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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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this is a commanding height, and if, god forbid , the enemy captures it, he will very easily be able to advance further, and these are konstantinivka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, sloviansk, and there it will be even easier for him to advance, that is , sivyar time is also strategic, and tactically, and in general it is very important for the lives of people who live behind, that is, in those cities where there is still life, because at the time... yara is almost gone. support the soldiers, it is with your help that they will be able to buy the protection they need and restrain the enemy on the battlefield. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel. join us, please, let's support our soldiers, because they actually save the lives of people who are especially in the time gap and behind the time gap. well, now i will tell you in detail about the news. the most important thing that has happened so far is this. hour,
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the number of victims has increased, unfortunately, in zaporizhzhia, previously as a result of the attack, three were killed, 13 were injured, the head of the regional military administration, ivan federov, reported. four injured are in serious condition, the occupiers struck again when rescuers, police and journalists as reported by the public, injured journalists of ukrinform publication, ukrinform news agency and tv channel 1+1 damaged three high-rise buildings, one private sector dormitory building. and a shop. attacking in order to kill ukrainian rescuers and law enforcement officers, the occupiers have changed the tactics of attacks on kharkiv, the regional administration said. the russians shell residential neighborhoods and attack the same places a second time, when emergency services arrive to eliminate the consequences of enemy attacks. energy in the kharkiv region is the target of the enemy still one of the most difficult situations with electricity in... on average, the lights there
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are turned off 6 hours a day, residents have guaranteed electricity for only two hours, but at night , almost all residents of kharkiv are provided with electricity - reported the head of the region, oleksinigubov. there is not enough electricity for 300,000 townspeople and half a million residents of the region. the shutdown schedules introduced at the beginning of the week do not correspond to reality and are constantly being adjusted. at the same time, we face the problem that our networks are internal in the region they can't stand it, that is, the voltage, and we had two emergency ones this day alone, that is , from a blackout, where we had to additionally adjust people's blackouts accordingly. we understand that the situation is currently unstable, so limit the use of elevators, because we faced the fact that we really had emergency ones from disconnection. means, well, really
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do everything possible to be as autonomous as possible. the russians wounded a 47-year-old resident of the village of duchany in the kherson region. he has an explosive and craniocerebral injury, a shrapnel wound ridge, reported in the regional military administration. doctors assess his condition as moderate. the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi arrived on a working visit to chernihiv oblast. he checked the progress of the construction of fortifications on the border... he inspected the stronghold, these are reinforced concrete structures, trenches, dugouts, the head of state also reported on the creation of three lines of defense, a continuous strip of non-explosive obstacles and mine barriers was created along the entire border with russia and belarus. discussed and countering enemy shelling. in all border regions, the problems are the same, constant russian bullying and shelling. terror
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on 15,000 residents of the border communities of chernihiv oblast, who are subjected to constant such attacks from russia, terrorists fired 15,000 shells last year. 30,000 shellings of ukraine have been carried out by the russians since the beginning of this year for comparison. in the 23rd, the occupiers ransacked our state 66,000 times. this information was provided by the deputy minister of internal affairs of ukraine. oleksiy sergiev during a meeting with representatives christian social union in the parliament of bavaria. the kremlin-backed forces attack mainly with guided aerial bombs and drones, targeting civilian objects and critical infrastructure objects. since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, 217,000 objects have been damaged, sergiev concluded. and in the occupied russian-ukrainian crimea, they are heard. explosions
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blocked traffic on the crimean bridge, and sirens sounded in the sevastopol military units, eyewitnesses reported this in the peninsula's pubs. according to locals, the sounds of explosions were heard near feodosia and... in the area of ​​the old crimea, as well as in ordzhinikidze. the occupying authorities of the peninsula did not comment on the reports of explosions, nor did they announce alarms in crimea. important negotiations, the prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal met with the president of lithuania gitanos naoseeda in vilnius. the prime minister thanked the lithuanian leader for his support of ukraine and said that he expects continued cooperation in the defense sphere. sanctions were discussed together with nausyeda. and confiscation of russian assets, as well as humanitarian assistance and integration of ukraine into the european union and the north atlantic alliance. a retired
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ex-law enforcement officer from zhytomyr oblast took half a million hryvnias as evidence in the case before the court. during the search of a drug-trafficking suspect , the policeman found money, but did not deposit it and did not return it even after the court ordered the return of the funds. the owner was told by the state bureau of investigation. he is currently dismissed from his post, such a wage earner faces up to eight years in prison. and the security service of ukraine reported on more one suspicion of treason against kremlin propagandist mykhailo spiri. currently, he is hiding in the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region. the man approved the blowing up of the tower of the ukrainian mobile communication and broadcasting operators when the russians were fleeing from the right bank. and also publicly called on the russian general staff to launch missile strikes on ukraine's energy facilities. last year, the occupiers awarded him a medal before the full-scale invasion. spier was a frequent guest on viktor medvedchuk's tv channels, who is, let me remind you, a state traitor. last year in in june, he was sentenced in absentia
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to 10 years in prison for his actions, but now he faces a more severe punishment. bring back our relatives, with such a slogan in the center of lviv. military came out to support the prisoners and the missing. there is only one requirement for the participants of the action - not to be silent about those from whom there is still no news and who are in russian captivity. relatives of soldiers from the 24th separate mechanized brigade joined the action, some of whom have not heard from their loved ones for more than 20 months. support relatives caring lviv residents were elected. bring the heroes home. bring the heroes back home. unfortunately, since june 22, i have been looking for my husband, volodymyr lukashuk, and i have no information about him, along with women who also have such a problem, who are faced with the fact that there is absolutely no what information, for
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their relatives, we united and once again want to remind society, international organizations, in particular ukrainians, that the war continues, the war continues. it is necessary to support our defenders in every possible way, to support families of the missing and prisoners. kill the 24th brigade. return the 24 brigade. it was first heard that lviv doctors operated on two children with profound hearing loss. patients underwent cochlear implantation. after the corral , medical devices were set up for the children. our journalists will tell you how the melecha feels and reacts to sounds. she cries and is interested, this is how three-year-old diana reacts to the first sounds in her life, due to premature birth, the child lost her hearing, a month ago, the young patient was operated on and a cochlear implant was installed implant i'm so happy, and somehow
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i want to cry, and it's scary, because this is such an important step in her life, everything is healing well, the scar has already turned white. so everything is fine. after the ear heals, the implant is adjusted for three-year-old matviyka. the boy was born with a congenital hearing impairment, due to which he hardly speaks. when everything is working, it flashes here, you see, green. yes, of course. so the system works. with the help of a computer, the audiologist transmits sound signals to the child's auditory nerve. the operation was successful, everything is fine, everything healed well. the male is generally small behind the ear, almost nothing is visible, but he recovered well, without problems, this is a chance for the future of my son to live a full life. cochlear implants are installed in cases where children are not helped by a hearing
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aid. in the children's medicine center of the okhmatdyt hospital, five children were operated on free of charge, ear implants were donated by an american manufacturer. the price of one such is approximately 25 thousand. dollars, this device is internal, it is there for life, there, the inner ear, it is already the size it should be, so accordingly, it is already there, it has been known for many tens of years that there is no special... it does not grow, therefore it does not need to grow, and the outer part will work, the outer part perceives sounds, transmits them to the inner part through the magnet, then through the electrode the auditory nerve transmits and then the child hears. after prosthetic hearing, patients adapt to the implant and work with speech therapists to develop speech. the preparation went on for years, but now we have a team that can do it, we have international support, specialists from belgium, poland, europe, which helps, we have state support in the form of nuclear implants and the entire hospital system that helps those children still develop and hear. this year
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, the lviv children's medicine center of the okhmadyt hospital will receive 10 ear implants free of charge within the framework of the state funding program, hearing is also being restored in hospitals in dnipro, kyiv, vinnytsia and other cities. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. well, we continue the big ether and i join the conversation of yuli fizer. the world about ukraine. yuri, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time, today i will tell you, in particular , about the following: the allies should redouble their efforts to provide assistance to ukraine. the pentagon is not helping our country's armed forces to destroy russian oil refineries, and robert fico, the prime minister of slovakia, is once again singing a song about peace at the negotiating table. my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment. well, let
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me start with this: the leaders of nato member countries most likely, with a huge probability , ukraine will not be invited to join the north atlantic alliance at the summit, which is scheduled for july and will coincide with the 75th anniversary of the creation of this military-political bloc. this was reported by journalists of the new york times newspaper with a link. according to informed sources, according to the information made public, in nato, butsin fears that due to the agreement on collective security, ukraine may involve the alliance in the quote: the largest land war in europe since 1945, this is the end of the quote. in particular, against the accession of ukraine to unfortunately, the united states of america and germany represent the military bloc. instead of an invitation, western countries want to let ukraine clearly understand what conditions we must fulfill. in order to begin negotiations on joining the alliance, and at the same time, because of the war with russia, none of these things will
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matter, as the new york times journalists write until july. well, unfortunately, this information was also confirmed in the ministry of foreign affairs of estonia, the minister, the head of this foreign and political department of our countries. secondly, margus tsakna stated that ukraine's membership in nato will not... not be a priority at the summit to be held in the united states of america in july, according to him , this is due to the difficult situation on the battlefield, as well as differences of opinion among the leaders of the countries that are members of the north atlantic alliance, regarding the accession of ukraine, well, we fully understand that they want the war to end in us as soon as possible and negotiations on accession can only be started after the end of the war, so they should, in my... in my opinion , report maximum effort so that we can defeat the aggressor in this war as soon as possible.
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nato allies are sending significant military support to ukraine. the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, jens stoltenberg, said this in an interview with polish television. according to him, the provision of military aid for ukraine's fight against russian aggression should not only continue, but no. mr. stoltenberg believes that this activity should be strengthened, then a short quote from him and pass it on more, especially air defense systems. this is the end of the quote, but nato member countries will not and are not even going to send their military personnel to ukraine to participate in hostilities, says mr. secretary general. if the united states of america renounces its. obligations, it will have very serious consequences and impact on global
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security, according to the results of a two-day meeting with colleagues from nato member states in brussels, said united states secretary of state anthony blinken. for him words, everyone in the north atlantic alliance hopes that in the near future the house of representatives of the american congress will finally pass a bill on the allocation of additional aid to ukraine for... more than 60 billion dollars, but at the same time antony blinken noted that nato allies do not believe that this the vote will take place in the near future, and once again emphasized that... ukraine urgently needs additional assistance. let's hear the secretary of state of the united states of america anthony blinken in direct speech. today we talked about the fact that we all need to immediately check our own stocks and think carefully about what else we can give to ukraine. we know its needs - these are means of
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anti-aircraft defense, artillery, ammunition. so i think, based on what i've heard... i agree that everyone, including the united states of america, should reconsider their own positions, if necessary redouble their efforts to find resources that ukraine continues to need. well , not all, but some leaders of some countries, members of nato, should reconsider their positions to double, well, it would seem, maybe even to everyone, because it is extremely important for us, and also the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinken, said during this... press briefing that ukraine is currently suffering from path to financial and military independence, i will read his quote further. we are on a trajectory where ukraine in the medium and long term will be able to stand very firmly on its own feet in military, economic and democratic terms. well, such
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words please, but i still want more help in particular, from the united states of america, and from there every day there are some uncertain reports, uncertain information, then mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, is going to vote on the 9th to put at least a bill on the allocation of additional aid to ukraine to a vote, then they are already saying that this document is his will be considered no earlier than the middle of april, well, there is also a chair shaking under him and it is not known whether he will even have time to put this bill on... himself from the negative characters in history, well, he may want to, but there somehow it's all very shaky under him, and we would like him to have time to erase himself after all. the us does not help ukraine fire at targets located outside its borders. this was stated by
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the official representative of the pentagon, patrick ryder, during the briefing. according to him, ukraine receives from the united states of america only the assistance that allows its armed forces to defend their own territory and return temporarily occupied territory. this is how general ryder answered a journalist's question about whether washington supports ukraine's strikes against russia oil refineries. next, a small quote from a pentagon official: we do not provide any assistance for the use of weapons supplied outside of this purpose, septo-defense. i would refer you to the representatives. of ukraine to tell about their operations. after all, ukraine has repeatedly stated that it is shelling targets beyond its own borders, it is a weapon of its own production, so let not the united states of america in the pentagon worry too much, because these drones are friendly, friendly, they are ours
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development, they are ours, so we do what we want to do with them. to do, maybe it is worth finally giving ukraine the air defense means it needs, and not just limiting itself to providing non-lethal military support. yuriy chirovada, a member of the committee on foreign affairs of the house of representatives of the japanese parliament, addressed this question to the minister of foreign affairs of the land of the rising sun, yoko kamikawa. in his opinion, it is good that the official tokyo has undertaken to invest in a long-term program for the restoration of ukraine, but - he says, missiles are flying at the heads of ukrainian women and children, so it is worth giving ukrainians real protection. and then, let's listen to yui chirovada in direct speech. on the radio promoting economic reconstruction , they already said that supporting ukraine is an investment in
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global security and democracy. i hope you will consider the idea of ​​transferring funds to ukraine. air defenses, such as patriots and drones, as this will be a signpost to the creation of real peace in in the future well, after that, the minister of foreign affairs of the country of the rising sun, yoko kamikawa, took the floor, spoke for a long time about how japan helps ukraine a lot, and japan really helps ukraine a lot, how much, what it has sent to us and for what amount this country has sent us and how she helped us, but about the patriots. about which the member of the japanese parliament spoke, she said: we will analyze this issue and see, well, even if we do not drag out the analysis of that issue, but what is the most important thing here, the most important thing is that... even so far in japan, which constantly refuses to give us lethal weapons according to its principles, they raise this issue and not only raise it, they are already addressing and saying, maybe
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it's worth it, maybe it's worth it for them to think about it. the european union should contribute to the establishment of peace in ukraine, and not support the continuation of the war. guess who said that? yes, the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico. during a speech yesterday at the ceremony of laying flowers at the slavin memorial complex, established in honor of the soldiers of the soviet army, which was then was called red, who died for the liberation of bratislava from the nazis. according to the head of the slovak government, it is now clear that in ukraine, as he said, there is no talent on the battlefield, in russia - says mr. fico, political plans and goals, according to which it is impossible to allow it to win under any circumstances, therefore mr. fizo again called on the hundred. to sit down at the negotiating table, well, he calls, does he not understand, if there are such disagreements, if there are such problems, will these disagreements and problems
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allow us to sit down at the same table, which he calls it a negotiation table and to agree, but no, and i will remind you that the ambassadors of the european union and great britain yesterday ignored this event and did not come, although they were invited there. all because the ambassadors of the terrorist countries of russia and belarus were present at this event in slavina. donald trump continues to make promises in the style of: what if i were president. the day before, the 45th owner of the white house, who has a good chance of settling in the main house of the united states for another four years, said that if he were joe biden, he would call putin after the terrorist attack. in the step of the city in the suburbs of moscow, he said this in an interview with the radio host hugyut. at the same time, donald trump did not specify whether he would call the russian leader to
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warn about the terrorist attack and transfer the intelligence information available to him, or to express his condolences. well, donald trump did not miss the opportunity either, and in order not to lash out at president joe biden, he once again insulted him and called him the most corrupt and most incompetent. the president of the united states of america, well , whatever he is called there, whatever he is not called joe biden, but joe biden does not have as many open criminal cases against him as donald trump himself, and by the way, the day before, a georgia court in fulton county rejected donald trump's request to have him removed from the charges of meddling in the presidential election. 2020 on the basis of the first amendment to the constitution of the united states of america. trump has insisted that the accusations violate his
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right to free speech. well, let me remind you that these accusations relate to the telephone the call that donald trump made in 2021 on january 2 to georgia secretary of state brad ruferspe'. heru and then trump called this secretary of state. quote: find the 11,780 extra votes trump needed to win the presidential election. well, that's it. and in conclusion, the heavens lit a torch in the hand of the statue of liberty in new york. incredible pictures the day before at 18:00 local time in... it was one in the morning, photographer dan martland took, he managed to capture how lightning of incredible beauty struck mrs. svoboda's torch. he posted the photos on his
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page in the x microblogging network, this is the former twitter, and wrote that the storm that passed today did not disappoint the statue of liberty, it was struck by lightning. mr. martland directed two cameras at the iconic statue, which recorded a lightning strike, and for this he used a so-called lightning activator, which is... such an external device that connects to the camera and triggers the flash at the moment of which the photo is taken. well, agree, it's beautiful but at the same time he also said that it was not without luck, because a camera is a camera, an activator is an activator, but it was necessary to have this intelligence to come at that exact moment, set up the cameras and take beautiful pictures. well, that's all for me, for today in the column world about ukraine, after all, as this week , we will meet. with you already on monday, but we still have a lot of interesting things on the air, so don't switch.
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more analytics, even more. important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. the sponsor of the national team represents: united by football, stronger together. good evening, honey of ukraine. we continue, glad that you are with us, this is the big ether, it reminds me, his name is vasyl zema, now we will talk with our guest about what we have with energy, what power it is. what
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is the margin of strength and what can ukrainians and businesses and private consumers expect in the near future? oleksandr kharchenko, director of the research center energy industry mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. good evening. if it's not some kind of military secret, let's go now, is there already an estimate or data collected from various different analytical groups, well, different groups that collected information, as to what percentage, well, again, if that's the case. .. it is possible to say, i don’t know, but was the ukrainian energy system affected or significantly damaged after these series of strikes, which occurred in different directions, again in the west, in the center, in the east, and in the south, please, and in the center of ukraine, too, first of all, i would not i used the word happened because they happen and happen every day, there are several strikes and a very massive attack, which was the most...


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