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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EEST

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yampolivka despite numerous attacks, the invaders were successful only on a small section of the front. in the times of yar. on the other hand, the approaches to the south of the kramatorsk agglomeration are guarded by the yar river. in march, the rashists were able to break through the front to a depth of 2 km, occupy half of the village of ivanovske, and also advance along the bahmud-chasiv road, which climbs along the ridge of the highlands. in this way, the russians not only came close to the city, but also gained an advantage in ... cells over the defenders of ivanivskyi and bohdanivka. in the last days of march, the enemy pushed our defenses even further half a kilometer and began to hang over ivanivskyi from the north, further complicating logistics to this village. so, obviously , in the near future, we will have to withdraw from these villages, and in april, a new, months-long and bloody battle will begin during the yar era. probably, preparing their departure, the armed forces of ukraine blew up the bridge from ivanovsky to the temporary yar.
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now the pressure on chasyk has dropped significantly, because as a result of previous assaults, the road to the city is littered with corpses and broken enemy armored vehicles. avdiiv bridgehead. the biggest advance of the enemy in march took place on avdiivsk direction, because after leaving the city, the armed forces had to leave the territory that was under the fire control of the zavdiivsk highlands and gain a foothold on new lines of defense. as part of this withdrawal , the armed forces of the russian federation. occupied various areas from 2 to 9 km of our donetsk region, in particular the villages of lastochkine, severne, orlivka steppove and tonenke. extremely heavy fighting continues for the village of berdychi, half of which is already under enemy control. in addition, in the last days of march, the rashists managed make your way to the central part of pervomaiskyi. earlier, they came up close to nevelsky and even announced their admiration for him, but the information turned out to be false. at the same time, our soldiers entrenched themselves
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on the new line of defense of the villages of berdychi, semenivka, umanske, and netaylov. at the beginning of april, the occupiers concentrated most of their efforts on trying to develop success in the direction of umanska, and are also trying to force the durna river in order to wedge into our defenses between semenivka and orlivka. in the ugledar and kurakhiv directions. despite the huge the number of assaults and attempts to occupy semi-surrounding novomy. in march, they were able to capture only the eastern part of the village, a similar situation near maryinka, where the occupiers are trying with all their might to expand the zone of their control to the north, attacking krasnohorivka, to the west, through georgiivka and pivden, where they never managed to gain a foothold in the village of pabieda . despite the large number of troops on this part of the front and increased pressure at the end of the month, the success of the invaders is minimal, the defense forces successfully repulse the attacks. russia has become even
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more vulnerable. official kyiv has just announced about the production of drones that can fly more than 100 km, how the next day they visited tatarstan, where they hit the drone production plant in yalabuz, as well as the taneko refinery in nizhnyokamsk, which is the 13th largest plant in russia and processes 8.6 million tons of oil, or 3% of the total annual russian refining. federation to nizhnyokamsk only in a straight line for more than 1100 km, and drones, of course, do not fly like that, and therefore their capabilities are greater, as much as will be known after hitting new targets, which may be refineries in bashkortostan or military factories of vizhevsk. we win daily, death to enemies. well, our analysts have made an interesting and positive forecast regarding the impression of the refinery, we will.
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let's see how it will come true, and now let's talk with oleksandr kovalenko, a military political observer of the information resistance group, congratulations oleksandr, congratulations, and you know, let's probably start talking about what is being discussed quite a lot, that is, what will the company actually be spring, summer, even autumn, you can say that this whole period is the most favorable for military operations, so to speak, he will be at the front, because, well, obviously, talks have started again about offensives on kyiv, on kharkiv, i understand that if every time you and i discuss the possibility of an offensive on kyiv, to kharkiv, we were given hryvnias, then you and i would have collected two drones for sure, this is without any problems, but still, what is realistic, what is unrealistic and what we can expect, because the situation is really, i wouldn't have said that it was so easy for us, so for us.
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the situation is not easy, and therefore mostly we can to say now that our tactics, the general strategy of conducting hostilities, will be of a defensive type, and we will... maintain it in the near future, precisely being on the defensive, but apart from everything else, our defense directly depends on the supply of the appropriate nomenclature , from our partners, depending on this, on these supplies, how effective the defense will be will depend, and it can stretch until the second half of 2024, even during the summer we can be on the defensive, if we do not receive that the nomenclature in that amount for... we submit requests to our partners and quickly enough, maybe even before the end of the year, but at the same time there are several important points, the fact that we are on the defensive does not mean that we somehow lose, well let's say, we hear very often that someone there has got the initiative,
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someone has the initiative on the battlefield, and like most of the analytical groups, analysts, let's say, they conclude that someone has the initiative. they draw conclusions quite primitively, it's the same as forming a top 10 of the strongest armies, how to form it, is to put in the top 10 armies, first of all, which have nuclear weapons and who have the most of them, that is why the russian army is still the second army in the world, despite the fact that it has long been not like that, but how such analytics is done, it is done quite simply: the one who attacks more often, the one who is constantly on the offensive, so he has the initiative, but it is not... quite like that, even in 2023, even in the ether espresso, if i'm not mistaken, it was with you when we talked about the future actions of the defense forces of ukraine mention was made of attrition, that is, we are on the defensive in order not only to keep
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our territory in the most advantageous positions for us, but also to exhaust the enemy, and according to the indicators that the losses are... the russian occupation forces from the end of 2023 , precisely we are now observing this depletion, record losses in one or another nomenclature, one or another category of weapons, equipment or personnel, and if in 2022, when the full-scale invasion of ukraine began, this is exactly what the majority of experts said that we a war of attrition with the enemy awaits, the main thing for us is to wear him down, and then... that there was a fairly quick liberation of the northern bridgehead of the kharkiv region, the right-bank kherson region, and everyone forgot about the war of attrition, but talked about a counteroffensive, everyone needed counteroffensive actions, everyone wanted a quick victory, but with such an enemy
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as russia, a quick victory is impossible, and therefore the understanding that the war of attrition is coming back now, it continues, and yet here we have the initiative. what to say about the capabilities of the russian occupation forces, then during the 24th year they will really go on the offensive, especially in the second half, what we can observe now, especially near the time gap, is not yet the peak of offensive actions, it is not yet the apogee, precisely at in the second half of 2024, they plan to organize at least two main offensive campaigns, this is, of course , chasiv, and also this is kupyansk, and secondly... the directions are secondary, this is line 0532 from maryanka to ughledar, the main logistical artery, that is, the capture village victory capture of novomykhaivka, exit to the water from the sweet, cutting across the northern sector of route 05-32, for which, in order to
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start offensive actions already in the ugledar region, it is very important for them to capture the ugledar in the 24th year as well, or at the beginning 2025, that is... for them it will be the second half of the 24th year, this is the formation of these conditions, also, of course, this is the zaporizhzhia region, this is a robotic speech, this is the return of control over the robots and, in order to level the battle line, return under control of the territory they lost during our control offensive in the summer of 2023, and returning to their main points of reference, their main focuses are chasiv yar and kupyansk, first of all, near chasovoy yar, they are currently engaged in creating conditions for a major offensive, the creation of these conditions is the capture of bohdanivka, this is the capture of ivanovsky, this is the capture of klyshiivka and andriivka, especially klyshiivka and andriivka,
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because then they completely create a kind of security buffer for their southern flank from ivanovsky, and then route 05-04 for them... to open the gates, if klyshiivka and they do not manage to capture andriyivka, so this flank is risky for them, and now they are trying to get hold of the east. the outskirts of the temporary ravine along the route 05-04, which goes through khromov, but these are attempts to get involved, these are still inferior offensive actions, ah, they will continue until the summer, namely from the summer, june, maybe until july, they will start more powerful offensive actions, firstly, because by that time they will manage to concentrate a larger group in this particular location, they will now lack it... enough to start, not enough to to launch a more powerful offensive, and secondly,
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until all those villages that i mentioned are captured, they cannot fully create the conditions for an offensive to cover the north, it seems that after all, the russians managed to establish, you know, rotation on the battlefield fresh parts, that is, they do it, they find new people, they them, they manage to attract them, these are the three components, how they can... stand in this whole story, because they, they largely determine the opportunity for russia to conduct offensive actions. well, i'll start with the positive, it's projectile hunger, yes we felt it, we began to have a deficit at the end of 2023, but now , from about the end of march, the beginning of april, this situation gradually begins to change in a positive direction. aid lines from the european union are already working,
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we are already receiving appropriate supplies from our partners, both those that were declared, those that were announced, and other supplies, we have not yet returned the number of shots per day to the level of, for example, september or october 23 year, but it is no longer what it felt like this deficit in december or september. or not, 23-24 years ago, after all, this situation is changing, especially now, since april, the aid program from the czech republic has started to work in full, according to its amount of 800,000 ammunition , and these supplies are starting, that is, there is at least some positive here, and if we talk about cabs, it's a big problem, it's a really big problem, so far it doesn't have a... solution, but we solve any problem one way or another, unfortunately, cabs, the problem of
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solving cabs, it directly depends on of our partners, because it is a component of air defense, with a long range, which can counteract and destroy launchers, directly front-line bombers, er, tactical aviation of the russian federation, it is either our aviation with the appropriate missile systems, but not the soviet one. namely, the western nomenclature, the same f-16s with m120 amram missiles, this, and no matter how strange it sounded, these are operational-tactical missile complexes, we either do not receive all these three components, or we receive them very little and very slowly, therefore so far, unfortunately, there is no full-fledged anti-cabs. oleksandr, i'm sorry, but can you explain what... in general, the problem is with the maintenance of air defense systems, because
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of course, there is the patriot system, there are other systems, but maybe we can just to buy somewhere, well, they exist in other countries, what, what is the nuance, well, because there were words of the president that we need as many as 5-7 complexes there, most likely he was mistaken, because we need most of all yea seven divisions, not complexes as such, it a completely different figure, and, but, well, firstly, how realistic is it to get that many, and secondly, well, why don't we buy them, in the end, but quite realistically, 5-7 batteries, 5-7 batteries, that's enough , in order to close the million-strong cities, as well as the regions through which a breakthrough is made deep into the territory of ukraine. or subsonic missiles, or missiles of another type, ballistic and hypersonic, 5-7
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batteries are quite enough, but where to get them? come on, who is the main operator patrio? this is the us, they have more than 1000 launchers on combat duty installations, and 5-7 batteries are, well, let's say, a battery is 6, 8, 10 launchers, we take the average figure, eight, so five batteries are 40 launchers, it's a simple question, if the usa transfers it to ukraine. launchers and all other equipment, because there are also generators, there will be a command post and so on, but a total of five batteries, 40 launchers, and will the us anti-missile defense suffer quite seriously from this, well, i think not, it there will be no critical impact when you have more than a thousand launchers, that is, a huge number
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of batteries, more than 100 batteries, more than 150 batteries. throughout the country, and so here is a question for the usa, today zerk paatriot was mostly transferred to us by germany, and here is a very interesting point, in germany there are only 30 patriot launchers, and they actually transferred to us more than the usa, which transferred us zero , and as for the purchase, here it is also a very interesting point, but there is a nuance: namely, directly transfer through some contracts to ukraine without the agreement of the united states, the patriot air defense system, any other the country that resells them will not be able to, so it is necessary that the us consent takes place, in germany they have given the us, the us has given this consent, but what about other countries,
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especially now, when this marquee of theirs is happening on them on a capitalist basis. there are doubts here, therefore, rather, if we are talking about means of air defense, here we can still have hope that we will receive from italy or from france sempti, a zenetorakset complex is no worse than the patriot air defense system, but there is a nuance, their not as many as the patriots and they are produced quite a bit slowly, that's why there can be such a problem, it's clear, well, what's the problem? i understand what we need to work with in the states, it seems to me that we still need to talk to them not about the transfer, but about the purchase, maybe then this conversation will be faster, at least it will speed up this story, let's go now we have to go to a break , i will remind you once again about our collection so that you do not forget that it is for fpv drones for the 93rd and 72nd brigades, it will definitely
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be included here, and in the second half of the program we will talk more specifically about... about avdiivka, about what happened there recently, so stay with us, now there will be a short break and we will return to our conversation. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! svobodalai, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. well, we are we continue, we were joined by oles malyarevich, deputy commander of the akhiles shock battalion, this is the 92nd separate assault
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brigade named after koshovoy and man ivan sirk. and a little bit... let's talk about what is happening here in the bakhmud region, now i congratulate you, mr. oles, i wish you health, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, we looked here, we had a little bit of such an analytical map, where it was said that the russians actually managed to advance there in some places, they are trying to bypass ivanovske, and came almost close already... to the very time gap, so what do you say, can it be considered that actually, well, the battle for time has begun? the ravine has been going on for a long time, quite intense fighting is taking place there, attacks 24/7, they do not bypass ivanovske, they storm ivanovske and move in parallel from the right to the left along the flanks.
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ugh. at the moment, so that you understand, ivanovske is just burning, and it is partly ours, and partly it has already been captured. the occupiers, but everyone who is here now, and the 92nd brigade, other units, understand that wasting time cannot be allowed to happen, because it is very the height is important, so everything is done to prevent this, well, but the situation is really difficult, we actually have such a video from your group achilles, i understand, it is quite recent, i will ask you to show it, and there you can see such a night such an attack of equipment and... an attempt to repulse it, lo and behold, there are several destroyed tanks, some more there, and lo and behold, you see, a car, everything, eh, yes, eh, that is, now the assaults are taking place, as i understand it, with the use of equipment as well, as well as in other areas of the front and even at night, that is, the activity is high
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now, or how would you say, well, there are 247, so he said, and what we are doing in the video is the use of night fpv, we had a problem with this, because it is very expensive, but we have already arranged the supply and partners... well, they buy them, send them to us, so we use them at night, because there is such a high intensity of assault operations here now that we have to use all available technical means, by the way, we work as a combined fire effect together with artillery and other impressions, i would also like to show you, i know that you are also now transferring the collection to new drones, tell us a little about this collection and let us show for our viewers where we can go. to transfer to this collection, and you, well, first of all, we are looking for people for our unit, this is the message here, but it is a combined qr code where you can
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go and support us, because we really are, there is something to say we get night bombers entirely from the state, if we talk about fpv, then we get 90% from our partners , private companies, international partners and ordinary ukrainians, who donate through regular fees in telegram channels, or such the likes of you... post so more drones we have more means to destroy the enemy and as for mobilization really thanks for the opportunity i encourage anyone who is predicting to be drafted into the lavmia to not wait until you will be called up, called up by the central committee and sent to the draft, take care of this in advance and contact us, and we will accompany you to our unit, in our unit you will not only get closer to victory, but also win new ones. knowledge, skills and a profession that you will need very much after the war, high-tech professions will be in great demand all over the world,
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ukrainians will work all over the world, mr. oleksandr, and what do you say about the fact that how many forces are currently concentrated by the enemy in the area of ​​the temporal ravine, because there are different data, as if they are a little less became well, there were some conversations there, well, i will say this, russian units of various types are mostly concentrated there now, but at the time of yar, from through bohdanivka, through ivanovske, it was mainly the airborne troops, the airborne units, and along baghdan, in the bohdanivsk direction in they work there at the bohdanivska location. divisions of the 98th airborne division, these are the 217th, 299th, 331st airborne regiments, it is also very interesting,
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regarding ivanovsky, the 11th separate airborne assault brigade operates in ivanovsky, it received a separate centralized command from the airborne troops in december 2023 and... why are there such fierce battles specifically for ivanovsk, because in ivanovsk the 11th odshbr, it must prove that the airborne troops are russian, they, they are without centralized management from the ministry of defense itself, of the general staff, and being exclusively subordinate to the airborne troops, they can work more efficiently, so they put as many personnel there as they want... they put personnel, but it is fundamental for them to demonstrate that they can actually capture and advance, capture ivanovske and advance to in the direction of the hub and cover
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chasivyar from the south, although it will be very difficult for them to do this, as long as klyshchiivka and andriivka remain under the control of the defense forces of ukraine, although they are assisted in this matter by the 102nd motorized rifle regiment, it is from the 100th... 50th motorized rifle division, but i will say this, in general, if you even superimpose the situation near chasovoy yar, all those forces and means that the russian occupiers concentrated in this area, for example, with their offensive campaign in the avdiyiv direction near avdiyivka by october 2023, the resource is really not enough for them to fully break our... defense line, so in the near future it will be possible to observe the accumulation of resources, just as it happened near avdiivka, when they in troop group south under... action, they
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dragged units from troop group center, i.e. from the second combined arms army, from the 41st general military army from the 90th tank division, they can also start this process of accumulation in the near future, in addition to everything another, the times of the yar may and there the very process of using tactical aviation is already being catalyzed, gradually these are cabs, and they may become a decisive issue for them in catalyzing not only offensive actions, but also in catalyzing the use of the number of adjusted aviation bombs in order to hide the lines of defense and our lines in dense areas with bombs of not only 200, 250-500 kg, but also 1.5 tons, huh, mr. oles, and say one more thing, there we also saw the news about the blown-up bridge, which was blown up in order to slightly complicate the logistics
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of the russians, or? it was really able to influence, so what do you think, did they achieve, well, what did they achieve, well, they blew up the bridge so that they could not come to our defense line, and here is the very fact, what was blown up, you saw, it was a ground drone, who drove in, so fell down a lot carefully and blew up the city, so it is interesting , yes, but of course everything is done so that they cannot get closer to the chasue on our way. well, actually about what mr. oleksandr said, the use of cabs, to what extent do you feel it on yourself now, well , compared to last week, for example, more, less, well, that is, in this regard, what is the situation of using cabs more and more, so in the nadavdyiv direction , they showed how effective it is, unfortunately, so it is also used more in our direction, so everything is done in order to so that, of course, i don't know what needs to be done to hide, but we are trying to...
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beat it and so that it is not at all visible where the personnel working in this direction are located. we pay a lot of attention to masking the position itself. thank you, it was oles malyarenko, deputy commander of the udarnykh malyarevich battalion, excuse me, deputy commander of the pakakhelez battalion, the 95th separate assault brigade, from well, now it must be said the direction of the yar times, and another guest joins us. serhiy okishev, representative of the public relations service of the 25th separate airborne syacheslav brigade. congratulations, mr. serhiy. congratulations. well, actually, we want to ask you about the well-known video, and in general, this attempted attack by the russians, which, as i understand it, took place on march 30, the attack of the sixth tank regiment of the russian federation, what was it, how long was it, and what was
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the success? yes, i would like to correct that the mentioned offensive was not on the 30-29th. and yes, during the last few days, you said correctly, probably the most massive thing happened an attempt to break through the defense on a specific section of the front. the enemy used tanks, in particular the most modern t-90 model and infantry fighting vehicles. but... the syacheslav paratroopers repulsed the enemy powerfully, so the large-scale offensive turned into, well, in principle, a shameful operation to dispose of modern russian weapons, it cannot be said that it was easy, the battles were brutal, the enemy was significantly superior in manpower, but our guys repelled the attack with incredible efforts, having burned quite a few pieces of equipment, i would like to note that...


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