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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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well, which has a very long complicated name, he actually headed the economic wing of the sbu, well , that department, well, not k, but economic counterintelligence, yes, yes, yes, that’s what simochko used to head, like that, it was just there reorganization, it began to be called differently, but economic counter-intelligence, that is, he was engaged in virtually all external economic activities of ukrainians, ukrainian businesses, their internal activities, and he also had... in fact sanctions policy, that is, what the sbu, or rather whom ukraine imposes sanctions, who doesn't? well, we have seen that there sanctions are imposed on chernyak, a drunkard, but not on portnov. well, which of them is a bigger enemy in ukraine, that's why the gaming business also went to him, veletenskyi, it is now in terms of volume, well, i think it is much bigger than even.
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retail, well, relatively speaking, all the stores in the country, i think, now have less circulation than yegorny business, so this volume of funds that was controlled by the sbu administration, well, it just allows me to believe that artem shilo on some issues could be even more more important than the formal head of the sbu. well, actually, we can't confirm anything. but i will only emphasize your thesis that at least in artem shill's area of ​​responsibility there were large funds. finally, i want to ask, he was, artem shilo had such a position as an adviser to the president’s office, not specifically an adviser to the chairman, but in general, in this context, in your opinion, is it the responsibility of the president volodymyr zelenskyi, should we expect from does he have any reaction to this case? of course, well, that is... you know, we have all this now,
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today i read the ukrainian truth that the parliament has lost its subjectivity, that the protégé booths actually have no power there, that everyone is subordinate to the president's office, of course, this is directly the area of ​​responsibility of volodymyr zelenskyi, especially when it comes to the sbu, a law enforcement agency directly subordinate to the president of ukraine , so yes, this is his area of ​​responsibility, and again , it is his decision to suspend. artem shill two weeks ago, well, from his position, but to remove him from his position and not to dismiss him with disgrace or something else, this for me, the statement shows that volodymyr zelenskyi continues, well, not to attach much importance to the corruption structures that are forming among his entourage. well, i just want to note on our air that artem shilo himself did not comment on the case against him, the alleged case against him, because by the way, until now, well at least in the press releases of the special anti-corruption
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prosecutor's office, artem shilo is not mentioned specifically , well, there was no actual reaction from the president’s office, if there is one, of course, we will be happy to announce it on our air and we will continue to follow this case. yuriy nikolov, a journalist and founder of the "our money" project, contacted us. the expert commission of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance, which includes historians and philologists, decided on... the complete dismantling of the arch, which is best known as the arch of friendship of peoples, in the center of kyiv. despite the renaming of the monument at the beginning of the great war to the arch of freedom of the ukrainian people, it will continue to be associated with the soviet era. the arch was built in 1982 for the 60th anniversary the creation of the ussr and the anniversary of the october revolution of 1917. the arch of friendship of peoples symbolized the alleged eternal desire of ukraine to unite. with russia. earlier, at
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the foot of the arch, the statues of two proletarians, ukrainian and russian, were dismantled, but the composition dedicated to the pereyaslav council of 1654 was preserved. now the commission of the institute of national remembrance recommends the complete dismantling of the arch. we asked passers-by near this monument, what do they think about the dismantling? today , this is yet another reminder of what we have powerful and strong. an enemy, eternal, by the way, and of any value, i think is absolutely not now, this fissure cannot be reconciled by tyrants, then what the russian federation has already inflicted on ukraine, the ukrainian people. this arch is called the arch of friendship of nations, now it symbolizes the support of neighboring states, our allies in these. difficult situation during the war, in fact,
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it seems to me that not only historians, but commissions should decide the fate of such monuments of kyiv, which are part of this city, it seems to me that it should be decided by the people of kyiv in general, now... for you it symbolizes something, like a scar, the monument was removed, a crack was left on the arch as a symbol, well, i think it can remain, well, like a business card, it can be seen from the entire left bank, i live on the left bank, i see it all the time , and a normal monument, its meaning has somewhat changed, however, and what is the meaning now, well, in the fact that there is no friendship, it was an illusion, a spiritual one. what we had, we should remember it, but to separate somehow from, yes, russia and so on, of course, this is something we should have done even earlier, not with the arrival war, i think that after all, what happened
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historically, it should remain, we should remember it, but maybe the meaning is a little different, you know, if you were to take it there, it is the friendship between ukraine and russia, right ? this , if, to be honest, i don't know, in general, it would probably be more logical, yes, if it was historically laid down to dismantle and probably build a new one, but already more friendship of nations, which countries help us during a full-scale invasion during the war , used to symbolize the friendship of peoples, now the arch used to symbolize the friendship of peoples, and now friendship is different, now i don't know what it symbolizes, i'm in favor of a monument for... next, we discuss whether it's time to dismantle this
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arch and why it probably wasn't done earlier, if we could, we talk with yuri kostenko, with the former people's deputy of ukraine, who , in particular, voted for the declaration of independence, good evening. good health, but how can you comment on the survey that we just heard, we heard different opinions, and among them there are those that the arch could be left, but some other sense, and there are those who say that no, it should be dismantled, what do you think, the theme of the arch started to sound immediately after the declaration of independence, as well as the theme of the destruction of all symbols. of the former totalitarian soviet union on the territory of ukraine, a return to the origins of ukrainian history, starting with textbooks and ending with museum exhibits, but considering that after the declaration of independence, the parliament remained
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with a communist majority, the government was also dominated by communist or pro-communist sentiments for many years, until these questions... as you know, the relations of local authorities, in particular the kyiv city council, were, well, to put it mildly, this issue was not always in the first place, therefore the issue of this arch should be resolved based on the symbolism it carries. i want to remind you that shortly after the opening of this so-called monument to the friendship of peoples, in kyiv, the people of kyiv gave it, in my opinion, a very good... name, this is a yoke, it is not a friendship of the people. based on the fact that the people of kyiv have already determined the price of this building, and it was necessary for the kyiv city council to make a long-ago decision about the demolition of this yoke, and instead either
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the construction of a new exposition of the ukrainian independent state, or to leave it as a traditional viewing platform, which has become a favorite place for many. generations of kyivans, this is the first topic, so to speak, but you simply say that it is already on, and i apologize, please, and the second topic concerns another characteristic of this yoke, before i was elected a people's deputy, i worked at the paton institute, which also was also involved in the montage of the so-called mother's family, which is still frolicking over the kiev hills today, and the same it concerns the arch of friendship of peoples. uh, there are already a lot of technical problems with its stability, its ends need to be dismantled, because it is already a threat to the people who rest there, so based on these two characteristics, i would exclusively vote for
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demolition, and thank god that finally, this decision reached the kyiv city council, and instead, the transformation of this place, a beautiful place for kyivans, into a completely different one. as they say, dologem and completely different loads in relation to structures. well, actually, you preempted my next question, i was going to ask is it worth or is it worth waiting for the end of the war to dismantle there. is it worth it now, i understand that you are definitely talking about the fact that it must be done urgently, in particular for the reasons that it can be dangerous, after all, if we talk about symbolism, there are people who say that yes , there was such a monument, but its meaning changed, even there such a decorative crack was added, and supposedly this in itself is a good such a symbol, you agree, there are real cracks, which i just talked about, and so again.. . in terms constant bombings of kyiv, in the conditions of huge risks already for an ordinary person,
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an average person, i basically stand on the position that all this symbolism, no matter how it is decorated, or cracks or where the raid was going to be painted, it will not change the essence, these are symbols of the imperial era, which ruled over ukraine for centuries, and therefore in all... countries that were freed from slavery, from colonial status, a very effective, sometimes more, sometimes less, process of ridding this country of all slavish colonial or imperial symbols took place. in in ukraine, this process was delayed until the beginning of large-scale aggression, uh, a long time ago it was necessary to change the names of the streets and demolish symbols in the form of monuments. lenin, stalin, and arches, and and and and, and then, i
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am sure that it is possible that there would not have been in ukraine the influence of the russian world, there would not have been a coup in ukraine in the 14th year and in crimea and in the so -called lpr , dnr, because this russian peace was precisely fed by all these yokes, all these historical monuments, this is the same historical thing. monuments, remember the discussions on the shchors monument to this day continues, although it seems that there is already a solution here, it is precisely on this symbolism that the kremlin legend, about the triune nation, about the fact that there is no independent ukraine, there was a fascist coup and everything else, on which the ideology of the current aggression against of ukraine, that's why all this symbolism, all these symbols,
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all these myths about the triune nation, must be eradicated from all textbooks and from the entire memory of the ukrainian people, and only then we can talk about an independent ukraine, which is building its independent policy, and regardless of our eternal enemy, the northern neighbor of russia, we are becoming and... on the european rails of our further development, mr. yuri, we do not have much time left, you touched on the fact that these monuments, in particular, the motherland mother in kyiv may have technical malfunctions, and are there any other possible monuments that you know of from the soviet era that would pose such a technical, not informational, but technical danger, if i may briefly, well, the most , most dangerous is this one after all arch and this so-called mother of the family, who is also trying to beautify there. you are the same as on the coat of arms, or rather on the shield, the coat of arms has already been replaced, it is beautiful, but i repeat, this is all that
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needs a fundamental change, both conceptual and technological, because they were built in a hurry, everything was built according to the soviet principle, and if we analyze including the technical aspects, then i think there are still a lot of such constructions on the territory of ukraine, thank you. thank you very much, we were contacted by yury kostenko, ex-people's deputy of ukraine, who voted, in particular, for the act of independence and we talked about the proposal to dismantle the monument of the arch of friendship of nations in kyiv. thank you. well, the very end, i want to urge you to subscribe to the social networks of radio liberty, in those social networks, in fact, those pages where it is convenient for you. we are on almost all social networks, facebook, instagram, telegram, twitter. tiktok actually where it is convenient for you and subscribe to read our news, thank you
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vasyl zima's big air, this is big air, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, a lot today we will discuss important topics with you, for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, and now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yury, good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchenko is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please , and sports news. a review of sports events by yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl
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zema's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. see this week in the program judicial control with tatiana shustrova. candidates for vacant positions in courts. why did the wife of the ex-head of the vrp decide to become? based on this fact, nazk conducted an inspection. but who will take the vacated chair of the head of the vkks? none of the members of the commission has nominated their candidacy yet. on thursday, april 4, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour
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format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign inclusion experts from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. 13-year-old olena and her 15-year-old brother artem yankovskyi. these children lived in the village of cheplinka in the kakhov district of the kherson region, which has remained
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occupied since the first days of the war. about a month ago, we received information about the disappearance of my brother yankovsky sisters. also over. for nine months, the fate of two more boys from the occupied part of the kherson region remains unknown. this is 13-year-old ivan gorbachevskiy and 13-year-old nazariy maksimov. the boys disappeared in the city of skadovsk in june 2023. that is why i appeal to everyone who sees me, and especially to the residents of the kherson region, with a request to help find the children. look closely at the faces of the missing: 13-year-old olena yankovska. she looks her age, she has gray-green eyes and light blond hair. the girl is very similar to his brother artem yankovskyi. they have almost identical noses and lips. the boy looks a little older, he also has blond hair and gray-green eyes. they were last seen in the village of chaplinka in the kakhov district of the kherson region. and now attention is paid to the photo of the missing boys in
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the skadovsky district of the region. 13-year-old ivan gorbachevskiy looks his age. he has blue eyes. eyes and short light blond hair. nazari maksimov is also 13 years old, but the boy looks, perhaps, a little older than his age. the boy is thin, has dark hair and brown eyes. official information about the disappearance of these boys came last summer. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of elena, artem, ivan or nazariy, or maybe just saw these children somewhere, please let us know immediately. even. a small piece of news can become very important. you can call the magnolia children's search service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all over ukraine. mobile operators are free if suddenly you are in a temporarily occupied territory and do not have the opportunity call, write to the chatbot of the
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child tracing service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just four children who disappeared due to the full-scale russian invasion. in total, since the beginning of the war, we have received more than 300 requests for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children from... were found and now everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and anyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the site magnolia children's search service in the missing children section of ukraine. here you can view all the photos of the missing, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. at the same time, unfortunately, in the territories controlled by ukraine and... children also disappear, and as the experience of the child tracing service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers who most often resort to running away because of their experiences and
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some unresolved problems. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of advice for parents that can prevent sudden escape of the child from home. according to experts, it often happens that the problems of teenagers mirror the problems of the adults around them. hence. psychologists advise first of all to establish your own emotional comfort, then it will be much easier for an adult to help his child. take care of your psychological well-being, be attentive to yourself, because often the problems of children and teenagers are a reflection of the problems of adults who surround them, and if you feel tired and exhausted, if nothing makes you happy, something worries and scares you, if you you notice that you have become less productive, that you are more often annoyed. if you have any problems with memory, for example, with attention, with concentration, this is all an excuse for you to apply for help, get this help, adjust your life, adjust your own
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psychological comfort, and then, already in a healthy, prosperous position, help your child , and perhaps at that moment this help will no longer be needed. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. anywhere, anytime, just go to site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. from washington, the program of the ukrainian voice of america service chas time, i'm yuliya yarmolenko, congratulations. nato countries will try to find more air defense systems for ukraine.
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they will consider a plan to create a special military fund for kyiv, but they do not clearly say when to expect a direct invitation to nato. the two-day meeting of foreign ministers of nato countries ended in brussels with these results. this year, the alliance celebrates 75 years since its foundation, 75 years collective security. but for more than two years there has been no peace in europe, under conditions of war right next to nato's borders. do the allies have a plan on how to stop russian aggression and what to expect from the alliance in ukraine? we will talk about this with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin. bohdan, congratulations, today is exactly 75 years since the founding of nato, however, the ukrainian minister of foreign affairs, dmytro kuleba, who was invited to the meeting, said that he would not like to spoil the holiday, but the russian war continues, and ukraine needs more support, in particular air defense systems. has he been heard and are there any practical results of this meeting? with regard to practical results and decisions, it should certainly be borne in mind that decisions
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, and in particular those related to assistance to ukraine, are obviously approved not only at such meetings, for example, the nato secretary general just spoke at the final press conference, and he, telling the contributions to aid to ukraine, spoke about... well, in fact, what we already reported, for example, about the new package from finland, the new aid that announced by germany within the program, the artillery program of the czech republic, about what france announced and so on and so forth, that is, this meeting in brussels is not necessarily a place or a time that is expected for decisions or announcements, but against the background of celebration. on the 75th anniversary of nato, ukrainian foreign minister dmytro kuleba had the opportunity to look, so to speak, in the eyes of his partners, had the opportunity to appear before them
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and... clearly state that the most urgent need of ukraine now is air defense systems, this equipment ammunition for them and nato secretary general jenes stoltenberg made it clear that ukraine's partners heard this appeal. allies understand the urgent situations, they also understand that there is an urgent need to strengthen the countermeasures. defense, so the allies are going back to look at their stockpiles, will be looking for ways to provide more systems, particularly the patriot and ways to provide the systems that are already in ukraine with ammunition and spare parts to function as they should, so part of this issue is providing anti-aircraft systems, and the other part is the delivery of interceptor missiles to systems already in ukraine, several allies have promised to make a new effort and
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see what else... they can deliver. bohdan, the biggest guarantee of security for ukraine would be an invitation and later joining nato. at this meeting, did the allies manage to agree on a position on whether to invite ukraine itself to nato at the summit of the alliance, which will be held here in washington in july. yes, yulia, we have been monitoring the issue of ukraine's accession to nato for a dozen and a half years now years, and as journalists, we listen to the words that are spoken, as they are spoken. new, we track how from statements about an open door for nato, we gradually moved to the need to build a bridge for ukraine's accession to nato or to determine ukraine's route to nato. the most important thing is that the word that sounded in your question to yulia is the word of invitation to ukraine's membership in nato. we
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have not heard such a word from nato representatives, from prominent representatives, nato members, and in particular, here is such a word of invitation, we have not yet heard from the american secretary of state ukraine will be a member of nato, our task at the summit is to help build a bridge to membership, a clear path for moving ukraine forward. we've done a lot of work here in brussels over the last few days, but at the summit i think we'll see very strong support for ukraine moving forward with nato, but as i said, we're equally focused on what ukraine needs immediately today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to help withstand this ongoing russian aggression. before this meeting, jen stoltenberg announced a plan to create a special military fund for ukraine, so that
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nato takes over the ... contact group on the defense of ukraine, the so-called ramstein format, do all allies agree with this idea and can there be any pitfalls here, are they pitfalls, or are they just the first stages after the announcement of this idea, but today , at the end of the meetings, mr. stoltenberg did not clarify, did not provide more details, or actual ideas. anthony blinken of the united states did not actually add anything new, the impression is that this idea is really only in its infancy stages, it will be discussed, probably more concretely, in order to bring it to the attention of the heads of state and government in july in washington at the nato summit, so the work is ongoing, there are objections that we heard from hungary, but in fact the conclusions are still
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very, very much to be drawn. from hungary, of course, not a surprise, as usual. bohdan, thank you very much, my colleague bohdan tsyupin was on the phone from london. europe fulfills its part of obligations to help ukraine. now is the time for the united states to step up its efforts, says james stavridis, a former commander of the united armed forces of nato in europe. he emphasizes that if american aid continues to be delayed, it will significantly undermine washington's credibility on the world stage. he stated this on the air of the washington post. here in the united states, the sense of urgency and the question of trust are muted at a time when the us and washington are unable to step up and send military aid to ukraine. of course, ukraine is not a member of nato, but the alliance has pledged to help ukraine, so we have real obligations. europeans already provided more than 60 billion dollars in aid.


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