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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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american companies have at least started to travel, they have already received permits to at least come to ukraine, this is already good, they physically arrive here, communicate, bring in a fairly good level of delegation, well, delegations, these are very working visits, which in principle are not politicized, but concrete , specific communication, and for several weeks now we can see how some companies. who have not been here physically for a very long time, have already sent their colleagues to certain, certain negotiations, moreover, from american companies you can note there, for example, a certain activity, but of the giants , boeing can probably be singled out there, they have been here for a long time, and they have a representative office here, but in reality the specialists in the military, yes, the boeing component, are there... it is significantly different from
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the civilian sector, and they are also already here have certain activities, of course i won’t say any details, unfortunately, but something is happening, drone manufacturers, aervironment, for example, they also sell drones here at the expense of american money, but they are already setting up some kind of service here, for example, equipment, that is, that too not bad, that the first... steps, but it cannot be called such a big industry, a big industry yet, and everything in principle, as i already told you once, by the way, everything rests on the market, that is, when we say what or why not companies enter or enter our market, we have to show this market, if we don't have the budget to buy large volumes of weapons, then all we have to do is talk about potential joint work on foreign affairs. markets, well
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, i think you know very well what this process is, especially at the moment when in our country there is a war mr. pavle, we can then conclude that de facto american companies, frankly speaking, do not make sense to come here, because last year we received 40 billion, we received 13, the rest were received by american companies at home, the new package is 60 billion, 2/ 3 will go to an american company, we manufacture weapons for the pentagon, they are supplied to ukraine. well, the business of american companies in any case grows without these risks of creating joint ventures, trips to ukraine and other things, and then such dynamics, well, i think that the americans will be completely satisfied, except for the moment of equipment repair, maintenance of equipment, these are two small components that can be solved in a qualitative way at the expense of the training of our military there, and such a model is quite working, if you approach it purely from an investment perspective. no
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illusions here, what is called, but what inspires us in this case, which inspires a certain optimism regarding joint some significant industrial projects with american companies, is , oddly enough, politics, and the political component in the arms business, as you well know, and sometimes more important, or at least very important, on the same level, perhaps, as the commercial component, therefore, taking into account the geopolitical distribution of forces and the changes that are taking place in the world, the political component can help us a little in terms of joint projects with powerful partners , foreign, including the united states. then a question arises.
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and suddenly the president will change in the states during the elections, will this inertia, or this concession, progress towards cooperation with ukraine, even on the scale that exists today, be preserved? we remember somewhere last year, peni pritzker said that ukraine is now extremely important for american defense companies, it can offer many joint projects, the statement was heard. the results we see now that they are peculiar without joint ventures and so on, but will the change of power in the united states affect these trends that were started under the current president? i don't want to pit one administration against another, but what i can emphasize is that, as you rightly said, there is a definite trend under the current administration, but in... at the same time, there are also inhibitions, and not
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only in the aspect that depends, for example, on the congress, yes, but also in other aspects, this is the transfer of technologies, this is also... here is the special representative, adviser primin to the strategist , these are other issues, and i don’t think that they depend much on the will of this or that particular president, america still has a fairly stable political system, and uh, i know, i don’t want to draw such unequivocal conclusions, in including with this hint that now... i will say javelins we got under trump, and we got the first assault weapon from during the trump administration, and to say that if there is a change, if there is a new president in the united states and it is
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trump, then it will not necessarily have a negative impact, of course there are great risks, we all understand, there is the human factor of this particular person no... the predictability is certain, but with the right diplomatic work, and i think we have a good chance with the new administration, based on the fact that america is still a system, and we are already a certain element, and i do not want to blow it up there, but in a certain sense we are an element the national security of the united states, the fact that we are at... at war, in fact, with one of the key, one of the key threats to the united states. mr. pavle, you are meeting with american companies of a defense profile, what do you tell them about the prospects of working with ukraine, start, do not
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delay, wait, what advice do you give them, how do they react to it, this is a good question in the sense that ... and it's good that we have a broadcast in ukrainian, in fact, we all already know how to get down to business, and we're working to attract, contact, start, we find arguments, how to say, ah, practical, yes, for american companies, and primarily emphasis on potential foreign ones. markets for the fact that we have a colossal, not with us, but with the armed forces, colossal experience in the use of weapons , including western ones, and a technological component in the sense that we have an intellectual resource, because, to say the least, that
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we have some advanced technologies, unfortunately it is also not possible, but there is an intellectual component, certain moments, there are related to the reduction in price weapons and competition there with potentially with... with china, on foreign markets and so on, we argue all this, at the same time, well, we perfectly understand that it is not possible to approach this purely as an investment project, but for ukraine it is a big economic issue, that is , the military industry will, i hope, still be a fairly significant element of our economic growth over time, and i emphasize once again that it is a political component, it is important. ukraine needs allies such as the united states, as well as european allies, of course, and the arms market and the arms industry is one of the elements of close cooperation. mr. pavle,
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thank you very much for such a diplomatic conversation related to the prospects of cooperation with the united states, i hope that in our next meetings we will talk in more detail about those projects. which will already appear for that period of time, thank you for your comments, for your correct accents, and i will remind our viewers that it was pavlo verhnyatskyi, director and managing partner of the ukrainian company kosa, co-coordinator of the working group on security and aerospace industry of the american-ukrainian business council. and then we will talk about sweden's experience in creating a powerful defense and industrial complex and what from that experience can be used in ukraine and how the swedes themselves feel about the prospects of cooperation with ukraine specifically in the defense and industrial sphere, but about this is after the advertising and informational block. damn
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frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. we continue our "war and weapons" program. in this issue , we are talking about how to make more weapons in the country together with foreign partners, especially technological weapons, which should be... much better than what our enemy has, and now we will talk about it using the example of cooperation with sweden,
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and now we are in touch with yuriy voytenko, the head and founder of the company wireless p2p technology, this is a company in sweden, but it was founded by ukrainians, the company produces high-tech products that are already used both in sweden itself and in nato countries. mr. yuri, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear from each other. thank you, i congratulate you, i would like to make such a small retrospective, because sweden transferred to us a significant amount of technological weapons, there are howitzers, archers, bmp cv-90, a significant number of anti-tank weapons, but i want to do something joint, and somewhere two months ago , the president of ukraine, it seems, was at a conference in sweden, because he spoke about the fact that joint production with sweden is a priority for us, and i i am sure, says zelensky, that a day will come when you and i will be able to see the opening of the first joint
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production in ukraine - the head of state said then, so at what point are we now, according to this? how does the defense industry in switzerland perceive the prospects for working with ukraine? well, it is a complex issue, generally perceived quite positively and there are quite specific examples where swedish companies, in particular the same saab, or by systems, or fosh, in principle, they have already made a final decision for themselves, that yes they cooperate. this, i simply do not know who the counterparty is in ukraine, probably ukroboronprom, or one of the big players, but in principle there are already positive signals of such cooperation, that is, it has begun, by the way, here you are talking about it , who are the counterparties, i speak with representatives of our analytical structure,
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with representatives of the american side, they ask the same, we sometimes do not know who our counterparty is in solving these or... other projects, so this is such an achilles' heel i hope, first of all, ukrainian the party that has to get rid of it, but is the market of ukraine interesting for sweden at all, because sweden is self-sufficient, and in fact talking about the fact that it is necessary to expand the sales markets there at the expense of ukraine, it looks somehow, well, sometimes it is not entirely appropriate from the point of view of those capacities, those projects implemented by swedish companies, well absolutely. i agree in principle, yes, sweden is one of the huge arms exporters in the world, i don't know what level there is, it is the fifth or sixth place in the world in terms of the volume of arms exports, it is almost 100% export-oriented military-industrial complex, although the actual order is also there and now it has increased there, in my opinion, by
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a factor of two, but here... the question is, it is necessary to understand what ukraine itself can provide to the swedes, where is the point of synergy, for what or cooperation, it is not just a market, the swedes have produced something and conditionally sold it to ukraine, it is necessary to understand in the context of cooperation what the ukrainian side has, it is so interesting for swedish companies to jointly produce some high-tech product, we can talk about it, there are certain yes... then the question arises, what is so interesting in ukraine that can be interesting for sweden, because you, i don't know, seven or eight years old, try and communicate with our defense enterprises, so what is interesting in ukraine for sweden, eh, well actually, my case may not be so interesting, although it is a very niche
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story, a very niche product, now... it is very interesting that from the ukrainian side, sweden considers this aspect as very interesting, it is a real experience, or feedback, as it is fashionable to say, from the battlefield, because the volume is huge of weapons that were manufactured in nato countries, conditionally, now not only in sweden, in the united states, in the uk, anywhere, it turned out that there are questions, there are questions about tactics, there are questions about performance characteristics, there are questions about the moral obsolescence of certain samples of weapons... not all of them, of course, but there are such questions, so this feedback, which comes directly in real time from the battlefield, is the most valuable thing that ukraine can give swedish companies now, and they, believe me, they understand it quite well, that is, we are talking about the fact that the use of archer, bmp cv90,
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anti-tank weapons, is now being carefully studied by the swedes, to make the next iterations of this weaponry... even more technological, taking into account the bugs that they saw on the battlefield, well, a small example, enlau, after certain problems with batteries, batteries, yes, batteries, that are included there, certain processes have started, and i know there are certain projects to upgrade these batteries for enlao, because they're just, well, even if they've... reached their shelf life, they just didn't hold up to those ths, which they had laid down, here is a specific example, as soon as the feedback came in and the swedes started working on it, they started. do on this problem. and what should ukraine actually do to interest sweden in such a systemic partnership up
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to the exit of joint ventures. to offer contracts, to offer some kind of improved financial conditions, which is systematically lacking, which , well, does not give the synergy effect of the level we expect. well, first of all, of course, the horizon of planning, because the whole swedish. companies, the same sap, or any, they work on extremely long horizons, the same one was developed there for five years or more, and for that there is a certain procedure, certain contracts with fmv or directly there with some customer. by the way, it's good that ukraine finally has an analogue of the fmv, or the purchase of the nspa youth procurement of the buyer, this is very good, it is perceived extremely positively, because there is a specific algorithm. how to submit a commercial proposal, how to receive an invitation to a tender, how to cooperate with state institutions in for ukraine, here is the next question without a doubt, and
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what is a certain problem for swedish companies, especially in cooperation with ukraine, is what is called plm, or product life cycle management, that is, they didn't just put a bunch. enlavs or a bunch of some equipment, as well as personnel training, support for this product, and long-term such a support for this product, equipment, updates, a lot of software that changes every day, it must be updated, and well, in principle, this is a well-established practice here oh, but i'm not sure that there is something... similar in ukraine, because, for example, you can put a modern radar over it, and then not update the database of waveforms, and it simply will not see what it should
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see, in principle, purely in terms of physical characteristics, therefore this synergy, this life cycle management, it must also somehow be implemented in this cooperation with ukrainian companies, and finally i will ask, it seems three times... whether different officials came to sweden during the years of the war, they told about global projects, about global desires, that was after the conclusion of these visits, that is , were there any real continuations there, because i am afraid that this, that in fact this habit of visits will still form the basis of such good real system interactions, is it possible today, well, let's say it's not a binary logic, something somewhere... inside some, but yes, of course, there were visits, there were very loud slogans there, it's all great, certain processes, as i said at the beginning, have started,
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but the potential of the swedish industry is so great, which could have been better, actually. well, mr. yurii, i don't want to end the conversation on that, i want to do better, what positive things are there now in the work with the seamstress. which really help ukraine on the battlefield, a few elements, okay, definitely, well, there are specific contracts that are being fulfilled and the supply is planned for several years in advance, so in certain niches , everything is going normally certain parameters in terms of quantities, in terms of dates, in terms of shipments, there are certain channels, how it is done, therefore... supply, therefore in principle that is normal, just that the potential is so great that it would be possible to actually overwhelm with this weapon, if you prepared in advance, but in principle, this process is also
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going normally, let's say this, and considering what kind of products it is, the range of , then everything is fine there, everything, but he can't open up a little bit, but now it seems that a big meeting is going to happen between the fast'. the association of the defense industry and a number of ukrainian defense companies, again there to exchange experience, what kind of event it will be, what may be the result after such an exchange of views at the current stage of hostilities with the russian federation? well, i say, it is an extremely interesting experience, how modern polobo changes, because many systems that are already, let's say, morally outdated, are in service, they need to be replaced by something, put in, and for this you need to understand, what are modern threats and what are the tactics of application in principle, this is especially interesting in the context of attacks on infrastructure. that's
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extraordinary, it's a unique experience, no one in the world has such an experience, it's something that can ukraine dates in the context of all visits, exchange of experience there and so on. sweden, for its part, will adjust its industrial capabilities to meet the needs of the modern battlefield, or the military in order to, shall we say, address these threats properly. and mr. yuri, here is a final question for you, based on your experience. perception of events on the front line, we once did a program with you last year where you talked about the fact that fpv drones will be decisive there on the battlefield, this prediction came true, but now what is your further attempt to look beyond the horizon to see what exactly will change on the front line of the use of weapons there in the next three to six months, what should be prepared for in certain segments
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of use? samples of weapons or tactics, well, thin ice, if in such broad strokes, then new ranges of purity, definitely, the wider, the better, not kinetic means of influence, electromagnetic and the like, well, yes , definitely, all types of reconnaissance that only exist, radioelectronic , cosmic, there is any, that is, and this... this union in a single contour, so to speak, that is , from detection to defeat by various methods, kinetic, non-kinetic, and so on, this is the perspective of the next six months of the year, you see the movement of the ukrainian side, specifically ukrainian developers, in this direction, well, of course, we will constantly receive communications communication with ukrainian companies is modern experience, absolutely adequate.
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we are analyzing the current state of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is absolutely unique in the world, i will say this, there are such anomalies, phenomena that have never existed, but now they are, so it should also be addressed adequately from the point of view of equipment technical characteristics, by the way, you asked about fp drones, well there is already an obvious problem, because it is all built on civilian components, which in no way meets the requirements that exist now, i.e. there simply isn't enough frequency resource for them. effective use, mr. yuri, thanks for the inclusion, i hope that in peacetime we will talk in more detail about what means you used in the war, and the technological things that affected the enemy, we are silent about it for now, thank you for the inclusion, let me remind you that it was yuriy voytenko, the founder and head of the swedish company wireless p2p technology, which has been working in sweden for a long time, supplies technological products for countries on... nato and has close
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contacts with ukraine. if we sum up, then we can say that there are essential prerequisites for the ukrainian army to become stronger due to cooperation with foreign companies, not all companies, there european and american, have the same strategies and views on cooperation with ukraine, to a large extent it depends on their policy, but sometimes there is an achelousian fifth on the example of the ukrainian side, when we talk... about a certain bureaucracy, labyrinths, in creating such active, working connections with foreign companies, we hope that the ukrainian side of these defects will be eliminated as soon as possible and we will have much more effective results of creating new types of weapons together with american and european defense companies, stay tuned to the channel, there will be a lot of interesting things to come. weekly saturday political club
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helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso.


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