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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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who, what is the surname of prime minister zelenskyi, well, it doesn't matter to me, zelenskyi said that 500,000 is not needed at the conference, that he does not see the expediency, because he was not motivated. the president said, well, everyone as one went to repeat, well, everyone, what are the problems? they have no problems. for some reason, there are only problems with personnel rotation. i know, well, i won't name the brigades that have been sitting and lying there for more than a year without waking up. well, you see, they are reinforced, armored and so on, but not rotated. not rotation, you look to the reports of any analysts there, who say that such and such a brigade is working in such and such a direction, and look how much this or that brigade is already being told about this or that brigade, let's say so, storytellers, well, they are already telling more about it in this direction year, so it has been more than a year without rotation, well, everything is great, and there are many of them, so for me it is wildness, the non-regulation of the issue of mobilization, it is a very serious problem, and i will tell you, you know?
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what other risk is there under this bill, so one last sentence, if they do not regulate the concept of dembel, then it will be another one failed mobilization only under the new law, i think something like this, i think so, so i draw such a conclusion, because people are demotivated if they do not know how long they are going, and those who have been in the trenches for the third year are even more demotivated , thank you, mr. major, for the conversation, it was a major of the armed forces... ukrainian special forces officer ihor lapin. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube. please participate in our survey. today we are asking you about whether you consider bulgakov a ukrainophobe. yes, no, please write your answer in the comments. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think bulgakov is a ukrainophobe (0800-211). 381 no (0800-211-382). all
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calls to these numbers are free. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with oleg rybachuk, head of the center for joint actions, former deputy prime minister for european affairs of integration and former head of yushchenko's presidential administration. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations. well, first of all, let's talk about the results. meeting of the ukraine-nato council, the main issue is air defense systems for ukraine, and nato member states agreed that they should redouble their efforts to find air defense equipment, artillery and ammunition for ukraine. this was stated by the secretary of state of the united states of america , anthony blinken. according to him, the partners of the north atlantic alliance will strengthen the defense potential of the ukrainian armed forces in... at the same time, as dmytro kuleba says, at
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a meeting on april 4 in brussels, germany initiated the search for available patriot air defense systems for kyiv. let's listen to what mr. kuleba said. germany, as the head of the air defense coalition , is now initiating an immediate analysis. of all the patriot battery systems and other air defense systems available not only in the allies, but in general in the world, and what can be done, what combinations can be built in order for these batteries to be delivered to ukraine? mr. oleg, why does ukraine have to convince our western partners for so long that we... need to close the sky,
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well, at least over the million-dollar cities? well, i just remember that when this vilnius nato summit was held, the number of patriots who were there were completely in favor of solving the issue of ukraine, so nato members simply delegated, transported their systems, and there were about a dozen of them there, that is to small vilnius, to the little sky that was above vilnius, therefore. technically it is definitely possible, and the fact that these are systems that, well, they are idle, they are not used, well, it is clear that putin will not dare to somehow violate the borders of nato, although there are many threats there, missiles are flying there, just like in poland, which, by the way, has a patriot, but the poles do not use it, they would not u.s. we
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would have shot down these missiles, they would not have flown through poland, then in fact the issue is solved technically, but the issue here is not about technical capabilities, this issue is about... well, it is very good now that we have macron with his initiative, we see in europe simply the formation of two clubs, a club, a club of brave or determined ones and a club of deeply worried and no less deeply frightened, and because of the fact that you only raise the question of why we are doing this, ukraine needs weapons, no matter what, and we resist in this in these... things that were very well described in the article there of the international essence of the war, which is just there, how to break russia's strategy, how to defeat russia, that's the essence, there are 16 pages, such a large analytical article, very intelligent, that is i read it, i realized that in fact they are all correct
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you know, you know, like a doctor, where one doctor makes an x-ray, the other reads it, so they made this x-ray very well, and everything is visible there. it is clear that russia every time forces the world to discuss in the information shell created by russia itself, in this information shell it is said that russia cannot be defeated, russia, as putin says, has never been defeated by anyone, a complete lie, a nuclear country, and so on and everything else, and that instead of spending so much effort, you just have to achieve. and then return to business as usual, and that's it because of the fact that they, they don't have unity, some of the countries that are now joining the club of the bold and the determined understand that, and i see that our future, or our
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most reliable allies right there, and very simply no no such extraordinary initiatives, you talked about them on your programs, because i look at them from time to time and now this and... and that’s what the certain novelty or consistency of macron’s policy is, because he really just gave answers to several problems: first, he said that russia, as an aggressor country, should simply be destroyed in this form, it is not he dares, no one dared to say, then he declared his readiness and desire, or this strategy of his global indeterminacy, that it is not necessary to set limits for myself: i do not set any limits for myself, i listen to blinkin, who went to see macron, and blinkin says that no-no-no, we can't, because we can't allow a direct confrontation with russia, it makes me a little crazy, because you have a horde coming at you, who
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you say no-no-no, we we will not face you when a horde is coming at you, you are not you want to confront, what are you doing, you are retreating, well, this is really happening now, putin feels it very well, but when blinkin... er, stated that scholz, by the way, too, that you cannot accept the decisions are similar, you have to make it in the nato format and by consensus, then macron is very, well, for me it was an impressive answer, it is convincing, he says that i do not need the support of nato, and you have my opinion, here in the plot lapin spoke about this foreign legion, and there they are fighting in africa, by the way, in africa, with africans, including the french, were squeezed out. the wagnerites, putin there, those countries where france has always had a historical influence, the wagnerites went there, there is a question of rich resources, everything else, but geopolitically, putin and the wagnerites are quite like that, well, they humiliated france, maybe this is another factor,
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why macron already just took the position that he took among other factors, but the last thing macron says is that we are ready, and when he was threatened with nuclear weapons there, he calmly with ... said that we are also a nuclear power, and turn attention, we do not know the conversation, i am very interested when our media comment on the conversation between shuigu and the minister of defense of france, referring to the press statement of the russians, the russians always lie about the essence of the conversation, as far as i can remember, i was just there relatively new there in the form of prime minister yushchenko and we knew it, we were told that as soon as you make a meeting. issue your communiqué immediately, because the russians will lie and you will have to make excuses for a long time, so when such a communication took place here, and it's just that macron also declared that he uh has the authority, these are not random words, and he
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did a tremendous job, he consulted with his political forces, and now other brave countries are starting to join macron, there is norway. i think the baltic countries will be there , other scandinavian countries will be there , that club will be formed, which was around us, a kind of nucleus, because when they talk about the secretary general, he says: about nato, yes, we understand that in nato there will be fito, there will be scholz, there will be orban , there, and if individual countries, such as france, state their position, we don't know what defense minister shaigu was saying, he could have just warned that they have very serious intentions, and what we feel, er, is actually a signal that if there is a threat of a breakthrough , and now our president, and many people say that there is a threat that the front may break through,
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the french initiative is to prevent russia from simply washing away, like the kakhovskaya dam, washing away ukrainian defenses and seizing the country, and this is very important, and here again i agree with lapin, well, it is a very strange situation for me, why we do not formally congratulate and make an official address to the countries. in order not to guess that they will break through there, they will not break through, they will vote in the congress, they will not vote, by the way, it is very important about the congress, if even ideally they would vote for this package of 60 billion, then it is important to understand that there is for the defense of ukraine until the end of the year there will be five, $7 billion at most, that's not the right amount at all, all the other funds are going somewhere from next year, and most of them will go to replenish the pentagon's expenses, and one last note, initiative. the french, they say that they have made a decision that all these weapons that
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they are removing from the balance, they will not store them somewhere or dispose of them there, but they will simply hand them over to ukraine. why don't americans do this? this does not require a congressional decision, these bradleys that we ultimately need, f-16s, aprams tanks, they have thousands of them in warehouses, why not just hand them over? well, and you know what, actually, when... we 're being told these billions that shock the american voters, actually, instead of to show the zero value of bradley, who is 40 years old there, they calculate for the pentagon accounting the cost of a new modern armored personnel carrier, which costs many times more there, that is, there are so many questions about all this, but i saw this perspective for myself, because it is necessary to cling to something in the analysis, you can’t just be a groundless, some kind of unreasonable optimist, and we also understand that they want to intimidate us, that there is a massive attack that we
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were warned about, that everything is lost, there will be no support, we are with you we discuss every day there, what will happen in the congress, what will happen here, the president is talking about the counteroffensive, we are discussing rotation, not rotation, mobilization, and i just see that many ukrainians are simply tired and numb, they do not understand what they can do get involved rationally, there will be no invitation. washington is in nato, well, what will happen? and it is clear to me that in fact now our future, our chance, is real integration into the club of brave european members of nato, but for this, by the way, by the way, you mentioned this summit, which is to be held on july 9:11, the anniversary summit, 75th, but can we consider what appears in the foreign press as also the influence of russian ips? including the western western audience, because the italian republic
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wrote that giving up the occupied territories in exchange for security, the possibility of such an agreement to end the war in ukraine is being discussed in nato in the event that donald trump wins the elections in the united states of america, according to the information of the italian publication, ukraine may be offered immediate accession to nato if it gives up russia, crimea and all the occupation... during two years by territories, how can such a story be discussed at all, given that the world is quite scrupulous about this redistribution, about the stolen, and i think that most countries do not want such a precedent, because what russia will start, if they to give stolen territory to russia, then it will continue between china. between china, then between india and pakistan, i.e. such conflicts,
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there will be dozens, maybe even hundreds of such conflicts on the planet, i.e. is such a scenario possible, what lare writes about the public, taking into account the risks for the whole planet, well, we've heard this scenario, again it's nothing new, about it from time to time similar waves of information were launched, and here i really like it, you know, when people ask whether it might be or not... maybe this is a forecast 50 it may or may not be 50, that is, the fact that such a scenario is being talked about somewhere, i believe that there are some analytical centers, there are, and the russians, it is enough... skillfully amplifying it, somewhere it can go for a walk, and and the fact that in the western press there are a lot of people who, well, who are agents of russian influence, well, this has been known since soviet times, russia, the whole soviet union always fed influential and foreign correspondents, entire editorial offices, formed these media communities, took them to all kinds of white nights in st. petersburg and
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so on, i met such people in spain, for example, where there are a lot of pro-russian... leftists, so this, this, this is also understandable, but it does not at all solve the challenges facing the western world, because in fact, this is again this is what the world war institute wrote about, this is a discussion in the world that russia has created for itself, it's like that virtual world, and in that world this is possible, but in the real world, russia has no chance of defeating a real coalition, well, just there... the total gross product of the countries of the western coalition is somewhere around 60 or something trillion, and in russia there are two two with hook, well, you can't win economically in any way, i'm already silent about military things, that's why in the real world, russia will lose one hundred percent, and what is it counting and what is it doing, well, first of all, it counts that
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the americans will leave, and putin planned a lot and very was hoping it would... just be an effect dominoes in the european union, that the europeans will quarrel and military support will simply fall and ukraine will simply sag. and it turned out not at all like that. the delay and indecisive behavior of the united states strongly mobilized europe. they mobilized in different ways. macron, what macron did, he just created a completely unexpected problem for putin because, well, macron talks about it. that if there are no red lines in russia, then there should be no red lines in us either, well, why them, and here we see the statements of blinken and everything else, they do not stand critics, because when you hear there scholz's statements that he will not have a foot in ukraine, the statements of the american president that nato soldiers or american soldiers will not have a foot, well, never say never, and then how are you going to defend
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western values, which means you do not want to prepare for a direct confrontation, if even now there... american troops, for example, in poland, they have a small border, but they have a border there with russia, they have already approached there, this is generally a very illogical position, and macron it's good felt, and he occupied this only possible leadership niche, and he will not leave it, because if he took away scholz, which we do not expect from germany, because we understand that you are afraid, well, what european politician would want to be proud of that. .. that he belongs to the club of cowards, and this is a challenge to the white house and to those, well, we are not talking about the orbans with candles, they are understandable people, but for european politicians, especially now against the background of the parliamentary elections and those processes that is happening, it is now a real choice, and at the same time public public support, which in the united states, which france also has,
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it is quite high, but here again there is a lot to be done. in ukraine, i really, i ’ll be honest, really don’t like the trend that we fill the vacancies of ambassadors with simply dismissed officials, there i already hear that the next wave of dismissed advisors there, god knows who from the banking sector, and each of them sees himself on the diplomatic fields, but with such a diplomatic front we have serious problems, not to mention the need for internal changes, internal reforms, well if for reform, to things in it. to switzerland, and now they are already predicting that kostya, the current prosecutor general, will go to norway, because danilov did not get to norway, whom they did not want to see there, and danilov is being sent as ambassador to moldova, well , that's before all this personnel chaos, which is now diplomatic, but i, mr. oleg,
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wanted to ask you about what lavrov, putin's ally, said during the round. table with diplomats, he said that zelenskyi's peace formula is the ultimate, and he, in his opinion, china has so far offered the clearest and most reasonable settlement plan around ukraine, and russia is ready to discuss guarantees of ukraine's security only if the dialogue continues on equal terms. let's listen to what exactly lavrov said, how he said it. this formula does not include any compromises, any alternatives, it completely ignores those made with the best of initiative initiatives.
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again, they lead us into their world, here they are, they have their own matrix, they live in those matrices, and they try to convince us that in fact the matrix is ​​the real world, what is happening, well, it is well known that the defense of ukrainians is perceived as aggression, that there is support for the law by the western world. ukraine 's independence is perceived as a threat to russia and everything else, and well, here's the situation, here's the formula with china, remember, it was hidden in my opinion , the cuckoo praises the rooster here, first of all, the first
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sentence, i remember well that in the chinese peace plan, the first point was recognition of the borders and sovereignty of the state, that is, if it is accepted by russia, then you can talk further, but they, they never... they are talking about the desire, and shaigu there told the french minister of defense that it is better not to go to ukraine, there is no need to do this, and he demonstrated that they are ready for the istanbul agreements, that is, they are working for their global south, they are working for their audience, but they constantly drag us into their matrix, and in that matrix they... manipulate any things as they want, the challenge for the world here is what, well, if the aggressor in the 21st century after the second
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world war, succeeds with impunity for the first time cut off without any there, well, like hitler, how hitler attacked poland accusing that poland was the first to attack germany, there is nothing new here, 20% of the territory approximately, if not more, and... they want it, in order for the world to recognize this, i understand that the condition of their willingness to talk there is not only that they want to take the territory, but they will recall the previous demands, ukraine must be de-nazified, disarmed, and then, let's just recall the last there is a meeting of these devilish orthodox, led by cyril, who clearly said that the whole of ukraine should be in... the russian sphere, that is, can the world really go to such an extent that ukrainians are here, what are ukrainians doing here, what are ukrainians talking about here, what is the international situation in prague, what is the world
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order, and even if trump becomes president, as he is in this world, and trump has ambition there, you remember how in a couple of seconds he destroyed 200 wagnerites there, just with missiles, and then reacted very harshly when he had to show his temper, like he is in this world with... he can perform the role of the president of the largest country and he likes it very much i want him to be feared and respected there, if the world order simply collapses, because north korea, but now we are anxiously watching what iran will be there, whether there will be a massive attack on israel or not, because there is a threat that the middle east will flare up , now we see from time to time the statements of the serbs in the balkans, because it is all being said that putin will create islands of instability for the democratic world. he sows chaos and there must be an answer to this chaos, if thank you, yes, thank you, mr. oleg, it was oleg hrybachuk, the former head of the presidential office
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yushchenko and the former deputy prime minister of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel. our colleague kateryna galko is in touch with us. today another trial was held against the intelligence officer roman chervinskyi, a former intelligence officer, and today the former had to decide whether to continue. the intelligence officer is detained. kateryna is with us now live. katerina, i congratulate you. please tell me the details of the proceedings and what decision the judges reached during today's meeting? i congratulate sergey, i congratulate the viewers of the espres tv channel. so today the shevchenkiv district court of the capital considered the petition to extend the term of detention of roman chervinskyi. the review has begun. in the morning and accordingly lasted about 10 hours. today, we watched a rather dynamic hearing, a dynamic meeting, and a vivid polemic between
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lawyers and prosecutors. lawyers and the judge, there was also plenty of time to hear roman chervinsky himself, i suggest that we hear him now. for a year now, not a single judge in the appeal, and they have already stopped, does not confirm the validity of the suspicion, it is not substantiated, there is no evidence, but i am sitting, the european court, this is the most important thing in order to keep a person. so, in general , today the lawyers also made several motions, mostly, most of them were rejected, however, roman chervinsky was allowed to sit between his lawyers, actually the lawyers, the defense side, point out that the suspicion is not sufficiently substantiated, which they talk about at every session, they also had questions about the very petition to extend the term of
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detention, which was considered today, because the prosecutor first submitted it, then took it away, then submitted it again, which, according to the lawyers , is not legal, and the defense filed a statement with the law enforcement authorities against the prosecutor, because they say he committed a crime, and let's hear more about it in the comments. today's motion, which was submitted again, was submitted purely for technical reasons, without... legal grounds, and it cannot be considered at the very least, and at the most, consideration of this motion in an illegal manner is also a crime. so, in general, today is the court decided to keep roman chervinskyi in custody for 15 days instead of the 16 invited, and let's hear the reaction to this decision.
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adoption of today's decision to extend the term of detention for only 15 days is a kind of internal compromise of the investigating judge and the internal compromise of the investigating judge between the understanding of how bad the prosecutor's request for the extension of detention is and the pressure of the executive power on the judiciary. so further on... the next meetings should already be held in kirovohrad, and i have to at this one to finish, so that’s all the information for now, i’ll pass ater on to you, serhiy, thank you kateryna, it was kateryna galka who oversaw the trial of ex-intelligence officer roman chervinskyi, today they tried to choose a different means of detention for him, but apparently the lawyers appealed, but nothing i understand that it didn't work out, friends. we
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work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook, during the entire broadcast we conduct a survey and ask you this: do you consider mikhail bulgakov a ukrainophobe? yes no, be please vote on youtube with the appropriate buttons, you can see the results now, the interim results of the tv poll, 73% yes, 27% - no, on youtube 75% yes, 25% no. we will continue this survey in the second part of our program, today we will have a journalist club with the participation of oleksiy mustafin and andriy yanitsky, 15 minutes after the bbc news release, we will return to the studio, don't switch, stay with espresso, it will be interesting.
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drone attack on the russian airfield near rostov, how many planes were destroyed and in general, how the tactics of strikes on the territory of russia are changing, we are talking about it on the bbc live from london, i am yevheni. shytlovska so, what is known about the night strike on russia's morozov airfield? officially, ukraine does not comment on this. but, according to bbc sources in the ukrainian special services, it was a joint operation of the sbu and the defense forces. a massive drone attack that could have destroyed at least six planes and damaged another eight. 20 russian soldiers could have died or been injured at the airfield. this is preliminary data from bbc sources.


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