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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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a project from our colleagues colleagues from radio svoboda good morning, we will return at 9:50 a.m., and traditionally at 9:00 a.m., throughout the country we honor those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression and we honor them with a minute of silence. we will observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war. that it was unleashed by russia.
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hello everyone, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting the information day together with you, and on this broadcast we are talking about... nato does not plan to deploy troops in ukraine, as it is not a party to the conflict - said gensech stoltenberg and named two scenarios for the development of the war, whether there is a scenario of ukraine's victory among them. meanwhile, on the battlefield, the russian army continues to advance in the avdiiv direction. they have advanced in berdychi and are storming towards neighboring semenivka and umanskyi, according to deep state analysts. we will tell you everything we know about the situation there. control gambling and lotteries, block.
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online casino and restrict military access to it. such a proposal has the deputies of profile committee. how will it work and what are these changes for? if you watch this video on youtube, don't forget, this platform works in such a way that it is thanks to your comments and likes that this video will be seen by even more people. therefore, if you like the freedom of the morning, like, subscribe, ring the bell and write a comment. russian forces advanced in berdychi in the avdiiv direction. are storming towards neighboring semenivka and umanskyi, analysts of the deep state project report this. there is also talk of promotion this week of russian forces in pervomaiskyi and about the capture of vodyanyi, but near nevelskyi the armed forces of ukraine repulsed russian forces from several positions. the general staff of ukraine reported two repulsed attacks in the ardian direction near nevalskyi and pervomaysk, and the capture of vodyanyi by russian forces there has not been confirmed so far. the russian ministry of defense says that the russian army has improved. their positions near the eagles
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of kyberdychy and tonenko, but near pervomaisky allegedly repelled the counterattack of the armed forces of ukraine. meanwhile, a large-scale drone attack in russia's ministry of defense reports that 53 drones were intercepted and destroyed, most of them 44 over the rostov region, where an electrical substation was allegedly damaged, the governor of the region says. but some russian telegram channels write that there were as many as 60 drones over the rostov region and that the target of their strike was the military airfield in morozovsk, where russian su-24 and su-34 bombers are based. more than 10 loud explosions also rang out in the city of yeisk , krasnodar territory, in the area of ​​the local airfield and the military town-town. so writes the telegram channel shot. the russian ministry of defense claims that six drones were destroyed in this region and one drone each, according to the russian agency, was shot down in the kursk, belgorod and saratov regions. ukraine does not currently have this attack.
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commented that during the 610 days of captivity, he lost almost half his weight, and immediately after his release he could barely walk. mykola hoidalo, a 50-year-old miner from volyn, went to the front voluntarily and was captured almost in the first days. he spent almost two years in russian prisons and lost more than 30 kg of weight. now he is being treated in one from dnipro hospitals. let's look at his story. on the 24th, when the war started, i of course took them to work. they didn't let us in, everyone was sent home, already on march 1 i went to the kumat, where i went to serve, well, i didn't think about it, it's not the same as west-east, it's ukraine, we arrived in the donetsk region in may, and of course there i was captured, in the donetsk region, behind sloviansk town of chervyn liman, we were immediately sent to the position, as soon as we got to the position.
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were taken prisoner, we simply did not have the opportunity to fight against heavy equipment, there was tula, as we guessed, i stayed there for 7 months, and then we were transferred even further, he... this is all a physical and moral attack, but from the person himself it is clear what they want to do, if they did not want to do it, they used physical force, well , of course, they made me learn propagandist poems, well, about propaganda about russia, about their victory, it was possible to refuse this, well no, of course, ribs and legs could also be injured. were there such cases, someone refused? well, almost no one, to me it is somehow, it is a little softer it was attributed to me because i was being mobilized, already to the contract workers, who are contract workers or marines or paratroopers,
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they were already more cruel, well, we were standing there all the time and my legs swelled, i ran away, a traffic ulcer appeared, this distance from a bad meal. it 's just that the blood doesn't circulate and the bruises come out, well, we were allowed to march in place to warm up our legs, well, of course, it's not all that you're moving, at 30 kg of hiking, you could see ribs, bones, says i'm from captivity, i'm 610 days for 16-18 hours stood, we did not allow to sit down. atrophy of the lower limbs began, now he is being treated in the department of vascular surgery, where drips are administered, they are preparing everything possible to operate on him, because the stagnant processes in the limbs caused a troffer, he said that
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every evening, when i went to bed, i wanted to die, we were supposed to be exchanged on the 20th of the fourth for... well, the exchange did not take place, we were detained for 7 days, they said that the plane had been shot down, well, on the 30th, they took us out, threatened us on a bus, transported us, of course, what was the hope that on exchange, well, but not on 100%, already when they removed the middles from the heads, that they already saw that we were already going, already then i understood that it was already obin, what about you? you feel that you are in ukraine, but you still don't believe yourself, alone, alone, yourself. well, as they were taking us to the hospital, people stood near every house with flags and posters, they welcomed us, they were, well, they were glad, just a kind of joy and pride in their hearts for
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the fact that as ukraine, as ukrainians, without knowing those people, prisoners, how they greet them, well, the soul simply rejoiced. ukraine urgently needs more aid, he made such a statement following the results of the meeting at nato headquarters , us secretary of state anthony blinken stressed the need for congress to approve us president joe biden's request for an additional budget. we know what the needs are, the air defenses, the artillery, the munitions, so i think, based on what i've heard today, that everybody, including the united states, is going to ... redouble efforts and if necessary redouble the search for resources, which ukraine continues to need. the house of representatives will vote on aid to ukraine in mid-april, or even later later, bloomberg writes, although earlier the media wrote that the congress will continue the consideration of this issue from april 9.
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according to bloomberg, speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson is looking for ways to soften the opposition from republicans who are against providing military and financial aid to ukraine. further hostilities in ukraine can develop according to two scenarios, depending on whether the allies in the alliance will be able to rally to help kyiv, says nato secretary general jen stoltenberg. and here, according to him, is the first scenario for ukraine it will be possible to de-occupy more territories if nato allies mobilize enough support. if this does not happen, then russian forces will be able to seize more territory. stoltenberg called the situation on the battlefield in ukraine difficult and added that the russian army continues. move along the front line and mobilize more people. we will talk about the scenario from the nato secretary general later. oleksandr mosienko, head of the center for military and legal research, joined our broadcast. oleksandr, congratulations, thank you for joining. i congratulate you. before we get to those scenarios from stoltenberg, i want to ask
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you about the situation on the battlefield, at the front. there is information that russian troops continue to advance in the direction of avdiiv and that they have advanced in berdich and are conducting an assault. in the direction of neighboring semenivka and umanskyi, at least deep state analysts say so, the forces of the russian federation have the strength and means to move further, what is the situation in this direction? well, the situation is complicated, this is one of the priorities. directions for the enemy's attack, it is likely that he will suffer this direction as well, you see, it is strengthened most by russia, which shows what i said earlier, you understand that the enemy will concentrate on those directions where they had certain successes, and the russian command obviously thinks that, even at the cost of great losses and efforts, but they had success in avdiivka, that led as a result to her admiration, and accordingly in this direction it is worth trying to develop success. however, i would like to say. to say that despite the fact that minor tactical successes of the enemy are indeed recorded in this direction, in principle it is possible to restrain
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attacks and repel numerous attacks, that is, everything one thing is to break through the defense line, which the russian troops want to do, they fail, they rest against this defense line, somewhere our positions are forced to maneuver and move away, but they do not succeed, the main goal that stands, why did they take this direction in such a way, you understand, that’s why what is there... the position is flat and they think that after passing the ukrainian defense lines, they will be able to develop a rapid pace and advance there to, well, maybe even several tens of kilometers deep, that is how the enemy calculates, or at least kilometers to 10-15 at once, and that's why they used armored columns more often, because they think that they will suddenly be able to break through somewhere and advance, but ukrainian forces are actually blocking it, so the situation... which, let's say, is very difficult, but it is, in principle, as it is today the day is controlled, there
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is a rather fierce struggle going on there, and what is most important, it is possible to disrupt the pace of these attacks, that is, what is very important to understand that the enemy can really succeed, and by strengthening their offensive actions, maybe, probably, it will be so, that they will manage to advance further, but what matters is the pace of progress, you know, if you advance 10 km in six months, well... this is one of those price over effort, if they will put such efforts for 10 km, then i think that no mobilization will help , this is just mathematics, it is very important such and such a remark from you and for the understanding of the viewers who follow what is happening on the front, however, it is clear that it is not as professional as the profile people do, i would also like to ask about the situation in russia, telegram channels write that there are three airfields attacked by drones, for this night, the russian authorities react to this, all that can be said at this moment about this attack and
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its consequences? and it must be said that the information was really about three points, this is the saratov region, engels, well, it is clear there, the importance of engels in general lies in the fact that, in addition to the fact that planes are based there, which, by the way, were currently there, if i am not mistaken , four or five tu-95s, which... probably, by the way, were preparing and are preparing for the task of a missile strike on the territory of ukraine, and engels is important in that there only in wengels can the strategic aviation of russia undergo certain routine repair work, therefore there is a lot of equipment there, equipment that is also potentially a target. the second is morozovsk, this is the rostov region, where the su-34 is located, this is a large airfield, a large air base, where ammunition is also located, that is... and bombs for the su-34, and it is clear that strikes on them are just as important from
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the point of view in view of the fact that su-34 are guided air bombs that russia launches along the front line and on ukrainian cities, the same is true in yeysk are combined, the su-24 is also based there, it is more of an older model than the su-34, there is an isu-25, and there is an isu-34, so i think that we are for... now we see, let's say, another page of ukrainian attacks on russian military facilities, if earlier we saw more often oil refineries, now it is also military airfields, i think the goal is clear, it is to try to reduce this particular missile-bomb terror of the enemy. oleksandr, well , let's talk about the scenario from stoltenberg, here we can also hear your assessment, and what do you think of such scenarios, and which of them is for you... more likely, that is, let me remind you once again, he said that if the partners of ukraine
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will support ukraine, then even the deoccupation of certain territories may be possible, and if it is not possible to mobilize these efforts, then there may be a loss territory, well , this is the scenario, either we will help or not , absolutely, well, absolutely correct, this is an absolutely logical position, i support it, why, because look, everything is very simple, i will explain to you, one clear and understandable explanation, look, russia... now accelerating this one mobilizing, not pausing and not counting casualties, uh, carrying out this offensive without stopping, without stopping, they're actually also taking a very big risk, that's... the risk is that they're counting on the west will not have time to help ukraine, in principle, and will not act on time, and especially the united states, because its role still remains a leader, europe supplies, but they cannot satisfy us, well, they cannot, it is simply impossible in a short period of time, the usa they can, and that's why i count until
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the issue is being considered in the congress, maybe let's move forward quickly... we will be successful, and what is the risk if the congress were to vote now, for example, in april, and by may we would already start receiving more aid within the framework of this package, for example, at least at the end of may, then, in principle, this risk for russia would be completely unjustified, because ukrainian forces would start hitting from everywhere to destroy a large number of the enemy's capabilities, and they would be forced to stop offensive actions and even. .. it is possible to withdraw on some areas of the front, and then, in turn, this would open prospects for ukraine in the framework of active defense, or simply by carrying out separate, at least at the local tactical level , minor attacks, to win back certain positions and squeeze the enemy, and therefore it is completely clear here that when the enemy takes such
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risks, he needs to demonstrate that these risks were not justified, and this depends , among other things, on the mobilization of the west. but well, i take into account a lot of comments in social networks, it is not representative there, but nevertheless, different opinions, how did they gather such a question, is it not possible to compare such a reaction, such words of stoltenberg and his scenarios, well, with a surgeon who knows that it is possible to intervene now with a scalpel, to cut out that appendicitis, to save a life, but he does not do this, because, as stoltenberg said, nato is not a party to the conflict, we will have to then, you know, as i remembered the story about appendicitis, if... who just had appendicitis and he operated on himself, there was such a case in ukrainian history, so now these are absolutely direct analogies that we have to carry out these surgical interventions ourselves with great risks, understanding that it is very difficult, because it is objectively difficult,
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sometimes without assistants and perfectly understandable with all the consequences. but at least for now we manage to do it, but of course, what do you understand, if you don't do it in time, or if there is some mistake and this appendicitis will cause some further inflammatory process on the body, then without intervention and we will not be able to do without help, and in order to prevent this, of course, it is most important to do it now, and as for nato, well, i think that we understand perfectly well that it is now important and possible to work outside the alliance, that is... then in in the sense that individual states of the alliance are ready to do more than others, we understand this very well, well, for example, let's take hungary and understand that it will be very difficult to make a decision by consensus in nato now , or slovakia, that's why the ramstein format, that's why other possibilities of bilateral aid and cooperation, they do not, in principle, deprive ukraine of the opportunity to help ukraine outside of nato.
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stoldenberg also said that the only way is to achieve a just and lasting peace for ukraine. this is the presence of armed, strong armed forces of ukraine, this is what you are talking about, and about such an analogy. kermanych of nato also explained the difference between membership in nato and the eu, saying that in the eu negotiations can last for years, for a long time, but in nato it will be like an invitation to the country, and this is an analogy, well, it is directly analogous to membership in the organization and even with the right application of the fifth article. in your opinion, kyiv has no illusions that the invitation could be this summer during the nato summit in the usa, is this unrealistic at all, or is there a chance? there is a slight chance, of course, and that would be very good, it would, you understand, nato should do it in the interests of nato itself, because we must, we must not forget that this is a russian war not just against ukraine, to, because we must not to forget that in december 2021, russia issued an ultimatum to the united states, to
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washington, and to nato, that nato took its military presence to the limits. 1997, and what to do with it, this is the key question, that is, nato cannot ignore it, and the best answer to this ultimatum would be now, would be to invite ukraine now, so there is some hope and chances for this, although they are of course insignificant, but still remain. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for joining our broadcast, i emphasize for our viewers that you can discuss what you heard on the air, write in the comments your opinion about what you heard and... the head of the center of military legal studies was our guest, thank you. more air defense systems to protect the ukrainian sky and land, the head of ukrainian diplomacy spoke about this at the nato headquarters with allies the day before, his colleagues from the alliance member countries
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discussed at the ministerial meeting, and how to strengthen ukraine's ability to defend itself and make the flow of weapons more stable, what solutions to the table and whether they will find more patriots from brussels , radio liberty correspondent zoryana stepanenko will tell. the alliance is 75 years old and from this day on... will be at the headquarters nato will celebrate with an orchestra and cut a cake, but the festive mood will somehow be overshadowed by the challenges facing the most powerful military-political alliance in the world today. the bloodiest war since the second world war continues in europe, and there are no signs that its end is near. ukraine's military successes have been replaced by threats to it due to a lack of weapons amid delays in aid from key allies. russia and its economy are getting used to the rhythm of war while nato members try to catch up... there are still fears of a new russian offensive and even a breakthrough through the ukrainian defense lines, to push the allies to more actively help ukraine, not only with ammunition, but also
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with air defense systems, this is now a top priority, dmytro kuleba tried in brussels. he says that 94 ballistic missiles hit ukraine in march alone. i apologized for spoiling the festive mood, nato's birthday, but i... felt that it was necessary to immerse my colleagues in the harsh reality of the residents of kharkiv, odesa, and lviv. so, firstly, germany, as the head of the air defense coalition is initiating now immediately, an analysis of all existing, not only allied, but worldwide patriot battery systems. and other air defense systems, and what can be done, what combinations can be built in order for these batteries to be delivered to ukraine.
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the minister voiced the needs of ukraine, both at the general table and separately to colleagues at bilateral meetings, and regarding their further provision, nato believes that the alliance's role in coordinating aid to ukraine should be strengthened. the secretary general suggests moving away from bilateral voluntary contributions by allies. to collective obligations within the alliance, so that everyone helps and in proportion to their capabilities, that is, the gdp of each country, in particular. it is more stable and predictable, the member states agreed and agreed to prepare a plan. the western media reported the details that are the starting point of these discussions. 100 billion euros to ukraine for the next 5 years, and this may change before nato reaches a compromise, the search for which is just beginning. we discuss. how can we create a more reliable and predictable institutional structure of nato support for of ukraine? 99% of military aid to it is provided by allies and we need to make sure that this is
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predictable, that the distribution of the night is fair and that it will continue. the new aid format can be approved at the summit in washington in the summer, and it will be preceded by discussions on whether to include bilateral aid as contributions and what the total amount should be. however, the diplomats who communicated with us. on the condition of anonymity , they are skeptical about the prospects of the initiative, despite the formal agreement to negotiate, they say that too many differences are already on the verge of being overcome which will be difficult. from brussels, zoriana stepanenko, marek hajduk, radio liberty. if you watch us on youtube, be sure to ask your questions, share your thoughts, your thoughts on what you heard, and later on the air we will talk about the gambling business, online casinos, and write your thoughts about it. whether it should be banned, prohibited, or perhaps better controlled there, and about the initiative of deputies in the verkhovna rada, we will talk now.
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liquidation of the special commission on strengthening control and fines, committees on issues of finance, tax and customs policy recommended that the verkhovna rada adopt as a basis the revised draft law on combating gambling addiction and on strengthening control over the gambling business. this was announced the day before by the head of the specialized committee. danylo hetmansev, and among other things , they plan to liquidate the gambling and lottery regulation commission, which is called krail. the bill aims to limit gambling advertising, increase fines for violations and monitor websites that provide services without a license. neither does one player will be able to use more than one account for payments, for the period of martial law , a new basis for inclusion in the register of persons restricted from access to gambling establishments is introduced. but creil functions can transmit min digits, as reported by people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak. i would like to remind you that the day before president zelenskyy discussed online control measures with the security units. casino and
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announced a decision on control, the issue of online casinos arose due to reports of high popularity of gambling among military danylo gitmantsev, head of the committee on finance, tax and customs policy, joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the hero, tell me what caused the tightening of restrictions on gambling, in particular, online casinos, the address of the president, or is this problem possible. among the military, about whom there is currently a lot of talk in recent weeks. well, look, we've been dealing with issues of increased control of the gambling market for quite some time now, and if you if you follow our activities, you must have seen the efforts made by the committee in the 23rd year to bring the market out of the shadows, and if, for example, in the 22nd year the state received 700.40 million in taxes from the market for the whole year, then in 10.4 billion in the 23rd year. and this is the result
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of our joint work with law enforcement officers, with the temporary investigative commission on economic security, when two banks were deprived of their licenses, when large operators were also deprived of their licenses, which evaded taxation, and actually the market was more or less the world of god. this job we continued this year, and actually drew attention to a significant lack of regulation and supervision in... the gambling business - this is the lack of an online monitoring system. unfortunately, this krail system is a commission that regulates the gambling market, it has not been able to launch it for more than 3 years. in august of the 22nd year, the deadline given by us to the commission to launch this system expired, and this system would have solved a lot, from taxation to just opposing the ludamans, or rather the game of the ludamans, and control over
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the activities. gambling establishments, unfortunately, we we see that this process is blocked, unfortunately, we see that there is no result, and this is exactly why we supported the draft law of the cabinet of ministers on the liquidation of the krai, on the transfer of the functions of this body to one of the services, one of the central bodies of the executive power, you said about the ministry of statistics, there is no such thing in the draft law, no one gives the ministry of statistics, it is about the creation of a non-collegial body. large, not a large commission, but an ordinary service that would quickly and efficiently perform these tasks. well, before that, certainly, a number of changes have accumulated to the current legislation, which are necessary both in terms of countering ludamans and the game of ludamans, and in terms of ensuring the organizers of the gambling business, ensuring their compliance with the current
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legislation. and actually we combined all this now into one bill, and yesterday the committee actually recommended it for the consideration of the verkhovna rada, the stated position, it is agreed with the president, you know that the president also takes a consistent, rather tough position on this, so i think , that we definitely support it in the room, but, but, please, excuse me for so many words, but this is an important topic and i would like to appeal to the... organizers of gambling games, look, boys and girls, don't play certain games in politics, because we hear from one source or another, information about certain backroom arrangements with those or by other people's deputies from different factions to defeat this initiative in the hall. i would advise doing
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business. doing white business and not trying to play politics, and dirty politics in that matter, which is unequivocal for society today, do you feel certain such opposition in this work, and explain how, if there is a krail, as i understand it, does not suit the activity of what is proposed to be replaced, and how exactly it is planned to limit advertising with the help of these changes, who will control it, monitor what will be grounds for license cancellation. casino, for example, well, actually, really the issue of krail, it is so technical, i would not discuss it at all, it has a small, very important, more important is that we really limit advertising, in fact we reduce the advertising of the gambling business to the legal one the regime that is established for cigarettes, for cigarettes, for tobacco, and i believe that this is correct, because both of them are a business based on sin
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and... actually.


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