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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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during, for example, the second world war, many people who were, for example, jews, were ready to cooperate with germany or to say, well, we will make peace anyway, because we once lived very well in the weimar republic, so i think that there is a certain, certain element of slyness here, but again, he is a private person, these are his personal views and personal, so to speak... tastes, because after all, to a certain extent, he touches the sphere of the sphere of culture, so to speak, let's call it that , and there taste plays its role, that is, in for some it is called, as they say , disgastenka, for others it is normal and nothing, maybe zelensky would also have such views, but you know, he is in that position when completely different things define him and his actions, and his... what are his tastes now, so i
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don't think it's related in any way, although of course there are similar, so to speak, minor, i would say incidents, but of course they can play out there, as you can see that zelensky's friends, even former want reconciliation with russia, but i would not consider it a priority version, well should we just remember what zelensky said on the night of the 23rd to the 24th? when he talked about the fact that he addressed the russians in russian and said that why do we need a war there, and he tried to somehow appeal to the russian audience, it can also be explained in principle why, because zelensky was one of those who toured russia a lot, and as kvr, i can agree with you on one side, but not on the other, because in fact it's a game that... all ukrainian politicians played for 31 years
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of independence, so let's not quarrel with russia, let us find a common language, let us persuade the russians, to say that it was some kind of malicious manipulation of russia, i would not say, i think that it was quite pragmatic, by the way, and the west spoke with putin, because they both believed, and ukrainian politicians, even more so, believed that there are some arguments by which... under which conditions it is possible to reach the russians, the russian elite, the russian leader, the russian people , about which we were probably all under certain illusions, so yes, but after what happened on february 24, especially after what happened in mariupol and bucha, i think that the responsible politicians have at least lost their illusions, and they ... such things simply
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will not be done at least out of a sense of self-preservation , because you know, in our country it is certainly possible to have one of the figures who have been around the bank, and it is not a shefir, so to speak, they can make some curtseys in the direction of russia, but for this they still have to leave ukraine and emigrate there , tell that they feel russian, beyond any doubt, i actually wanted to say that both serhii shefir and boris shevir. and volodymyr zelenskyi contributed quite powerfully in the kvartal 95 studio to the fact that there were a lot of representatives of russian culture present on the ukrainian market, and, let's say, there were a lot of russians at almost all of their concerts, and that's all , that they thought it was absolutely normal, and a lot of... the same
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current putinists attended these concerts, and i think that in this situation, like the former the head of the studio kvartal 95 zelensky, as well as the former heads and studios of the 95th serhiy shevir and boris shevir, they are also responsible for the fact that they polished for a very long time, of course, of course, they are responsible, but they are also responsible, maybe , technologically they are a little different, but nevertheless, everyone who tried to do business with russia, and tell me who did not try to do business with russia, even the most patriotic ukrainian politicians did it, well, i will not to mention the lipetsk factory, about rossukrenergo in priyushchenko, i am not talking about yanukovych and kuchma, so again it is necessary to say it like that, it is necessary to remind about it, i believe that the problem is not
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only in zelenskyi and his team, it applies to everyone, as they say, absolutely, i agree with this, andriy, you have something to add to this broad discussion, well, we may... we haven’t mentioned it yet, because tymoshenko did it too, tymoshenko is absolutely not excluded, let’s let's not remove the responsibility from the voters either, we remember how it changes, has changed electoral picture, and i would say that the whole country has matured, and the whole country has gradually become aware of itself, a separate country, not one that has chosen its own separate path from russia, well , maybe to holy galicia, to the west in the west of the country. these beliefs were from the very beginning in the 1990s and were already balanced, but other regions gradually evolved and searched for themselves and self-identified and decided who they were with, whether they were with
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european ukraine or authoritarian russia, and fortunately they chose the european way. friends, i will remind you that we work directly on the espresso tv channel and we are conducting a survey today. we ask you about this, do you consider mykhailo bolgakov a ukrainophobe, yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, take a smartphone or phone and vote if you consider bolgakov a ukrainophobe (0800-211-381), no (0800-21 3802) calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, oleksiy wanted to add something, i understand that it is probably about voting in galicia and that how, how was galicia defined during the last 30 years? well, the fact is that, of course, it would be difficult to count on galicia more than other regions of ukraine to vote for rapprochement with russia, but then again there
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were enough illusions and enough politicians who could be used, well, if not pro-russian, then like a bug, so to speak, we remember. all these stories, including the financing of some radical organizations by the then allegedly pro-russian authorities, so again there are no saints, everyone must bear responsibility for what was done, of course, it is not necessary, so to speak, to attribute what was not, but nevertheless, that is, for at least for themselves, everyone must do, draw the right conclusions and move, move in the right direction , but again, it is again, it is not only ukraine, we see that... what is happening happened in europe and what continues to happen in the west, even in countries that, uh, allegedly recently, are our great friends and allies in the fight against russia, so once again it is necessary, you just need to take off your rose-colored glasses, if
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anyone has them left and were not broken during this stage of the war, and understand that everything depends on the ukrainians themselves. from their desire to protect their freedom and independence, and of course, the help of our union will be indispensable. thank you oleksiy, let's talk about one more topic, about the trust and distrust of ukrainians in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, according to the february survey of the social group rating 40% of ukrainian citizens do not approve of the activities of the verkhovna rada, another 37% rather disapprove, overall the mistrust indicator exceeded. 75%, you can now see the results of this opinion poll, while only 19% of respondents have a partially or completely favorable attitude to the work of the parliament, as the infographic shows, the level of approval of the council's activity has been steadily falling since april 22, so how can you deal with the parliament ,
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which people don't trust, but it's just impossible to go through it during a war, eh? i don't really remember such a period when our people trusted the parliament because they elect it, at least they change it, and they elect and change it, i agree, i would be here i really wanted to stand up for the parliament in the sense that today the deputies have very often turned into simply executors of the will of the president's office and the majority faction, that is, the people who, according to our constitution... are the main ones in the country, after all after all , the parliamentary, presidential republic suddenly turned out to be obedient, such servants, not of the people, yes, servants of the president's office, and i see it that way, judging by how many deputies want to leave the parliament, we know
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from david arahamia's statements that applications were submitted about termination of powers, they are simply not satisfied that the deputies do not want measures. to put up with this role, well, such weak-willed performers, well, in fact, if our deputies do not decide anything, then why do we have so many deputies, well, let it mean that in our country... there will be two or three people in the country and all these laws stamp, well, it is clear that i do not support such an approach, i believe that precisely the subjectivity of the parliament and the independence of the parliament and its effective work, they are connected, that is, when the parliament is a force, when the parliament is itself a body that really determines the policy of the state, then it will be trusted and then it will work. effective, and when all the instructions come from above, of course, how can you
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trust such a parliament? by the way, by the way, in march, the leadership of the servant of the people began to gather, as zmi writes, deputies in order to unite and improve the work of the factional core, but it is not yet clear whether these meetings were successful, well, at least that is what the ukrainian pravda writes. oleksiy, as in the conditions of... war, this is trust, not trust, crisis - no crisis, how do i resolve it, how does it actually affect the situation in general, i honestly do not see, i do not see that somehow trust, mistrust affects the activities of the parliament, especially the current one, well, first of all, i agree here that all ukrainian presidents tried to shift responsibility for the bad state of the country. on someone else, and the parliament was the most successful target, it was both under kravchuk and under
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kuchma, zelenskyi’s problem is that, well, shifting responsibility to the parliament on his part looks strange, because he has a majority in this parliament, no president has had such a majority as zelensky had, that is, he specially selected these people, he said that he took responsibility for them, so to blame them now... to say that they are guilty of something, well, it’s simple, well, not comilfu, even with all his attitude towards former friends, on the one hand, on the other hand, we see that precisely at the decisive moments of ukrainian history, both in 1991 and in 1996, when the constitution, and during the two revolutions it was the parliament that ensured the exit from crisis and the preservation of the democratic tradition in ukraine, even. the fact that the russians there are talking about some kind of coup d'état in ukraine, or coups d'état in
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ukraine, there has never been such a coup, that is, this change did not occur due to some delegitimization of the parliament, the parliament has always maintained its legitimacy, so this is exactly what it proves that these are all fables, so i believe that at least people should be held responsible. who think about it with respect to the parliament, understand that we still, if we want to integrate into europe, the parliament should still play a more responsible, more independent role, and it is not necessary to discredit it, and it should not be engaged in, as for the situation with the crisis, well, it arises because, well, if the deputies do not decide anything on their own, if earlier there, during the time of kushma... they were kept in the parliament by the opportunity to earn money, but now it has sharply decreased, especially during the war, so it is clear that
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many people who followed this very thing to the verkhovna rada, well, that is, do not see the big sense, but on the other hand we see that with opposition factions, or non-powerful factions, let's call them that, people don't run as if they were servants of the people, that is, this also shows something, and if the presidential power first of all understands the necessity of such an instrument as the parliament, it should show more initiatives for the consolidation of this parliament, after all, during a war there is no war, so to speak, the opposition in the classical sense of the word, everyone is working, everyone is ready, with some exceptions, which is true, but most factions are ready to work for victory on ours in this war, so i think that if there was an initiative from the president, then the parliament could ... consolidate and go beyond this, this shaky majority that does not really exist, well the question is whether or not
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it is necessary to the president, if he has five or six managers managing the entire country, then in this story the role of the parliament is simply reduced to one of the departments, well, if it didn't sound banal, and you mentioned the role of the parliament during crisis stories, well, when actually the parliament... approved important decisions, we remember, in february 2014, important decisions were made when yanukovych fled ukraine, but we remember how in july or june 2019, after coming to the presidential chair, zelensky dissolved the parliament, because there was no there was a parliamentary majority, that is, if there is no parliamentary majority, it must either be created, reformatted, or during the war, in principle, it is possible to work and so, of course,
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again, this is another boomerang of the first years of zelenskyi's presidency, because the parliament was dissolved, because there isn't, there wasn't it has a majority, now there is a majority, there are big doubts, so either we need to create a new majority, but again, this requires the initiative of the president, we understand that the servant of the people faction will not create, beyond any doubt, andrey, well, i am just the one wanted to say that there is a chance, in principle, for the parliament to become effective, if there are leaders there who can unite and create... a new majority, maybe a coalition government, but for this you will have to go against the will of the president, you will have to defend your truth and say that it is more important for the country now, and not the system that has developed today, an inefficient system, as we can see, there are doubts that the deputies will go for it, but who
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knows, as mr. oleksiy said, that in critical moments for the country , and which one? the moment is not critical, as it is not now, but the parliament showed miracles and was able to unite and make important decisions. well, on this, on this background , we simply see how there is, well, a group of people who rule, i don’t know, maybe it’s during a war, it’s appropriate when there is a concentration of power, but no one canceled the constitution under during the war, and no one said that there are five people who are in... zelensky's circle, they manage everything, including trying to fight corruption, but at the same time, former advisers of the security service of ukraine, like artem shilo, who nabu and sap were detained there this week for the fact that he was allegedly at the head of a corruption scheme worth uah 95 million in ukrzaliznytsia, but this shows
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that this group of people can not just, as they say in... now in the youth environment simply does not take away all this, and it is still necessary to share power, including, well, monopoly power - it's not just all power to them, it's also mono, mono responsibility, you know, it's just that in our country everyone is afraid of words about sharing power, well , you don't want to share power, share responsibility, mono power is also mono responsibility, well, in principle, but who ... who should be responsible for corruption in this situation? i remembered this artem shill, he was released on bail at 30 - as i understand it, he is responsible for corruption, in the literal sense, and you are in the sbu, he is responsible for corruption, he was supposed to control, but this organization that he supervised , just included in his competence, but he was released on
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bail of 30 million hryvnias, and these 30 million hryvnias were found much faster than they find her... the money for drones is there serhiy sternenko and serhiy prytula, that is, this money was found very quickly, and this proves again about the fact that there is money in the state, but it is obviously in the hands of a few people. well, you know, if he violates something, and this one must be confiscated in the treasury, then obviously they will also go to the drone, and andrei, how, how, how do you perceive this whole story with an awl, because... he already feels he is innocent, but the matter is, and in principle, probably not for nothing, his guilt has not been proven, he is a suspect, the trial is ongoing, but we see how this detention took place, that is, it is an anti-corruption body independent of the president, created under the pressure of our western partners,
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creditors, it was discovered and detained by the national bureau, as we can see, now in the image, just naboo, the abbreviation, this is such a greeting, maybe from our for the western creditors of the office of the president, including, i am here i'll do a little conspiracy theory, you already forgive me, but it seems to me that the west is also tired of corruption stories, we remember the ministry of defense winter eggs for 17 hryvnias in... a uniform and how long the minister of defense during a full-scale invasion had to actually shoot through various publications through various circulars tables and statements. including foreign diplomats, and corruption has not stopped, we see that
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there are signs of corruption in state enterprises, in the ministry of defense there are also, well, private conversations among military personnel about how organized well, at the lowest level, and i understand that it also reaches the top, well, for example, in some, well, fortunately, not combat. but in the rear, i was told that the commander has to be paid for his vacation there, well , the commander has to share it with someone, i guess, people who are close to me, relatives, friends who serve told me, and so, i conclude that corruption is not going anywhere shared, and that during the war we should pay more attention to it, there are anti-corruption activists who call this mr. shill a man, which... oleg tatarova, that is, the strings are running here, thank you, andriy yanitskyi oleksiy mustafin were guests of our
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program today, gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program, i would like to remind you that during the program we conducted a survey, we asked you about this, do you think you call mykhailo bulgakov a ukrainophobe, the results of our television survey are 73%, yes 27% no, on youtube the proportion is 72% yes, 28. no, friends, it was a verdict program, it was conducted by serhiy rudenko, i will say goodbye to you until monday at 8:00 p.m. , i wish you a nice and peaceful weekend, take care yourself and your relatives, goodbye, watch this week's program collaborators, pseudo-ministers of the kherson region, as the fake head of the ministry of culture... gave museums. we tried to remove everything valuable. but which of the crimean officials became a traitor twice? we chose to be with russia. congratulations. i am olena
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kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. in today's edition, i continue to talk about the fake ministries that the rashists create in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. i will defame their ministers. assistants, heads of departments and clerks, the collaborators themselves must know that there will be no quiet treason, it will not be possible to sit in the chair of a traitorous official and not be suspected. this is a fake ministry of culture of the kherson region, it was created on june 16, 2023, and is managed by oleksandr viktorovych kuzmenko, a long-time supporter of the tricolor. the ministry of culture voted with the flag in hand. in tolstovka with rashka's coat of arms and at the elections. precincts probably looked like this when all the traitors came to vote for the unchanging president of russia, maybe this is just an official rattle for everyone who is fed by the dictator's hand? i think
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it is an honor for kuzmenko to wear a coat of arms with a chicken on his heart, because before becoming an official traitor, he was quietly licking putin's portrait all the time and waiting. i will now tell you how the director of the music school became attached to the fake minister of a non-existent institution. kuzmenko , 55, once in... was the head of children's music school number 4 in kherson, but not for long, because he wanted to enter politics. he was a member of the suvorivka rerad from the volodymyr block saldo, and since 2010 he was in the ranks of the banned communist party of ukraine. as a deputy of one of the village councils , he supported the party of regions in every possible way. when the kherson region was occupied, kuzmenko finally stopped hiding his true ideological views. we started promoting everything russian. during the payback period. kherson, kuzmenko managed to serve himself well in front of the invaders. journalists learned that he not only conducted propaganda activities in the city, but also handed over to the occupiers ukrainian teachers who did not
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want to cooperate with the rashists. in one of notebooks found in kozmenko's house contained an entry dated april 22. by the 22nd , submit lists of teachers who have left and russian phone numbers. when it became clear that the armed forces of ukraine was close, the minister made a splash, taking with him... exhibits from ukrainian museums. according to zmi, these are approximately 10,000 art objects. in an interview with the washed-up russian media, he modestly called it salvation. when the evacuation took place, we tried to remove everything valuable, evacuate from the city of kherson, and when we return, we will return it to kherson. when kherson was liberated, part of the illegitimate ministries were transferred to the occupied henichesk. it is there that kuzmenko is reviving the russian theater and filling the library. russian classics, arranges pro-russian contests for children and does not forget to kiss the leader's portrait before going to bed. before that, he is making plans for the development of russian culture in
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the captured territories for the coming years. i think that in 5 years we will do a lot, we will try to open all our institutions that are not working yet. oleksandr, i have for you have an alternative plan for 5 years, how about spending them culturally in a ukrainian prison, reading ukrainian classics. a year ago , the prosecutor general's office informed kuzmenko of suspicion of treason, so five years will obviously not do, he can sit down for life. our next traitor, who took over ... born in 1965, serhii petrovych usenko, born in skadovsk. we conduct explanatory work, convey our information to them. not only through telegram channels, telephone conversations, but we also go out for direct communication. we believe that it gives more positive results in working with our agricultural workers. before becoming
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a collaborator and getting suspicious. he tried several times to realize himself in politics. in 2020, usenko ran for the kherson regional council from volodymyr saldo's bloc, but was not elected. usenko was able to satisfy his unfulfilled political ambitions when the kherson region was occupied and he sold his position to the russians. now he is the deputy pseudo-minister of agro-industrial complex and food policy of the kherson region. now a happy usenko gives interviews, appears in propaganda stories and. works for the invaders. the federal budget - 1,251 million and the regional budget 1,300. this year, we plan to master our planned budget according to the federal and regional budget. in april of last year , usynku's suspicion of collaborative activity appeared on the page of the prosecutor general's office. during this time, the case has already been sent for consideration to the malinovsky district court of the city of odesa.
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sratnik the threat of 5 to 10 years of imprisonment. got my suspicion and yes named minister of natural resources, ecology and fisheries of the kherson region mykola yuriyovych bystryantsev. he was born in the city of kherson at the age of 42. our president stated that the regions returned to russia will prosper and develop. he emphasized that the borders of the new regions are under reliable protection. russians and ukrainians are one nation. another perfect creature of the russian propaganda machine. relatively little is known about him. according to zmi bystriantsev, he received a russian passport in crimea in 2017 and since then lived in the occupied peninsula. there he held the position of head of the land use control department in the fake ministry of property and land relations of the republic of crimea. when his native city was under russian occupation, the former kherson native decided to return home and try to build a career under the abhorrence of the kremlin. at first he modestly asked. to the post
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of deputy minister of the occupation ministry of natural resources and ecology of the kherson region. a year ago, we chose to be together with russia, which means we chose a bright future for us and our children. on august 7, 2023 , the occupiers reorganized the department into the ministry of natural resources, ecology and fisheries of the kherson region, and bystryantsev himself was promoted to minister. bustreltsev already knows how to work out a new position, so... did he join the campaign for a common future with rashka, first during the local elections in september of last year, then during the presidential elections? compatriots, this day has finally come, the day when we can show our active citizenship . we urge you to come to the elections precincts and cast your vote for the future. such a display of will by bystryantsev did not go unnoticed. he was already suspected of collaborative activity in absentia. now the case
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is being considered by kherson'. city ​​court of kherson region. this lucky holder of a passport with a chicken will soon receive his sentence. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week ether espresso. 30. two-year-old karina has been living with a spinal cord injury for 20 years. he has lived in lviv for seven years and helps people with similar injuries. he says that during this time the city of leva has become more convenient for people with reduced mobility. however, there are still many barriers, and we decided to protest together how accessible lviv is for people in wheelchairs. this way, in order for the center of dovzhenka to be considered accessible, there should already be normal coverage. a normal cover for
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a person to be able to it well... to this long, because now...


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