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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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to his guests, then the second hour of the big broadcast and we have prepared a lot of important information for you, yuriy fizar will tell about what is happening in the world, there will be economic news today, as well as news from lena chuchenina from the cultural sphere and the weather from natalka didenko, well right now , i will tell you in detail about the most important news: the situation at the front, drones, anti-aircraft defense equipment and the rep, such basic issues were discussed during the stake meeting, said the supreme commander. he noted that oleksandr syrsky is the head reported on the results of stabilization actions at the front, thanks to which it was possible to stop the enemy's advance. they also heard the report of the minister of defense on the preparation of new agreements for the purchase of drones and rep systems, and the report of the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine bargelevich on the fight against russian air terror. one man died, two others were injured.
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due to an enemy attack on kharkiv region, the occupiers fired a rocket between two settlements in the kharkiv district, reported this to the regional police, the projectile hit a field where employees of the agricultural enterprise worked. unfortunately, the 37-year-old tractor driver died at the scene. a 21-year-old and a 55-year-old farmer were injured. germany will look for patriot systems for ukraine not only among its allies. in nato, but also throughout the world, according to the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry dmytro kulebe, this issue was discussed today during the meeting of the ukraine-nato council. he reminded that the federal republic of germany is the leader of the air defense coalition for our country. now they are conducting an analysis of the availability of the necessary systems, but then plan how to get them to ukraine as quickly and best as possible. the emergency situation with
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the gas pump was quickly eliminated in mykolaivka in donetsk region, it was possible to do this without disconnecting the subscribers from the gas supply, the oblagazis of donetsk said. let me remind you that during another russian shelling in the city , a gas line burst into flames, leaving almost half a thousand citizens without blue fuel. we need hundreds of small power plants, chairman of the board of ukrenergo volodymyr kudryts. stated that in order to ensure the ukrainian energy system, it is necessary to decentralize generation, it is necessary to build hundreds of smaller facilities, for example, solar and wind stations or a new thermal generation based on renewable types of fuel, geographically dispersed throughout the country. the only sustainable way to secure energy from such massive missile terror is to decentralize generating
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capacity, that is, instead of having, for example, 15 or 20 large power plants there, we will need to build hundreds of small ones that will be more resistant to these attacks due to his distraction. 10 million euros of guarantees provided by estonia to ukraine, it refers to the contribution to the eu fund for ukraine, created at the initiative of the european investment bank. this was reported to europeis. the foreign policy services will direct the funds to the urgent needs of the state and to support economic stability in ukraine, as noted today. the fund has already attracted more than 400 million euros from most of the member states of the european union. and in dnipro , racketeers who demanded money from local entrepreneurs were detained, as reported by the service security of ukraine, criminals invented artificial debts and issued bills to people. if. who refused to pay, they
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were taken to the basement and tortured, the bandits were detained after the kidnapping of an it entrepreneur, the perpetrators turned out to be representatives of the local crime scene, who had previously been convicted, that is, they are recidivists, now they are in custody, worked for the enemy for 15 years with confiscation of property, the resident received kirovohrad region, the court found him guilty of treason. since the beginning of the war. sent to the russians in denmark with the coordinates of the warlords region and their work schedule, also told the aggressor the locations of military facilities or critical infrastructure enterprises. the message was supported by photos and videos with geolocation of buildings and territories. he was detained on june 25 , 2023, immediately after photo and video recording of one of the military units on the territory. oblast, in the process, during
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the detention, two mobile phones were seized, on which photos and video reports were displayed, which he tried to transfer to the representatives the country of the aggressor. dead spirits. were cleaning kyiv cemeteries, this is not a new horror film, but a scam organized by the ex-director of the funeral service and his accomplice. according to the capital prosecutor's office, the perpetrators charged the salaries of cleaners who simply did not exist in nature, after that they appropriated this money to themselves, to the capital budget, caused losses of almost 32 million hryvnias, the official admitted his guilt, agreed to cooperate with the investigation and reimbursed his ... guilt in the amount of 16 million hryvnias. the chess tournament was held in lviv for the second time session of simultaneous play with ukrainian and international grandmasters. 85 participants took part in the match.
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military servicemen, cadets of the academy of ground forces, border guards, veterans and pupils of the clubs showed their skills. their opponents were experienced players. marta litynska, oleg romanishyn, adrian mikhalchy. the victory in the games was won by two young chess players, sofia rogoza and ihor trityak. during the event , the organizers collected more than 16 thousand hryvnias, the funds will be used to purchase night sights for our defenders. we have 20 boards each from the grandmasters, and it is white, and everyone, everyone is in one row, and the grandmaster walks around, makes moves, when he comes to the opponent, the opponent makes his move, and it lasts somewhere... about an hour or two hours, this is one of the main tasks of this session: to unite all people, because they are united by chess, and now such an opportunity has arisen, well, to take part in such, well, larger-scale competitions, i think, well, why not try your strength, your abilities in chess, chess is an intellectual
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game, it develops so it is for military personnel, it helps to think critically in situations, to think ahead. the legendary voice of ukraine across the ocean organized an evening in memory of kvitka tsysyk in lviv. her sisters spoke favorably of her life and work. tsysyk, famous poets, singers and others. every year during the event , the winner of the all-ukrainian vocal competition unforgettable flower tsysyk is also announced. i should note that in the usa, tsysyk became one of the most famous performers of jingles for commercials. michael jackson, whitney houston and other world stars worked with her, her song received oscar and the golden globe singer would have turned 71 today. kvitka died five days short of her 45th birthday from breast cancer. it was soviet times, and then it was strictly forbidden to communicate and have any contacts
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abroad. and kvitka tsysyk, that's why she was unknown here, although they personally passed her on to me. her disk, and i was very happy that i received such a great relic in my possession, i gave this disk to the museum of flowers, in the future you will pour, you will leave everything, you will come here with me, every second ukrainian military partially or completely loses our hearing. traces of combat operations and requires further prosthetics. such statistics are provided by the public organization vychuy. that is why the lviv superhumans center opened a hearing restoration department. there they help not only our defenders, but also civilians who suffered because of this damn war. patients
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of the center will be able to undergo diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in one city, there is no need to go everywhere. kateryna oliynyk will tell how it happens. dog, dog. this is how the servants are checked border guard serhiy dubov. in march 2022, the defender of mariupol received a mine explosive wound, the defender lost his left arm. in addition , the soldier's sight and hearing have deteriorated. i was sent to the ear institute in kyiv, and there they did, well, an audiogram, the entire examination, as it should be, was done on the left. here on the right, at first here after six months on the left, well, if i could hear better, not much, but better, well, the noise in the ears is more disturbing, due to the impact of impact noise, during landmine injuries, military and civilians ukrainians can face acoustic
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trauma and subsequent hearing loss, that is why the superhumans center introduced a new direction, we will check for hearing problems in every patient, who in... a month we have about 70 patients, accordingly started working, the department started working in in november and already about 10 hearing aids were installed. in superhumans cent. patients can go through a full cycle of hearing restoration, services are provided within these three offices, in particular, during the hardware examination, otolaryngologists test the hearing acuity of the injured person with the help of sound waves, after the diagnosis , treatment is prescribed, dry devices or referred to surgery, if necessary , deaf educators and speech therapists work with patients. over the past 10 days, we have selected 32 patients, among them seven need surgery, tympanoplasty, three of them
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seem to need hearing aids, hearing aids, and one will potentially need cochlear implantation, and the rest of them will actually need empty observation. you don't need to treat hearing loss like a a secondary problem, - says andrii pishniy, the founder of the public organization feel, because without timely treatment you can completely lose your hearing. is lost imperceptibly, you get closer to the person who is talking to you, turn up the tv, turn on the music louder, ask twice, turn to the side you heard before, is better, or at all, when something is said to you, you do not hear it , you just pretend to hear, according to statistics from the superhumans center, about 30% of patients. who come for rehabilitation, have other concomitants hearing impairments of various types, so they
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need qualified help to hear again. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. we continue, thank you for this work and help to our soldiers, and we will continue, and now the world about ukraine, what happened there, yuriy fizar will tell us in detail. yuri, please, good evening. good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today at this time. therefore, supporting ukraine is an investment. to future security - says nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, the minister of defense of great britain , says that the world is in pre-war times, and how ramzan kadyrov is fighting poverty, that is, he admits that there is poverty in russia, there is poverty in chechnya, and thus betrays putin. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: in general , nato members positively evaluated
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the proposal to create a fund in the amount of 100 billion euros to pay for arms supplies to ukraine. this was reported by the minister of foreign affairs in latvia, rather than karinsh after arriving at the meeting of the heads of foreign policy departments from the member countries of the alliance in brussels. this is how he commented on the initiative of general secretary e. za stoltenberg to create such a fund to pay first for the production of weapons, then for delivery, and this fund will operate for 5 years. according to the head of the latvian foreign policy department, the details of this plan will still be finalized, but the general trend of approval is positive. well, this was initially said by the minister of foreign affairs of latvia, rather than karinsh. then there were several speeches that showed that, after all, within the bloc, there is no such unanimity, positive unanimity,
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the prime minister of foreign affairs of germany, anna alena berbock, yesterday said something like that it would not be bad, today she is already saying, that somehow we still need to work, work, and of course the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, as usual, peter szijártó, did not approach the journalists, but expressed his position on his facebook page, and there in... what to give money for ukraine means to continue the war that russia is waging in our country. in a word, this unanimity somehow does not exist yet, i really want it to exist, and i would like to remind you that the ministers gathered today, yesterday and today in brussels for such an important date, even an anniversary. 75 years ago, exactly today, april 4 , 12 countries signed the washington treaty, then agreed that they would defend each other in the event that one of the countries was
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attacked. today there are already 32 such countries and i really hope that in the near future there will be 33 of them, because this group ukraine will join. 33 is such a number, two threes, such a kind of magic, there is such symbolism, surely we should be the 33rd for sure, we will be, we will be, we will be, vasily, we will be. i want the war to end as soon as possible, because nato has repeatedly said that they will not include us as long as the war continues, it will end and we will become the 33rd. supporting ukraine is not a good thing. activity is an investment in the future security of nato countries, secretary general jens stoltenberg made such a statement during the joint approach to journalists today with the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, as part of the scheduled meeting of the ukraine-nato council at the level of heads of foreign policy departments of the alliance member states in brussels. at the same time, he also confirmed once again that nato
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intends to put the supply of weapons to ukraine on schedule. a mandatory basis for all countries of the alliance, in contrast to the voluntary transfer that is in effect now. next is a short quote from jens stoltenberg, in the long run, ukraine should be a lesser measure dependent on voluntary supplies of weapons and receive more within the framework of nato's firm commitments. but is there unity in nato? let's listen to general secretary jens stoltenberg. europe needs america's help, fair burden sharing is essential, and europe is investing more, much more. this year, most nato member countries will invest at least 2% of their gdp in defense. at the same time, north america also needs europe. european members of the alliance provide world-class armed forces
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extensive intelligence network and unique diplomatic leverage, multiplying power. thanks to nato, the us has more friends. i don't believe only in america. just as i do not believe in europe alone. i believe in america and europe together in nato. because together we are stronger and safer. well, we in ukraine also do not believe in america. we in ukraine also do not believe in europe, neither together nor individually. we simply thank them for the weapons and for the money we receive from them. and we really want this about... to continue further and possibly there was even more, by the way, about money from the united states of america. the bill on the allocation of additional funding for assistance to ukraine in the amount of more than 60 billion dollars will be considered in the house of representatives of the us congress no earlier than mid-april. journalists of the bloomberg agency reported this with reference to their sources on
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capitol hill. according to the received information, the speaker of the lower house of the higher legislative. as johnson looks for ways to soften opposition from republicans, well, a few days ago he did announce that he could put this document to a vote on april 9, when all representatives return to work after the easter vacation, but there will be some innovations in it, but it may happen that its consideration they will still delay, and it is a pity, probably they will somehow agree on these innovations. about which mike johnson spoke, that for innovation, he did not say, maybe they will just talk about giving ukraine these weapons, as a loan, well, i don’t know what this mike johnson, he reminds me of the characters of some series like santa barbara or district rose, there was a new story every time, well, as if everything should be fine, and then that cc or that mason, something and
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something happened and you and you are you waiting for the next series , well, you already don’t believe that... he paid for gas for his state there, so that he could earn money there, well, this can be understood, again at the expense of ukraine and the death of ukrainians, well, the blood of ukrainian heroes and and civilians, but now they can do something else come up with, maybe he will ask that he be paid utility bills for life, and his wife a manicure, that he already has this for life. i think so, i don't know, but i think, but i would like them to come back on april 9, eat, well, they don't eat pasochki, but what did they eat there, they came back, rested, sat down and passed the law, but we see it drags on. slovak presidential candidates differed on the provision of military aid to ukraine during a debate before the second round
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of elections, which should take place on april 6, i.e. already on saturday, the current speaker of the slovak parliament. the social democrat peter pellegrini said that he is against the constant supply of arms to ukraine, because in his opinion it will not speed up the end of the war, on the contrary, it will drag it out in time, while his opponent, the liberal ivan korchuk, who previously held the post of minister of foreign affairs of slovakia, on the contrary, he said that ukraine should continue to be helped and that the $100 billion aid package that they want to allocate to nato is a concrete example of transatlantic security. cooperation, and so that you understand well for us that this last ivan korchuk, whom i mentioned, is a liberal who supports the provision of... aid to ukraine, after the first round he just won more, won more percentages then, so for according to the results of the first round
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, 42.51% of voters voted for korchyk, and only 37% voted for pellegrini, who says: no, no, no, ukraine should not be given weapons, so we really hope that ivan korchuk will become the president after all. we entered the pre-war period under... after from the post-war period, and therefore it is necessary to immediately, immediately think about the future of the north atlantic alliance, the british defense minister grand shaps wrote about this in an author's article for the daily telegraph newspaper . conditions, he says, it is necessary to immediately increase defense spending, including investments in the defense sector. well, according to the leader's opinion. british ministry of defense, nato member countries to protect democracy and their own security must now redouble efforts to support ukraine. and this
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is the opinion of not only the minister of defense of great britain, the minister of foreign affairs of this country, mr. cameron, speaking in brussels at a conference dedicated to the future of nato, david cameron also emphasized how much it is necessary to help ukraine now. and under no circumstances allow russia to win the war it started in the 22nd year, because it will be a disaster not only for ukraine, but for the entire civilized world. i really hope that everyone understands this, and in the end, even those who are still struggling with some of their own certain mercantile considerations, i do not know that they will change their point of view after all. russia can carry out information attacks during hosting the summer olympic games in paris, french president emmanuel macron said today during a conversation with journalists after the opening ceremony of the olympic aquatics center in
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saint-denis near paris. at the same time, he even said that he has no doubts about this, that is, that russia will attack. the owner of the elysee palace has his confidence motivated by the fact that recently in russia , statements are often heard that the french leadership is not capable of holding the olympics. at a high level, and now, he says, there will be even more such statements, but we are ready for them - concluded emmanuel macron. well, let me remind you that the summer olympic games in paris are scheduled to be held from july 26 to august 11. the russians will not be there, i will only add that when macron suggested a truce, because as pierre de coubartin, the founder of the modern olympics, said. in the form that sport is peace, and that's why, but putin rejected this idea, well, it’s not putin personally, of course, vasyl, but when he started the invasion in 2014, it
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was the olympics, then, then the 2018 world cup, when the war in ukraine was already going on, by the way, many teams came then, nobody seemed to how they didn't support putin, but still, as they say, they paid attention, that, well, but this one, but they always do, which is interesting, that even here. this is ukraine, first of all, georgia, poland, well , georgia in general for the first time in history, and i, well, it is clear that they just go away, but well, you yourselves are to blame, you yourselves, the katyusha deserve it, but i want more deservedly more, not like now, it's a shock, that's right, the prime minister of slovakia , robert fitzo, commented on the refusal of the ambassadors of the european union member states in his country, participation in the commemoration ceremony of those who died in the battles with the fascists for the liberation of the city of slavin from soviet soldiers. he said this in a video message posted on his
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facebook page. the head of the slovak government expressed hope and dissatisfaction that they refused, and that the reason for their refusal was the presence of ceremony of the ambassadors of russia and belarus, at the same time he called on ordinary citizens to come and he motivated it like this, quote robert. and fizo, life goes on if the invited ambassadors of the countries of the european union and great britain do not come, you should come too, well, i don’t understand how it is possible to make such statements, it is a shock, vasyl, a shock that the ambassadors will not come, because there will be the ambassador of russia and the ambassador of belarus, well, that's right, so they won't come there because the ambassador of russia and the ambassador of belarus will be there, because they said they can't to stand with the ambassadors of the killer countries at the same event. but robert fitso not only can, but also says: it's a shock. whoah! let's go further. he could come up with something more original. united
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states of america placed. its secret military bases on the territory of guyana sskibo. the president of venezuela, nicolas maduro, said this on wednesday live on the tv channel venetsuolana the television. this is the territory he considers his own, not the guyanese, and is ready to return it. and he talked about it. at the same time , president maduro also added that guyana itself not run by its president, muhammad irfan ali, the cia's southern command of the us armed forces, and for some reason an oil company. exxonmobil, well, here is his quote: we must always be ready to protect the peace and territorial integrity of venezuela, says mr. maduro, well, it’s like some kind of kremlin med-technique, now after this message we have to wait for another message about the presence of many american biolaboratories in which biopigeons are prepared and
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bio-mosquitoes in order to... then launch them on the citizens of venezuela, we have already heard that very sorry and in conclusion: in russia , people have nothing to pay in stores and are buried deep in debt. the leader of chechnya , ramzan kadyrov, decided to fight this and not improving the well-being of the residents of this still russian region, no, he called on the officials to pay the debts of the residents of the republic in stores. he said this during a speech at an extended meeting on social and economic issues. development of the region, according to ramzan kadyrov , his daughter khaddi-jat, who holds the position, told him about the material problems of chechen residents the deputy head of the administration of the head and the government of the republic, while the republic, well, then just a bombshell quote by kadyrov. i received an sms from khadyzhat that many people are forced to buy goods on credit due to lack of financial means. it would be nice to help them shut it down. it will be good if everyone
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takes a plot and pays the debts, i will pay off the debts that the country has, in the area that i live in, well, but it won't change anything really, there will be new debts, but it's just ridiculous, you understand , he simply betrayed putin, he simply betrayed putin, putin, who says that russia is the country, it is probably the only country in the world, in which you want to live, because it is so good and easy to live there, and when they tell everything, they restored the army, production, and well at some stage, all this is known, because all the money has actually been invested, because they are living in debt there, but... the usa and ukraine, well, it just won’t matter what putin will think there, well, in that situation, if we don’t talking about, if we
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talk about conventional weapons, not about me. listen, it's not just unimportant to sneeze, that's all we just have to get to it, that’s all not, well, unfortunately, the time that our military will provide for us today, but we will make it, we will endure, and we will win, well, for today, i have everything in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more, there will be more in our next broadcast, so don't switch. so we continue, and now i will tell you in detail about the most important economic news. oleksandr, oleksandr morchavka will join us a little later, but now, before we get to economics, again, we we still have for your attention, we still have for your attention the plot, which i remembered, but remembered. so, it's actually, you know, an excuse that couldn't have been better, but unfortunately
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it happened and we... let's talk about it. the second anniversary without espresso in the t-2 network. on april 4 , 2022, in fact, several months after the start of the full-scale invasion , ukrainian media were supposed to be supported by the ukrainian authorities, but three tv channels espresso, the fifth and direct were illegally and without any explanation disconnected from the t-2 digital broadcasting network. during this time it is still impossible to establish who exactly, why and how made this decision, what changed it. during this time and what is the reaction of the authorities and society, let's see. two years have passed, the spresso tv channel has still not been returned to t2. during this time, neither the government nor the officials took responsibility for the outage. the espresso team has repeatedly appealed to the president, the cabinet, the national security and defense council, the national council for television and radio broadcasting. however:


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