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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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it is still very, very early to draw conclusions. from hungary, of course, not a surprise, as usual. bohdan, thank you very much. my colleague bohdan tsyupin was in touch from london. europe fulfills its part of obligations with the help of ukraine. now is the time for the united states to step up its efforts, says james stavridis, former commander of nato's joint forces in europe. he emphasizes that if american aid continues to be delayed, it will significantly undermine washington's credibility on the world stage. he stated this on the washington post live. here in in the united states, the sense of urgency and the question of trust are being muted at a time when the us and washington are unable to step up and send military aid to ukraine. ukraine, of course, is not a member of nato, but the alliance has pledged to help ukraine. therefore , we have real obligations. europeans have already provided more than 60 billion dollars in aid. the u.s.
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would double that contribution, and that's pennies, compared to our $850 billion defense budget, given that without sending troops on the ground , russian forces can continue to be decimated, so leads to a decrease in trust. i strongly urge congress to act and pass this $60 billion in relief. and we continue the issue: letting down dogs, banning sleep, beatings and rapes. native prisoners. ukrainians were told in washington about the abuse of prisoners by the russians. during three days in the american capital, together with representatives of the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, the relatives of captured ukrainians communicated with representatives of congress and the state department and at every opportunity called continue aid to ukraine and punish not only russian officials, but also prison workers who abuse prisoners, both military and civilian, on a daily basis. iryna shynkarenko and dmytro met with the ukrainian delegation. olga pylypey from the city of rivne
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told the story of her brother yuliy pylypey, a professional soldier who has served in mariupol since 2016, in various institutions in washington for three days. during the full-scale war, as the commander of the mortar battery of the 36th marine brigade, he took part in the defense of the city with by a group of marines stationed at the ilyich mariupol medical complex. on april 12, 2022, he got into... there were not enough weapons, i understand that the decision was made for the marines to go on a breakthrough to azovstal in order to unite with the azov regiment, to unite their forces, and his part simply did not passed, yes, for this breakthrough, she was surrounded by russian troops and taken prisoner, a very large number of soldiers were captured there, more than a thousand, olga learned about the fate of her brother when... after a few days
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silence, a message came from his number to his relatives that he was in captivity. subsequently , the propaganda channels of the so-called dpr released a video with yuliy, in which he calls for peace talks and says that he will not return to the army. he speaks russian there, and the last time we communicated in russian was when we were still children, and while dad was studying in donetsk, we all lived there and we communicated in russian then, this was our last experience, that is, i already understood that he was forced to this for two years now, the family has been receiving news about yulia from the military, which managed to return thanks to exchanges. according to the latest news, says olga, her brother is in prison in kursk. they talked about how exhausted he was, that's how he looked. the soldiers, who returned thanks to exchanges, said that the treatment of captured ukrainians is much worse than that of imprisoned russians, they can be lined up like a line and let out to the dogs. aggressive ones, and
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they are not allowed, well, as if to defend themselves, and the first thing that suffers is the femoral part of the leg, here, they also hit the legs very often, then the boys say that it is difficult to restore their legs, most of them are lost, they lost their teeth, most of them have very serious health problems in absolutely all directions, because lack of food, beatings, torture, cold, lack of medical supplies , it all has its effect. andriy kryvtsov, the coordinator of the group of relatives of captured military doctors, also spoke about the conditions in russian captivity in washington. who helped find and rescue his brother's wife, military medic olena kryvtsova, from captivity. she worked in a military hospital in mariupol and, like olga's brother, was captured by the russians on april 12, 2022 at the ilyich memorial.
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she stayed in captivity for more than six months and returned as part of a large exchange. during her captivity, she first visited the occupied territory, it was the sartan distribution point, then olenivka, but she was not in olenivka for a long time, and then she was sent to a russian prison, and she was in three russian prisons, it was first taganroh, then belgrade, then kurksk, they were tortured, beaten, they were used as punching bags, russian special forces trained on them, that is, they simply slaughtered them like meat, and... she lost a lot of weight, she came home, her weight was 35 kg. within a few months of rehabilitation, most of the doctors released from captivity, and olena as well, returned to work in hospitals. however, andriy kryvtsov says, former prisoners are still haunted by the sounds of torture
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ukrainians in russian prisons, so their relatives demand punishment and sanctions not only against the leadership of russia, but also against prison workers. on international... platforms , putin, putin and russia are very often heard, but this is not it, it is not putin personally torturing these people, each of these people has his own surname, his own name, these people, they have money, they this money is then transferred, laundered in some way or something else to the european union, to america, they buy real estate here, they are not afraid of anything, they can go on vacation. to europe, because there is no one, no sanction, no criminal case about the process. as the ukrainians rescued from captivity told their relatives, the russians mock both the military and civilians alike. the daughter of one of the civilian hostages, whose name she
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asks not to be named, spoke about this at the meetings in washington. her dad, the daughter emphasizes, had neither weapons nor any connections with the military. the russians took it at the beginning of a full-scale war. it's been two years. the family learns about him only from people's stories, who have returned from captivity, they are fed so that they do not die, that is all the food, they really want bread, they are not allowed to sit, they stand all the time, they sit down only when they eat, they are told that ukraine is not waiting for them, that relatives are not waiting for them, for example, they can be taken by us, say you... we are lucky to change and then come back the same day and you, we wanted to change you, but ukraine did not accept you, it does not want you. in the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, they say that currently due to
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the red cross managed to confirm that more than 5,000 ukrainians were in russian captivity. representatives of the headquarters, together with relatives of the prisoners, met in washington for three days. non-governmental organizations, foundations and smi, as well as with representatives of congress and the us state department, emphasizing the need for international support. assistance can be the most diverse, such as assistance in putting pressure on the aggressor state, regarding verification, confirmation and conditions of detention of ukrainian prisoners of war and unconditional release their captivity and the release from captivity of civilian hostages who should not be there before the arrest. war criminals to responsibility, and globally, of course, support, continuation and strengthening of support for ukraine, because independent ukraine, which has a strong army and defends its territory, this means the absence of civilian hostages, the absence of tortured people, the absence of prisoners of war, and in fact, it is reliable
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partner of the free world. on march 26 , the un human rights monitoring mission in ukraine published a report on russian crimes regarding captured ukrainians. the mission report states that... from december 1, 2023 to february 29 , 2024 , at least 32 ukrainian servicemen were held in russian captivity, after surveys of ukrainians released from captivity, the un mission reported that most of them, in addition to beatings, torture with electric current , lack of food and medicine, she also experienced sexual violence. iryna shankarenko, dmytro melnyk, vyacheslav ilyushkin, voice of america. one of the narratives of russian propaganda, which the kremlin tried to use for justification aggression against ukraine, was the so-called protection of the russian-speaking population, primarily in the east of ukraine. but the full-scale invasion had
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the opposite effect. many residents of the region have started learning ukrainian and are trying to communicate in it. in kostyantynivka in donetsk region, not far from the front line, local pensioners come for free. kateryna lukyanova and dmytro hlushko learned about ukrainian courses, what motivates them. my name is nadia, and today i welcome you to the city of kostyantynivtsi, 20 km away. 60 hours from us is a little more, if the track is ovdiivka, but we today we are in a hurry, from the table with a handkerchief, a necklace and easter eggs, nadiya zubatyuk goes to the ironing board in the living room of her apartment, smooths out the embroidery with an open iron. i can immediately say that there is something authentic about this kind, except that the fabric from which it is made is real linen without any impurities, and that's why. he will understand that i will not succeed in begging perfectly. nadiya zubatyuk
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wears a national shirt every time she goes to class with her students. this time for class prepared several traditional ukrainian items. after graduating from the pedagogical university in slovyansk in 1997 , she returned to her hometown with... the house of a philologist to teach ukrainian to schoolchildren, now she teaches adults in a conversation club, for somewhere older there is, you know, a return to the sources, a return to one's own of its roots, because the grandparents in kostyantynivka still spoke ukrainian, and then at some point, at the point of such active integration, that's when probably the 80s, even very much, when it was introduced russian-speaking classes, when there was such a shameful... phenomenon as exemption from the ukrainian language simply on the basis of health.
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russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine forced many residents to leave kostyantynivka. near the front line and it is difficult to have heating in the city. apartments have only electric heaters. good day. good afternoon, come on in, our classes are about to start. sit down please. good day. sockeye nadiya remains in the city and attends classes regularly, even when it is cold indoors. i love the ukrainian language, i have heard it since childhood, because i was born in a ukrainian-speaking family, well, it so happened that they went to school in russian, and further studies and work, all in russian, and she began to forget it, and that's how it turned out, well, who am i? when it pulls here to its roots.
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78-year-old ivan havrychenko walks 3 km every time to get to the courses. the man grew up in a ukrainian-speaking family. he says that due to the unification of donbas during the ussr, it was not possible to preserve the knowledge of the culture and traditions of his people, and he wants to. learn more about ukrainian culture. russian language flooded. all of konstantinovka, so let's start ours traditional class, ukrainian language. therefore , the topic of our lesson today is amulets, amulets, because it is precisely what preserves us, protects us, inspires us now and is absolutely necessary in our lives. today , nadiya brought family heirlooms to class, including her grandmother's, a flowered scarf, i'm trying it on...
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the young woman also attends conversation courses, she discovers the traditions and symbols of her ancestors every time during the lessons, today it was very interesting to learn about amulets, because at the time when i was studying at school, again in our russian-speaking school. learn and learn more about ukrainian culture. for the first time , nadiya zubatyuk noticed a surge of interest in the ukrainian language in 2014 after separatists captured parts of donetsk and luhansk. oblasts already a year ago, in 2015, the non-governmental organization of anti-crisis management created the project
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ukraine - this is us, within the framework of which nadiya teaches the ukrainian language to adults. another outburst of interest in the ukrainian language and the desire of people to learn the language and really speak it natively, for some it is native, for others state, he has been very visible since the 22nd year. strength of the city, the number of course attendees dropped by more than half, now they meet twice a month, instead of every week - says nadiya, never... a mandatory treat, this time they tasted pampukhs, a traditional ukrainian borscht pastry. kateryna lukyanova, dmytro glushko, for voice of america
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from donetsk region. and this is the end of the ukrainian revival. resed culture. pianist pavlo gintov, a native of kyiv, has been living in the united states for 17 years and has been actively campaign, or introduce the american public to the works of little-known ukrainian composers. at his concerts, gintov tells that the russian, soviet, and then russian authorities fought against ukrainian culture for decades, or simply appropriated its creators and the works themselves. natalka churykova spoke with the pianist. people who come to look like. your concerts, do they come because they want to help ukraine, or do they want to learn more about ukrainian music? i'd like to hope that for both reasons, yes, but for now it is probably more due to the support of ukraine, because ukrainian music, for the most part , remains something mysterious and unknown to them, and so far i think that i manage to interest them, that is, as far as i
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can see, they like ukrainian music, they are with. .. are usually very surprised that they haven't heard her, that they don't know her, and they discover something new for themselves, and let's say yesterday i played such a small private concert, not related to this collection of money, just for donors here this one series, and they came just to listen to music, not to help ukraine, but just to listen to music, and they were very surprised and in such a shock that we didn't know what to expect, we thought, something would be so incomprehensible, something strange, and it was very beautiful... great music in different styles and we didn't know any of it, we didn't know any names, and there was a piano teacher who said that she would now be looking for the works of certain composers for her students that i played, there were pianists, amateurs who said that now let's go play at home, that is, i was very pleased that i managed to get them interested and that there is such enthusiasm when they hear ukrainian
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music, i remember a presidential concert was held here near virginia on memorial day. this is a marine orchestra, and they wanted to do, to pay tribute to the ukrainians who are currently fighting, and they wanted to do something nice, it was just the day of kyiv, and kyiv was being shelled at that moment, that is, the night before , kyiv was just being shelled, and they wanted to play something , and found no other music than mussorgsky's, pictures from the exhibition, the heroic gate, and dedicated it to kyiv, well, knowing the history of this yard, you can understand that it is not very... corresponds to this purpose, what would you advise and how do you get out of this situation when you have to speak , i know that you performed with such a military orchestra not so long ago, but this is a very interesting question, i have been approached several times, by the way, precisely about this piece, and i really appreciate that, that in people have the idea that it might not be worth it if the event is dedicated to ukraine,
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you should not play this piece by mussorgsky, yes, because it is a piece by a russian composer, i... i have nothing personally against mussorgsky, he is a great composer, but of course, we would like to hear ukrainian music now, not russian, and i have also been approached by several musicians, and one of them really wanted to dedicate the performance, it was on the day of independence of ukraine that year, and he wrote to me that i have such an idea to play this piece, but something seems to me, maybe it’s wrong, advice, please, i said, you have a great intuition, you are very... you are correct understood, you should not do this, find some ukrainian piece, a ukrainian composer, and another pianist asked, she just wanted to play a solo program, she is an american pianist, has nothing to do with ukraine, and they say, i really, really want to play musorsky pictures from the exhibition, but i have a feeling that if i play, people will take it as if i will support russia, so i said,
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well, you decide how you want to do it, that is, my position is simple, i don't ... i don't mind playing anything else, i don't myself now play russian music, and i want to explain a little about this, it is not as easy as, say, to stop consuming russian food there or using some russian products, when we talk about musicians, then a musician, when he plays a piece, he lives by it, he spends a lot of time with this work, he knows every note, he understands it in his own way, it becomes like his own music. and i played a lot of, of course, rachmaninov, tchaikovsky, and prokofiev, a lot of russian music, i played for many years, and so it's easy to say that i stopped to play is... such a very significant event, and it wasn't difficult to do, because just physically i can't play this music right now, i have it,
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it has russia in these days, nothing can be done about it, it can't be taken away she is russian, so when i even imagine that i will now play rachmaninoff with these russian bells or tchaikovsky's concerto with a celebration in the finale, even if it is on a ukrainian theme, i still imagine the celebration as a celebration in honor of... the connection of ukrainian territories or , it's impossible, i'm starting to get physically sick myself i can’t even think about it, that’s why i myself can’t play russian music now, i don’t forbid any of my colleagues to play, i don’t tell them not to play, but it seems to me that everyone should decide for themselves, but when a person wants to dedicate a concert to ukraine and wants to somehow show my attitude to what is happening now, it seems to me that it is worth studying at least a small work, but by a ukrainian composer, and i am very pleased. that this is now a lot of people understand and start to do that instead you talked about this concert which you had in september in washington, d.c. with the us air force band, what did you
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play there, how did the audience perceive these works? there i played a rhapsody in the blues style of gershwin, it was such a concert, it was called a friendship concert, organized by the us air force orchestra, they brought two ukrainian musicians from kyiv, the conductor maksym. he is the conductor of the presidential orchestra, and also tenor, who sang ukrainian opera, ukrainian aria very well, and the orchestra played a lot of ukrainian music, but they wanted ukrainian and american music, that's why i played gershwin, the americans sang ukrainian songs with a wonderful, no accent at all, that is, it was very, very very very pleasant, there was even a premiere of a work by an american composer and a fantasy on the theme of a floating duck. it was an interview with pavel gintov, read the full version on the website and watch the voices of america page on youtube, this is the end of it, good luck, take care of yourself, papa,
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if your throat is not ok, take a nap, do ok, taste choose without... and also talk, laugh, sing, evkalor sweet lor exclusively in plantain podbaunfar, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, to cope with stress against the background of anxiety, quiet helped me, quiet calms and the soul becomes lighter. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war
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against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other cities. analysis of processes that are changing the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu, vitaly portnikov and guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible, a project for those who care and think. politklub, every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football, stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, that's my name mykola september. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america, too, they say, let's get better. we will have even better, a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17 :10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but little is known, that... what is happening must be understood. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat...
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10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. during the next hour we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. 300,000 new occupiers. russia accumulates military resources, preparations for the spring offensive of the russians, enemy and pso or a real threat? the world is in a pre-war state.
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kyiv convinces allies to increase military aid. results of the meeting of the ukraine-nato council in brussels. on the verge of a parliamentary crisis, the verkhovna rada is losing the trust of ukrainians. why are the draft laws on mobilization, the banning of the moscow church, and others in question. for the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, a military expert. valentyn badrak and the head of the board of the institute of world politics viktor shlinchak. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch the video of how on the night of april 4, russia launched several waves of shaheds on kharkiv, as a result of the massive attack, unfortunately, three rescuers and a civilian woman died, 12 more people were injured, let's see how it is was
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friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, if you are watching us there now, please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey, today we ask you about the following: do you approve of the activities of the verkhovna rada of ukraine? yes, no, please vote on youtube, either with the yes or no button, or if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you approve of the activities of the verkhovna rada of ukraine - 0800-211381, not 0800 211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up this vote. i would like to introduce our first guest, mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada subcommittee on cultural policy. mr.
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mykola, i congratulate you, thank you for being you. joined the broadcast, thank you for the invitation, congratulations, well , first of all, mr. mykola, i wanted to ask you about your bill on the regulation of the messenger in ukraine, telegram, you initiated this bill, please explain how dangerous this messenger is for ukraine today? well, first of all, the bill does not regulate messengers, and secondly, there is no telegram messenger, thirdly, telegram is not mentioned in the draft law, the draft law... is about information sharing platforms, so a signal, for example, is a messenger, because it simply transmits a message from one subscriber to another, and telegram, facebook, youtube is a sharing platform where people can get news, follow news, a creative product, so to speak, and if video platforms in our country were regulated earlier in the law on media, such as youtube, for example, then a whole series of platforms that serve and
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video... the text was not adjusted, it is somewhere.


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