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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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to the officials of ukraine, what are they saying about it in vinnytsia? you know, it must be said that, first of all, his first performance caused a wave of negativity among vinnytsia residents. first of all, these are the people who are involved at the front, these are the families of our defenders, because the stories about some millions and the stories that if you give me a million, i will go to defend, and otherwise i will not go to defend anyone, by themselves should have . causes disdain in society and is rated clearly not in 10 virgins, because today the army not only needs moral support, you know, and stories about how we love her dearly and we all actively help, but really decisive steps, first of all steps among men, i want to note here in this very aspect that vinnytsia opened a recruiting center. and by the way, this center lobbies, it is headed by
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one of vinnytsia journalists, roman kovalskyi, who is a defender himself, who is precisely lobbying for people to understand that recruiting and mobilization are necessary, and to say that journalists actually disrupt mobilization is an absolute lie , because these are just the two cheesganovs with their performances, they break the stereotype of what a... defender is cool and important, well , actually, well, and finally, i will say this, you know that my mother's son, my mother's son received a punishment according to the tradition of the judicial power, 10 days of ugh, house arrest, you you know, what i wanted, it's amazing, because yes, yes, i'm listening, and what i wanted to add was just about the disruption of mobilization by journalists and about the truth. for us, the global question is not only for
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journalists, for ukrainians today, it is whether it is possible to lie about the eyelash, but for me, for example, i formulate it like this, i.e. is it possible to lie about the most important thing and hope that by lying, for example, you will drag people into the army, or or or by lying you will reassure that everything is fine, and the problem is that trust is lost from lying later, and then nobody has anything, no nobody cares does not believe, a very simple example, at his last press conference, president zelenskyi named, named the number of those killed at the front, and there he had such a flirtatious moment that he said, i don't know if i can talk about this figure, i don't know am i allowed to but since the question was from a journalist of the tv channel radu, well, with almost one hundred percent certainty, you can know, assume...
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assume that it was a homemade preparation, and the president was well aware of this question, but we heard the answer from the president that 30 died at the front , 31 thousand ukrainian defenders, at that time there are losses from the sources, this is a project that simply collects from open sources information about all the dead, confirmed information. from the communities that report about the defenders of the victims, that is, to everyone there the message has links to sources, on facebook, in the regional media, already at that time there were 42 dead, not 31 00, 42 died, then already at that time there was a discrepancy with those sources that could be confirmed, more than 10 00, this is only those whose bodies were brought home , i read, for example, now in... mykhailo
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bogatsky died on february 4, 28 years old, dmytro pilat, this is dmytro pilat, 28 years old, died on december 10, serhiy chupryna died on july 26, ivan katruk died on the 19 '. ihor sorochan died on march 24, mykola leibuk died on march 29 volodymyr vitoshkin died on march 31. in all cases, we also see some gap in time, as there is a moment of recognition that the body was delivered to the family, to vinnytsia for burial. these are seven, seven dead. for example, and, that is, this, this is
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one of those, this, this, this is actually the main challenge for me, the main challenge for me is if, how can we... can we tell the truth and how can we believe if we can't even honor properly those people who die, because on the one hand they seem to exist, and on the other hand they exist only in the best in the case of the pages of regional publications, you know, i want to say that here this issue can be considered in several aspects, one of them is that today the actual commemoration takes precedence. to local standards. vinnytsia, for example, until today, there is no single memorial sign for defenders who died from the region. the city did for its own, and some were taken from other villages, some were not taken due to some personal interjection. districts, let's say,
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did for their own, communities did for their own, but this is our common pain and the regional center should have a memorial sign for all those who gave their lives for ukraine, there is no such sign. to this day, the second point is to say that the problem of transporting the bodies of the deceased, and i am constantly faced with this, is a huge problem, why, because the involvement and closure of this issue, at one time volunteers asked, applied to join the project on shields and facilitate transportation, but the civil-military cooperation service now agrees, then changes the requirements, then says about the fact that it is not up to... whole, and we have cases where the body is waiting for 10 days, 15 days, because logistically there is simply no entry into this territory. the third point, which is not exactly on the territory of hostilities, on the peaceful territory, there is no logistical entry into this or that settlement. the third problematic issue is
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hiding the number. indeed, we must talk about the fact that war is a terrible and huge loss, and we must see this not only in ukraine, but also abroad. ukraine is talking about a small number, it is at the same time says that everything is going very well here, we don't need anything, the world should see that we need a resource, and the fourth point, you know, is the attitude of the local authorities, just last week there was a photo on facebook showing that the local the government should allocate transport and facilitate the funeral ceremony, as last week vinnytsia local government for transportation. accompanying group there or the orchestra or the guard of honor selected a green bead with inscriptions mint edible bouquets around it and attached a magnet to the bottom of the bead on the shield you can imagine what kind of respect for the defender we can talk about, when such
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a circus, semi-circus bouse rides around the city as part of a funeral procession. i even turned to the group of civil-military cooperation, handed it over... a photo and an appeal, to which they wrote that this bead was not theirs, in the end they already told the tsk, when the families of the fallen went to the tsk to ask what kind of church bead it was such a speech, it was said that this is the bouse that the vinnytsia city council and the city authorities allocated for this bouse to accompany the funeral ceremony. i think that such actions are also a manifestation of disrespect for the defenders and destroy the very process of respectful and dignified attitude towards those who give their lives for ukraine there at the front. i have two sons and a spouse at the front now, and one of the sons is now in a very difficult, critical direction, just the other day he made such a speech, and he said that, unfortunately, there are so few of us, and we we really want
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to be treated when we come back here , we don't need special respect, we need an understanding that our brothers, who died, they did not die yes. and then we go to a calmer one, because we understand that we deserve respect, at the moment this respect is not enough. i will also say, the fifth aspect, if you will allow me, is what i understood for myself, talking with military experts, and with the military too, if we do not count the people who die, then in fact they do not die at all, this means that none of the commanders personally, who, for example... did not save the lives of their subordinates, may not bear any responsibility, and if in us, and who, if in us, well, that is, in such a case, the priceless human life is actually worth nothing at all, you know, i want to draw your attention to the fact that since the beginning of the large-scale offensive
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, one of the statutes of the armed forces of ukraine has included a provision on military immunity, that that if weapons, human resources were lost, then... is not responsible, and at one time i wondered, because, well, i am close to medicine, how then can the nachmed, for example, who did not organize the evacuation, who did not provided... properly with medical means, or who bought those tourniquets, yes, which practically broke, which were showing, then the question arises, who bears the responsibility, if there is military immunity in the statute, it is protected, and if we look, in fact, no one is responsible for anything corresponds to today's time, we ca n't help but be told, for example, about the plans on the krinkas, and we don't know how many marines died there during all this time, well, we don't know the numbers, and accordingly, in principle, the krinkas are important, but... you can not talk about it, i, for example, simply say, we don't know the price, accordingly, we
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just accept it without knowing the price, but the answer then happens where people hide from the army, they don't want to go to the army, because they don't trust the commanders, or the high command, or for the purposes of this war, after all, if we don't talk to people, we don't tell the truth, we can't have trust, if there is no trust, then society is also cunning. they're not idiots either, well i'm just trying to say that every time actually because i think people who watch espresso understands this very well, it's time to say it out loud, because i don't know how long i can wait until it rains on the front, you know, i'll only say one phrase here in this matter, you know, my son was speaking on television, and he just of those who have been fighting since the 15th year since the spring, he was quite... young 22 years old, to this day, being a war invalid, he continues to fight on the front lines as part of the 56th brigade, he said,
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you know, you talk about some fabulous economic front, but as a military man, i too, i buy equipment, i supply and pay taxes, then it turns out, i'm on two fronts, uh, then i'm a story, it's very, it's very unfortunate that the military, who get, because sometimes people say, and you... will get such a huge salary, it's very unfortunate, because the military their salary, which they could, which could go to their families, it is clear that it goes mostly to the needs of the army and the families also understand this, because it is a question of their safety, a question of preserving their lives, it is very unfortunate, and every time it is necessary to remind those people who are far from the front that we, being far from the front, must support our defenders, be with them, despite the fact that we have our own problems, daily challenges, but remember,
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be with this thought that the war continues, and our military need our support, mrs. olena, thank you, thank you, i wish you to receive a plus-plus message from your sons, thank you, thank you, olena verlan kulshenko, deputy and have a good day, thank you, actually, the deputy of the vinnytsia city council was with us, we for... now let's move to the zaporizhzhia region, deputy of zaporizhzhia of the district council and journalist alisa sysoeva joins us, ms. alisa, good morning, good morning, congratulations, ms. alisa, how was the night, please tell me, well, it was a bit loud in zaporizhzhia, at night and during the day, yesterday it was loud in our place, but as we were informed this morning, all enemy drones were shot down by our defenders over the zaporizhzhia sky, so we probably managed to avoid... well, a complete disaster, so we can say that the morning went well in zaporizhzhia. in the zaporizhzhia
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region, the news is not so good, 401 shellings per day, unfortunately, there is one wounded person, he is a man from orichov, well, but no one died, so it 's good, the russian occupiers continue to destroy our cities and villages, so this was the situation we had. what is happening at the front, are people discussing among themselves somehow... will the front hold out, or is there no fear due to the fact that the russians are constantly dispersing information about the impending offensive? indeed, this information has recently appeared in the russian public, and in general, in principle, for the last two years, they have been threatening that they will capture zaporozhye, but still, i think that in two years people should already learn to filter the news and read, to trust only the military. we are informed that, in principle , there are really heavy battles in the zaporozhye direction, as recently, every day
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the russians are trying to restore their lost positions in the area of ​​work and production, fierce battles are taking place there, during the day there are up to 10 attacks on our military positions, but the zaporizhzhya front is holding, so let's hope that the russians will not be able to advance a single meter, of course, that's all delight. zaporizhzhia cannot speak the language, because it is very far from them here, and in general people are encouraged to read less russian news channels. and by the way, i must say that yesterday in zaporizhzhia, so to speak, well, zaporizhzhia, i was just reading ria pivden, i apologize, and i’m sorry that i speak russian, well , you just got russian knocked out, it caught me in russian, i apologize, in zaporizhzhia , and he visited, known to the whole world, a pespatron, he held a press conference, answered
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the questions of journalists, i understand that, in principle, our government conducts such meaningful the press conference, which is perespatron. we can give a master class, but in principle, what did this world-famous dog say, well, you know, something good must happen in zaporizhzhia, that there was an explosion in the morning, that day a special guard came to us, well, he talked about the danger of mines, about the fact that it was such an insult directed at children, and well, as always , he fulfilled his mission, taught children to be careful and live in these realities of war, well... you know this, like any conference of a respectable person, about the public got to know her already there after the end of the event, therefore, in principle, the news from this conference was the visit of pes-patron just like that, that’s right, well, but this one, i see that the comics are not bad, the pespatron himself reads them, that’s basically what he says, yes, not bad, not bad,
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maybe , and can we show that comic? i do not mind. well, if you can, but you see, this patron dog is reading a comic about himself, well , such a nice dog, nice, and says, they did not lie, yes, he says, the truth, i tell you the truth, mrs. aliso, what is heard in the occupied territories, which news from melitopol, what news from berdyansk? unfortunately, the news in the occupied territories is not comforting, we are told that the pressure on the people is increasing, that this is the news that they are going to mobilize. and several thousand people in the occupied territories, it is true, because earlier, when decrees and news about mobilization appeared, the occupied territories were somehow separated, now there is no such thing, but the counting continues, the registration of people who have to be registered for the military continues, and we are also informed that filtering has increased,
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there have been more roadblocks around the city, well, maybe this is due to the fact that something is constantly... banging, even we were informed that at night and yesterday there was a ba ovna again in tokmak, in general here in the tokmak district, there is probably not a single day when a ba ovna did not sound there, and of course, this probably confuses the occupiers, and unfortunately, there is continuous propaganda going on there, the washing of children's cities, you know, it's up to us children, our children are told by the pespatron about how to deal with explosives, about measures security, in the occupied territories children are already dressed in russian uniforms, because in in schools in melitopol, some special classes have been opened, where additional lessons are taught, about, well, it's like courage lessons, but
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they are now mandatory. tells, once again teaches how to love family, so, unfortunately, the situation in the occupied territories remains very, very difficult, and it is reported that now it has become even more difficult to leave even through the annexed crimea, even through third countries, because well filtering is simple terrible, people are checked, people sit for several hours waiting for these russian interrogations, and unfortunately, there are often cases when people disappear somewhere after that, you know, this pespo. the throne became known to the whole world, and so-and-so, vladimir rogov from melitopol became known to the whole of russia, he seems to be a deputy there now, and yesterday he visited the show of solovyov, a famous russian propagandist, where he asked to return the death penalty in russia just in case, well suddenly, suddenly, what if he already had, had, so to
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speak, a good punishment for himself, i think that as a person wants the death penalty so badly, therefore... somehow make an exception for rogov and then try him according to the laws of the russian federation, which they have, there is the death penalty for treason, okay, fine, according to russian law, i completely agree with you , i am sure that rohav was the first to run for a russian passport, so he is the first on his own experience, as an instigator and propagandist, to demonstrate the expediency of his demand, well, thank you very much for the conversation, alisa sysoeva was with us, a deputy and a journalist. zaporizhzhia district council, deputy, we team sometimes we will take a short break and then serhiy sizonenko will tell us about odeshchyna and the news, stay with us. attention, move from unpack tv. sofa keif covers with a discount
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the national team represents, united by football, stronger together, an unusual look. to the news: good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones, a special look at events in ukraine, on the border of kyiv there will be to be some katsap and beyond, what a world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, on saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. channel espresso and'. ukrainian pen present the project own names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social
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debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. dear friends, we are returning to ether, we are continuing our roll call and now odesa is in touch with us. serhiy sizonenko, a deputy of the odesa district council, is already joining our broadcast, mr. serhiy, good morning, how was the night in odesa, please tell me. good morning, studio, good morning ukraine. in general, the night passed more or less calmly, not without an air alarm, but in general, thank god, in the city without arrivals, without any violence, let's say so, without... from the noise from the operation of our air defense systems, that is, in general, more - it's less calm, we can say that, it's good, it's great news, it's
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more or less calm, but in the meantime, uh, are surprised by world politicians who continue such russian narratives, ex-adviser of the us defense minister douglas mcgreck. stated: remember that kharkiv, like odessa, are historically russian cities, and in the fall of 23 we were made very clear that these cities would become russian again, just as it was obvious from the fall of 22, so rest assured, these cities will return to russian russian control, when the russians say so is one thing, and this is an ex-advisor to the us secretary of defense, an ex-advisor, yes, listen, well, we can let's say this, let's clearly understand for ourselves... that our enemy in the face of the russian federation spends very huge funds on his lobby in the west, it's somewhere... i think, probably
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billions of dollars, and these funds, let's say, go through them lobbyists, to the leaders of public opinion, those who are not very clear, who try to pump their narratives, that is, i do not know whether something like this happened in this situation, or they simply misled a person , but anything is possible'. and russia is making every effort to maintain its informational struggle against ukraine, as we are we see the budgets are huge, and in general we have to admit that it is possible in them, it is possible in some directions in the west to pump their narratives precisely through western leaders of public opinion. well, but odesa shows something completely different, and maybe this mr. mcgregor
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will see this news that... and for example, in odesa , kateryninska square, which is in the center of the city, is informed by the odesa city council, has already chosen a new name , mr. sergey, how do you like the new name? that's right, not only ekaterinnitska square, but also ekaterinnitska street are being planned rename to european, respectively european street, european square, they also plan to rename zhukovsky street to... lesya ukrainka street and bunina street to police street, not only these, these toponyms are planned to be changed, but these are the most famous toponyms and beloved by odessa residents, because they are located in the center of the city, and these, shall we say, names are the most controversial, especially, personally, the names european square and european street are completely impressive, because we understand that odessa was built by europeans, they were. italians
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greeks, french, that is, a very large number, 124 nationalities live in odessa, so in my opinion, this is a good name for the square, for the central square and street of the city, and you say that discussions are ongoing, there are those who want to old names left? eh, yes, there were those who wanted the old names to remain, there were people who, well, look, this is some kind of collective decision, firstly, of the toponymic commission. secondly, it will be brought to the hall of the odesa city council, where we will see whether the deputies unanimously support it or not, well, thirdly, there are some disputes in telegram channels, there were other variants of names, there were those who, let's say, liked the old toponyms, that is, let's say, there is a plurality of some opinions, but in general, like the slices that i saw...
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most everything after all, for renaming it to a european one, one can live with the thought that for those ukrainians who all the time looked in the direction of russia, who missed the soviet union, that somehow russian rockets are already targeting their cities, but there are still people, what, what is the soviet union, what is soviet russia, what is russia, in principle, always closer, and in principle, when you read the interview of serhii shefir's brother, who worked in the office. in the passport, there are still such people in ukraine, such people who are written that they are ukrainians , unfortunately, there are many with such beliefs, but the russians are working to change the opinions of these ukrainians, if they do not reach them good, then unfortunately, then rockets fly, well, as we can see, putin, let's say this,
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made it so that all... these toponyms changed their names, so that the monument to catherine and other monuments of our imperialist stories were disappearing, did more for it than anyone before him and i hope after him. mr. serhiy, thank you, have a peaceful day, we wish odesa. serhii sizonenko, a deputy of the odesa district council, was in touch with us. and now kateryna shirokopois is in touch with us and will tell us the latest news. katre, i congratulate you on the word. congratulations. greetings andria, in a moment i will tell you about the successful night work of our anti-aircraft defense, as well as the new statements of our allies from the states regarding strikes on russian refineries. news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio
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