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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. well, thank you colleagues for this story, and now i will pass the floor to our colleagues, who will continue to inform you about all the most important things. the time has come for aspes news, so i will pass the floor to anya eva melnyk, who is ready to share all the most important things. anya, what is going to happen, what is this issue going to be about, please tell me briefly. congratulations, thank you for your work, the news editor will continue to work. we will tell you about the main events for this hour and i will start with. these are in the regions of ukraine, be with us, explosions in kharkiv, mayor igor terikhov reported that the russians had previously shelled the city and the region with guided aircraft. bombs
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, information about victims and destruction is being clarified, also about at least three explosions in zaporizhzhia , correspondents of the public reported, and the head of the region, ivan fedorov, informed about three victims. and about the electricity situation in kharkiv oblast: on average , the lights there are turned off 6 hours a day, residents have guaranteed electricity for only two hours, but almost everyone is provided with electricity at night. residents of kharkiv - the head of the region oleg synygubov informed. there is not enough electricity for 300,000 townspeople and half a million residents of the region. the shutdown schedules introduced at the beginning of the week do not correspond to reality and are being corrected. at the same time, we are faced with such a problem that our internal networks in the region cannot withstand, that is, tension, and we have them. during this day alone, there were two emergencies, i.e.
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from outages, where we had to additionally adjust people's outages accordingly. we understand that the situation is currently unstable, therefore, to limit the use of elevators, because we were faced with the fact that we really had emergencies from disconnection, which means, well, really do everything possible in order to be as autonomous as possible. the security service of ukraine reported another suspicion. in treason to pro-kremlin propagandist mykhailo spira. currently, he is hiding in the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region. the man approved the blowing up of the tower of the ukrainian mobile communication and broadcasting operators when the russians were fleeing from the right bank. and also publicly called the russian general staff to missile strikes on energy facilities in ukraine. last year, the occupiers awarded him a medal before the full-scale invasion, he was a frequent guest on tv channels.
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medvedchuk last year in june, he already received a sentence in absentia for his actions of 10 years in the penitentiary. however, now he faces a more severe punishment. more than a hundred trees were illegally cut down in the lviv region. specialists of the regional state eco-inspection discovered massive logging in the village of velike kolodno of the zhovanetsk village council. linden, maple, birch, chestnut, apple and thuja. a total of 111 trees thus. caused damage to the state for more than 263 uah. a report on an administrative offense was drawn up against an official of the community and referred to law enforcement agencies. he took half a million hryvnias, which were evidence in the case. an ex-law enforcement officer from zhytomyr oblast will appear before the court. during the search of a drug-trafficking suspect, the policeman found money, but did not hand it over for safekeeping or take it away. even after
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the court ordered the funds to be returned to the owner, the state bureau of investigation said. he's currently out of office, sort of the wage earner faces up to eight years of imprisonment. espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum and in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins, there are also other necessary ones. sweets for our defenders: dried fruits, nuts, jerky, bedding, dry soups and borschts, lard and canned meat, everything that will feed our people at zero. we have a lot of requests, so we need your help, dear viewers, join and support our soldiers with a donation, you can see all the details on the screen. defense, help from partners and ukraine's accession to nato are the key topics of today's economic and defense forum. takes place in kyiv.
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our correspondent dmytro didora follows the course of the discussions. he is with us live. my greetings, my friend. so what topical topics were discussed in... the last few hours, i congratulate anna eva, i also congratulate our viewers, in the last few hours they talked about cyber security and energy, they mentioned about cyber security that russia is not what doubled attacks on the ukrainian industrial sector, energy or telecommunications, if there were 800 such attacks in 2020, then during the first year of the war. there have already been 4,500 such attacks, today a representative of the cyber department of the security service of ukraine told how exactly such attacks are countered by the security service of ukraine regarding such attacks on the ukrainian industry or
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energy industry, and they also talked about the energy industry, which also strikes, on which the russian federation strikes, let's hear the latest information about the state of the energy sector, and why russia... it is precisely at this time that it is causing harm strikes, in the morning we had two areas where there were restrictions, but look, it is really difficult to forecast here, there is a feeling that they will continue to strike, so we will see what the impact of the strikes is, i think the task is to affect the economy through energy , that is, conditionally, they attacked the regions there in the winter, they also attacked the energy sector, they... did not stop, they attacked certain regions, and then they understood, they attacked the factories, the defense industry, and then they most likely have chosen tactics when they realize they can't to destroy, yes, enterprises, they chose the tactic of simply destroying the energy sector, so that, accordingly
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, enterprises do not work, well, because it definitely affects, the organizers of the economic and defense forum say that this is exactly it... the event is aimed at the american colleagues who are here today, almost 200 participants, half of them are american and foreign listeners, and they say that it is these people who can invest in the defense complex of ukraine, so it is here today that they are told about what is happening in ukraine, hoping to accumulate aid around these partners, and as of... at this moment , i have everything, at 18: let's summarize this day of the economic and defense forum. thanks to spressa correspondent dmytro didora for his work and details about the main highlights of the economic and defense forum. important negotiations: prime minister of ukraine denys
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shmyhal met with lithuanian president gitanos nauseda in vilnius. the prime minister thanked the lithuanian leader for his support of ukraine and said that he expects continued cooperation. in the defense field, together with they discussed sanctions and confiscation of russian assets, as well as humanitarian aid and ukraine's integration into the european union and nato. russia does not give up the defenders of mariupol. the process of exchanging azov fighters and soldiers of the 36th separate brigade of the marine corps is more complicated than all the others. ukrainian shoemaker dmytro lobinets stated. the aggressor country. organizes show trials against the defenders of mariupol, awards them long prison terms, because the occupiers did not think that the defenders of mariupol would defend the city for so long, - noted lubinets. they are at home. three
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teenagers and a family with children were returned to the territory controlled by ukraine. a 16-year-old girl, an orphan, as well as an 18-year-old boy and girl are now deprived of parental care. safe, according to the head of the kherson regional military administration, they could not endure the horrors of the russian occupation, and therefore dared to evacuate. a mother with two children, 15 and 5 years old, also left, doctors and psychologists work with all of them. this is how things are at the moment, the newsroom is working, we are monitoring what happening in ukraine and the world. in the next issue at 5 p.m. , we will talk about more relevant events, and my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii will work on the espresso airwaves. well, the information
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day of us press actively continues to work so that you are aware of the most important and most importantly, understand everything that is happening around. now we will have the opportunity to add ivan karychevskyi, a military expert of defense express, to our broadcast, with whom we will actually talk about, in particular, the large-scale attack of drones on airfields. on the territory of the russian federation. mr. ivan, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. good day, heroes of glory. well, our drones attacked russian military facilities and airfields. and in fact, we are talking about almost, if i am not mistaken, 53 drones that flew to a sufficiently large distance, roamed around there and destroyed at least six vessels. at least that was the information. today, do you know perhaps more details about what exactly those airfields were, how
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important they are to us, those airfields, and what can this attack give in the perspective of the enemy's use of tactical aviation, you have my word, i would consider it important to highlight the following, even if at the moment there are no clear records of the results, what exactly managed to damage the morozovsky engels airfields, because as far as is known precisely on these two ... such a massive attack of our drones was carried out today, here, by the way, if we talk about prospects, it is worth highlighting the following: regardless of how much the enemy may look like this now, which prevails in terms of resources, regardless of how promising it may look for us in principle, the defense forces of ukraine are actually constantly, systematically working to find asymmetric means, how not to give, well, how to inflict as much as possible... damage to the enemy, because i personally, let's say, while monitoring open sources of information, observed such
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a certain paradox, as conversations grew that something should be done with the same planes of tactical aviation of the vksrf, which drop guided aerial bombs on our earth, interesting specific satellite images began to surface simultaneously in various publications, well, for example, in one of the images it was noticed that one of the airfields was very densely covered by radio stations there... the throne struggle, that there are satellites in the radar range, there literally, you know , everything glows with such a white spot, like a christmas tree, in another photo of the mountain range it was noticed that somewhere the russians stop painting fake planes, somewhere just the opposite they start building such classic light hangars for of their planes, well, almost as per the nato standard, well, of course, the russians will certainly repeat the quality that nato countries can afford, and you know, it just came out here, and until... we can conclude that, well, everything after all, work on how
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to plan such attacks, how to make them systematic, was carried out, accordingly, we must, well, we can be prepared for the fact that such attacks on russian airfields will be systematic, and here the task is not so much to knock out a certain number of aircraft of the russian aviation, which will be on the ground, or rather consider it such an asymmetric means of air defense, well, they say, if we do not have... enough anti-aircraft missile systems that could strike at a short range and shoot down russian casualties, well and accordingly, mr. ivan, we understand that war is a kind of very often symmetrical story, the only thing is that our enemy has a powerful aviation, which, unfortunately, we cannot boast of, such a large number of tactical e-e fighters and strategic aviation , respectively we are expecting another enemy raids now, and speaking of our air defense system, what should we
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prepare for and your gut feeling for the next couple of days, how hot can they be? well, if you are asking literally about inner feelings, then i won't hide it, i personally have been waking up at night for the last few days, waiting for a message, well, just as my professional inner intuition suggested, well , messages that are usually written by the air force. when the ice is fixed there russian bombers from the enels airfield, well, or what is even more terrible in our conditions, misses caliber missiles from novorossiysk, maybe it’s just that the russians are still spending some time on reconnaissance, well, that is, to decide where they should hit, well because even if we have information about the power system with a certain lag, about the damage that you know there is necessary, well, about the data that would be necessary for us as citizens, that is, what was knocked out, what was damaged on... expect, then it is unlikely does this all happen to russians? rather, accordingly, well, it should not
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be perceived there in such a way that they just sit there, numb with fear and do nothing, but you just have to be prepared for the fact that, well, russians, they always live with the idea that how would sit out our potential in all possible senses, accordingly , it is better to always be ready for the fact that there may be some kind of russian raid, even if it did not happen, than, you know, to do nothing and then be... well, find yourself in a very specific situation, due to the fact that the russians struck again and some even from the civilians suffered mr. ivan, by the way, is the minister of foreign affairs while in brussels. made very clear statements and even spoiled the festive mood of our partners, since it is 75 years since the creation of nato, and kuleba came and said: "friends, we need your help here and now, because ukraine is currently suffering from massive attacks, we need a lot of air defense ". and stoltenberg stated at the briefing that now the allied countries will try, at least within themselves
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, to find additional batteries of one or another air defense means, if... if we are talking about their availability, then what do you think, first of all, well, i saw the statement of the minister of foreign affairs of germany, she said that germany will now try to find additional means of air defense, do you think that germany really has something else to give us and which countries in your opinion can also give us help in air defense in the near future? well, as far as i personally understood the minister's statement. of foreign affairs of germany, there it was said that berlin will try to shake its allies, whether partners or satellites, let's petra, especially since if we talk about germany, it has someone else to shake, if it doesn't sound strange, it's greece, because according to a certain paradox, in greece may have the most patriots on the entire european continent, at least 36 launch units, while
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germany should have three times less, so greece took a rather strange position, it seemed. because after there after the visit of the greek prime minister to odessa near him a russian ballistic missile exploded there literally 500 meters away, you know, it would be logical to expect that he, well, at least in a purely symbolic sense, would share the patriots with us, he declared that he would give a maximum of russian s300, then in exchange american patriots, although , by the way, you know there, well, from the column that everything is in public access, when it was necessary, greece sent its patriots even to saudi arabia to defend the local oil resources there from raids. such usits, so i suspect that as far as we can see in according to open sources, after all, greece is financially dependent on germany in a certain way, so perhaps such a vector can work here that since the greeks owe the germans some money, they will be able to pay off their debts by allocating some part of the funds air defense, including patriots, to strengthen for us,
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well, it will all be arranged in such a way that we just found it somewhere in the vointorg, especially since another one of the vectors is possible... there are still certain contacts in germany on near east there is a certain amount of launchers or rockets for the patriots, you can simply have them and this will also be furnished sooner, as you know, well, they were found in the military market, that is, in theory, at least a few more launchers, so that you know, at least to try to cover kharkiv, you can find them in the world, allies they see that it can be done, it's just possible that it won't be possible either quickly, or it won't be possible to do it publicly, that's the whole problem, not publicly, how it can be done, that is, what do they mean... well, they will betray everyone should publish their traditions the lists of the nomenclature that they supply to us are publicly available, well, i am generally a supporter of the closed transfer of such things to us, look, they are the cheetahs that they bought somewhere in the middle east or somewhere in the stocks in europe, they did not publish , they published, for example, cheetahs only transferred from their own
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reserves, or another illustration, there was a message that sweden somewhere in i apologize, germany somewhere in sweden is buying anti-aircraft missiles. to the short-range ariste, but the swedish conditional missiles, the germans in their official statistics were not included, and we can’t even know what the fate of these missiles is, nevertheless, well, germany, when it needs to, knows how to transfer weapons in the voentorch format, look, let’s say a few more words about mobilization, mr. ivan, so in russia they are going to supplement their enemy troops with three hundred thousand reservists. and accordingly , citizens who have reached the age of 25 will now be called to clarify their credentials, because the president of ukraine has signed the law of ukraine on amendments to the upper conscription limits, and accordingly 3,000 russians, taking into account, so to speak, their
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previous traditions of recruiting people, how will it all look? just in case, please do not take all these words, which i will say further, a little bit, well, please take them correctly, because on the one hand we can really record the intention of the enemy, that he wants to recruit as many as 300,000 in two months, with on the other side, well, objectively speaking, even if the russians try to shorten the training cycle of their fighters there, we are talking about that it is necessary to prepare 60 days of soldiers, before sending a soldier to the front, they have 27 days, well , that is, even... if they try to speed things up like this, they may not fit in with the number 300 00, they can try to fit in 200 00, 250 they will not reach 300, although we are talking here, especially about more significant such indicators... whether it will be half of the existing occupation group that is currently on our land, or a third, but there is still another question, what it is to arm everything, as in our case
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there is a question of where to get weapons, there are machine guns in general, first of all, there are heavy infantry weapons, armored vehicles, and the russians have them too, because it’s one thing, when there are just calculations, so to speak on paper, what are the russians there are equipment for storage of these all-terrain vehicles, tanks, bmps, there are still enough of them there. for two or three years of the war, and another matter is how quickly they can restore this or that piece of equipment, because, for example, why did they focus until now on the deconservation of the t-62 and t-55, we can return these machines to service relatively quickly, well, that is, in two or three weeks, in order to restore some remnants of t-72 and t-80 there, it will take hard work, well, somewhere for 2-3 months, so there may even be such a story that in this summer offensive, which there the russians may be preparing that they're going to put an emphasis on... just infantry and its expanded use in combat, with there, you know, of course, with strong artillery support, but with reduced armor support there, so on that background here in we are faced with a particularly
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acute question not only of mobilization there resource, but also to, let's say, quickly shake out the promised shells from our partners, and in very large quantities, if we take the czech and estonian initiative, then it turns out to be 2.5 million shells in just a few months, more than the united states gave us before that they gave at all. mr. ivan, allow me, i want to be brief, because there is new information that drone strikes were carried out in the morning today, and actually there is also information that three strategic bombers probably suffered significant damage at the enels-2 airfield tu-95 ms. this information it did not arrive before, it literally just appeared, i would like your own comment, what do you think, whether after these damages three strategic... tu-95 bombers will now be removed from the performance of tasks, and actually it is possible that there will be delays with one or the other massive missile strikes?
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well, maybe, because i would say so, in the actions of the defense forces of ukraine , such a technique can be called a jap, that is, when a counter strike is given to knock down a possible enemy strike, maybe all those raids were just straight related to the fact that the data could indicate that the russians are preparing a new strike using of strategic aviation, respectively, this is the strike that took place tonight, it was aimed specifically at at least trying to delay another russian missile attack, regarding the information there, how many could be fired at once there three or not three, well we can even be somewhat or to some extent optimistic in the sense that perhaps this number is even higher, because we already have such an example, when it would seem that in december 2022, when there were strikes on strategic airfields... the russian air force and there was a purely symbolic victory, that they say we can do it, we have weapons that can get there, and there were simply reports of damage to only two russian bombers,
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then the russians admitted that it turns out that we are in they were then knocked out by as many as eight tu-22m3 and tu-95 ems bombers, and several missiles were damaged, so the story may be the same here that we are guided by the fact that three tu-95 ms were probably damaged at engelsy airfield, it is possible half from combat aircraft of this type at the airfield. and the russians will later admit that we caused them even more damage, it will be very interesting to watch, by the way, it is also known about the death of seven servicemen at the airfield, previously among the dead there may be pilots of strategic bombers, who obviously will no longer be able to perform another criminal order of putin. thank you, defense express military expert ivan kyrychevsky was in touch with us. now we will take a short break, after which we will inform you about all the most important things. and we are with you tired of heavy and bulky saws,
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more analytics, even more. important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the sponsor of the national team represents: united by football, stronger together. well, two news. over the past week, russia has destroyed 80% of ukrainian thermal power plants. this was announced by our prime minister denys shmyhal. i quote shmyhal. unfortunately, russia continues its eneretic
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terror. only in the last week the russians. destroyed more than 6 gvv of our capacities power grid, unfortunately, in recent weeks, russia destroyed 80% of the thermal power plant. according to the prime minister, these are both hydropower and coal power. the russians continue to fire missiles at ukrainian energy facilities, destroying generators and transformers. but there is also, so to speak, good news, so the attack on the morozovsk airfield in the rostov region was carried out by the security service of ukraine together with the military and the forces of defenses and at least six enemy aircraft were destroyed, so about 20 russian soldiers were killed or wounded in the airfield in the rostov region was home to su-27 and su-34 front-line bombers, which are exactly what russia uses to drop guided aerial bombs on the positions of our fighters. stanislav baldin, chief specialist of the media relations and public work department of the head office.


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