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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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and we we're having communication problems sure can you hear me can you hear me can you hear me please continue yes please yes with the message the problem again this video shows that the russians , again, the russians themselves prove that they committed this crime, that of dokhov, i mean, that is, you can see the hands there, you can see who filmed it, and who else could have filmed it in the territories occupied by the russians, besides russia itself . that is, this is a terrible, terrible testimony of a terrible crime, and well, we remember all this, i remember how these are the first hours after the detonation and what happened to the people, but here is this video, which first went on russian telegram channels, and they became a source, it spread further, it shows precisely that these are their crimes, otherwise, how could they film, save and spread it,
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please, if it is not accidental, it got into the ether, and it was a deliberate act, well, now it has already passed, enough time has passed since the detonation, why post it now, what for what, well, that is, to show that to remind once again that this is how it was, and you also have dniproges, you have kanivska hes, you have kyivska ges, you have there, well, ladyzhynska, that is... you still have rovska ges, you see, you see, well, i think so, because i don’t understand, well, we already know what it was , that you blew up, and the consequences, and the fact that there are still hundreds of dead, we don't even know how many people were killed by this big water, well , a russian crime, we also don't know what you will tell us, please, well, i think i am the same as you, i share your opinion that in this way they reminded that one hessian was blown up, they will be able to blow up all the others too, well, that is... their cynical way
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logic, and they are actually aiming there, as far as i understand, with their attacks, in particular at hess, that is why it seems to me that this was a completely cynically thought-out throw to remind about this tragedy and to point out that they are capable of doing more than one such tragedy, i don't think they accidentally threw it in, it seems to me that the logic is exactly like yours, but it 's good. we managed to return our children to the territory under the control of the ukrainian government from the occupied territory of the kherson region, there were also children returned to zaporizhzhia, as i understand it, and also here, well, first of all, it is a joy, according to your information, this is a difficult job, or who is more involved here: the state, local authorities, and some international partners of ours or humanitarian organizations, who is involved in this? it's incredibly hard work. i know some -
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testimonies of families, emotions of families, we do not write about such stories, because honestly, when we witnessed certain events, we simply do not have the strength to write such stories, i bow to those who describe them, who film them, because it's very hard to even just describe, uh, it's a very powerful uh working together, it's a united work, because benefactors by themselves and volunteers by themselves, it would be very difficult for them to do it without... representatives of the authorities, representatives of the state authorities, it would be very difficult for them to do it without local or without volunteers, so when there is a coordinated work of relatives , local government, state and volunteers, but only in such a tandem is it possible to return children, and people in general, children first of all to the territory under control, because , unfortunately, relatives cannot do it alone , it is extremely rare... maybe it's a lot
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close cooperation, a lot of people, every returned child, every returned person from there, this is an incredible work of a large number of people, and here is also a story that i, well, it cannot be perceived normally, there are also stolen requests from the ukrainian side, well this probably a demand, or at least a request, let's say, let it be a request, and for the return of female students kidnapped by the enemy, i understand that this is kherson. was a state university, maybe, well, i'm just imagining these girls, if they were kidnapped, if they are now in an occupied the territory, what are they like there in general, approximately, i don’t even want to imagine, although i understood, and maybe you know this story, what it was and again, is it difficult to organize it, their return, yes, they are not children, but they are youths , which, in principle, also became, this is a crime of kidnapping, so terrorism, well , look, i... i don't know the details of the story,
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what i know, i'm not sure i can divulge, so i won't talk about it in detail , but this is really an incredible tragedy, an incredible crime about it ... very little was said precisely so as not to harm girls, and this is one of the biggest tragedies, when, firstly, the unknown, secondly, we know for sure how wild the russians are, there are a lot of examples of this, and the kidnapping of women is a separate wildness, and what is wrong with them we don't know, so the return of these girls and the fact that the story is gaining publicity in general confirms the fact that, firstly, the girls were kidnapped a long time ago and they are still in captivity, and secondly, that this will be very a difficult story, and it is a story precisely about cooperation in order to be able to free them, to me it is very difficult to imagine both the condition of the relatives and the condition of the girls, even more so, but it will definitely be a powerful
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work, i would really like them to return home, well, here again, i voiced it, because i read it in the public domain, it not some kind of insider information. i won't even ask how many of these girls there are, but the question here is, you know , that the fact that she was thrown into the information space is a plus, or it can be a minus, because it happens very often, well, not that there often, but i know a story when certain even military personnel or civilians are captured, and you say, let's get involved, let's spread the word, for example, on a tv channel or on our website or even there, as they say, we don't need to, we 'll somehow try it ourselves, somehow we're there, it's just a question in the fact that... that they are asked to be listed for exchange, that is, as i understand it, if there is an exchange of prisoners of war, that is, they are still considered as prisoners, and not kidnapped, so that they are listed, and this may have simplified this process this procedure,
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but here there is a legal conflict, here are legal experts they often say about this, law enforcement officers, that in general, if a civilian is kidnapped, then they should simply be released without any exchange, but... but the way russia kidnaps, they attribute participation in some squads, participation in some mythical military formations there and so on, so it is possible that the russians have already assigned something to the girls, or it is a demand of the russians, such as that if they are on the lists, we will think, this also happens, so maybe this is why the story emerged, also yes i know a lot of stories about that the relatives ask not to divulge until they find a certain ... algorithm that they work by, because people are really afraid of publicity, so that no details get out that should not get out, because there are so many made-up stories, they can to attribute something that didn’t happen, that’s why relatives are afraid of it, and it’s logical, well , that’s why they usually ask not to spread it,
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if it’s about the military, then in general , for example, for our zmi, it’s a closed story, we don’t write about the disappeared military, because it can harm... in any case, well, this is how it is with civilians, and, that is , relatives ask not to write to a certain algorithm, well, let's hope that this story will end, after all, with the return or exchange of yevgenia virlych , the editor-in-chief of the kherson publication cavuon city, was with us, thank you, take care and we are not going far to the neighboring zaporizhzhia region, we are moving on and joining the conversation with askad shurbekov, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, mr. askade, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. today, the enemy struck zaporizhzhia again oblast, and also in the suburbs, well, this is from the fact that i gathered information, but there was also information about explosions, please tell me more, and the iskander m missile also appeared there, as far as i understood from what i read, please
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and another tragic day actually for zaporizhia, because the enemy hit the city of zaporizhia five times, it happened in two rounds, in fact, at the moment we... have information about three dead people, 13 wounded people, four of them are in serious condition , and this happened in broad daylight, in a very, shall we say, crowded place a place where there is a very large amount of commercial infrastructure, trading points, where there is always a large number of people, and the specificity of this strike today was, not only that it was in broad daylight, on purpose, when there was a large number of people after the first arrivals after 40 minutes of the enemy i mentioned the repeated attack when the emergency services were working at the scene, when the doctors were working, when the journalists were working, and i also want to note that according to our information, two journalists were also wounded, they are representatives of ukrinform, that is, this is already a deliberate tactic, before that it was history of kharkiv, now it is in zaporizhzhia, when the enemy periodically, with a short period of time, such,
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say, a time window, hits one and the same point, trying to increase the number of civilian casualties after their strikes, well , they also wrote about the fact that in orichovo , people were saved from the rubble, as far as i understood, again, because what i read in the media, maybe people are in a hurry to write here now, and very often reading information, i am not in the right place for... i’m not there, i don’t have an insider, and you write, eh, and you don’t understand whether alive people got under the rubble or dead, somehow it is not specified, so what information do you have about what happened there in orichovo, well, we know that it is constantly under shelling, but the specifics of the front-line territories are constant shelling, and nuts every day is subjected to dozens of shellings, including guided air bombs, that is why this information is always really tragic, the fact that people were killed, these are people who were wounded, now their condition is there. their future fate is being clarified, but unfortunately for orikhov, it is generally such a tragic everyday life, there
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are 900 people left there, but every day we have, if not every day, we have wounded or killed civilians, among the residents of porichov, uglepole and other communities on the line of contact, and we understand very well that the enemy there it continues to try to advance in certain areas, the situation in principle is not easy, not that it is critical, but definitely not easy, people remain and under the threat of the possible. offensive and under the threat of constant shelling, of course these shellings they are hitting the energy sector quite seriously, in particular in zaporizhzhia, from tomorrow, if i understood everything correctly, they will turn on the lights for 7 hours, is the city ready for this city, and does it not indicate any details here, because the city must also have its secrets according to how it provides its energy life, at least of key key enterprises, utilities and there is critical infrastructure. or medical facilities, and are there enough generators to
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be able to, again, the city can live in its key vitals? look, i would like to point out that in general there is enough power for critical infrastructure, most of the residential sector and private customers are also connected to the grid, we have daily outages, they are scheduled outages to balance the power system, but it's a small number of customers and. .. this process, it has already been going on for several months in order for the system to work in a balanced way, that is, now we are not talking about any changes in the energy supply, that somehow there are some critical things, which all the more will be about critical infrastructure, that is, critical infrastructure is fully equipped with electricity, most places are also fully equipped with electricity, the key problems with electricity today are actually in the communities on the contact line, and this is for obvious reasons, because the enemy there is destroying this energy infrastructure and... it is very difficult to repair it, because the situation is similar to today in the city of zaporizhzhia, the enemy strikes repeatedly in different places, so
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energy workers work in extremely difficult conditions and it is very difficult to quickly restore power supply of the frontline territories. i want to ask, such a story, it is not ambiguous, on the one hand there is a certain positive, on the other hand, on the other hand, we need to talk, and since the first of april in zaporizhzhia , a mixed form of online and offline education has been returned, at the request of parents, this... it happened, how risky it is, how justified it is to do certain things that can be dangerous for children, for schoolchildren only at the request of parents, well, surely there should still be a conclusion, well, maybe it is the conclusion of a certain commission, and the state emergency service, the police, who is there in this involved in this, how the procedure came about, because we understand that ballistics flies to kyiv in a couple of minutes, i am not talking about zaporizhzhia, of course, this is all a safety operation. situation, this decision was taken at the initiative of batkiv committees, then procedurally it was submitted by the local
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self-government body, the zaporizhzhya city council, and then the defense council operates in the region, which includes representatives of the regional military administration, the state emergency service, the national police, and the military, and at this defense council there was it was decided that those schools that have storage, those schools that have enough shelter facilities, they can start this process in a mixed format, that is, some subjects will be conducted offline precisely in the ... traction, the question is how appropriate is that, i think of course it will completely depend on security situation, because what is happening today, for example, what happened yesterday, if these precedents are repeated, i am sure that this issue will be brought up again to the defense council, because of course, no one will expose children to danger, having precedents of strikes in broad daylight, however, i would like to point out that these exercises, they take place in shelters, bomb shelters, and in general the children ... are safe, but again, again, if the situation changes, i am sure , that the issue will be
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re-submitted to the defense council. thank you very much for your comments, thank you for participating, skada shurbekov, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council was in touch with us, unfortunately, today we have victims who died in zaporizhzhia, and now we will talk more about everything that relates directly to the war. serhii zgurets, next to me, is the director of the defense express agency. sergey, congratulations. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today we will sum up the results of the week, talk about the strike by our drones on russian airfields, about the situation on the front line, during the ivyary, under another, in other directions, about... this is how we will look for new patriots for ukraine, more on that in a moment. well, we are starting, you know, sergey, like in the bloc, in my opinion, big russia has nowhere to go, but there is nowhere to strike with drones, and this time, well, you
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now you will explain whether it was expected or unexpected for the enemy that the drones flew to the base of the front-line fighters. in there, well , now you won’t call them there su 35 or there how many there were, what kind of airfield it was, was it really an unexpected target for the russians themselves, and thanks to which it was possible to achieve this result, having flown like this, more than a few understand exactly hundreds of kilometers, well , in fact, when today we talk about strikes on russian airfields, there was not one, not one strike, but several, and we are talking about at least three airfields. on which different types of russian aircraft were based, it was an attack on the engels airfield 700 km away, where tu-95 and tu-160 bombers are stationed, from which the enemy launches kh-101 missiles over ukraine. the second strike, the most revealing, is just behind the morozovsk airfield, this is the rostov
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region, 300 km away, and at least 60 drones were struck there. 60 explosions were heard by the residents around this airfield, and how revealing is this airfield that the so-called 559th bombardment regiment is stationed there, equipped with fighter -bombers, such as su 34 bombers, it was previously reported that 26 such bombers were stationed there, and the third airfield, which... was under the attack of our drones, is the yeisk airfield, it is 150 km away, it is the krasnodar region, the su-25 is based there, and if we now let's try to sum up based on the publications that appeared in the ukrainian mass media with reference to the main intelligence department and other sources, then in general we can say
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that this is the most massive attack on russian airfields and in general... maybe so that more than 10 planes were destroyed at different airfields, and this, if this data is confirmed tomorrow or the day after tomorrow by satellite images, then this will be the most systematic attack on russian airfields, especially when we are talking about morozovsky, because this airfield was used for these su-34s , which took off quite often and were used for strikes. kababs on our territory, and now we see that the strategy to combat this threat has become the most optimal, that is, to destroy the carriers of these kababs at the expense of our long-range drones, so now we have such a very important trend, how the armed forces will minimize this cabal
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threat, and if satellite images confirm such a number of destroyed aircraft up to 10 plus, then it will be well on ... more successful such to fly on russian planes, which are placed not in the sky, but on the ground. well, yes , of course accuracy and efficiency are important here, i am here, maybe there is a military secret, if there is, then you will say it, and we will not talk about it, but we see planes, well drones that fly, which we were shown that they are made in ukraine, some we have not seen and do not know what they are, but they just explode and give results, at the same time we know that our partners ... they help us with drones, questions about manufacturing, about technologies, about the components of these drones, is it possible that we can have some such drones, well, which are not exactly ours, but we do not talk about it, well , in fact, we also use ukrainian drones, that is, i'm sorry, we don't give taurus, we don't give anything else there, but we give something like that flies further than the taurus, but again we
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don’t talk about it, well, in fact , ukrainian drones fly the furthest now, it’s just... and a-22, and lyuty, and beaver, which have a range of a thousand or more than 1,300 km, these are our developments, but we have cooperation with the british, with the americans, where there is indeed a significant number of tactical drones, strike drones used by our armed forces, it is exactly 40 kilometers, a little more, and of course we use these drones, but in to a greater extent, we emphasize primarily on our samples. then there were no objections that it is not possible to strike on the territory of russia with the samples that we handed over to you for military-technical assistance, that is precisely the use of these strike drones on airfields, as was the case tonight. just a good example of how to solve military tasks based on one's own defense and industrial capabilities, and plus, as far as i understand, this was an operation of the security service of ukraine from what i read, at least, i don't know,
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maybe there's a gurdu luchnyi, i read it again, well, kyrylo sazonov wrote about it, he there, that's how i understand the work of the sbu, that's why i trust him, well, he's at the front right now, and that's why i took this conclusion from here, maybe not here, maybe there are some other moments, but the question is not who, yes, that is ah... the result, if tomorrow we really see on satellite images that there are russian planes hit, destroyed planes at three airfields, well, this will be a significant plus for all defense security forces, who planned this operation, provided technical capabilities and brought it to a logical conclusion with such a good one as a result, but you remember, at one time lonmas launched a roadster into a tesla, a tesla and into space, and there was also a pilot there and music was playing there, of course no one heard in space, because you can't hear music there, there.. . well, but god be with him, today those people who launched these drones, i understand that they also turned on music on one of the drones, we will not give that video now, but this, i
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understand that this sense of humor in someone is good, clean, well, then we should probably give this music, if we have it, if we don’t succeed, then it’s just right, well, really, it’s one of the drones from that music is a bit specific, so we decided not to give it, as they say, to avoid being accused of popularizing. well , some music, but there is no sound, but the point is that there are creative moments, there are creative moments, yes, now we are, well, happy, and now let's talk about something that is not very joyful, at least threatening , and this was the time, this is to the northwest, as far as i understand, from bakhmut, a town or a city, and what an enemy, we said so in front of ether, 1400 of the population was there before the beginning of the invasion, that is... is it a small town, a new big battle is about to start, it has already begun, the russians have come close to the brink of the time ravine, and here is the question, sergey and i talked before this, and sergey says that there are disturbing moments there, that
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they are somehow very they quickly ran a certain distance, well, it’s not 100 km, but a few hundred meters is also important, and i have a question here: are they, perhaps, let them get closer, as they say, in order to surely hit them, or tell me, please well , actually, when we talk about the situation around chasivyar, then... there are several nuances, the enemy has been trying to attack this settlement for a really long time, which is located on a hill, and the capture of the fortress for the enemy will be of great importance, as well as for us, because it opens up opportunities for advancing further along slavyansk-kramatorsk, that is, it creates the prerequisites for convenient combat operations, because at times of height, if... there will be artillery and the like, then, linguistically speaking, it will be easier to move on, but chasivyar is now quite effective and defends itself from our side, but what happened, the enemy attacked
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chasivara from several directions, it was there from the north, it was precisely bohdanivka, from the south it was ivanovske, but literally on the fourth day there was such a frontal attack from khromovoy to yar times along this route there 0.5 04 and there were two such attacks and in fact in the course of these ee attacks, the enemy used armored vehicles , 32 vehicles and tanks and bmps were used there, and in fact one of the groups made its way to the ee forest, which is located just east of they tried to gain a foothold there, i think it was on the fourth of in the morning, i think that by the end of the day they were knocked out there, and the second group, eight armored vehicles
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from khromovoy there, moved along the landing, reached chasivyar, a certain area there, and again went into the forest and there landed the paratroopers who had to gain a foothold in the forest, now we have... a situation when just east of chasivyar, there are a certain number of russians who are trying to gain a foothold there, but i hope that now the dynamics are such that they have been kicked out from there, although this area is still the same , if you look there on the map to the east of chasivyar, we can see such a certain wedge in v our line of defense, but this line of defense actually... this is not the main line of defense, which is defended there, there is the main line of defense, it is the one that passes along the channel of seversky donets, donbas, and there is a sweat...
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fortification systems, yes that now we have a story, when the enemy managed to run a certain distance there, there remains a certain distance to the high-rises, but i repeat, i am sure that during this time from the fourth to today , the russians have already been knocked out there due to artillery, but apart from this attack, in connection with the attack on the times, it should also be remembered that the enemy used i also saw aviation there, but there is a video from the 67th mechanized brigade, which carries out defense there, when on this video you can see that these su-25 players carry out an attack with their means of impression on the russian colony, which is advancing there for a while, so we see , that this is such a good enough example of how the russians destroy their units, but
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the question is different, if there are su-25s flying nearby... yarol, this means that we need more manpads to destroy this aircraft, but combat the actions were not only on there were attacks on klishchivka, on ivanivske, literally a couple of days ago, and there, too, under klishchiivka, a new tactic of the enemy was used, when the enemy tried to break through to our positions at the expense of motorcycles at high speed . pass, then on the way back, they start throwing smoke grenades, already under the cover of smoke , the infantry tries to enter, advance to the tick, and the artillery in this case is quite difficult to work, you can only use there are fp drones with thermal imagers, but such attacks were repelled, but all the same, the enemy is trying to use any tricks there to reach our positions, there near ivanivskyi
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, near knishchiivka, there, i repeat, the 67th brigade is active there, helping to repel this enemy attack where there were those 32 combat units, of which 19 were destroyed, were assisted by artillery and the fifth separate assault brigade , there was ammunition for this work, but still our military says that more ammunition is needed, so in any case this area around the times... yara along all these directions bohdanivka, ivanivske, khromove, chasivyar, the frontal attack, kryhshchyivka - this is what , i think, will be the hottest area in the coming days, unequivocally. that 's right, the avdiiv front, did you manage to stabilize the situation in the end? the avdiiv front is a line in our country that actually covers a number
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of settlements, starting from there in berdych. is it orlivka, pervomaiske and so on, what can be said, in fact now in berdych, where the 47th brigade is holding the defense, the enemy is being destroyed quite actively, although there are advancing in berdychi itself for several hundred meters, the enemy managed to advance a little there, i think that this situation is due to counterattacking actions. will be corrected, the situation is also positive in nevilskyi, the enemy there reported a few days ago that nevelskyi had been captured there, de facto in a couple of days the enemy was pushed back 500 meters from nevelskyi, so our units are actually making progress there, although all the section to the west of avdiivka remains extremely
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difficult, they are active there. i will repeat ours there the 47th brigade, the third separate assault brigade, other units, so in any case this direction really remains just as difficult, as well as other areas, in particular near liman, there were also enemy attacks by mechanized units, they were destroyed, disrupted due to the work there of artillery and semi-drones, which are in the hands of ukrainian soldiers, well, they demonstrate positive, impressive results. yes, let's go to the uglodar marin direction now, we'll still have time, he says, because the situation in novomykhaivka is difficult, is there a threat there a breakthrough, well, actually, when we talk about a breakthrough, we often usually use this word, i think even excessively often, we can talk about the fact that the situation around novomykhaivka remains difficult, in fact, like this entire direction, the enemy...


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