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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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questions and very few answers, and if it is still considered as an alternative, or even not an alternative, but as an option to fix the obligations of all countries , including the united states, to provide assistance to ukraine through such an instrument, then frankly , i doubt it , what if trump decides something, if he decides not to help ukraine. anyway, anyway, he will not help even through this fund, simply not providing money there, but thank you for at least looking for some answers, looking for some options to get out of this situation, when with the change of governments, with the change of political teams, the position of countries may change not only in the united states, in the 24th year we have a lot of elections in europe as well, but to ensure this, i understand that... funds
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are trying to create. another very important question, international, or bilateral, or rather, relations of our state, is the question of president macron, right? today, macron is very active in supporting ukraine, macron is very active in talking about the possible deployment of troops to ukraine, and in general, in fact, he has become first a walker in terms of certain initiatives, in particular aid to ukraine, those initiatives that no one ever talked about, which, in fact, other european and american politicians very often kept silent about , in your opinion, can this be organized or can we expect it, for example, this year or in the coming months, should we generally expect this help, or can it be considered a kind of political move... by macron, which
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will not have any definite consequences in the future. ah, i think it is too early to judge, indeed, president macron has a lot ideas, initiatives we have seen in recent years, not all of them reach practical implementation, but it is very important that such and such conversations have started in general, and have generally been raised to the level of discussion. this is an issue that was not considered in principle even a year ago, as it is, we will send our troops to ukraine. the question is different, in what capacity to send, whether for combat operations, or for training, whether there is logistical assistance, there or something else, this issue is already secondary, or probably tertiary, if a decision is made to provide military aid exactly, but... by a regular army, it
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will change the approaches of this war in general, and it is good that it has begun, this discussion has begun, it, i say, is still far from its real practical implementation, of course, including macaron it uses for its internal promotion and within the country and as a leader, a bid for leadership in europe, because now germany has ... its leadership after merkel left, britain, if not so much in europe, because she left with the eu, and no, she has other interests, and here macron is still trying to take the lead within europe, including with such statements, and it is very telling that some countries have reacted that they do not rule out such a development of events and, such assistance, this kind of assistance for ukraine, but again, on... we will
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don't be fooled, there will be no french soldiers in ukraine tomorrow, well, let's suppose, let's pretend that macron does send his troops to ukraine, let's say, there to odesa, or to the west of our country, or to the northern border of our country. now, if we are talking about this, will nato's permission be required? to deploy french troops on the territory of ukraine. it is very important. because in this case, there may be a certain collision, conditionally speaking, between the national legislation of france and international law; does not allow placement of bases on the territory of foreign bases on the territory of ukraine, he says.
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once we conducted training, we accepted a separate bill on joint exercises to allow nato ships, for example, to enter the port of odesa. regarding nato, i asked almost the same question to admiral bauer, who is the chairman of the nato military committee, what is the chairman of the nato military committee, he is the second person after, not even the second person, it is parallel, stoltenberg is a political leader, bauer is a military leader army, which in case of hostilities is responsible for... all nato forces, for the military component of nato forces. at the meeting, when he was coming to kyiv, i asked him that what will nato do in the event that france sends troops, decides to send troops
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to ukraine, will it block, will it help, will it do it, that is, nato will do it together with... with france and under the umbrella of nato, conditionally speaking, well, it is necessary to add here that bauer's positions, after all, are not exclusively military, military-political, and he politically evaded the answer, but this is also indicative, because he did not say no, he did not said that this is impossible, and we are it is not permissible, and and and and it will never be. and firstly, i think for two reasons, still the national army is subject to the national decision first and foremost, that is, it is not the decision of the alliance, they cannot prevent france from making a decision about the use of the army, but again, no direct
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answer nor does it suggest that such options are being considered, whether under the nato umbrella or not. nato flags, but again, it is possible that national countries, national governments will be able to adopt an independent one such a decision. another long-suffering question is taurus missiles, right? we will say that we have been waiting for a solution to this problem for months, unfortunately, it is not solved, we, ukrainians, relatively speaking, these missiles are necessary, needed, our defenders need them all the more. in this case, in your opinion, should we expect it, not expect it, or the position of olaf scholz today, it is so principled that, conditionally, until the end of his term, we should forget about taurus missiles and
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not even mention it, but concentrate on something else, whether this compromise will be found, whether ukraine and the leaders of other states, in fact... will convince scholz and his coalition that, after all , ukraine needs these missiles in order to move forward and in order to ultimately move towards ukrainian victory. good question, it's almost been a year since we first talked about taurus, i absolutely remember that day when we had a meeting with the germans in luxembourg. delegation from the bundestag, and we had already received the leopards at that time and we spoke with my colleague from the defense committee, markus faver about what else germany can help with, and actually then he said that they still have taurus, these same long-range
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missiles, we raised this in the public space for the first time, and then the ministry of defense officially made a request for these rockets, but... but they relied on scholz's position, in order to somehow correct this position or push him to make this decision , a lot of different actions were taken at different levels, at the level of the president, of course, and at the level of the government, at our parliamentary level, we worked with all the factions of the coalition, that after all they voted one way or another to ask for long-range missiles to be provided to ukraine and even... the scholz faction in the parliament voted, that's how they called the word taurus, but they described in this way that there could be no other option under the resolution they adopted, with an appeal to scholz himself. we have worked a lot with the ministry of defense, and behind the scenes
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they also speak for us. the decision still rests with scholz, and it seems that the only person in the country in germany who is against these this delivery, these supplies, it's just the same and scholz scholz is afraid, is it his, is it some personal position of his, or does he really have well-argued facts why missiles cannot be supplied to ukraine. the arguments that... he gives, frankly, do not stand up to any criticism, every time he came up with something new, we broke down those arguments very simply, and at first the story was that these are too long-range missiles, because even the manufacturers don't talk about the ultimate range where they can go, they they say that 500 km is guaranteed, then this is closed information, and... we and that these missiles should be limited in use,
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meaning in the radius of use, which does not withstand any criticism, because these are not ballistic missiles, flying along a curve, these are maneuvering cruise missiles that can make maneuvers there for 500 km, which will and should bypass the enemy's anti-aircraft systems, terrain reliefs, and so on, so despite... it can be 300 km, or from here with all these maneuvers, it could be there 400, 500 or more. second, well, to accuse us or, you know, not even to accuse us, to suspect us of the fact that we can hit the territory of the russian federation with these missiles, well, this is absolute nonsense, because we have already proven in two years that we use all western weapons exclusively on ukrainian territory. the third argument was, we also refuted that. the third argument was that it is impossible to quickly replenish the stocks of these missiles if they
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are transferred to ukraine in any significant quantity. i was at the taurus rocket production at the mbda company, and i spoke with managers of this company, they say, tomorrow, if an order is placed for these missiles, we will launch them tomorrow, and within a few months we can put them... well, maybe, probably, something last from what i remember, the argument they , scholz's office, or scholz himself said that in order to operate these missiles, german military personnel are needed here on the territory of ukraine, and this could lead to an escalation there and a direct confrontation with the russian federation, this is also nonsense, it is not a price tag, because the same managers of the manufacturer's mbdi company, they they say, we don't need to send our... military or specialists to ukraine, your military comes, we train them, and they
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go to do whatever is necessary, that's why all those arguments given, they can't withstand any criticism, real, real the reason, i think that he really, as a person who grew up in such a pacifist paradigm, even if there will be 1%, maybe less than one percent - problems of escalation due to the transfer of such missiles to ukraine between russia and germany, he will rather refuse such a transfer , than take at least some risk regarding escalation with germany, with russia. well, the last question, actually in the international bloc, concerns nato. nato, in fact, we will have such a big, relatively speaking, jubilee summit in the summer, yes. at which certain decisions may be made, but if you look at what
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the american and european press is writing today, unfortunately, as far as i understand, we cannot expect to join nato, to be invited to nato. what, after all , is ukraine, if it can achieve as much as possible, what profit can it get from it as much as possible summit, what goal we set for ourselves, after all. i wonder if it is still membership in nato with a requirement for this summit, or is it possible that there are some other guarantees that we will need, at least in the near future? we are not replacing membership with guarantees, these are parallel processes, and we are talking about the fact that we need guarantees for the time that we go to join nato. as for the summit in washington, it's still too early... to say what we get, what we don't get, it's a constant process in which
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positions change, and i'll tell you what for for the last half a year, maybe eight months, i have heard that no, there will definitely not be a political invitation, we are looking for a formula, how to rephrase it correctly, and we are doing our best to convince our partners, and key partners in the united states and in... germany and other partners to push these two countries from their side. we do not stop, we have such an advocacy tour planned in these countries and will continue. to convince all the same that we need a political invitation, which is not starts the process of ratification in the national parliaments, that is, it does not start the actual process of the entire accession, we understand that we will be able to become members of nato after the end of this war, but reserve this seat 33 for us, in principle, our
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partners could, moreover, and this would send a signal precisely to the kremlin that it has no influence. on events and decisions within the alliance, because if the next step is not taken after the vilnius summit after those decisions that would bring us closer to nato, it will mean that the alliance is really weak, indeed, he still takes into account the position of the kremlin and the position of putin, and i also say this to our partners that... there will be no step forward, it will mean that it is a step back. well, well, there is another very important block of issues that relate to the actual internal policy of our state, the internal situation in our state, and probably no less resonating the bill itself, this is the bill on mobilization, what we are already talking about,
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discussing, probably , at least several months, and in principle it has been almost a year already. time the bill on mobilization, as far as i understand, as of today it is almost ready, or 100% ready, and according to the speaker of the parliament, mr. stefanchuk, sometime in the near future, maybe next week, maybe in a week, it should be brought to the meeting hall of the supreme council of ukraine, is it so, is it 100% ready, are there any other changes possible. and most importantly, are the people's deputies ready to vote for this bill, will there be 226 votes, yes or still, conditionally speaking, we will have to postpone this issue again, which is no less important for our country than the allocation of funds, than the help of our international partners, and
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it is too early to talk about 100%, 100%, i think, will be after the signature of the president under this... law, this will already be a 100% meeting this draft law can be passed, if something force majeure does not happen, and when it will be voted on in the hall, it is impossible, it is impossible to say here, because there are 4,200 amendments, each of the deputies has the right to put his amendment for confirmation or for voting , or just talk and it can take time. i hope that our colleagues, i am asking them very much, and we are currently negotiating with them, so as not to delay this bill that our country needs, which was developed by the ministry of defense at the request of the general staff, and we tried it as much as possible to balance, so that it still
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meets both the request of the army on the one hand, and on the other hand, still understanding the needs and problems of the soviet union and some kinks that were in the first version, but for this version i i hope that our colleagues will still vote, that is, conditionally speaking, somewhere, if everything goes well, it should come into force on june 1, well, if everything goes well, i hope even earlier, i don't know how long it will take again, 400 amendments, i really hope that not every one of the deputies... will speak on each amendment, that's a minute for a speech, plus a minute for voting, here and there plus the speaker's announcement, that is, relatively speaking, 3 minutes for each correction, so we will sit for a very long time. and i and we have such unfortunately, there were examples when we voted for some draft laws in which there were 10,000 amendments and each amendment was passed in this way, now i do not see such a need and
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such readiness, let's say so, of our colleagues, yes, some of them will... partially raise and discuss our amendments there, but i hope that we will manage in weeks, in days, but not in weeks, that is, about 400 amendments, if we start considering them there next week or a week later, then somewhere in two weeks, maybe we will pass this bill, and the last block, which we should talk about today, is the work of the parliament in general, many experts, journalists, politicians talk about... the fact that today we have a parliamentary crisis, that is, there are not enough votes, the relevant bills are not being passed, as an example , that during march , the verkhovna rada of ukraine produced a minimum number of... some bills, a minimum amount of work in general. mr. yehor, is there really such a crisis of parliamentarism now, why
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do we very often see an empty hall, why very often not there are enough votes, it is necessary, relatively speaking, to look for these votes in order to vote for important bills, how does the parliament work in this case today, is it really a parliamentary crisis, or is it really such a problem now? it is difficult for me to speak for all my colleagues, frankly, we in the defense committee work every day in considering these same 400 amendments for several thousand weeks, if not months, and we meet, and we have a quorum, and there are enough people, and we vote , and regarding defeat. hall in the session hall parliament, then the issue here is what is being considered, it really happens sometimes, and
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the last time i was also in the session hall when there were no votes, but there were no votes due to the fact that the resolutions that block previously voted bills were being considered, and in in principle, they do not need them. votes, let's say so, because these are blocking resolutions, and we absolutely do not vote for such resolutions, i speak as a servant of the people, that's why there were actually no people there, and maybe the picture looked like this, that it's like that, what not parliament is working, but i will explain with a specific example that there was no need, this was our position, because, for example, the bill 10313 was blocked, which allowed... to combine databases, well, different databases in order to simplify the work of our our army and to understand in general how many
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people we have, how much mobilization and mobilization reserve we have, but for some reason some opposition parties decided that this draft law is not what is needed, and they block the resolution, this is their right, this is democracy, but our right... no to vote for such a resolution and actually not be in the hall because of such resolutions, which in principle only take time and block again this draft law, which could already work. i think that's all, unfortunately we have a certain time limit, i thank you very much for coming to our studio, for the fact that you and i talked about extremely important things, both international politics and the law on mobilization, and in principle parliamentary activity. existence in our country, this is something that is extremely disturbing our citizens, well, then we will see you next time with new guests, with
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new topics, and we will hope that the issues that arose today, the urgent needs that exist in our state, that they will be resolved, and we with you , we will continue to move towards ukrainian victory. thank you. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak tb is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a saw strong, just
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friends, congratulations, today we will dedicate our broadcast to mikhail bolgakov, or mikhail bulgakov, i think you can already guess why, and by the way, we are going to discuss this writer here not for the first time, in recent years, because at least twice ... there were huge scandals about the fact that bulgakov was being banned, his books were being banned, and people were almost writing about the fact that policemen would go to houses and take away bolgakov's books, burn them, and something incredible would happen, and now we see another the reason is because the institute of national memory recognized mykhailo bogakov as the russian emperor
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and ukrainian. phobom, today we will talk, but what does this mean and will the sbu law enforcement officers come to you, i don’t know who, and will those books, dog’s heart, master margarita, which are on your shelves, be taken away from you, and i confess honestly , are also on my shelves, but today we will decide what will happen to us next, well, to begin with, i will also tell you about such a rather loud news that cannot be ignored in our culture. spacious, after all, yevgeny nyschuk, whom we know in many guises, and in particular, as the voice of the maidan, an actor, as a former two-time minister of culture, as the chairman of the shevchenko prize, now he has become karmanych of the franko theater, and well, many people were seriously confused about this, and that's all
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because he is there... mykhailo zakharevich, who is in charge.


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