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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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free delivery, check with consultants, a powerful strong saw is what you need, call, premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, together stronger! news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in pokrovsk , donetsk region, the enemy wounded five local residents, including a child. the russians shelled private houses in the city at three o'clock in the morning, an entire family was injured. these are elderly.
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a couple, as well as their daughter and a 14-year-old boy. another elderly resident of pokrovsk was also injured by the explosions. all of them the injured are currently in hospital. a russian missile in kharkiv hit an open area near the service station, as reported by the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov. the shock wave damaged the windows of the five-story building and four cars. there were no casualties. the occupiers also attacked. region late in the evening , the village of kucherivka, kupinsky district, came under artillery fire, a residential building and a barn were on fire, at dawn the russians fired at a forest in the izyum region, damaged two private homes, fortunately no one was injured. well, two women too a man was injured due to the morning attack of the russians in kherson, everyone was examined, the city military administration was informed about this. the occupiers hit the residential quarters of the dnipro district through. in the courtyard
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of an apartment building, residents found themselves with a blocked entrance. apartments were damaged in buildings, and cars were also damaged by shells. and the day before, a fire broke out in the village of poniativka of the dariv community due to enemy shelling. ten local residents have tripled their income from combustion products. doctors provided assistance to all the injured. in general during the day moskovyto shelled more than 15 settlements in the region. enemy shells damaged a dozen. of private houses, garages, gas pipe, heating pipe, as well as solar collectors. another 860 occupiers were destroyed by ukrainian defenders in a day, and since the beginning of the great war, the russian army has lost almost 446,000 of its soldiers in ukraine, reports the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. also yesterday, our defenders destroyed one and a half dozen enemy tanks, more than 70 armored fighting vehicles and half a dozen. hundreds of artillery systems
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managed to turn into scrap-65 tank trucks, together with special equipment and shot down 30 drones, the general staff adds that the data are approximate. on the importance of aid from the united states and the prospects of war. this is being discussed today at the economic and defense forum, which is currently taking place in the capital. our correspondent dmytro didora is there. we attach it to the ft. dmitry, i congratulate you and i am waiting for the details. congratulations katya, and congratulations to our viewers, today's discussions, which will take place throughout the day, began with ex-cia director david petraeus, and he noted that the russians now dominate artillery fire on the front, and the united states needs to pay attention to this and help in this direction.
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ukraine, he also added, regarding the offensive of the russian federation, which does not foresee a critical scenario and says that russia currently has problems with the export of its weapons, because what it produces is only enough to start a war against ukraine, and russia's allies, who used to buy its weapons, now they are looking closely at western analogues, this is exactly what the first panel was about, more about importance. aid from the united states and what is happening in russia, already in the second, on the second panel, they talked more about what is happening on the ukrainian front, in particular , the representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, vadym skibitsky, noted that the main goal of the russians is to leave to the administrative borders of donetsk and luhansk regions, after that they can declare that the goal of the so-called special military operation has been achieved, and they also want to keep the captured. territories and
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the border to the temporarily occupied crimea. and posadovych noted that sanctions against the russian federation do not work because it uses third countries to... buy electronics and also added that the russian federation receives ammunition from north korea, and in particular, russia will prepare for the elections to be held in america and the european union. in particular, in the eu, they want to support loyal and pro-russian parties, therefore, as of this moment, this is all i have time to tell you, watch the espress broadcasts, we will report specifically on the economic ones. the consequences of the war and defense, defense will also be talked about today. katya thank you, dmitry. let me remind our viewers that this was our journalist dmytro didora. he spoke about what is happening at the economic and defense forum. so, follow our broadcasts in the future. and
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in odesa, the security service detained two fsb agents who were preparing a missile attack on the headquarters of the defense forces. the enemies were the citizens of one of the countries of the south caucasus who lived in the city. to gather intelligence, russian informants walked the streets and secretly recorded potential targets. they are also dark used their connections among local residents. in addition, the agents created a public organization through which they tried to recruit other foreigners to work for the russian special services. perpetrators face up to 12 years in prison. in the meantime, in kharkiv oblast, an employee of the forest farm will be tried for... collaborationism, the regional prosecutor's office informed about it, the master of kupinsky forestry turned out to be a traitor. during the occupation of the city, the attacker cut down the ukrainian forest and handed over the wood to the russian military. he managed to get it for that more than 70 thousand russian rubles.
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the accused faces up to 10 years in prison. oligarch and former people's deputy yevgeny onishchenko was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment with confiscation. property the higher anti-corruption court found him guilty in the so-called gas case. onyshchenko is the founder of the organization, which from january 13th to june 16th, together with the company ukrgazvydobuvannya, engaged in natural gas extraction. according to the investigation, the perpetrators illegally appropriated uah 740 million. evgeny onyshchenko fled from ukraine in 2016 to germany. the local court refused it at the request of the ukrainian side. to mediate the united states has joined large-scale nato exercises underway in europe. this was announced by pentagon spokesman patrick ryder and the website of the alliance. in the program , the military will hone their skills in responding to threats in the context of russia's war against
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ukraine. the united states has already sent a hull warship with equipment to participate in the training. according to the alliance, this training will demonstrate the ability. quickly deploy forces from north america and other countries to strengthen the defense of europe, this is the first large-scale nato exercise in recent times, and it will continue for another two months. and the number of dead as a result of the earthquake in taiwan has increased to 12 people, more than a thousand people are injured, reports reuters. last night , about 50 more aftershocks occurred in the affected region, where... some of them were felt even in the capital, taipei. about four hundred people were trapped in the national park. according to rescuers, people are safe, and helicopters are taking out the wounded and delivering cargo we also currently know about 18 missing people. three of them are foreigners, citizens
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of australia and canada. a gift from heaven with a moving story about a ukrainian boy from the border region. the military shared, the child ran out every day with a yellow and blue flag to meet the ukrainian helicopters that flew over his home, and one day the defenders decided to meet the boy and thank him for the greetings. one of the pilots landed next to the child, gave him sweets and also handed over a package of food for the family. video from happy child, the pilots posted on the social network, and it immediately won thousands of likes. in the meantime , the espresso volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory, for the second year in a row, we are making our own vitamin mixes for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins, other goodies necessary for our defenders are appearing, such as
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dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry cloves, borsch, lard and canned meat, in short , everything that will feed ours to zero, we constantly have an extremely high number of requests, and so... we need help at the front , so join and support our soldiers in nato. you can now see all the details on your screens. search for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because. there are live ether broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can be seen only from us, also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment on your important thoughts, be near us every day. to find out more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our site and our social networks in a moment meet my colleagues andriy saichuk and lesya vakolok. we will see you in less than an hour. dear friends, we
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are back on the air, this is our final hour, we have two more interesting guests ahead of us, as promised, and you have an opportunity ahead of you, a double opportunity, because i say while we are talking to each of the guests, from the guests of our scheduled , 10 00 appears on our account. and we replenish our collection in this way, and so, so we already have 335.84 hryvnias and 61 kopecks out of 2 million. our viewers are asking me, in addition to what we put on the screen qr codes and card numbers, so that i, in addition, also voice these card numbers, dear friends, i do it at your request, because people say that not everyone has the opportunity to scan, and moreover, not everyone can see those card numbers well , which are voiced on the screen, so there is a triple possibility: firstly, the qr code, secondly, the number of the card that you now see on the screens,
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thirdly, i voice it, so the number of one card that you can donate to, write it down: 53 , 75, 41, 12, 16, 53, 13, 14. again, 53, 75, 41, 12, 16. 53 13 14 and another card number 42 46 0010 66 16 76 22 42 46 0010 66 16 76 22 so two card numbers for your convenience , choose which one you want and transfer the funds , you and i have already collected 40,000 hryvnias for this morning, i hope that we have two more
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guests ahead, so what else at least 20,000, that is, 100,000, while we are talking with everyone, you will finish, and this money will go to fpv drones for our military from two brigades, and we will already have more money, and we will get closer to this goal, which in it is 2 million hryvnias. well, gentlemen, if you allow me, very quickly i will tell about things that are about me, for example. they were so caught, they will just share information, the famous american historian timothy snyder, a great friend of ukraine, wrote about the fact that he actually accused speaker johnson, the leader of the republicans in the american congress , of being engaged in manipulations, the purpose of which in the last six months is simply to give false hope, ah, to justify inaction afterwards, to weaken ukraine and promote it. russian genocide in ukraine, very harsh accusations against johnson. we will remind
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that johnson himself was financed in part through russian businessmen during his election campaign is still under investigation. meanwhile, mike johnson released his version of why the great roman civilization fell. all this is happening in the middle of the debate about whether america is still a great power. the great roman empire appears. because, according to mike johnson, they were too patronizing to gays, it's just that we understand the level of current politics in the united states and the level of that culture war that has actually covered up any other war, the third world war, he can go to russia and there they are with these russian scraps, it's time for him to just say goodbye to his baptist church and... understand that he is actually a churched orthodox-moscow patriarchate man. gentlemen, we are already
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in touch with yurii hanushchak, politician, people's deputy of ukraine of the sixth convocation, director of the ngo institute for territorial development. mr. yuri, we congratulate you. good day. this week, this week, if i'm not mistaken, marks the 10th anniversary of one of the most successful the largest reforms in ukraine. it is about the decentralization reform. you too. participated in this reform, what conclusions can we draw today about what is happening with the decentralization reform, in which it is. are you currently? well, first of all, regarding terms, the term decentralization of power is used, necessarily the word power, and reform in general or is it called a little differently, reform of the territorial organization of power, which involves
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decentralization of power and deconcentration of executive power. decentralization of power - this is... the separation of power into state and local self-government, and the deconcentration of executive power means the transfer of the maximum number of executive functions to the territorial bodies of executive power, well, that is, there is police management and so on and so forth, and the ministry remains only the one who adopts normative - legal acts. that is, it determines the policy, well, it is so in theory, now regarding success, failure, well, since i will say so with my modesty, i am the main developer of the theory, and i was lucky, i worked in the ministry, so i managed to put this theory into draft laws, as well as make
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a simulation of one part, one small part, which is called: the spatial basis, well, it is also called the administrative structure. this is one single little piece that was, well, mostly implemented, but still not finished. and the fiscal reform has been implemented a little, and not very well either, that is, the money has gone. in fact, ... decentralization of power, she invented, invented because to keep power in the same hands, starting with the middle of the 20th century, the state has become impossible due to challenges that are repeated very quickly, and therefore the central government and the main parliament simply cannot keep up with them, and therefore decided,
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let us transfer some of the discretionary powers. i.e. political decisions, i.e. decisions can be made this way, or i can make that way, it’s up to the local self-government bodies, that is, it’s their responsibility, and everything was dropped, so, traditionally, uh, the magdeburg law was taken as a basis, where such a law existed, but it concerned only the arrangement of the territory, well, that is, the city was fenced off, she had direct relations with the king, paid taxes to the central budget. and the landlords who did not come up with their own laws before it, well , they took this as a basis, spread it to all local self-government, including the villages there, because in those days not every city had magdeburg law, and in ukraine they went a little further and better, well, i will not be afraid of this word, because, well, every time
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i come up with some kind of reform, i look at what is wrong with them, what is wrong, what is right, because it is always boasted about, and what is wrong, so what not so, for example, in poland, there are too small communities in poland, they were formed in the days of communist poland, social infrastructure was taken as a basis, that is, there is a school, there is a community, there are two or three villages around, we did it more or less such a small town or village where i... work, that is , the basis is work, if there is work, then parents stay, then children appear, then there is a need for a school, and this is a much more stable system, and precisely the main thing is that some kind of economy is generated there, and if there is an economy, then it is possible to talk about the budgets that
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represent something of this local self-government, so in... unlike poland, there are 1,470,469 communities, and the city of kyiv, which is not a community, and in general, this is a huge hole in the reform, and we are extremely ashamed in front of europe for the fact that the law on kyiv, which would have separated the state power and local self-government, was never adopted, that is, if they check us, whether there is a reform or not, then they look... there is no reform in kyiv, that is, a general decision, the most a successful reform is actually a failure, zero in the city of kyiv. even by administrative structure , there is no law that would legitimize this spatial basis, that is , a decision of the verkhovna rada was adopted, it
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is called, well, in theory it is called a constitutional decision, that as it is said in the bible, let there be a fortress, that's how it is, but as all this develops further, it the law, that is, as the administration of the country changes, the law has not yet been adopted for the communities, well, for us. points were accepted, but the legislator was afraid to go further. second, this is a fiscal reform, money was given, given, well, the system is better than it was before the 14th year, because there is income equalization, but still the baby was thrown out with the dome, because now the local self-government does not actually have the responsibility for the so-called delegated powers. and that is why we have gone awry, that is, if centralization, it is, well, er, in ukraine, it is trends towards
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authoritarianism, it is observed, yes by and large, then what was done in part, er, in 14 year, this is a trend towards non -feudalism, when local leaders say that they don't like us... "they gave us money, but now they don't ask us what we want, and in fact the authoritarian system of community management, which fixed in the constitution, because it is written there, the mayor of a rural village heads the executive body of the council, not by himself, but the council, here thank god, and presides over the meeting of the council, that is, which he is not a member of, yes, that is, authoritarianism is embedded in why it is good that this authoritarianism now actually
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balances the central authoritarianism, which is even better, that if we make a feedback system in the form of formalized control of the so-called prefectural type, as they say, then in this case at least there is a feedback system. in the local self-government, control over legality, it will be established. now it's chaos, it's a mask show, that is, the mayor has paid off, he is being held normally by law enforcement agencies. and small communities have nightmares every time, because , well, there is no such thing, there, you can’t fill up a police car there, and therefore realistically, if a new law on local state administrations is adopted, some... formalized system of control, then these mashkis there will simply be no show and raid by law enforcement agencies, because it is very clearly recorded there how
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control the legality of the decisions of local self-government bodies, moreover, we have done much better than in poland and, in my opinion, much better than in this case in france, that is, the head of state administration there... is obliged to lick local self-government bodies and help them make decisions, which are in accordance with the law, and only when the mayor or the council has already decided to play with the state, then he is obliged to sue and prove in court that the decision is illegal, yes, but why do i say that essentially decentralization is good, better than its absence, because authoritarianism, the trends of which were that
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military state administrations of settlements began to be created, that is, in communities where there is no war and no combatants, well, for example, chernihiv, this trend has already ended , that is, even in the president's office they realized that the military-civilian administration copes much worse with communal services. the local council and the mayor were illegally elected by the economy, that is, even if the mayor is essentially authoritarian, after a while he obliged, he is forced to work with the council, if only because he wants to share responsibility for the decisions that are made, that's why this balance is in fact, he does not allow the state to slip into a dictatorship, well, remember, we have someone there both so there will be no dictatorship, because local self-government will save it. well, now it's our turn, it's feedback, it's state administrations. state
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administrations, local state administrations, receive enormous functionality in terms of coordination of law enforcement agencies, first of all, and therefore the essence of the military state administration finally makes sense, that is , it clearly states what you can do and the security functions, then the word called coordination, that is, forcing the security forces to do what... is required by law, what is the most important thing, the most important thing , this is demarcation and distribution of powers, the word demarcation means primarily to distinguish between state and local self-government, to tell the state, this is yours, this is purely yours and cannot be decentralized at all, but in principle it can be decentralized, for example, the local police,
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it becomes a militia then. or it is called a municipal guard there, but there must be conditions under which these things are done, that is , in principle, it can be decentralized, because according to the european charter it has a local character, there is one more point, by the way, we have little time left, mr. yuriy, i know that for small towns, for such small communities , it is critically important, for example, how for the state is... one's freedom of speech, as one of the parts of democracy, the opportunity to principles of the platform where important issues are discussed and raised. the problem with the fact that in our country, the los angeles times recently wrote about it, by the way, that the crisis of democracy in america, it also happens due to the fact that the local media, which were influential and influenced politics, have actually disappeared in the states, in individual towns, what's happening now in the...
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now what's happening in the states, everything has been replaced by big corporations, the media, which has completely centralized, they, they've taken away this agenda of the small, small level, and on the other hand, everything has moved somewhere in social networks, and accordingly, well, if we are a small town, we have a problem, for example, with authoritarianism, corruption, but there is not even that instrument of accountability and transparency, which is a conditional independent journalist, local. more globally , it is called public participation, well, that is, the media is only a part of it, there are a whole bunch of active citizens, there are of course those who are called local crazy people, but they must also be, so in reality we cannot demand that there be traditional media there, well
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, flourished because they have something to live for. have but social networks are one of the forms of this public participation, so this is laid down in the reform, moreover, even now the law has been adopted, the law has already been adopted about the fact that only a number of ways of public interaction are legalized, there are general meetings, public hearings , public initiatives, i.e. they are formal. the only thing is that there is a reference to the fact that the procedure for their implementation must be fixed in the statute, and the statutes are not universally adopted, but the law provides that laws and statutes must be adopted there it must be done, and when the law on mda is adopted, it is already on its way out, and well, not today, tomorrow they promise that it will be approved, so this will be the obligation of local
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self-government bodies to implement the law. because if you don't follow the law, then you have a reason to introduce a military administration of the settlement, it's unpleasant, but you don't want to make decisions voluntarily, that is, i look, well, i look with optimism at the development of local self-government, the most important thing for me is that it is now on at this stage this law, which provides the system of control, it is the demarcation and distribution of powers, why, because it allows you to calculate... how much it costs, and most importantly, it allows you to then transfer those powers that the state cannot cope with, for example, all social protection, this there are state programs that are completely unsuccessful, well, fertility support is a completely failed state program, so i guarantee that if it is written by law.


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