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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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her readers or viewers, there is nothing strange about this in principle, but the fact that she communicates like this has already been reflected in the popularity ratings of volodymyr zelenskyi, well, let's assume that this is his choice, maybe he is deliberately trying to reduce his popularity , this is actually the announcement of this interview of president zelenskyi, we see that one of the journalists is a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine from the ictv tv channel, it seems. this is the presenter, i just want to clarify here, for example, we recently had a whole series of resignations in the office the president, they were also almost not communicated in any way, and, but, but, what can be concluded from these resignations, and that is that what we learned, at least from such behind-the-scenes conversations, that, for example, the decision on these resignations, as someone said on condition of anonymity, but... somewhere
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influential in the president's office, i don't really know what that even means in this day and age, that this decision is made by one or two, two people , and this is precisely the fair and possibly zelensky, how in principle to adopt such a personnel policy, why it was these people who were dismissed, why, for example, weren't more toxic people dismissed, again, is it really possible... yermak, now there are some rumors that yermak may be nominated in the parliament for the position of prime minister, that you do you think about it, is it really beneficial to yermak and zelensky? i think we are witnessing the existence of a model of government called the office-presidential republic, it did not appear today, it appeared back in 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic, and no one's parliament... no one in parliament is
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didn't particularly mind, and when the monomajority in the parliament began to fall apart, it immediately became noticeable, you see, denis shmegal also didn't mind that he has practically no powers, that he goes to work just to go to work, well, he really is the most the longest serving prime minister in the modern history of ukraine, it is true, but it seems to me that he is simply not taken seriously by our outsiders. partners are from abroad, so they are clearly aware of who to communicate with. sh- one more story, this is something that stefanchuk seems to mark in the chair chairman of the constitutional court, if this suddenly happened, would it still be possible to call it an office-presidential republic, or would it already be called for some other new name? well, in order to, ruslan stefanchuk came here. he was headed by the constitutional court, he
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must first become a judge of the constitutional court, that is, i honestly do not remember whether there is a presidential quota to appoint him, and now this selection process is quite complicated, i understood that there will be now three judges of the constitutional court are appointed from the supreme council, but on average they don't have ruslan stefanchuk for sure. therefore, i know, for example, that one, in my opinion, professional constitutionalist lawyer did not pass through the selection of judges of the constitutional court, but i do not have permission to name him, but many readers on facebook know him, he recently published a book, a comment about constitution and it will be found... but i think that what is happening
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at the moment, well, it is a combination of certain authoritarian tendencies, which in times of war, unfortunately, are natural, because war needs quick solutions, with the fact that there is a system of power that was created because it was so convenient, that was created because the parliamentarians, who were a monomajority until recently, were so convenient for them, and the opposition was quite weak in order to effectively resist this, but if everyone likes to repeat kuchma's phrase, it's already happened, i'll say another phrase, it won't always be like that, ugh, well, i know for sure where quick solutions in this system don't work , this is again in communications, because we, as journalists, are witnesses of that when any crisis problem arises, a very long lag begins. reactions, and i
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understand, in principle, why it is, most likely, it is because the people who in principle should communicate are in place, they do not have the authority in such a case, they are waiting for a message to come from above . a message from above from kyiv itself, it has also been formulated for a long time, unfortunately, and, but the main problem is that no one is ready to tell the truth, this is it from the very beginning, we reject the truth, let's think of lying, you understand, sir andriy, in conditions during the war, it is really impossible to give one hundred percent truth, well, honestly, it can be. painful, it can be tactically disadvantageous, it can be strategically problematic, there can be enough different things, but i will say one thing that communication should work according to
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the principle of a composter, that is, a message should be dispersed as efficiently as possible, and when , for example, some nonsense comes out of ... the highest corridors of russian power, then zelensky, yarmak or any of the representatives of the office should not answer this, it is enough for him to do it one of the randomly selected officials of the regional administration from the x region would, but his words would spread as much as possible throughout the information space, i.e. they would start the single news releases and end with them, yes, and then it would be visible, that this is a position, then it would be clear that it works, then it would be clear that ukrainians have their own here, i do not support you here, seriously, i do, because we are in such a situation, i do not want them to call us from the office, relatively speaking, if we are suddenly already in a national
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marathon, and they said, yes, we have one there informer, this is a lie in general, but we want you to spread it as much as possible, because in such a case there are things that are really important, but when president zelenskyi, i will give a very simple but painful example. at his press conference, president zelenskyi was the last to call the number of dead ukrainians 31,000, remember? there was also such a preface, i don’t know if i can say it, or i can, well , that is, we, well, if i understand that this is acting, because what a journalist actually asks is a question from the rada tv channel, it was 100% written in this before the press conference, but less with that, well, there are all actors and so on, okay, so be it, but... when he says 3100, we have ua losses from open sources, for example, there were already 42 on the counter, and it’s just that you go in, click and it’s confirmed, the bbc checked that list and said that it’s basically trusworthy, that’s what it’s called,
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trustworthy, well, accordingly, the president just says the number, and at this moment we understand, that this is not a real number, and he knows it very well. well, for example, and how, how should we act in this situation, and he says this, i am telling you the truth now, you did not quite understand me correctly, i was talking about the reaction of the state bodies of ukraine, as an element of state propaganda that should be disseminated through state information channels, as a representative of the independent media that you mentioned two years he was thrown off digital broadcasting, and you and your colleagues on direct and fifth, they have every moral right to express the point of view you see fit, i was talking about the fact that during wartime propaganda is part of information broadcasting , just on
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i was even fired up there in tiktok, when the phrase about me was taken out of the context of which... hamiya that during the war it is impossible to develop critical thinking, ugh, and i can repeat it now espresso, that during the war it is not possible, or it is very difficult to develop critical thinking, because it undermines the foundations of ukrainian state propaganda, it also exists and, accordingly, yes, it needs to work, yes, we can be skeptical of it, we can treat it, we can scold it. for all screensavers, as you like, but it also exists, there are recipes for how to develop it critical thinking, in the 770 days of a large-scale invasion, i did not see their implementation in everyday life, i did not see
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the relevant actions of government agencies, i did not have the opportunity to contact, as, say, a consultant , representatives of government agencies engaged in ... countering disinformation , so there are better ones who can explain better, ugh, that's all, okay, okay, we're just really talking about absolutely parallel things, that is... well, i, i absolutely agree here that the state is not what it should be, it must have its own information policy under wartime, and yes, this is state propaganda, this is propaganda during wartime, it is impossible without this, the only thing i do not think is that journalists and media should also be responsible for these messages, media should not appease people, media should not create a warm bath to the citizens and the media is not what they shouldn't, they shouldn't... lie to the people, moreover they shouldn't let the politicians do it, this, this, this is what i, i, i insisted on,
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so precisely when we talk about the mission of the media, i only gave an example of the state's response propaganda or the state information machine on nonsense, which is expressed, for example, by bortnikov, the director of the fsb, regarding krokuskhyl. whether this, like him, patrushev, the security secretary, or putin, these are the three heroes of russian propaganda for the past two weeks who have been slandering this terrorist attack in crocos hill, in crocos hill, excuse me, they are slandering so intensively that it increasingly resembles the arson of the reichstag in 33 -th year, when the nazis came to power, you understand, and you have to react to it. because when the president will comment all the time, then we simply raise
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the level of this nonsense is at an unattainable height, it is not clear why, we need to show, speak, on the one hand, convey our version, and on the other hand , it is quite blatant to say to this kremlin idiot that you are idiots, so we reduce the level of our representation and say that you ... and we will repeat this constantly, and sociology also showed such unexpected results, well, in addition to the fact that ukrainians trust astrologers, as it turns out, quite massively, it is the fact that ukrainians who believe that the biggest threat to ukraine is corruption , is a little more than those who believe that these are events at the front and russian aggression, this even surprised me, to be honest. and i understand that ukrainians have something, they have something under this corruption, maybe a little different, maybe
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the ineffectiveness of state management, maybe distrust of their state institutions, something is embedded in this answer, maybe you know, i am not a sociologist by profession, but i have there is an understanding that the way the questions in the questionnaire are structured can have a corresponding influence on the result. survey, i can't professionally to question these data, i can only say that people who believe that the disappearance of the ukrainian state, the threat of its disappearance is not the main threat, they just live in some imaginary world, and they do not understand that there should be a ukrainian state first, and then there should be everything else for us, as citizens, it is so to speak about priorities, i am far from and... idealization, i live in an ordinary, understandable, i think,
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to many people in the world, i live in kyiv, but i clearly understand that these discussions, more importantly, corruption, corruption, unfortunately, in conditions of war has grown significantly, and this is a fact, and people, but i want to remind you of another thing, that the people who... in 2019 said that if zelensky does something wrong, we will demolish it, they are now just sitting on the river bank and counting corruption cases, right, ugh, cool, well, sir, here is your responsibility for your choice, ugh, here is your ability to predict what will happen next, cool, mr. even, so... summarize briefly, everyone has just , if the state can't do it, develop your critical
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thinking yourself, it's really quite realistic and possible to do. good advice from yevhen magda, thank you very much, but we are just now going to find out about aid to ukraine, whether ukraine has a plan b, about mobilization in a new way and the parliamentary crisis, andriy smolina asked yehor cherniv, people's deputy, deputy chairman of the defense committee of the verkhovna rada. well , i'm with you on this. farewell, but stay with our marathon. damn the steps, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i 'll tell you that there is no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i thought so, until i tried herovital. gerovital plus is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital+ - good health, active life. the herovital energy novelty is even more iron for good causes.
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espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey , turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. defenses'. you are your own the result of their robots are our security with you. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who
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cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the hundredth individual. mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. andriy smolii is with you. and today we will actually speak in the espresso interview program on those topics that are of great concern to ukrainians, on which ukrainian victory and ukrainian future depend today. first of all, this is a topic that concerns everyone today, the topic of the actual allocation of funds to our state by the united states of america, by the congress of the united states of america, the second topic that we will definitely discuss today is the question of mobilization, well, the third topic is a possible parliamentary crisis, which everyone is talking about today. yehor is in our studio today
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cherniv, people's deputy of ukraine, deputy chairman of the committee on national security of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. and intelligence, head of the permanent delegation of ukraine in the parliamentary assembly of the council, in the nato parliamentary assembly, deputy head of the advisory council on ensuring the rights and freedoms of defenders of ukraine. mr. yehor, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. congratulations, glory to the heroes. the first topic, which i have already voiced, it is probably one of the most important today for our country, in principle, for the viability of our country, for the viability of our military and for the ukrainian victory, this is a topic that... refers to the actual allocation of funds or the blocking of funds now by the lower house of representatives of the united states of america, the united states congress, and today. and the previous week they talked about it extremely often, and prominent representatives of the actual republican party and mike johnson himself
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, the speaker of the actual lower house of the us congress , talked about the fact that it is possible that from next week, after all, this issue will somehow move from a dead point, right? but again still, we still can't figure out whether it will be a vote or not, which is what it is. the bill will be selected, or will it actually be a vote for the bill that was passed by the senate of the united states of america, or will it be the bill that may be considered separately by the republicans regarding the allocation of funds for the loan, right? that is, as far as i understand, now there are various options that are being discussed. the main thing for us is that there are still funds. here is your opinion, these funds will be available in the coming weeks, that's all after all, some kind of agreement. in the parliament, relatively speaking, of the united states of america, will there not be, or is it still possible for us to expect that we
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will not be able to receive these funds again for several months, this is a question that concerns today, probably, both the world community and concerns our defenders on the front lines, it's very important, i'm not going to predict when we're going to get that relief because i 've heard so many times directly from congressmen and my friends and -- and republicans and democrats that it's coming voted and i was filled that it will be voted on before the new year, and after the new year, and after that, but from what i see, from the messages that i get from , again, the republicans in the first place, and we are really close to this decision, that is, they close to a decision, we are close to an outcome, what is this... two weeks ago i was at an event from the nato parliamentary assembly and there i had a conversation with congressman mike turner,
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who is the chairman of the house intelligence committee , a republican, this is one of those three mikes , which absolutely clearly support us republicans, this is the chairman of the foreign affairs committee, mike. the chairman of the defense committee, michael rogers, and mike turner , this is the trio that constantly pushes forward aid for ukraine. what exactly is he saying? he says that a compromise has allegedly been found within the republican party, first of all, and in principle in the middle, in the middle of congress, that there will still be a separate bill, without the one that passed the senate, already without... with border, so that it would still be easier for him to come to the house of representatives, and this is one of the compromises on the part of the republicans,
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the republicans also insisted that at least the part that is direct financial aid for ukraine should still become a loan, that is, from 60 of those 60 billion, almost 60 billion dollars that are planned to be provided. allocate to ukraine, about 12 billion can be as a loan, and the rest as non-returnable military aid, this is what is currently circulating inside the congress, regarding the terms, again, what he said that after returning from the easter vacation they have the first question will be internal, the second question should be just that: about ukraine, and supposedly there is a certain an internal deal within congress with the democrats, including, in order to preserve
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johnson's position, they promised not to vote for his resignation if such resignation was brought by his colleagues in the republican party, from the same trumpian same wing, so basically it looks like we're really close to... to this decision and that johnson, and it's really up to him to just bring it to a vote, and that we can really get this decision soon, so roughly speaking, sometime in april or may we should have come out to receive this aid, if everything goes well, as far as i understand, i hope so, because we have to understand that apart from this decision in the parliament there must be... procedures for the allocation of these funds, for the filling of the packages new and already sending these packages for ukraine. of course, well, let's actually
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expect what is really. after all , this issue will be resolved positively for our country, another very important thing, we are talking now not only about aid from the united states of america, we are talking about including about help from our other key allies, that is, the nato bloc in general, and this is very important, for example, for example, nato secretary general stoltenberg, he took the initiative to create such a fund within nato for... approximately 100 billion dollars now, yes? as far as it is generally possible for different states, conditionally speaking, to build such a fund, create it, and still ukraine could use these funds in the future. it is clear that we will tell the audience that there will be funds not only for the united states of america, but for that among various nato states. is it possible, and
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what is the mechanism? will it be this year, or will it be laid something for the future, for the next years, maybe, or maybe, something will be allocated from these funds, let's say, for the reconstruction of our country, what is your point of view, how do you see it, how an expert in this field, and i think that such a proposal was produced, first of all, by the fear of nato member countries that the position will change after the elections in the united states , the position regarding the general participation of nato in aid of ukraine and the participation of the united states in the alliance itself. that is why, in order to somehow secure both himself and ukraine, stoltenberg, who absolutely clearly supports ukraine from the first days of a full-scale invasion and
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tries to do the maximum of what he... can in his position, he proposed such an idea, to create such fund for 100 billion dollars, so far there are more questions than answers because there is very little information about this idea, and it is not new, they have discussed it, for example, the idea of ​​​​consolidating at the national level, on at the legislative level of the member countries of the alliance, spending on... the country's power at the level of 0.25%, this is estonia's proposal and estonia's initiative, well , at the same time, such options as the creation of a special fund were considered, but first of all, this is the creation of a social fund for 100 billion for 5 years, that is, 20 billion annually, 20 billion from all nato member countries, well , to be honest, it is not very much, again , this is including bilateral aid
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or... individually in addition to it, because we have now on a bilateral basis help from germany, from britain, from others, there are three, there are five, there are 8 billion a year, and in principle this is quite a significant amount. second, if we are talking about the decision of the alliance, and the decision of the alliance is always made by consensus, how will hungary behave and how will slovakia agree to behave, for example, will they block these funds and we simply will not be able to use. thirdly, at the alliance level, we currently receive only non-combat aid, will these funds be used for the purchase of weapons and again after all, hungary or some other countries will not be blocked there. therefore, there are still a lot
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of questions and very few answers and... and if this is still considered as an alternative, or even not an alternative, but as an option to record the obligations of all countries, including the united states, to provide assistance ukraine through such an instrument, to be honest , i doubt that if trump decides something, if he decides not to help ukraine, then at least he won't . it is simply not possible to help through this fund giving money there, but thank you for at least looking for some answers, looking for some options to get out of this situation, when with a change of governments, with a change of political teams, the position of countries may change, not only in the united states, in the 24th year we have a lot of elections in europe as well, but in order to ensure this, i understand that this...


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