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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. russia could recover almost completely its losses in the war. meanwhile, germany is urgently looking for a new patriot system for ukraine. and the former adviser of the president's office was taken into custody. these are the main topics of the day. svoboda live is on the air. my name is sashko shevchenko and we are starting. the russian armed forces have almost completely recovered, despite the huge loss in the war with ukraine. this assessment was expressed by the us deputy secretary of state. according to campbell
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, allies helped russia in this: china, north korea and iran. defense news notes that campbell's assessment contradicts previous statements by ukraine's partners. in particular, the head of the us department of defense, lloyd austin, last month spoke about russia's huge losses, which it continues to suffer despite the drop in aid to ukraine from washington. at the same time , ukrainian officials continue to ask. partners to provide means not only for defense at the front, but also for defense in the rear. today it became known that germany will immediately start looking for patriot systems for ukraine. about this said minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba at a meeting with journalists after the meeting of the ukraine-nato council. according to koleba, germany, i quote: immediately initiates an analysis of all existing, not only allied, but also in the world patrio battery systems and other air defense systems. end of quote. it can
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be assumed that ukraine's nato partners heard the wavering calls he made the day before. in particular, in an interview with routeers, he said that ukraine has more than 100 patriot air defense systems of the ramshtein format in service, but at the same time they are not able to satisfy ukraine's minimum request for seven such installations. let's listen. i looked at the total. patriots operated by countries that are part of, for example, the ramstein group, or let's call them friends and partners of ukraine. i see that there are more than 100. so the question arises, with all due respect, is this such a big problem, or is it so impossible to provide ukraine's minimum request of five to seven patriots, depending on how generous our friends will be. minimum critical quantity. and
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talking to journalists on the sidelines of the meeting ministers of foreign affairs of nato, the head of the estonian foreign ministry also supported the call of dmytro kuleba. let's listen. we have many air defense systems, for example, patriot, which we ourselves do not use. but ukraine is under massive attacks around the clock, so we need to give ukraine these systems that we don't use to protect their people, their civilian infrastructure and also their energy infrastructure. i would like to add here that the head of the german foreign ministry, anna lena burbok, in a joint statement recorded on video with dmytro koleba, she testified that germany urgently starting a group to search the world really.
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defense systems of air defense systems for ukraine. next, we talk about how soon kyiv's partners will be able to cover ukraine's need for air defense equipment, as well as whether russia has really been able to restore its losses in the war, as the state department says. and what could this mean for further events at the front? we are talking about this with andrii haruk, a professor at the department of humanities at the national academy of land forces named after hetman petro sahaidachny. good evening. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. so, first. i want to ask, what do you think of this statement by deputy secretary of state kurt campbell, was the russian army really able to restore some of its potential in a certain sense, if we speak from the beginning of a full-scale invasion? the wording is a little incorrect, it did not restore its potential, it stabilized its decline, i have already analyzed this example in various broadcasts, but it is very revealing, if you take into account that... that the russian army in 2022
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, its number of combat-ready tanks has collapsed, well there, roughly speaking, from 35 to 1,800, then in 2023. the third year the decrease was only 100 cars, that is, from 1,700 to from 1,800 to 1,700, approximately, approximate numbers, that’s what this means, it means that the russians managed to stabilize the number, but with all this, if you buy deeper , the qualitative composition of the same weapons has changed significantly, using the example of tanks, that is, ukraine has eliminated more modern ones. tanks, russia replaced it with tanks taken out of conservation, which for many decades were, well, in an inoperable condition, these are tanks of previous generations, because the current production, military equipment and weapons
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so far, i emphasize, so far does not cover russian losses, they must compensate for these losses of returning to service, tanks and other weapons. generations, this allows you to maintain the number, but at the same time , the quality of the composition deteriorates accordingly, because this technique is correspondingly older, that is how you can talk about it or comment on this statement, that is, it is not about restoring the potential to the state on february 23 in 2022, let's say this, the stabilization of this potential at the level of the end. in 2022, i will emphasize quantitative stabilization, but at the same time with a qualitative deterioration. but still, if we return to the statement of the representative, more precisely , the us deputy secretary of state, kurt campbell, he speaks here about such a factor as the assistance of russia by china, he, he emphasizes the role
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of china, but also north korea, iran. to what extent, well, indeed, one can say, the solidarity of these countries helps russia to stand up and replenish itself. you can see from what you can see now, what is being supplied, consumables are being supplied, i.e munitions are mainly for iran and north korea, and for china , they are most likely components related to microelectronics, microprocessors, etc. we do not see any example for'. the movement of some more or less heavy equipment or weapons of origin from these countries, and no, in akhmatovka, these chechens had a few chinese-made armored cars sneaking around somewhere, well, bought, if,
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let's say, in a semi-private way, that's practically all, that is, it is on change in number or increase in number. or the stabilization of the number of tanks, armored combat vehicles, artillery, eh, aviation, eh, these supplies did not affect in any way, and if we are talking not about means, but about forces, that is, about human resources, but we have to operate with the data that there are official ones from the general staff, there are also assessments of western intelligence, they are official about russia’s losses, and in particular lloyd austin, whose quote...we quoted says that there are huge losses in russia, at the same time the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, says who are preparing a new wave of mobilization in russia, i am here i will note that this was denied in russia, however, to what extent, let's try to analyze, is there an opportunity in russia to restore the human
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resource and also in the context of how much it will be trained, if you compare the one that was at the beginning with the human resource - this is in russia the smallest problems, there is a huge... number of potential chmobics, and in regions far from moscow, depressed regions, where you can go and die for putin, well , this is a way to ensure the well-being of your family, at least for a while, and that's actually there practiced another thing, if you remember, if we remember the mobilization they conducted in the fall of 2000. 22, then it was quite loud that russia was transferring troops to belarus, so really, really russia was forced to use training grounds in belarus for the training of its military personnel , why, because landfills,
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well, they have a certain capacity, so a certain amount, that is, it is estimated, it was estimated at that time that russian landfills are capable of cooking somewhere around 100 thousand plus or minus at one time there. and this too, to things, very revealing, because in russia that first mobilization was suspended, not stopped, but suspended as soon as the next one was announced. conscription for military service , the russian system of personnel training is not capable of simultaneously digesting mobilization and conscription. now we see that putin has actually signed a decree on another draft for military service. and it is possible to predict with a very high degree of probability that they will not be able to announce mobilization until this draft is passed, because it will not be enough. e-e resources of landfills, landfill base, there will not be enough resources of the
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same mobilization structures to carry out these two processes in parallel. there is a certain probability that during the time that has passed, this process has somewhat settled down, improved, some new landfill sites have appeared and so on, but the probability that all this has radically improved is, in my opinion, very small. mr. andriy, but on... they can prepare at the same time, they will not be able to do so much, after all, taking into account what you said, in particular, that there is no problem in russia, probably yes, to replenish the ranks of the army, to the extent that this is a big problem for ukraine, since ukraine also has problems with mobilization, the previous commander-in-chief, the current commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and how much it is a problem for of ukraine? well, in any case, i mean the possibility of russia, well
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, he will have to be killed if he comes to the territory of ukraine, so spend a certain resource on this, yes, the very same russian mobilized, or buryats or, or whatever they are there now not fingers are typed, yes, this is for us, this is an extra, extra problem for us, extra expenditure of our resources to destroy to disable these these fighters, it's another matter that... these are mobilized, they don't get the best weapons, they don't get the best equipment, and in this relatively, the matter of their destruction will be technologically a little easier. mr. andriy, we don't have much time, but we also want to discuss the issue of finding new patrio systems for ukraine, this is actually well today it became known, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro said about it koleba, this was confirmed by his colleague anlena burbok from germany that... what is actually interesting: before the start of the meeting of the ukraine-nato council, dmytro kuleba in an interview with reuters, well, he was almost not
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indignant, how did it happen that there are more than 100 in the world systems, why can't they provide ukraine with only seven batteries, one gets the impression that there was allegedly no political will to provide these air defense systems to ukraine, in your opinion, how is that? well, i can't comment on the changes in the mood of the minister of foreign affairs, but indeed the patriot complexes are in a combat-ready condition. not too much in the world a lot, and i have already stated this thesis once: there are not enough patriots in the whole world to cover the entire territory of ukraine. but kuleba, i will remind you, talks about the number of seven batteries, let's immediately try to analyze these seven batteries, they would be enough to cover, strengthen the anti-aircraft defense of kyiv, cover odesa, cover, well, maybe the dnipro, zaporizhzhia, and so on. about covering kharkiv, well, it’s difficult here, because in order to cover kharkiv, after all
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, short-range means would play a greater role here, but in much larger numbers, we are now seeing massive attacks by the same shaheds, we don't need patriots here, we need mobile fire groups, which in other regions of ukraine are quite successfully fighting these shaheds, patriots. to deploy in the kharkiv region is also dangerous because it puts them under attack, not even by enemy aviation, but by the same rocket systems of salvo fire or tactical missiles, that is, the question of the need for their maneuver, the need for their protection, by means of anti-aircraft defense, close-range, capable of knocking down the same lancets, if they attack the actual positions and installations of the patriots. that is , the issue requires a comprehensive approach, and patriot is a very important link in
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the air defense of ukraine, but it is far from the only one, we will not be able to use patriot alone here. mr. andriy, let's stop at this air defense system, it's about the fact that it is one of the only ones, if not the only one, if i'm not mistaken, that has the ability to shoot down supersonic missiles that russia uses against ukraine. here, if there will be more patriots in ukraine, i... will ukraine's ability to counter supersonic missiles change? actually, the franco-italian sempt system is capable of intercepting supersonic, even hypersonic missiles for information. with ster-30 missiles, but there are more, these are even rarer systems, yes, actually, patriots, yes, they are capable of shooting down supersonic missiles, which has already been confirmed, eh, and it should be taken into account that the russians also have these missiles, well, not too large quantity, they can use them on a limited number of objects, roughly speaking, no one will smoke
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throw a dagger at the command post, because this is too small a target for such a thing. for such weapons, they will fire, fire at strategic objects, which, accordingly, need to be covered with these same petriwats, that is, in this sense, the announced number of seven fire batteries, well, this is some kind of minimum that will allow to cover key strategic objects, and that is not throughout the territory of ukraine. indeed, here we were quoting dmytro koleba, he said that seven batteries are the minimum, minimum critical number that ukraine needs. thank you very much, stay with us the contact was andriy haruk, professor of the department of humanities of the national academy of land forces named after hetman peter sagaidachny. in kharkiv, four suicide bombers hit civilian infrastructure objects. four people died, 12 were injured. one man was rescued from the rubble. three
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rescuers were among the dead, firemen came to the call to help people and put out the fire, but must have... immediately there was a second shelling in the same district of kharkiv. ukrainian rescuer volodymyr loginov could not hold back emotions when he learned that his father, 52-year-old firefighter vladyslav loginov, died during the rescue operation. then direct speech. meanwhile, in the kharkiv region , the evacuation of local residents from areas adjacent to the ukrainian-russian border began due to the danger of shelling and a possible new offensive by russia. volunteers help evacuate people. a report on the evacuation of people from the village of bochkove in the kharkiv region, which is two kilometers from the border with russia. see further. i couldn't. today we are going to evacuate
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people in the village of bachkove, it is outside vovchansk, about two kilometers from the border, people flew into their house yesterday or the day before yesterday and poisoned it. what else is there, in my opinion, there is something else , there is something else, yes, please
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, let's go! everything, everything, everything, we slept already in the evening, the glass, it’s good, it blew from there, that ’s it, the plate saved the wall, this is another one, and that ’s how it would be if there were no survivors from here, and that i won’t take you with me, that’s all the stock market, he can be seen to the land, i say, the more the spring begins , i love the land...
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the higher anti-corruption court took the former adviser of the president's office into custody with the possibility of bailing 30 million hryvnias. this was reported by the special anti-corruption prosecutor's office, and the anti-corruption center claims that it is specifically about artem shill. he is suspected of creating a criminal group. which took possession of almost uah 95 million during the purchase of transformers during martial law for ukrzaliznytsia. previously, artem shilo worked as an adviser to the president's office, and from 2022, as our money project reported, shillo worked as the deputy head of the department for the protection of national statehood in the sbu. and earlier, when it became known that sap and nabu were investigating possible embezzlement in purchases for ukrzaliznytsia, some investigative journalists and. anti-corruption activists expressed doubts that artem shilo would face real punishment. now let's try to figure out whether the preventive measure that was adopted by the anti-corruption court today changes anything, and
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who can try to obstruct justice? with we are yuriy nikolov, journalist and founder of the our money project. good evening. good evening. i want to start with your facebook post. you wrote that the arrest of artem shill is very important, that he is allegedly not the last person in the vertical of power, and i will even quote him here, he... can work miracles, do you believe that artem shill can be severely punished? i hope so, you know, it's a matter of faith when you're dealing with our law enforcement systems, well, it's difficult, yes, that's why i hope so, but i hope not only that he will be punished, i hope that it will be possible to check shiva himself and get out to the whole environment that was involved in this. yesterday simply sensational things were actually said in court, the prosecutor reported that the members of shilla, who were listened to, they, well, in their conversations
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, they mentioned very high-profile names of people, i do not mean that they were involved in a specific scandal, but relatively speaking, this pointed to a circle of people in which the awl is spinning, that is , yermak, tatarov, kamyshin are there. pakova, shmygel, that's it. well, i'm really here, i wanted to you about this record - to ask, indeed, on these records, according to the post you made, there is mention of the prime minister of ukraine, the head of the president's office, his deputy, the current head of ukrzaliznytsia, in your opinion, and could there be these officials are somehow involved in one or another illegal business, well, let's put it this way. the fact that the representatives of ukrazaliznytsia definitely have something to do with it, well, that is, they could not just not see what was happening and
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they did not take measures, and this is at least, so to speak, whether a vertical the system, as they say, should be pushed back to the mountain, i don't know, it should be done by law enforcement officers, but i will not be surprised in any way if it turns out that such a system existed, well, after all, we are alive and well in ukraine... we live and we see it for the first dozen years, well, it’s really just journalist olek sashalayskyi, he said, for example, that he very much doubts that shil can suffer any punishment, even maybe he won’t pay a fine, so what arguments can there be here, simply or how the case is built, in particular because of, well you watched for meeting, are there, or from your experience, are there suspicions, well, is there a serious evidence base collected there, let's say so, but let's say so, in the first approximation, because i... am familiar with the material and cases just like you all, yes what was heard in the court, at first glance , looks quite confusing, that is , as of now, i have no doubts that there is
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an element of crime, but what will happen next, how will the case fall apart, well, relatively speaking, we have already more than once have seen how such, you know, the mechanism of discrediting expertise is included, which confirms the infliction of damages, i.e. you know, someone may refuse some shows on the way, well, i mean, you know this, as in the criminal action films of the hollivs, but this same mechanism can work here as well, and in principle, well, there have already been precedents in other cases, when people testify at the pre-trial investigation, and then say no, no, you misunderstood me, you understood, or i spoke under pressure, or something else, or some examination will cease to be considered an act, so there is a danger and... very important, well, let's say that it will hold the legal component is under control, what can it affect, you also
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mention in your post that... well, there will be a lot of pressure, so that there will be many bodies, so to speak, involved in the fact that, presumably, for the case to fall apart, what should be expected in the worst case scenario, in your opinion, the worst case scenario is a repeat of what happened to oleg tatarov a few years ago, who brought a case against the deputy head of the president's office for the corruption scheme he was part of, well now let's call it allegedly involved, in the days when he was still working. in the construction business of mr. mykytas, this case was acquired, but prosecutor general venediktova took this case to nabu by her own decision, transferred it to the sbu, then to the national police, and she died there, but literally shortly after her decision to take this case to nabu, prosecutor general benediktova received the position of ambassador in switzerland, where he is now safe and away from all our problems, similar
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positions. now there is the attorney general suit, you know, the hearing aid now it is breaking that he may leave his post literally in a few days, indeed the media is already writing about it, and the prospect of his appointment as ambassador to one of the good european countries is also predicted, so the worst option will be when he simply takes this case like this nabu will pick it up and transfer it somewhere in the dbr, which is located in the podpe'. well, not under-taxation, under oleg tatarov's omophor of the same. and in this way, it is possible to keep the position, well, in this scenario? yes, and no, and not just a position, well, the business, somehow there will dissolve, yes, over time. but this suggests that this anti-corruption structure in ukraine is still not completely independent, if the prosecutor general, who can be appointed or dismissed by such an order, of course,
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it turns out that they still cannot be completely independent act in sap and nabu, but there is still such a safeguard, so to speak, you understand, they act independently, but the opposition to their actions, well, is extremely powerful, but the prosecutor already stated in the court session that there was a leak in nabu, well, in fact, it leaked information which allowed opponents who... counterattacks to be carried out during this period, that is, he said that at least a few days ago it was there and the other party knew about the actions, and the decision about the search of him was sent to shil himself on the phone, that is, he was warned, there is opposition and even in this, that is, shill had time to prepare for the searches, well, we perfectly understand what this means, so there will be many different oppositions, i am absolutely sure that
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they will also influence public opinion. but something interesting to tell, that is realistic shiloh, well, by the way, a bail of 30 million has already been paid for him, well, this became known recently, so i think that he should be released, and again, the court will prohibit him from communicating there with kamyshin, with kubrakov, with tatarov, with irmak, well, but who forbids other people to communicate with each other, well, you are like that too, i will remember again... your post: you write that the shilov case can turn the vector of ukraine's development from the corruption scandals of little russia to the skills of a better democracy , it was just a quote, so it turns out that it is very, very influential, a very influential person, it is difficult to overestimate the degree of his influence, it is actually him and this is his position, well, which has a very long complicated name, he actually headed the economic wing of the sbu, well, what...
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well, no, and economic counter-intelligence, yes, yes, yes, that’s what simochko used to head, it’s just that there was a reorganization, it was called differently, but economic counter-intelligence, that is, he was engaged in virtually all external economic activities of ukrainians, ukrainian businesses, internal activity, as well as to him actually the sanctions policy was transferred, i.e. what is the responsibility of the sbu, or rather who? ukraine imposes sanctions, who does not? well , we've seen that sanctions are imposed on chernyak and gorilchannyk, but not on portnov, so which of them is a bigger enemy in ukraine? therefore, the gaming business also went to him, a huge one, it is now in terms of volume, well, i think it is much larger than even retail, well , relatively speaking, all the stores in the country, i think it is less now.


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