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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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really, you know, the reason is the best, but unfortunately it happened, and we will talk about it. the second anniversary without espresso on the t2 network, on april 4, 2022, in fact , a few months after the start of the full-scale invasion, the ukrainian media and the ukrainian authorities were supposed to support it, but three tv channels espresso, the fifth and direct were illegally and without any explanation disconnected from digital broadcasting network t-2. during this time, it is still impossible to install. who exactly, why and how made this decision, what has changed during this time and what is the reaction of the government and society? let's see. two years have passed, the spresso tv channel has still not been returned to t2. during this time, neither the government nor the officials took responsibility for the outage. the espresso team has repeatedly appealed to the president, the cabinet, the national security and defense council, and the national television council.
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radio broadcasting, but we did not receive a clear answer as to who and why limited the channel's broadcasting. this is pure censorship, this is a violation of freedom of speech in ukraine, because today the rada tv channel is actually broadcast on the t2 network, on the button on which the spresso tv channel was broadcast for 10 years. the rada tv channel is a state channel, it is a participant in the only news marathon, and instead of espresso people use it to this day. and watch avto2 tv, they can watch again the only news marathon, which is broadcast today, if i am not mistaken, on eight or nine tv channels, yes, that is, they do not have access to information, to alternative information, to various media mass information, to such independent tv channel, like espresso. the state intelligence service explained that the reason for turning off espresso, the fifth and direct digital broadcaster, was the alleged implementation of the march 2000 decision of the 22nd year of
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the national security and defense council on a unified information policy. this body and others have denied their involvement in the shutdown of tv channels. this document also does not regulate our disconnection, because there is not a single word written there about the need to disconnect someone, to switch, there is no word espresso, there is no name of other tv channels, which, together with us, were disconnected, so this is pure manipulation, and still no explanations, justifications. why this happened, why this illegal action took place two years ago, we still don't know. a petition to resume broadcasting of the channels was registered in april 2022. in a few months, she gathered the necessary number of votes, but the appeal remained unheard. the government did not answer whether the tv channels will return to the ether. a year ago, the international human rights organization reporters without borders called on the ukrainian authorities to resolve the situation as soon as possible and return tv channel possibility of midnight. in march 2023
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, the us state department rated the press of ukraine as partially free. the report discussed, in particular, the situation with the espressu tv channels, the direct channel and the fifth channel. we do not fulfill any requirements and conditions of the european union in order to be accepted there in the end. how we work or try to work according to those rules and laws, canons, skills that are acceptable and logical in the free world, and when we do not work according to them, then of course it distances us from the free world. return of tv channels to of digital ether t2 now depends on the ukrainian authorities, according to the director.
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espresso, because of such illegal actions, our state has been moving in the opposite direction from democracy and freedom of speech for two years. we are doing our best to bring our victory closer and believe that we will definitely win. but if the authorities do not admit their mistake and return us to the digital air, there is a great risk that in the future we may turn into russia, because the attack on freedom of speech in russia began precisely with restrictions or remedies. our channel is disconnected from t2 lost about 40% of the audience, but espresso continues to speak on the internet, in cable networks, on two satellites in ukraine and abroad. we are actively developing on youtube and social networks. this audience already exceeds the number we lost then, but still we continue to call on the authorities of all the officials responsible for this to bring us back. digital network, because not all
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ukrainians today have the opportunity to watch us thanks to cable networks, satellite and the internet, they are still waiting for us on the network t2, that is why it is important to... return the espresso2 tv channel with the simple goal that a is democracy, b is freedom of speech, c is european values, the most important thing is that people have the right to have access to various information, not always convenient for someone, for some politicians, i'm not saying for the authorities, it may be uncomfortable for some certain people, but this is the information that is just journalism, and we give what is reality, we prepare people for certain things that are inevitable, we say about what is happening and what can be, we ukrainians were asked... what do they think about the shutdown of espresso and their attitude to the single marathon? popularity is falling, and this says it all, it should be everything, a person should have a choice, should he choose? i have a negative attitude, it's an alternative, different
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channels, different views, so i don't see any problems not to show them on t2, especially since i know rural, especially... the area had a lot of users, they watched expresso. i behave badly. why? well, because there are channels that cover the news from all sides, including despite the disconnection from the digital network, the spressu tv channel continues to broadcast information . the espresso team informs viewers about all important events, and war correspondents risk their lives to document russia's crimes. and we are still waiting for the channel from... vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with
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economic news and sports news , two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters that to many, the events of the day became as if they were honored guests of the studio. in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. 32-year-old karina has been living with a spinal cord injury for 20 years, she has lived in lviv for 7 years and helps people with similar injuries, she says that during this time the city of lviv has become more convenient for people with reduced mobility, but there are still many barriers and we decided to protest together , as far as lviv is accessible for people in wheelchairs. this way is so that the center of dovzhenko is already considered accessible, here there must already be a normal cover, a normal cover so that a person can reach it to this length, because now what we use special skills to move these slabs and these gaps between these slabs, it's like our superskills, but there are
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a lot of people who do not have these super skills, and there should already be normal coverage, and then the dovzhenka center can be considered accessible. now i would already say that it is inaccessible, well, let's see what's inside, the essence of the ramp is that it should be so gentle, there are certain degrees, and the longer, the higher the climb that has to be climbed, the longer the ramp should be, and it should be so gentle that an independent person in a wheelchair who moves around can go up, that is , any ramp gives a big... , and where a person cannot climb on his own, it is not a ramp, that is, it is not an element of architectural accessibility, it is the same barrier as if there were just steps, so ivan, for example, was climbing
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now with the help of a handrail, and this is often used by people, for example, who have damage to one side, and they, for example, have a left hand that does not work well, and then... they can use their right hand to help themselves up there, well, these handrails are on both sides, and usually there are, for example, only on one side, but it will be difficult for people with visual impairments to move here, because there are no tactile tiles, visible entrance signs and stairs are in the way, opening the door can also be a difficult task. if we talk, for example, about us as ivan, then we can now open this door and enter without hindrance. if we talk about... a person, in which, if her upper limbs were affected, she would not be able to do it accordingly, and therefore, of course, a good door is a door that can slide open, if only automatically, we understand, yes, that is not possible everywhere to achieve this, and then the door should at least open with a light effort,
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and so that the handle can be caught easily with the brush of the hand, even if your fingers do not work, well, this we can check now. well, you see, i just put my hand, and, for example, if my fingers didn't even work, i i can pull the door and open it even in... this way. to use the elevator in the dovzhenko center for people in wheelchairs, you must first get a key from the staff of the institution. here they admitted that they had not yet had visitors in wheelchairs. karina did not have any difficulties with access to the toilet, but she says that it may not be so easy for everyone. ok i'm going inside i can what can i? i can turn on and off the light myself, that's it... the good thing here is that the mirror is lowered, that's good, because usually they are somewhere
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under the ceiling, well, here in principle you can use it to wash your hands, it is not inclusive, if this is a washbasin, but it is like that, you know, it’s okay, there are no handrails, as you can see, there must be a handrail, it must be hinged, it must be on distance of 70 cm from the center of the toilet, as far as i know, but it is almost impossible to get to the shelter. there are no signs of a bomb shelter either. according to karina, such an institution is not friendly to all categories of people. but lviv transport has become more accessible for all categories of the population. the worst of by trams, because only 20% of them are. if our heroes managed to get into the tram, getting out of it became a problem, because the call button did not work. the tram driver had to lower the ramp manually. and people like, they won't go out, they won't miss often, you just
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have to, well, we, as it were, try to calculate every step in advance and know when to turn back, when to go, where to wait, well, you just adapt one way or another. it is necessary to create all conditions so that people can realize themselves, work, pay taxes, and not, to sit conditionally on... and if, well, only there on pensions, for example, or something like that, be right in everything that is happening, and let them rustle, and then they will get used to it, ramps are not installed everywhere, but where they are completely inaccessible for use, karina says, the state should not randomly place ramps and consult only with experts on reduced mobility, because the same ramps... should be convenient for different types of wheelchairs, with the appropriate slope and
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material. the situation is the same with the stairs tiles or smooth stone, if there are no rubber strips on them to help prevent slipping. well , look, this is a non-standard ramp, because there are two grooves in it, but they are not universal, all people's wheelchairs have different widths and, accordingly, the wheels may not simply fit into these grooves. firstly, secondly, it has a non-normative slope, that is, it is more than necessary, and you can no longer climb it on your own, and the handrails are also, accordingly, non-normative, they do not have a normal height, and their thickness does not allow normal to grasp the space of lviv, with its old narrow streets, stone steps and curbs, is difficult to adapt for people in wheelchairs, but it is possible, and there are more and more coffee shops, cafes and bookstores. become disability-friendly and adapt their businesses. karina notes that she plans her
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route in advance, looks for establishments with an accessible entrance area and a restroom, and if there are none, she will not be able to visit them, so leave money there. but if we talk about inclusion in general, it is a process not only of elimination barriers of these physical ones, yes, it is also a process of removing barriers. including mental and communication ones, and there is a certain problem in this too, because people still have different stereotypes about a person, for example, in a wheelchair, and maybe i can be perceived very superficially, you know , and accordingly to feel a superficial attitude towards myself, for example, regarding my financial capabilities there, regarding my mental capabilities, simply because i use a wheelchair, this is of course unacceptable, it should not be like this. rina says, low mobility a person should not be deprived of his sense of dignity and the opportunity to return to his life.
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now, everything has changed very, very much after the full-scale invasion, of course people have realized that disability will now be everywhere in us, well, it is present as a phenomenon, and that something needs to be changed, and of course the rhetoric has changed a lot, politics has changed a lot, and now i personally feel... such, you know, even excessive attention and an excessive desire to help. we don't need too much attention, we don't need people running after us and picking us up we need ramps, yes, we need them. to let us just live peacefully, use our services, work and not pay too much attention, well, that's not necessary. in order for guests and residents of lviv to easily and quickly find barrier-free locations, the lviv tourist office has created a map - an accessible city. more than 100 food establishments, museums, theaters, communal institutions,
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hospitals, shopping and entertainment centers are already marked on the map, which must comply with all norms of inclusivity. natalia starepra. oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers. we continue the great ether. i remind you that my name is vasyl zima. we have moved into shelter and advise you to take similar actions, because the air alert throughout the territory of our state recorded the takeoff of a russian mig 31k aircraft, which is a cruise missile carrier. dagger or k-47 and it is dangerous and can reach different regions of our state, so there is such, there is such information, and again, be in shelters, besides, reading now the posts of people close to understanding of the situation with possible missile launches, then again they are asking, it is not that, you know, you want to scare someone, or that this night
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the enemy may launch an attack on the territory of our state again, well, this should obviously be taken for now only as forecasts and maybe. the probability of what could happen, well, but in any case, i would like to warn you and ask you that if there is such a possibility, still this night be somewhere in those places where there is a shelter nearby, well, or at least at least the rule of two walls, well, besides, there are cities on territories of our country where the enemy uses both cabs and ballistic missiles s300, let's say shahedyno, as we saw it in kharkiv, it's also zaporizhzhia, it's also kherson, well, nikopolshchyna is actually there. there is of course anxiety, there is of course anxiety that actually does not stop, well, it happens very often and enemy strikes cause tangible damage to a lesser extent, of course it hurts from the fact that the infrastructure is destroyed, although this is also of course a problem and trouble, it hurts to a greater extent, it hurts to an incredible extent , when we hear about the death of people, by the way happened in kharkiv, four people died in
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kharkiv itself from the strikes, three rescuers who came to... on the call to eliminate the consequences of the strikes and rescue people from the rubble, and besides that, during the day, enemy strikes were also carried out on the territory of kharkiv oblast and there one man was killed who was working on a tractor in agricultural work, well , in fact, there is not much left in the great ether, so i have to say right away, we are waiting for a check... or we are not waiting anymore, well, in one word, in we still had to have cultural news from lina chescheny, but i understand that now the situation may be, no, we will not have cultural news, we understand that olena, our lena was waiting somewhere, maybe anxiety, maybe we need to go to a shelter somewhere, in a word, there will be no news culture today, it's okay, next time there will be more, well, but for sure you will learn about what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, and
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of course, many have already hidden some more or less warm, more... warm clothes, well , but i understand that for now it is worth understanding, that it will not be completely warm, and there may be rains, this is me only from what i know, natalka didenko definitely knows more, and natalka didenko definitely knows more, and as she is ready to join our ether, i will immediately pass on the word for so that she, well, i can only call on you, since i can't start something on such a global topic, let me call on you to do it. we are currently collecting for fpodrons for the soldiers of the 93rd brigade of the cold ravine and also for the soldiers of the legendary 72nd brigade, which protected, by the way, one of those brigades that defended kyiv at the beginning of a full-scale enemy invasion, so you now see a link, you can go to this link,
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scan the qr code and give the funds that are possible for you today, again, there is no amount ... which is acceptable, which is unacceptable, the amount you want to support the armed forces of ukraine today is acceptable. by the way, i want to say that according to the last ones, so please join, it is on fpv drones, for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and for the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, who are heroically beating the enemy, defend ukraine throughout the war and after the enemy's full-scale invasion of our territory. what i didn't have time to say, when we were talking about donating drones for the armed forces of ukraine 93-7 second brigade, i forgot to say that there was a sociological study, which was conducted by the rating group, and according to the results of this study , people were asked, and among the various questions there was this is it: do you financially support
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the armed forces of ukraine, that is, do you donate, and what is interesting is that 76% of ukrainians donate and support the armed forces of ukraine with their hryvnia, dollar, euro, i don't know who to what extent, but it's important, and it's not 100%, there are no perfect societies, well, but for sure... it's important that you donate, and you do it, we do it together . well, well, i see that everything is ready, natalka didenko, about the weather for tomorrow, mrs. natalya, please, you have a word, start. greetings vasyl, we are talking, of course, about the weather, as always, more precisely, about the weather forecast for the next day, the next day, and for now we will talk about various interesting facts that i collected there, and which i found interesting, and want to share with you too. well , recently, there was such a huge dust storm, which was talked about, or rather, it was such a dust pollution of the air, and in connection with this
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i found such a fact, well, it was a long time ago, of course, but not less, once a dusty sandstorm engulfed an entire army, it was 524 bc, a long time ago, of course, but the persian emperor cambyses sent an army of 50,000 men to attack, and 7 days after the crossing of this army, they appeared... a huge, powerful sandstorm that buried this entire army, no more of them i saw, may god have mercy, i hope that it all goes much easier with us, the only thing is that we would not mind at all if this dust storm swallowed some aggressive and sparsely populated army known to us, so here we go, the highest air temperature , ever recorded +58° was registered, this is not before our era, in the lviv desert. there is another interesting fact, it is simply incredible, crickets determine the temperature, it turns out that to get the approximate air temperature , you need to count the number of chirps in 15 seconds, and this number will actually be the value
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of the outside temperature. keep an eye out for crickets, the season is about to begin. well, approximately 200 thunderstorms occur on earth every minute. and one more fact, i still can't help but share with you. raindrops contain vitamin b-12, a useful vitamin, so if it rains. be sure to take a walk, and we are now actually moving on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now you will have a forecast diagram, and from it it will be seen that the activation of the earth's magnetic field is expected in the coming days, so be please, who are you seeing this diagram, especially in the coming night, so please pay attention to yourself, to your well-being, if you suddenly have a headache or some jumps in atmospheric pressure, maybe... this is exactly the effect of a magnetic storm, and we know a magnetic storm, as it came, it will go, so there is no need to worry about prevention, well, actually we are moving on to the weather forecast, we will start from the western
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regions of ukraine and we will see together what the weather will be like, what the synoptic situation will be like on april 5. it will rain in the west tomorrow, the air temperature, which is true, is quite comfortable, +12 +16 in zakarpattia to 18°. in the north of ukraine. er, tomorrow it will probably rain in some places, the air temperature will be +11 +16°, but this rain will already be in the evening, so there will also be enough sunny clearings. it will be breezy in the east of ukraine, around +10, +12°, but there will be no precipitation, the weather will be sunny and comfortable. in the central part of ukraine, rain is likely, except in vinnytsia, finally the territory of the central part will be free of precipitation and will shine. and the air temperature, as you can see, is comfortable, 14-18° higher zero the southern part of ukraine will have wonderful spring weather, dry, mostly sunny,
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changeable cloudiness, air temperature +17, +19°. well, in kyiv, in the capital, tomorrow, april 5 , rain is possible already somewhere in the evening, so the next night and a significant part of the day will be dry, even sunny, and the air temperature will reach a maximum of 15... degrees, we talked about the weather on p saturday, saturday, and sunday are of interest to everyone, because it is the weekend, on saturday it will rain, but further warming, and on sunday it will rain only in the eastern part of ukraine, on most of the territory will be dry and even warmer, this is the nearest ukrainian synoptic outlook. good evening, we are from ukraine. the verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion
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from abroad about... the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings, i'm olga len, these are chronicles of military operations, and i ask you to join them. to our new collection of very important espresso and the public organization baza ua sprotiv are calling to support the collection of fpv drones for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yar and the 72nd brigade of black zaporizhzhya. both brigades are our glorified brigades, which distinguished themselves in such absolutely unforgettable battles, because the 93rd brigade is practically the entire east of ukraine, the entire donbas, the 72nd brigade of the black zaporozhets
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of the defense. kyiv protected it, i must say, and actually, now we are collecting on our own production, testing, variations for the needs on the battlefield, all this can be provided, we can provide it together by collecting 2 million uah, so join us so that there will be more good enemies, our goal, i repeat 2 million uah, donate to the armed forces, invest in our victory, see all cards, monobank, private, see numbers. accounts, please join this gathering, well, let's see what has been happening on the battle line in recent days, and we will talk about it further. map of military operations for the period from march 27 to april 3 , 2024, march records of the armed forces and the threat for a temporary ravine. results of march. the main threat on the front, on which the russians made
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the main bet and against which... currently they have no countermeasures, is the cabs. if in february the rashists released a record 1,500 guided bombs on our trenches, then in march they increased this number to almost 2,400, that is , almost twice. in addition to increasing the launch of aerial bombs, the enemy is constantly trying to make them more accurate. instead, in march, the armed forces set four absolute records for the destruction of russians, in particular, the defense forces eliminated 1,546 vehicles, which is 40% up from february's figures, which were also record highs. to this it is worth adding 215 cars of special and unique equipment, which is also a record figure. in addition, the armed forces launched 976 artillery installations and 963 tactical- level drones. 53 destroyed air defense systems is a bronze indicator for the entire period
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of the full moon. headquarters invasion. 376 tanks, 869 infantry fighting vehicles, although not record numbers, are included in the top five, as well as more than 28 thousand liquidated russians. against the background of a significant shortage of shells for artillery, the armed forces managed to achieve such impressive indicators, thanks to the significant increase in strikes by kamikaze drones. military researchers counted 1,062 strikes by ukrainian drones in march against 652 russian. lyman direction. it was thanks to kabam on the eastern front that in march the armed forces of the russian federation managed to advance in most of the hot areas for the first time in many months. intending to prepare an attack on the kramatorsk-slavic agglomeration of cities. the russians have been fighting their way to liman for months. however, in march , the defense forces held the left bank bridgehead at
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zherebets river and not before the occupation of the villages of terne and yampolivka. despite numerous attacks, the invaders were successful only on a small section of the front. chasiv yar. on the other hand, the approaches to the south of the kramatorsk agglomeration are guarded by chasiv yar. in march, the rashists were able to break through the front to a depth of 2 km, occupy half of the village of ivanovske, and also advance along the bahmud-chasiv road, which climbs along the ridge of the highlands. in this way, the russians not only approached the city, but also gained a height advantage over the defenders of ivanovo and bohdanivka. in the last days of march, the enemy pushed our defenses another half kilometer and began to hover over ivanovsky from the north, further complicating logistics to this village. so, obviously, in the near future, we will have to withdraw from these villages, and in april , a new month-long and bloody battle will begin during the yar era. probably, while preparing their
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departure, suu was blown up. the bridge from ivanovsky to chasovoy yar is already there.


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