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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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an unusual look at the news, good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with... around september saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant in special guests,
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own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we return to ours. conversations and now we will be joined by oleksiy litvinov, vo rector of zhukovsky national aerospace university, kharkiv aviation institute, is already with us, mr. oleksiy, mr. oleksiy, i greet you, good afternoon, mr. oleksiy, are you in kharkov now, yes indeed, of course in kharkov, what is in kharkov now, is there there is light now in the city, well , there is light in the city - there is almost no light somewhere in about
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a third of the city, yes, unfortunately, most of the central part, and those areas that are close to the border with the country, they also lack electricity, but... ... dull electricity is returning, that's where our university is located, for example, there was no electricity for a little more than a week, but thanks to the heroic work of all those connected with the electricity industry of our energy workers, they were able to restore it, although today the limits allocated in the region are somewhere short of 200 to 300 megabytes. you and as far as
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i know, somewhere from 300 to 500 thousand residents of kharkiv are currently without electricity, including in the region, somewhere around 15-17 settlements in the region also feel the connection of electricity, and it is also provided for schedule, the schedule is so tight, that's why there are certain problems. there is, but in the general background we can withstand it, well, but kharkiv to a certain extent returns to before - until the winter until the fall of the 22nd , 23rd year, the 23rd year, and, that is, uh, what, what are the moods now people in general, that is, i understand, just now there is such a narrative, and which is supported by my kharkiv friends. my
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friends from kharkiv, who live in kharkiv, about the fact that kharkiv is a hero city, everything is fine there, we are not weak, we are made of reinforced concrete, i understand that, but i also understand that this is it is not easy, and how should i say it, well, the question that is, it is not easy, the easiest thing is not to ask it, but the easiest thing is not to ask it, to say: the city is a hero, kharkiv is holding on, kharkiv, we are with you, it is easy to do, especially somewhere from lviv, start from kyiv. the main question is: can the russians continue to cut off the city's infrastructure and economy and continue to destroy it, or are they capable, as some deputies of their state duma call for this, to turn kharkiv into kherson, if they understand what to capture... kharkiv to them not
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will succeed in some perspective, that is, will this strategy in principle be talked about, what do the people of kharkiv themselves think about it in kharkiv? well , look, i’ll start a bit from afar with the current situation, well, it can’t be compared with the 22nd year, because the people were completely different, and the city worked in a different mode, well, to be honest , well, so that some of us take seriously the fact that something like this can happen on february 24, 22 , that something like this will happen, although now in the third year of the war, of course, well, a lot... people say that we knew, we expected, er, that it couldn't be any other way, and we were preparing, well, er, something, let's say, it's not like that, now another city has a completely different attitude, er now, of course, on the one hand
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, there is a certain fatigue, there is a certain, er, certain, well phtoma, let's call it phtoma, from all these events, from everyday life. uh, these problems with water supply, with electricity, with constant shelling, there is an accumulation of this stress, an accumulation of anxiety, an accumulation of constant fear for oneself, for one's relatives, for one's homes, for everything that was built, there is people are terrible at people when they see them, and we all know very well what condition kharkiv was in before the war began. well, without insults and without too much modesty, i can say that compared to most of the cities of our magical ukraine, kharkiv was still the most charming, it was the cleanest, the best roads,
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the best parks, all this was and now these people are furiously, with hatred, with some exceptional cynicism, they uh... are destroying this very infrastructure, it's probably something personal, it's probably something subjective, some kind of our city heroes are offended, yes, but still still, i want to state that a lot has been created by the military authorities, and by the city, and mainly by the regional military administration for arrangement. around kharkiv , all these very strong defense structures, er, there is no longer such confusion, which was still present in some places at the beginning of the 22nd year, everyone is oriented, everyone knows very well how and
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what needs to be done, everything is laid out, the relevant documents are drawn up , plans, deployment plans, operational response plans, all of this is for... today, but still the main thing is that it's completely different people perceive, people are focused, people are determined, people understand very well that now the question is about the type of civilization, about the survival of a specific people in the struggle for their right to exist on this earth, maybe it sounds somehow too pathetic, but i tell you honestly, in in kharkiv, it is precisely such conversations, precisely such people understand very well, although the conversations have really become much less, everyone is waiting, everyone knows how and what will be done themselves, god forbid, the first underground school that
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opened in kharkiv, is this too key to some, at least temporary future? yes, the first metro school that opened, well, this is really a great joy, this is such a touching event, this is a super super event, and here are these thoughts about how children will study underground, how we got to this point, we have to to reject ourselves, because this is an absolutely correct, normal situation, in the circumstances that we... today in kharkiv have developed, we have no other way out. i won't tell, we all know very well, everyone has already become an expert in the sub-flight time for missiles. how much is all this? continues and how, but the circumstances turned out like this,
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so that we, ours, did not lose a generation, so that the children felt, and most importantly, their parents, and adults, felt protected, us. all this history is very necessary, it is expensive, it is very voluminous in terms of types and the number of works carried out, but... it is worth it, if you do not go inside it, well, you will not see any difference from the cool, modern , a european-oriented school, given that it meets all safety requirements, is responsible for classes, categories security facilities, and you will see how, with what joy, with what pleasure children come to her. to a new, clean, and bright school, all doubts and all questions about
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the need to build exactly such buildings, they , uh, they disappear, you see, as the head of a higher educational institution, i look with envy at such buildings, because we, for example, without state support, we will not be able to build such a thing. and we have no other way out, because we need both children and students for kharkiv, we need them to preserve the student city, the best student potential for all of ukraine. well, it is probably better to find illustrations of this, this spirit and this patriotism for one's own city, for one's land. mr. oleksiy, thank you very much for this conversation, oleksiy lytvynov was from... zhukovsky national aerospace university, kharkiv aviation institute,
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in the meantime, we are going for a very short break, gentlemen, then we will talk a little about stolen ukrainian children, about how they flashed in the orphan system of the russian federation, the investigation of mass media has appeared, we will analyze it a little together with pavel lysyansky, wait. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminost oro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. a real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. turn on hbo's new satirical series on mekogo. regime. can her tyranny lead to freedom, watch in ukrainian in the megogo subscription, there are 15% discounts on zipel in
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represents. united by football, stronger together. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. this is what our continent will look like after ukraine joins the european union. this is the only scenario for europe and ukraine. we reached the finals, the hardest part is ahead. not only russia is fighting against us. we have the experience of victories, and we we will win again. in the super final. otherwise, our continent will look like this. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand
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the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, we return to our ether, pavlo lysyanskyi has us now to join, the director of the institute of strategic research and security and the founder of the eastern rights group, which actually has a lot of work in the last few years, especially the last two years, i read that, for example, in
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the occupied stakhanov, this city was brought to someone'. two russian servicemen, stakhanov, that's kadiivka in the ukrainian language of luhansk, luhansk region, the word in kadiivka is two, just a man who had a land cruiser car, dzhip, the two servicemen liked the car. ysky, and they too they just killed the owner and took it for a ride, but somehow it surfaced there now and it is somehow being investigated, but just of course the illustration of the liberator in the first full height, which is called mr. pavle, we welcome you to our airwaves, pavlo lysyansky joins us, congratulations, i i don't know if you have heard about
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this story from stakh stakhanov, and about how a person was killed there simply because... i liked the car, this is of course some kind of tinkering, i'm just trying to understand what 's going on in such called lpr and dpr, is there at least some minimum, or do people feel safe there, and who feels safe there, those are ordinary people, if you have some business there, some shop, work with the occupation authorities, you did not leave, you could not, you did not i wanted to leave, maybe what's the difference, there's still something there, but do you have some money, do you feel safe enough? with his business, but look, i will tell you another story, about which few people know, yes, and peryselenko is a resettled woman from the luhansk region, well, after a full-scale invasion came to the kyiv region, she was there, lived there, and then decided to go to the occupied territory, to see if the housing there was looted, or if she was not deprived of her housing, now you
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know that there is a massive seizure of apartments there, uh, that's it... no she contacted a person for 49 years, and then her friends and neighbors found out about her there, and they beat her up and killed her, this is lysychansk or severodonetsk, she was killed in lysychansk, and she is from severodonetsk, so this is the situation there, that is, they killed her including the fact that she went to ukraine, that is ukrainophobia there, this is one of the key... rules for the occupiers, and accordingly, people with pro-ukrainian views in the occupied territories cannot feel safe a priori, as for other people who are wealthy, well, really the same, see, recently, it’s simple, well, so that you understand the attitude of the occupiers to the local population, what they started to brag about there, that in
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anthracite they set up buiets for water, well, they... we were, anthracite is my native place, i remember i still remember 2007-8 there there were tickets, water was given free of charge, now they also adopted tickets there, but let's say this, there is one inaccuracy that the occupiers do not talk about, water from these pumps is paid for, that is, in order to draw water, a person has to pay, according to this all are based, the occupiers are trying to rob, earn money for the following. organizing the delivery of water there for money, for funds, so, you know, it is surprising here, i have been observing, researching, observing, communicating with the occupied territories, with local residents for 10 years, nothing new for me no, the only thing i can say is that those repressions that took place from the 14th to the 22nd year, from the 22nd to the 24th year
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, they significantly intensified, they became tougher. quieter, they became more, let's say, scarier, accordingly, and therefore it is not surprising, i know many cases when , let's say, a person worked in the occupied territories, of course, a person, you know, worked, he was, as the people say, exchanged, yes, that is, he exchanged money there, dollars for rubles, and an official from the people's militia ordered from him. there are 10 00 dollars, he left to meet, no one saw this person again, and the woman talked him out of it, let's say, pressured her not to contact, not to... raise a fuss about his disappearance, and his car, in which he drove, was then put in place by the occupation police , where she stood, everything, well
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, you understand, that is, for the occupier to kill a person from the temporarily occupied territory, regardless of his views, for them, in their psychology, this is not a crime, they think that this is war, for us it is military aggression, for them it is war. and all that they earned during the war is this booty. we all remember this video from avdiyivka rostrochenaya, where the occupier runs and records the video to his wife, telling her to take it out by wagons and wagons. well, you see, that's why it should be perceived like this, they are criminals, they came to rob, kill, destroy the local population, commit genocide. occupation, occupation authorities in russian. the federation in the captured territories is committing a clearly planned genocide, ethnocide, which they planned long before the military invasion in 2022, so it
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should be treated as such. er, you know, about fate ukrainian children from orphans, in particular, who were taken to russia, this lviv-bilova, who is recognized there as a criminal, a criminal, an international criminal, and actually... russian journalists are so oppositional, i honestly don't know how they managed it, but they write about it that they managed to talk with some of these orphans, in various orphanages, scattered or special boarding schools in different regions of russia, they simply quote the phrases of these children, and they are certainly shocking, for example, maybe you have seen this material in particular in russian jellyfish, and there, for example, is the girl ksenia, who says that she was in the donetsk boarding school, she was there in donetsk, she felt freer, and it was possible to go for walks and see
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friends, here she says that she did not like it at first, but now she doesn't care, and said that at first we were called ukrainians, but now no one insults us and calls us non-russian, but i said. that the attitude towards a person should not depend on the nation, this is what she told russian journalists, another tells about how they were brought to the kursk region, and she even ran away from that boarding school, she was not so much, although she does not tell the details, she is obviously afraid, and she also says that she was called dnrovtsi, ukrainians, and that we started a war with russia, this is in kursk, then she was transferred to another region, and well and this and these... there are a lot of them, there is another taisia ​​with a younger sister, also in a russian grandfather's home, who says that it is worse and no one takes them, they are just in
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this boarding school, that's why there are so many testimonies, which strongly contrast with what this lviva-bilova promised, then these children are just like that some special receivers are scattered all over russia, where they are baited, look, in order to understand this material to the end, you need to... but to understand what the russian orphanage for orphans is like in russia, you know, there is a gradation of places of deprivation of liberty, there is places of deprivation of liberty for minors, those who have committed crimes are locked up there, there are places of deprivation of liberty for adults, and orphanages, russian orphanages for the children of orphans, or children of parents who have... deprived of their rights, and now it is the largest trigger on of the occupied territory, this is the beginning of places of imprisonment, it is already a prison, in fact, a children's carriage house, i just went to this point and said
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that there is nothing different from, let's say, a zone for minors, but what are they is different, an ideological attempt to ideologically reshape the child. that is, you see, when the article was quoted, the child says that she no longer cares, you will understand how they have already washed the bowls and could not wash them, by the way, but the child has started a protective reaction, she simply does not care, she is trying to distance oneself from this on one's psychological level, uh, well, unfortunately, this is the russian federation, so it shows that it was she who saved the children, and this is ... one of the stages of ethnocide, that is, to steal ukrainian children, to issue them with russian passports , and those children who are in these orphanages, they already have russian passports,
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because no one asked them. because the system there works in such a way that, at first , the administrations of these orphanages, yes, that is, places of deprivation of liberty for children, and places of deprivation of liberty, become guardians there, yes it is correct to say, and they turn to the migration service, issue these passports, as of today, a new stage of deportations has begun there, and parents are losing their parental rights en masse. in the occupied territories , children are taken away and put in these special reception centers, and one of the main criminals in this case, in this deportation of children, are judges from the occupied territories. by the way, we are currently working on an analytical report where we will try to identify all judges in the temporarily occupied territories as much as possible. we have
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last name, who accepts. decisions, how, when and where, yes, in which occupied place, there are judges from the russian federation, there are judges, collaborators who betrayed the oath, and they make decisions that actually start the deportation of children from the occupied territories, and we we believe that the law enforcement agencies of ukraine should, well, we are now helping and want them to... enter them into the unified register of pre-trial investigations, start opening criminal cases against them, that is, this system needs to be paralyzed in the judicial system in the occupied territory in order to at a minimum, create some kind of obstacle to the deportation of children, while we have not liberated this territory, i still ask, we literally have two minutes left, regarding this railway, rostov-crimea, what are the dangers for ukraine here?
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minutes on us, first of all, i want to note that we described everything about it in detail in the analytical report that we presented in january, and it is called the forecast of the occupiers in the temporarily occupied territory, there on the page of the eastern pravosakhny group, this report is freely available. well, this actually duplicates the connection of the russian federation with the occupation crimea, i.e. in case the bridge is blown up. yes, which leads to this crimean bridge, then they will have an alternative route, firstly, and secondly, this railway route, this is one of the stages, one of the stages of the modernization and militarization of the sea of ​​azov, which they want to do as such a transport hub and to pack these our occupied territories of the south precisely in
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terms of the military, and this railway... will serve the purpose of bringing them there, well, first of all, ah, a mobilization resource, then building materials for fortification front lines, yes, that is, front lines of defense so that the ukrainian armed forces do not break through, well, and thirdly, they will be tako, well, in the same case, passenger services will also run, that is, they can move, and let’s say so, this is dangerous... dangerous, because, at the very least, it does not allow, it does not allow to implement the original plans for the deoccupation of crimea, so it is necessary to prevent this plan, this plan from happening, well, that is what the head of gurmo ukraine kyryll budanov said in principle . thank you, even for this, for this conversation, pavlo lysyanskyi was with by us, director of the institute of strategic
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studies and basic security. of the eastern right-wing group, well, we have come to the end of our analytical hour, let's call it that, but just now we are adding news, an informative minute from the news broadcast with anna yavymalnyk. congratulations, colleague, thank you for your work, the newsroom is still working, we will talk about the most important and i will start with the situation in kharkiv, where, unfortunately, the number of victims of the attack by muscovites has increased. be with us. the number of people killed as a result of the russian attack on kharkiv increased by 11 people wounded - serhiy bolvinov, the head of the investigative department of the regional police, said. at night, the enemy hit the city twice with s-300 missiles.


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