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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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anglo-saxon or not, is it a war against ukraine, the washington regional committee or kyiv? both, they consider kyiv a branch of the washington regional committee, its subdivision, it's all together, they are fighting the west through ukraine. another thing is that ukraine has an independent interest, because ukraine, that is why such a war is impossible, for example with kazakhstan, because it is important for moscow to defeat such and such. an alternative, slavic, more western, to show that slavs cannot live except in the pan-slavic space that moscow represents. the slavs of the former ussr cannot primarily ukraine, to become part of the western anglo-saxon world. otherwise, she will demonstrate an example that without wars you can live normally, even well, take care of your own country, without having aggressive plans from outside, because this is exactly what will happen to ukraine if...
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it joins the eu and nato. and where should ukraine direct its aggression and why? there is no such idea. it is precisely the prevention of the possibility of integration into the west of ukraine that ultimately this war is such a tool. and in the end, of course, against the western values ​​of the west, in general, moscow and is fighting thank you very much, mark, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation, i would like to remind our viewers that mark fegin, an activist of the russian position on emigration, a former state deputy, was currently working on espresso. a famous video blogger, april 6, a dead rooster with the wunderwaffe program, especially for you favorite fighters of the legendary band, let's gather at 19:00 on april 6. tickets to concert
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economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters, what to many, they became like-minded, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together strengths. this is what our continent will look like after ukraine joins the european union. this is the only scenario for europe and ukraine. we reached the finals, the hardest part is ahead. not only russia is fighting against us. we have the experience of winning and we will win again.
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in the super final, otherwise our continent will look like this. well, now the tv channel is on the air espresso will be worked by oleg rybachuk, former head of the secretariat of president viktor yushchenko, former vice-prime minister for european integration of ukraine, and co-founder of the movement honest glory to ukraine, mr. oleg, congratulations, glory to the heroes. extremely serious earthquake in the office. of the president, a number of leading specialists in various positions with different biographies and different histories of relations with volodymyr zelensky were removed from their positions. this case was preceded by the resignation of the secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine oleksiy danilova, some explanations were given in connection with the transfer to a more, so to speak, suitable position, as the manager found out. in fact, i
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do not perceive it as some kind of tsunami, it is something like that, a light spring breeze, a trophy. when it was, it was in the pre-yermakov era, and before the yermakov era, it ended a long time ago, and therefore i agree with those who say, not without reason, that in fact, with these decisions, yermak, like the cuckoo that laid, that is, yermak in the form of eggs, which at one time ended up on the street. hatched and all the others threw up here it is also important to understand that there are two categories of leaders of the president, those who believe that they simply have to ensure his work, not to interfere with the public and the cameras, but to ensure that
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the president has the most well-thought-out policy, for him to be aware of what is happening, to provide him with versatile, multi-vector access to information, and there are others who believe... that they are not the first, but not the second either, so others, they always have, and it is very interesting, for example, i had three deputies, my successor viktor bologa, there were already 11 or more of them there, but yermak also has a dozen of them there now, maybe more, and therefore, when these deputies are replaced, it means that it is definitely not zelenskyi’s decision, because zelenskyi is quick, not most likely, and i know for sure that only yermamak communicates with the president, and besides yermak, no one else, especially some of his deputies, of whom there are a dozen, they have neither access nor influence, the situation with the chief is more interesting, because he is the chief, he is formally, i was surprised that he still had this status, but
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he was called an assistant, or even the first assistant to the president, the first assistant to the president, and here i went through it, as i transitioned, i did this, i took this position from viktor yushchenko, because... i had two deputies there and that's all, but this position appeared with leonid kuchma, where the first assistant was serhii lyovochkin, who is still in ukrainian politics, and bankova knows him well, he survived, and medvedchuk, who was there, well, the personification of evil, a bad policeman, a good police officer, for example, viktor yushchenko and dear friends of viktor yushchenko communicated with president kuchma through lyovachkin, and this was done for... balances, it is obvious that shefir, when he came, as one of the president's greatest friends, he did not take this function in order to somehow balance there with bohdan with something else, and most likely zelenskyi trusted him the most as a friend, and that is why
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he talks about such issues as contacts with oligarchs, that is, some very sensitive, intimate for president zelenskyi issues, intimate in quotation marks, was decided by the chief minister, but the chief minister after the attempt, about which he is sure have already forgotten him he left, and in fact, i think this could not have been yermak’s decision, but it should have been a mutual decision between shefir and zelenskyi, because , well, this function simply disappeared during the war, but so are all these staff reshuffles, i’m sure, they were initiated and and controlled by yermak, and this is a very harmful construction for president zelenskyi, because he was and remains in yermak’s monopoly in terms of who he meets... what information he receives, who can have access to him, zelenskyi , and by the way, in this also explains the situation with the secretary of the national security council, because in the constitution of ukraine, the national security council is the body, the only body, which is mentioned in the
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presidential institute, because there is no office, secretariat, administration of the president, nothing is said about it there, and the council of national security is really the body that the president, that president who believes in... a collegial decision, that wants to make policy, hear all the arguments there, this is the body that allows the president to gather at the highest level members of the government, politicians and anyone realistically, who the president considers important and influential, and therefore those presidents who are prone to collegial decisions, and we had very few of them, they could use the national security council, the best national security council was constructed... then by volodymyr horbulin, and i with him worked, i tried to return that format of the council, but it is important to understand that the decisions of the national security council come into effect by the decree of the president of ukraine, and if the egos of the head of the secretaries or the head of the
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presidential administration and the secretary of the national security council, the secretary of the national security council begin to be measured there always loses, because there were a number of examples when even some decisions were formally approved by council. of security, and this is such a big round table, there are many people who speak, someone takes minutes, well, somewhere there is something, as it is written in the verkhovna rada, but the final document is issued by the service. of the president, the president's office, the president's administration, and that's why at some point, this probably appeared to danilov, because danilov went a little into independent swimming, not a little, he is so serious into independent swimming, he was no longer interested there, he started working as a newsmaker, and it was a matter of time, and it is obvious that on this, on this basis, he had problems with yunak, because danilov most likely did not agree on his public statements there for the last six months and could be that other source. influence on the president, who yermak did not like, i think that this, and besides, danilov himself
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was simply there, he was tired of being there, it was visible, mr. oleg, i would like to ask you, that is, the departure of the shefir, the departure of trofimov , this means that there will be a somewhat narrowed presidential communication with various, so to speak to say, in certain directions, yes, well, because shefir is also a private direction, trofimov was responsible for the other regional one. politics, yes, if yermak has, i don’t know, i think there are 10 or how many deputies, well, that means that none of these deputies, i insist on this, really does not affect anything there, he cannot go out alone alone to a meeting with the president and to convey to the president some of her point of view, there is a firm stand there, that is, the structure of the office, where there are a dozen or more deputies, she says that the head of this... service, he does not delegate anything to anyone, it's just like that, it's such a labyrinth,
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you know, a variety of different positions, people are responsible for something, but they submit all documents and all proposals to the head of the office, and he , if he deems it necessary, then he can give access to the body there only in his presence, or support this or that idea, because if you delegate, then there should be one or two deputies there, and these deputies have a real job. vaty, you should meet daily, as we did with all the department heads, and discuss the agenda, it for sure, there is no such thing in banking now, and that is why i share the point of view of those people who say that this is actually a strengthening or such a reservation of the monopoly of the head of yermak’s office on access to the president, well , there is nothing new here, we already had such people, we had tobachnyk, we had medvedchuk there, they all finished badly in the end and... both those people and those presidents around whom such a monopoly was created, because this monopoly can be called something else, you can call it
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a bubble, you can call it a bunker, when you you really lose touch with the outside world and when the president delegates too much to you, and the opportunity to check the quality of your analytics or, well, there is no one who can act as an alternative to some, well, i don’t know, critics or offer some other options, and therefore this... this this this harmful formula, she, well, look at the degradation of putin, how far do we have to go, any president who freezes or ferments in the same environment, in the same place, he inevitably, intellectually, politically degrades, or begins to do so say, certain transformations, well, in particular, remember, there was bohdan, there is no bohdan and so on, maybe there will be some kind of broader front, i don't know, changes, maybe consolidation, is that the case here? there is a pond, we have an office, we have a national security and defense council, and maybe there will be some, i
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don't know, synergy. the second point that worries me is the feeling that in our country, the key body, the verkhovna rada of ukraine, is somehow self-resetting itself, or it is being reset to zero with the help of someone's specific will, yes, well, the rating a sociological agency did a study, evidence of a drop in trust in the parliament and at the same time we understand what is a decrease in trust in the president as well, then... that is , during a war, a decrease in trust is not good, it is a certain danger, and we remember very well how important functions the parliament has always been able to perform, our viewers or listeners, many who among them would not agree, because they don't like our deputies, they call them, the audience calls them whatever they want, because as for the deputies, we haven't seen any broadcast of the meeting of the president's office there, that's right, and we don't know much, there about how the government works, maybe they will show a couple of opening minutes there cabinet, and the prime minister will say something, but we
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see a lot of stories, because the deputies have their own telegram channels, they conduct their own communications, there are just some public scandals, a lot of attention, and this attention is mostly positive for parliament, although i confirm that the entire turbulent history of ukraine in the most tumultuous times, when it seemed that now our ship ukraine will simply crash on the reef. it was the parliament that acted as a navigator between these reefs, i recently met a member of parliament there, and the main question, i i say that you have more of everything there? oppresses, he says that it is impossible for you to actually go abroad, because it sounds very humiliating, a lot of deputies are really in order to implement their projects, very, i will not describe this project, but the project is absolutely normal, a person works for it, the project works to ukraine, he needs to do it somewhere in the baltics or somewhere in warsaw, and then
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go somewhere in brussels, and he says that it's very humiliating, you have to stand in line for the speaker for six months there... to explain and they will let you go if you go to a meeting there, conditionally in warsaw, and then you still wind up in brussels, then you will have to explain the reports there, because it is monitored by the border guards, that is, this factor, which was already talked about, turns out to be for many unconscious deputies, because what do you influence then, well, you obviously don't influence the government, because the president's office already does it all there, you 're not, you don't have a broadcast, you can't have any informational influence there because... the fund there has a clear list , who to invite, who not, and as a result, many deputies simply do not see any sense in the fact that they are deputies, well, those who came to earn cannot earn, because there is someone to earn without them, they were simply wiped out, you can earn only if you give there lion's share of the main center of power, and this is not the parliament, this is the office of the president, that is, you have
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some schemes to insert yourself, this is also, this is also an amateur, and if you want to change something... for the country, then you perfectly understand that you are nobody and they don't call you anything, and zelensky's meeting with deputies, and that's already a lot of people confirmed, it was the president's monologue, and the deputies could not insert their 5 kopecks there, that is, the obvious crisis is so internal and plus they do not see their future, usually, if you are a deputy, well, every politician wants to see his political, well, not everyone, but many , who wants to see their political future, they do not see it here, they definitely understand the majority... none of their lists will get there, it is not known what will happen there with the elections, in a word, they are demoralized, they have no influence on the government, on the voters, they are not influence, well, they either have to do whatever they are told, or crawl there on their knees, but the question is, well, on the one hand, the parliament does not constitute some, i don’t know, serious competitive center, yes, on the other hand ,
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it was an insurance cent, such a person could sometimes perform the missions of a lightning rod, that is , you understand... there are unpopular decisions, collective responsibility, it very often somehow, you know, blurs this specific responsibility, but here we understand that, well, a certain , i don't know if there is a conscious or unconscious discredit campaign, yes accordingly, perhaps it smells of one or another electoral moments, although we understand, well , what the constitution says no, so it is desired, and it stings, yes, well, it is already obvious that let us remind ourselves that this is the first time we have... a parliament , in which the president had a single majority, as a political force, we have never had such a thing during the years of independence, and not for the first time, the traditionally pro-presidential force, after a few years of the president in office, begins to crumble, and the closer to the elections, the more it is less influential, and there is already competition there for who will be the next presidential
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power, and here problems arise, because it is already clear that the servant of the people. as a brand, it has already served its purpose, it has no chance of repeating its success there, and for bankova street, on the one hand, i would really like some, well, young blood to come, for example, if people from the list started coming to the parliament, then it would be guaranteed, in a normal political force, it would be guaranteed by those people who are in the team, who are there, well, who share the ideology of the conditional party, but we know that probably a third of the deputies of the current servants of the people, those who compiled these lists never thought in their lives that these people would get into the parliament, so there are a lot of completely random people, and you can afford the quality of those who are even lower there, because you just had to fill 450 or how many 300
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people should be given there, and there was a lot of writing, so this is also not a decision, and and and accordingly... and none of the presidents, this is also not news, each of the presidents did not want to have a strong parliament, well, it is the parliament of each of the presidents annoying, they tried to control him, somehow coexist, but this is a very difficult story, and there is shmygal, and someone else may come instead of shmygal, or what do you think, are these premature talks about replacing the head of the government, well, first of all, he is already a record holder, the prime minister record holder, secondly, from those rumors there... and this is what i believe, i believe that irmak sees himself as the prime minister at night, well , because he understands how much it is possible to follow zelensky everywhere control everything and... and such type of heads of secretariats as yermak, bologa, tabachnyk, medvedchuk, they all had this the vision that after, they understood that
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you can be in this position forever, for them it was a dream to become the prime minister, in my opinion, none of the heads of the administration became the prime minister, but it is possible that in the current conditions yermak has such a dream, that is, it would be such a legalization that would not be very beneficial to yermak, because then he would really have to be responsible for something, but now he is not responsible for anything... well, you haven't seen him take responsibility for anything at all, there are some, he, he, he does not answer, there is no job description for him, we do not know what he can be used for ask, journalists write about the fact that he is such a recruiter who puts his friends in bread positions, but it will not end in anything, so whether it will be good for the country or whether it will change something, i do not know, well, because it is most likely will lead to an inevitable conflict with zelensky, and... and again from the point of view of management, management will not improve, because i do not imagine yermak as the head of the cabinet of ministers, but a collegial one
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who will listen there, where they will have some meetings there, to say some things, to listen to opponents, that is to cooperate with the parliament, it is very difficult with those personalities, look, but why exactly these changes took place right now in the spring, yes, that is, they could have become... i don't know, three months ago, they could have been postponed for another couple of months , but it went, such a process went on and it went rather quickly, although i say, i repeat, nothing portends the possibility or perspective of the same parliamentary elections, well, the meeting of the president with his faction that you already mentioned, yes, well, it could be different , somehow, i don't know, warmer, more promising, that is, it was possible to somehow show the huge cool prospects of individual political development and so on, no, that's enough. quite, i would say so, it was tough, tough, and they could too, the president just had to give the deputies an opportunity to speak, and it is very important for any politician to learn
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to listen, because a person who even has complaints against you, when you start a dialogue, she somehow warms up inside, why in the spring, well, spring has come, it's time to plant, they don't plant, well, it means it's time to rearrange the styles, change there awl on soap, i said this saying and... i thought that now, if you say awl on soap, it already grows with some additional meaning fur, fur, fur grows, grows, because we already have another one phenomenon is very discretionary for the sbu, well, that is, the sbu, which, the security service of ukraine, which has never given up on fighting not with ukrainian business, with domestic business, but with the enemy, does not leave, they cut . this business regularly, and this fact, one of those facts that definitely does not accelerate our european integration, but why in the spring, well , because first of all, several things, the president, i think that it started with those
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reshuffles, well, in particular, the meritocratic factor, i think, is very present here, well, because there have been some changes, the president began to speak, because there were expectations in society based on the results of the year, we are not having a very successful year, because if the year is successful, well, who would make these changes and... and since this is the price for the fact that you concentrate power, it is that you are responsible for everything, even for what you touch, that is, the rating of the president began to slip, there is the resignation of a good man, there are other resignations, and there are also some reshuffles in the government, some ministers that we have already forgotten, and there is a conversation about what we need now, the president, the president's office, began to prepare public opinion for the fact that we now need to regroup, go to another level and show everyone kuskino mata, and therefore show... it was very strange without changes in the office, well, everyone understands that the decision-making center, the real decision-making center is on bankova street, and they are changing some shooters there
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and therefore it was already very logical, i heard conversations about changes of two advisers there since the autumn, but the surnames of these two advisers were definitely different, tatarov shurma was there, this is what was expected there, let's say at the event, our partners and journalists expected , that this is the most odious, let's say a surname. or to more scandalous, discredited surnames, but these people remained, which is why i started with the fact that there is actually no tsunami there, the key players remained, but why in the spring, well, it is somewhere such a certain cycle, a reaction to the fall ratings, i think that this team follows the mood very carefully, they need to and, although we have to give credit that zelensky for his certain algorithm of the presidency, he is at the moment... there already for the last year the presidency has the highest rating, according to mine, of all his predecessors there, but it was necessary to do something about it, to demonstrate that it is not only about there ministers,
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deputies. and we are talking about the structure of zelenskyi himself, he wants to show that he also understands here, injects new blood, how president kuchma once said there, you will not see another kuchma for a second term. thank you very much, mr. oleg, an extremely interesting and meaningful conversation, i want to remind our viewers that oleg rybachuk, former head of president viktor yushchenko's secretariat, co-founder of the chesno movement, was currently working on espress. thank you. the time of our program has run out, stay with the espress tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones, see espresso. see you on air. what bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, but
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greetings to everyone from espresso, i am anna javamelnik and news for your attention. another successful one detonation, the main intelligence agency of ukraine reported a special operation on the territory of russia. on the night of... on april 6 , a pipeline was blown up in the rostov region, through which the occupiers were pumping oil products to tankers in the port territory of the azov seaport. now the work has been stopped indefinitely. the intelligence officers emphasize that the object was used by the russians for military purposes. in the afternoon, the enemy launched reconnaissance drones over odesland, the forces reported.


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