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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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rule, well, that's what i can say for now, if there are questions, mr. volodymyr, what about water, because i saw information that people are given water with passports, moreover , they must be russian passports, i 'll tell you , there is no such thing in nova kokhovka, but the former, well, now the city of tavrizka, it used to be the eastern part of nova kakhovka, the fact that you are talking about, they gave out five-liter bottles of water... such eggplants with water and passports in the city itself, because the city is located on such an underground waterway saucers, but it has become much worse in quality, especially it was called a western settlement, it cannot be used, what happened, most likely the fall or rise of groundwater after the kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam was destroyed, that is the situation with water, but there was a period when it was served by the weather...
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it was delivered to us at all, because there was no electricity in novaya kakhovka for a month and a half, but it was turned on literally a week ago. uh, actually, i read a story where a woman came to get this water, and she lost her nerve, and she shouted to the russian soldiers, to one of them, that they should get out of here, to which he started shooting in the air and threatening her that he would just shoot her, well, this is some kind of unbearable simple life. i was told about this by a person who... didn't see it, it really was such an event, and besides, listen, i wanted to ask one more thing, mr. volodymyr, if you read the balance, the balance, then he literally, well, writes every day, that the ukrainian army shelled a new tile, he has other legends there says that the ukrainian army is attacking a bread truck, they fired at a car carrying loaves of bread. the ukrainian army fired at
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the hospital, the ukrainian army fired at the mobile tower and the repair crew that was repairing mobile communications, the ukrainian army fired at the gas workers, the gas workers came to repair the gas pipeline, they were killed, well, he has a new tile every day, well, that's what you read, that's what you think, well in general, but people there simply believe what the balance says, what is actually happening in the new tile house, i understand that there may be shelling and by heimers, they fly there... where you just need a heimer - it's definitely a weapon, but what 's really going on in a hideout? at the beginning of our conversation, i told you that these were individual shots, arrivals, respectively, primarily at observation points, there was not a single such shot that would have caused not only damage, but even more so led to any kind of sacrifice, and as of today day, regarding drones, i want to say that
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today there are much more russian drones flying over novaya kakhovka, and russia ukrainian drones are flying in, monitoring the situation in order to know what is going on, but it seems to me that when there is nothing to write about, and to write what is already necessary, you have to work, yes, uh, the money you applied for, or what did you do there, you can write anything. novakohavchany today, you know, the city is so quiet, because the coast is mined, everyone is waiting for us. on the right side, and the enemy moved 10 km away and there are 5 eight, 10, and in the very place there is nothing, what is there, well, there have been cases that the drone, so if after 5 minutes it shoots a camera crew of a russian tv channel appears, then it is clear what kind of shots they are, and in the same tsnap, ours, which we did where they gave out these funds, only touched the upper floor, did not destroy it.
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not a single piece of glass, but a tv report about it instantly appeared, so i don’t know anything of the sort . the people of novokokhov do not confirm that the armed forces of ukraine are harming them in any way, the only thing that the people of novokokhov are pressing for is time, yes, which, unfortunately, well, so far they have not given opportunities for them to breathe clean air, in your opinion, what is happening now with schoolchildren who already the third year in the occupation? and have to go to school, listen to all this, sing the russian national anthem, enroll in some patriotic russian organizations, listen to all this delusional political information in lessons, what is happening to those little ukrainians, young ukrainians, that they, or they or they proudly, i can proudly say that nova kakhovka, maybe it is related, rather it is related to the position. teaching staff
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of novaya kokhovka and our citizens, we do not have any educational institution or preschool institution, do not work, we have clearly organized online. the education of children and the absolute majority of ukrainian residents of navokahavchan left, well, in general, 50 , more than 50,000 residents of the community left 65 outside the borders, so the training takes place in the rear occupied territories, as far as i know, there 20, and even more 40, 50 km away these are skadovsk, syrogozy, kalanchak, henichesk. there is a process there, we do not have this process in novaya kokhovka, i know that there are families who have left, well, i know a small number of them, who have left for the arbatsk arbatska shrelka, well, they have small children, so they the children are at home, the educational process in
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novaya kakhovka is completely absent from the first day of occupation until today, i will finally ask you about the fact that the cabinet of ministers granted the building of the historical center of novaya kakhovka the status of memory. of national importance, what does this mean for the new tiling, what does it mean for the residents of the new tiling? you know, the city really existed, it is 72 years old, the city was really built, you know the ukrainian word lalochka, yes, it was so cute, the old part of the city is two or three-story buildings with tiled roofs the roof and the famous... our master artist dovzhenko, well, not oleksandr petrovych, but hryhoriy, with a team, they made these famous embroidered panels, stuccoes on every house, the location of the blocks, seven, including the palace of culture, the summer one there, that’s all belongs precisely to the status
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of architectural values, it is very good that it has been given such a status, although i want to say that it will have this status, it is limiting. the possibility of any independent actions to repair the housing there, well, i think, as soon as we release, this mechanism will be solved, because this part of the city that has been granted this status, it will be necessary, if it is to be restored after god forbid the destruction, then it will be constructed according to the architectural norms that are currently approved, are and are accepted in this document, stone embroideries, that what are you talking about, this stucco. and i would actually like to visit the new tile shop one day, to see them, you know, i was 15 years old, 15 years ago, when, so to speak, this topic did not sound, i asked a photographer, and he took pictures of all of them for me, because all these stucco sticky
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they are completely different, yes, they reflect the so -called socialist realism, there are also lifting cranes, but these are elements of the construction of kakhovskaya hess, and i want to say that i buried this album in the glebo, i hope, well, i am sure that i will return it someday, there are 800 or so photos, completely, i remember, even the price for which this photographer gave me, so to speak, but that's not the point, the point is that it is definitely there in the photos, my god, this is where i chew something in ukrainian history , when people bury something in the hope that it will come back one day will find, as... as a memory and as a preservation of that life, which the russians also come and take away, well, but i feel, you know, in this there is some, how should i say, hope, but also the pride of the moment, because we found ourselves where the founders of the ukrainian people's republic were 100 years
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ago, we are once again giving an answer to the question of mykhailo hrushevskyi, the first head of the ukrainian state of the central rada, who wrote this pamphlet at the time. who are ukrainians, what do they want, today we answer this question, who are they the ukrainians, what do they want, and the russians again, again do not like our answer, they want to destroy us again, that's all, mr. volodymyr, good luck, i don't know if they see us in the new kakhovka, but maybe through some of your channels, through acquaintances convey that, so that they do not lose hope, i want to say that he sees, from time to time, a phone call comes, they say... you saw you, hope has revived in us again with new strength, so that he sees, he sees not only the new tilers, but also chatter from chatter i was called there from hornets, so there is someone who sees your channel and there, uh, well, i hope that it adds
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some strength, understanding the circumstances in which these people live, thank you for taking the time to talk to us, volodymyr kovalenko, mayor of novoi kakhovka, was in touch with us, they talked about what life looks like now in the occupied territories, and i hope that these conversations actually show our people, who are treated by all kinds of balances from all sides, and not only them. from small to large, of course, our people are also guilty of something, well, the balance was the mayor, legally elected kherson, do you understand? well, of course, we are all responsible for our miscalculations, for our bad choices, for our laziness, for our indolence, for our unwillingness to include the city occasionally, or all the time, but, but, well, we are all responsible for happened in the end, not only putin is guilty of this war, all of russia is guilty of this. russian culture, but we are also to blame, because we did not want to be ukrainian culture,
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did not want to be ukrainians, now we will make them pay such a price, well, you see, the third year has passed full-scale second, but there is still a huge part of ukrainians who cling, for example, to bulgakov like a louse on a coat and cannot let him go and cannot come to terms with the fact that he is not a ukrainian, but an anti-ukrainian writer, let's ask dmytro zabavin, a deputy mariupol city council, or? uh, bulgakov should remain in ukrainian culture, mr. dmytro, what do you think? good morning to you, i believe that everything that is anti-ukrainian and everything that calls for the so-called building of the russian empire should disappear altogether from ukrainian circulation forever, and taking into account what is happening now. in mariupol, we see how children in mariupol
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are being instilled with everything, russian and from the side of propaganda, it should also have the consequences of a ban and accordingly, because it is an element of propaganda that hammers into the head, into the head from kindergarten, these russian narratives, well , i remember that when... in mariupol, i was once very impressed by the monument to gleb zhiglov in the image of volodymyr vladimir vysotsky in mariupol , you know the truth, he is there and this monument remains, and it was damaged by the way, and during the battles it was restored there by the occupiers, the occupiers generally destroyed everything they saw on their way, that is, they did not care about their fables there with... russian culture and so on, they destroyed everything, even that which had elements
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of the soviet system, and this is confirmed, for example, recently the occupiers published information that only since the beginning of the year their sappers eliminated 3 thousand explosive objects, that is, imagine how much the occupation will receive in general... fields was applied guns, if only since the beginning of this year they themselves published such information about 3 00 unexploded shells. imagine how many there were in general, if they officially published such a number. a scandal arose, in german, the german public broadcaster, the ard tv channel, made a program in which he talked about what was going on in the reconstruction. companies from germany also participate in mariupol, in particular
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, cement produced by the knav company is used, and there are also some concrete structures of some other company, i can't find it now. yes, concrete blocks from the german company vkb systems, have you heard anything about it, or can you confirm or do you know any acquaintances who can confirm it with'. who remained in mariupol, we are looking for confirmation of this information, if it is confirmed, these are absolutely unacceptable things, taking into account the fact that the whole world knows how the russians are doing the so-called reconstruction of mariupol, and that those houses, well, recently i was sent photos of the second plot districts of mariupol. er, that is, where the occupiers fired the most, this is also the area of ​​the street
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azovstalska, these are the houses that were next to each other, the occupiers just demolished the area there, because the density of shelling there was simply terrifying, and imagine, they just took everything, all this construction debris with concrete and... they did not exhume the bodies of the killed we eat people, that is, they blocked it with a fence and then took it to the landfill, then they mixed all this manure. simply processed into a mixture and used for the construction of the next one, and if, and if the german company turns out to be true, that they are cooperating, well, let know what they are participating in and what so-called reconstruction they are participating in
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by selling their goods to the occupiers who staged such a genocide in mariupol, literally. they are rebuilding the city for the people of mariupol on the bones of the people of mariupol that they killed, how will they rebuild it, but again in andryushchenko i saw, he posted a video of the foothills area, and how many destroyed houses there are in fact, but they are now, in addition to that, that there are destroyed houses, the russians have chosen their delicacies in mariupol and are going to build seaside district, we have already shown a few shots of what it should look like, i understand that they want to build some kind of olin-cluse there, well, it’s terrible, they are building something, yes, they are building something, of course, but what do they want to do? they are even in those damaged houses of the central district, that is, where it is attractive for investment, they do not repair these houses there yet,
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or they pretend that they are repairing, but to the people who stayed there and survived. property they issue so-called barracks, which they are built on the outskirts of the central district and accordingly they give them there, they say, here is a new apartment for you, but these three-story barracks, they are not even connected to the general sewage system, i.e. there is a septic tank, everything is already deteriorating there, the walls are cracking, well, it was built there on quickly in order to simply brush people off. who still have property in the central district, but these houses, which they will later repair and build in these cities, they will, of course, simply sell for mortgages and make huge profits from it money, especially since their propaganda works in this direction, it is aimed at the domestic consumer, that is,
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it is the sea, it is very nice to come there, and the russians who... come, invest their money in this housing, i.e. mariupol residents do not buy this housing, they will not be able to buy it, because they have no money. what is happening with the washing of sacks in mariupol? we read about the fact that they are trying to attract 250,000 children in the occupied territories of ukraine and create so-called eye organizations such as hitler yugen is like that type, do they manage to do it with children in mariupol? a very difficult situation, that is, there is no education in mariupol, we call on all people with children to leave the occupied territory, because what is done in the so-called schools are not schools, they are propaganda institutions, and everyone who works there is a lot argued that if
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the teachers there do not carry out some kind of propaganda, everyone who works in these so-called... propaganda institutions, they are propagandists, from the mathematics teacher to the russian language teacher, because it is impossible to teach something else, when the russians provide such instructions there with the corresponding educational so-called processes, and this is pure propaganda, and all those activities that are carried out, they are exclusively propaganda, and what did you call these... organizations there, the young guard there and so on, they are all designed to militarize children at an early age, and we see this even from kindergartens, where children are dressed in military uniforms, well, it’s just some kind of fun, and accordingly, all this is broadcast further to school and further into
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so-called universities also have these elements propaganda exists, there is a constant film showing there. these, well, i can’t even find the words to call these propaganda films that are rebroadcast, well, that is, the propaganda is in full swing, and i will also add that neo-stalinist agideki, we can somehow call them that, probably, there is also installed over the children surveillance, and so-called teachers can constantly look at children's phones, well, that is, detection, detection. there are some messages in the phones, i.e. there is a complete lack of privacy of correspondence, that's more such an additional thing is done in... the occupiers on the territory of mariupol, the modernized soviet union. mr. dmitry, thank you for the conversation, thank you for the story about life in mariupol. dmytro zabavin, deputy
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of the mariupol city council, was in touch with us. now we are going on a short break, we will return and visit the dnipro. you stay with us. a real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. turn on the new satirical series hb. regime, will its tyranny be able to lead to freedom, watch in ukrainian in mego subscription, april 6, dead rooster with the wundervaffe program, especially for you favorite action films, the legendary band, we are gathering at 7 p.m. on april 6 at the festival, tickets to... concert ua. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football.
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otherwise our continent will look like this. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly. khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events based on facts. you want to understand how ours is today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday politics club. every saturday at espresso. we are coming back, dear friends, we are continuing our roll call. over the past day , they counted how many... the russians carried out airstrikes on ukraine and counted more than a hundred. the night was restless again. unfortunately, in kharkiv, due to shahed's shooting, the number
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of dead increased to six. in kherson oblast there was also a hit in zaporizhzhia , industrial buildings there, in kherson oblast , the russians hit an agricultural enterprise. is it in the dnipro, how did the night pass there and how was it in dnipropetrovsk region. danylo miro, deputy of the dnipro city council, joins us. mr. danyla, good morning, please tell us about the situation this morning in the region and in the city. greetings from the studio, well, as for the city, this night passed, thank god, thanks to our armed forces of ukraine, calmly, and as for the region, three shahedas were launched, which were successfully shot down, and without any. and so on, as they traditionally shoot artillery in nikopol region, there is a lot of destruction there, fortunately, well, by some
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miracle there are no casualties, but this is the situation, this the situation that concerns this night, but the studio would like you, because i see that you, such young, sporty, powerful people of the future of ukraine, to congratulate you on the day, the international day of sports, because this... the topic also applies to the dnipro, not long ago, a few days ago, it was very unpleasant, let's say, to hit such a basic sports college of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, where, you know, on the eve of the olympics, this college was very badly gutted, and fortunately, due to such correct actions of our teachers, there were no casualties or deaths. we have that we have, well, actually 120 students, and, that is, in this college, children don’t just study, they live there, i understand that, yes, yes, this is
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a sports college, well... let’s say, like in the past, a sports boarding school, yes , where they prepare, practice, there are graduates in it, people who will be at this olympiad, i have hope, i apologize, i guess i warned a little, i see what you are showing, at that olympiad we had a medalist of the olympic games with athletics from this college, at this olympiad we also hope that will happen, well the team is constantly preparing very, very powerfully here, it is such a professional... such a professional city, where children, athletes are preparing themselves for such high results. well, actually, now on these footage from the college, we saw that the children have a place to hide, there are already beds for them, and this is actually what saved the lives of these students of this college during the russian attack, because
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then, because if... no god forbid, someone somewhere said, but stay in your beds, it could be much worse, and we could read, very complex and difficult news from the dnipro, fortunately, luckily it passed, the algorithm was chosen so very correctly, as it is traditional in our country, you know, as a member of the education commission, i often go to schools and because of the fact that we have anxiety, you probably know, the last days in general, very, very, very often, it is constantly visible how... quickly, how clearly, both our children and teachers go to the shelter, everything is coordinated, and in this case there was no exception, thank god, really no one, you know , there was no negligence, and everyone went down to the shelter, and yes, there is podharzhali, there are injuries there, but they are currently being treated at home, several people there who are being treated in the hospital are still receiving treatment, mr.
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danylo, thank you for the conversation, thank you for telling us about the current situation in dnipro, in dnipropetrovsk oblast, danylo miro, a deputy of the dnipro city council, was in touch with us, dear friends, we are moving, i will remind you that today we are working all day in this studio, the first part of our marathon lasts until 11 o'clock, and then we return to ether at 2 p.m. -th and we work until the 17th, we will inform you, difficult news from kharkiv, our viewer just wrote to me that for the whole week he... there were very few opportunities to watch our broadcast, because in kharkiv it is a bit difficult with electricity and in general it is difficult to read the posts of people from kharkiv, because life it's not easy there, people write that they are afraid to actually fall asleep, because they don't know if he'll wake up. danylo miro called me a young sportsman , he's 11 years younger than me. that's
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how i immediately felt myself, and the younger ones are good here , the desire of ukrainians is actually now to live like this to old age, i wanted to ask you if he or where muraev is now, it's just interesting, he was his assistant for so long, well , i didn't have time to ask that, dear friends, why are we approaching 10 o'clock in the morning at 10 o'clock in the morning, my god, it's already 10 i have 9 and i'm just in a hurry somewhere. we always remember those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian, russian aggression, so let's all now have that list of friends, acquaintances, relatives who are no longer with us, because the russians decided that ukraine is part of russia, yesterday in we were there, only yuriy was with us yesterday hanushchak, they talked about the decentralization reform, wrote today that his brother died of wounds, he was at the front,
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dear friends. well, let's remember the moments of silence for all those whose lives are no longer with us. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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