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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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these bodies are hundreds or dozens of bombs that can fly from russian tactical aircraft. another problem that exists, which general budanov talked about, is that russia has been stockpiling caliber cruise missiles for a long time, which it can use to launch strikes against ukraine. nataliya gumenyuk, spokeswoman for the defense forces of the south, on the air of espresso called the high missile threat from the black sea. in russia, since nine caliber carriers are now in the black sea, although they are based in novorossiysk. let's hear what natalia said humanyuk they are ready, equipped, their equipment together reaches 50 caliber missiles, they can be put on combat duty for several hours, two or three hours are enough for them to arrive at the launch lines, that is, the level. the missile
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threat remains at a high level all this time, since all the preliminary work that had to be done before this readiness has already been done. mr. major, how symmetrically do we have opportunities to repel these attacks, given how the russians use different types of missiles, both calibers and guided aerial bombs, and... including cerkon, they have already tested in the ukrainian sky and in kyiv, how we, how we have, how we keep up with them in order to repel everything that they get from the reserves, in that including the russian federation? well, first of all, of course, everyone understands that we are limited in our forces and means, in the systems that we have, in air defense, of course, that we have to show... maneuverability, yes, and
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a non-standard approach to repel such attacks. second, what we have is, of course, intelligence. our intelligence data, data from partners, of course, what we detect, we detect movements, we detect launches, and we have information about when exactly at what time, yes, this or that attack may be carried out. of course, we have to react adequately and think about how we will do it. repel, how will we protect peaceful cities from such attacks, how can we preserve our critical strategic infrastructure, since the enemy is actively now attacking tets, hps, various gas storage facilities , including, therefore, this is a whole set of measures that is taken by our top management, jointly with the defense forces, with the various special services that we have, all possible options are being calculated and decisions are already being made.
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directly on the occasion of the use, let's say, by the enemy of one or another type of weapon. mr. major, putin threatens to hit airfields located in nato countries, members of nato, if f-16s, which our western partners promise to transfer to ukraine, take off from there. when, after all , will f-16 aircraft appear in ukraine and how will it change. the situation in the ukrainian sky? well, our partners are not very verbose about it what exactly is the preparation, right? we have recently seen footage from great britain where our guys, still recent cadets, are training like this on light aircraft, of course there is little information as this is such a sensitive subject and most of the negotiations take place behind closed doors, but it is safe to say that our training is going quite successfully,
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currently in two countries, that is in the united states and denmark, our guys are already directly undergoing flight training on the f-16, it's just that now they are already using these planes, they are gaining experience in using them, of course, for this some time must pass, since this is a completely new machine, which is completely in a different system, has different radars, different types of weapons, of course it takes time , we also have two more groups, one of which is undergoing ground training and is learning the language in great britain, and another group, it has moved to another country, namely france, also from great britain, where it is directly undergoing the intermediate stage of flight training knife-16, namely on light aircraft, they learn and gain experience. before sitting
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directly on these powerful machines, of course, they will give quite a serious push and support in the fight against missile terror, which russia constantly uses. over our peaceful cities, they will allow missiles to be intercepted in mid-flight and shoot them down not over cities, for example, over fields, where there is less residential and civilian infrastructure, including this will be an element of serious deterrence of russian aviation, since we we know that in the month of march alone, russia used more than 300 guided aerial bombs, of course, that this will become a certain leverage in order to counter russian. including aviation, well, of course, this is a long hand, it depends on what type of these aircraft we will have, what type of radars, block, ah, what weapons will be, of course, that all this will affect how successfully and how far we will be able to reach enemy targets on our territory,
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well, obviously this will also apply to the demilitarization of crimea, because there are many military airfields there, which, well, a long time ago are used russia, it is meant, built these airfields back in soviet times, so what do you say about the prospects for the demilitarization of crimea, and in particular regarding these airfields, which are partly no longer used by the russians, partly still used, well, we have already seen enough powerful strikes by the air force, including on the headquarters of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, and... recently, by the way, a $7 million forpos-type drone was shot down, it is something like a byraktar, yes, of course, we control the situation there, even under favorable conditions, we can carry out quite successful strikes, but of course, as the commander
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of the air force, lieutenant general mykola leshchuk noted, crimea is ours, crimea is ukraine, and of course we will do everything necessary, in order to strike precisely at the military infrastructure and push crimea back to our independent, free ukraine. mr. major, and the last question, short enough, i hope for such a short answer, that the russians have now actively started firing missiles, have become more active to shell ukraine and critical infrastructure, is it connected with the fact that they are afraid that in the 16th new opportunities will appear in ukraine in order to confront, or, let's say, arrange a good confrontation. and missiles and aircraft of the russian federation? well, including, you know, the intelligence can definitely know about it, because the enemy is quite insidious and mean, there can be many versions why exactly this is happening at this particular time, yes, but your version also
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has a place, since the enemy, understanding that there may be an increase in us, of course, that he is trying now to make every effort to cause critical destruction. thank you, mr. major, for the conversation, this was ilya yavllash, major of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. in the course of this broadcast, we ask you whether, in your opinion, ukraine will receive an invitation to join nato in 2024. intermediate results of the survey of 25 yes 75% no, this is a tv poll and we see on youtube 28% yes, 72% no,
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mattress tv experts. call there are discounts on hepargin - 15% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia millions throws petrodollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, 2 hours of yours. of time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and
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sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become a native language to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events day in two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, today in the episode: blind thirst for... revenge. anti-ukrainian hysteria is being fanned in russia. how the kremlin uses the tragedy in crocus to
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mobilize against ukraine. telegram and telethon. the information war for the heads of ukrainians continues. how to maintain a balance between interests of national security and freedom of speech during war? only after victory. poroshenko plans to run for president again. what could be the next election? head of state. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. during our broadcast, we conduct surveys. today we ask you about whether ukraine will receive an invitation to join the north atlantic alliance in 2024. if you watch us on youtube, it's pretty simple, yes, no, or your own version please write answers in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv, take an expensive smartphone or tv. background and vote if you think ukraine will receive an invitation to join nato
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this year, 0800 211 30081, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, they are political experts maksym rozumny and serhiy taran. gentlemen, i welcome you, thank you with us today i congratulate you. so, let's serhiy and maksym, let's start our conversation with a quiz, as we ask our viewers whether they think ukraine will receive an invitation to join nato in the 24th year or not, they have two answers, yes, no, maybe you have a slightly extended version of the answer, but let's start with you, so that our viewers also pick up this baton and start voting, on tv and on youtube. maxim, you have a word. i do
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n't think there's really much intrigue here, i guess there will be no invitation in the 24th year of ukraine, and in general, this issue is obvious, it may appear in the practical plane, after the end of the war. for many reasons, actually one of these reasons is. in that, i think, uh, both nato headquarters and the capitals of the leading nato countries crossed paths when it started. war, i mean a full-scale invasion of russia, that ukraine was not in nato at the time, because otherwise it would have obliged those countries and nato to react in a way that they were not prepared for, so i think that they the situation was taken into account, and already the question of the accession of ukraine will appear when it will not
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pose a threat, will not pose such a challenge as it could be in the 22nd year. if ukraine were a member of nato. thank you sergey. and what do you think, that is, are the western partners ready, are they ready? ukraine is ready. it is clear that the current level of the armed forces of ukraine, well, at least this condition, and the existing weapons, are they sufficient for ukraine to be a member of the north atlantic alliance? if ukraine was a member of nato, there would be no war. putin so far... at least, it does not dare to go to war with any member of the north atlantic alliance, if ukraine had not made a fatal mistake and declared its neutrality back in the 90s, if it had stubbornly joined nato since the 90s, like virtually all our neighbors, except for belarus and moldova, there was no war in ukraine, and this must be clearly understood, but
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now it is too late, so to speak, to wave one's hands, one must understand that now... there is already a war, russia has started a war with everyone neighbors who were not members of nato, well, that was the beginning the occupation of belarus in fact, and never started a war with those former members of the soviet bloc who managed to join nato. and with all this now, when we look at this history and predict the future, i can say for sure that, of course , now, while the hostilities continue, where is yure, where is yure, ukraine will not... receive an invitation, but de facto, she will be integrated into nato. well, in fact, it is happening now, just this integration, it is a little unfair for ukraine, because we are mostly fighting with the aggressor, and nato is only helping us, but this will be the integration that will allow ukraine to become part of western security.
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look, just the other day, er, general secretary. zholdeng made a very interesting proposal when he said, you know, we are always at risk of not providing aid to ukraine because there are always some internal political problems in various members of the alliance, including the united states, and so let's create a fund for 5 years in the amount of 100 billion, which will allow directly, directly bypassing governments , to send funds from this fund to ukraine, i.e. decision. on the allocation of funds would be allocated at the nato headquarters. this is such an informal mechanism of ukraine's involvement in the north atlantic alliance, i repeat, this is not de jura, but de facto, which will obviously be tested in july this year, when the nato summit will be held. therefore, to sum it up like this, i would say that ukraine will receive an invitation de facto, but will not receive deyura, but
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will receive deyura when there is, well, at least a pause in hostilities. between russia and ukraine, when it will be, well, definitely not the next year, but in any case, i think we have all to understand that if we want war not to come to ukraine again, then the only way for ukraine is with all possible efforts, we must strive for ukraine to become a member of the north atlantic alliance, as ours once did neighbors who are not currently at war. well, by the way, until that moment. until the anniversary washington summit takes place, which is july 9-11 this year, putin is obviously trying to catch up, or at least create such conditions to put our western partners and ukraine in such a situation, when our western partners will encourage ukraine to some kind of truce, or to
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some kind of peace negotiations, because we see how during the last two weeks in russia'. and simply anti-ukrainian hysteria after zedil terrorists shot russians in the kroku city hall shopping and entertainment center, we see how putin uses this story to necessarily tie ukraine to this terrorist attack, and today the ministry of defense the russian federation reported that the terrorist attack in the suburbs of moscow was encouraged by the russians go fight to ukraine, maxim, watching how putin is trying to squeeze the maximum out of this situation, and watching how until now it has been used by russian propagandists and russian propaganda in order to provoke the hatred of russians towards ukraine,
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where where is this peak value, when the russians will simply be brought to such a condition, when they will believe that they are prevented from living, sleeping, developing and doing... that they only need ukrainians, that is, in this propaganda, where is this highest point, when the kremlin can reach this high point in order to provoke even greater russian aggression against ukraine? well, i think there are several aspects of this question that, so to speak, need a more detailed explanation, obviously, but i'll try to be brief, first of all, you have to... understand putin's logic, i'm sure that this logic is not in some kind of obsession, imperial greatness and something
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else like that, complex motivations, ideological motivations, in a very simple instinct to preserve power, that is, any situation putin and his team, his entourage, his technologists are trying to use with one goal, preservation and strength. the authorities of putin and his, so to speak, corporations, therefore, anything is used for this, we talked about nato, well, we need to find an enemy, so powerful, the russians cannot come to terms with the fact that they are fighting against ukraine, they need to fight against nato, that is why there is a myth that nato somehow threatens russia or threatened it, and this is precisely what an inevitable blow would be... on russia, another mythology is, so to speak, that at a certain moment this war, it has turned into a war between good and evil, and there
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russia is opposed by global evil, in which everyone has already mixed up, and some guest workers from tajikistan, and the islamic state, and british intelligence, and ukrainian nationalists, that is, in... in principle, for putin's regime, for russian propaganda, and for a part of russian society, all this can easily be combined and work for one goal, keeping putin in power, but here i would note another important aspect, this whole hysteria, it obviously affects some part of russian society, obviously this part very vocal, and we can hear it and...see it in social networks, in some other manifestations, but i am sure that it is not all of russia, not because russians are good
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russians, bad russians, but because such the laws of social processes, cannot be involved in such total hysteria, the great masses of people, the great masses of people mostly live their everyday lives, and when the situation changes, so to speak, when the wind changes, they lean where they are led, so , answering the question of when the peak will be reached, obviously when will expire when this exalted part will already, so to speak, burn out, when there will be nothing to stimulate anymore, when it will be partially destroyed in the war, and a part, so to speak, will be disappointed, because, well, this is... natural burnout, well, actually then , when putin loses his support of this part, and before that there will be new and new
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reasons, and as long as this machine, the infernal machine works, it will work, but apart from the completely understandable desire of putin to continue or stay in power, there are some other myths, which try to... maintain putin about the fact that ukraine never existed, it was invented by pototsky, and ukrainians were played by pototsky, ukraine was created by vladimir lenin, and kyiv is a russian city, by the way, blinkin in an interview with french channels expressed his conviction that russia has never will be able to capture kyiv, and it seems to me that this is yet another jab at vladimir putin. let's hear what blinkin had to say. this will not happen, it is not happening now. at the beginning of the russian aggression in 2022, we
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thought that there was such a possibility. that kyiv will fall, but thanks to the incredible resistance of the ukrainian people, as well as thanks to the support of the usa, france and other countries. putin's desire to conquer the entire country, erase it from the map, make it part of russia, was not realized and will not be, kyiv will never fall into putin's hands. sergey, blinkin told putin that you dreamed of kyiv in three days, you won't get it there because of it. three years, in 30 years, because we will not allow this to happen, although putin's entire ideology, it is actually built around this heritage, which does not belong to russia, which belongs to us, but which he is trying to annex, as well as our territory, without the annexation of this story, who is putin and how will he explain to the russians, what about kyiv, and what about ode? and what
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about other regions of ukraine, which he always considered and called russian? well, this is really a huge, huge tragedy for russian mythology, when they told for centuries without exaggeration that not only ukraine is part of russia, but that kievan rus is the origins of the russian state, when they told myths about brotherly peoples, and now it turns out, what... wow, these younger ones brothers kill older brothers, how to explain it? it's not just that we have to tell about the terrorists, who are banderivtsi, who ran into a shopping center in moscow. it is necessary to change the entire history, it is necessary to rewrite the textbooks, it is necessary to tear out whole chapters from school textbooks and rewrite the entire history. how will you explain to the russians now that russia is on the rise.
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from where, well, if not from kyiv, well, then from moscow, well, this happened much later and moscow, or from where, so in fact it is a huge problem for russian historiography, and i think that now we see such a very demonstrative version of it in russian social networks or on their shows, when on the one hand they continue to repeat that they are actually ukrainians. good, it’s just them there , the americans told them, and that’s why they are waging war against us, and on the other hand, in these same programs, russian commentators are already starting to put forward another possibility, which turns out to be ukrainians, they, they are not like that, there one must leave no stone unturned, as sometimes they do they are already saying on the air in this ukraine, it is hostile to us, so in fact a lot is going on in the heads of russians, but here i will still try to find the positive, i believe that
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if now in russian... official propaganda, they will finally stop talking about these fraternal nations will finally decide for themselves that ukraine is something hostile, and they will begin to hate it, then it will be better, because this propaganda, when we were constantly told about fraternal nations, it turned out to be very worked well for some of ours compatriots who believed in this, who believed that ukrainians and russians, well, are not so different, but even one people, that's what this propaganda about... simple peoples, it worked, even now, when in russia from it they begin to gradually refuse, and when they begin to sincerely hate, openly, to hate ukrainians, i think that this at least cuts off and destroys any bridges with the past, and for ukrainians, for that part that believed in fraternal nations, it will become finally clear that we are not brotherly nations, that we are very different nations, that we have a civilization difference, and that really the only thing we can
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do... good with the russians is to put a huge wall and an armed army next to russia and then everything will be fine. that's why all this propaganda, it will eventually come to the thesis that russia will be forced to change its mythologies, well, i don't know what they are thinking of, but as we can see, they will definitely come up with various absurdities, because all they say is usually absurd. so we started talking about the terrorists who carried out the terrorist attack in moscow. and this is also a very revealing and absurd fact, this will surely be the first case in the history of terrorism, when terrorists openly admit that they committed a crime, and so to speak, the victim of a crime, well, in this case , russia, against whom the crime was committed, stubbornly says: no, it's not you, it's someone else, well, as a rule, the country against which a terrorist attack was committed , they try to immediately catch those who did it and accuse them, here it is the first time when
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they tell those who... committed this crime, no, it's not you, someone else did it.


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