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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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to the missile manufacturer in exchange for new missiles, this could be the case, i think that japan can be the main donor for us in this regard, we will now discuss the ratings with you a little, this is important, well, these are not ratings, these are sociological studies, just the rating group conducted them there on order, well, i will say so, it was conducted by the rating group on behalf of the center for analysis and sociological research of the international republican institute, the survey was conducted from february 17 to 21, there are several important topics, points that i would like to discuss, before everything is very important now, now, now, now, now we will , well, my friends will show pictures there, and i will, well, first of all, ukrainians continue to believe in victory, in february 24 , 88% of ukrainians believe in victory, in 22 97% believed that year, a little less, but it is definitely not critical. not critically few, and there is still
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such a moment, well, there are many nuances within what limits, then again, not not key things, when the war ends, in your opinion, in less than a year, there are not so many, well that is, people understand that the war will be longer time, and here it is important, regarding the issue of elections, whether you hold elections or not during the war, now i will find my colleagues, now they can... will be able to show, and what is interesting, that belief in victory is definitely yes, and 48 %, ambiguous, 63%, and yes, and now i just can’t find it, now i will find this story, the question is about the elections, do you support the idea of ​​holding the next elections during the war, the elections to the verkhovna rada of ukraine support 18 %, local elections 20%, 17 unequivocally support presidential elections, and rather... supports 13, faster and, well, that is
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, in general, 30% plus or minus supports, how do you rate it, well, for faith, victory is clear, the war is not for three months, people understand in principle, it is clear, but the elections are still after all , people understand that they are their own safety , first of all it plays a role, or, well, that is, and now there are elections on our heads, please, well, here it is a game of overdeterminism, well, plus , money, elections, that’s another money that will go now. well, you have to understand why i say game on determinisms, because every person puts, first of all, its meaning in the concept of victory. even zelensky has recently spoken about going to the borders of the 22nd year, and this is a victory for him. petro poroshenko, who spoke about his readiness to participate in the elections, he formed in general very clearly. i will participate in the elections only. after the victory, eh, now
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let's see what people invest in the elections now, eh really, eh first of all, the most effective state institution, where the belief in victory comes from, is the armed forces, the armed forces really do not need elections, but when to start people ask them to do an analysis of the effectiveness of political power, and here... the demand for elections will start to increase sharply, very sharply , not simply, even, information appeared just yesterday from viktor shlinchak, director of the institute of world politics, that bankova begins preparations for the elections, but after the end of the election campaign in the usa, that is, after somewhere from the beginning of november. er,
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we have a kind of internal movement, such spring juices, er, but, at the same time, it seems to me that there is no integral understanding, indeed, elections are an expensive pleasure, and as long as the armed forces are, well , provided more or less efficiently, there will be no request for elections, if it suddenly turns out that the political authorities have failed to provide for the troops, but the people... are ready to remain silent and tolerate insults on local self-government and the looting of communities, because the communities themselves would like to supply the troops, purchase and supply something, the central government took part of the taxes for its own benefit and distributes it itself, but when it suddenly turns out that the troops are provided extremely poorly, and in fact the fault of the political authorities becomes obvious in the fact
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that the incompetent general was removed, in the fact that ammunition, food, clothing, and fuel are not supplied to the troops, and because of this the troops are retreating, by the way. there is another very significant fatigue, which, oh, well, at that moment, which affects only one part, those whose relatives are at war, they understand very well what fatigue is, well, at the front, their loved ones talk to them, those who do not have close relatives in the war at the front, for them, well, understanding this pain and this superhuman effort that they make ukrainian military. sitting for a year without rotation on the front line, it is such a dark forest, because of which, well, the fact that these questions arise, are actualized, it is important, and sooner or later, i think that it is enough, quite soon, that is, i
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think that it will be a matter of a few weeks when people will begin to decipher what they put in their expectations from the change of power, because zelensky has initiated a large personnel rotation. but no one believes that this personnel rotation will make the government more effective, we just have three more minutes, but there are still a number of questions, i will briefly voice them, 77% of ukrainians are in favor of ukraine joining nato, unequivocally, well, this is good in principle, we support the mobilization of 20%, martial law, we are ready to endure further 10% of everything, 77% approve of the actions of the armed forces, well, unequivocally. more approve, it is in principle, well, normal, there is almost 100%, well, not almost 100, 90, there is 77, 80, 90 percent, and here it is important, and there are two important points that i would like you to comment on: first, ukrainians do not consider russian aggression to be the greatest threat to themselves federations, and corruption in state
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authorities, this time, secondly, as many as 3% unequivocally support the verkhovna rada, 8% of the tsc, zelenskyi, volodymyr oleksandrovich , the president of our 22. unequivocally 70 there , there are still 40 who support something more than not , but still, 22% clearly support the cabinet of ministers, 6% support unequivocally, and 76% of ukrainians donate money to the armed forces, and 59% communicate at home in ukrainian, this is just for a complete understanding approximately, there are still many economic points, we will not discuss everything, this why corruption is the main threat and why the president is unequivocally supported by only 22%, well more... that is, there are 40 or so more who support him , but it's just so concrete , only 22, at the beginning of the invasion the president was unequivocally supported by 74% of ukrainians. mr. vasyl, the question is how many people support ukraine's membership in nato? and 77%. and today is the day of the war, i say
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700, no, today is the 75th anniversary of the creation of nato, but it's me, and i heard that what day of the war did you say? defense of any reaction to the anniversary of nato. are we going to join nato or not? are we going to we want nato to single-handedly help us, and we will simply ignore such important dates for nato, and if we really dream of nato membership, then we should have been. the country that congratulated nato and every nato country on today's anniversary. maybe this is an insult to yesterday's words of stoltenberg, where he said that ukraine will join nato only after the war, if there are guarantees that this war will not happen again. and they said, well, that is
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, never. well, this is an insult to the fact that they are, for example, at the nato summit in vilnius they called all kinds of people, well, fronde. tricks, after which few people wanted to see zelensky, but in fact, we have a minute, i'm just warning you to contribute, please, i i remember this, now is the most important moment, when uh, well, there is a lot of pressure on the front and there is great hope for partners, the ukrainian government should not weaken state governance, but strengthen it, unfortunately, we see that there is a big weakening of governance, mr. volodymyr, my friends tell me, in my head... friends, they talk to me, i'm kidding the ministry of defense of ukraine congratulated the north atlantic alliance on the 70th anniversary of its establishment, so it is still one structure, well, i visited the website of the ministry of defense literally 25 minutes ago, so
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maybe some video appeared in telegram, i don't know , well, in any case, of course, that's why we have such a thing, but i think, by the way, that this is a fairly accurate slice of sentiment now. society, it is ambiguous, after all, it is more positive than negative, people, as they say, hold on in this situation for each other and for the armed forces, and the armed forces for the people. volodymyr tsibulko, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine the fourth. call was in touch with us and now i thank you, wish you a good day, evening, and i will add to the conversation serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency, host of the military summaries of the day column. sergey, i congratulate you, and i welcome you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today i have the opportunity to ask one question, i want to ask it: germany is ready to look for patriots for ukraine all over the world, and quickly, because everyone understands that the threats are enormous , the enemy has enough ballistics, maybe to be even more and ukraine must be saved, why is it so late and where can you look for it, about which ones, about what quantity, at what time. is it about now? well , in fact, the threats to ukraine have really increased with the use of these drones, other
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means of impression, the increase in ballistics on the part of the enemy, this is true, it has increased the urgency of the search for air defense systems, if the patriots are in the first place, then there are at least 11 countries that have significant stocks of these systems, including the united states, as many as 80 batteries, we have three batteries, germany has 12 batteries, poland - four, romania - seven, ee, so in any case it is most likely to turn to the united states or to germany itself. what decision will be made in the end? let's see, our military can use this system, so as soon as it is delivered, we immediately use it, plus the issue of missiles, because now there are certain nuances with it. mr. tsibolko mentioned japan, so relatively speaking, japan supplies patriot missiles, missiles that are made in japan, to the united states, later the states there transfer these missiles to us, so that this dynamic is connected with
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the use of the patriots. and later in our column, we will talk about other technologies used by ukrainian troops on the battlefield, about the situation on the front line, and about the dynamics of changes in a conversation with our experts, about this in a moment. we are actually already used to... the use of air and sea drones by our armed forces, defense forces against the enemy, but there are more and more interesting and demonstrative examples related to the successful use of ground robotics systems, there are two interesting videos that we will show you now: the first is primarily from the 63rd separate mechanized brigade, this brigade operates in the lyman direction, and here... this video demonstrates how this drone called
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dynamo provides delivery of mines to the enemy's position, and then they are remotely detonated, and this is such a complete surprise for the enemy, it is clear that it would be difficult and dangerous to carry out such a mission there by ground means with the help of people, we see that such things are already possible with ground drones. . go out and they come out quite successfully, the third brigade said that they have already carried out such missions more than once, and the second example is another direction, this is the bakhmut direction, the use of the kamikat robot was shown there, and here we see s, which is going there loaded with explosives there or a mine to a certain gap, and there an explosion is carried out in the vicinity of the bridge, which... was used by the enemy, so we can see that the technological direction in the ukrainian army
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is becoming more and more relevant, and we can already see more and more such examples visually confirmed but when we talk about ivanovsk, let me remind you that this direction remains the most difficult right now, where the enemy is trying to continue offensive actions, today such attacks continued, and this is one of the directions where the enemy is trying to... push through our defenses, although today was supreme commander-in-chief's rate, as a result of which volodymyr zelenskyi told us that he had a meeting with all the military leaders there, among other things , oleksandr silskyi's report on stabilization in certain directions of the line was heard front, at the expense of which it was done. and then we will talk about what exactly the dynamics are now on the front line, whether we can talk about stabilization in these. difficult conditions, and now we are joined by mykhailo samus, he is
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the director of the new geopolitics research network, a non-governmental analytical structure, mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you, mr. serhiy, i would like to continue this topic related to a russian offensive, a long russian offensive in all directions, and we understand that the question... mobilizations are those things that are done by the ukrainian army in the face of difficult conditions, but the president says that he really manages to restrain the enemy, how do you assess the situation on the front line now? then when we take the most difficult areas, such as west avdiivka, novomykhaivka, lyman, maybe there and the south of our country, the area there is being worked on, so that what emphasis can be made on these areas of the front. well, in general, if we talk about the operational situation, the russians are actually not acting enough, enough
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non-standard, or non-standard, as we expected, because, as a rule, after ... such a grueling winter campaign, the russians suffered huge losses both in the avdiiv direction and in others, there was an expectation that they would stop and make a certain operational pause in order to withdraw the exhausted troops, in order to regroup, restore, it is possible to introduce newly created units into battle, but this did not happen, and i can explain this situation for myself, that the russians on... these continue to advance, and they are really exhausted, they now have to introduce reserves in some directions, operational operational, in some even strategic, and unprepared meat is thrown in, and this means that they are trying to preserve this offensive inertia by anything, by any means losses, any
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resources, for myself, i explain this by the fact that at the strategic level in the kremlin in... it was decided that now they have such a period, a window of opportunity, when ukraine has a shortage of ammunition, artillery, other military materials that would be given the ability to defend effectively, and in any case before the start or the decision by the americans to resume aid, the russians, as they believe, have this period, a window of opportunity to continue the offensive, because in principle here i... i can say that their decision is correct from the point of view that if you forecast and plan there 24th-25th, now is the best moment of this turbulence in the united states to use it to continue the offensive, because predicting what will happen in the second half of the 24th years are difficult for russians, especially the 25th
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year, no one there can predict what will happen, and therefore in all possible directions and in the robot... and in the avdiiv and bakhmut directions, they are trying, and there were certain attempts in the ughledar direction, they are trying to move and break through the ukrainian defenses, throwing in, well, everyone remembers such a massive attack by columns there, a tank battalion plus a mechanized mito-rifle company tried to break through in a thin way and then there was a terrible fiasco, that is, in principle, eh... the moment is such that the russians try to break through the defenses, whatever , by any introduction of any reserves, use of any resources, and this must be understood why it is so difficult to stabilize the front now, because the russians believe that we have a shortage, especially of ammunition, and until the americans return to the line, it this favorable
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period will continue, let's say, for the russian troops, because then it is quite logical in this concept. yesterday's statement by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi that russia is preparing to mobilize 3,000 personnel there from june 1 also fits in there. it fits in, but it does not quite fit into the russian realities, because in fact now the russians have a draft announced, and last time it was so that they pushed this draft in order to carry out mobilization and then make a draft. now, conditionally speaking... if the information is correct, then the russians may have certain overlays with these measures, how do you assess the probability of this mobilization so announced, or will the enemy still try to provide it with other variations without any such loud statements about mobilization, which, by the way , is confirmed by peskov's statement today, what he is
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says that we are not going to mobilize there, what are your assessments of this particular nuance? yes, exactly, this is piskov’s statement , plus there were also statements literally yesterday and today by several such information sources that, for example, 1,600 russian citizens came to the military and declared their desire to sign a contract, this is since the terrorist attack in crocus, they are trying , officially russian propaganda is trying to tie, this is what, you see, ukraine blew up the crocus, because they believe. well, ukrainians are the main customers, in any case terrorist attack, and the russians all rushed to sign the contract, then very interesting news, and from several regions of russia, krasnodar region, rostov region. that they raise a one-time payment when signing a contract, some up to 750 00 rubles, some up to a million, a million rubles, it was so easy, it is
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about 10 thousand euros, that is, 10 00 € you just sign a piece of paper, you can imagine if such payments will be made in depressed areas of russia, where mostly alcoholics could not even dream of such money. elements and inhabitants, that is, i think that there is no problem at all to collect 100 thousand or 200 thousand, especially since simple arithmetic, for example, 10 thousand 10 thousand euros for 100 thousand military personnel is just one billion euros. for russia, billions of euros are absolutely a lifting amount, they earn tens of hundreds of billions of euros and dollars from the sale of oil, so there is no problem here in raising. this payment, and maybe even monthly payments, although they are mostly silent about monthly payments, there are about 200 thousand rubles left, but this one
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such an incoming, let's say, payment, he says that you need to get meat quickly, quickly and more, it doesn't matter what kind of preparation there is, it's not about that at all, the main thing is to throw more resources now in this period of opportunities, all the more so when we talk about... shoigo's statements about the need to create or about plans to create, i would say, within the framework of the new reform and development of the russian armed forces, several new divisions and so on, then we are still talking about that about a longer period, because there, if you create a division from scratch, this of course, this is a long period, we need officers with appropriate training, and military personnel, and especially equipment, that is, when we talk about mobilization, we are talking about personnel, if these personnel are even... unprepared , they will rush into existing units on forehand, that’s one thing, but if you recruit a new division, well
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, you just can’t start a new division with people in military uniforms with assault rifles, you need to roll it back at least a little, bring it to a certain level of combat capability, combat readiness, and it will take several months, in everything by the way, most experts believe that the new divisions will be ready in russia around the end of autumn, maybe by the end of the year, and here... quickly may, june to create some kind of stock of human resources, i think, such an approach with the increase of the first first payment, will make it possible to collect 100 and 200 thousand quite easily, then against this background one cannot help but ignore another trend, that against the background of these conversations about mobilization, about russian statements, the active work of the russian side regarding influence through the media begins. first of all european society, partly on our society, because today i discussed with a colleague about publication in politics, that is, he says that it is a serious newspaper that does not make mistakes and so on, i partly
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agree with him, but when this publication was there yesterday or the day before makes a publication that in the event of a new offensive by the russians, there is a great risk that the front line there will collapse, the ukrainian line of defense, this is what some unnamed generals who cooperated with the zaluzhnyi say, everything is just so certain, well misunderstanding of the situation, why such publications appear, whose work is it in general and whether or not it is a manifestation of russian propaganda through the powerful american media. i think that here, of course, it is not the direct influence of russian propaganda, i.e. not paid articles, it is the general influence of these narratives, very powerful ipso are carried out by the russians, in ukraine also to... by the way, they affect the mood, the psychological state of people , well, for example, constant, constant references to the offensive on kharkiv, they influence, in any case
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, journalists and people constantly ask what will be with kharkiv, because there is no smoke without fire, but kharkiv is heavily bombarded by civilians, we know what tragedies are happening in kharkiv every day, in fact , russian terrorist attacks already go beyond any limits, and here are the key... the word terrorist, they are really shelling the civilian infrastructure of kharkiv, specifically hitting civil services and so on, in order to create the greatest psychological effect, in order that, this is a classic act of terrorism, impact on psychology, and because of this, the following logic follows: since they are hitting kharkov, it means that they are preparing something, which means that they will carry out an offensive, and this is confirmed even later directly by propaganda, and then... this is spread both in the political community, and throughout the informational and political space of europe, the united states, and so on, and then it already
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appears in more publications. serious analytical publications, because the general background suggests that ukraine has a deficit in the military, while the russians do not have such a deficit, they prepare a new offensive, the united states can't make any decision to help, it can be concluded that the front may collapse, in fact, this is only an assumption, and of course we are talking about the fact that the russians do not really have the ability to even conduct an operation now, they are operating on a tactical level, they are trying to... in different directions to take one street, then roll over another street, then half a village and so on, these are not operations, these are tactical actions, which of course have a certain operational meaning, i.e. to break through, i.e. you can say that this some single purpose in in order to break through the front somewhere, why somewhere, because they attack in different directions for no reason, probing the ukrainian defense, and suddenly here it will be possible to break through, and suddenly here somewhere the ukrainian ukrainians have a rotation. and here
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inexperienced soldiers will be able to break through here, that is, there is a tactical activity at the tactical level, but it does not give the russians the opportunity to break through the front, as they say, for example, in the kramatorsk-slavic direction, the ughledar direction and create conditions for occupation of the entire donetsk region, for example, before this there is still a long way to go, and here, of course, it will really depend on whether the united states will return to helping ukraine and how effectively it will be. europe will be able to withstand and help ukraine in the conditions, if the united states does not return at all, this will be the main question, to what extent we will be able to withstand the first half of the 24th year together with the europeans, and especially the second half of the 24th year, by the way, in our country literally two minutes, and if this is a question, i will return exactly to you what opportunities there are in the alliance of ukraine and
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european countries in... endure this russian invasion by the end of the year, what are your feelings and assessments? well, the main thing is that europe still woke up, europe is talking about strategic autonomy, the idea of ​​the nato secretary general about a $100 billion fund to help ukraine appeared, of course it will be a difficult issue, and for example, if this issue is launched through the nato procedure, it can forever to be discussed there, because the same orbán or fitso will be against it, and if we talk about... the situation specifically in the coming months, after all, if we get f-16 with a sufficient nomenclature weapons, if we have the opportunity to accumulate certain long-range resources, then we can talk about certain surprises at the front, nevertheless, i still hope that the ukrainian command will manage to surprise the enemy in some directions, but of course, donbas must be cemented, donbas
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fortifications must be built. line and try to really stabilize the front as much as possible, preventing a breakthrough by the russians. mr. mykhailo, thank you very much for being included in our broadcast, for your important explanations about those things that are currently worrying our citizens, when we we say there that there will be a russian offensive on kharkiv there or in other directions, we see that this is actually a prerequisite, there are prerequisites, but the enemy has no opportunities today, because all his troops are tied up. by our armed forces along the entire length of the front, and finding such a resource for starting new offensive actions from the enemy simply does not exist today. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned on the espresso channel. i thank serhii zgurets,
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and i thank his guests. next, we have prepared the second hour of the great ether and a lot of important information for you. yuriy fizar will talk about what is happening in the world. there will be economic news today, as well as cultural news from lena chechenina and weather from natalka didenko. well, just now about the most important news, i will tell you in detail. the situation at the front, drones, air defense equipment and rep. such basic issues were considered during the rate meeting said the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. he noted that chief oleksandr syrskyi reported on the results of stabilization actions at the front, thanks to which it was possible to stop the enemy's advance. they also heard the report of the minister of defense on the preparation of new agreements for the purchase of drones and rep systems and the report of the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine bargelevich on the fight against russian air terror. one man died, two others were injured.


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