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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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thank you for the opportunity to join your broadcast. thank you for finding time for us. how are you, what's going on? in general, the situation, as reported by my brothers on the front line, is quite tense. our brigade, the fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard , continues to hold the defense, repel enemy provocations. unfortunately, the density of fire, the density of shelling, the density of the enemy's attempts to advance, do not subside. the enemy is the same, unfortunately, as a week ago. like two, like a month, like a few months, like a year ago, basically uses the same tactics, the only thing that combines, the only thing is adding new technologies, they are actively, again , now using unmanned aerial systems of various kinds, fpv drones, attack drones, and continue, again, unfortunately, they still have an advantage in the amount of ammunition, and , unfortunately, they are trying to use their ammunition for artillery not only in order
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to bombard chaotically, to cover with planes, but also to adjust from a copter, from a drone, that is, they are trying to extract from that soviet scrap metal something similar to some accuracy, for this, soviet weapons are not designed for accuracy, they are designed for mass mass, but still, unfortunately, they are trying something, and if the ammunition is not as high-quality as, for example, what they had before, but on alas, still it explodes, it destroys something, and they destroy once peaceful cities, peaceful settlements, peaceful plantings, fields, etc. and etc. mr. volodymyr, we are now collecting fpv drones, and the russians, despite the fact that they have a lot of soviet junk that is still in operation, they also have a lot of these fpv drones, which this fpv drone does, how useful is it? alive at the front. modern war, indeed,
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is a war of technology, a war of know-how, as zaluzhny said in one of his interviews that he previously gave: modern war is a war of one chance, when in the sense it means technology, when know-how, some technology can only be applied there for a certain period of time, after that, what, what we, what... what orcs, what enemies, they adapt, they find some ways of technological, technological countermeasures, that is, if already there to say it more seriously, there is a certain know-how in the last year, drones with resets, fpv drones have become drones, to which at first these resets were somehow screwed by a rather artisanal method, now they are made much more professionally, more technologically, but what countermeasures are used , that
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the defense forces, that, unfortunately, the occupiers, these are various different types of radio jamming systems that are used in order to break communication with the pilot, with the operator who controls this drone, and also, unfortunately, the orcs, and this is no secret , they actively dig in, actively engineering structures are being built, they are actively digging, they are digging a trench, and unfortunately, what... what we are observing again, but we are finding how to counter it, the enemy is covering with various different kinds of nets, metal coatings, metal nets, other types of nets , in order to protect our trenches there, to protect our dugouts, we see this and just kidding, we are just now showing a video with the latest russian modification of the t-72, which already has this... rap, the reb harpy system,
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it will be closer there now and it will be possible to see her mounted on the turret of the tank, but , as we can see, it did not help against the attack of ukrainian drones, the tank was destroyed somewhere in the middle of the field, you see, it is already burning, that’s right, i confirm there, in addition to rep systems, at the enemy, at sorry, you see, he is installing some kind of barbecues, grills, some kind of nets, grates, on the towers for, well, also, trying to... trying to somehow protect himself from attack drones and semi-drones, but as you can see in the video, the defense forces are finding technological ways, i'm already here i don't want to specify how to bypass the eyes radio jamming, how to bypass the nets, how to bypass the various countermeasures that the occupier makes, and i'm leading to the point that modern warfare is a technology war, and it's very important that the defense forces, that... our brothers have leadership
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in understanding technology, in the understanding, because for every technology, every appliance, every device, every latest device of the latest. weapons, it saves lives, saves the lives of ukrainian heroes, and it is better to fight with drones than to put our heroes, soldiers, machine gunners, scouts, grenade launchers, mortars, etc. and etc. and at risk etc., that is why it is important, again in the modern war, here i would like to thank every ukrainian, every ukrainian volunteer, who donates every day, helps, works so that the ukrainian war... and the defense forces in general become stronger and stronger, which now with western aid, does it continue to come, spare parts for equipment, all these kind of logistical things, that is , whether this support is felt, it's actually
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quite difficult for me to say, because i know what i know, let's say, within the limits of my duties connections, and this is in principle true, here i would like to call to trust officially. news of official information from the general staff about reports of supplies etc. and etc. in any case and as far as artillery matters are concerned, at least as far as i know, the ammunition is not enough, or rather the enemy unfortunately has the advantage in ammunition, and i say with confidence , that we don't have enough ammunition, because unfortunately... are walking and they are not destroyed yet, there will be enough ammunition only when the orcs are not walking, they will all be destroyed, and the ammunition will be lying in a warehouse, in principle, like any weapon, is not enough, and while the orcs are on our land. i know the military says there's a certain amount
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of ammunition that's needed to attack or counterattack, there's another amount of ammunition that 's needed to deter attacks, so is it enough to get a front now, at least. forces, in any case , the defense forces have plan a, plan b, plan c, and all kinds of options, moreover, one of the extreme news, not sure how to comment on it, about the fact that there are some not named officers, on the condition of anonymity, say that there is a risk if in any case the defense forces will repulse all possible attempts of the enemy to advance, or are these now some provocations. are these about the enemy offensive attempts that were in the winter, at the end of autumn, all winter, or will these be some future attempts at breakthroughs, and by the way, it is difficult to imagine how
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any breakthroughs will be attempted, what does this mean, breakthroughs, which are there at the end of spring or fall or summer from the enemy, what we basically have is... as a defense force to prepare for any, let's say, possible actions of the enemy, but in any case we will restrain and grind as much as possible those groups of the enemy who will try to advance, attack or otherwise act, the more enemies there are somewhere, we will see them concentrated in one place, the more losses they will bear, the more bi and the more we as artillerymen will grind, grind those scoundrels. mr. volodymyr, thank you very much for this conversation, volodymyr nazarenko, call sign sonechko, officer of the artillery of the fourth brigade of the national guard of ukraine rubizh, has been with us for two years, even longer, mr. volodymyr and i know each other, and we are always glad to have the opportunity
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to talk with him live, i think our viewers can say the same. dear friends, you have heard the words of volodymyr nazarenko that... that drones are very necessary in order to protect the lives of our people, and we showed how these drones work, that is, in reality, this is the newest, most modern tank with super antennas, super , that's already a factory fashionable grill, that's all it was made so that it could not be destroyed by an inexpensive drone, so that it would be protected from such an attack, and nothing helped the muscovites, it didn’t help, that’s all, the first one arrives, you see, they just spin around... and those ordinary ones arrive, bang hit him and minus one russian, then and then the next one flies over and throws another grenade inside for this morning 15:00 we have already collected added to our account we have already
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crossed the mark of 3000 hryvnias and we already have 310 401 hryvnias and 61 kopecks in our account we are moving little by little we started this week with... dear friends, so it's a good result, but the goal is still far from it, 2 million, in general, we have to collect drones for two brigades at once, so. join with your hryvnias for the occasion, if possible, whoever has how much, it doesn't have to be huge, it doesn't have to be a huge amount of transfer, it just has to be, let's take a break and continue, will be serhiy zgorets, military expert, director of the defense express company, stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then saw strong unbox tv, just for you, with it you. with you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work,
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every week maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how us... to accept the statements of european politicians and what our accession to the eu will look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with au sisters. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow,
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watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are coming back, we are continuing our marathon, now we will talk about the situation at the front, but first i want to show you, share with you such poignant footage that i saw in the tape, yevhen terikhov, military, er, these published the footage about a boy who lives in the front-line territories, who as soon as he heard the roar of ukrainian helicopters, immediately ran out with a blue-yellow flag, in this way he ... greeted them, and the ukrainian pilots did not remain in debt and decided to thank the boy for
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this support was supported by the ukrainian colors of the ukrainian flag and they flew to him and handed him a package. we don't know what was in that package, but we know that the boy was very comforted, wished the pilots good luck and wished them to return alive from the combat mission over z'. of course, it all looks tight, we are happy, we are happy that even in such difficult situations something so deep and human still remains. some kind of soulful, soulful affairs despite the fact that in their daily life, in their work there is a lot that's enough, actually now you see how the military man ran and handed the package to this child,
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we are very happy for that, and we wish both the military man and this child that there would finally be peace and... had they met under different circumstances, there is already mr. serhii zgurets is with us, a military expert, director of the defense express company. mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. mr. serhiy, some group of unnamed military officers, soldiers from zaluzhny's entourage, who, at least they were generals of the time , gave interviews or comments well deserved, so they say in the western media. i understand that... all those conclusions are resonant, because our previous interlocutor, volodymyr nazarenko, an officer of the artillery of the fourth brigade, even referred to them indirectly, where , in particular, various theses of these unnamed former high-ranking military men were echoed, that that in fact the situation at the front is bad, the mobilization is systemic and has not yet
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been launched, that there is a high probability that the russians will be able to break through the front, for example, in the summer or at the end of the summer, what do you say, you must have heard, seen, read, these, this, these comments, what do you think about this, is the situation really that bad, and in particular there is one thesis that i was also interested in, the idea that the f-16, which we hope so, after all , they will come late, not enough, the russians have already prepared for this too, they have a lot in 16... knock down and they will not be able to change anything, really you are now referring to the publication of a policy that, with reference to unnamed sources , also referring to the former entourage of general zaluzhnyi, gives an assessment of the situation on the front line, in any
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in this case, i still refer to these publications, which are rather emotional and sarcastic. primarily to the western audience to somehow speed up the change in the policy of the united states itself regarding aid to ukraine, but when we talk about the situation on the front line, it is really quite difficult, because we see the enemy's attempt to advance along the entire front, there are areas where now armored vehicles and mechanized assaults are being actively used, which was not the case before, but i attribute this to the fact that now russia is actually trying to take advantage of... a certain window of opportunity, she knows that now we have certain limitations on ammunition, we these assaults are precisely aimed at achieving maximum success for the enemy in these realities, which i think will eventually change to for our benefit. now we have a situation where there are several
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directions, well, in particular, we know about attempts to break through there to the time of yaru, attacks there on the ter. unsuccessful attacks on the enemy's audio zone, where a significant amount of armored vehicles were destroyed, but in general these assaults are repeated, repeated, repeated, and this creates such background perceptions, in particular by foreign observers there, that it seems that the situation there is complex and critical, it is complex and critical, but if we look at the advance of the enemy in general along the front line, and when we say, that since october last year about... has been carrying out offensive actions, and the result is today the capture of avdiyivka there, 6 km deep there, on which the enemy dropped about 80,000 personnel, advanced 6 km, 50,000 personnel personnel lost, then with such dynamics it is hardly possible to say that the enemy has opportunities for some more powerful, especially strategic offensive actions there with
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the coverage of entire regions, i think that this is a significant exaggeration, and to a large extent i think.. . that we should be quite calm about such western publications, which really throw us off balance at times and we are forced to react, because it is like a leading american publication that cannot be wrong, but i am still a supporter of publications when they are indicated from one side sources, with whom were talking, and when officials, one or another , take responsibility for their words, just like what is happening there now with the same statements from hentseikan, then he really says two scenarios, if there will be help, everything else, then relatively speaking, russia will not be able to advance if there is not enough help. indeed, ukraine will have to leave part of its territories in order to preserve its personnel and already prepare for other realities, when this aid arrives, only then to recapture those territories that will be captured
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the enemy, using this advantage that the enemy currently has, well, when they talk about this breakthrough in general, what is meant by a breakthrough, what such a breakthrough might look like and what to do in the event that such a breakthrough occurs, well, look, here is avdiivka , about which i mentioned, in fact, the area... there are four there on 3 km, it took 5 months, 80 thousand personnel advanced 6 km in 5 months, where we have other such areas, where there is a concentration of enemy personnel and a technique that can provide larger advance, where there is an accumulation of borog reserves along the entire front line, there are no such areas now, and therefore if we talk about the fact that there may be breakthroughs somewhere, then i believe that this is a journalistic exaggeration, the most important thing for us is to get, figuratively speaking. the entire front line, to minimize the advance of the enemy and to ensure maximum losses of the enemy, which is now being carried out, even in conditions when the enemy conducts massive mechanized assaults,
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which did not happen before, these mechanized assaults, i repeat, refer to the fact that it is just the enemy's throw in conditions when he sees a window of opportunity, when we are talking about some offensive actions there with the possibility of an attack on kharkiv, the sums there are even more on kyiv, then this is the main development management. and experts soberly assess as primarily informational and psychological operations that should affect ukrainian society, but we experienced much more critical moments, much more real military threat, much more psychological pressure, i think that this is just another stage where the enemy, and sometimes our western journalists do not feed the eyes of threats that sometimes don't really exist. under the circumstances, now the enemy is trying to maintain the number of personnel who are on the front line due to hidden mobilization, a new wave of mobilization, i think it will be
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much later than the president says, because now the enemy is conducting a draft, and only after prize, he will probably announce an additional mobilization there, so far, according to our estimates, the enemy is avoiding a decision on such a large mobilization, hope... it will be covered primarily by contractors, conscription and by increasing payments for those conditional volunteers who now want to serve in the russian army, a massive mass attack in the rostov region is confirmed by local officials, 60 explosions were counted and eyewitnesses reported about numerous drones, or you? do you know anything about this attack, what airfield is it aimed at? i think that today we will expect a lot of such news related to the attack not only
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on the morozovytsk airfield in the rostov region, there were attacks on three russian airfields, this is engels, there 700 km from the borders of ukraine, this is precisely morozovsk, which we now see on the screen, there are 300 km, and the veeysk ​​airfield is about a kilometer... 150 and when we talk about morozivsk, one of those airfields that were attacked by ukrainian drones today, then i actually expected this attack, because in fact we understand that if we have increased the number of drones in our arsenal, then they must first of all be directed not only at the enemy's refineries, but also at those airfields where the enemy uses to base those planes that are carried out for kabama attacks on the territory of ukraine, on the territory of morozovsky there in... yesterday, according to satellite images, there were somewhere around 24 of these su-34 bombers, three su-35 fighters
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, which are covering these su-34s, which are carrying out drone attacks, and if this was really carried out, 403 60 drones were carried out strikes on this morozov airfield, we'll see, we'll wait for the pictures , we'll see what the results are, as i repeat , there was water on the engels airfield, it's 700 km, the enemy bases tu-95s, tu-160s and tu-22s there, which are used for strikes on ukraine , and that the airfield last year was also under, even, even in the 22nd year, sometime in december along this lytovyshche, which was considered far enough to reach, then we attacked this airfield with the help of drones. cut off the modified, soviet ones, and now i think that strikes were already carried out by long-range drones of ukrainian development, we will see whether it was a beaver or a ferocious,
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the main thing is that they ... were effective, but all this is put into the concept, which is extremely important, this is exactly to destroy, to make it difficult for the enemy to use their aviation, which well today is trying to actively influence the front line through the use of drones or the use of cruise missiles against our civilian objects and energy infrastructure. in relation to the f-16s, this is a question of whether the f-16s are really already being given to us too late, that they will no longer be a game changer. even seriously, i think that the past conclusions from the war have taught us that no one weapon, one weapon does not change the situation on the battlefield, we are only talking about integrated use, if we say that there will be the first six machines, then of course, six machines do not solve the situation on the battlefield, but they will partially affect the fact that there are driving away russian planes that use those scales, or they will
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ensure the solution of tasks. of air defense, destroying russian cruise missiles, of course, in order for f-16s to change the situation in the field, there should be, relatively speaking, much more, there at least 50 plus or there up to 100- to 100 aircraft, but this is a stage that we have to pass. now, if we are talking about six planes, it is really gaining some experience, working out tactics the use of these aircraft because the enemy will actually hunt these aircraft using their own. advantages, in particular the presence of long-range missiles in the composition of the same 135s, there you need to make special tactics, how to fight with russian aircraft, but such challenges are already taken into account by ukrainian pilots, they are invested in new tactics of use, where, in particular, i hope that avax will ensure the detection of russian planes approaching our borders and , together with our f-16s, will choose
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the optimal routes there to... shoot down or russian planes to make it more difficult for now, or to shoot down russian cruise missiles. indeed, the question remains as to what list of weapons we will receive for the f-16, for now this is something that remains behind the scenes, and we for experts from regarding estimates, but i hope that there will still not be those critical limitations that sometimes american politicians there are already starting to talk about the fact that these planes can be used for ... air defense means, but they cannot be used for strikes on the territory of the russian federation, if they are there transferred with certain long-range missiles, i am afraid that these nuances will not affect the functional limitations of the use of those aircraft that we are so waiting for, well, since we first of all want these long-range missiles with powerful radars in a bunch, which will be able to work for several hundred kilometers, yes , well
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we expect it to be modernized enough. planes with good radars that see not as far as the modern russian tam su-35, and we hope to get extreme versions of the tam 120, air-to-air missiles and long-range air-to-air missiles, land, i hope that it will really be implemented, although i want it to be faster, because it really is, the sooner the better, because it will affect the situation, in particular in maintaining security. our air thank you serhiy zurets, military expert, director of the defense express company was with us, dear friends. thank you for staying with us as well. our marathon continues, we are working with andrii saichuk. andriy saichuk? yes, from leseyuk. until 12 o'clock. yes, i'm just reminding you while our air lasts. further, now on our air will be a project from ours colleagues colleagues from radio svoboda svoboda ranok. we will be back at 9:50. well, traditionally. in the morning
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, throughout the country we honor those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression, and we honor them with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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