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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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and the upgrade of this team, and of course, the position of shefir, does it mean that what shefir thinks, and i think serhii shevir, well, boris shevir, and what about boris and serhii shevir, and maybe zelensky shared the same thoughts as you if you think, andriy, then zelenskyy definitely shared such opinions before, but he has undergone a great evolution, and we can even look at the photos of the president to see what he was like in the 19th century. who he is today in the 24th year, he is already a different person, regarding the renewal of the team, it is not the first time that the team has been renewed, we remember such a period of romanticism, the first, when andriy bohdan was the head of the presidential office, and when there were those turbo reforms, he was still a romantic, he was still a romantic, yes, well, i am in such an ironic sense, of course, that there was an attempt, but now we will...
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carry out such turbo reforms and show them to everyone the world, how can we live, here we are all libertarians, and gradually, gradually, politics became more conservative, after the full-scale invasion, challenges, well, others arose , not political rivalry with other politicians, but threats to the existence of the country, and i think all this time volodymyr faces a big challenge for zelensky, it is to get... a controlled state machine, he did not get it in the form in which we know from the constitution and that there are ministers, the parliament is effective, and the leadership of the country, in my opinion, takes place in an informal way, through a system of advisers, friends, watchers, that is , of course, there is a formal vertical, but the formal vertical does not work, but the informal one does. and now in
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this informal vertical there are several groups of influence, several groups of interests, and these interest groups fight with each other, which of them is more influential, we already see that kirill tymoshenko is not around, he is there in the position of adviser to the minister of defense, but he does not play a big role, we already see that mr. serhiy shafir is not there, who is getting stronger, well, of course yermak, the head of the president's office... such a weighty figure, and he, well , in my opinion, takes over all the levers of influence on ukrainian politics. oleksiy, what do you think, zelensky simply does not need old friends who will applaud him anymore, look, it seems to me, to me, that there are two questions here, about old friends and about the change of people in the team, i think so, we see. what it is
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in general, zelenskyi's style of work, he is changed from time to time, changes people, and here i would not connect there with the statements of boris shafir, because in a similar way he changed the commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi, that is, because in this play in this scenario he has to be one hero, and that hero is volodymyr volodymyr zelenskyi. er, that is, it is such, such a way, a way of leadership, a way of conducting political affairs, uh, people who come, whom he takes into his team, they have to perform some tasks, some succeed, some fail, but time from time he changes them, precisely because, er, the hero must, the hero must be only one, of course, it is possible to connect, so to speak, the release of serhii shefir with the statements of his brother, although... so to speak, these
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are not his first statements, it is not the first time that serhiy has shied away from them, but we can see in principle that there was an attempt on him since when zelenskyi's entourage, so i think that this is rather a statement, a statement of fact, although again it fits perfectly into logic zelenskyi's actions, what about the views, so to speak, of boris shafir, you know, he is now, as you mentioned, he is now in germany, i don't think that during, for example, the second world war, many people who, for example, were jews, were they ready to cooperate with germany or talk, well, we 'll make up anyway, because we used to live very well in the weimar republic, so it seems to me that there is... a certain, certain element of cunning,
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but again, it's private a person, these are his personal views and personal, so to speak, her tastes, because after all, he is certain. to a certain extent also applies to the sphere of culture, so to speak, let's call it that, and there taste plays, plays its role, that is, for some it is called, as they say, disgusting, and for others it is normal and nothing, maybe zelensky would also have such views, but you know, he's in that position where completely different things define him and his actions and his, his, again, his tastes now, so i don't think it's related in any way, although... of course, similar, so to speak well minor, i would say incidents, but of course they can play out there, as you can see that zelenskyi's friends, even former ones, want reconciliation with russia, but i
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would not consider this as a priority version. well, you just have to remember what zelensky said on the night of the 23rd to the 24th, when he talked about the fact that he addressed the russians in russian and said that... the war there was aimed at, well, he tried to somehow appeal to the russian audience, this can you also in principle explain why? because zelensky was one of those who toured russia a lot, and as kvr, i am with you i can agree on one side, but not on the other side, because in fact this is a game played by all ukrainian politicians, who have been independent for 31 years. that let's not quarrel with russia, let's find a common language, let's persuade the russians, to say that it was some kind of malicious manipulation of russia, i wouldn't say, i think it was quite pragmatic, by the way and
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the west talked with putin, because both they believed, and ukrainian politicians, even more so, believed that there were some arguments, which with the help of which you can reach the russians. to the russian elite, to the russian leader, to the russian people, about whom we were probably all under certain illusions, so yes, but after what happened on february 24, especially after what happened in mariupol and bucha, i think that the illusions of the responsible politicians have at least decreased, and uh, they simply will not resort to such things, at least out of... a sense of self-preservation, because you know, in our country , of course, there is one of the figures who used to hang around the bank, and this not the chief, so to speak say, they can make some kind of curtseys towards russia, but for this they still have to leave ukraine and emigrate there,
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tell that they feel russian, beyond any doubt, i actually wanted to say that serhii shefir and boris shevir, and volodymyr zelenskyi, well, contributed quite powerfully. studio quarter 95 to the fact that there were a lot of representatives of russian culture present on the ukrainian market, and, let's say, there were a lot of russians at almost all of their concerts, and this is to the fact that they believed that this is absolutely normal, and many of the same current putinists attended these concerts, and well, i believe that in this situation, both the former head of the kvartal 95 studio, zelensky, and the former heads of the 95 studio, serhiy shefir and boris chevir, they are also responsible for the fact that they polished for a very long time, so definitely,
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definitely, they are responsible, but they are also responsible, maybe chronologically they are a little different, but nevertheless, everyone who tried to do business from... russia, but tell me who did not try to do business from russia, even with the most patriotic words, ukrainian politicians did it, well, i will not mention the lipetsk factory there, about rosukrenergo under yushchenko, i will not say there of course, about yanukovych and kuchma, so once again it is necessary to talk about it, it is necessary to remind about it, but again, i believe that the problems are not only in zelenskyi and his team. it applies to everyone, as they say, absolutely, i, i agree with this, andrew, you have something to add in this broad discussions, well, they haven't mentioned mymoshenko yet, because tymoshenko did it too, tymoshenko is absolutely no exception, let's not take responsibility from the voters either, we remember
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how the electoral picture is changing, and i would say that the whole country has matured , and the whole country gradually became aware of itself, a separate country not in... which chose its own separate path from russia, well , perhaps to holy galicia, to the west, in the west of the country, these beliefs were from the very beginning from the 90s, such... already balanced, but other regions gradually evolved and searched they self-identified themselves and decided who they were with, whether they were with european ukraine or authoritarian russia, and fortunately chose the european path. friends, i would like to remind you that we are working live on the espresso tv channel and are conducting a survey today, we are asking you about this, do you consider mykhailo bolgakov a ukrainophobe, right? no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you consider
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bolgakov ukraine fob 0800-211 381, no 08021382, all calls to these numbers are free of charge, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, oleksiy wanted to add something, i understand that it is probably about voting in galicia, and about how galicia was determined during the last 30 years. well, the fact is that, of course, it would be difficult to count on galicia, more than other regions of ukraine, to vote for rapprochement with russia, but then again there were enough illusions and enough politicians who could be used, well, if not pro-russian, then like a bug, so to speak, we we remember all these stories, including the financing of some radical ones. on the part of the then allegedly pro-russian authorities, so again there are no saints, everyone must be
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responsible for what they did, of course, it is not necessary, so to speak, to attribute what did not happen, but nevertheless, that is, at least for themselves, everyone has to make, make the right conclusions and move, move in the right direction, but again, it's not only ukraine, we see what's happening in europe and what 's continuing to happen back. in the west, even in countries that, allegedly, have recently been our great friends and allies in the fight against russia, so once again, it is necessary, it is necessary to simply take off the rose-colored glasses that someone has them and they were not destroyed during this stage of the war, and understand , that everything depends on the ukrainians themselves, on their desire to protect their freedom. independence, and of course, the help of our allies will be indispensable. thank you
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oleksiy. let's talk about one more topic, about the trust and distrust of ukrainians in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. according to the february survey social groups rating. 40% of ukrainian citizens disapprove of the activities of the verkhovna rada, another 37% rather disapprove. the general indicator of mistrust exceeded 75%. now you can see the results of this poll. while only 19% of those polled partially or fully approve of the work of the parliament, as the infographic shows, the level of approval of the council's activity has been steadily falling since april 22, so how can you be with a parliament that people do not trust, but it is easy to re-elect it impossible during wartime. andrei, i don't really remember such a period when... our people trusted the parliament, because they elect it, at least they change it, and they elect and
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change it, i agree, i would really like to stand up for the parliament here, in the sense that today the deputies have very often turned into simply executors of the will of the president's office and factions of the majority, that is, the people who are actually the main ones in the country according to our constitution, we still have a parliamentary, presidential republic, suddenly... they turned out to be obedient, such servants not of the people, yes, servants of the office of the president, and i see it that way , judging by how many deputies want to leave the parliament, we know from david arahamiya's statements that applications for termination of powers were submitted, they are simply not satisfied that the deputies do not want to put up with this role, well, such weak-willed executioners. well, in fact, if our deputies do not decide anything, then why do we have so many deputies? well, let it
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mean that in our country there will be two or three people in the country and all these laws are stamped, well , it is clear that i do not support such an approach, i believe that it is precisely the subjectivity of the parliament and the independence of the parliament and its effective work, they are connected, that is, when the parliament is a force, when the parliament is in itself. a body that really determines the state's policy, then it will be trusted, and then it will work efficiently, and when all the instructions come from above, then... well, of course, how can you trust such a parliament? by the way, by the way, in march, the leadership of the servant of the people began to gather, as zmi writes, deputies in order to unite and improve the work of the factional core, but it is not yet clear whether these meetings were successful, well, at least the ukrainian truth writes about it. oleksiy, as in the conditions
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of war, there is trust-distrust, a crisis. not a crisis, how do i solve it, how does it actually affect the situation in general, i honestly do not see, i do not see that somehow trust and distrust affect the activities of the parliament, especially now, well, first of all, i agree here that all ukrainian presidents tried to shift the responsibility for the bad state of the country to someone else, and the parliament was the most successful target. this was the case under kravchuk and under kuchma, zelenskyi’s problem is that, well, the transfer of responsibility to the parliament on his part looks strange, because he has a majority in this parliament, no president has had such a majority as zelenskyi had, that is, he specially selected these people, he said that he took responsibility for them, so to transfer it to them
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now and say that they are guilty of something, well , it's just, well, stupid. even with all his attitude towards former friends, on the one hand, on the other hand, we see that just in decisive moments of ukrainian history, both in 1991 and 1996, when the constitution was adopted, and during two revolutions, it was the parliament that ensured a way out of the crisis and the preservation of the democratic tradition in ukraine, even that the russians there talk about some a coup d'état, er... in ukraine, or coups d'état in ukraine, there was never a coup d'état, that is, this change did not take place due to some delegitimization of the parliament, the parliament always maintained its legitimacy, and therefore this is what proves that all this fables, so i think so
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at least people who think about it with respect to the parliament should be treated responsibly, understand that we are all... like this, if we want to integrate in europe, then the parliament should still play a more responsible, more independent role and it should not be discredited and don't do it. as for the situation with the crisis, well, it arises because, well, if the deputies do not decide anything on their own, if earlier, during the time of kuchma, they were kept in the parliament by the opportunity to earn money, and now it is suddenly ... especially during war, it is clear that many people who followed exactly this to the verkhovna rada, well , that is, do not see much sense, but on the other hand, we see that from the opposition factions or non-powerful factions, let's call them that, people do not run, yes as a servant of the people, that is, this also indicates something, and if the
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presidential power, first of all, understands the need for such an instrument as the parliament, it would have... more initiative for the consolidation of this parliament. after all, during war there is no war, so to speak , opposition in the classical sense of the word. everyone is working and everyone is ready, with some exceptions, which is true, but most factions are ready to work for our victory in this war. therefore, i think that if there was an initiative from the president, then the parliament could consolidate and go beyond this, this hideous white. which does not actually exist, well, the question is whether the president needs it, if he has five or six managers managing the whole country, then in this story the role of the parliament is simply reduced to one of the departments, well, if it is banal didn't sound, and you mentioned the role parliament during the crisis stories, well, when
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the parliament actually made important decisions, we remember in february 2000. in 2014 , important decisions were made when yanukovych fled ukraine, but we remember in july or june in 2019, after coming to the presidential chair, zelensky dissolved the parliament because there was no parliamentary majority, that is, if there is no parliamentary majority, it must either be created or reformatted, or during the war, in principle, you can work like that. definitely, again, this is another boomerang the first years of zelenskyi's presidency, because they dissolved the parliament, because there is no, there was no it has a majority, now there is a majority, there are big doubts, so either we need to create a new majority, but again for this we need the initiative of the president, we understand that the servant of the people faction
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will not create something new on its own initiative, without a doubt, andrii, here i am i just wanted to say that there is a chance, in principle, for the parliament to become effective, if there are leaders there who can unite and create a new majority, maybe even a coalition government to create eh, but for this you will have to go against the will of the president, you will have to defend your truth and say that it is more important for the country now, and not the system that has developed today, an inefficient system, as we can see, there are doubts that they will go for it deputies, but who knows, as oleksiy said, that in a critical moment for the country, and what moment is not critical, but now, the parliament showed... miracles and was able to unite and make important decisions. well, on this, on this background, we just see how there is, well, a group of people who are running, i don't know,
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it is possible during the war, it is appropriate when there is a concentration of power there, but no one canceled the constitution during the war, and no one said that there are five people who are around zelenskyi, they control everything, in that including and trying to fight. with corruption, but at the same time former advisers of the security service of ukraine, like artem shilo, whom nabu and sab detained there this week for allegedly being at the head of a corruption scheme worth uah 95 million in ukr zaliznytsia, but this shows that that this group of people can not just, as they say, in now it is not taken out in the youth environment. that's all, and you still need to share power , including, well, monopower is not only all power to them, it's also monoresponsibility, you know,
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it's just that everyone in our country is afraid of the words about sharing power, well, you don't want to share power, share responsibility, monopower - this is mono-responsibility, well, in principle, but who, who in this situation should be responsible for corruption, i mentioned this artem shilla. he was released on bail at 30 - as i understand it, he is responsible for corruption, in the literal sense, in the sbu, he is responsible for corruption, he was supposed to control, but this device, which he supervised, was precisely within his competence, but he was released on bail of 30 million uah, and these 30 million uah were found much faster than money for drones is found, there serhii sternenko and serhii prytula. that is, this money was found very quickly, and this proves again that there is money in the state, but it is obviously in the hands of a few people, well
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, you know, if he violates something and needs to be confiscated in the treasury, then obviously they too will go to drones. and andrii, how, how, how you take this whole story with an awl, because he already feels innocent, but well... the fact is, and in principle, probably not for nothing, well , really, his guilt has not been proven, he is a suspect, the trial is ongoing, but we see , how did this detention take place, that is, it is an anti-corruption body independent of the president, created under pressure from our western partners, creditors, he was discovered and detained by the national anti-corruption bureau, as we can see, now in the image right on... our for the western creditors of the office of the president,
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including, i'm here a little conspiracy i'll do it, you'll forgive me, but it seems to me that the west is also tired of corruption stories, we remember the ministry of defense, eggs for 17 hryvnias winter uniform, and how long the minister of defense during... a full-scale invasion had to be removed actually because various publications, through various round tables and statements of foreign foreign diplomats , including that corruption has not stopped, we see that there are signs of corruption in state enterprises, in the ministry of defense there are also, well, private conversations with military personnel about how it is organized. well, at the lowest level, and i understand that it also reaches the top, well, for example, in some, well, fortunately not combat, but rear units, i was told that there
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you have to pay for vacation... commander, well, commander has to share with someone, probably , people who are close to me, relatives, friends who serve told me, so, i conclude that corruption has not gone anywhere, and that during the war we should pay more attention to it, there are anti-corruption activists who call this mr. schill, a man, we have to finish, andria, we have the deputy of the president's office oleg. tatarova, that is , there are threads going here, thank you, andriy yanitskyi and oleksiy mustafin were guests of our program today, gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program, i would like to remind you that during the program we conducted a survey, we asked you whether you consider mikhail bulgakov a ukrainophobe , the results of our tv poll 73% yes, 27% no, on youtube the proportion is 72% yes, 28% no. friends, it was
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the verdict program, it was hosted by serhiy rudenko, i'm with you. i say goodbye to you until monday 20:00, i wish you a nice and peaceful weekend, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility, with dolgit cream, you can even walk, dolgit is the only yellow one. cream for joint pain. quarter finals of the champions league only on meigo. real, man city and psg barcelona. these matches will shake the entire football world. turn on april 9 and 10. exclusively on meggo. lacquer fix reliably fixes. my dentist advised me. yes, and reduces gum inflammation. and the price is good, economical. studies have proven: lacalfix protects the gums and
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stronger together. they are mass killing ukrainian civilians. they steal and torture ukraine. patriots, activists, politicians, volunteers. they are forcibly deporting and russifying tens of thousands of ukrainian children. when the russians retreated after a month-long occupation, they left behind evidence of war crimes that shocked the world. for eight months, the russians ruled in kherson. there were tortures, murders and disappearances.


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