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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 10:00am-10:29am EEST

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what is his fate, dear friends, we are approaching 10 o'clock, at the same hour on espresso, there is always a news release and kateryna shirokopois is ready to tell what happened there in ukraine and the world. katera, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, in just a moment, we will talk about the most important news as of this hour. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. night attack of drones and missiles. ukrainian defenders shot down all 13 shaheeds launched by the russians over ukraine from the temporarily occupied crimea, the air force said. military in particular, a group of attack uavs was recorded from the black sea in the direction of odesa. the enemy also struck with two.
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s-300 and s-400 anti-aircraft guided missiles and three iskander m ballistic missiles. in particular, a russian missile landed near the service station in kharkiv, as reported by the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov. the shock wave damaged the windows of the five-story building and four cars. there were no casualties. the occupiers also attacked the region. late in the evening it came under artillery fire. also kucherivka kup'insky district, a residential building and a barn were on fire, at dawn the russians fired at a forest in the izyum region, damaged two private homes, fortunately no one was injured. and in pokrovsk in donetsk region, the enemy wounded five local residents, including a child. the russians shelled private houses in the city at three o'clock in the morning, an entire family was injured, an elderly couple, as well as their daughter and a 14-year-old boy.
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another 65-year-old resident of pokrovsk was also injured by... bulls. all the injured are currently in hospital. an anxious night for russian military airfields. the drones attacked three military airfields at once: morozovska, yeska and engelsi, local media reports said. residents of morozovsk, saratov region heard not only explosions, but also automatic rounds. according to official information, anti-aircraft fire allegedly destroyed four dozen over the city. drones, at the same time there were problems with electricity in several areas, residential buildings, educational institutions, as well as street infrastructure were left without light, explosions and shots were also heard in the region near the engels airfield and in the krasnodar territory in yeisk resort area. previously, unknown drones attacked kursk, after which fires broke out in various areas of the city. and to the operational situation at the front. the enemy
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attacks in six directions, 65 combat clashes took place as a result, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports this. most of all in bakhmutskyi, donetsk region, there the russians tried 30 times to break through the defense of our troops. the situation is difficult, in particular near chasovoy yaar and klishchiivka and andriivka. in the novopavlovsk direction, the invaders attacked 20 times, in lymansky four times, on avdiivsky - twice. in zaporizhzhia, near the working armed forces, they repelled. unsuccessful attempts by muscovites to attack our positions. five attacks were stopped by the ukrainian defenders on the left bank of the kherson region, and during the day the defense forces' aviation and rocket launchers hit seven enemy concentrations. every second ukrainian soldier partially or completely loses his hearing as a result of hostilities and needs further prosthetics. such statistics are provided by the public organization vychuy. that is why in lviv. in the center of the superhumans
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opened a hearing restoration department, there help not only our defenders, but also civilians who suffered because of the war. patients of the center will be able to undergo diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation in one place. our katryna oliynyk knows how it happens. dog, dog. yes, they are checking the hearing of border guard serhiy dubov. in march 2000, the defender of mariupol received a landmine wound, the defender lost his left arm, besides, the soldier's vision and hearing deteriorated. i was sent to the ear institute in kyiv, and there they did an audiogram, that's all the examination, as it should be, was done on the left ear, on the right, first on the ear, after six months on the left, well, if only - i started to hear better, not much, but better, well , it bothers you more. tinnitus due to impact
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noise, during landmine injuries, military and civilian ukrainians may experience acoustic trauma and subsequent hearing loss. that is why... centers introduced a new direction. we will test every patient that superhumans has for hearing problems. we have about 70 patients a month. accordingly, i started to work, the department started working in november and already about 10 hearing aids have been installed. at the superhumans center , patients can go through a full cycle of hearing restoration. services are provided within these three offices. in particular, during the hardware examination, otolaryngologists test. hearing loss of the wounded with the help of sound waves, after the diagnosis , treatment is prescribed, hearing aids or referred for surgery, if necessary , deaf educators and speech therapists work with patients. in the last 10 days, we selected 32 patients,
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among them, seven need surgery, tympanoplasty, three of them seem to need hearing aids, hearing aids, one... will potentially need cochlear implantation, and the rest will actually need constant observation. there is no need to treat hearing impairment as a secondary problem, - says the founder of the public organization vidchuy andriy pishnyi, because without timely treatment, you can completely lose your hearing. hearing is lost imperceptibly, you become closer to the person who is talking to you, turn up the tv, turn on the music louder, drink twice. turn the way you hear before, better, or at all, when something is said to you, you don't hear it, you just pretend to hear it. according to the statistics of the superhumands center, about 30% of patients who
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come to rehabilitation have concomitant hearing impairments of various types, so they need qualified help to hear again. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, tv channel. espresso. meanwhile, the espresso volunteer kitchen continues to work on victory for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently , the initiative is gaining momentum and in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins, there are also other goodies necessary for our defenders. such as dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dried cloves and borsch, lard, canned meat, in short , everything that will feed our people at zero. we constantly have extremely. on topites, which means that there is a need for our help at the front, so join and support our soldiers to nato, you have all the necessary requisites now see on your screens. oligarch and former people's deputy yevhen onishchenko was sentenced to 15 years in prison with confiscation
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of property. the higher anti-corruption court found him guilty in the so-called gas case. onyshchenko is the founder of the organization, which from january 2013 to... june 2016, together with the company ukrgazvydobuvannya, engaged in natural gas extraction. according to the investigation, the perpetrators illegally appropriated uah 740 million. evgeny onyshchenko fled ukraine to germany in 2016. the local court refused it at the request of the ukrainian side to extradite they act on their own. the united states does not provide ukraine with the means to ... russian oil refineries, pentagon spokesman patrick ryder assured. he emphasized that washington's assistance is intended only for the protection of ukraine and the return of its sovereign territories. the aid we provide to ukraine is intended to
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enable it to defend and regain its sovereign territory. we do not provide any support for use outside of these limits. our focus is so that... they can themselves protect new sanctions due to the war in ukraine. japan banned the export of a number of goods to russia that contribute to the strengthening of its industrial base. the sanctioned list includes more than 160 items, the country's government reported. in particular, lithium batteries, nitrocellulose products, gas pipes, motor oil for cars, optical measurement and photo equipment were banned. in addition, the country. aggressors will not sell yachts and other recreational or sports vessels. sanctions take effect from april 17. however, official tokyo banned from 10 may imports of russian diamonds. stories of 23 heroes of today. the lviv
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historical museum presented the exhibition born from the flame. it was dedicated to military personnel, volunteers and doctors. more than 40 exhibits were placed in the halls. and photographs, among the attributes is the manuscript of the ex-commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, the painting of volunteer father kepler and the helmet of the legendary pilot vadym hvoroshilov, and others. things, during the event representatives of the kolo charity fund held an auction to raise funds for equipping evacuation wagons, the exhibition will last until april 29. the christ rocket that fell into the dugout, where dmytro shandra, our hero, was. medals for the marathon are vadim sveredenko, a man with four limbs, that is, with four prostheses, he has lost arms and legs, but he runs. marathons, the will to live, ah, well , there is a knife, lenya saltseva, with the call sign
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maduvanchik, evacuation of the wounded with the help of evacuation wagons. this is a project that we are doing together with ukrzaliznytsia and the command of the medical forces, it is the reconstruction of existing carriages, their complete conversion, for uninterrupted electrical equipment, during traffic, we definitely need generators, they are present in every car, so we are with... for now, that's all the news i have for this hour, see you later. dear friends, lesya vokulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are already on your screens, which means that the marathon on espresso continues, we work until 12 o'clock, let me remind you, and 23,000 is that much. how much we managed to collect together with you this morning
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is not very much, of course, i don't know if we will even surpass yesterday's collection today, for yesterday, let me remind you, 67 thousand were added to of our account, you see two qr codes on your screens, above them there are two card numbers and also the card number of one of the specified cards . we are listening this week, but i am asking you for your activity, i am asking you for yours. donate, i ask you to remember that, in fact, it is we who should thank the military and show our gratitude with those donations, we should talk to each other, remind about the meeting, it is not the volunteers who should call for what people remember there is a war and our military needs help each of us should wake up and go to sleep with this thought in principle, that i have done something good for our army, which... defends our country. oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, joins
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our ether. mr. oleksiu, good morning. good morning. mr. oleksiy, a large-scale attack by drones on russian military airfields took place today, the russian authorities report that they shot down 44 drones over the rostov region, and intercepted one over the saratov region. five past uh i think kursk region. we are waiting for unusual news confirmations. what can you say about this attack and uh, are we going to know if those hits hit the target? we will definitely find out. they teach videos. they themselves shoot when our drones get to some objects. and these explosives, these explosions, more precisely. they film these fires, put them on the internet, and in this way we can see
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directly what is happening there and how it is happening, well , let's say that they shot down a large number of drones there, well, it is quite possible, you know, drones are big spenders account, and everyone perfectly understands that 100% of drones never reach the target, you can analyze a successful or unsuccessful attack by watching this video right now, if... something is on fire there, enemy equipment is on fire, then this means that the goal has been achieved , what coefficient is destroyed, well, they can say whatever they want, once again, we also know that all the drones do not fly, that there will be a part, a part will be destroyed, it is quite possible to assume that we are practicing air attack tactics, as it is written in textbooks, that is, there are distracting goals attention, there are targets that directly attack, so it is quite important that diseases. on goals that were just distracting. and what can we say about russian air defense? well,
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russian air defense is the same air defense as we had before our partners started supplying us with more modern means of destroying air targets, these are three hundred complexes, the bukov complex, well, there is a lot, a lot, there is a great variety, but this weapon, well, it's unlikely that it can fight drones, it's not... it was calculated, everyone anti-missile complex, when it was developed, it was developed against some class of target, well, there is anti-missile defense, there is medium-range, short-range, long -range with... there are no missile complexes, well, we all already understand this well, civilians, our citizens are already standing little by little specialists, they already calculate even by sound which missiles are flying, er, that is, each missile complex, it is used for certain purposes, there has never been, there is no such complex that can shoot down everything at once, there are also ballistic missiles and
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and small disembodied flying machines, we already understand this very well, such means with which you can impress. our drones, those that attack the russians, by and large, if there are any, are a limited number and so far they cannot understand, they cannot adapt to be able to effectively destroy these drones of ours, well, they adapt, they are also learning, here we have to be fair, let's not put on rose-colored glasses again, and now we will destroy everyone there and everything will be fine, no, they will adjust, they will find means to destroy them, but now we have such a window of opportunity, when we see that our drones, which fly there at a speed of 100 km per hour, fly at 1000 km and hit targets, that is, this is a window of opportunity, of course, yes, well, it is in we are this, well they are made of composite materials so that they are not very visible to enemy radar
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stations that can see a target that has a well the more effective the so-called reflective surface, that is, those... the more metal, the more can an electromagnetic wave will be reflected from it, if there is metal there is metal no, is the stealth system used there, which is a certain form there, including a certain construction, so that the waves dissipate, then it is difficult to see such a goal, i am sure that, well, even if they were made of plywood or even from cardboard, such drones could fly and not fall apart in the air, then it is the opposite, it would be even better. i.e. from plywood, drone it, this is the best style, the worst can be seen, well, about the range, well, it all depends on how much fuel we can fill, well, it is there an ordinary engine, an internal combustion engine, as much as you fill it with fuel, it will work that much, here is another question, you can load a very large amount of fuel, but then it will not fly,
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it will be very heavy, it needs, it will have to be made more than sized to have more wing, to have more lift. the strength of the wing and then he will be able to fly, well, with a large load, here the main load for long flights, it is not explosives, which are 20, 30, 40 to 50 kg, more, no, this is the main thing load, this is the fuel that needs to be used, well, we have seen our sokil 300, which is very large, which can even carry additional weapons, not only to be used as a kamikaze, it is the size of a small plane, that is, what... . a drone can fly, the more it should be larger in size, well, because it needs a lot of fuel, how, how should we react to the american statements that are being made that we, that is, america, do not provide ukraine with any weapons, which would hit at such a range,
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we basically provide them with weapons which helps them defend themselves, well, you know, this... it's very similar, it's no longer turning into a political, some kind of philosophical question, why can't we attack military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, if from these objects entities are attacking us, you know, desire, it's, well, our partners have desire, we depend on their, well, not desire, the conditions they impose on us are their weapons, we depend on their weapons, so, unfortunately , we have to comply with their requests, not to attack... objects on russian territory federations, well, with the exception of objects that are considered the russian federation from their institutions, but to the world it is considered temporarily occupied territories, that is, our east, our crimea, there are no prohibitions here, unless, if we are american, british, french to attack with missiles other missiles, to attack the territory
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of the military objective of the russian federation, this is not a violation of the rules and traditions of war, it does not fall under the criteria of a war crime, that is, it is not prohibited, well, democracy works should work in such a way that everything that is not prohibited is allowed, but you see, here very democratic countries, including the united states, require us not to do anything that is not a violation of criminal law, well, any violation of criminal or even other, even administrative, let's say so to the code, and they ask us not to attack objects on the territory of the russian federation, why is this happening, well, that's what i'm saying, it's not the field anymore. some kind of philosophical question, some kind of cockroach sits in their head, which tells them that if we deke, then this will lead to an escalation of the conflict, and this is very bad, it is necessary somehow... so that the escalation does not happen, they live in some other dimension, and i do not know, i am sure that our diplomats say these words to them, well, the words are that if russia wanted to escalate, they would
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have done it a long time ago, they don't, they don't take more powerful offensive actions, not because they don't want to do it, but they want to be there somehow very carefully, but because they are simply not able, they would with joy, the russians would make an escalation, they have nothing and no strength to do it, but... our partners, these cockroaches in the head will also continue these conversations about how let's not do this, because it can escalate there to some more bad consequences, which should still be bad consequences, well here i say again, it's not even , not even politically, this is an exceptional question, this is a philosophical question, i ’ll explain it, well, i don’t understand, our facilities are being attacked, that is, there is a launch pad on the territory of the russian federation for 2 m, from which our civilians are shot and killed, but we can't jump to... conclusions, that's why that it's 2 m on the territory of the russian federation, well, it's delusional, delusional, well, but the cockroaches are in the head, they win, uh, of course, that
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giving ukraine, for example, 100 tomahawks, would change the situation in this war, it's obvious , let's remember the storm in the desert, yes, when saddam hussein's army captured kuwait, part of kuwait, and there was an army there, even less than the army of the russian federation now, so only there the bark was launched in 39 days 282, 280. only customs agents, i do not say , which is already pre-flight, does not say about 2,2800 aprovians, which were used there, 400 bradleys, which were used, we have 3 tanks, please, we can at the end of the mine, in the fall of last year, then until the end of the year, then at the beginning of the year, then in the first quarter of the year, now in the summer of this year, they will sell us six f16 planes, wow, the us has approved the provision of thousands of air bombs to israel, they will not arrive until next year, but somehow, against the background of the fact that we are waiting for help, against the background of what, again, the us says that they do not
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provide ukraine with long-range weapons territory and on someone else's territory, somehow it's so sad, i don't want, i don't want to hate our partners, but to troll them all the same, well, listen, let them, well, you know, we have the right, let it be kuliba, let there be diplomats, they speak a diplomatic language, well we... well i think i have the right to say, well the language is not diplomatic, well a simple question, they transferred to the united states 25 f-35 fighter jets to israel, and the pilots have to transfer from the f-16 to the f -35. they also have to study the question for one and a half years, they also taught it, so what is it? that is, the pilots are not ready yet, they are they didn't study for a year and a half, like ours, but they immediately handed over 25, 25 f35. we've got. in order to transfer there about a dozen and a half in the 16th, people for some reason study for more than a year, although there was an interview with the pilots of the united states on
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the question of how many pilots a combat pilot needs to transfer from one plane to another, if he is a professional pilot , and our guys made more than a hundred, two hundred combat sorties there, he says a maximum of 100 hours, a maximum of 100 hours, well, how do we move on to this again, it already seems to me yes, philosophical questions, let's... that is , its pilots, you know, listen to what people from the country say, how we mastered the patriot, look, we equipped the patriot that works, a missile launcher, even better than what they can use it for those countries where it has been in service for many years, everyone is talking about the phage of our people, how can we our engineering staff and so on. how professional are we? and we are specialists only in anti-aircraft missiles, in air defense, in aviation, we are no longer specialists, well, who, well, what sane person would believe that our people
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they can’t transfer to the f-16 and master them very quickly, well, convince, well, they can convince in some other way, but you know, there are so many conversations that we will not let you lose, we will do everything for you and israel’s bach 25 in 35, no not five and why not five? would give two, but why, why 25? what's up if we had 25 f, if we had 25 f35, and we would dominate a very large area of ​​the front in the air, we would completely oppose it. well, f16 is a plane from the 70s, it's not a very new plane, and many countries refuse it and they switch to other, more modern planes, and even what... is refused, we can’t get it in any way, because what is the escalation or what, well, we will see what they will give us, whether it will be block 70, for example, or it will be block 20, yes, yes, yes, that is, a
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lot depends on this, as well as on... those missiles that will have a range of 250, or, for example, there is 100, then it will not have, it is very important, the range , well, the locator that is there, the on-board radar that is there, it must be definitely further to see than the on-board radars on the russian planes, and the missiles that will be used, they must fly at a distance further than the russian ones, well, there is one long-range missile, but preferably the x31, if i am not mistaken, but there must be missiles that fly, which is not less than 120 km, then we can drive away all these dryings. from with planning bombs with cabs, with fabs, well , at least we need planes for this, but six of them, well, listen, well, mr. oleksiy, how to comment on this, well, you know, it’s the same as giving six cartridges, a serviceman he says, well, let's hang the enemy like that shoot six rounds, well six rounds, that's good, it's not zero, it's better, well, five turns, one for myself, i understand,
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well, it's such a sad joke. good news, we now produce eight bohdan howitzers per month, this is serious, well, that is, yes, you know, the fact that compared to the fact that there was only one of them and ladny, i will say without irony, this is a good pace and, well you know, it's, you know, what's here, there's a very big positive here , not that 8 is a lot, it's again, it's 1,900 artillery systems of artillery, in north korea, 50,000. well eight well it starts again eight well it is good for where good for what good for 1500 front line it is how many one at a time for 500 km well what well okay that is but the fact that we can release them already in a certain amount every month, this means what is the good news, this means that the technological line has already been worked out, that is, the technology is prescribed, the route technological map is prescribed, how to do it, now they can
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be produced more. building the newest or even not the newest, maybe small factories where, because we already clearly know what machines are needed, what components are needed, that is , the complete technological way of production of this bohdana is prescribed, and this means that, well, where they are produced, we can hardly increase, but we can build one or two more of these or three of them, because we are fully prepared, we know that if there is such and such a number, such and such an individualized number, then everything is ready, that is, now we clearly know what and how to do it. to make them, to start producing them, well, eight, well, well, a little, at least 10 times more, then yes, this has a significant impact, mr. oleksiy, thank you very much for this conversation, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, air defense expert, was with us, gentlemen, while we were talking with mr. oleksii, i saw that, for example, a person just now liked, but is now watching, for example, a broadcast, almost there under 1,500 only one
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broadcast, 1265. yes, and this i am talking only about youtube, but those people who 1,200 people are watching on youtube right now, you just didn't like it what a conversation with an expert, this is oleksiy heitman, this is not some oleksiy aristovych, i apologize, this is a real officer, a real air defense specialist, a real expert who understands what he is talking about, where are your insults, what is going on in general, thank the expert, oh, that’s it , gone, two more at once, that’s right, well , press the one you like, well... subscribe to our youtube broadcast, subscribe to our youtube channel, it helps to be, wow, it flew by, 10 pieces at once, thank you, thank you, thank you, and more at the same time, throw one hryvnia for our collection, dear ones friends, by the way, while mr. oleksiy and i were talking, 900 hryvnias were added, so you see, some with a like, some with a hryvnia, and so do it little by little.


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