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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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not on his broad vision, on the narrow text of the un convention, and most likely on established practice. as an international lawyer, william shabas is convinced that, under such conditions , there will not be enough evidence for the court about the genocide in ukraine. do you need it? can russians be successfully prosecuted without this? in my opinion, too much energy is spent on arguments. whether something is genocide or not, while there is no dispute that war crimes have been committed, that is pretty obvious, there is plenty of evidence of such crimes, and there won't be much debate. i think the same goes for crimes against humanity, so in that sense it's just, it's a distraction in a way. on the other hand, the term genocide has the right to life not only in the courtroom, - emphasizes eugene finkel, who is one of the first scientists. accused russia of
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committing genocide in ukraine. remember, genocide is a legal term, but it is also an analytical term. the level of evidence required to put someone in prison for the crime of genocide is different from looking at what is happening as a whole and to say that it is genocide. i see no reason not to use this term for analytical purposes to describe. what happens if it fits the criteria is outside of the courtroom and i wouldn't use it if it didn't. ukrainian scientist dmytro koval adds that it is impossible to explain the russian-ukrainian war without using the term genocide. genocide is the most appropriate term to explain the motives of the russian federation, the motives of individual leaders of the russian federation, and to explain.
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how the present conflict is embedded in a chain of historical events, that is, when we want to understand what are the causes of the suffering of ukrainians at the hands of the russian state, representatives of the russian state, we definitely need to use the term genocide in order to tell this story. this story is experienced differently by the victims of russian crimes. oleksiy sivak from kherson, who was mocked by the russians for almost two months, clearly sees the historical parallels we talked about. the saddest thing is that i have the same experience as our grandfathers, great-grandfathers and our ancestors. we we know history, but we don't learn it, we make the same mistakes. basically, the weapons change, but the methods remain the same. doctor leonid
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remyga, who was imprisoned in the same kherson, well understands the true purpose of the russian full-scale invasion. we understood that despite the fact that we have great family ties with russia, these are just non-humans, these are just, unfortunately, non-humans who came to destroy our ukraine, and i understand that well. irina, in the death of oleg abramov, who was killed in the massacre, gives irina the strength to live on and hope for justice. i believe in justice, i expect victory, that's why i live, i want to see, i'm the triumph of justice, that's almost why i live. their
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suffering and mental wounds will not become greater or less, depending on what the verdict calls the actions of which they became victims, a war crime, a crime against humanity or genocide, but will historical justice really be complete if the word genocide does not sound?
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how many planes were there at the russian military airfields of morozovsk, engelsk and yesk before the drone attack and what consequences will this have attack? this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. we begin. our colleagues from the scheme program have published satellite images. so, before the attack on engelsk airfields, there were at least eight strategic bombers. tu-160 and 5, tu-95. and one was also recorded. 76 and tu-22. there are about 30 aircraft in yesk. training and combat, military transport, transport, as well as fighters of the su type. and also helicopters. in morozovsk, according to the planet labs image, as of april 4, there were 29 fighters of various types, most of
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which su-34. military observers call the current attack on targets in russia the most massive. the strongest blow actually fell on morozovskhe airfield. rfe/rl's security forces claim that as a result of this attack, six military aircraft were destroyed, and another eight were seriously damaged. at the same time, the ministry of defense of russia reported only that 44 ukrainian drones were shot down in the rostov region. we show everything that is currently known from open sources below. residents of morozovsk heard such explosions of the rostov region, there were at least ten of them, local people wrote in telegram channels. on the night of april 5, residents of other regions of russia heard similar explosions. the ministry of defense of the russian federation reported on the attack of 53 drones in five
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regions of the country. in particular, we are talking about the kursk, belgorod and saratov regions. air defense forces allegedly shot down one drone each. in the krasnodar region, as the ministry of defense of russia claims, they shot down six drones, the largest number - 44 drones, the forces of the russian air defense forces allegedly shot down in the rostov region. it is interesting that the local residents heard the explosions, in particular, near the military airfields located in these regions: engelsk, morozovsk and geysk. the governor of the rostov region, vasyl golubiv, said that as a result of the attack in the morozovsky district , an electric substation was damaged , glass was broken in apartments, and fragments of one of the drones fell on a private building. in addition, around noon, according to the governor, an explosive device was detonated on one of the downed drones. previously, according to golubev, eight people were injured. this drone attack on the airport
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morozovsky russia was a joint operation of the security service of ukraine, the military and defense forces. a source familiar with the situation informed rfe/rl about this. according to his information , su-24, su-24m and su-34 front-line bombers were located on... droma. russia uses them to drop guided aerial bombs on positions of the armed forces of ukraine and front-line ukrainian cities. the interlocutor of the journalists also added the following. at least six military aircraft of the russian federation were destroyed, and another eight were significantly damaged. in addition to equipment, about 20 military personnel arrived became 200. it is interesting that the local residents , in addition to the sound of the engines, heard a melody coming from the drone. social network users identified it as a german song. drone with music.
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radio liberty cannot confirm or deny the authenticity of these footage in wartime conditions. anastasia potapenko, radio liberty. valery romanenko has already joined our broadcast. aviation expert and leading researcher of the state aviation museum of ukraine. good evening. yes, good evening. let's start with what, in principle, we already know almost from official sources sources sources in the sbu claim that six planes were destroyed in morozovsk, and that eight of them, eight were also significantly damaged, are there even the slightest signs that would allow us to either confirm or deny this information from open sources, of course, for now no, the russian bloggers have not yet given any confirmation or refutation information, satellite images, i think they will appear there tomorrow under... well, we have to see what they will throw in, and then in
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places, well, you understand, first of all, even from these pictures it will be difficult to tell clearly, because on at several airfields, russian planes stand under such improvised shelters, that is , light shelters, which, after all, still protect planes from strikes by drones, that is , by drones, yes, so in general ... such objective information will appear in at least a couple days, so far we can only make assumptions and rely on the data that we are officially, as you say, provided by our military, what we are currently showing are satellite images from yesterday, that is, how many planes were at these airfields as of yesterday before these attacks, and tell me , please, what do we, in principle, let's remind you know about these airfields, as far as you... is it possible that, compared to other airfields , russia kept a cluster of planes there, were there planes there? well, for example,
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morozovsk is the largest, most numerous russian bomber air regiment. in total, russia has four bomber squadrons of this type, yes, but this regiment alone has three squadrons. well, yesterday it was said that there were 29 planes here, but not all of them were 34, because the regiment still suffered some losses, suffered some losses, yes, well, well , they write that the most happened to the morozovsky airfield itself, it is known who is based on engels, strategic bombers are based on engels, well, you said that there seven supersonic tu-160 and three supersonic tu-160 and 5-95 ms. ugh. and as for the iek airfield, it is rather a training airfield, well, maybe
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it is also used as an operational airfield of the 960th assault aviation regiment, which is located, the base airfield, which is primorsko-okhtarsk, it is less than 70 km, ah, the distance between these airfields, just such a distance, well, it is normal for an operational airfield, but there were generally trainings there. and educational, training, and training planes, as well as, well, they write that there were light transport planes there, which ensured the supply of these airfields or other units there, that is, at halino, at the kursk halino airfield, well, there are mainly fighters there, oh, that is, these are planes that provide cover for su-34 bombers during... strikes on the ukrainian front line, that is the usual order of battle, two
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su-34 bombers are flying, they are covered by one fighter there, usually a su-35, and in general, yes, in general, what else have we mentioned, engels is there, morozovsky is there, there is, and in principle you have explained , that all these airfields and the planes stored there are actively used by russia in the war against ukraine, one way or another? combat training and combat training of the flight crew takes place in yesk, because there, for example, in 2022, an su-34 crashed, now they write that they are there, well, it seems, well, so far according to preliminary data, and our drones were destroyed two su-25 attack aircraft, that is, this airfield is still used to train flight crews for russian attack aircraft. well , in general, it’s a training airfield , yes, but why, if you’re
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going to fly to morozovsk, why not visit this airfield on the way, i don’t see any contraindications, so to speak, it’s not necessary, yes, you don’t need to deviate far, but take it out an airfield that is operational for attack aircraft is out of order, that's how easy do you think it will be for russia to intercept all these airfields now? there are planes that are closer to the border with ukraine, somewhere deep in russia? i don't think they will do it, they will rather cover them more thoroughly, so why rebasing? it is possible to disperse these regiments, for example, also transfer part of the equipment to operational airfields, not to keep, for example, all two squadrons at one airfield, there or three squadrons of morozovsky, but to transfer one squadron each to the bush or somewhere else, that’s how to work from there, because there is no point in transferring, well
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, they will transfer as far as 700-800 km, well meaning, they, they then cannot... can respond quickly to the requirements for the support of the ground forces, after all, bombs, and these are such bombs, they are ompk kits, they are not very optical, to fly with them, let's say, no not very comfortable, so i don’t think that russia will respond by transferring to other airfields, and now the main question is, we see that ukraine is inflicting... there are increasingly strong and powerful strikes on russian targets, and literally on the eve of this attack , the german publication bild reported that ukraine soon can use drones that are capable of flying there at a distance of 200 km and can even hit targets there somewhere in the urals or beyond the polar regions, and what can you say about these prospects, and in
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principle that is what we are observing now, initially there were oil refineries, then there were some ... drone productions, now several airfields are massed at the same time, what does this indicate in favor, in favor, in favor of the production of the corresponding weapons in ukraine? well, this shows that we are finally becoming a full-fledged player, a full-fledged side of the online contactless war, as called modern wars. in modern wars, battles on, let's say, the front line, they have, if... such an auxiliary character, yes, although, of course, if you do not hold the enemy there, yes, then your country will fall, but the main emphasis in modern wars and in the russian strategy, that is, of russian military theorists, it is for the destruction of infrastructure and control centers, industry and other such important components of defense in the countries from which the russians
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are in the country with which the russians are waging war, so finally we got... the more in we will have drones, the more we will be able to respond to every russian attack, with an attack on russian territory, on russian enterprises, on the russian oil refining industry, on russian airfields, warehouses, control centers, because we actively hit, for example, control centers in crimea, using western stormshadow missiles, yes, there are british and french scalpels, but now we can... but we are not allowed to hit russian territory with western-style weapons, now we will be able to respond to the russians with the same, but they are after us will be hit by cruise missiles, each of which costs like 10 of our drones, or even 20, so we will send our cheap drones to their territory, which, well, not all of them will fly, they will shoot something down, but even if
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they shoot them down, then they will spend anti-aircraft missiles on this, and for me... i say once again that in order to probably shoot down an object in the air, which means that anti-aircraft missiles, as a rule, spend two missiles, not one, then the probability increases to 90% (0 0.9), and one rocket is five times more expensive than ours a drone, well, not five times, depending on the type of drone, but uh, if they are long-range as we shoot, then it is two or three times more expensive than our drone. the final question is, if russia eventually gets rid of some sort of vast majority of its aircraft, what, if any, direct consequence will this have on the war? well, first of all, these are rather our, so to speak, hopes, hopes, but so far, in two years of war, russia has lost a maximum of a tenth of its capabilities,
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from the number of planes, and, unfortunately, these optimistic data that... we we get from of our general staff, they rather indicate the successful launches of anti-aircraft missiles, whether 300 planes and 300 helicopters were destroyed there, while, well, there are serious doubts, i would yes, well, roughly divide by three, the number of targets actually destroyed, but the russians still are capable of producing up to 30, well , there are 25-30 aircraft per year, so they are renewing their losses and so far they have not suffered such serious losses in... i will say that compared to february 22, they have lost, well, 30% of attack aircraft, and for other types of aircraft, well, with... taking into account the replenishment of their losses means that according to the su-34 they do not exceed 10%, and according to the su-35 fighters, they
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have become more than before the war. despite the sanctions, they can produce these, these planes from some domestic components, yes, or from those countries that have not imposed sanctions on them? well, besides, the russians fixed their supply chains a year later. various firms and small firms, and gaskets, and in general, well, our allies did not follow these paths diligently enough, for example, texas instruments, the main supplier of radio electronics, complex radio electronics to the russians, he fanatically fulfilled his contractual obligations to supply radio electronic parts to the russians, until the relevant authorities intervened, well, he did not respond to the recommendations, while there are... more seriously, they did not point out the impossibility, well, the inadmissibility , thank you, thank you very much for your comment, valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher
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of the state aviation museum of ukraine, we talked about the consequences of the attack on russian airfields, thank you very much, in the constitutional court there are five vacant positions in ukraine, just now the competition for the position of a judge of this court is underway, it started in november last year, then there were 37 candidates, only eight of them reached the next stage, the evaluation of the level of competence precisely in the field of law, just today they took a written test, for the first time the selection for the position of a judge of the constitutional court is carried out according to such a strict and fairly transparent procedure, this was one of the demands of the european commission on the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union, what will come of it, we we will talk in just a few minutes, but first i will talk about... you can see how the assessment of the moral qualities of the candidates for the position of judge of the constitutional court took place. i will immediately note that those whom you will now see in the material have already been eliminated from the competition.
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everyone wants their case to be heard by a sober court. these are the words of one of the candidates for the post of judge of the constitutional court of ukraine. sobriety should be one of the requirements for a judge. but what other moral qualities should a judge of a constitutional court, body have. which interprets the constitution. i listened to all 28 hours of interviews with candidates for the post of judge of the constitutional court of ukraine and i will tell you about the most interesting moments from the interviews of various candidates. i would like to note that all the candidates mentioned in the material by the decision of the doryach council of experts do not meet the assessment of high moral qualities. olena volkova, a judge of the south ukrainian city court of the mykolaiv region, was brought to disciplinary responsibility several times for violating the rules of self-defense. water they complained about her colleagues for violating the rules of judicial ethics. here, a member of the advisory panel of experts reads out the words of olena volkova, which she spoke during the hearing of the case. i'm very
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glad that you talked to a lawyer from kyiv, about hiring a lawyer if you don't understand. enough of my rant, i'm also a heartworm, my blood pressure is also rising. and the court of first instance is when you face people, and they are different. people come. in one of the resolutions on self-recusal, olena volkova wrote that she did not want a certain judge to consider it, because they say she abuses alcoholic beverages, every person, if she comes to court, she wants her case to be considered, thank you, with a sober court, andreychuk lyubomyr, judge of the economic court of zakarpattia region, permanently lives in lviv, on weekdays he comes to uzhgorod, to work , these days he lives sometimes with colleagues, sometimes with family friends, very often my parents' friends help me out. these are their friends from their student years, and colleagues also help out. the judge says that he cannot rent an apartment in uzhhorod, but he owns a plot of land near bukovel. in
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became known on social networks after this interview: he did not know the date of adoption of the constitution of ukraine. when was the constitution of ukraine adopted , what chapters and articles does it consist of? maybe you will come to... a question, i ask you to answer as a member of a wonderful group of experts to the question of my deputy, mr. shakkun. the year of adoption of the constitution is at least the 91st year. 96th in 2019, the lawyer expressed a desire to run for the presidency of ukraine, but did not pay a 2.5 million hryvnias deposit, he explained this by the fact
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that he wanted to show that a person with his... large incomes cannot do this, he also had quite big ambitions for the judiciary, i want to become not only a member of the judge of the constitutional court of ukraine, i want to head it, but for some reason he did not declare his wife's income, even though the law requires it. i respect the interests of the person i love. mykola voynarivskyi, judge of the mykolaiv district court. the mother of this candidate bought a plot of land with an area of ​​almost 700 m2 in the village of koblyve in a recreation area near the sea for 15 thousand dollars. to this, the candidate replied that there is data that the plot is near the sea and in a recreational area zones are not correct, and the value of the plot was once determined according to the cadastral register. also in 2010, voynarivskyi sells his apartment for almost uah 2,200. he moves to live with his mother and is registered as a homeless
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citizen. at the same time, in 2020, you note that you returned to live in the apartment that you sold in 2010, in a room in an apartment, in a room, to yusov on the terms of compensation for utility debt, do you think there is the reason to believe that you artificially worsened your living conditions was... interviews and people's deputy from the servant of the people, pavlish pavlo. mrs. marino condor, you will understand, we have people in ukraine who earn money, not everyone is homeless here, how they live. this is how he explained his father's numerous possessions. the people's deputy assured that his father was a successful farmer in the kherson region and had good profits, so he could buy real estate and give his son valuable gifts in the form of 95,000 euros and 60,000 dollars.
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but... the check on the zk revealed certain inconsistencies, i quote: the assets acquired by the candidate for the position exceed the income, received from legal sources by the candidate for the position, in the amount of uah 7,772,979, if converted into dollars, it is approximately $250,000. and how can you explain such a discrepancy between income and expenses? it is in nzk that one should ask why they have such. questions arose. oleksandr radutny, associate professor of the department of criminal law of the national university of law named after yaroslav the wise, in one of the declarations stated the value of two apartments, a house and two garages, one hryvnia each. these were the mistakes that i made myself the beginning of the experience of filling out the declaration. according to the opinion of a group of experts, the associate professor published anti-ukrainian materials on social networks, and the participants of the revolution of dignity
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on... you made a link to the material with the headline yevgenia gilbo on ukraine vyzhivet ne bole 8 mln chelovek, which is openly ukrainophobic. please tell me if you have ever used the term clean in your social posts, yes or no? never. ihor rogatyuk, professor of the department of criminal procedure and forensics, educational-scientific-humanitarian institute, national academy of the security service of ukraine. during the revolution of dignity, he headed the regional prosecutor's office of cherkasy region. after lustration, he was released from the organs. he was registered as unemployed and received assistance from the state, and in 2021, through the courts, he was reinstated in his position and paid compensation for forced absenteeism, more than uah 2 million. also, his wife received two plots of land near kyiv for development, one of them in the village of novi petrivtsi, near the mountain range. a large family house is located there, but in...
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the candidate cannot estimate, because he built it 10 years, i did not keep data on expenses, it looks big, and it is very, if it were built into the settlement where there are houses for 2 million dollars, it does not, does not cost such money, again, why, because i built it, that is, you did it yourself... i did something with my own hands, mainly organizational aspects, so i am not afraid of work, neither creative, nor scientific, nor construction or otherwise. mykhailo zhernakov, chairman of the board of the foundation, joined our broadcast. mykhailo, good evening.


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