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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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has a military rank and she has photos from illegally occupied crimea by russia in 2021 , this is a violation of ukrainian laws. and in principle, this list can be continued for quite a long time. well, there is a good thing about this among these russian athletes, the russian team, to whom there are no complaints at all. they said more than once that they do not support the war in ukraine, were arrested in the swamp, walked. are there at least a couple of such athletes at navalny's funeral? well, we probably checked basically everyone who goes and most of the after all, i will either support them in some way, or they will remain neutral and simply remain silent, that is , i do not really see such a pitfall of supporters of ukraine. as you hope, this information may or may not affect, at least the participation of russian athletes or the perception of the de facto russian national team and russian. of the national team at
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the olympics in paris, well, i think there should be public publicity, and in principle we plan to publish this investigation now with journalists, for example, in french, and the greater the pressure of people on the olympic committee, the better, that is, public publicity, this is probably the only thing that can be done, ah, because in principle, if you mention the second world war there and when the olympics were held there in germany, then this is such a smooth deterrence of the aggressor, there, for example , the prohibition of soprapor. use, it does not lead to anything good, and the only normal way is to simply not let them in, because we will also remember, after the 14th year in russia there was the euro, and the olympics, and how did it end with the invasion of ukraine, that is, if we continue to allow to the olympics, then things will only get worse, and the only way is public publicity and a strict barring of all russian athletes to the olympics. of course, there is another olympiad with which parallels can be drawn, this is the 1980 olympiad. which took place at the
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time when russian troops invaded afghanistan, and many countries boycotted this olympics because it was held in moscow, it is clear that now the olympics are not in moscow, hardly anyone would dare to transfer the olympics to russia at this time , but nevertheless, should there be any boycott of the russian olympics? do the russians want to participate in the olympics under a neutral flag? well, for sure, if we still consider the influence, then it is probably more important that more of our ukrainian athletes go to france, work there, promote our brand, win, it will make more sense, and after all, we need to go the way of public publicity, and shaming of the international olympic committee, well , because it generally works, because , for example, we previously... published
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an investigation into russian athletes, and after that, two international sports associations came to us, i won’t say for which sports, and they are now arranging for us to check all russian athletes, and we basically cut them quite a lot in order for them to compete in competitions, so public publicity can you help, ee, another question i wanted to ask is, are you also monitoring this, yesterday it was reported that as a result of the attack on the russian airfields, the military... may have damaged or destroyed about 20 russian bombers, here, but today we have information also from the institute of war research, which denies that, they do not deny, yes, they did not find confirmation of visual damage of russian aircraft at air bases, and what sources do the institute of war research refer to here, is it possible... were these
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confirmations to be seen visually, to what extent is it is as good as it is - let's say, uh , sure method of verification, and yes, look, ah, we studied this issue, just on this airfield, we researched on social networks and basically, from what we found on social networks confirmation that there are reports about this somewhere near the planes, that is, for example, people write that there were explosions, some photos are posted in the comments, here, but... in any case, we have to wait for satellite images, which should be closer to the evening, and from the pictures it is sometimes possible to partially confirm whether there was, for example, damage or not, but not all drones shoot with the fact that they simply explode, that is, they can, for example, pierce the planes with something, for example, some balls, for example, bearings, that is and you won't see this in the satellite images, but the planes will no longer fly, for example, that we will actually wait for it already... further
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confirmations, thank you very much, mr. artem, artem starosyak was with us the ceo of the molfar intelligence agency, and about how many territories. country will have to demine the fact that it is two scotlands or three costa ricas, we already know how much time and resources will be needed to neutralize the ukrainian land, which is mocked by these explosive objects, in our next story. 26% of the territory of ukraine mined as a result of a full-scale invasion of russia, we are talking about 156 thousand potentially... deadly square kilometers, according to the data of the state emergency service. the minister of environmental protection, ruslan strelets, declares that ukraine is the most mined country in the world. this is 26% of the total territory of the state, which can be potentially contaminated with explosive
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objects. this does not mean that there are mines or ammunition on every meter, but it means that these areas need to be surveyed and... and cleared, if explosive objects are found. now kharkiv, kherson and donetsk regions remain the most mined regions. mykolaiv oblast, zaporizhzhia, sumy oblast, chernihiv oblast, and in some places kyiv oblast are also partially polluted. according to preliminary and most optimistic data, it will take 70 years to clear ukrainian lands of such munitions. this is a huge area that can be occupied by demining. decades, and according to some experts hundreds of years, of course we are not going to expect this, we are going to demine ukraine in the coming years. in september 2023, head of government denys shmyhal stated that
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37 billion dollars and more than 10,000 sappers are needed for complete demining of ukraine. now we already have only 300 specialists. this year, in response to challenges between people's partners created a demining coalition led by lithuania. it included 21 states. the association provides for the transfer of the necessary machinery and equipment to us, as well as the training of ukrainian specialists. that is, financial assistance. financial aid is key. this is a key factor in any program, be it humanitarian demining or demining activity if there are finances, then human potential will develop or. personnel, equipment will be purchased and everything will be built up. one of the main components of mine action is humanitarian demining. according to the plan of the ministry of economy, this year they want to primarily survey and return to economic use more than 512 hectares of
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agricultural land. as of march, more than 5,000 hectares have already been put back into operation. according to minister yulia. cleaning a square kilometer costs uah 17, while in the world the price for such services ranges from $3 to $5. starting from starting from the first stage, i.e. non-technical survey of the territory, cleaning, demining, then external quality control, when the operator is checked, let's say, by the state inspection, and in the future the transfer of the land is the key, because it is this type of demining, it ends with the land... being transferred. mines are weapons that will kill ukrainians even when we defeat russia. since the beginning of the great war, 295 people have died from explosive devices subjects, among them 15 children. in order to speed up demining, the state emergency service, the state security service,
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the explosives service of the national police, and mine countermeasures operators are working. for example, the staff of emergency pyrotechnicians during a large-scale war was destroyed. everything triples, more than a thousand specialists and more than three hundred machines work every day, and animals help them. no country after the second world war faced such mine pollution as ukraine. all possible equipment is used to clean the territories, and from mid-summer they even promise to include artificial intelligence. however, it is already obvious that ukraine's experience in the field of tourism is different. will serve as a model for other states after hostilities. the new camolette metrolux mattress is made in ukraine with love for ukrainians. matrolux is one of
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the finals, the hardest part is ahead. not only russia is fighting against us. we have experience of victories. and we will win again. in the super final. otherwise, our continent will look like this. well gentlemen, we're back to. our telethon let's talk now about the situation, of course, at the front, pavlo lekiychuk joins us, head of security programs of the strategy 21 center for global studies, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy of ukraine. mr. pavle, we congratulate you. good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, we had the news this week that the conscription age has now been lowered to 25, we're... preparing for a major mobilization, and the russians are preparing for
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some major offensive this summer or even this spring, which we have here, which ones you have predictions here, uh, what should we really expect from this, i understand that this is a very broad question, i understand that it is constantly repeated and answered with different answers, and i understand that no one knows the answer 100 %. however, what are the plans now? the russians, which we can definitely talk about and what we should prepare for, well, the plans of the russians, the ones they are implementing now, and when they talk about an offensive sometime in the summer or fall of russia, i would like to remind you that the enemy offensive began in december last year , and he continues, and talk about the fact that the forces of the enemy defecated, but you can't. now there are very heavy battles on the line from, starting from
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bakhmut in the north, and ending in novopavlivka, this is the mariana direction, the former in the south, this is such a wide line of enemy breakthrough, well, and in this entire area, well, you can literally in the last week see the number of enemy attacks. well, in the novopavlovsk direction, there are 15-30 attacks every day, in the bakhmut direction, everyone is talking about the timekeeper, and what will happen if the enemy seizes the time. it will be bad if the enemy captures the time of yar, because it is so natural a natural fortress that allows you to keep the enemy in the direction of konstantinivka, and if the enemy breaks through the defenses here, well, further on
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, the way to konstantinivka, druzhkivka opens, well, actually, along the entire area. front, an attempt in the event of success is clearly visible, an attempt to break through further to pokrovsk and deep into ukraine, or two auxiliary directions, that is, if the enemy does not have the strength for such a success, they can be directed either to the elimination of our northern salient, seversk, slov' yansky the estuary is in that direction, here or in the south of the glydar salient between the southern front, so to speak, and the eastern front, and these are all quite real prospects, depends definitely on the stability of our soldiers and the forces that the enemy can throw into the war, from which
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information appears about the summer offensive, about the fact that while we, er... dragged the ox with our partners, creating a shortage of ammunition , a shortage of personnel, the enemy was accumulating reserves of strength, and now he continues to accumulate them in the rear, and the numbers are frightening, of course, but here, too, one must understand what if even there, 450,000 or so thousand have been accumulated now in reserve, so that’s about 150,000 will go to him... a nation of current losses, first of all, losses in the area of ​​the main strike, where heavy fighting has been going on for a month, secondly, a lot yansko-lyman direction, let's see, there is a regrouping of the enemy's troops there, and this does not mean that he has stopped his attempts
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to attack there on a wide front, another 200 thousand order is the formation of these new... armies in the context of the enemy's formation of districts, new districts or the restoration of new districts, i do not i know how to say it more correctly, leningrad, moscow in the northwest, forces are needed for these connections, the question here is different, whether they are going to loom over, as they threaten the baltics, finland, etc., whether they... form districts, and the armies will throw, as from other areas of the front, in the ukrainian direction, for now in the kharkiv and sumy direction, the grouping of forces in the tactical zone, in the operational zone, not formed, it is too early to talk about an offensive from this side, but such a threat there is too, in the meantime we are immersed in
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disputes, here are our partners. how many months have the americans been feeding us with promises about an aid package, ukraine has become a hostage of the internal political situation in the united states, it is bitter, but true, but ukraine has become a hostage of the internal political situation in ukraine, the same law on mobilization, other things about improving mobilization, already four. 5 months rolls around like a donut there and from one authority from one party to another, just to delay time, well, if we can blame the americans there for something with projectiles or the europeans, then who is to blame here, they are really in it, even in the west, our partners
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point a finger at us in response and say, well, you can't handle it yourself, and... the fact that a number of laws were adopted the other day is a good thing , well, here is the law about that, which contains the position on reducing the conscription age from 20, not the conscription age, but the upper limit of the conscription age, because we do not have conscripts, well, here is such a cunning ukrainian trick, but nobody in the world has any, we have. therefore, from 27 to 5 years, it shows that he was laid up in president for 10 months since last may. signed, was voted by the verkhovna rada, why did the president keep the law for 10 months, well, in a drawer, in fact, although grossly
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violating his duties, and finally reborn, because it is obvious that both the president and the presidential administration are beginning to understand that what the law on mobilization was carried out in must be carried out. to the hall of the verkhovna rada does not mean that it will be accepted, and moreover, if it is accepted, as always, our populists will reduce it to the fact that it turns into a set without useful theses, everything that is needed for the defense of the state will be emasculated from it, what is, what is the mobilization in ukraine now, to what, to what it eventually... rolled, it rolled to the fact that it is on the one hand some very often random summonses to people on the street, on the other hand, there is more and more information that the mobilization
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tool of mobilization is used in order, for example, to send activists or journalists to the front who interfere, for example, with the authorities, but i am just reading now investigation info, published their new, new actually already an investigation, it turns out that... employees allegedly and presumably from the security service organized the delivery of a subpoena to a journalist named evgeniy shulgat, who is currently working on an investigation into the enrichment of the head of the cyber security department of the sbu ilya vityuk, we all already learned that this ilya vityuk, being a civil servant and an employee. sbu, that during the war his whole family bought a bunch of simple quarters, apartments of elite various real estate, here, and this is the moment when in
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a man in civilian clothes is purposefully walking towards the supermarket, and two tsc employees are following him purposefully, as if tracking, in order to hand that journalist a summons, that is, they followed him, guided him and then did it all, well , that is what he writes about. and anna anya babinets, the head of all this, the investigation of information, writes that in fact it looks like revenge for the investigation, for the investigation, that is, this is also another point, that is, we are not only talking about justice, we are even saying about about mobilization as a repressive measure against democracy and freedom of speech, you see ukrainians. already the struggle for your country is considered repression, if you defend the country, then you are
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a repressed person. the state, very cool ones, whom i respected, and now i respect even more, and... when the issue of protecting the homeland turns into punishment, well, sorry, this is our state, this is our society, this is this this is not about this that's exactly what it's about, it's not even about punishment, mr. pavle, it's about taking a person who is engaged in, for example, an investigation and excluding him from the professional environment, this person may not be against it, maybe this person wants to mobilize even, but she performs. extremely important role, i know cases when, i know cases, a journalist of radio svoboda, he was very good, he is a very good journalist who prepared
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very important materials, but he went to defend the homeland, because to me, he was convinced that now there is protection of ukraine more important than what he was doing before and we have now. society has created the impression that, strictly speaking, the war will slip by, it doesn't seem to you that it's just now, it's now, well wait, this now can also be a tool of repression and manipulation, do we have this fair mechanism, or are we we understand him to the end, are all these scandals with tsk after all, it was all invented by journalists, maybe pavlyuk said that journalists are disrupting the mobilization, that is, not the president,
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well, why only journalists, i’m talking about that and i say that there are still some things, well, in my unit, my son has a banker, his colleagues there are it experts, there are candidates of sciences, there are boys from the village who are machine operators, there are drivers, they have been protecting our homeland for two years. and that is, it must be understood that many of us now perceive conscription into the army as a punishment, it must be understood that if the army does not hold back the enemy now, it seems to all of us that the war is far away, we just started with the fact that, perhaps, i'm not talking about that, i'm not talking about that, mr. pavel, i 'll understand, we're just talking about different things,
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you are talking about the need for protection'. to talk about the country, and this is not a punishment, i agree with you, but i am telling you about something else, from the same logic you can say, why is president zelensky recording videos, let him go to the front and die today, well, we do not say that, we understand that president zelensky should not die today, it is important for the country, but a journalist who just now grabs a corrupt person who embezzles millions of dollars, stealing them from the army first of all. and impersonating the whole country, because he allows then talk about ukraine as not a successful state, not a european state, not a western state, why help ukraine, it is the same russia, in such a case, and we also cannot replace it like this, once and for all, someone else came and did the same , there are simply people with competencies that are really important, but okay, again, if we have a fair system
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of mobilization and it so happened that this mobilization choice now fell on this person and without him the army cannot stand, it is important, that this journalist is not now did not investigate, for example, corruption in the sbu in the highest echelons, was now at the front, okay, we are dealing with it, but what we see, we see something else, we see a special operation that is specifically targeted to take revenge on this journalist, to shut him up company, in order not to bring this investigation to an end, they conducted this special operation. people in the security service of ukraine during the war conduct a special operation to send a journalist away from the media, to basically just eliminate him, so that he is not investigated further, well, these are completely different things, we we talk with you about different things, i absolutely agree with you, i absolutely agree with you, it seems to me that such a thing is possible, when such a thing could not have happened in...
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there were queues of volunteers in the military barracks, who understood that tomorrow the russians are approaching bucha now, give me a machine gun, we have to defend bucha, and new york is there or kostantinivka, well, it’s already getting far, and there are no people who want to, and when... the military leaders are forced to work in this mode to look for people on the street, well, then such and such an option becomes possible, unfortunately, unfortunately, but it seems to me that we have no other way to overcome this gap between reality, between the authorities and the people, between the front and the rear, except to tell the truth, to tell the truth about the real state of affairs, that's the only way we
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can, it seems to me that to fight and... i thank you for the fact that our experts are not afraid to raise these pressing questions. mr. pavle, thank you for the conversation, pavlo lekiychuk was with us, head of security programs of the strategy 21 center for global studies, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine. well, we have time now news, and kateryna shiropoyas is already taking this information relay from me. congratulations andriyya, in a moment i will tell our viewers the most important news of the state. for this hour, please wait. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. 28 shaheds and three k'.


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