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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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but in principle, the process is also going well, let’s say so, and considering how it is, what kind of products, what kind of nomenclature, everything is fine there, everything, but it can’t open up a little bit, but now it seems that a big meeting between the swedish defense industry association and a number of ukrainian defense companies, to exchange experience there again, what kind of event will it be, what might be in store... after such an exchange of views at the current stage of hostilities with the russian federation? well, i say, an extremely interesting experience, in what way the modern is being changed by the chaff, because many systems that are already, let’s say, morally obsolete, are in service, they need to be removed, something should be put in place of them, and for this it is necessary to understand what modern threats actually are and what, in principle, are the tactics of application , it is especially interesting. in
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the context of attacks on infrastructure, this is extraordinary, this is a unique experience, no one in the world has such experience, this is what ukraine can provide in the context of all visits, exchange of experience there and so on. sweden, for its part, will adjust its industrial ones the ability to meet the needs of the modern battlefield, or the military, in order to, let's say, address these threats, right, and mr. yuri, here... extreme questions for you already based on your experience of perceiving events on the front line , we did a program with you last year where you talked about how fpv drones will be decisive there on the battlefield, that prediction came true, but now what is your next attempt to look beyond the horizon to see exactly what will change on the front line the use of weapons there, well, for the next 3-6 months there, what should you be ready for? in certain segments
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of the use of weapons or tactics? well, thin ice, if in such broad strokes, then new purity ranges, definitely, the wider, the better, non-kinetic means of influence, electromagnetic and the like, well, yes , definitely, all types of development that only exist in radio electronics. cosmic, there is any, that is, it is all unification into a single contour, so to speak, that is, from detection to defeat in various ways, kinetic, non-kinetic, and so on, this is a perspective in the next six months of the year, you see the movement of the ukrainian side, specifically ukrainian developers, in this direction, well , of course, we will constantly get in touch with ukrainian companies, this is well... modern
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experience, we absolutely adequately analyze the current state of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is absolutely unique in the world, i will say this, there are such anomalies, phenomena that never existed, but now they are, so it must be addressed adequately, from the point of view of equipment, technical characteristics. by the way, you asked about fp drones, well, there is already a problem there, because it is all built on civilian components that in no way meet the requirements that exist now, i.e. there is simply not enough frequency resource for their effective use, mr. yuri, thank you for the inclusion, i hope that in peacetime we let's talk in more detail about what means were used in the war, and technological things that affected the enemy, for now we are silent about it, thanks for the inclusion, let me remind you that it was yuriy voytenko, the founder and head of the swedish company wirles ptp technology, which for a long time now works in sweden, supplies technological...
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products for nato countries and has close contacts with ukraine. if we sum up, we can say that there are essential prerequisites for the ukrainian army to become stronger due to cooperation with foreign companies, not all companies, european and american, have the same strategies and views on cooperation with ukraine. it largely depends on their policy, but sometimes it is. five on the example of the ukrainian side, when we talk about a certain bureaucracy, labyrinths in the creation of such active, working relations with foreign companies, we hope that the ukrainian side will get rid of these defects as soon as possible and we will have much more effective results in the creation of new types of weapons together with american and european defense companies, stay tuned to the channel from the press, there will be a lot of interesting things to come. see
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this week in the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova, candidates for vacant positions in the courts, why the wife. the ex-chairman of the ukrainian people's liberation army decided to become a judge, based on this fact, the nazk conducted an inspection, and who will take the vacant position chair of the head of the vkk. none of the members of the commission has put forward their candidacies yet. hello, you are watching judicial review. i am tatyana shustrova. there is an acute shortage of judges in ukraine. the judicial system is overloaded. today, the shortage of the servants of themis is about 25. the higher qualification commission works non-stop. to fill vacancies as soon as possible. competitions for the constitutional court, appeals, and local judges are in full swing. we continue to introduce you to the candidates, but first to the news. higher qualification
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the commission of judges could not elect a new chairman after the dismissal of the previous chairman , roman ignatov. among the members of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine , there were no people willing to take up the vacant position. question? arose unexpectedly for all of us, officially none of the members of the commission has yet nominated their candidacy. we will remind you that on march 27, the previous head of the higher qualification commission, roman ignatov, resigned of his own free will. that year, in december , information appeared in zma that ignatov allegedly has russian citizenship. he himself denied it. at the beginning of this year in the vkk came to a conclusion to establish whether roman ignatov received russian citizenship in the 1990s . impossible currently, the state bureau of investigation is conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings against ignatov under the article on treason under martial law. the scandal regarding the alleged russian citizenship of the judge of the supreme court of ukraine bohdan lviv does not subside. the sixth
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court of appeals has begun consideration of the case on lviv's reinstatement as a judge. earlier, the court of first instance satisfied his claim and decided not only to renew the position, but also to pay the salary for the time. forced absenteeism the supreme court did not agree with this and filed an appeal. we will remind you that bohdan lviv is probably a citizen of russia. according to the journalists of the scheme project, he received his russian passport back in 1999, when he was already working as a judge in ukraine. and in 2012, at the age of 45, he renewed this document. the judge's family also owns real estate in moscow. the security service of ukraine confirmed lviv's russian citizenship. already on the last court session. the representative of the security service of ukraine reported that the law enforcement officers established through the registers that russian citizenship of lviv exists, but now it is impossible to neither prove nor disprove the information about the existence of citizenship. bohdan lviv continues to assure that there is no passport of the aggressor country.
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on june 11, the supreme court of ukraine will begin consideration of the cassation appeal against the verdict of the judge of the mukachevo city district court of the transcarpathian region mykhailo pak. he was sentenced to five years of imprisonment with confiscation. according to the materials of the investigation mykhailo for money, park made the necessary decision in the case of social security management of the mukachevo administration. and what? maybe there? says he can in 2019, the higher anti-corruption court sentenced mykhailo pak to seven years in prison. this sentence was overturned on appeal, but the supreme court remanded the case. and only that year, in december, the appeals chamber of the higher
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anti-corruption court finally put an end to mykhailo pak's case, but he filed a cassation appeal. the judicial system is being renewed in ukraine. in the midst of competitions to constitutional court, appeals, and local courts. for the first time, all these competitions are held as transparently and openly as possible. we see live the interviews, how the unscrupulous candidates are trying to manipulate the facts and how they are trying to hide the blemishes in their biography. for me, this is a conscious choice. this is lawyer oksana ovsienko. she is applying for the position of judge of the kovel district court of the volyn region. the question is for me. are not complicated, i have absolutely nothing to hide, i have logical explanations for everything issues that are presented here, she is also the wife of former member and head of the supreme council of justice andrii ovsienko, who retired in 21. this is the property that is indicated in my declaration, my declaration
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is identical to my husband's declaration, this property was acquired during the time of the joint property of the spouses. a few years ago, oksana ovsienko managed to privatize a plot of land. with an area of ​​320 m2 in a picturesque place near the lake. my husband and i planned to build a small vacation home there, this is a village, but in the village is... this one a small lake, but soon the plans changed, we decided that we will not live in this area, we will come to the city of lutsk to live, at the same time, in a conversation with my colleague kostyantyn kostyantynovich titivalov, he turned to me in a conversation to ask him sold this plot of land because he said that he found out from the cadastral maps that this plot of land borders on... his father's plot of land. i wonder why colleague ovsienko was looking at where she has land?
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nevertheless, according to the candidate, evaluation the value of the land was supposedly small, so much so that she simply gave it away. in addition, my husband and konstantin were classmates and they were, well, they were acquaintances. but the story is a bit more interesting. three weeks after receiving the gift, the brother of colleague ovsienko kostyantyn. roman, the judge of the torii district court of the volyn region, announced the decision in the case in favor of ovsienko's client. interesting coincidence, isn't it? and what would have happened if you had not given or sold this plot of land to a relative of the judge, yes, obviously he could have taken offense at you, well theoretically, i don't think so, i believe that directly, for example, a judge and his brother are completely two... they are families, they do not live together, that is, they do not have common rights and obligations as family members of the
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it is interesting that, according to avtomaidan, from 2015 to 2017, the candidate represented the parties in as many as 15 cases heard by this particular judge. later, when ovsienko's husband became a member of the high council of justice, judge roman titivalov was appointed as a judge for an indefinite period, and in 2019, when ovsienko held the position of the head of the supreme council of justice. the council helped titivalov to avoid punishment for the traffic accident he caused while driving his audi while severely intoxicated . i know that nazk conducted an inspection based on this fact, the family of the candidate for the position of judge and former head of the supreme council of justice lives in a house of 124 m2 and has 15 acres of land under it. oksana ovsienko also managed to obtain and privatize it for free. this plot of land was acquired by me in the process of privatization
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, our land house is located on this plot of land, the cost, why i did not specify, since there was no need, we had no desire not to sell, that is, there was no need to appraise this lot, since it was acquired free of charge. we admire the character of oksana ovsienko in acquiring land for free, but it did not help her pass. interview, explanation of dubious property schemes did not satisfy the commission. and this is hanna andrienko, the judge of the oktyabr district court of the city of poltava, and she has a very poor immunity. he fails her every time on the eve of the qualifying assessment. andrienko did not come for the interview for the fourth time, because got sick in fact, we have every reason to suspect that in this way the judge is banally trying to escape in time. rate until the interview, because if, after the qualification assessment, the commission finds her
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unfit for the position of a judge, she will be dismissed, in return, the resignation will allow her to retain all her judicial privileges and a considerable lifetime allowance from the state. there are reasons to worry. according to the conclusion of the public integrity council, judge andrienko closed at least 49 cases related to driving on tipping public the council of probity draws attention to the fact that the judge's missing the deadlines for bringing persons to justice under article 130 of the code of ukraine on administrative offenses is systematic, there is insufficient justification in the motivational part of the decisions to explain why the judge missed the deadline in such a large number of cases. a disciplinary complaint against andrienko from the foundation is currently being considered by the supreme council of justice. where is yure? it refers to the fact that the judge could submit fakes to the vrp documents in order to avoid
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disciplinary action. the result of considering just this complaint may be the dismissal of andrienko, which she is trying so hard to avoid. therefore, the illness did not prevent the judge from submitting a resignation letter to the supreme council of justice and an application to the higher qualifications commission to terminate the qualification assessment in relation to her. the judge during his illness also. sometimes she appeared at other meetings, but she never made it to the evaluation. we hope that soon the supreme council of justice will stop this manipulative an attraction of wit and cunning. for today, i have everything, it was the program judicial control and i am tetyana shostrova. if you have information about unscrupulous judges and facts of corruption in the judicial system, please let me know on facebook or at the email address you see on the screen now. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory today program minus 6 enemy planes, massive drone attack in the rostov region. achieved the goal. why is the west still against strikes on the territory of the russian federation? in search of patriots. allies will try to collect additional air defense systems for ukraine around the world. what other help can be expected from nato. alternative formulas for peace. russia is promoting the chinese
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format of transition, and nato is discussing the accession of ukraine in return for the relinquishment of the occupied territories. are they possible? compromises about this and other things during the next hour we talk with ours major of the armed forces of ukraine, special forces ihor lapin, and oleg rybachuk, former head of yushchenko's presidential office, were guests. the second part of our program will include my colleagues from the journalism club, oleksiy mustafin and andriy yanitskyi. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of ukrainians last night. drones attacked three russian military airfields in morozovsk, yesk and engels at once, as it was, let's see, strongly.
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friends, in the course of our program, we conduct survey, today we ask you the following: do you consider mikhail bulgakov a ukrainophobe? yes, no, please vote
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on our youtube, it's quite simple, either yes or no, write your comment under this video if you... watch us on tv, take your smart phone or phone and vote if you do you consider bulgakov a ukrainophobe, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and we have our first guest on the line, this is igor lapin, major of the armed forces forces of ukraine, special officer, people's deputy of the eighth convocation, mr. major, i congratulate you, thank you for being with... with us today, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. major, let's start our conversation with today's large-scale drone attack on russian airfields, the main intelligence agency together with the armed forces of ukraine organized an operation on the night of april 5, in the framework of which strikes were carried out on three russian airfields, in particular in morozovsk,
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yesk and engels . it is reported that serious damage was received. at least three strategic tu-95 ms bombers at the engels-2 airfield, seven occupiers have already died there, among them may be bomber pilots, and two enemy su-25s were completely burned in yeysk, and there is still talk of destroying another airfield in kursk, the results this large-scale large-scale attack is still being clarified, do you think the pace of ukraine's transfer of the war to the territory of russia is sufficient? oh, of course, you know, like all ukrainians, i can say, of course. want more, more, more, because well frankly speaking, ukraine is being dismantled into molecules, a large number
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of territories and infrastructure objects have been destroyed, recently we also know about dniproges and everything, well, that is, the russians are engaged in such terrorist attacks on civilian infrastructure, we, in turn, destroy, try to destroy what we can get, thank god, i am pleased with the range of these hits, it is very pleasing, i am pleased that our drones work accurately, so there is a certain degree of possibility to counter the russian means of rebu, and therefore, it means that we are on the right path of development, so this is not yet , so to speak, this magical silver bullet for the russian military, but nevertheless, these are the first signs that we can work, of course - chasing planes on airfields is a super topic, especially if they gather there, well, until the last they were, so to speak, relaxed, but now of course, the russians will try
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to counter such attacks, and we must also understand that, so we can improvise in this story, then we worked at oil refineries, now went to airfields, well, ihor lapin has been sitting here and has been dreaming for several months about the novorossiysk transshipment base for russian oil products. and ports, port infrastructure of russia, because money goes from there, and if that, if from there, oil goes from there, and money goes there, to russia, and if there is money, then they can rebuild, they can buy and again attack ukraine , the most important thing is that the transfer of the war to the territory of the aggressor's country is the primary task that we should have today, to achieve as much as possible, and the second moment, we need to hit... well, let's say carriers, well, if we're talking about aircraft right now, that's great, but in general we need to think about how we can hit their launchers, where they're firing missiles like
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the s- 300, near the border areas, kharkiv region or zaporizhzhia, there or the same dnipro and so on, that is, we need to try to achieve further results and also develop our missile program, because the drone flies for a very long time and of course no... this installation will not stand there for a day and wait for her a drone will arrive, so we need to work on the development of the missile program and the release of additional missiles, well, we have a good analogue of hymars, the same vilha missile, well, of course, the range there is not so great, but scientists said that it is possible to increase it, i remember i am listening to these conversations, then we have the capabilities of the neptune missile, which can be reconfigured so that it works not only against ships, but also against ... accompanying targets, so we must move in this direction and we must not forget about our own missile program what a peregrine falcon it can hit very far, and it also needs
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to be finished, because it was ready, well , it was 75% ready for a long time, well, time passes, the war continues and it should not be abandoned either, so i congratulate today's successes, sincere thanks, i sincerely say , when it is necessary to criticize, we criticize, but when it is necessary to thank the main intelligence department. the security service of ukraine, they did a great job here. the president of estonia, alar karis, considers ukraine's attacks on military targets on the territory of the russian federation to be legal, if they are connected with strikes on ukrainian civil and energy facilities, he said this during a meeting with the prime minister of ukraine denys shmygal, the estonian leader's press service reports. what alar karis says: russia does not set limits for itself during attacks on ukraine, so we too... should not limit ourselves in providing assistance to ukraine, consider ukraine's strikes on the military and other important targets in the russian body to be completely legitimate,
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which are designed to slow down the russian military machine. mr. major, what is necessary to ukraine's right to legal attacks, as alar karis said on russia, was recognized not only by one state, or there only by the baltic states. whether in poland or the whole world. well, you know, probably experts in the field of diplomacy should say here, but i will say as a military man, a military man can say yes, we fight honestly, we fight against the russian military, we do not fight with civilians, we are not hospitals, kindergartens, and schools are of interest there, as a goal, of course, that is, but we should definitely be interested in the infrastructure facilities of the russian federations, because they are all tied to the russian... industrial complex, no matter what we do here, in order for the western world to understand our righteousness, they must stop questioning
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the concept of legal or illegal. which may be related, i will explain the logic of my sentences: our war is just, just, the destruction of infrastructure that is connected with russian aggression is just, well, since the war is just, then everything is just, because you know, that's how it turns out, yeah , if there are legitimate goals, then they can there may be some illegal goals, and let's dance, as he says dancing with tambourine around the discussion already, and which of them can be considered? and which cannot be considered are the concepts of the justice of the war, ukraine defends itself as best it can, russia is not fighting putin against us, but the russian people are fighting against us, zumbovani, not zumbum, this is generally a lyric, the question of who is fighting, putin, putin’s regime , or the russian people, the russian people, governed by the putin regime headed by putin, are fighting against us, everything, that is, everything that is on the territory of russia, which can be
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used not what is used there, but can be used for their military-industrial potential, or their service to the military and so on, it's starting from wormwood, oil, gas, it doesn't matter, anything that allows them to bring money into the budget to manufacture weapons of ukraine, anything that gives them electricity to give to the factory, also for the manufacture of weapons of ukraine, these are all already legitimate goals, so i believe that the discussion here should be on the level, ukraine has the right to... defend itself by all methods or not so, if we transfer this discussion to such a plane in international politics, then no united nations clerk there will tell us about the concern about an attack on russian oil refineries or anything else, well, for example, you understand, otherwise, otherwise nothing will happen, well, you all saw, that shahedis are made there, the russians themselves said that these students were involved in
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the production. shaheds, russian propaganda boasted that they have that factory for the production of shaheds, please tell me the personnel, dormitories, factory, warehouses with components, is this a legitimate goal for ukraine or not? that's all, if this is a legitimate goal, then we should stop these discussions in the international arena, and talk only not about legality, but only about the justice of waging war on the territory of the aggressor. full stop, war is precisely what we know... the enemy's living force, and whether it is a technician who maintains an airplane, or whether it is a designer who assembles chess pieces, it doesn't matter, well, i think so, things, as reported by reuters, with reference to the conditions of anonymity of the official representative of nato, ukrainian strikes on oil refineries in russia could knock out about 15% of russia's oil refining capacity
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at the same time... at the same time, pentagon spokesman pat ryder said that the united states of america did not supply ukraine with the means with which the defense forces hit oil refineries and other objects on the territory of russia. let's hear what he said. the aid we provide to ukraine is intended to help it defend its sovereign territory and regain its territory. we do not provide any assistance for use outside this i would advise you to visit ukraine to learn about these operations. of course, our focus is on them being able to protect themselves. mr. mayor, why is the united states of america so afraid that russia's oil refining industry will stop? well, look, i didn't hear that they were afraid there, even the specialists already understood that the russian oil refining industry does not in any way affect
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the global trend of prices for... on energy carriers, that is, that this is a drop in the ocean, as they say, world ocean of fuel, why they are afraid, why are they not afraid, well , it goes on, we hear the voices of so-called peace-loving people who sometimes say that there is no need to irritate putin, there is no need to escalate the conflict, it is necessary to put ukraine at the negotiating table, well, and further on in the text, well these doves of peace are also among the advisers of president biden, who also told... that not everything is so clear-cut with russia and ukraine, but i want to say that the question is not whether the military is afraid or not afraid and whether they will do something putin will not do something putin, or putin's rhetoric is that he what he said, that's what he is doing, he said that he will transfer nuclear weapons for brest, for belarus, for minsk, he said, he transferred, he transferred, lukashenko confirmed, confirmed, and what, where else to escalate or escalate, if it decided to blow up
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kakhovsky... the gesture blew her up, if it blew up.


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