, i am not talking about devils from the party regions like rainin, there were those, and finally, you remember that adventurer brother, for whom the fair was pulled, he is in the defense forces from the very beginning, but it is not sticking out, not advertised, and just as it is, and such nuances a lot of things, what do you think, in your opinion, why maryana bezgula suddenly started writing posts, so approving, so incredibly admiring of andriy yarmak, you know, i am not a fan of... to comment on maryana bezuglai's posts, which is sensibly used, or which is used to conduct, let's start, for example, with the narratives in the context of the russian ibso, from the beginning, she tried to torpedo the former chief commissar, then she tried to interpret the opposition.
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now she is still writing something, i would probably call for informational hygiene and to read less and to pay attention to ms. maryana bezuglay, in order to have a more critical thinking about what is happening, i do not consider her a person who is a top speaker or a top expert, so i consider all her posts... as separate opinions an individual person who definitely should not attract the attention of the entire broadcast, look, if we look at the posts of maryana bezugla and the events that happened afterwards, we can conclude that very, very often, in fact, marina bezugla predicted events that then, so to speak, proceeded from office of the president, well, i don't know if she predicted it, but she kind of hinted.
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you know, in our country, if, if you try to mirror the situation, for example, with russia, they had their own conditional zhirinovsky, who essentially said what he meant by putin, but i didn't want to take on any negativity or toxic information, no, don't you think that maryana bezugla to a certain extent fulfills such a role at the court now, relatively speaking, of the current government? vata can play any role, you and i are convinced of this, at the same time, you know,... such a negative character in politics, which is mrs. maryana bezugla, if she praises someone, i would be in that person's place i wondered whether she or he would benefit from such an assessment or , you know, such a bow from mrs. maryana, but less so, that is, she really performs a certain role, you are absolutely right about it, as much as it can be. to compare with zherinovsky and damn,
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you can probably, well, just look, well, ladies, with all due respect, if in our country there is, for example, every day the brining of president zelensky, if in our country... there is, well, relatively speaking, irmak then prime minister, we understand that he was appointed by the majority in the parliament, and he also gives briefings, we understand that all accredited journalists can ask questions, we don't need to read the blogs of some cornerless marina, but if we actually don’t have the opportunity to ask questions and get a true answer to them, accordingly, you know, like when brezhnev was there, there was such a science as kremlinology, but according to some signs , yes... distant, as thought, you know, once upon a time by astrologers , or let's say, as birds fly, there, relatively speaking, in ancient rome, and here with some signs, special people, there in america, tried to interpret what is happening now in the central committee of the politburo of the soviet union, what will happen in syria later , in egypt,
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will there be any war and so on and the like, according to some signs, just hints about something, and in the same way we actually, well, as journalists, we have no other way out than, for example, to read from time to time. fools, excuse me, bezuga, because if she writes that the hard-working man should be dismissed tomorrow, then tomorrow he will be dismissed, and what's more, the words that bezuga writes to him, in fact, she then repeats almost word for word, at first distantly , then another danilov, eventually zelensky somewhere in an interview with some delser courier, i don't know what's wrong with me now there was a question, but okay, let's... to push away from what bezulad writes in order to try to predict what will happen in the ruling cabinets, that's what it really is, i'm talking about the fact that this is how the deputies are now trying to fix this mess the situation, registered, for example, the resolution that allows, which should unblock the admission
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of journalists to the session of the verkhovna rada of plenary sessions, and there is also an attempt to review why the rada channel is engaged in the release of all these things at the expense of the state. in a word, i also do not know what the fate of this resolution will be, whether it will be put to the vote, but also indicated simply on the question in general with the freedom of speech that we have. here i completely agree with you, because it is really a question of freedom of speech, and i am not a supporter who can use any arguments that there are certain restrictions under martial law, including regarding information policy, i believe that we have a really big ... lepa is taking place with freedom of speech, and even the profile committee of the verkhovna rada, from my point of view, is not such that it completes the work in full, that is, it is turned off illegally from three tv channels are on the air, it is closed and it is absolutely unclear how the verkhovna
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rada is working, and indeed the admission of journalists at least to the parliament, which should be working, i apologize, during martial law is 100%. not as it works now, but 24x7, as our defenders work in the combat zone, then the really communicative role, or let's say, the information policy, would be much different, broader, yes, than what we have to analyze today in separate posts of representatives of the monomajority, etc., therefore... in this context, i can only agree that the issue of freedom of speech for any country, if it considers itself a democratic country, is the number one issue, now we have a very complicated story with respect to the work of the journalist's rights with the issue of
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freedom of speech, so, probably, the louder we talk about it, the more we try to report, including to international partners, who... and on their own line can make appropriate messages, appropriate proposals to the current authorities, then this issue can be resolved over time, but in any case, one should not be silent, in in any case it is necessary convey the information you have through all channels of communication, i am very grateful to you, because it is the spressa tv channel that is the channel that works 24/7 and covers as objectively as possible everything that is happening today in the state, everything that is happening at the front, in the economy etc. maryana bezugluvy was also attacked by the defense committee, in which you are a member, and in which she is also a member, and
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the review of the amendments on mobilization has actually been completed, what can you tell our viewers, what to expect and when will the vote be held? well, the committee really... went through all the edits that were made registered, 4269, now, as of our conversation with you, the committee is preparing to consider today, maybe tomorrow. the committee amendments that were prepared for individual regulations, and which did not have such amendments to cover all the aspects that were discussed during the consideration of these amendments, exactly what those amendments will be, as of now i cannot tell you, because still i did not receive them in text form, accordingly, as soon as there is an opportunity to get acquainted with them, we will already clearly understand what the committee will propose. to such important things as demobilization, to such important things as
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the powers of the tsksp, representatives of the tsksp, to such important things as the provision of consular services abroad, to military registration, and only after that a decision will be made by the committee, which will actually open the possibility of considering this bill directly in the parliament . regarding the consideration or the question of when it will be adopted by the parliament, well, it depends on the political will of the monomajority and speaker stefanchuk, you know that all agendas, agendas the verkhovna rada is actually formed by a monomajority, and indeed, a large number of laws from the opposition are simply not included for consideration by the parliament, at the same time, this bill is already the second time. the mobilization bill was introduced by the government for the second time, and it will be ready for
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consideration at the next session of the parliament, whether the monomajority is able to include it in order to enter consideration, it depends on their general desire to pass this bill, because you remember that 50% of the exercises were actually provided for this bill, which is almost 200 from the representatives of the monomajority, so if you... will not delay the consideration of the draft law in the hall, the terms will be shorter, if they will all make their own amendments and will not trust the decision of the committee, where they also have a majority, then accordingly this issue can be dragged out in time and will depend on how productively the verkhovna rada is ready to work, i mean that it should not be there 8-10 hours a month, yes, but that it should be at least five days a week, at least and preferably more, because... if this bill is so if the defense sector needs it, then the verkhovna
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rada, parliamentarians should make every effort to consider it, and not drag it out in time. since, again , journalists could not witness how the committee sat, can you tell us a little bit behind the scenes, we have two minutes left, about how it was actually worked with colleagues from the people's servants in the committee on these amendments. well, look, the committee and... and the chairman of the committee approached it methodically, that is, it was not the turbo mode that was in the first reading, i.e., all the authors of the exercises were invited to the committee meeting, representatives of the ministry of defense at the level of the jurupravlini at the level of the deputy minister were also present, and there are lawyers from the general staff, accordingly , each author had the opportunity to receive a response from the ministry of defense of the general staff regarding one or another of his initiatives, the only , that's all... after all, from my point of view, it was possible to put more than 300 there, relatively speaking , to plan an edit per day in the last days, it
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was already 700 with a little tail, but it was possible would consider it within a week, but we have what we have, all the authors of the amendments were invited, everyone could express their arguments, hear the arguments of the ministry of defense, the general staff and see the reaction and decision of the committee, i am sure that... the mud of the amendments, which were rejected by the decision of the committee, the authors will still put them for confirmation to be taken into account in the hall, so we will wait and see what will be of this motley document currently at the final stage of approval, this is still a big big question, ms. irina, thank you to you, iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, was in touch with us, we talked about the readiness of the draft law on mobilization, we bring it to your attention. an interview of our colleague yuri fizer with ms. bridget brink, the us ambassador to ukraine, and andrii saichuk and i
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will return later, stay with espresso, it will be interesting. greetings, my name is yuriy fizar, this is an espresso exclusive, today i will talk with my interlocutor about urgent ukrainian-american relations. what to expect from washington? i'm referring to the help that's now behind... she was in the ward representatives and much more. so, today the ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine, mrs. bridget brink. madam ambassador, i welcome you and thank you for joining me today. nice to be with you. so, you arrived in ukraine at the end of may 2022 . how was the situation in our country different from the current one? the current situation is radically different. when i came to ukraine in may 2022, the streets were practically
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empty and there were roadblocks everywhere. when i was driving then, i saw a lot of destruction. now, despite two years of brutal war russia against ukraine, i am watching incredible progress. 50% of the occupied territory was recaptured by the brave defenders of ukraine. ukraine was able to export food through the black sea ports, sending more than a thousand ships, that is, more than 33 million metric tons of grain and other cargo, and during two very harsh, but incredible winters, ukrainians were able to conserve energy and... these are really great achievements, and despite the military russia's efforts, we see that the economy not only survived, it is growing, it is about 5% in 2023 and projected growth in 2024.
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obviously, this is a difficult time and a difficult situation for... the country, but we are committed to being with you in the future. right now, i see the incredible resilience of every person in the country who wants to win this fight with russia. thank you very much for that and thank you to all the american people for the help you are giving us. let's talk about this help. we are now very dependent on external funding, and unfortunately, the bill from the white house. which provides ukraine with about 60 billion dollars is stuck in the house, but we do know that house speaker mike johnson is going to put the relief package up for a vote after representatives return from the easter break, around april 9. what do you personally think about it, will they vote for
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it, and if so, will there be any of the innovations that speaker johnson is talking about? "i am confident that the us congress will support an additional bill regarding ukraine, of course, it is up to congress to decide when this will happen, but my confidence is based on the fact that, in addition to the us president and the entire administration, ukraine has the bipartisan support of congress. many of his representatives" visited ukraine, including senator schumer. he was here in lviv with a delegation just a few weeks ago. such visits further reflect the support of the american people. we know very well that now in kona there is a struggle for freedom, for so that russia and putin cannot repeat something similar elsewhere. we support ukraine in its struggle for its
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existence. what about innovations? what as for innovations, congress will decide here. we have prepared an argument based on the president's proposals. this is what we adhere to. as jake sullivan said a few days ago in kyiv, there is no plan b. there is no plan b because many american politicians are talking about plan b. they say, yes, we are talking about plan a because that is the master plan, but what about plan b. there is none. so, we have only plan a. we support him. thank you very much. at the beginning of march, in an interview with cnn, you said that the united states of america has reached a decisive moment in support for ukraine and that people in washington should redouble their efforts to help ukraine. did they listen to you on the capital hill? i will say that not yet,
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but i am sure that our congress will reflect the will of the american people and strategic interests. just a few weeks ago they held what russians call presidential elections, we in ukraine call it a farce, so putin reappointed himself again. but what do people in the united states of america think about what happened? we definitely consider this election undemocratic, and i have nothing more to say about it. we do not recognize any elections on the sovereign territory of ukraine. let's talk about support from the western world. in february, french president emmanuel macron said that he does not rule out
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the possibility that one day western troops will be on the territory of ukraine. i understand that most western leaders disagreed with him , but what about the united states of america? we understand that there will be no american troops in ukraine. but can we at least hope to sign some kind of agreement with the usa like those we have already signed with great britain and france. yes, definitely. okay, can you tell me what will be included in this deal? not yet, it's still being discussed, but it looks like we're close to that point. i can't give specific dates, but i can say that there are active negotiations on this with ... representatives of your government. let's move on to the issue of corruption in ukraine. you once said that in order for western investments to come to ukraine, we need to have
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an independent judicial system, free resources mass information and lack of corruption. is there any progress in these directions? i will say that your president, who represents your people and your democracy, has set an ambitious goal to integrate into the eu and nato. a strong democracy is especially important on this path. important components of which are dynamic and free media, an active civil society, strong institutions, a system of checks and balances, and an independent judiciary. this is the vision of your president, who reflects the interests of your people, and we strongly support you in this. in this vein. we supported and continue to support all the steps that were taken to solve some of the problems that exist in ukraine, including the fight against corruption, raising the level of
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corporate governance to international standards, and reforming the justice system. all this is very important for achieving our main goal. it's also critical for business, as we heard from special representative pena pritzker on the president's initiative. so that the business can be sure that its the presence of standards and the rule of law, investments will be protected by laws and rules, that's what's crucial, we hear that all the time, so it's extremely important to achieve that goal. as far as i understand, this corresponds to the aspirations of the people of ukraine. mrs. ambassador and my last question for today. republican senator lynsey graham visited ukraine a few weeks ago. and he said that he has changed his opinion about the expediency
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of holding elections, namely presidential elections in ukraine now. he claims that elections can still take place. what is the official position of the american authorities on this matter? ukraine sovereign, democratic country, and only it can decide such issues. with my interlocutor, mrs. ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine bridget brink , they talked about ukrainian-american relations , about the help we received, are receiving and will continue to receive and much more. my name is yuriy fizar, see you soon. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for
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11:00 am
sponsor of the national team represents united football together stronger. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. four people died, among them three rescuers, as a result of a massive attack by shaheds in kharkiv. another twelve people were injured, among them policemen and a nurse of the regional medical aid center. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. russians from...


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