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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EEST

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it's just that there's nothing to do, and then they'll rest, form new armies, prepare there, but they won't shoot yet, because why, well, listen, well, it's who said that they won't be able to advance deep , no one cares what the french and germans said that fortifications should be built on the right bank of the dnieper, nothing, no one leads anyone to think, will we continue to be somewhere in... dreams, that they are stupid, they could not understand that winter is over, they started shelling warm objects in winter, summer, well, in warm weather for a couple of years, nothing, the right and left bank of the dnieper, it does not make anyone think, why do our friends from the country say that it is necessary to build, to help the ukraps on the right protects the wrong, so just think about it, dear, not to the mothers-in-law who do not understand this, but to those , which are still in some kind, these are not even rose-colored glasses, these are glasses completely covered with tape, these are not glasses. these are nice glasses, and
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through them a person does not see the same thing as in a pink collar, he does not see anything at all, this is annoying, and, unfortunately, there are quite a lot of such people to sleep so much with these positive news, the story of what could be an attempt by the enemy to break through on the ground on the ground, roughly how much area would they need, 10, 20, 30, 50 km, or could they try to break through in two or three places, no, well in two or three cities it is for sure, because it is a classic of offensive actions, which can be wide. the offensive line, well, i don't think it's hundreds of kilometers, it's tens of kilometers, somewhere exactly, well, again, we come back to what let's, let's try to guess, guessed, well done, didn't guess, they don't understand anything, but stupid, what is this, but resourcefulness and promotion after that, god forbid, somewhere, somewhere they broke the front line, i don’t know there, they started a brigade, two, three and so on, and they can build up, or they will be forced to somehow try hold on, if they advance somewhere where we were defending, we will simply withdraw. to other positions, we will
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keep armor there. understanding the breakthrough of the front line is in the narrative, it is in the narratives of the second, or maybe even the first world war, nothing will happen, well, they are built in us lines, they broke these lines, what next? that everyone, everyone there on the left, on the right is standing and thinking, well, they have broken through there, it does not concern us, there will be, there will be withdrawal of troops, the front line will be leveled, where they broke through, additional reserves will be thrown there to stop them and of course there will be the front line is running around, there is no... that a piece of paper was torn and there was a hole and it was leaking into the hole or something like that, well, there is no need for it, it is, it is a scarecrow, what we say is that we need to prepare because it is serious, it is not a scarecrow, well, we are trying to prepare tell me how, what about the failure of the front line, they all went there to lviv, well, this is a maichnya, well, nothing like that happened and there will be no need for this scarecrow, how should we deal with those scarecrows from kharkiv, well, what are they preparing for and so on, the question is simply resourcefulness upon resourcefulness and if they
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add more there, well, if they use all the forces and the main forces of these two armies in the kharkiv direction, they , well, they will not hit kharkiv in the forehead, well , they perfectly understand that they are they will threaten, they are a widow on almost on six months were threatened, when the scale began to advance, well, no pure there from october 10 for four months, pedavdiyivka, kharkiv is an even more fortified fortified city than shavdiyivka, they will try, well, this is also obvious, they will try to surround it, take it. klise, this is what they can try, they will succeed, they will fail, let's see, we also understand this very well, we build fortifications in such a way that they, not them , could not do it, we are also preparing for this, well, we are not stupid either, well, unfortunately, i have to end our conversation, yes ours i would like to remind tv viewers that retired national guard major oleksiy hetman, a military expert, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war , was currently working on espresso.
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to inform about all the most important events of this day, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air, congratulations, we ask for your help in the search for three children from the kherson region, they are diana kobzar, vitya azarov and angelina fadeeva, and now a little where... more : so 15-year-old diana disappeared in the village of lazurne in the skadovsky district of the kherson region. it happened on january 1 , 2023, and since then, unfortunately, nothing is known about the girl. now the azure is temporarily occupied, and therefore the search process is, of course, very complicated. however, i ask each of you, and especially the residents of lazurny, to carefully look into diana's face. if you recognize her, do you know about her? if you have any information,
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please contact us immediately on the hotline at 11630. if you are unable to call, you can write to us on the website or... or in the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram, and i note that there is no secondary information for the search, any data, any little thing is important and can even be decisive and ultimately help find the missing child. 17-year-old vitya azarov also disappeared in kherson oblast and during the occupation. contact with the boy was lost on january 19, 2023, and since then there has been no news about him. he disappeared on the left bank of the kherson region, namely in the kakhov district, in the village of gornostaivka. and this is angelina fadeeva. she is also from kherson oblast, namely from the city of kherson. she '15. nothing is known about the girl since february 24, 2024. the circumstances under which she
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disappeared are currently unknown. in particular, due to the fact that diana kobzar, vitya azarov, and angelina fadeeva disappeared during the occupation. unfortunately, there is not enough information about them, and therefore, in fact, there is a lot of hope for you, for your attentiveness and concern. we really hope that the children are all right and that you will help us find them. so, if you know anything about these children, please let us know immediately hotline of the child tracing service. our number is 1163. let's not be indifferent, and let's try to find the missing people together. congratulations to angelina. in fact, finding children from the temporarily occupied territories is a very difficult and usually long process. but our experience shows that the search must be continued even in the most difficult, or it would seem, sometimes hopeless situations. so, for example, we
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were able to find a boy, by the way, also from the then still occupied part of the kherson region, who was wanted by his relatives and could not get in touch with him. about igor. from february 24, 2022 year, nothing was known at all, we only knew that he lived in the village of sonyachne, kherson region, which was under occupation. in our programs, we called on the residents of this village, if they do see us on the internet, to let us know if 17-year-old ihor is still living in sonyachny and if everything is okay with him, and it worked. we were sent this video with igor. let's. let's see, my name is igor, today is march 31 , 2022, i live in serissachny, kherson region, with my grandfather and grandmother. everything is fine, i have no ukrainian connection, as i live on the occupied territory. the boy confirmed that he still lives in the village
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of sonyachne, together with his grandparents, and that everything is fine with him. and all this time he could not report himself, because there was no ukrainian in the occupation. of mobile communication , i really hope that the search stories of diana kobzar, vita azarov and angelina fadeeva, which i told at the beginning, will end with the same happy ending, so once again i ask you not to remain indifferent and join the search. i also encourage you to visit the website of the service search for children, here are photos of all the boys and girls we are trying to find. take just a few minutes of your time. look at the photos of the children, look into their faces, maybe you will recognize one of them and help find them. if you suddenly have any information about one of these children, call the hotline of the child tracing service 116 30. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free.
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there are discounts on eurofast softcaps of 10% in the psarynsky, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl's big broadcast winters this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please word, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money in wartime, alexander morchivka with us, oleksandr, congratulations,
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please, and sports news, a review of sports events by yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenii for information about cultural news, presenters who have become a mouthful to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. premium the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. hello, this is svoboda
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ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00.
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congratulations, the more russian propagandists shout about nazis in ukraine, the more the world is convinced that russians are committing crimes and terrorism on the territory of ukraine. in gas, 44 countries supported the creation of a special tribunal for russia for crimes against of ukraine, and this is actually a very important first step towards... still condemning the russian leaders for the crimes they
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commit during the aggression against ukraine. at the same time, there was another such media event, i would say, which is all related to the same terrorist attacks in the krokusikhol, which happened a couple of weeks ago. well, russian propagandists constantly talk about the fact that ukraine and the united states are literally involved in crimes, although... it is known that the americans warned the russians that these could be terrorist attacks, but there was even more information, there was a leak of even more information, and now more and more details are coming out, well, for example, there is an article in the washington post, which says that in fact there was a warning for more than just said naryshkin, in general and as a whole. and they are not very specific, but warned very specifically. and after this article, you know,
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there are fewer and fewer versions of the events, practically, there is only one version, that the russian authorities simply gave the opportunity to carry out this terrorist attack, whether they expected a smaller scale, or they at the beginning, it didn't matter how many russians died, if it could later be used to promote aggression against ukraine. so, the washington post article came out after... the u.s. slyly told russia that the move to city hall was a possible attack target. more than two weeks before terrorists launched a bloody attack in a moscow suburb, the u.s. government told russian officials that crocus city hall, a popular concert venue, was a potential target, according to u.s. officials familiar with the situation. . high the degree of specificity outlined in the warning underscores washington's belief that ... the islamic state was preparing an attack that would threaten large numbers of civilians. the united states
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shared its information with russia a day before that public warning, and according to people familiar with the matter, there were even warnings so specific that it threatened to expose american intelligence. nareshkin also said that the us special services gave the fsb advance information, the next... after moscow received this information, the fsb announced that they had prevented an islamic state attack on a synagogue in moscow. also, 15-year-old islam khalilov, who said that he... worked in the costume room of the concert hall on the night of the attack, said that the employees of crocus reported the possibility of a terrorist attack, and they knew, and here it becomes completely unclear why she did not work there , no fire alarm, no fire extinguishing, and even the emergency exits were excluded, so i say, there is exactly one option left,
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that simply the russian authorities gave the opportunity carry out this terrorist attack in order to yes... to justify a possible mobilization in russia with this, everything is also very interesting with the mobilization, because it has become, well, such information is spreading, more and more that the russians are preparing a large-scale mobilization for june, the russians themselves, in particular, putin's spokesman piskov denies this, but similar things are happening at the same time, well , now let's see what i will tell literally yesterday... on russian tv channels and in general on their networks. what was the unity of the country after the terrorist attack? you can imagine that was this the case 5 years ago? i remember what the country was like, how many cries there were because of this, the other, the third, and now there are no such cries, long
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live optimism. there is a feeling that the flow has increased in croc city since the tragedy. volunteers, i really travel a lot now, i don’t always manage to walk around the city i come to, but i still manage more often, so these points, how to call them correctly, probably yes, here is the reception service, they meet in every city by contract, in the busiest places, well, of course you go to such places the districts themselves, and there's always something, it's just a movement, i can just confirm, because i see them, if it's not a queue, then people are infected. so, as for the numbers that the ministry of defense gives, these are the numbers from the beginning of the current year, to services under the contract, more than 100,000 people have arrived, a special surge of activity in the last week and a half, this is
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after the events in the crocus network, the lobby, the excitement is observed at the selection points throughout the country, every day at the... commission for the last 10 days up to 1700 people come , here i put all this in numbers on paper: contracts for participation in a special military operation was signed by approximately 16,000 citizens, at the interview most of the candidates as the main motive for entering the service for the contract, determines the tragedy of march 22 in the moscow region, let's listen, at the last point of the selection there was an event in the proxy. this act of terrorism, and i understand that for me is my family, children, and so that all this does not reach my family, i decided to go to contact. the animals for sale, who committed the murder of more than 140 people, must be punished, and nazism, the karaim, which carries
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this mess and helps this terrorism, must be... destroyed, well, that is what you saw, it was spread by the ministry of defense of russia, and in some strange way it coincided with what is happening in russia now, well , you know, the company on a fixed-term basis enlistment service, that is, it is exactly that, of course it is not mobilization as such, but it is, well, service just for conscript service, but... what happens next with conscripts, then such an interesting thing happens with them that literally after serving a month, or even there less, and they are offered to conclude a contract, because then you will not just serve like that, but also receive money, well, actually this is how this voluntary mobilization, which they all talk about, this
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is all voluntary, supposedly, it is very often just people who are doing military service and just... at a very accelerated pace conclude contracts with the ministry of defense. it was completely swallowed, judging by everything, well , as you know, they are not reacting there at all, therefore, most likely, such terrorist attacks will continue, especially since... the russians, well, do not really fight directly with those who carried out this terrorist attack, they are looking for a ukrainian trace there, they invent this ukrainian trace, and of course, when you look at them in the other direction, those who... intend to carry out terrorist attacks, they will carry them out, and the russians boldly admit it in their tv broadcasts, in principle, they predict further. to be honest, i'm afraid that in
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the period between the 6th and the 10th, we will face a similar event, as there was new information for you in the curriculum, you said that at the end of may , at the beginning of june, we are expecting some big offensive there. where did you find out about the character, there is such an opinion so to speak, let's say so, no, but what is this opinion, already share the information that it will happen these days, then it will suddenly change the whole situation in general, well, looking for terrorists somewhere unknown , the russians themselves behave like terrorists on state television, now they have started after all, to prove to the whole world that... sports is part of the war for them, and their statements basically make us think that this is so, because this is how they comment on the olympics,
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where russian athletes were not allowed, precisely explaining it's because russia uses sports as part of its propaganda, and the mayor of paris came to kyiv, made a statement here, and the russian propagandists became hysterical. anna dalgo, this is what she said: i want to tell the russian and belarusian athletes that they will not be welcome in paris, at the same time i want to say athletes from ukraine, that we will support them with all our might, so this unpleasant, ugly nazi animal, i want to remind you that today is 210 years since the entry of russian troops into paris and... we didn't care then and we don't care now, we are glad whether we or not, when we need to destroy you all, as our colleague deputy tolstoy said,
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we will, just try to send your troops, face us in battle, and europe will shudder. hidalgo's scandalous statement became known on the day of the 210th anniversary of the capture. red by the russian army. on march 31, 1814 , our regiments entered paris and this date was celebrated in france, led by emperor alexander i. before that, russian troops defeated napoleon's army. useful reminders for macron. well, i'll tell you, paris and the french are some kind of painful topic, and napoleon is also for russian propaganda. putin has already joined in, as he also says. about napoleon and paris, after the collapse of the ussr, our geopolitical enemies definitely
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aimed to destroy what was left of of historical russia, that is, to dismantle its core, russia itself, the russian federation, to subjugate everything that will remain to its geopolitical interest, confidently speaking about it, when the former director... of the fsb, the former secretary of the security council, and then the president and commander-in-chief, strangely, but someone wants revenge for the failures in the fight against russia since historical times, for the unsuccessful campaigns of hitler and napoleon against russia and the like, and it is actually clear why napoleon, paris and the french suddenly became such a... topic for russian propagandists, they already a month is literally being discussed in every program, on every tv channel , macron and the fact that macron proposed to send
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troops to ukraine are being discussed, well, not only are they discussing, they are even inventing new fakes around this, here is the famous propagandist masha zakharova, who for some reason considers herself somehow related to diplomacy , literally, the other day , i invented such a thing. the whole story: new information appears about the preparation of a military contingent by perezhem to be sent to ukraine, for these purposes, the command of the french foreign legion at the beginning in march, approved the composition of the battalion tactical group numbering about 1,500 people. it is expected that in april the group will be brought to a state of full combat readiness for operational introduction into the ukrainian theater of operations. and the main thing is that they are talking about it. russian propagandists - it is natural that they will strike somewhere. well, first of all, of course they threaten to kill literally all these french people, they shout about it, sometimes
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they even do, you know. they are so enamored with it that they forget that belarus is somehow separate there, and they start simply telling that there is a need to attack from the side in belarus once again. if a military contingent takes part in a military conflict under the national flag, but the vietnamese could not get it to the united states, but we can to france, so it means direct. intervention, in fact, the country, yes, and again i say that he knows nothing, i hope that it will not come to this, but they want to odessa, to our russian odessa, no, they want to be located along the border with belarus , and, as it were, by the same token, it is his around 120, 50,000 ukrainian servicemen are deployed,
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they believe that these are problems for us. to explode, and i understood, they will decide that if we want to enter from the territory of belarus, then seeing the french, we will tell them that, with a cup of coffee and a baguette, this is what they expect from us, oh-oh-oh, the french are there, oh-oh-oh-oh, well, you know, this is basically some kind of intensification of the cries that the russians will strike nato countries, literally, that is... they will strike france literally, and another the opinion that they now began to say, that it is necessary and time to strike at some objects, factories, and something else in the countries, well , the czech republic, romania, somewhere else, well, for example, about the czech republic in that in the same the same solovyov told the air, in addition, we will destroy them also at their bases, just as i do not understand,
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for example, bilhorod is constantly bombarded by vampires, and i believe that the czech factories that produce them should be destroyed, i don't see, the first step could be to stop the diplomatic move, let's destroy the plant, diplomatic relations will stop by themselves, why stand up twice, i would say that this is now some kind of new scarecrow for europe, that they will start bombing europe, and that drone that flew over poland in this context already looks not a random flying drone or a rocket, not a drone like a rocket, but simply, well, with such an attempt, you know, to feel it a little, and how is it, will they react, uh, moreover, he literally said the same thing already putin, and it is obvious, immediately his statement there, pulled for
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himself... a whole shower of similar statements by propagandists, but i think that the key here is exactly what putin said, he hid behind the military and muttered about the destruction of the airfields of nato countries. let's see also. fighter pilots, of course, are worried about whether they will be allowed to destroy the f-16 before takeoff, if they deliver the f-16, it will not change the situation on the battlefield. and we will destroy their planes just as we destroy their tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment. of course, if they will be applied from the airfields of third countries, they become a legitimate target for us, wherever they are. well, all these cries about strikes on nato countries directly, this, i repeat once again, this kind of reaction is all just the words of the french president that
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they ... think they can send some military contingent to ukraine, that is, this is what caused all this the hysteria that has been going on for months, which is just getting worse and worse and finally led to the fact that just a few days ago, putin started hinting at something like that, and why did it turn out like that for them, you know, eh something so important that they just talk about it all the time, it might seem to us that our to... macron talked so much, it would be better if he gave us more weapons, but you know, that's not exactly the case, weapons are certainly good, but also very important is the readiness of nato countries to show that they are really ready to seriously oppose russia, and that this opposition will not be limited to just talking about what...


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