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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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to ukrainians actually and to businesses and private consumers in the near future. oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. good evening. if this is not some kind of military secret, then let's go now, is there already an estimate or collected data from various, various analytical groups, well, various groups that collected information about that, so many percentages, well , again, if we can talk about it, i don't know, i was. the ukrainian energy system was struck or seriously damaged after these series of strikes, which took place on different again, in the west, in the center, in the east, and in the south, please, and in the center of ukraine, too, first of all, i would not use the word happened, because they happen and happen every day, there are several strikes, and very massively on the attack, which was the most massive during the war, which took place on march 22, actually... what
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is happening now is the restoration of high-voltage networks and an assessment of what kind of damage occurred in our generation. at the moment, to be honest, it is too early to make any final conclusions, but i am almost sure that ukrenergo, which operates them, will restore the high-voltage networks within five to six weeks to a state when there will be enough power to supply all regions. of course, provided there are no new strikes, this, unfortunately, cannot be guaranteed. as for generation, the situation here is more complicated. according to a very preliminary assessment, we are now in a deficit of 10-12% of peak consumption, which will begin in august and then return again in the winter. we are very lucky that now in the spring we have...
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essentially minimal consumption, a good situation with hydrogen generation, the one that can work, it works at maximum capacity, but unfortunately, now it is possible to pre-estimate the deficit, i will repeat once again at 10-12%, but here you know, it is important to understand in this situation, let's first , and if the situation, i don’t know, the situation may be different, now our partners clearly say, let’s look for... patriots, because everyone understands that ballistics cannot be knocked down by any other, well, they can be knocked down by certain systems, but they can be found even more difficult than the patriots, and they too they say, let's do it quickly, let's redouble our efforts, because everyone sees that the enemy is now starting this unannounced attack, in the spring everyone was waiting for strikes in the winter, well , it happened the same way as ukraine also happened, well, in fact, it cannot fully repel these strikes , at least except there in kyiv, and maybe some don't know where. in a number of regions, now
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they say: "let's quickly, patriots, let's fight, let's fight, because this is a blow to the army, the economy, and the citizens, and that's why the question is as of now, what about you do you think, if the situation will be the same, and there will be blows, they will be repelled, but not everything will be repelled, and there will be more damage, on which first, or on which sector will they start saving according to the opinion or it would be logical, these are citizens, private houses, apartment buildings, there are some other things there, or something else, well, what to be ready for, because you have to be ready for different scenarios, we are already in the third year of the war, probably everyone has come to terms with it, you have to be ready, that anything can happen , well, let's understand that they are actually all scenarios are developed and exist, and are used in the event of a generation deficit. of course, all these
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scenarios assume that first of all there is a restriction of business supply, it goes where it is possible to limit the supply of enterprises, or transfer them to other work schedules that will be more favorable there, say, work in the summer on a day when there is a lot of sunshine generation, without work in the evening and in the morning, or vice versa at night, when naturally ... the lower peak of generation, lower peak, lower peak of consumption occurs and there is quite a lot of free electricity usually, but now predicting how things will develop is very difficult, to be honest, if we assume that we stay more or less at the same level as now, which means that we rebuild and they destroy at the same rate, then i'm afraid. that already in august we will have
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to introduce certain restrictions, including for citizens, and in winter, most likely, we will also have to introduce such restrictions. but i repeat once again, there are too many unknowns, and it is impossible to predict exactly how events will develop now. yes, by the way, there was a recent study that mostly, i think more than half of ukrainians there, if i'm not mistaken, trust these tarot cards, fortune tellers and various people, well, but we still do, i'm leading to the point that if someone were to tell now on tarot cards which cities will be without electricity, many people would probably watch, but we are still talking about... real things, and about business, you know, i just took this information for myself, i don't really understand what it is, but it definitely concerns the production of quite powerful and electricity, well, let's say, it was today it was reported that, i don’t know how now, but
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the zaporizhzhia line, zaporizhia tes, ferroalloys, i don’t know what this line is, but ferroalloy, i understand what it is, it’s production, it’s business, it’s electricity, what kind of let's say cut off, it could be somewhere else, big business makes big exports, it brings money to the national bank and currency, and well, that is, it gives us the necessary, necessary profit, and how can this affect large-scale production again, which is important, which gives there are many jobs, and how to protect yourself here, because it is, well, small and medium business is also important, yes, if all the milk in the fridges has gone sour in a dairy shop, this is also... a problem, but it is not of a regional or even national scale, but there are enterprises that can, well, their downtime, or their stoppage can seriously affect the economy, first of all, the incomes of citizens. well, this particular line that you
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are talking about is the line that is now more responsible for the supply of electricity to the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, and i think that it will now be restored in the shortest possible time. because no zaporozhye nuclear power plant may be hanging on one line, as it remained after it was turned off, but, if we talk about big business and business in general, then, of course, the lack of electricity is a big problem, and it leads to a direct decrease in economic results, but well, unfortunately, all i can say now is business, business has to invest in its own generation, and business has to ensure that if... it wants to work stably, permanently and efficiently, then in the situation we are in now, we have to to be proud of what we are building decentralized generation, we are building a large number of small generation facilities, five, 10, 15, 50 megawatts each, which
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will provide both our cities and our businesses, and here businessmen must be involved, no one will do this work for us will fulfill, especially since well... it pays off in one way or another, so my advice to businesses is to look in this direction as soon as possible, think about how to provide yourself with electricity, and unfortunately, in fact, in ukraine now there is no alternative to that, but i i would still like to talk about import-export of electricity, but i don’t know how much it was significant money for ukraine , but it wasn’t... recently, ukraine also dumped a large, well, a certain amount of excess electricity abroad, how serious, serious profits are it for the economy, well, the economy should be alive, at least, and in order to provide for the army, to provide for the war in times of war, for the country in times of war, that is , a dead economy cannot lead to
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victory, everyone understands this very well, and that is why, for example, they destroyed the economy and production of nazi germany in the second war, in the same way they tried to destroy the economy of the allies, there of the soviet union, well, this is war. and the economy is the blood of war, here it is not necessary to simply hide here, as they say, and say that you can fight with something unknown, it is unknown how, and somehow somewhere virtually defeat everyone, so the plans of the enemy are clear, but whether it can have an effect for export, import, import of electricity, if there is a great need for imports again, can we count on it, and can there also be problems due to damage, again, due to enemy strikes, well, first of all... we are physically limited in imports, we cannot import more than 2 gigawatts of power, which today is approximately 11-12% of all-ukrainian consumption, and accordingly, if our deficit is greater than this
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figure, we from europe will not be able to get additional volumes of electricity by any means, well, physically, it is worth remembering that hundred. as for the price of the question, of course, now the market of ukraine is more or less at the level of the markets. neighbors and mostly imports at a price already similar to the turin price, which is made in ukraine, or it is a little more expensive, we are talking about 20-25% more, the electricity of our neighbors is more expensive than the ukrainian one. and as for exports, we still have a surplus of electricity during the day due to the generation of solar power plants, of which we have quite a lot and which, of course, work exclusively during the day and... this leaves us with opportunities for certain exports, but on a relatively small scale, i.e. it
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is not significantly large. yes, well, in principle, we already have a minute of time, i will be very brief there, if possible at least in numbers, or ukrainians manage to put out the fires, pay for electricity, there is thermal energy, yes, i understand, it is not yet, but winter is over, are there certain such significant problems that can affect the work of... first of all , generating companies, companies that provide this energy, utility, is meant? you know, we don't have big problems with payments to the population right now, that is, there are some, but they are not as significant as the problem of the entire electricity market, the financial, financial part of this market, unfortunately, there is now an unbalanced situation, large cross-debts and this problem of the government. will have to be decided in the near future, but once again it is not the population's fault that this
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situation has developed. thank you very much, oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center, was in touch with us, thank you for the professional comments, we talked, well, in any case, i just want to say that if there is an opportunity to pay for communal services, you should do it , in any case, all, especially utility companies, service providers must also function, if there is such there is an opportunity. and now i'm adding serhiy rudenko to the conversation, the verdict program starts at 8 p.m. sergey, what will be discussed today. good evening, please tell me. congratulations vasyl, at 20:00 we start our friday verdict. we will have two guests, in the first program, ihor lapin, a special agent and major of the armed forces of ukraine, and oleg rybachuk, the former head of yushchenko's presidential administration. let's talk about a massive draw attack. to the russian airfields in morozovsk, eysk and engels, and what, in fact, this attack is about
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led to the disabling of at least six aircraft used by the russians in the front-line zone. in addition, the meeting of the ukraine-nato council ended this week, and of course, the number one issue at... this meeting was assistance to ukraine with air defense systems, what resulted from this, and what results we got, i hope that oleg will explain to us rybachuk, a person who has a lot of experience in the negotiation process with western partners, and of course, of course, alternatives, alternative peace formulas, russia is promoting the chinese... format of transition, and nato is discussing the accession of ukraine for relinquishing
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the occupied territories. are compromises possible here? in short, there are a lot of questions, we will try to answer them within an hour. in the second part of our program, we will have the journalist club oleksiy mustafin and andriy yanitskyi. let's talk about why the verkhovna rada of ukraine is rapidly losing trust and the main thing is to preserve the effectiveness of the highest legislative body of the state without holding elections during the war, a separate topic is resignations in the environment volodymyr zelenskyi, in particular his closest associates, serhiy shifir left, one of his closest associates resigned, his brother boris shevir, who was also a business partner for a long time. a friend of volodymyr zelenskyi and was a member of the immediate circle of the current president, now lives in
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germany, gave a long interview to radio liberty, let's talk about russophobia, or rather, russophilism of boris shefir, about how he says that more attention should be paid to the russian language and russian literature in today's ukraine. on this. in in this context, we will also mention ukrainophobe bolgakov, because the russian writer of the city of kyiv was recognized as a symbol this week. of imperial policy in ukraine, and what it also means for the heritage, the creative heritage of mykhailo bolgakov, and for those who appreciate the work of mykhailo bolgakov, how they react to it, we will talk about all this in the second part, which will begin exactly in an hour, vasyl's big winter broadcast continues, we will meet with you in 15
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minutes, vasyl, you have the word, thank you, serhiy, and we are waiting for serhiy at 8 p.m. denka and the program the verdict, by the way, regarding mikhail, mikhail afanasiyovych bolgakov, i am on the continuation of the topic that serhii raised, because there are still a few minutes to talk, let's first remind you once again about the collection that we announced for our soldiers from the legendary brigades that defend ukraine, that saved ukrainian cities, populated areas - this is a cold ravine and black zaporozhians of the 92nd and 93rd and 72nd brigades. and therefore espresso and the public organization of the ua resistance base call to support the collective fp drones, their own production, testing, variations according to needs defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting 2 million uah, the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already there, join us so that there will be more of them, our goal is 2 million uah, we will be able to do it, well, we
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will see now, more we have information about zaporizhzhia, which the enemy shelled there on... unfortunately, there are dead and wounded, tsn journalist kira ov was injured during the repeated shelling of zaporizhia, if there is an opportunity, we can show it in the picture, andrii ts- no, this is andrii tsaplienko, well, actually a journalist 1+1, a military correspondent, wrote during the repeated shelling of zaporizhzhia, the incident occurred when kira, together with other media workers, was filming the consequences of the previous attack on zaporizhzhia, well, now the ukrainforum news agency also reports on the wounding of its correspondent olga zvonareva. she is now in the operating room with 19 wounded, well, you see, the enemy uses these things, repeated shelling at the point of impact, and of course the rescuers get hit, the rescuers cannot fail to come if people are under rubble, if the price of life is 2-3 minutes, rescuers they can't help but come, the ambulance can't help but come, and obviously the police can't help but come, but the journalists are also on the spot, because
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it has to be filmed and show the consequences of enemy attacks, but here i think... there will be a conversation of those people who have this should be done first of all by the police, maybe the security service, who is the state service, maybe there are specialists in the government who have to develop an action plan in case of such hits, the enemy is hitting with iskander missiles - this is ground-to-ground, they are, well, launchers ground installations, and they are quite fast, ballistic missiles that come in, then the enemy is hitting again, so i think that it is obviously worth developing a procedure for handling and... and other people who are not critically important at the scene, and in the event of such hits, because this happens in zaporizhzhia, in kharkiv, in in kyiv, this, and where it is closer to the enemy front, it is much easier to do it, and also in such a way as to minimize the consequences, and again , it is clear that everyone should be those, well, first of all, rescuers, i say , they cannot but
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be, because if there are people lying under the rubble, how many people got under the rubble, and if you don't get them in 15 minutes, they die. will die and you have to be there, this is your calling, just like the soldiers at the front also have to be in certain positions in order to repel enemy attacks, they cannot not be there, knowing that they can, for example, die, this is the job, but let's say other people who are in this place, maybe not everyone should be there, maybe again the procedure will be developed when you can come, when you can not come, and many thanks to my colleague mishana, i mean to the journalists, and kiri oves, and olga zvonarova, who did their work honestly and...correctly, but unfortunately got hurt, i hope that they will heal them and they will recover, but again, i think that this will be thought about by people who have to think this way, because the enemy , unfortunately, kills and injures many ukrainians in this way. yes, now we have sports news and evgeny pastukhov has gathered the most important things in a review, let's take a look. torska became the second
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finalist of the ukrainian football cup. serhiy dolganskyi's team defeated zhytomyr polissya in the semi-final match. the only goal in at the end of the first half , serhiy myakushko scored. polissia had the best chance to win in the 81st minute. however , vorskla goalkeeper pavlo isenko parried a penalty shot by pylyp budkivskyi. our team as a whole became the guarantor of success today. the team gave all their strength and emotions, that's why... we won, the whole team, everyone worked for the result, just some performers did what they should do, all this would not have happened without myakushka's goal, and without the saved penalty and . all well done, we we worked, we are working, on those moments that were limping in us, we are tightening them, well, something is working out
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better, something is still not working out. in the decisive match for the trophy, vorskla will play against shakhtar donetsk. the final of the cup of ukraine is scheduled for may 15 and should take place in rivne. vorska and shakhtar met in the final. cup in 2009, then poltava won. dynamo kyiv beat luhansk zorya for the second time in a month. this time the teams met in the framework of the postponed match of the sixth round of the ukrainian premier league. the kyivans dominated throughout the game and turned their advantage into three scored goals. oleksandr andrievskyi and vladyslav kabaev scored in the first half. after the break, volodymyr brashko brought the case to a rout. thanks to this white and blue also climbed to the third position in the league standings, overtaking dnipro-1. kyiv has 44 points and two more games in reserve. during
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the next four days, the matches of the 23rd round of the ukrainian premier league will take place. on saturday , veras will play against oboloni. on sunday , matches are scheduled for chornomorets oleksandria, kolos metalist 1925 and shakhtar-rukh. on sunday , minai polissia, dynamo-lnz, kryvbas-vorskla. tour for. will end on monday with a confrontation between dnipro-1 and zora. elina svitolina and angelina kalinina were eliminated from the wta 500 tournament in charleston. both ukrainian tennis players suffered a fiasco at the stage of the second round. svitolina lost in the match against the belgian eliza mertens on 4-6-16. kalinina covered her racket after a meeting with neutral russian daria kasatkina (16-4-6). thus at the tournament in charleston. there are no representatives of ukraine left in singles.
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well, at the very end, i want to urge you to be attentive to the announcement of air alarms, of course, the enemy can continue his missile terror, rocket-shached terror. well, as for that, it's not a scandal, it's a discussion. thank god that there are discussions, especially if they concern literature, although here it is more relevant. policies regarding mikhail afanasyovich bulgakov, and of course in the literatures of various peoples of the world, well , i mean in the literatures of high quality there, let's say european, in many asian literatures, by the way, there are different writers who, let's say, raise a lot of questions, well, first of all, bolgakov is not ukrainian at all, well, that is, if we say that gogol is a ukrainian and who lived in the times of the empire, lived in st. petersburg and in italy, and lived in, well, but bolgakov is just a russian, and who, therefore , keep, don’t keep, study, don’t study, we have a free country, everyone can read anything and anyone, but i think it is very important for ukrainians, of course, to get more involved in the study of world literature, there is a lot of it, it has not been studied by many ukrainians, and remember very simple things that the enemy
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continues and will always continue, like any empire in its various states, territorial, financial and armed, russia was in various states, but it does not always remain an empire, it always tries planting your culture, when it plants its culture, it plants itself by getting into your head through the culture, so... i think that putting names out there, things like that, is certainly the right thing to do, but there 's no pressure, because you know, everything it is forbidden, everything immediately starts to be interesting, let's for example ban the sixties and the revivalists and everyone will study them, but it won't be like that, well, we won't ban them, we understood things, but sometimes it happens that people have never read bolgaky, no there are crocodile eggs, no white guard, no wonder. and so on, master margarita, everyone comes here to read, well, i think that this discussion will be brought to a logical conclusion, ukraine must develop its own, well , let everything that is hostile remain available, but for those who
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it wants to study and learn and learn, well, i will say goodbye to you until monday, take care, i wish you a good weekend, we support the armed forces of ukraine, stick together, take care of each other, then the weather from natalka didenko, what to expect for the weekend , and at the 20th verdict serhii morudenko, be with espresso, take care of yourself. goodbye. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers. you and i are talking about the weather, which is of great interest to everyone, because the weekend is ahead, there are many important things to do, or rest, it's up to everyone. but first before we talk about the synoptic near-term situation, we will touch on a topic that, without exaggeration, covers. our whole planet and probably almost every person, we will talk about cats, do they have anything to do with the weather, and how, of course, i think that a
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lot of you balanced on ... for example, uncomfortable weather by communication with cats, well, but now we will talk about cats from such a, so to speak, scientific point of view, and in addition to all sorts of mee-mee-mees, we’d better look at the facts and the history of their origin, so the cat domestic or domestic cat, of course the gender is also important here, a small canine, a canine of a number of carnivores of the cat or feline family, the modern name comes from the latin name ka. which is used specifically for a domestic cat, a domestic cat, and a wild one is called felis in latin, a cat has been in close communication, in close friendship with a person for more than 9.5 years, is the most common domestic animal, well, no one probably doubts it. a few years ago, ukraine was one of the ten countries with the largest population of cats, and became a home
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for 7 million. 350,000 domestic cats, as they were counted incredibly, in total there are about 600 million cats in the world, and according to the latest research, unfortunately, a lot of them are strays, cats compared to their wild relatives, such domestic cats have lost their taste for sugar, i can deny it from my own experience, because our cat is an apelmon, which, i hope, many of you knew. terribly loved sweets, well, another question that we did not give him, and recently it was generally believed that cats were domesticated in ancient egypt, but a 2007 study year questioned these data and assured that all domestic cats in the female line come from only five individuals, from five ancestors, probably steppe pits, felis, sylvestris, lubica, pronounced, which were domesticated about 10 tosi, 10 - you,
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i apologize. years ago, well, in short, cats are incredible creatures, and in my humble opinion, the best in the world after humans. we're going ahead and seeing what happens with the magnetic storms in the near future, there will be some small fluctuations, so you and i are watching the forecast and if there are any sharp fluctuations, sharp activation, of course, i will inform you about it, and the weather itself, in the coming days, on saturday , it will rain in the western regions of ukraine, do not forget umbrellas, appropriate clothes, and there will be thunderstorms in some places, do not be afraid, please, the air temperature is quite comfortable, +14 +19°. in the north of ukraine tomorrow will also be rainy weather, rather in the afternoon, thunderstorms are possible in places, and the air temperature will be 14-17°c. in the eastern part of ukraine on saturday, april 6, it will be sunny, dry, the air temperature will be +12 +16°, maybe the closest.
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that it will be cold at night in luhansk oblast , sometimes even down to -1. in the central part of ukraine tomorrow, saturday , short-term rains and thunderstorms are also expected, the air temperature is +13-+18°. no precipitation is expected in the southern part of ukraine on april 6, except in odesa region where there are some isolated rains, but in general it will still be dry in the south and +17-+19°. dear citizens of kyiv, tomorrow is saturday night and morning. precipitation, and rain is more likely in the capital in the afternoon and in some places with a thunderstorm, the air temperature will fluctuate between 15-17°c. on sunday these rains will shift the eastern part of ukraine, gradually clearing the clouds and giving way to the sun and the sunset, and the north, and the center, and even the south, so make the most of this weekend with the highest and of course all these good, safe and... comfortable
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saturday and sunday, good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health, for the next two hours we will talk about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory . in the program. minus six enemy aircraft, a massive drone attack in the rostov region achieved its goal. why is the west still against strikes on the territory of the russian federation? in search of patriots: allies will try to recruit additional air defense systems for ukraine around the world. what other help can be expected from nato. an alternative.


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