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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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our colleagues from the news editorial department have already prepared a fresh news release, anna yevamelnik is ready to voice it, so we give her the floor and ask anya to tell you briefly what this news release will be about. thank you, colleagues, about the situation in the regions, about the consequences of the russian attack on the solar power plant and how the dead souls of the kyiv cemeteries were cleaned. details further. be with us. one man died, two others were injured due to an enemy attack from the kharkiv region. the occupiers fired a rocket between two settlements in the kharkiv district, the regional office said police, the projectile hit the field where employees of the agricultural enterprise were working. a 37-year-old tractor driver died on the spot, a 20-year-old and a 55-year-old farmer were injured. an emergency
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situation in kharkiv due to armed shelling , the neutron source nuclear installation was de-energized, the state nuclear regulatory inspection of ukraine reports. they note that there is no threat to the environment and people. the emergency power supply system worked, diesel generators were connected. the radiation background on the site is also within normal limits until... there, what the neutron source installation is intended for conducting scientific research and in the field of nuclear physics, as well as for the production of medical radioisotopes. the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is again on the verge of blackout, the energoatom company reports. as a result of the morning shelling , one of the overhead lines was de-energized, through it, while the occupied nuclear power plant was powered by the ukrainian power system. currently, the ac is connected by only one electric line. transmission
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, whose work was recently restored by ukrainian energy companies, if it also fails, the security of europe will be at risk, they add experts the first targeted attack on the tv station yesterday, april 3, russia hit the solar power plant, which is not in the war zone, said volodymyr kudrytskyi, the head of the board of nek ukreenergo. he noted that for the first time... it was implemented in the object of renewable energy, according to kudrytskyi, seasonal electricity production is increasing, but due to warming , there is no acute shortage in the system, namely, the attack on the solar power plant, which is located deep in the rear, is targeted , that is, the enemy also obviously understands this, this seasonal moment, it is clear that solar... produces the most
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electricity per day. the czech republic handed over almost half a thousand gas heaters and cylinders to the dnipropetrovsk region, the head of the region serhiy lysak said. chomakiv community has already received it. the equipment will be used to beat displaced people, families of fallen soldiers, families with many children, school shelters and a point of invincibility. such devices are safe and effective - noted lysak. they can be installed in any room, as needed. accommodate espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. already for the second year in a row, we are making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum in parcels to the front. in addition to vitamins, there are also other goodies that our defenders need: dried fruits, nuts, jerky, pastila, dry soups and borschts, lard and canned meat, everything that will feed our people at zero. we have a lot of requests, so we need your help, dear ones. viewers,
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join and support our soldiers by donating, you can see all the details on the screen. they took possession of investors' funds. uah 28 million a group of swindlers in dnipropetrovsk region swindled entrepreneurs. they were detained by the national police. criminals offered citizens to invest money in agribusiness and promised them a profit of up to 360% per annum. fraudsters worked under the leadership of crimea. authority, among those involved is also the head of a fictitious agricultural holding, two local residents and the ex-head of a bank branch. the latter provided the client base of potential victims, others communicated with clients, took money from them and provided receipts. fraudsters took under worth without the right to make a deposit. according to the results of searches in the territory of kirovohrad and dnipropetrovsk regions, law enforcement officers among others. seized
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premium cars, weapons, ammunition, promissory notes, cash in various currencies and drafts. the value of the confiscated amount is more than uah 20 million. all detainees were informed of suspicion under several articles of the criminal code of ukraine. dead souls were removed from kyiv cemeteries. this is not a new horror movie, a scam organized by the ex-director of the ritual service and his accomplice. by according to the capital prosecutor's office, the perpetrators charged the salaries of cleaners who simply did not exist, then appropriated these funds for themselves. the capital budget was damaged in the amount of almost 32 million hryvnias . the official admitted his guilt, agreed to cooperate with the investigation and reimbursed his half in the amount of 16 million. illegally transported deer in a minibus. in kyiv , a 22-year-old
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renault driver was detained at one of the checkpoints, with nine fawns of spotted deer in his cabin, the capital police reported. one of them died because improper handling of an animal. the man was on his way from sumy region to rivne region to transport horned animals, he did not have any permits, what was he planning to do next, the investigation is investigating, the deer were given to zoo specialists, and kermanych was detained, he will be tried for animal cruelty. russia is sinking, the orenburg region and the altai territory are simply going under water. because of vodopillia in these regions the most in recent years. led the state of emergency, the harvester of the ministry of emergency situations reports that they are completely flooded almost a thousand houses, more than 200 residents had to be evacuated. state roads are washed away, and several villages are completely cut off from communication. the rescuers complain that they have been pumping out water continuously for a day, and the situation is only
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getting worse. red light. finland decided not to open the border with russia. the relevant decision of the finnish government is written by the local media. so all land checkpoints will remain closed after april 14, which was supposed to be the opening date. i would like to note that last fall, russia regularly organizes migration of asylum seekers across the eastern border of finland. due to the danger, the country had to take appropriate measures. estonia has provided 10 million euros of guarantees to ukraine, it is said. the contribution to the eu fund for ukraine, created at the initiative of the european investment bank, was reported in the european foreign policy service. the funds will be directed to the urgent needs of the state and to support economic stability in ukraine. as noted, to date the fund has attracted more than 400 million euros from
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most eu member states. from the flame were born, a unique exhibition of photographs and... war artifacts was opened in lviv. our correspondent kateryna oliynyk is there. katya, my congratulations and tell me and our viewers, which heroes the exhibition introduces and what is its purpose? i congratulate anayev, i congratulate all viewers of the espresso tv channel. we are in the lviv historical museum, and today the exhibition "izpolya was born" is presented here, which is dedicated to the ukrainian military, doctors and volunteers. in particular, here are collected a lot... 40 exhibits from the national museum of the revolution of dignity, which tell stories about the 23rd mandra, serhiy fomenko with a musical greeting. also , a charity auction will be held at the exhibition, because the purpose of the exhibition is primarily charitable, it is
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to collect for the urgent needs of evacuation wagons that take out the wounded, and i suggest to listen in more detail about the current success in this collection and what to do with... from the representative iryna soloshenko's kolo charitable foundation. evacuation of the wounded with the help of evacuation wagons. this is a project that we are doing together with ukrzaliznytsia and the command of medical forces, this is the reconstruction of existing wagons, their complete conversion. to support this very project of ours, we are currently collecting funds for uninterrupted electrical equipment during movement. we definitely need generators, they are present in every car, so we collect on generators. so we hope that the organizers will be able to close the collection, and i want to remind you that this exhibition will continue in the lviv historical museum until april 29. annayeva,
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i recommend you to visit and pass on the word. thank you, katya, definitely, kateryna oliynyk, correspondent of espress, an exhibition from the flame was born opened in lviv. that's all i have, my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii work on espresso. the information day of the espresso tv channel continues at 11:4, we work live in the espresso studio. marta olyarnyk and antin borkovskyi will soon add oleg abramychev, a deputy of the kharkiv city council, to our channel, because kharkiv suffered from significant rocket and shahed attacks that night, so we understand that many houses were damaged unfortunately, the dead were among civilians,
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rescuers, and medics, a terrible situation, in fact, i already mentioned at the beginning of our broadcast that the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko in his telegram actually published a video that cannot leave anyone indifferent, so what a rescuer, yes, a young rescuer who , together with his rescuer father, came to the place to save people, the father, unfortunately, died, two more of his colleagues died, and the son of the rescuer, when he learned that his father had died, could not hold back your tears and emotions. oleg abramychev, deputy of the kharkiv city council, is he still in touch with us? currently not, we will continue to inform you. here is, by the way, good news from the main intelligence agency, it announced new attacks after the arrivals in tatarstan. the radius will increase, - says andrii yusov, representative of the main. intelligence of the ministry of defense, he stated this on the telethon, it is about the strikes on the oil refinery and
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the factory in tatarstan, good results, says yusov, and we were all happy about it, i think that there will be similar joys in the future, and their radius will increase, by the way , reuters wrote that if you count this place where the front line also flew, then it is a distance of up to 1,300 km, that is quite a lot, i would say so. we have an alarming signal when we talk about the realities of the russian-ukrainian war, an alarming signal from the united states department of state, in particular, kurt campbell, the united states deputy secretary of state, said that russia has almost completely rebuilt its military after massive losses during the invasion of ukraine. moscow dramatically increased defense spending from fy22 to 6% of national gdp in its fy24 budget. i am quoting the deputy secretary of state. over the past few months, we have estimated that russia has almost completely
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rebuilt its military structure. instead, there are observations from the defense express analytical group. campbell's assessment seems to contradict that of the pentagon and america's allies in europe. at a meeting of countries supporting ukraine late last month, defense secretary loyt austin said that russia had more than 315 thousand losses during the war due to the reduction of the american. help, the russian troops advanced, it also cost us dearly, so what, but in any case , the deputy state secretary made a rather disturbing signal to himself. unfortunately, oleg abramychev does not answer, we can understand, because kharkiv can lose communication and light under shelling, so it is not surprising, but we will involve valery ryabikh, military expert and director of development of the information and consulting company defense express, mr. . welcome to our air, glory to ukraine, glory, welcome to the studio, welcome
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to the studio, let's start with campbell, we understand that kurd campbell, the deputy secretary of state of the united states, made a disappointing and not too pleasant signal, but maybe he is honest, yes, it is about that russia has almost completely rebuilt its army after massive losses during the invasion of ukraine and increased defense spending to 6%. national gdp in its budget for the current year, so from the defense express agency, i already voiced it, there was a certain, so to speak, constructive criticism of given information. mr. valery, let's give you the floor, let's sum up what the us deputy secretary of state said for what purpose? well, it should be noted here that most likely, well, this rhetoric is more aimed at the internal audience. and it can take place precisely within the framework of those political debates and
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political processes taking place in this country, and here, of course, the thickening of colors is like that in such conditions, it can benefit us, because in general it raises the degree of tension in the discussion of ukrainian issues in this country contributes to the delivery of information. these are about the real state of affairs, because it is really possible that someone does not understand all the threats from exactly what they are doing. russia is not only there for ukraine, but also for the united states of america itself, and that's why such rhetoric is quite, let's say, favorable for us, in terms of, well, opportunities, yes, the russian federation has significantly increased its spending on
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replenishment, let's say those the losses she suffered during the course. of this large-scale aggression, but it should be noted that the overall dynamics are still not in favor of russia federation, but the time that we are losing together, let's say, within the framework of the alliance that supports ukraine, and this is primarily connected with precisely the political processes taking place in these countries, in particular in the united states of america, this does not benefit... in general, neither ukraine nor western countries, because in fact, it gives, well, the most valuable thing for the russian federation, time to restore its capabilities, but for the moment we can talk about the fact that russia has restored to the full extent of all one's strength, well, one does not have to say, because, for example, to
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it has not even been restored yet, well, judging by the data provided by... ukrainian intelligence, well , independent analysts in general, even the ability to restore the losses of equipment that the russian federation bears on the battlefield, in addition, well, for now, the russian federation can to provide the troops with a sufficient amount of ammunition, only thanks to the fact that... finds similar sources abroad, and this is also the failure of western countries, first of all, the united states of america, in pressing those processes, that were initiated against the russian federation in connection with the beginning of large-scale aggression against ukraine, and
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with regard to sanctions and their violation, well... in particular in relations with the same north korea, well, which in general is a gross violation of exactly the un resolution. mr. valery, look, kuleba, the minister of foreign affairs at the meeting of the ukraine-nato council at the headquarters of the alliance in brussels initiated the search for available patriot air defense systems for kyiv. he talks about what is now. regime , germany will look for the possibility of additional patriots for ukraine and koleb even apologized to the foreign ministers for spoiling their festive mood a little, because it was nato's birthday, everyone was in a high mood, they wanted to talk about some strategic things, then koleb came and very harshly asked our partners to give
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us air defense systems, because he says that he feels that it is necessary to immerse his... oleg: in the harsh reality of the residents of kharkiv, odesa and lviv. this is a direct quote from coleba. but where can we now get these patriots, are they physically present on the territory of the european union, how many are there, if you know, and do you really think that our partners would be ready to urgently provide them to us? the fact is that, in principle, there are similar systems, and primarily in the arsenals of nato member countries. and precisely from among those located on the territory of europe itself, in addition, there are quite a lot of similar systems in storage in the united states of america, as well, and here we are talking about the fact that precisely on the background of, well, such an increase in terror,
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very significant from the side of the russian terrorist state. of the federation, which is expressed by these brutal inhumane bombings of ukrainian cities, including with the help of the same guided aerial bombs and tactical missiles, and against this background, these patriot systems in quantities, well, it is possible to find up to a dozen of them there, to give victory on... to increase our capabilities of anti-aircraft defense, until we get some other capabilities that may be related to the production of our own. air defense systems, or c first of all, with the arrival of western aviation, and the fact of the matter is that when ukrainian cities are suffering now, these systems
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are idle on the territory of nato countries, and there are systems that could be redistributed, because in principle we have already seen similar examples , when ukraine received the previous ones. about this season of russian terror, some systems are on so -called lease, we do not know the details, but at least it was reported about the transfer of several such systems to ukraine, so in this case it should be said that the reserves for the transfer of such systems ukraine has, and at least there is a strict... necessity, and in the face of this necessity, our partners, well, must make such decisions, which may be unpopular with them, but they
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are necessary to ensure the security, first of all, of europe itself. mr. valery, well , let's talk about our partners in terms of the receipt of certain financial or armed solutions, we are interested now, in your opinion, what we have at our disposal now. so roughly, the enemy has one hundred or a little more, so strategic bombers, strategic fighters, have enough missiles. we understand that our air defense system, it works very well logistically, but we could also use a little more quantity, and if we now assess soberly, you know, without rose-colored glasses, what can our fellow citizens expect. in the next month and a half or two, we understand that the enemy will carry out regular attacks, in particular on kharkov, there were mass raids, shelling of kyiv, and most
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likely the enemy also plans to continue his criminal barbaric tactics, but, but, the question of resources, well here you had on i mean rather not strategic bombers, not strategically, this is about tactical aviation and so on. bombers 134, er, which were named in the main office, which is in the arsenals of the state of a hundred hundred, these very aircraft, they are precisely used in order to pair with su-35 fighters, which are also estimated at a hundred, in order to terrorize peaceful settlements of ukraine, these are primarily kharkiv, sumy, and zaporizhzhia and... the rest are precisely the cities that border or come close to the front line, and here we should
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to note that the main administration has determined that it is precisely these 200 aircraft that require the first and foremost attention, and here one can assess how such a numbered resource of the enemy is used for its destruction, whether it is possible for them to quickly ... destroy these aircraft, well, they showed exactly the armed forces the forces of ukraine, and the air force , the air force, the armed forces of ukraine, which tried to destroy 13 enemy aircraft in a short period, a short time, this was done with the help of blocking patriots, and of course, the increase of such a number of such systems, it would allow quickly.. . this problem and but in kupa, including with the rapid deployment of western aviation on
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the territory of ukraine, and here it is precisely that it is said that without these basic conditions, first of all, this is the arrival of additional air defense systems and, subsequently , the deployment of western -style tactical aviation , f-16, which is currently being prepared for ... work, but the problem of terrorizing ukrainian cities by russian terrorists will not be solved in the near future, and this terror may continue, that is why it is said that our partners must now to mobilize and provide all possible assistance to stop the innocent victims among the peaceful ukrainians, thanks to these... these brutal strikes by the russian federation, which you must stop, mr. valery, please explain in simple language, i.e. the presence of
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a certain number of missiles to... allows the enemy to carry out more massive attacks on our civilian objects, on our cities, that is, so that people simply understand, be on the alert, that is, it may not be one attack, i don't know, two, three, four in the next month, well here, if we judge by the same according to the statements of the main directorate of intelligence, the resource of long-range missiles is limited, and it is not for nothing that they have now agreed that... against them, they can switch to using the same calibers, because the stock of x 101e missiles was exhausted during these last attacks and well , perhaps the enemy will still be able to carry out one to three attacks, and then he will be forced to take a certain certain
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break, but this is just what is being said... for long-range mass attacks, and why, because, for example, in january, february, in march , 300, almost 300, were used against the enemy missiles, 295 x 101 missiles, with their capacity to be renewed at about 35-40 units per month, that is, the enemy has now exhausted this reserve, and by a by iskanders, by ballistic missiles from the south. and the enemy also still has and can support these capabilities, however, it should be noted that these attacks, after all, give the enemy the opportunity to achieve certain goals only in the case of using them in a similar combination, when they do it in the course of a mass attack. to which
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all available forces and means are connected in order to overload our anti-aircraft defense defense, so, but the biggest threat is precisely for the border cities and those cities that are located near the front line, this is primarily the same kharkiv, the same amounts, this is the use of tactical aviation with the use of bombs by the enemy. which, unfortunately, the enemy has now managed, well, to produce quite a large number, by fitting wings to them and using them, they understood that the situation is difficult, and one must always be on the alert, there may be air alarms and should not be taken lightly. valery ryabikh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express was in direct contact with us. let's
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move on, now we're going to take a short break, but... before that, i want to remind you that we continue to help our armed forces and defense forces, so join the gathering, which we are currently holding together with the organization baza ua sprotiv, for in order to purchase half of the drones for the 72nd black zaporozhian brigade and the 93rd kholodny yar brigade. actually, production, testing, variations, according to the needs of defenders, that's all we do we can provide by collecting 2 million hryvnias together. the first successful applications on the battlefield are already there, so please. join us so that there will be more and more such successful operations on the battlefield, we need to collect uah 2 million, if you have the opportunity, please donate using these qr codes that you see on the screen, or bank card numbers are also available. well, now we are going on a short break, but after it we will continue to inform you. be with espresso.


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