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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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intend to commit genocide, that is, to destroy the ukrainian nation as such. the difficulty in proving genocide is rarely to prove the elements of genocidal intent. we have them. we have them when we consider the behavior of russian forces and russian agents in ukraine and beyond. the complexity of incriminating the crime of genocide is. it's not about finding elements of genocidal intent, it 's about the fact that these are essentially conclusions that we draw based on facts, based on behavior, they have to be so convincing that we could rule out any other possible explanation. in order to prove genocidal intent, other explanations for russia's actions in ukraine must be ruled out. how to do it? hope to find materials like. direct written
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orders to commit genocide are useless, however, there is evidence of intent, which no one even hides, much less. in the case of the russian violence, i was surprised that they hardly promote it, they are very open about, you know, their intention to destroy ukrainians as a group, to destroy ukraine, to tear people apart, kill millions, completely change the identity, and it sounds from various sources, the state media, where... everything that is said and that gets on the air is pre-agreed, approved and tightly controlled by the state. lakalut fix fixes reliably, my dentist recommended it to me. yes, and reduces gum inflammation. and the price is good, economical. lacalufix. there are discounts on pulmolor tablets, 15% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. laughter,
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stronger together. by the way, this is what victoria nuland says about this matter: when she says that vladimir putin is allegedly organizing genocide, she specifically says: it is clear that putin's goal is to erase the idea of ​​being ukrainian, so i agree with vika nulen, viko tegenii, this idea must be erased from beginning to end. she has been poisoning people's lives for 100 years. now it comes to my mind, i will say it again, to exterminate all living things in the kharkiv region down to a child, as a punishment, so that no one will suffer anymore. we have no other option but to eliminate this... substance called ukraine and this phenomenon called ukraine. there are no other options. quite a lot from government officials. i mentioned medvedev earlier. in my opinion, his posts on twitter or telegram will be more than enough to plant him in
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prison for many, many years. dmitry medvedev, the former president and current head of the ruling party and deputy head of the security council of russia, constantly fills social networks. genocidal propaganda against the ukrainian nation, immediately after the discovery of the massacre in buch in april 2022, he wrote that ukrainianness is a fake. medvedev's statements are consistent and persistent. already in january 2024, he wrote: the existence of ukraine is mortally dangerous for ukrainians. i mean any, absolutely any ukraine. whoever was standing next to... the steering wheel of a cancerous neoplasm under the name of ukraine, this will not add legitimacy to his rule and legal capacity to the country itself, and therefore the probability of a new conflict will remain indefinitely, which is why the existence of ukraine is fatal for ukrainians. in june 2022
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, medvedev even explained why he writes in this way. this explanation is strikingly frank. i am often asked... why my posts in telegram are so sharp, i answer: i hate them, they are bastards and bastards, they want the death of russia, and as long as i live, i will do everything to make them disappear. so, in the case of ukraine, look at the state media, look at what government officials who set security policy are saying and you will have more than enough material to work with. so it seems to me that establishing intent in this case would not be a problem at all. of course, propaganda and racist provocative statements are evidence of genocidal intent. but courts are usually reluctant to give them much importance. it is not so
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easy to distinguish between hate crimes, hate speech crimes and crimes with genocidal intent. to answer your question, can is this... evidence of genocidal intent? yes, of course it can. moreover, even specific words used by russian officials and propagandists can indicate genocidal intent. the use of dehumanizing terms is also one of the examples of what may suggest the existence of genocidal intent. in every conflict , they had their own, for example, during the holocaust, jews were called rats. in rwanda, they were called tutsi. us, we see this in ukraine as well, in fact, the term is more veiled, more so cunning, i mean this struggle with nazism with the nazis, which was allegedly developed by the russian federation, labeling ukrainians as nazis, nazis, the russian federation essentially denies
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ukrainians the right to exist. a significant part of ukraine, the ukrainian people, certainly not all, i hope not even the majority, were caught up in this madness of nazism. the destruction of the nazi state of ukraine, there can be no other victory, and our president understands this. we will strive for the demilitarization and denazification of ukraine. studies have shown: on the day of the invasion of russia to ukraine on february 24, 2022, the number of references to nazism and nazis increased explosively in the materials of the russian media about ukraine. it happened so suddenly that it was clearly coordinated. campaign in the russian media , ukraine has become a nazi state, and any patriot of ukraine is a nazi. people who identify themselves as patriots of this chimera are bastards. the people who fight for her are criminals. these things
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are direct enough for me that we can still talk about calls for genocide. we must also remember that no one has spoken before, let's go commit genocide. spoke all the same quite metaphorically, the final solution of the jewish question for me, i understand that it is terrible to compare mass atrocities, yes, but for me in its meaning eh... it means approximately the same thing, that complete denazification, that is, it is in fact, it is about solving the ukrainian issue, especially in the context in which we heard these phrases. russian propaganda may in itself be another genocidal crime described in the un convention and the rome statute, the crime of incitement to genocide eugene finkel is convinced that russian propagandists have documented themselves well. in my opinion, we have a sea and mountains of evidence. i think even the most
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unhinged and inexperienced attorney and prosecutor would have no problem convicting them of incitement to genocide. if we take into account what they say openly, publicly and constantly. day by day. in fact, a problem can arise even in such a seemingly obvious one. case one of the world's most authoritative lawyers on the issue of genocide, william schabas emphasizes, incitement to genocide is a crime even when it does not lead to the commission of genocide, but such incitement must be public and direct. if these are the statements of journalists, then it is obvious that they meet the criterion of publicity. it's a little more unclear with directness. and i think it's a question of interpretation. by judges based on specific words, the context in which they were said. it cannot be ruled out
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that they will be accused of direct and public incitement to commit genocide, but this does not mean that the prosecution will successful to prove genocidal intent , it is also important to understand whether propaganda about denazification reached the russian military, whether it influenced their actions. contact with propaganda is clearly important for the russian army. approved by the ministry of defense of the russian federation , the military serviceman's daily routine includes daily viewing of television information programs from monday to saturday. it is not surprising that witnesses who survived the atrocities of the russian army in the north of ukraine say that the military was constantly looking for nazis. really believe that everyone nazis i tell them, you have been brainwashed by putin's propaganda. there are no nazis here.
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in general, everyone who was killed by the russians became nazis or fascists. for their relatives in russia as well, this is evidenced by the intercepted telephone conversations of the russian military, glory to the children, well, what did ours fall in front of or in front of the children? remember tell everyone what we are doing, we are killing civilian children, damn it, no, you are not killing civilian children.
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for its part, the russian state is obviously condones and encourages the killing of civilians. on april 18, 2022, less than three weeks after the retreat from the kyiv region, the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, awarded 64 individual motorized rifles. brigade, which is believed to be involved in the atrocities in buch, but russian denazification is not only about the killing of civilians and the russification of ukrainians, it is about the destruction of ukrainian national symbols in the occupied territories, about the destruction and theft of ukrainian cultural heritage, about the burning of ukrainian books. hundreds museums, libraries and monuments were bombed, burned or shelled. russian troops in the occupied territories search public
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libraries. they are looking for any books related to ukrainian history. here, all the books are in modern languages, because this language was literarized and nothing was left behind. more than 11,000 paintings and other works of art were taken away by trucks and buses. this happened not only here. but even throughout the country , the theft of art goods was not on such a scale, which, according to experts, had not been seen in europe since the time of the nazis robberies during the second world war. the destruction of culture is not... not among the acts of genocide defined in the un convention and the rome statute, but they make us recall the vision of the man who created the term genocide, who is also behind the un genocide convention, rafal lemkin. dr. lemkin is the man who coined the word genocide and has really been fighting its manifestations for a very, very long time. dr. lemkin,
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could you tell us why you were interested in this fight against genocide? i was interested. genocidum, because it is so many times took place i told myself that as a lawyer i had to do something about it, and i submitted a draft convention. i tried to interest the organizations of the united nations, so i approached the delegations. the delegations of cuba, panama and india supported the resolution, and then we launched the process. the destruction of culture and identity was not included in the convention, although rafa lemkin, who coined the term genocide, very ... clearly thought and spoke about the destruction of culture as one of the key elements of genocide, that is, the destruction of culture, the burning of books, the destruction of museums, the detonation libraries, surely we can definitely use them as signs of intent. during his lifetime, rafal lemkin drew attention to
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moscow's previous crimes against ukrainians. in a 1953 report, lem. described the kremlin's attempts to destroy the ukrainian nation as soviet genocide in ukraine. one of the methods of that genocide was the holodomor, a famine artificially created by moscow in ukraine in 1932-33, which claimed the lives of almost 4 million ukrainians. but not only. the author of the word genocide drew attention to the systematic imprisonment and execution of ukrainian teachers, writers, artists, thinkers and political leaders, starting... with the 1920s. in general, over a million people were arrested in ukraine during the soviet period, and 140,000 of them were shot. the generation of hundreds of ukrainian writers and artists destroyed by terror was later called a shot dead revival. ukraine very easily succumbs to national destruction, when it is carried out
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by attacking selected parts of its population, that is why the communist tactics there differed from. pattern of german attacks on jews. the ukrainian nation is too populous to be possible completely destroy it with some efficiency. however, its religious, intellectual and political leadership, its selective and decisive parts are quite few, so they are easy to liquidate, so the soviet ax hit with full swing precisely on these groups. we are almost 100 years after the genocide that lemkin spoke about, the kremlin decided to repeat in ukraine the proven tactics of selective destruction of ukrainians. a warning about this was sounded at the level of the un security council a week before the full-scale invasion. and conventional attacks are far from all that russia is planning
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inflict on the people of ukraine. we have information that indicates that russia will aim... a few days before the invasion, the us representative at the un office wrote a letter that said. we have reliable information indicating that russian forces are creating lists of specific ukrainians to kill or send to camps after the military occupation. these lists included journalists, activists, and generally those who oppose russia's actions. very soon these will be warned. came true after the liberation of the north of ukraine after the russian occupation , concrete evidence about these lists began to appear, in particular from buchi. there was evidence of the existence of firing lists, that the russian military went from house to house, looking for specific people, so these were not, you know, cases where just a drunk soldier really wanted to pull the trigger, it was planned in advance,
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they had twinkle which lists are cobbled together, not written by their own hands, someone from, maybe local, somewhere dictated some collaborations, maybe there were, and they were prepared, they were printed, that is, they knew in advance, where are they going, to what address and to whom, and what kind of person is this, later evidence of the organized work of the russians according to the lists rang out from other liberated territories, the city of kherson in... in the south of ukraine, russian troops occupied almost from the first days of the full-scale invasion and began systematically kidnap people. among them was the chief doctor of one of the kherson hospitals and a former deputy.
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came to leonid remyga in the hospital to encourage him to cooperate, later detained and imprisoned in the building of the pre-trial detention center. on during the interrogations, the doctor was pressured for his pro-ukrainian position. there were also accusations that i , as a deputy, voted against the russian language on the territory of kherson, that i voted for the renaming of these communist symbols, and so on, they already had all the documentation. ready for me, well, it was specific, you voted for at the session, yes, i voted, you
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took part in the actions, there in relation to ukrainian, yes, i say, yes, i took part, together with leonid remyga, they kept about 140 more in the building people, they were beaten and tortured. as the doctor remyga helped as much as he could, i was in the same cell with the boy, well, he was asked a lot every day, there were incredible screams, he was brought into the cell, he was covered in blood, he was beaten all blue, we even tied him up , well, excuse me, they tied your legs there with toilet paper, they tried to suppress with violence, psychological and physical, in particular... ukrainian patriotism, if you don't sing the russian national anthem, they give you a few, yes, it is obtained so
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that you learn the russian national anthem, then, if the camera opens, you must stand straight and shout: "glory to russia, glory, glory to putin, glory to russia, glory to shego, if you don't shout about it, or someone else, you will be taken out into the corridor and simply beaten. beaten, well, to death, they just mocked, they were mocked if they heard the ukrainian language there, for example, it scared them very much, we were forced to speak real russian in order to protect ourselves from beatings, from mockery , etc. in the same building of the investigator in kherson oleksiy sivak also spent 54 days in kherson during the russian occupation problems with food began, he and his friends cooked soups for the townspeople. he also participated
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in the underground resistance. he printed pro -ukrainian and anti-russian leaflets, painted and hung ukrainian national symbols around the city. in the end, the russians came to his home. in prison, he was not only beaten, but also tortured with electric current. they connected electricity to the ears, to the genitals, beatings, the effects were different, for example, to the ears, when the electrodes are connected, well, i was still in the cap, then the skull is visible, my skull and electric discharges, on to one of the interrogators, something like, where are the fascists, i am baptizing myself, i say, there were no fascists in the city before you. oleksiy's memories of violence due to nationality are strikingly similar to the stories of doctor ramiga. they forced to shout "glory
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to putler", well, me, glory to shuigu, glory to russia. well, if he wants, the warden, or whatever, the jailers. he pokes his finger. to sing the national anthem of russia, and if he didn’t sing, even if he did, there were people who learned it, it didn’t matter, the intonation was wrong, let’s say, they were taken out into the corridor, beaten with shockers, batons, and they the ukrainian language, so to speak , was not encouraged, it was not possible to speak, well, like that, that is, they didn’t understand immediately, they started beating you, speak humanely, leonid remigu taleksiya... the russians released you at the end of october 2022, when were already preparing to retreat. on november 11 , ukrainian troops entered the city, but eight months
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of occupation... showed the systematic nature of russian terror against ukrainian patriots. similar handwriting in all occupied territories. in february 2024, dmitry medvedev openly approved the policy of repression against ukrainians, who do not want occupation. there is such a problem as the zhduns, what to do with them, these are the people who received russian passports, because it is more convenient that way, and deep in their hearts they are waiting for ukrainian tanks. "if these are people who harm russia, then they should be exposed and punished, sent to siberia, like that, for re-education. the target is a national group, not an ethnic, racial or religious one. in the case of ukraine, it is not so important what nationality you are or creed, if you belong to a political community.
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the brightest representatives of the state, or of the ukrainian national group, yes, who are actually the face of this group, that is, the calculation is most likely in the russian federation that after the disappearance of these persons , such a large-scale genocidal campaign will no longer be needed. it also strikingly echoes how rafal lemkin described the soviet genocide in ukraine in his 1953 report. there was no attempt to kill ukrainians outright, like the method of the german attack on the jews, and even less so if the soviet program was a complete success, ukraine will die in the same way as if all ukrainians were killed, because it will lose that part of the people that preserved and developed its culture, its beliefs, its unifying ideas, which paved its way and gave it its soul, that is
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, made it a nation, and not just ours the un genocide convention also does not speak exclusively about attempts to completely destroy a national ethnic, racial or religious group. it is about complete or partial destruction. by definition , genocide is not about the number of victims at all. even if you kill a person or two, if you can clearly show that you did intent to destroy the group, genocide was committed. so, whether this intention was sufficiently demonstrated, cases of mass murder, deportation, russification of children, russian propaganda, targeted attacks on ukrainian patriots and ukrainian culture, are enough for many to talk about genocide, not only for individual political leaders. the polish parliament declared genocide. violence that is used deliberately and systematically by the troops of the russian federation
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against civilians. ukraine has signs of genocide. parliaments of latvia, lithuania, estonia and canada. the russian federation is committing acts of genocide against the ukrainian people. and also the parliaments of the czech republic and ireland, but parliaments are not international courts. hard, irrefutable evidence may indeed be insufficient for an international court. it can be extremely difficult to prove unambiguous... cross genocidal intent in court, even in the case of the deportation of children, the international criminal court limited itself to the charge of a war crime, not genocide. if you are a lawyer or prosecutor trying to probate sending individual criminals to prison to answer for their crimes may be a smart strategy, considering how difficult it is to prove genocide, because
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let the term genocide be created. lemkin's courts , however, will not rely on his broad vision, on the narrow text of the un convention, and most likely on established practice. as an international lawyer, william shabas is convinced that, under such conditions , there will not be enough evidence for the court about the genocide in ukraine. and is it necessary? russians can be successfully prosecuted without this. as for me, too much energy is spent debating whether something is genocide or not, when there is no dispute that war crimes have been committed, that's pretty obvious, there's plenty of evidence of such crimes, and there won't be much debate. i think the same goes for crimes against humanity, so in that sense it's just, it's a distraction in a way. on the other hand, the term genocide has the right to life not only in
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the courtroom - emphasizes eugene finn. who is one of the first scientists.


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