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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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our 47th brigade, the third separate assault brigade, and other units are operating in a difficult way there, so in any case, this direction really remains just as difficult, as well as other areas, in particular near lehman, the enemy’s attacks were also mechanized units, they were destroyed, disrupted due to the work there and the artillery and povidrons, which are in the hands of ukrainian soldiers, well, they demonstrate, well... positive, impressive results, yes, let's go to the ughlodar marine direction now, we'll still have time, he says, because it's difficult the situation in novomykhaivka, is there a threat of a breakthrough there, well, in fact, when we talk about a breakthrough, we often usually use this word, i think even excessively often, we can talk about the fact that the situation around novomykhaivka remains difficult, in fact, as this entire direction of the enemy . that advanced to
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novomykhaivka, but right now we can see this map exactly, but all the settlements around maryanka, which we usually mention, this is exactly victory, and krasnohorivka, yegorhiivka and so on, then our troops are holding back there of the enemy's attack, we understand that this direction is important for the enemy in order to ensure the advance there from the north to the west. but the strength of the enemy's resources on all areas of the front, i think that now it is not enough for any such breakthroughs, which are often mentioned by our soldiers and journalists there, the situation remains extremely difficult, but not such that it can be said that the enemy there are conditions there to ensure some operational or, even more so, strategic breakthroughs, and here we have three minutes, well one and a half minutes each for questions, the first in the direction of sibersk is trying
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to make a new big encirclement, are there really such risks? well, i would rather not say that here the enemy is trying to create a large encirclement, the enemy is trying to level the so-called northern ledge, now we see this map, this ledge, somewhat reminiscent of the story from avdiivka, when from several directions the enemy is trying to ensure attacks precisely in direction siverska is here, well, one of the only things that can be noted there is that the enemy managed, the enemy managed to advance towards the notch, yes, that is, it is one of the directions towards siversk, assault groups and armored vehicles were also used there, this is what the enemy managed to do there this week, this direction is important for the enemy in order to somehow create the prerequisites for actions in the liman direction, because the exit to siversk, to the liman - this is vla. in fact, the elements
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of one such solitaire in order to , well, create the prerequisites, i repeat , the advance in the lyman direction, the situation there is not easy, but in particular, when we talk even there about the lyman direction in the thorns, then the enemy also used armored vehicles for assaults, but the actions of the 12th brigade of the azov national guard there, the actions of other brigades there. also led to enemy losses in armored vehicles, the enemy is now trying, by the way, to actively use armored vehicles, because the impression is that he, well, understands that there is a certain window of opportunity due to the limited number of supplies of the ukrainian army and is trying to press there on different areas of the front, looking for weak spots there, but i repeat, he does not succeed, because even under the estuaries in the area there thorn, the enemy had significant losses in both manpower and equipment. and the last thing,
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we don’t have time for that, but will 3,000 ukrainian drones fly for 300 km, we have samples of drones with such a range, it’s true, so i hope that even 300 km will be such that they will be able to fly on the territory of the russian federation. thank you very much, serhiy, it was serhiy zgrets, director of the defenseexpress agency. the host makes military summaries of the day. thank you, vasyl, thank you to our viewers, i hope the next one. week will be somewhat easier for our armed forces in the destruction of the enemy's forces, well, we continue, i have a plot for your attention, the russians are constantly storming the donetsk region, launching hundreds of drones at the positions of our military, because of this it is difficult to evacuate, evacuate the wounded, how the soldiers, volunteers of the 67th mechanized division defend the city brigade to... a volunteer
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ukrainian corps, see further in our story: during the yar in donetsk region became a key point that the russians want to capture. after the occupation of bakhmut, now heavy fighting continues there, the defense of the city is held by units of the armed forces of ukraine, among them volunteer soldiers of the 67th separate mechanized brigade duk. as for the situation in the time gap, it is now very tense, it is this direction that the enemy is constantly storming and trying to take our positions, and the confrontation is now quite aggressive. the enemy has been constantly attacking for the past few days, the enemy does not stand still, unfortunately, and now they have so many drones that our guys, who are already trained in combat, can sometimes simply go from point to point for hours, because they are hanging,
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well, honestly, just hundreds, just swarms, through constant assaults by the russian army, there are a lot of wounded in the brigade, evacuations take place day and night, there is a lack of protective equipment and... therefore sometimes it is not possible to take our comrades from the battlefield. two of our guys recently left by car to the position where they could get to where they were supposed to get to, or rather the evacuation point, the disembarkation point, and then they had to reach the position, then it is impossible to do it by car, it has to be done on foot, and just so you understand , that they were just walking, there were only two of them, that is, it is not a group, like we attack this is not a technique that we attack with fpv drones, they can afford to launch four drones in two people. that's why, for example, we still can't get one of these guys out, because there's just a lot of fire. in order to be able to evacuate their comrades at least at night, the soldiers of the 67th
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brigade need thermal imaging ponchos. this is the dominant height of the times, and if god forbid, the enemy will capture it. he will be able to advance very easily further, and these are konstantinivka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, sloviansk, and there he will advance even easier, that is, times - this is both strategic and tactical and generally very important for the lives of people who live behind, that is , in those cities where there is still life, because in the time abyss it is almost gone, support the soldiers, it is with your... help that they will be able buy the protection they need and restrain the enemy on the battlefield. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel. join us, please, let's support our soldiers, because they actually save the lives of people who are especially in the time gap and behind the time gap. well, now about the news, i
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will tell you in detail the most important of what happened as of now, at 7 o'clock. the number of victims has increased, unfortunately, in zaporizhzhia, previously three people died as a result of the attack. 13 people were injured, the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov, said. four injured are in serious condition. the occupiers struck again while rescuers, police and journalists were working on the scene. as reported by the public, three high-rise buildings, one private sector building, a dormitory and a shop were damaged. are attacking in such a way as to kill ukrainian rescuers and law enforcement officers, the occupiers have changed the tactics of attacks on kharkiv, the regional administration said, the russians are shelling residential areas and attacking the same places a second time when emergency services arrive to eliminate the consequences of enemy attacks. under
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the enemy's sights, the energy sector in kharkiv region is still one of the most difficult situations with electricity, on average the lights are turned off there for six hours a day, electricity is guaranteed. residents have only two hours, however, at night with electricity almost all residents of kharkiv are provided for, announced the head of the region, olek senigubov. there is not enough electricity for 300,000 townspeople and half a million residents of the region. the blackout schedules introduced at the beginning of the week do not correspond to reality, and they are constantly being adjusted. at the same time, we face the problem that our networks are internal. in the region they can't stand it, that is , the voltage, and we had two emergency ones this day alone, that is, from a blackout, where we had to additionally adjust people's blackouts accordingly. we understand the current situation is unstable, so limit the use
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of elevators, because we faced the fact that we really had emergencies from disconnection, so, well, really do everything possible in order to be as autonomous as possible. the russians injured a 47-year-old resident of the village of duchany in the kherson region, he suffered an explosive and craniocerebral injury, a shrapnel injury to the spine, the regional military administration reported. doctors assess his condition as moderate. the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyy, arrived on a working visit to chernihiv region, he checked the progress construction of fortifications on the border, in particular, inspected the stronghold, these are reinforced concrete structures, trenches, dugouts. the head of state also reported on the creation of three lines of defense along the entire border with russia and belarus, a continuous strip of non-explosive obstacles and mine barriers. they also discussed opposition. in all
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border regions, the problems are the same, constant russian bullying, shelling, terror. on 15 thousand residents of the border communities of chernihiv oblast, who are subjected to constant such attacks from russia, the terrorists released 15 thousand shells for the past year. three. shelling of ukraine by the russians since the beginning of this year for comparison. in the 23rd, the occupiers ransacked our state 66,000 times. this information was provided by the deputy minister of internal affairs of ukraine, oleksiy serhiyev , during a meeting with representatives of the christian social union in the land parliament of bavaria. kremlin snipers attack mainly with guided aerial bombs and drones target civilian objects and critical infrastructure objects. from the beginning. large-scale russian the invasion damaged 217,000 objects - sergeev concluded. and in
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the russian-ukrainian crimea, which is occupied by russia, there are explosions, traffic on the crimean bridge has been blocked, and a siren is sounding in the sevastopol military units, eyewitnesses report this in the peninsula's pubs. according to locals , the sounds of explosions were heard near feodosia and in the area of ​​the old crimea, as well as in ordzhinikidze. the occupation authorities of the peninsula did not comment. there were no reports of explosions or alarms in crimea. important negotiations, prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal met with the president of lithuania gitanos nausieda in vilnius. the prime minister thanked the lithuanian leader for his support of ukraine and said that he expects continued cooperation in the defense field. together with nausieda, they discussed sanctions and the confiscation of russian assets, as well as humanitarian aid and the integration of ukraine. the european union and the north atlantic alliance. he took
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half a million hryvnias for himself, or to be evidence in the case. an ex-law enforcement officer from zhytomyr oblast was brought before the court during a search of a drug-trafficking suspect the policeman found the money, but did not deposit it or return it even after the court ordered the money to be returned to the owner, the state bureau of investigation said. he is currently dismissed from his position as such. the wage earner faces up to eight years in prison. and the security service of ukraine reported another suspicion of treason against kremlin propagandist mykhailo shpiri. currently, he is hiding in the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region. the man approved the detonation of the tower of the ukrainian mobile communications and broadcasting operators, when russians were fleeing from the right bank, and the russian general staff publicly called for missile strikes on ukraine's energy facilities. last year, the occupiers awarded him a medal before the full-scale invasion, and the spire was
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a frequent guest on tv channels of viktor medvedchuk, who is, let me remind you, a state traitor. last year in june, he was sentenced in absentia for his actions to 10 years in prison, but now he faces a more severe punishment. return our relatives, with this slogan in the center of lviv, military families came out to support the prisoners and the missing. requirements for participants. one action: not to be silent about those from whom there is still no news and who are in russian captivity, the relatives of soldiers from the 24th separate mechanized brigade joined the action, some of them have not had any news about their closest relatives for more than 20 months, they came out to support the relatives of the prisoners and caring lviv residents. yes, unfortunately, since june 22, i have been looking for my husband volodymyr lukashuk, there is no information about him, together with women who also
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have such a problem, who are facing with the fact that there is absolutely no information, for their relatives, we have united and once again want to remind the society, international organizations, in particular ukrainians, that the war continues, the war continues, it is necessary to support our defenders in every possible way, to support seven missing persons and prisoners. bring back the 24th brigade, bring back the 24th brigade. it was first heard that lviv doctors operated on two children. patients with profound hearing loss underwent cochlear implantation, and after the pen, the children were fitted with medical devices. how to fly feels and reacts to sounds, our journalists will tell. crying and interested. this is how three-year-old diana reacts to the first sounds in her life. due to premature birth, the child
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lost his hearing. a month ago, the young patient was operated on and a cochlear implant was installed. i am very happy, and somehow i want to cry, and it is scary, because this is such an important step in her life, everything is healing well for her, the scar has already turned even white, so everything is fine, after the ear is healed, the implant is also adjusted for the three-year-old matviyka, the boy was born with a congenital defect hearing impairment, due to which he hardly speaks, when everything is working, here it flashes, you see green, yes, of course, i see, it means here. she works well. with the help of a computer , the audiologist transmits sound signals to the child's auditory nerve. the operation was successful, everything is fine, everything has healed well. the male is generally small behind the ear, almost nothing is visible, but he recovered well, without problems. this is a chance for my son's future to live a full life.
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cochlear implants are installed in cases where hearing aids do not help children. apparatus: in the children's medicine center of the ohmadit hospital, five children were operated on free of charge, ear implants were donated by an american manufacturer, the price of one of these is approximately $25,000. it is an internal device, it is there for life, there, the inner ear, it is already the size it should be, therefore, accordingly , it has been known there for many tens of years that nothing in particular grows there anymore, therefore it does not need to grow, and the outer part will work, the outer part perceives sounds. through the magnet transmits to the inner part, that through the electrode transmits the auditory nerve and then the child hears. after self-testing, patients adapt to the implant and work with speech therapists to develop speech. the preparation went on for years, but now we have a team that can do it, we have international support from specialists from belgium, poland, europe who help, we have state support in
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the form of cochlear implants and the entire hospital system that helps those children to develop and hear. this year, the lviv children's medicine center of the okhmadyt hospital will receive 10 ear implants free of charge within the framework of the state funding program, hearing will also be restored in hospitals in dnipro, kyiv, vinnytsia and other cities. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr stydenyi, espresso tv channel. well, we continue the big ether and i join the conversation of yuli fizer. the world about ukraine. yury, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time today. in particular, about the following: allies should redouble their efforts to provide assistance to ukraine. the pentagon is not helps the armed forces of our country destroy russian oil refineries, and robert fico, the prime minister of slovakia , sings a song about peace at the negotiating table again. my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine, and i'm starting right now. well
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, let me start with this: the leaders of the nato member countries , most likely, with a huge probability , will not invite ukraine to the north atlantic alliance at the summit, which is scheduled for july and will be timed to the 75th anniversary of the creation of this military-political bloc. about this journalists of the new york times reported with reference to informed sources. according to published information, in nato buca. fears that through the collective security agreement, ukraine may drag the alliance into quote: the largest land war in europe since 1945, this is the end of quote. in particular , unfortunately, the united states of america and germany oppose ukraine joining the military bloc. instead of an invitation , western countries want to make it clear to ukraine what conditions we must fulfill in
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order to start negotiations on joining the alliance and at the same time, because of the war with russia , none. these things will not matter, as new york times journalists write, until july. unfortunately, this information was also confirmed by the ministry of foreign affairs of estonia, the minister, the head of this foreign policy department of our country. friends, margus tsakhna stated that ukraine's membership in nato will not be a priority at the summit to be held in the united states of america. in july, according to him, this is due to the difficult situation on the battlefield, as well as differences of opinion among the leaders countries, members of the north atlantic alliance, regarding precisely the accession. ukraine, well, we fully understand that they want us to end the war as soon as possible and start negotiations on accession only after the end of the war,
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so they should, in my opinion, make every effort to ensure that we were able to defeat the aggressor in this war. nato allies are sending significant military support to ukraine, the secretary general said. jens stoltenberg of the north atlantic alliance said in an interview with the polish television according to him, the provision of military aid for ukraine's fight against russian aggression should not only continue. no, mr. stoltenberg believes that this activity needs to be strengthened, his brief quote continues, and to transfer even more, especially air defense systems. this is the end of the quote, but send your military personnel to ukraine to participate in hostilities, says mr. secretary general of the country. nato members will not and are not even going to do this. if the united states of america refuses to
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its obligations, it will have very serious consequences and impact on global security. united states secretary of state anthony blinken said this after a two-day meeting with colleagues from nato member states in brussels. according to him. everyone in the north atlantic alliance hopes that in the near future the house of representatives of the us congress will finally pass a bill to allocate additional aid to ukraine in the amount of more than 60 billion dollars. but at the same time antony blinken noted that ponato's allies still do not believe that this vote will take place in the near future and once again emphasized that ukraine urgently needs additional aid. we will hear. united states secretary of state anthony blinken in direct speech. today we talked about the fact that we all
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need to immediately check our own stocks and think carefully about what else we can give to ukraine. we know its needs - these are means of anti-aircraft defense, artillery, ammunition. so i believe, based on what i heard today, that everyone, including the united states of america should reconsider its own positions. the need to redouble efforts to find resources that ukraine continues to need. well , not everyone, but some leaders of some countries, members of nato, should reconsider their positions, but double down, well, it would seem, maybe even everyone, because it is extremely important for us. and the secretary of state of the united states of america, antony blinken, said during this press briefing that ukraine is currently struggling on its way to financial stability. and military independence, i will quote him later i will read: we are on a trajectory where ukraine in the medium and long
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term will be able to stand very firmly on its own feet in military, economic and democratic terms. well, such words are pleasing, but i still want more help, in particular from the united states of america, and from there every day there are some insecure people. uncertain information, then mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, is going to vote on the 9th to at least put to a vote, the bill on the allocation of additional aid to ukraine, then they are already saying that he will consider this document no earlier than mid-april, and the chair is shaking under him, and it is not known whether he will even have time to put this bill to a vote, or, as they say, he will have time to remove himself from the negative characters of the show. well, he may want to, but somehow everything is very shaky under him, and we would like him to have time to erase himself. the us does not
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help ukraine fire at targets located outside its borders. an official representative said this during the briefing pentagon patrick ryder. according to him, ukraine receives from the united states of america only the help that allows its armed forces to defend their own. own territory and return the temporarily occupied, this is how general ryder answered a journalist's question about whether washington supports ukraine's strikes on russian oil refineries. next, a small quote from a pentagon official: we do not provide any assistance for the use of weapons supplied outside of this purpose, which is defense. i would refer you to the representatives of ukraine to tell them about their operations. after all, ukraine has repeatedly stated that it fires at targets beyond its own borders, with weapons of its own production, so let them
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not worry too much. in the united states of america in the pentagon, because these drones are friendly, friendly, they are our development, they are ours, so we do what we want to do with them. maybe it should finally give ukraine the air defense it needs, and not just limit itself to providing non-lethal military support with such a question, a member of the committee on foreign affairs of the house of representatives of the japanese. yuri chirovada addressed the minister of foreign affairs of the country of the rising sun, yoko kamikawa, today. in his opinion, it is good that official tokyo has undertaken to invest in a long-term program for the recovery of ukraine, but - he says, missiles are flying at the heads of ukrainian women and children, so it is worth giving ukrainians real protection. and then, let's listen to yui chirovada in direct speech. at the council
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promoting economic reconstruction have already said that supporting ukraine is an investment in global security and democracy. i hope you will consider the idea of ​​transferring air defense equipment such as patriots and drones to ukraine, as this will be a signpost to the creation of real peace in the future. and after that, the minister of foreign affairs of the land of the rising sun, yoko kamikawa, took the floor and spoke about it for a long time. how japan helps ukraine a lot, and japan really helps ukraine a lot, how much it does and how much this country costs us sent and how she helped us, but regarding the patriots that the member of the japanese parliament spoke about, she said: we will analyze this issue and see, well, even if we do not drag out with the analysis of that issue, but what is the most important thing here, the most important thing is that even so far in japan, which constantly, according to its
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principles, refuses to give us... this issue is being raised and not only raised, they are already turning to us and saying, maybe it's worth it? maybe they should think about it. the european union should contribute to the establishment of peace in ukraine, but not support the continuation of the war. guess who said that? yes, the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico. during the speech yesterday at the flower-laying ceremony at the slavin memorial complex, established in honor of the soldiers, the council. of the army, which was then called the red army, who died for the liberation of bratislava from the nazis. according to the head of the slovak government, it is now clear that in ukraine, as he said, there is no talent on the battlefield, in russia - says mr. fico, political plans and goals, according to which it is impossible in any case to allow her to win. therefore, mr. fizo once again called on the parties to sit down at the negotiating table. regrets, does he not understand
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that if there are such disagreements, if there are such problems, will these disagreements and problems allow us to sit down at the same table, which he calls the negotiation table, and come to an agreement, but no, well, i will remind you that the ambassadors of the member countries of the european union and great britain yesterday ignored this event and did not come, although they were invited there, all because ambassadors were present at this event in slavina. countries terrorists of russia and belarus. donald trump continues to make promises in the style of " what if i were president." the day before, the 45th owner of the white house, who has a good chance of settling in the main house of the united states for another four years, said that if he were joe biden , he would have called putin after the terrorist attack in kroc city near moscow. he said this in
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an interview with radio host hugh. at the same time , donald trump did not specify whether he would call the russian leader to warn of a terrorist attack and to pass on the intelligence available to him information or to express sympathy? well, donald trump didn't miss the opportunity either, and in order not to lash out at president joe biden, he once again insulted him and called him the most corrupt and incompetent president of the united states of america. well... whoever he calls joe biden, whatever he calls joe biden, but joe biden doesn't have as many open criminal cases against him as donald trump himself, and by the way, the day before the court in georgia, in fulton county rejected donald trump's request to have him removed charges of interfering in the 2020 presidential election under the first amendment
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to the united states constitution. america trump insisted that


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