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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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the lucky owner of a passport with a chicken will soon receive his sentence. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. 32-year-old karina has been living abroad for 20 years. of the spinal cord, has lived in lviv for seven years and helps people with similar injuries, says that the city of lviv has become more convenient for people with reduced mobility during this time, however there are still many barriers and we decided to protest together how accessible lviv is for people in wheelchairs, this way is for the center of dovzhenka to be considered accessible, there should already be normal coverage, normal coverage so that a person can reach him to get to that length, because now... the fact that we
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use special skills to move these slabs and these gaps between these slabs, it's like our superskills, but there are a lot of people who don't have these superskills, and there should already be a normal coverage, and then the center of dovzhanka can be considered accessible, then now i would already say that it is not accessible, well, let's see what is inside, the essence of the ramp is that it... should be so gentle, there are certain degrees, and the more the higher the rise to be climbed, the longer the ramp should be, and it should be gentle enough for a person in a wheelchair who is moving on their own to be able to climb it, i.e. any ramps where there is a large gradient and where the person is on their own can't go up, it's not a ramp, so it's not an element of architectural accessibility, this is the same barrier as... if there were just
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steps, ivan, for example, was climbing now with the help of a handrail, and this is often used by people, for example, who have damage on one side, and in for example, their left hand doesn't work well, and then they can use their right hand to help themselves get up there, they are defective on both sides, and usually there, for example, only on one side, but for people of the age. it will be difficult for the sight to move here, because there are no tactile tiles, visible entrance signs and obstructed by stairs. opening the door can also be a difficult task. if we are talking, for example, about ivan and me, then we can now open this door and enter without hindrance. if we talk about a person in whom, in whom there would also be damage to the upper limbs, then she would not be able to do it accordingly. and so, of course , a good door is a door that can slide. if it were automatic, we
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understand, yes, that it is not possible to achieve this everywhere, and then the door should at least open with a light effort, and so that the handle you could touch it lightly with a hand brush, even if your fingers don't work, well , we can check that now, well, you see, i just put my hand and, for example, if my fingers didn't even work, i can pull the door ugh. and to open even in this way, in order to use the elevator in the dovzhenko center for people in wheelchairs, first you need to get a key from the employees of the institution, here they admitted that they had not yet had visitors in wheelchairs, there were no difficulties with access to the ukrainian restroom, but says that not everyone can be so easy, okay, i go inside, i can, what can i, i can turn on, turn off the light myself. here and
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there is a good thing, what is good, that the mirror is lowered, it is good, because usually they are somewhere under the ceiling, well, here, in principle, you can use it to wash your hands, it is not inclusive, this so-called washbasin, but that’s it, you know, it’s okay, no handrails as you can see there should be a handrail, it should be hinged, it should be 70cm from the center of the toilet as far as i know, but getting to the shelter... almost impossible, no there are also no signs of a bomb shelter. according to karina, such an institution is not friendly to all categories of people. but lviv transport has become more accessible for all categories of the population. the worst is with trams, because there are only 20% of them. if our heroes managed to get into the tram, then getting out of it became a problem, because the call button does not work.
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i had to ask the tram driver to lower the ramp manually. and people are like, they won't go out, they won't miss often, you just have to, well, if we try to just calculate. each one step forward and know when to return, when to go, where to wait, well, you just adapt in one way or another, you need to create all the conditions so that people can realize themselves, work, pay taxes, and not sit and sit conditionally as if, well, only there on pensions , for example or something like that, right in everything that is happening, and let them rustle, and then they will get used to it. ramps are not installed everywhere, and where they are, they are completely inaccessible. karina says that the state should not randomly place ramps and consult only with experts from issues of reduced mobility, because the same
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ramps should be convenient for different types of wheelchairs, with the appropriate slope and material. the situation is the same with stairs made of tiles or smooth stone, if there are no rubbers on them. strips that help not to slide, well , look, this is a non-standard ramp, because it has two grooves in it, but they are not universal, everyone's wheelchairs have different widths, and accordingly, the wheels may not simply fit into these grooves , firstly, secondly, it has a non-normative bias, that is, it is more than necessary and independently it can no longer be climbed, well, the handrails too, accordingly, they are not normative, they do not have them. normal height, and their thickness does not allow normal grip. the space of lviv , with its old narrow streets, stone steps and curbs, is difficult to adapt for people in wheelchairs, but perhaps more and more coffee shops, cafes and bookstores are becoming
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friendly to people with disabilities and adapting their businesses. karina notes that she plans her route in advance, looks for establishments with an accessible entrance area and take-out. and if there are none, she will not be able to visit them, accordingly, leave money there. but if we talk about inclusion in general, then this is a process not only of removing these physical barriers, yes, it is also a process of removing mental barriers, including communication ones, and there is a certain problem in this too, because people still have various stereotypes about a person, for example, in a wheelchair... in a wheelchair, and maybe i can be perceived very superficially, you know, and accordingly feel a superficial attitude towards myself, for example, in relation to my financial capabilities, or regarding my mental capabilities, simply because i use a wheelchair, this is of course unacceptable, it should not be. karina says
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that a person's limited mobility should not deprive him of his sense of dignity and the opportunity to return to his life. now everything has changed very, very much after that. full-scale invasion, of course, people realized that disability will now be everywhere in us, well, yes, present as a phenomenon, and that something needs to be changed, and of course the rhetoric has changed a lot, politics has changed a lot, and now i personally feel that, you know, even too much attention and too much desire to help, we don't need too much attention, we don't need people running after us and giving us pandas. yes, we need to be allowed to live in peace, use our services, work and not pay too much attention, well, that's not necessary. in order for guests and residents of lviv to easily and quickly find barrier-free locations, the lviv tourist office has created a map: an accessible city.
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more than 100 food establishments, museums, theaters, communal institutions, hospitals, shopping and entertainment centers, which must comply with all norms of inclusivity. natalya stare pravo, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the air of the tv channel, the program studio zahid, we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular , we will talk about the russian-ukrainian war and certain new trends in russian imperial politics, we will also analyze the situation with our domestic-ukrainian political kitchen. our guests. mark feigin and oleg rybachuk. mark feigin, a figure of the russian opposition in emigration, former state duma deputy, iconic video blogger, will be working on the air of the tv channel. glory to ukraine, mark. glory, glad to welcome everyone. well, patrushev announced a new version and a new, so to
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speak, strategic direction of the russian federation. that is, they are ready to appoint, despite all the evidence, despite all the refutations, despite the entire islamic state, they are preparing to sew. with such threads, the ukrainian trace to what happened in crocusity. yes, but i can say that there is serious discussion the version of the ukrainian trace on... is not proven at all, not only because it was obvious from putin's first statement, 19 hours after march 22, that there was some kind of window on the border, everything has already been discussed here, there was no window on the border, and the car with performers was moving in a completely different direction, to the belarusian border, statements about some cryptocurrency accounts that are connected to ukraine, this is very funny, but you know, for me, the publication of april 2 in the washington post played a significant role. in it, it was reported that it turns out, at the same time, without denying it
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information from the american special services to the russian side two weeks before the terrorist attack, which contained not only an indication of the organization that was going to carry it out, vilayat khorosan, a network cell and affairs, called the place, the step of city hall. the russian ministry of foreign affairs reacted by saying that it was a waste. delete, if it throws it, you show the documents, refute, give some kind of confirmation of what has been provided. by american intelligence, the materials did not contain instructions on the step of siti hall, and if there is no such proof of its purity from the russian special services, then many questions arise. how is it, you knew the organization, the places, who prevented you from blocking all these places in moscow. do you lack strength and means? so you wanted this terrorist attack to happen? did they allow it to happen, did they want to take advantage of it... ukraine is the west that stands behind ukraine, that is, it should also be
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responsible for this terrorist attack, so why don’t i talk about what they say, what kind of west that stands behind ukraine, supports it is in the war, is an ally, to report in two weeks where this terrorist attack will take place, no, from the point of view of law, or from the point of view of forensics, nothing can be explained, but they are not steaming, mark, it feels like they are not steaming, there is a so-called form. does sound logic no longer work there, i.e. maria zakharova sketches what she wants, or what she is told to sketch, patrushev unfolds the scenarios, so to speak, which were pointed out to him, or which he sees, well, we understand, that is, they everything is already becoming like this, it has been like this for a long time, but the matter is serious here, they are trying because of the attention and sympathy of some countries that sent telegrams in the name of putin, also calling him a sympathetic president... to the russians of russia to get some kind of gain, such as a way out of isolation or a diplomatic
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stunt that they can pull off with the fallout from this terrorist attack. they nullify this possibility by continuing to accuse the west and ukraine of condoning this or even complicity in the terrorist attack. then it is simply impossible to continue the dialogue. the minister of defense of france spoke with the minister of defense of the russian federation shoigu. shouted that ukraine had nothing to do with the terrorist attack. in general, we are aware that putin and patrushev know that ukraine is of no use here, of course they know. they decided for themselves cold-bloodedly. yes, we don't care, we need it for our utilitarian purpose. let's say that there is a ukrainian trace. but it works only inside russia. they say that there is some revival in the military, like 16 thousand. submitted applications under the contract, and it is impossible to verify this figure, no body, official
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department will report the true figure, whether there is really a large influx or not, but in domestic politics, yes, there is survey, almost 50% of respondents in the russian federation believe that ukraine has a connection to the terrorist attack, and from the point of view of the west, and now the main interests are directed there to pressure kyiv to go to negotiations, there is just public rhetoric regarding... involvement moscow will not help ukraine from the west before the terrorist attack, they will have to choose there. well, i am worried about these moments that they choose what may indicate the need to launch a full-scale, even more full-scale war against ukraine. that is, as far as i understand, now they are still trying to maneuver, but in in any case, there are several very important signals that have come out of the kremlin offices, they indicate that they are preparing for... maybe some negotiations are still going on, so we understand that the americans are still undecided, so they are giving us 60 billion
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military aid, whether they give credit or not, and so on and so forth, that is , the story is being trampled in place, because we feel that way, putin crosses out some scenarios, the americans see other scenarios, but war in any currently ongoing. when we talk about even more full-scale than these more than two years of war, then we assume that the object of putin's interest is... this is an understandable attempt, this direction is used in order to take at least one regional center of a large city much larger than kherson. this is a logical continuation of what is being done in this direction of the front. kharkiv was called odessa, but odessa is smaller, because the military landing and the rest look a bit fantastic there. if we assume that this is kharkiv, then yes, all efforts, all necessary resources are directed there. and even president zelensky, who
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recently spoke about conducting a new mobilization, on june 1 he named the goal of capturing kharkov by air. national security adviser of the biden administration, bet on negotiations, to force, to persuade, to persuade kyiv to go to negotiations, to get some kind of pause until november, until the elections are held, and if god wills... biden will remain on them, although the result is not obvious. then solve this issue after the elections, taking into account the situation that will develop at that time. we need to buy time. if there are four years ahead somehow it will be possible to overcome, even the blocking of the aid law in the amount of 60 billion.
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of course, many things can be decided on the wave of victory. and how to last until november? well, this is a window of opportunity for putin, and he is now trying to use it, yes, while they are counting on something, maybe sometime in july, or maybe we will re-vote after the holidays and so on. putin , we see that he is going in a specific direction. so it is, of course, he will take advantage of this confusion. congress, the house of representatives through trumpist republican groups is blocking the adoption of a corresponding bill, which would allocate an appropriation of 60 billion dollars. in particular, the kremlin contributed to this, through the circles of trumpists and others. it's just that both parties, the republicans and the democrats, are trying to get some
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specific election dividend from this situation. and the republicans in response: whatever it is, we solve the issues for the benefit of the american taxpayers, the american voters, so let's combine these issues with the policy of illegal migration that the american taxpayers don't want to foolishly give money to ukraine, so let's make an interest-free or open-ended loan. ukraine. it does not make it any easier, ukraine is not at all a party here that has anything to gain from it, and the war does not like breaks and pauses. if both sides have come together in a political duel for the sake of winning the elections, then ukraine does not have this resource, this opportunity to spare time, because the war does not tolerate lunch breaks, from this point of view
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, some other ways should be proposed, apart from a direct intervention. is it clear that ukraine needs to hold out until november? and if trump wins the election, does the us administration have a plan b? as i see it, there is no such plan, therefore, of course, ukraine is in a difficult situation now. if we take alternative scenarios, we understand that there is a so-called geneva track, the chinese will go there as observers, we understand that this is history... maybe not strategically, but in any case they have already started talking about the fact that, in principle, no one would not rule it out so much if putin or one of his emissaries would appear at the g-20 meeting. moscow is acting because of many of its confidants and because of open public players, china is such, in particular. after all, what is china declaring now? that
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moscow must definitely take part in the negotiations, that negotiations without... i am not sure about this, by the way, and if these were negotiations about ukraine's accession to nato, should moscow be invited too? the problem is not in moscow and not even in ukraine, the problem is in the west, what is he ready to do, what is he not ready to do? well, in the swiss format, with regard to zelenskyi's peace formula, which provides for the preliminary conditions of negotiations - this is the liberation of the occupied territories. suppose moscow would take... is it ready for diplomatic or some other compromises? let me show it, let's say they would throw in publicly, it must be done publicly, without reference to a specific person,
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anonymously, that they are willing to consider the possibility that we leave some territories, but it must be done publicly, it cannot to make it so that lavrov hissed sullivan, said something to someone, no, there should be a public signal why public opinion in ukraine is not ready for this. but if there was some kind of hook, some possibility to announce that compromises are possible, but there is no such thing, i am sure that it is not by chance that this is not there, so that in no case later it would be said that we, as it were , assumed obligations, were ready to implement them, but could not during burned no, moscow does not take on such commitments in advance, it insists on points about geopolitical realities, demilitarization, non-joining
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nato, security conditions, language, etc., we mentioned it many times. therefore, even if russia comes to switzerland at china's insistence and china will be an observer there, it would not change anything, especially, until moscow clearly and directly declares its readiness for compromises. and will determine the direction in which compromises are possible. without this , there is no format, even initiated by china, because there was a statement by the ministry of foreign affairs that they also want to hold a conference, and istanbul offers itself as such a point, but so far no movement is visible. and if we talk, for example, about the parameters of moscow's ambitions, their key story is returning to the table of big politics, which is impossible by definition while the war against ukraine continues. from respectively, what would the kremlin be ready to exchange, what things would they be ready to go to, so to speak, well, in particular, that is, they freeze, withdraw troops, and instead
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some, i don’t know, another big civilizational story begins, where they return russia, or no. i do not see any compromises on the part of moscow, that it is ready. she is ready to exchange everything for air all the time. well, we will make a deal on our terms. and then we will not go to kyiv or kharkiv. according to putin's memorandum of december 21st, you demilitarize, demilitarize half of the nato countries that joined in may 1997, which they demanded to be defined in the treaty with washington and the agreement with nato. i don't seem to remember the fifth point. and that's all, and then we won't go to the soval corridor and storm moldova. first of all, who will believe moscow, who will believe that it keeps its obligations as a normal person? only military force creates the conditions for the implementation of such agreements,
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if nato soldiers stand everywhere, then yes, there is nowhere to go. well, firstly, secondly, these proposals can to be discussed, although they have already been rejected, in particular with regard to putin's memorandum back in january 22, on the eve of the war. only as a result of the war in ukraine. how to talk with moscow now about a major security agreement if the war in ukraine is not over. this is impossible until agreements are reached regarding ukraine, all other agreements are impossible. because ukraine itself, if it is occupied, if it is surrendered by the west of the eu, will become a platform, a platform for further attacks on eastern europe. from this point of view, at first. negotiations should take place here. how far reach ambitions? moscow stretches its ambitions as far as its imagination reaches. these are
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specific things. here we see games around transnistria and kisheniv. could there be an attack on kishenev from moscow? just as there was an attack and aggression against ukraine, the same can happen to moldova. why not? further. do they want to break through the suval corridor to their enclave in the kaliningrad region? of course they want to. they state this directly, can they implement the same ambitious plans in transcaucasia? well, of course it is, president macron and his game, mark, how do you see it and how far will the french president be willing to go? as for shoigu's conversation with the french defense minister, probably, that is, i don't know for sure, what is hidden from us is not the public part. the conversation was about the french contingent that should be sent to ukraine and... its security there, as i imagine it, they are probably trying to hear an answer from russia, whether it is ready to provide security, for example, will they be stationed in odessa, it will be some military base
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or? to be fired at by missiles, apparently, the conversation was about this, and it was publicly reported that they discussed the consequences of the terrorist attack, the ukrainian footprint, other security issues, but it seems to me that the most important thing now is this issue, macron is playing his game, it is very important for him to bring it to end, because why did he then on february 26 announce this and talk about it many, many times, repeated, called, conducted negotiations, public discussions, responded to moscow's claims, do you remember the phrase that we also have an atomic weapon. .. it means something to end up in politics in general, someone who says something and does not implement it, at least partially, at least ritually, is a big loss. in fact, i suspect the game is on. macron's doctrine consists of at least a ritual presence in ukraine in order to be able to accept for himself the main role in ending the war in ukraine. it is clearly moving away from the us because the united states is in an uncertain position in connection with the elections and a possible
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victory of trump in them in november. and france takes advantage in many ways of this weakness the political situation for the united states and its role in europe in order to highlight its role in order to enhance it. but again, there are so many risks, dangers and macron is not fully aware of all of them, that is, he says: "we will deploy 500 or 1,000 french legionnaires." neryshkin says: until 2000 on the territory of odesa, you won't fire rockets, will you? moscow says: "no, it won't." fire and fire, and macron will find himself in a situation where he will have to justify the death of the french military. situation shows that the kremlin does not have any internal inhibitions left, that is, some processes that they were afraid of within the russian federation, so i think that it is possible that they are now using the slaughterhouse in crocus city hall for pr purposes, well, for their own purpose, if in the case of something, certain trends will begin, well
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, relatively speaking, if mobiles... its next phase in the russian federation will not go well, then you can twist, twist, twist again and go at full speed along the stalinist tracks, but the question is how far is this system will be ready withstand this stalinist vibration? the totalitarian system moves exactly according to its pattern, repression is growing, it is obvious, and they have no other option, because repression is a part of such systems. according to the old saying... fight your own so that others are afraid, that is, repression is like a machine of a ministry, some kind of industry, it has to work, it has to thresh, if it has no work, then why is it there, this whole power unit, it needs to be given a task , the task of getting rid of disloyal elements, interpreting and interpreting who you can be disloyal very widely there, and from the outside it is war, they export war, and what else do they
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have to export, because then... it appears why putin is unchanged, why his children, the closest environment, because how, to whom can we entrust such a burden in the form of a war with neighbors, we have the task of imperial expansion, it does not matter whether it is real or mythical, then the power will reasonably remain eternal, as in north korea, there without militarism, the regime is ideologically lame, and so there is always a threat usa, south korea, the destruction of the north korean republic. and here, of course, the system is drifting towards its final design, as a totalitarian ideology is very important for a totalitarian system, war is this ideology, militarism is an ideology. and here is a very important point, you mark noted, war as an ideology, it is war in general, i don't know whether it is with the collective
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anglo-saxon or not, or this one? against ukraine: washington regional committee or kyiv? both, they consider kyiv a branch of the washington regional committee, its subdivision. it's all together, they are fighting the west through ukraine. another thing is that ukraine represents an independent interest. because ukraine, that is why such a war is impossible, for example with kazakhstan? because it is important for moscow to defeat such an alternative, slavic more than... to show that slavs cannot live except in the pan-slavic space that moscow represents. the slavs of the former ussr, primarily ukraine, cannot become part of the western, anglo-saxon world, otherwise it will demonstrate an example that without wars you can live normally, even well, deal with your own country, without having aggressive plans from the outside, because this is exactly what will happen to ukraine if...


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