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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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the third brigade is practically the entire east of ukraine, the entire donbas, the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets defended kyiv and defended it, it must be said, well, actually now we are collecting for our own production, testing, variations for the needs on the battlefield, we can provide all this together, having collected uah 2 million, so join in to make more good enemies, our goal, i repeat uah 2 million, donate to the armed forces, invest in ours. victory, see all cards, monobank, private, see account numbers, please join this collection, well, let's see, what has been happening on the front line in recent days, and we will talk about it further. map of combat operations for the period from march 27 to april 3, 2024, the march records of the armed forces of ukraine and the threat to the times. the ravine results of march.
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the main threat on the front, on which the russians made the main bet and against which the armed forces currently have no countermeasures, is cabs. if in february the rashists released a record 1,500 guided bombs on our trenches, then in march they increased this number to almost 2,400, that is, almost twice. in addition to increasing the launch of aerial bombs, the enemy is constantly trying make them more accurate. instead, the armed forces installed four at once in march. february records for the destruction of russians, in particular , the defense forces eliminated 1,546 vehicles, which is 40% more than the february figures, which were also a record. to this it is worth adding 215 cars of special and unique equipment, which is also a record figure. in addition, the armed forces launched 976 artillery installations and 963 tactical- level drones. 53 destroyed air
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defense systems is the bronze figure for the entire period of a full-scale invasion. 376 tanks, 869 bmp, although not record numbers, are among the top five, as well as more than 28 thousand liquidated russians. against the background of a significant shortage of shells for the artillery of the armed forces, it was possible to achieve such impressive indicators thanks to a significant increase in strikes by kamika drones. military researchers counted 1,062 strikes by ukrainian drones in march against 652 russian ones. lyman direction. it was thanks to the eastern front that in march the armed forces of the russian federation managed to advance in most of the hot areas for the first time in many months. intending to prepare attack on the kramatorsk-slavic agglomeration of cities, the russians have been making their way to...lyman for more than one month, however, in march
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, the defense forces held the left-bank bridgehead on the zherebets river and prevented the occupation of the villages of terne and yampolivka. despite numerous attacks, the invaders were successful only on a small section of the front. chasiv yar. on the other hand, the approaches to the south of the kramatorsk agglomeration are guarded by chasiv yar. in march, the rashists were able to penetrate the front to a depth of up to 2 km. to occupy half of the village of ivanovske, and also to advance the road. bahmud-chasiv, which rises on the ridge of the highlands. in this way, the russians not only came close to the city, but also gained a height advantage over the defenders of ivanovsky and bohdanivka. in the last days of march, the enemy pushed our defenses another half kilometer and began to hover over ivanovsky from the north, further complicating logistics to this village. so, it is obvious that in the near future we will be leaving dry villages, and a new one will begin in april. months-long and bloody battle during
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the yar period, probably preparing their departure, the armed forces of ukraine blew up the bridge from ivanovsky to the temporary ravine, the pressure on chasik had already subsided significantly, because as a result of the previous assaults, the road to the city was littered with corpses and broken enemy armored vehicles. avdiyiv bridgehead. the biggest advance of the enemy in march took place in the avdiiv direction, because after leaving the city, the armed forces had to leave the territory they were in. under the fire control of the zavdiiv highlands and gain a foothold on the new lines of defense. as part of this withdrawal, the armed forces of the russian federation occupied various areas from 2 to 9 km of our donetsk region, in particular villages swallows are not northern orlivka steppe and thin. extremely heavy fighting continues for the village of berdychi, half of which is already under enemy control. in addition, in the last days of march, the rashists managed to break through to the central. pervomaysky earlier, they
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came up close to nevelsky and even announced their admiration for him, but the information turned out to be false. at the same time, our soldiers entrenched themselves on a new line. defense of the villages of berdychi, semenivka, umanske, and netaylove. at the beginning of april, the occupiers concentrated most of their efforts on trying to develop success in in the direction of umansk, and they are also trying to force the durna river in order to penetrate our defenses between semenivka and orlivka. ugledarska and kurakhiv directions. despite the huge number of assaults and attempts to occupy the semi-encircled novomykhaivka, the rashists were able to capture only the eastern one in march. part of the village , the situation is similar near maryinka, where the occupiers are trying with all their might to expand the zone of their control to the north, attacking krasnohorivka, to the west, through georgiivka and pivden, where they never managed to gain a foothold in the village of pabieda. despite the large number of troops on this part of the front and increased pressure
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at the end of the month, the success of the invaders is minimal, the defense forces successfully repulse the attacks. russia has become even more vulnerable, as soon as official kyiv. announced the production of drones that can fly more than 100 km, as the next day they visited tatarstan, where they hit drone production plants in yalabuz, as well as the taneko refinery in nizhnyokamsk, which is the 13th largest plant in russia and processes 8, 6 million tons of oil, or 3% of the total annual processing of the russian federation. to nizhnyokamsk only by direct route more than... 100 km, and drones, of course, do not fly like that, and therefore their capabilities are greater, as will be known after hitting new targets, which may be oil refineries in bashkortostan or military plants in izhevsk, we win every day, death
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to the enemy. well, our analysts have made an interesting and positive forecast regarding the impression of the refinery, we will see how it will come true, and now we are talking with oleksandr kovalenko, a military political observer of the information resistance group. congratulations oleksandr. congratulations. and you know, let's probably right away, let's start talking about what is being discussed quite a lot, that is, actually, what will the company be like in the spring, summer, even autumn, maybe this whole period is the most favorable for combat operations, let's say what it will be like at the front, because, well, obviously, again. started talking about attacks on kyiv and kharkiv, i understand that if every time you and i discussed the possibility of an attack on kyiv and kharkiv we were given a hryvnia each, then you and i would have already collected two drones for sure, that’s without no problem but after all, what is realistic, what is unrealistic and what we can expect,
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because the situation is really, i wouldn't say that it is so easy for us, the situation is not easy for us, and therefore mostly we can... talk now that our tactics, the general strategy of conducting hostilities, will be of a defensive type, and we will maintain it in the near future, precisely being on the defensive, but apart from everything else, our defense directly depends on the supply of the appropriate nomenclature from our partners, depending on from this, from these supplies, will depend on how effective the defense will be, and it may stretch to the second half of 2020. the fourth year, even during the summer , we may be on the defensive if we do not receive the nomenclature in the quantity that we request from our partners and enough quickly, maybe even before the end of the year, but at the same time there are several important points, the fact
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that we are on the defensive does not mean that we somehow lose, well, let's say this, we very often hear that someone there got the initiative, in someone has initiative on the field... battle, and like most analytical groups, analysts, let's say, they draw conclusions that someone has the initiative, they draw conclusions quite primitively, it's the same as forming the top 10 strongest armies, how to form it is to put it in the top 10 armies , first of all, who have nuclear weapons and who have the most of them, that is why the russian army is still the second army in the world, despite the fact that it has not been like this for a long time, but how is it done... politics is done quite simple: the one who attacks more often, the one who is constantly on the attack, therefore he has the initiative, but this is not quite the case, even in 2023, even in the espresso ether, if i am not arguing with you, when we talked about
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the future actions of the defense forces of ukraine, we mentioned exhaustion, that is, we are on the defensive so as not to just keep our territories. advantageous positions for us, and to exhaust the enemy, and in accordance with the indicators that the russian occupying forces have suffered since the end of 2023. it is precisely this depletion that we are now observing, record losses in one or another nomenclature, that or another category of weapons, equipment or personnel, and if in 2022, when the full-scale invasion of ukraine began, this is exactly what most experts said, that we are facing a war of attrition with the enemy, the main thing for us is to exhaust him, and then what happened, fairly fast free. the northern bridgehead, kharkiv region, right-bank kherson region, and everyone forgot about
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the war of attrition, but talked about a counteroffensive, everyone needed counteroffensive actions, everyone wanted a quick victory, but with such an enemy as russia, it is quick victory is impossible, and therefore the understanding is now returning that the war of attrition, it continues, and yet here we have the initiative, what can we say about the capabilities of the russian occupation forces, then during the 24th year they will really go on the offensive, especially in the second half, what we can observe now, especially near the time gap, and this is not yet the peak of offensive actions, it is not yet the apogee, it is in the second half of 2024 that they plan to arrange at least two main offensive companies, that is of course times, and also this is kupyansk, and secondary are the directions, this is line 05-32. from maryanka to ugledar, the main logistical artery, that is , the capture of the village of pobeda, the capture
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of novomykhaivka, ah, the exit to the water from the sweet, cutting along the northern sector of the route 05-32, for which, in order to start offensive actions already in ugledar region, it is very important for them to seize ugledar in the 24th year, or at the beginning of 2025, that is, for them it will be the second half of the 24th year, this is the formation of... these conditions are also, of course, zaporizhzhia region, this is the robotian performance, this is the return of control over the robots, and in order to level the battle line, to return to control the territories that they lost during our control offensive in the summer of 2023, and returning to their main points of reference, their main accents are chasivyar and kupyansk. first of all, near the time gap, they are now engaged in creating the conditions for a major offensive, the creation of these conditions is
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the capture of bohdanivka, this is the capture of ivanovsky, this is the capture of klyshchiivka and andriivka, especially klyshchiivka and andriivka, because then they completely create such themselves a security buffer for their southern flank from ivanivsk, and then the 05 04 route is open to them, if they do not manage to capture klyshiivka there, then this flank is risky for them. now they are trying to get hold of the eastern outskirts of chasova yar along route 0504, which goes through khromov, but these are attempts to get hold, these are still inferior offensive actions, ah, they will continue until the summer, namely from the summer, june, maybe until july, they will start more powerful. foot actions, firstly, because they will be able to concentrate until that moment
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there is a larger group in this location, they will not have enough of it now to launch, not enough to launch a more powerful offensive, and secondly, until all those villages that i spoke about are captured, they cannot fully create the conditions for an offensive covering the northern, eastern and southern parts of chasova, well... when you talk about a war of attrition, we can say that you know it, such a double-edged sword, because this year's war, well, technically, it will be very different , as from the war of the 22nd and from the war even in the 23rd year, because the russians, well , first of all, began to widely use aviation, which they could not do in the previous two years, and unfortunately, this does not show the exhaustion of ... not at all, that is, it would seem, here we would we should have had more opportunities to repel them now, but
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unfortunately we don't have them, the second is that we are now forced to talk about projectile hunger, which in principle, well, frankly, we haven't felt like this for a long time, and actually the third option - it seems to me that after all, the russians managed to establish, you know, rotation on polyba fresh parts, that is, they do it, they find new people, they them, they manage to attract them, these are the three components, how to oppose them in this whole story, because they, they are big. account and determine the possibility for russia to conduct offensive actions? well, i'll start with the positive, it's a projectile famine, that's how we experienced it, we started to have a shortage at the end of 2023, but now, from about the end of march, the beginning of april, this situation is gradually starting
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to change in a positive direction, in a positive direction, help lines are already working. from of the european union, we are already receiving the corresponding supplies from our partners, both those that were declared, that were announced, and other supplies, and we have not yet returned the number of shots per day to the level of, for example, september or october of the 23rd year, but it is already it is not that this deficit was felt in december or january 23-24, so this situation is changing, especially now that the aid program from the czech republic is starting to work in full from april, according to its amount of ammunition 800,000, and these deliveries begin, that is, at least here there is some positive. if we talk about cabs, it's a big problem, it's a really big problem,
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there's no solution for it yet, but we solve any problem one way or another. unfortunately, cabs, the problem of solving cabs, it directly depends on our partners, because it is a component of air defense, with a long range, which can counter and destroy launchers, directly the front-line bombers themselves, the tactical aviation of the russian federation, it is either our aviation with appropriate missile systems, but not of the soviet type, namely of the western nomenclature, the same f6. with 120 amram missiles, this and, no matter how strange it may sound, these are operational-tactical missile complexes, we either do not receive all three components, or we receive very little and very slowly, so for now, unfortunately, we have a full-fledged anti-kab there is no oleksandr, i’m sorry, but can you
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explain what the problem is with the maintenance of air defense systems, because, well, of course, petrot has a system, there are other systems and others, but, well, maybe , we are them we can just buy somewhere, well, they exist in other countries, what is the nuance, well, because there were words of the president that we need as many as five or seven complexes there, most likely he was mistaken, because we need most likely 5-7 divisions, and not complexes as such. this is a completely different number, but firstly, how realistic is it to get so many, and secondly, why don't we buy them, after all, and quite realistically, 5-7 batteries, 5-7 batteries are enough to close cities- millionaires, as well as regions through which the breakthrough is made
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deep into the territory of ukraine, or subsonic missiles, or... another type of ballistic and hypersonic missiles, 5-7 batteries are quite enough, where to get them? well, let's say this: who is the main operator of petrio mirrors? this is the usa, they have more than 100 launchers on combat duty, and 5-7 batteries are, well, let's say, a battery is 6, 8, 10 launchers, let's take the average. eight, so five batteries are 40 launchers, here it is a simple question, if the usa will transfer 40 launchers and all other equipment to ukraine, because there are also generators, there will be a radar command post and so on, but a total of five batteries, 40 launchers, and will
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the us anti-missile defense suffer from this quite seriously, well, i think not, it will not be a critical impact when you have more than . launchers, i.e. a huge number of batteries, more than 100 batteries, more than 150 batteries throughout the country, so here is a question for the usa, today the patriot hole was mostly handed over to us by germany, and here is a very interesting point, in germany there are only 30 launchers petriu installations, and they actually gave us more than the us, which gave us zero. and as for procurement, here it is also a very interesting point, but there is a nuance, it is precisely to directly transfer through... some contracts to ukraine without the agreement of the usa, the patriot air defense system, any other country that resells them will not be able to,
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therefore, it is necessary for it to happen approval of the usa, in germany they gave the usa, the usa gave this approval, but what about other countries, especially now, when this chapito on the capitalist hill is happening in them, there are doubts, so rather. if we are talking about means of anti-aircraft defense, here we can still hope that we will receive from italy or france a sempti, a zenetorakset complex is no worse than the patriot air defense system, but there is a nuance, there are not as many of them as patriots, and they are produced quite slowly, that is why there may be such a problem, it is clear, well, at least it is clear what needs to be worked with in the states, it seems to me that everything... we need to talk to them not about the transfer, but about the purchase, maybe then this conversation will be faster, at least she will speed up this story, let's go now we have to take a break, i will remind you once again about our
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collection, so that you do not forget that it is for fpv drones for the 93rd and 72nd brigades, will definitely join here, well, in the second in the middle of the program , we will talk more substantively about bakhmut, about avdiivka, about what happened there recently... in a while, so stay with us, now there will be a short break and we will return to our conversation. riv is a leading manufacturer of windowsills and materials for windows. riv, for more than 20 years, we have been creating quality for at an affordable price. there are discounts on eurofast softcaps, 10% in travel pharmacies and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents those united by football together are stronger, see
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this week in the program judicial control with tetyana shustrova, candidates for vacant positions in the courts, why the wife of the ex-chairman of the vrp decided to become a judge, on this fact on zk'. conducted an inspection, and who will take the vacated chair of the head of the vkk? none of the members of the commission has yet nominated his candidacy. on thursday, april 4, at 5:45 p.m., watch the court control program with tetyana shustrova on the tv channel espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in
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our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored. ago that there is nothing to fight about, let's make it up, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second trump presidency will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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well, we continue, we were joined by oles malyarevich, the deputy commander of the achilles tank battalion, this is the 92nd separate unit. the brigade named after koshovoy taman ivan sirk will speak, and let's talk a little about what is happening here in the bakhmud region, now i congratulate you, mr. oles. i wish you health
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glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, we looked here, we had such an analytical map, where it was said that the russians actually managed to advance in some places, they are trying to bypass ivanovske, and came, well, almost close to the temporal ravine itself , then what do you say, can it be considered that the battle actually began during the time of iv? they do not bypass ivanovske, they storm ivanovske and move in parallel from right to left along the flanks. ugh. currently, so that you understand ivanovsk, it is simply burning everything. and it is partly ours, partly it has already been captured the occupiers but everyone who is here now, and the 22nd brigade, the other units, understand that
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there is no time to lose... it can be allowed to happen, because this is a very important height, so everything is being done to prevent it, well, but the situation is really complicated, we actually have such a video from your achilles group, i understand that it is quite recent, let me ask you to show it, and there you can see such a night attack of equipment and an attempt to repel it, here, here, there are several destroyed tanks, some there there's more. oh, you see, the car, that's all, yes, that is, now assaults are taking place, i understand, with the use of equipment as well as in other areas of the front, and even at night, that is, well, activity is high now, or how would you say, well, it is 24/7, so he said, but what we are in the video is the use of night fpv, we had a problem with this, because it is very...
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but we have already fixed the supply and the partners allow, well, they buy them, send them to us, so we use it at night, because there is such a high intensity of assault actions that we must use all available technical means, by the way, we are working like combined firepower along with artillery and other means of impact, i would also like to show you, i know you are also moving the collection now to the new drones, tell us a little bit about that collection and ... let us show for our viewers where to list for this collection, and you, first of all, we are looking for people for our unit, this is the message here , but this is a combined qr code where you can go and support us, because really we, if you say night bombers, receive from state completely, then if to talk about fpv, then 90% we get from our partners of private companies, international partners and ordinary ukrainians,
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who to... through constant meetings in telegram channels, or such as you are currently publishing, so, more drones, more we have the means to destroy the enemy, and as for the mobilization, really, thank you for the opportunity, i urge everyone who predicts that he will be drafted into the ranks of the army, do not wait until you are drafted, drafted by the central committee and sent a letter, in advance take care of this and contact us, and we will accompany you to ours. victory, but you will also gain new knowledge, skills and a profession that you will need very much after the war, high-tech professions will be in great demand all over the world, ukrainians will work all over the world, mr. oleksandr, and what do you say about the fact that how many forces now the enemy is concentrated precisely in the area
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of ​​the temporal ravine, because... there are different data, as if they became a little less or, well , there were some conversations, well, i will say this, they are mostly concentrated there now russian units of various types, but at the time of the yar, from through bohdanivka, through ivanovske , mainly airborne troops, airborne units work, and along bohdan, on bohdanivsk... direction in the bohanivska location, units of the 98th airborne division work there, this is 217 .


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