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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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but since russia is abducting, they attribute participation in some units there, participation in some mythical military formations there, and so on, so it is possible that the russians have already attributed something to the girls, or it is a demand of the russians, such as that if they on the lists, we'll think, that happens too, so maybe that's why the story came up, also yes, i know a lot of stories about relatives asking not to share until they find a ... certain algorithm that they would work by , because people really they are afraid of publicity, so that no details get out that shouldn't get in, because there are a lot of made-up stories, they can attribute something that didn't happen, so relatives are afraid of it, and it's logical, well, that's why they usually ask not to spread it, if well, this is about the military, then in general , for, for example, for our zmi, this is a closed story, we don’t write about missing military personnel, because it can... harm in any
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case, well, that’s how it is with civilians, and , that is, relatives ask no to a certain algorithm to write, we will hope, this story will still end with a return, or an exchange, evgenia virlych, the editor-in-chief of the kherson publication cavuon city, was with us, thank you, take care of yourself, and we are not going far to the neighboring zaporizhzhia region, we are crossing and joining to the conversation of askad shurbekov, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, mr. askad, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. today, the enemy again hit zaporozhye and the region, as well as the suburbs, well, this is from the fact that i gathered information, but there was also information about explosions, please tell me more, and the iskander m missile also appeared there, as far as i understood from what i read, please, and another tragic day in fact for zaporizhia, because the enemy hit the city of zaporizhia five times, it happened in two rounds, actually on ... we have information about
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three dead people, 13 injured people, four of them are in a serious condition, and this happened in broad daylight, in a very, let's say, crowded place, where there is a very large amount of commercial infrastructure, trading points, where there are constantly many the number of people, and the specifics of it there was an attack today, not only that it was in broad daylight, on purpose, when there was a large number of people there, after the first arrivals, after 40 minutes the enemy remembered a second attack, when the emergency services were working at the site, when the doctors were working, when the journalists were working, and i also want to note that according to our information, two journalists are also wounded, they are representatives of ukrinform, that is , this is already a deliberate tactic, before that it was a story in kharkiv, now it is in zaporizhzhia, when the enemy periodically, with a small deadline, such, let's say, time window hits one point at a time, trying to increase the number of civilian casualties after their strikes, well, they also wrote... about the fact that
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people were saved from the rubble in orichovo, as far as i understood, again, because what i i’m reading in the media, maybe people are in a hurry to write, and very often when reading information, i ’m not at the scene of the incident, i don’t have an insider, and you write, eh, and you don’t understand whether people were alive under the rubble , or inanimate ones, somehow it is not specified, then do you have information that there in what happened to orichovo, well, we know that it is constantly under shelling, but yes , the specifics of the front-line territories are constant shelling. and nuts every day is subjected to dozens of shellings, including guided aerial bombs, that is why this information is always really tragic, the fact that the rubble took out people, these are people who were injured, now their condition is being clarified there and their future fate, but this, on it's a pity, for orikhov it's such a tragic everyday life, there are 900 people left, but every day we have, if not every day, we have wounded or killed civilians among the residents of porichova field and other communities on the line with... well, secretly,
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we understand very well that the enemy there continues to try to advance in certain areas, the situation in principle is not easy, not that it is critical, but definitely not easy, people remain under the threat of a possible attack and under the threat of regular shelling. well, of course, these shellings hit the energy sector quite seriously, in particular, in zaporizhzhia, starting tomorrow, if i understood everything correctly, the lights will be turned off for 7 hours. are you ready to this? the city, the city and whether, well, it does not indicate any details here, because the city must also have its secrets in terms of how it provides its energy life, at least key key enterprises, utilities and there critical infrastructure or medical facilities, and whether there are generators in a certain number so that it was possible, once again, the city could live in its key vital indicators. look, i would like to point out that in general, there is enough energy for critical infrastructure, most of it residential.
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sector and private subscribers as well connected to the grid, we have daily outages, they are scheduled outages to balance the power system, but they are a small number. and this process, it has already been going on for several months in order for the system to work in a balanced way, that is , now we are not talking about any changes in the energy supply, that somehow there are some critical things, which will all the more concern the critical infrastructure, that is, the critical the infrastructure is fully equipped with electricity, most places are also fully equipped with electricity, the key problems with electricity today are actually in the communities on the contact line, and this is for obvious reasons, because the enemy there is destroying this energy infrastructure. and it is very difficult to repair it, because the situation is similar to today's in the city of zaporizhzhia, the enemy repeatedly strikes in different places, so the energy workers work in extremely difficult conditions and it is very difficult to promptly restore the energy supply of the front-line territories. i want to ask, such a story, it is not
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ambiguous, on the one hand there is a certain positive, on the other hand, on the other hand it is necessary to talk, and since april 1 in zaporizhzhia , a mixed form of online and offline education has been returned, at the request of parents. this happened, how risky is it, how justified is it to do certain things that can be dangerous for children, for schoolchildren only at the request of parents, well, surely there should still be a conclusion, well, maybe it is the conclusion of a certain commission, and the state emergency service, the police, who is involved in this, how did the procedure come about, because we understand that ballistics flies to kyiv in a couple of minutes, i am not talking about zaporizhzhia, of course, that these are all operations on... heat situation, this decision was taken at the initiative of the parents' committees, then procedurally it was submitted by the local self-government body, the zaporizhzhya city council, and then the defense council operates in the region, which includes representatives of the regional military administration, the state emergency service, the national police, the military, and on this defense council it was
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decided that those schools that have a shelter, those schools that have enough shelter equipment, they can start this process in a mixed format, that is, some subjects will be conducted offline, precisely in shelters, the question of how appropriate it is, i think of course it will depend entirely on the security situation, because what is happening today, for example, there is what happened yesterday, if these precedents are repeated, i am sure that it the issue will be brought back to the defense council because of course no one is going to put children at risk with the precedents of strikes in broad daylight, but i would like to point out that these exercises, they take place in shelters, bomb shelters and in general. children are in security, but again, i repeat, if the situation changes, i am sure that the matter will be brought up again to the defense council. thank you very much for your comments, thank you for participating, skada shurbekov, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council was in touch with us, unfortunately, today we have victims who died in zaporizhzhia, but now we will
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talk more about everything directly related to the war. serhii zgorets, next to me, is the director of the defense express agency. sergey, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate ours. viewers, today we will be kicking summaries of the week, to talk about the strike by our drones on russian airfields, about the situation on the front line, during the sowing season, under another, in other directions, about how we will look for new patriots for ukraine, about all this in a moment, well well, we start, you know, sergey, like a stray... we think that big russia has nowhere to go, but there is nowhere to strike with drones, and this time, well, you will explain now, whether the drones flew to the base of the front-line troops , expected or unexpected for the enemy fighter jets, well, now you call them there su 35 or how many there were, and what kind of
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resort it was, was it really an unexpected target for the russians themselves, and thanks to which it was possible to achieve this result, having flown, i understand for sure... more than several hundred kilometers, well, in fact, when we today we are talking about strikes on russian airfields, there was not one, not one strike, but several, and we are talking about at least three airfields on which different types of russian aircraft were based, this was a strike on the engels airfield 700 km away, where the deployed these bombers tu 95, tu-160, from which the enemy launches kh-101 missiles over ukraine. the second strike, the most revealing, is precisely the morozovsk airfield, this is the rostov region, 300 km away, and an attack was carried out there, at least 60 drones or 60 explosions were heard by residents around this
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airfield, and how revealing is this airfield that the so-called 559th bombardment is stationed there the regiment, the equipment of which is to blame there... or bombers, that is su 34 bombers, it was previously given that 26 such bombers were stationed there, and a third airfield. which under was under the attack of our drones, this yeisk airfield is 150 km away, this is the krasnodar region, the su-25 is based there, and if we now try to sum up the results based on those publications, what data appeared in the ukrainian mass media media with reference to the main intelligence agency, to other sources, in general we can say that this is the most massive attack on russian airfields and beyond... in general, it may be that more than 10 planes were destroyed at various airfields, and this
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if these data are confirmed tomorrow or the day after tomorrow by satellite images, then this there will be the most systematic attack on russian airfields, especially when we are talking about morozovsk, because this airfield was used for these 134s, which took off quite often and were used for... ditches in our territory, and now we see that the strategy of combating this the threat has become the most optimal, that is, to destroy the carriers of these cabs at the expense of our long-range drones, so now we have such a very important trend, how the armed forces will minimize this cab threat, and if the satellite images confirm such a number of destroyed planes up to 10 plus, then it will be... well, the most successful such raid on russian planes, which are placed not in
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the sky, but on the ground. well, yes, of course , accuracy and efficiency are important here, i am here, maybe there is a military secret, if there is one, then you will say it, and we will not talk about it, but we see planes, well, drones flying, which were shown to us, that they are made in ukraine, we have not seen any and do not know what they are, but they simply explode and give result, at the same time we know that our... partners are actively helping us with drones, questions about manufacturing, about technologies, about the components of these drones, is it possible that we can have some such drones, well, which are not quite ours, but we don’t talk about it, well, in fact, we also use ukrainian drones, that is, sorry, we don’t give taurus, we don’t give something else there, but we give something that flies further than taurus, but we’ll talk about it again we don't say, well, actually ukrainian drones fly the farthest now, it's... just the a-22, lutyy, and beaver, which have a range of a thousand or more than 1,300 km,
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are our developments, but we also have cooperation with the british and the americans, who really have a significant number of tactical drones, attack drones, which are used by our armed forces, it is exactly 40 kilometers, a little more, and these are drones, of course we use them, but to a greater extent we emphasize, first of all, on our... samples, so that later there are no objections that you cannot hit on the territory of russia with the samples that were given to you for military-technical assistance, that is precisely the use of these attack drones at airfields, as was the case tonight, just a good example of how military tasks should be solved based on one's own defense and industrial capabilities, and a plus, as far as i understand, that it was an operation by the security service of ukraine, at least from what i read, i don’t know, maybe there’s a gurdu luchno, i, again, i read it, well, kyrylo sazonov wrote about it, he understands the work of the sbu there, so i i trust him, well, he is on front right now, and that is why i drew the following
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conclusion from here, maybe here, maybe there are some other moments, but the question is not who, yes, that is , the result, if tomorrow we really see on satellite images that there are shocked russians at three airfields planes, destroyed planes, well, this will be a significant plus for all defense security forces, who planned this operation, provided technical capabilities and brought it to a logical conclusion with such. with a good result, and here you remember at one time las launched the roadster in or tesla tesla and into space and there was still a pilot there and there was music playing, of course no one heard in space, because you can't hear music there, there is a vacuum, well, god be with him, but today those people who launched these drones, i understand that they also turned it on music on one of the drones, we will not play this video now, but this, well, i understand that this sense of humor is good in someone , or, well, then surely this music should be given? what we have, if it doesn't work out, it's just , well, actually it's from one of the drones because the music
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is a bit specific, so we decided not to give it, as they say, to avoid the accusation that we popularize certain music, but there is no sound, but the point is that you see creative moments, there are creative moments, so now we are happy, and now let's talk about what is not so happy , at least threatening, and this is a ravine, and... this is to the northwest, as far as i understand, from bakhmut, a town, or a city, and what an enemy, we said so before ether, 14,000 people were there before the invasion began. that is, a large town, a new big battle is about to begin, it has already begun, the russians approached the circle of the time ravine, and here is the question, sergey and i talked before this, and sergey says that there are disturbing moments, that they somehow ran a certain distance very quickly, well, it is not 100 km, but a few hundred meters is also important, and i have a question here, is it possible that they are being let closer, as they say, in order to surely
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hit them, or tell me please, well, really, when we are talking about the situation around chasivyar. then there are several nuances: the enemy has really been trying to attack this settlement for a long time, which the exit is located on heights, and the capture of chasivyar for the enemy, it will be of great importance, as well as for us, because it opens up opportunities to advance further along slavyansk-kramatorsk, that is, it creates the prerequisites for convenient military operations, because the times high... it will be easier to move on, but the times are now quite effective and are being defended precisely from our side, but what happened, the enemy attacked the times from several directions, it was there from the north, it was precisely bohdanivka, from the south it was ivanovske, but literally on the fourth day
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there was such a frontal attack from khromovoy to the time of yar along this route there... 05-0 04 and there were two such attacks and in fact during these attacks the enemy used armored vehicles, 32 vehicles were used there, and there were tanks and bmps, and in fact one of the groups made its way to made its way to a wood just to the east. from chasivyaro and they tried to gain a foothold there, i think it was on the morning of the fourth, i think they were knocked out there by the end of the day, and the second group, eight armored vehicles from khromovoy, moved along the landing there, reached chasivyar, a certain
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section there, and again went to the forest and dropped off paratroopers there, who were supposed to be entrenched in the forest. now we have a situation when just east of chasivyar, there are a certain number of russians who are trying to entrench themselves there , but i hope that now the dynamics are such that they have been knocked out of there, although this area is exactly the same, if you look at the map to the east of the yaru, we can see a definite wedge into our line of defense, but this line of defense actually... it not the main line of defense that protects time there, there is the main line of defense is the one that passes along the channel of seversky donets, donbass, and there are powerful fortification systems, so now we have a story when the enemy managed to run a certain distance there, there is a certain distance to the high-rises, but i repeat, i am
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sure that during this time from the 4th to today, the russians there, well... they were already knocked out due to artillery, but in addition to this attack, which is connected with the attack on na times, it should also be mentioned that the enemy also used aviation there, but there is a video from the 67th mechanized of the brigade that is defending there, when this video shows that these players 125 carry out an attack with their means of impression on the russian. of the colony that is advancing there at times, so we can see that this is a good enough example of how the russians destroy their units, but the question is different, if su-25s are flying there near the yaru times, it means that we need more manpads to destroy this aircraft, but the combat operations were not only
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during the yar, there were attacks on klishchiivka, on ivanovske, just a couple of days ago, and there also near klishchiivka... a new tactic of the enemy, when the enemy tried to break through to our positions with the help of motorcycles at high speed, two or more fighters on bikes slip past, pass, then on the way back they start throwing smoke grenades, already under under the cover of smoke, the infantry tries to advance to the tick, and the artillery in this case is quite difficult, you can only use thrones with thermal imagers, but such attacks were repelled, but everything is still the enemy tries to use any tricks to get to our positions. there near ivanivskyi, near knishchiivka , there, i repeat, the 67th brigade helped repel this enemy attack there, where there were those
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32 combat units, of which 19 were destroyed , the artillery and the fifth separate assault brigade helped there , there was ammunition for this work, but still ours the military says that more ammunition is needed, so in any case this area around... chasivyar in all these directions bohdanivka, ivanovske, khromove, chasivyar, frontal attack, knihshchyivka is what, i think, will be the hottest area in the coming days, unequivocally. that's right, the avdiiv front, did you manage to stabilize the situation in the end? the avdiiv front is a line that actually covers a number of settlements, starting from there. berdychi, orlivka, pervomaiske and beyond, what can be said, actually now in berdychi, where
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the 47a brigade is holding the defense, the enemy is being destroyed quite actively, although there is an advance in berdychi itself by several hundred meters , the enemy managed to advance a little there, i think that due to counterattacking actions. this situation will be corrected, and the situation is positive in nevilsk, the enemy reported a few days ago that they managed to capture nevelsk, de facto in a couple of days the enemy was pushed back 500 meters from nevelsk, so there are actually successes on our side units, although the entire section west of avdiyivka remains extremely difficult, there exactly... our 47th brigade, the third separate assault brigade, other units are operating there, so in any case, this direction really remains the same
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difficult, as well as other areas, in particular near liman, there were also enemy attacks by mechanized units, they were destroyed, thwarted due to the work there of artillery and semi-drones, which are in the hands of ukrainian soldiers, well, they demonstrate positive, impressive results. yes, well , let's talk about the ugledar marin direction now, because the situation in novomykhaivka is difficult, is there a threat of a breakthrough, well, actually, when we talk about a breakthrough, we often usually use this word, i think even excessively often, we can to say that the situation around novomykhaivka remains difficult, in fact, like this entire direction, the enemy has advanced somewhat... to novomykhaivka, but at the moment we can see this map exactly, but all the settlements around maryanka, which we usually
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remember, it is pobeda, and krasnohorivka, and gorgiivka, and so on, our troops are holding back the enemy's attacks there, we understand that this direction is important for the enemy in order to ensure the advance there from the north to ugledar, but the forces . at the enemy in all areas front, i think that now there is not enough for any such breakthroughs, which are often mentioned by our soldiers and journalists there, the situation remains extremely difficult, but not such that we can say that the enemy has the conditions there to provide some operational or there are more strategic breakthroughs, well, three minutes, well, one and a half minutes for questions, first , the russians are moving in the direction of sibersk, trying to make... a large encirclement, are there really such risks? well, i would rather not say what the enemy is trying to do here a large encirclement, the enemy is trying to level
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the so-called seversk ledge, now we see this map, this ledge is somewhat reminiscent of the story from avdiyivka, when from several directions the enemy is trying to ensure attacks in the direction of siversk, here from only one. things that can be noted there, that what the enemy managed, the enemy managed to advance towards the notch, yes, that is, it is one of the directions towards siversk, assault groups were also used there, armored vehicles were also used there, this is what the enemy managed to do there this week, it the direction is important for the enemy in order to somehow create the prerequisites for action in the liman direction, because the exit to siversk, to the liman are actually elements of one such... solitaire in order to, well, create the prerequisites, just repeating the advance on the liman direction, the situation there is not easy, but... in particular, when we
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talk even there about the liman direction in terni, the enemy also used armored vehicles for assaults there, but the actions there of the 12th brigade of the azov national guard, the actions of others there brigades, also led to losses enemy in armored vehicles. the enemy is now trying, by the way, to actively use armored vehicles, because it seems that he, well, understands that there is a certain window of opportunity associated with a limited one. amount of ammunition to the ukrainian army and is trying to put pressure on various areas of the front, looking for weak points there, but i repeat, he does not succeed, because even under the estuaries in the area of ​​the thorn, the enemy had significant losses in both manpower and equipment, well and the last one, we don't have time anymore, but will they fly? drones for 300 ukrainian for 300 km, there are our samples of drones with such a range, this is true,
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so what hope. that 300 km will be such that they will be chambers on the territory of the russian federation. thank you very much, serhiy, it was serhii zugrets, the director of the defense express agency, leading the day's military summaries. thank you vasyl, thank you to our viewers, i hope that the next week will be a little easier for our armed forces in destroying the strength of the enemy's means. well, we continue. the plot for your attention: the russians are constantly storming the times in donetsk region, they launch hundreds of drones at the positions of our military, because of that it is difficult to evacuate, to evacuate the wounded, as the volunteer soldiers of the 67th mechanized brigade of the ukrainian volunteer corps defend the city. see further in our story. chasiv in donetsk region has become a key point that the russians want to seize after
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the occupation of bakhmut. now heavy fighting is going on there, the defense of the city is held by units of the armed forces of ukraine, among them volunteer soldiers of the 67th separate mechanized brigade duk. as for the situation in the time gap, then it is very tense right now, it is this direction that the enemy is constantly storming and trying to take our positions, and the confrontation is quite aggressive now, the enemy has been ... constantly attacking for the past few days, the enemy is not standing still, unfortunately, and now they have such the number of drones that our guys, already trained in combat, cannot, sometimes for hours, simply go from point to point, because they are hanging, well, honestly, just hundreds, just swarms, due to constant assaults of the russian army, there are a lot of wounded in the brigade, evacuation is taking place day and night, there is a lack of protective equipment,
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and therefore sometimes it is not possible to take the victims from the battlefield. two of our guys recently went by car to a position where they could get to, or rather, an evacuation point, a disembarkation point, and then they had to get to a position, then it can't be done by car, it has to be done on foot, and it's just that you realized that they were just walking, there were only two of them, that is, it is not a group, as we attack, it is not a technique that we attack. drones, they can afford to launch four drones for two people. that's why, for example, we still can't get one of these guys out, because there's just a lot of fire. in order to be able to evacuate their comrades at least at night, the soldiers of the 67th brigade need thermal imaging ponchos. at the time , the height reigned supreme, and if, god forbid , the enemy captures it, he would very easily. can
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advance further, and these are konstantinovka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, sloviansk, and there it will be even easier for him to advance, that is, the times - this is both strategic and tactical, and in general very important for the lives of people who live by, that is in those cities where there is still life, because in the abyss of time it is almost gone. support the warriors, it is with your help that they will be able to purchase... what protection they need and restrain the enemy on the battlefield. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel. join us, please, let's support our soldiers, because they actually save the lives of people who are especially in the time gap and behind the time gap. well, now about the news, i will tell in detail the most important of what happened as of now, on the seventh.


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