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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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stopcaym ua. the chas time program of the ukrainian voice of america service is broadcast from washington. i am yulia yarmolenko. congratulations. already next week, the house of representatives returns to work and, as i said. former speaker mike johnson, the question of aid to ukraine will be among the first topics that lawmakers will consider. american media, however , report that the process of considering further financing of aid to kyiv may drag on for weeks due to pressure on johnson within the republican party. what to expect from the congress after returning legislators to work? we will talk about this with my colleague ostap yarysh, who joins the broadcast from kapitaliyskyi pohorb. ostape, hello. congratulations yulia. what do we know at this moment about when... exactly and in
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what format speaker johnson may bring a bill on aid to ukraine to the house of representatives? julia, we know that the house of representatives returns to business next tuesday, april 9. also earlier, mike johnson hinted at a quick consideration of this issue, after lawmakers resume their work. but he is spoke about the possibility of introducing his own version of the draft law, which would have certain updates and differ from the version that has already passed the senate. he spoke about this earlier. in particular, in communication with journalists, as well, yulia, we know that in parallel the collection of signatures is ongoing in the house of representatives, or after all, they considered the bill that received enough votes in the senate and proposes to allocate 60 billion dollars for ukraine free of charge. currently 191 of 218 required signatures. what updates does mike offer now? johnson? we heard several proposals from him earlier, it was a proposal to provide assistance to ukraine in the form of a credit or loan, or the use of money of money of funds.
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frozen funds of russian oligarchs to cover these costs. what we, yulia, do not know at this moment. we do not know in what final form this issue will come up for consideration, because despite the statement, the words of the speaker mike johnson, his team has not yet presented concrete developments. also , yulia, we do not know exactly when this vote will take place, because despite the assurances of the speaker, that this should happen quickly, bloomberg writes that now there are ongoing conversations, discussions within the republican party, this issue may... be taken up later, probably in april, or maybe even in may, writes this publication. on the other hand, ilyu, we also do not know whether speaker johnson can agree to the position and the options of the white house and the project that already had approval in the senate, and we know that politicians, this other publication writes that now actually the team joe biden behind the scenes is privately trying to communicate with the speaker to after all, to convince him, to put this issue under consideration in such a one. in the form that
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the white house insists is about giving ukraine 60 billion free of charge without credit or loans, so i think we will see a fuller picture already next week when the house of representatives returns to work. ostapa, april 20 will be exactly six months since president biden submitted a request to congress for additional funding for ukraine. how do experts assess the chances of approving the aid, at least until that date? yes, yulia, you know, experts with whom spoke to the voice of america, they believe that in the end, this is a question, a question of assistance to ukraine. will be considered, the question is when it will happen. ekamagdadze, our colleague spoke with the former ambassador of the united states to ukraine, and also, this is now an analyst of the atlantic council, john herbst. so he believes, yuli, that a lot will depend on how much johnson can negotiate with representatives of his own party, in particular with that part of the radical republicans, who threaten to initiate the resignation of the speaker in the event that he will consider the issue of aid to ukraine. john herbs believes that johnson actually does not have one. how they can be satisfied
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by putting this issue under consideration, therefore, in his opinion, there are two ways here. let 's listen. so either speaker johnson brings the relief up for a vote, or the democrats and republicans sign the petition, which is another way to vote on the bill, which takes longer. that's why i think we 're going to see a vote, because there are people who are very serious about petitions. ostapa, ukrainian diplomats continue to work with congress over approving aid, are they convinced that kyiv will eventually receive this additional support and how do they feel about the prospect of loan or credit assistance? yulia, at least they hope that this issue will be considered as soon as possible. oksana markarova, ukraine's ambassador to the united states, in an interview with our colleague mykhailo komadovskyi, says that the embassy is actually working with both parties and directly with speaker johnson to get this support considered as soon as possible. the question is whether it will satisfy
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kyiv form of loan or loan? oksana markarova says that, of course, the best option would be free assistance in the form of a grant, as it was all the time before, however, if the only option that both parties can agree on, after six months of no support, would be assistance with a credit or a loan , according to her, kyiv will also be grateful for such help, let's listen, we have heard about an interest-free loan, a long-term loan, there are various options, we will see it when the text of the bill comes out, if you ask us, then of course we will be grateful for any support, grants are better than... loans because they also support our macroeconomic and public financial stability. of course, if the united states decides to give us aid in the form of a loan, especially budget support, it will be more difficult and have more consequences than a grant. but it will be much better than nothing.
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we will definitely continue to follow this topic next week. thank you ostap, my colleague ostap yarysh was in touch with the studio. there are tanks, crews on... but there is nothing to shoot at, this is how the ukrainian tankers of the 21st separate mechanized brigade in donbas describe the situation at the front. in april of last year , leopard-2 tanks entered the service of the brigade. during this time, the tankers have already set their own records for the destruction of enemy vehicles, but they say that due to the lack of shells , it is difficult to hope for new records. anna kostyuchenko and pavel sukhodolskyi will tell you more about the work of the leopards in ukraine and the critical shortage of ammunition. leopard-2 is the main battle tank of the bundeswehr of the third generation. leopard never fought. this is the first war in which he involved. from april 2023, leopards of 2 different modifications were handed over to the 21st separate mechanized brigade, says
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tank battalion commander andriy nemtsev. the brigade received the newest modification of the a6 in the summer of last year. a machine that... is designed exclusively for ambush combat or chasing the enemy, this tank is designed to impress targets from a long distance, it has a quiet movement, er, it has good observation devices. andrii nemtsev, a professional military personnel, began serving in the ussr, when he graduated in 1987 from 2014 to 19, the man fought in the ato zone in the first tank brigade, mainly on soviet t-72 tanks, and now commands the tank battalion of the 21st separate mechanized brigade. this brigade fights with both
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the german leopard 2 a6 and the swedish improved copy of the leopard 2 model a5. the licensed version is swedish strv 122 there. additional armor, there are sewn sides, a camouflage net is integrated into the body, that is, in terms of camouflage protection, the strv 122 is much better than other models. swedes more, probably, they thought of carrying out the actual battle, no, not the ambush, not the pursuit, but the actual battle, that is. on january 25, 2023, after more than 10 months of discussions, the german government decided to provide leopard-2 tanks to the armed forces and allowed their re-export from other countries. the first tanks arrived from poland on february 24 last
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year. two ukrainian servicemen from the 21st ombr completed leopard training in one of ukraine's allied countries in a record two months, instead of 5.5. i have guys who studied for two months, and they are repairing leopards in the middle of the forest, in the middle of the forest. shortly 21 ombr set the first own records. a 27-year-old tanker with the call sign bars hit a russian bmp at a distance of 6.5 km with the first shot, the battalion command says. the tanker himself recalls that the electronic control system contributed to the accurate hit. fire, everything happened at night, we were told, we left, found the target from the first hit, hit it, it traveled a little further and caught fire, good sights, very good, that the heat gun, which is in the commander’s gunner, and you don’t have to do it,
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as in the soviet heavy weapons, the first warm-up, and then you shoot here, where you are headed straight for... an important advantage of the german leopard 2 a6 is the safety of the people inside, say tankers. all german tanks, they are designed in such a way that... that they hold blasts very well, the spare part itself is destroyed, absorbing the energy of the explosion, the roller flew away, and the crew does not even feel the blast, the crew feels that it is not going, look, the tracks there is no more, that is, the detonation is not even felt, there are no contusions, and everything related to this, however, the danger for tankers remains from enemy drones, which can aim from the air, problems in working with... shells, says the battalion commander.
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there are tanks, there are trained crews, but there is basically nothing to shoot at. i have already shaken out all the stocks that i had, everything that i could borrow from my neighbors, i have already borrowed and spent. there are no projectiles, the ones we need, i have an armor-piercing, well, bbesheks or crowbars, as we say, armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles, which you can. to be used only against armored vehicles and heavy armored vehicles, even light armored vehicles are shot with a shotgun, that is, a shrapnel. in general, according to the publication forbes allies handed over 71 leopard-2 tanks to ukraine, at least five of them were destroyed by the enemy. the crews survived. anna kostyuchenko, pavel sukhodolskyi for voice of america from donetsk region. china and russia spread misinformation among their own population, the diaspora and the countries of the global south, where they
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practically do not meet competition, say experts. sometimes they borrow technical techniques, often narratives and actively promote their position in countries in africa and latin america, where their media dominate among international broadcasters. how does it work and is it possible? natalka churikova found out. china and russia have an official an agreement in the information industry, the essence of which is to prevent the presence of western media in its information space. and if the russians are more interested in the technical aspects, to learn how the chinese built their great information wall, then the chinese borrow the narratives that echo in the russian information space, they do not have to invent anything, they can simply translate into russian. russia under during the invasion of ukraine pushed the story
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that the us was helping to build a bioweapons laboratory in ukraine. and what do you think? there is a crazy story on the same topic that us and taiwanese officials allegedly met secretly in the south china sea in 2022 to discuss the creation of a bioweapons laboratory. it was all over chinese state media and social platforms and even reached my parents. my parents sent the story to me, i texted them back with our fact-check, and my mom wrote to answer: is your story true? at the same time, both countries are actively capturing the space that was once dominated by western media. china dominates the information market in africa, where western journalists who followed the rules and journalistic standards are gradually leaving, and russia has conquered the information space. of latin america, as brad schaffer from the german marshall fund says, the rasha today channel, which was banned for
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propaganda in europe, britain and the usa, is seen in latin america as one of the main global media players, which sets the standard, is watched like the bbc. the numbers are quite staggering if you look at the success of china and russia, especially russia in latin america. i took last year's numbers from facebook, if you look at the main spanish-language global media, rt español is the first with the most followers, cgtn espaaniol is second, cnn español is third and union espaaniol is fourth. in this way, they outperform the main independent spanish-language broadcasters. on the eve of the american presidential elections, observers are interested in whether russia and china will have information about them interfere. at the same time, if previously, experts thought that intervention could only consist in shaking democratic institutions and
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undermining trust in them, but now they believe that russia and china may well support specific, beneficial candidates for themselves. i think that most of the time when russia or china interferes in an election, they really have a desired candidate, a desired outcome. i think we mistakenly covered it as if they were the only one. and sow mistrust. on the other hand, as a radio free asia journalist says, not everyone election interference operations succeed . for example, in the january elections. in taiwan, beijing's tactics aimed at intimidating the island's residents, saying that if they don't choose the right candidate, war will start, have not worked. i do not think that russia and china always succeed. look at how much resources china poured into manipulating the taiwan election. this did not change
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the results. so i just want to say this so that we can have faith in the general audience. they also... diaries of 14 children and teenagers who recorded their experiences during the first year of the full-scale invasion, war diaries and unheard voices of ukrainian children were included in the project. currently, this socio-artistic project is traveling through europe, the organizers hope. in this way, to show people all over the world what it's like to be a child when war is around, says khrystyna shevchenko. these are 14 stories of children from different regions of ukraine: donetsk region, kharkiv region, kherson region, kyiv region. children's diaries, notes, drawings and personal belongings. all of this went into the war diaries project, no
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heard the voices of ukrainian children, a project that has already been seen in amsterdam, strasbourg, and this month in berlin. was in my life, i will never forget that day, february 24, 2022, this is the opening of an exhibition in berlin at the continental art space, children's manuscripts, photos and drawings on huge stands are combined into a composition, this is the diary of ten-year-old yegor from mariupol. i slept well, woke up, smiled, got up and read to the 25th page, my grandfather also died, i have wounds on my back, torn skin. my sister had a head injury, and my mother had flesh torn off her arm and a hole in my leg, i am 8 years old, my sister is 15 years old, my mother is 38 years old, i need to bandage it, my mother is the first, i am the second, my sister is the third, and these are the records of 14-year-old maria from irpen. my mother didn't wake me up to go to school,
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and when i woke up, i was told that the war had started. we saw a rocket flying through the window, it was loud, planes were flying, dad called me in the morning, we agreed to be in touch, 2502/23 i saw him for the last time, when he and his grandmother wanted to leave the city, he was calling me, explosions were heard, dad said he would call me back, me waited, called, but he did not answer, 17-year-old vladyslav, who spent 75 days in the occupied... in mariupol, recorded the details of his family's life in the besieged city on video. march 8, 2022.
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vladyslav came to the opening of the exhibition in berlin from damu, where he lives after he managed to escape from occupied mariupol. to berlin, he brought the flag of ukraine, which the occupiers had torn from the building of the college where he studied, he managed to get it out during the evacuation, hiding it among his laundry. i decided to shoot because i thought we were in information bubble, and no one will know about that hell, those tears that people shed, that blood that is spilled, and besides... i thought that i would die, so that i would leave behind some footage, some descendant to help fight dealing with russian aggression was a matter of life and death for me. khrystyna hrynovska, initiator of the war diaries project, voices of ukrainian children are not heard. the presentation of the diaries in berlin became the fourth point in
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the route of the exhibition, my main goal, and therefore the purpose of this one. of the project, show the trauma which the young generation of ukraine is going through, to show the tobil with which children are faced every day, to show the world, because every child has the right to be heard, and every voice should be heard. german designer frank peter wilde, a visitor to the exhibition, has been actively supporting ukraine since the first days of the full-scale invasion. this exhibit is very beautiful on the one hand and heartbreaking on the other, you can feel it at first glance, it's very playful and cute with all the different... drawings, but once you get into the children's story, it's impressive. you understand that victims of war are never a number, they are always individuals, in this case they are little people who
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cannot defend themselves. they weren't adults, and that makes it even more difficult. the exhibition continues to travel around europe and collect new stories, in the near future there are plans to show places of war in the united states as well. berlin, los angeles, khrystyna shevchenko, bohdan shevchenko, for the voice of america. oksana lyniv became the first conductor from ukraine to be invited to the metropolitan opera. she was entrusted to conduct one of the most popular theater productions: opera puccini turandot. the debut of the lynx on one of the most prestigious opera stages in the world took place at the end of february this year. she flew to new york from italy, where she became the first female musical director of the commune theater in bologna. recently, however, oksana liniv attracted negative attention to herself, when it became known that the conductor is working on a production of... tchaikovsky at the saxon state opera, news that caused outrage in ukraine. iryna solomko and pavlo terokhov met with the conductor in new york and asked her about
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scandal with onegin and work at the metropolitan opera. here are my conductor sticks, which i also use the same ones, i order, they are made in japan. this case was made for me in brodakh, my hometown in ukraine. oksana alenik is signed. this is a mipa. ukrainian conductor oksana lini has performed more than one performance on the most prestigious stages of the world. in february, she made her debut at the metropolitan opera in new york. however, the decision to undertake the production of tchaikovsky's opera yevgeny niegen also caused a public outcry. one world-class opera venue of the saxon state opera. that is, receiving an invitation from this orchestra is extremely prestigious not only for a ukrainian conductor, but for any conductor in general. of any nationality, it is necessary to declare to the whole world about the ukrainian roots of pyotr tchaikovsky and help the world rethink the context in which he created, oksana convinces. tchaikovsky's grandfather, petro
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chaika, was a cossack, petro chaika, and studied at the kyiv-mohyla academy. tchaikovsky's father, ilya tchaikovsky, taught at university in dnipro. that is, tchaikovsky as a composer had ukrainian roots and also french roots, and in general ukrainian composers, lysenko, as well as lyutkevych, believed that the best thing in tchaikovsky's music, namely his melody, is exactly what he absorbed in his own way the ukrainian branch, ukrainian genetics, during tchaikovsky's lifetime was very criticized in russia, precisely for his europeanness, by prime minister yevgeny nyen in germany. planned for the summer of 2025. meanwhile, linniv collects positive feedback on his work at the opera metropolis. the premiere of the opera "turandot" took place back in
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1987 and has been in the theater's repertoire every year since then. on february 28, the 350th anniversary performance was held, and it was on this day that a ukrainian conductor entered the orchestra pit for the first time. and every time you have to live it emotionally from the beginning to the end, despite the fact that... you already know what the beginning will be, what the end will be, and that's it, it's my task, it's the conductor's task, not to let the performance turned into a routine, even which is already running for the 350th time, yes, before entering the orchestra pit, shares oksana, she has... the feeling that she almost knows the composer personally and has seen how he wrote this work, so she carefully studies why the composer chose this particular theme, or wrote this particular music based on the fact that the book is about
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the first production opera turondot at the lascal theater in 1926, i bought it in the pocini museum, it is very interesting, because here, for example, about how pocini and his scenographers and costume designers were inspired and created the first costumes, the leading opera stages of the world noticed a talented... ukrainian dergenka back in 2015 after her debut in bavarian state opera. in 2017, she received the first offer to conduct turandot at the metropolitan opera in 2021. however , the tight schedule of the conductor, scheduled several years in advance, prevented her from signing the contract. i am now very happy that i am making my debut this year, because after all, for every conductor, the years of experience that i have already been able to get. my work in italy, my work in beirut, it all enriched me immensely musically and as a person, and i think that... it
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was the best time for my metropolitan debut. compared to the usa, he says dorigenka in europe , russian artists who support putin's policies in one way or another are more tolerant. so she had to refuse to perform on the same stage with such people. however, says oksana. for example, the organizers of the vienna festival made a choice in favor of the ukrainian woman even after her refusal to perform together with the greek-russian conductor teodor kurendiz. europeans are loyal, europeans say we should. give a chance, we must open the door to dialogue, we must try to hear all sides, so, let's say yes, each situation needs to be considered individually and also from a certain diplomatic point of view, where there is a chance, for example, how to cancel now and put, as the dots above and say. at the same time, she is convinced that ukrainian musicians should not refuse prestigious invitations. and every such...
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er, every such performance, a successful performance, it means the next new invitations, it means what i said, this professional trust, when you can already talk about the next projects, about the ukrainian performance, invite ukrainian soloists, and vice versa, when a russian conductor comes and automatically 10 russian soloists sing in his caste, plus he invites his young russian assistants, and thus also russia as if about... moving through this if that door of classical music also further strengthens its position, even now. oksano leniv is trying to promote the ukrainian repertoire and introduce young composers from ukraine to the world. very often i commission new works from young ukrainian composers, whose names have not even been heard in those countries, and these works are dedicated specifically to the theme of war,
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because of what is happening with... now i really want to reflect in the artistic sphere, if it were to immortalize the names of, for example, such artists as volodymyr vakulenko, maksym kryvtsov, who died tragically, if it were to draw the attention of the international community to the events in ukraine, on the contrary, we say: good , this classic has already happened without us, that is, it happened in the past, we are not at war with the past, but we are actively engaged. position in the formation of a new future, it really depends on us now. oksana popularizes ukrainian culture not only with her work, but also clothes, because he dresses in clothes of ukrainian designers for performances. and from some point , we came up with the idea of ​​making such belts, and i have them in different colors, i change them, i also have one in the colors of the ukrainian flag , yellow and blue, well
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, patriotic concerts, benefactors, are especially responsible. for ukraine, i wear it, or, for example, this color, it is in the color of the legendary veil. a total of 13 performances are planned at the metropolitan under the musical direction of ukrainian conductor oksana liniv. irena from new york solomko, pavlo terekhov, voice of america. and that's the end of it, all the best, bye-bye, we'll see. next week. try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. plebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. there are discounts on gliciset and gliciset max. 15% in psarynyk, bam
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and oskad pharmacies. 15% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on... the border between ukraine and poland topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's
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make it up. it helps. understand the present and


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