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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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"please, everything is swaying, swaying, dogs are jumping, nervous, running, barking, well, in short, everything is like during an earthquake, that is, i correctly understood that the reliability of american developers is such that there is no, well, any nervousness, and the government and the citizens do not pay attention to this earthquake, although there are such conversations that the eyes of the skyscrapers were swaying like that. that's enough, well, you could see the reaction of the public, the media and the authorities, it is so reassuring, nothing will break, nothing it won't be bad, it won't such as what is happening in china, whether it happened in japan 50 years ago or what is happening in russia, for example, you know, here in new york there is no such expectation, because the city itself is not in an earthquake zone, this is...
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another problem, and this is a big problem for cities like san francisco, in california, which are exactly in this zone, and there everyone expects that something will happen sooner or later, our attitude is quite like, oh dear, something happened , but no one expects it to be something terrible, another thing is what it is preparing for other problems, it means that it may happen again... some body, a hurricane, as it happened a few years ago, flood half of the city, this, this is a real threat, and here certain decisions are made, certain things are done, such barriers are built , for example, by the river, whether it will help or not, i don't know, but in any case it already happened 10-15 years ago, so i have every possibility that it will disappear in a few years, but in terms of ...
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i think , the attitude is like mine, i was just then, i learned about the earthquake in a coffee shop, i was drinking espresso, by the way, you have a good taste, mr. professor, look, then i have a second question for you, a very similar, well, i would say, a philosophical question, a philosophical-political one, it's just that when we say here in lviv or in kyiv , it doesn't matter. that there is bipartisan support for ukraine and that there is, moreover, this is the most important thing, the support of the public, the public believes that it is necessary to help ukraine, and at the same time speaker johnson does not put this help to the vote, then the question arises whether this does not harm the republicans in six months to the election, if the public with help, it does not matter which republican public or democratic public. but the majority of the republican
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public is in favor of helping ukraine, the republican speaker says: we will delay, we will postpone, we will not provide now, we may think about it later, does not the republican party itself lose from it, as i have already said , before the elections in six months, you see, not yet, precisely because they do not ask the question in such a... light as you presented, so we are holding back here, we do not accept anything, we we will interfere, they say exactly the opposite, that it is the democrats, and especially joe biden, who interferes, we are ready, that means we republicans are ready to do everything for ukraine, everything against russia, but at the same time we do not forget that there is a border in the south, which thousands of mexicans, well, south americans cross every day, this must be... also ensured,
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the democrats don’t want it and so on, so here such a rather subtle and somewhat immoral, unethical game is taking place, where one side constantly blames the others, that it is you it was precisely the fault, not us, but in the end it was you you are right, there is a moment of danger for the republicans themselves, they have already burned several times in the past because they did not accept the budget. and in this way, and of course, everyone was fascinated by the fact that the government would not work, that the so-called state would not work, and well, the week was pleasant, without the subway, without museums, without any different services at all, after the second and third week it was already becoming somewhat uncomfortable for everyone, especially the republicans, and then they were forced to accept some compromises. to
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the budget, so that is not excluded here the option you mentioned, but it has not yet become relevant, on the contrary, they have raised their rating to a certain extent, because they give the impression that they are great defenders of ukraine and, above all, america. mr. professor, but this, this, well, how to say, is also a delicate question, to what extent, whether, whether the patient can break through in the congress, well, we already know that there is an alternative option, which is also not accepted, there already collecting signatures. to vote out speaker johnson, but there is such an option that will pass a week, two or three, everyone will get fed up with this, and they will really bypass this johnson and put it to a vote, or somehow say, let's get your project, let's introduce it, let's
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vote, let's persuade the senate, the upper house, so that they then support it, well, in short , a tyrant, she, well, how should someone get tired of me, republicans, democrats, the president, the population, i don't know, analysts, the press, someone should get tired of it, i, i completely agree with you, that's why i am kind of like that, well, very restrained, but still an optimist, it seems to me that after all, in a week, in two, in a month, in two, they will come to some kind of compromise, and in principle, it is clear, so give money to ukraine, on the other hand, take certain... measures to close the border in the south, it's not so difficult, there is also the issue of gas, well, but that's all in principle, you see, it's not about so-called family or family values, for or against
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the death penalty, well, it's more difficult here, you know, to find compromise, it is difficult, and this one is about specific issues, money to ukraine, yes or no, money... to the border yes or no, so there can be some sort of compromise here, so i remain somewhat optimistic that they will after all, partly because everyone is crazy, partly because they all now look like such worthless opportunists, both republicans and democrats, trump is the only one who, of course, is not responsible for anything in principle, he has a good place here, because he basically influences everything. but he does not take on a formal obligation, because he is a private citizen, he is not a public man, but, but, mr. professor, this means by the way, what you mentioned, i also really liked it, well, using the word ironically, i liked it, this is the export of gas, the embargo, i
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'm sitting, i think, what else will you come up with, the color of toilet paper, let's introduce the bill and be, and tie to ukraine, let's tie it to something else, well... it's already, you know, it's already such a search for these some small some animals, you know, come on, we still need this here, but we haven't decided on the gas here, with what have we not decided yet to slow down the process, and it seems to me that everyone already sees it, but they already see it, but you understand this is somewhat typical of american politics when you look at, for example, various bills, let's say the higher education bill. then you will find some places where some senator or some congressman said: well, i will support it, but in exchange, you have to give me 100 million dollars for some city, and a city, a city, you know, and a city and a higher education, but this such is his
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condition, and sometimes not one, then different, so that such huge bills come out, which include various things, which are often incompatible, and which pull away. attention away from the main goal of the bill itself, higher education, ukraine, israel, etc., so that's normal, but at the same time, you see, there are grounds for some kind of compromise, because it means, well, we 'll give you money for ukraine, and you give us money to the border, please. in principle, it is possible, but the situation is like this, yes, i am not saying this to you, but to ukrainian viewers who think that from ukraine to democracy, it is such a panacea for everything, no, it is the ability to compromise, and this is the fundamental difference, it i'm not talking to you again, mr. professor, between, for example, russia and the united states, there it is a very great honor to say about someone, an uncompromising person, the beautiful words
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of stalin, who loved the word uncompromising very much, and always blamed everyone, all the terrorists, always they like to be without... compromise and the highest praise is always uncompromising, and the west is on the contrary, let's somehow agree, let's go without war, let's go without escalation, let's go to meet you. but follow me to a meeting here and so on, but this is very important. the last question or group of questions, when i was very small, i was two or three years old, but i remember that i got a tv around three or four, and i saw a lot of soviet films, documentaries about america, which it is terrible, because there they kill presidents, and in particular kennedy, and here the name of kennedy has come out again, and now it means that the candidate kennedy can... influence the election of the president of the united states, writes the hill. as far as, well, he is a nephew, or
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some such, well, relative-relative, that is, it is not, not, as they say in russia, sidmayev on jelly, but this is a real relative, and and, and what does the appearance of this relative mean, and how much can he really influence something, is the kennedy surname so magical for every american that if he is connected with this family, then we are somehow from here. we start to think differently, well, i don't take him very seriously, because you understand, in the american system, it privileges, it is two-party, well, de facto, if not to juri, and the third party to achieve anything, it's almost impossible, so he is running, please run for yourself as much as you want, tell yourself what you want, will it affect the development? events leading up to the election, will it affect the election, i think probably not, another thing, well
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of course, again, there's always the other side of the coin, uh, he's kennedy after all, uh, and that means something, but at the same time he has a rather sharp attitude towards biden himself, so there is a bit of squeamishness here, but it's a little thing, i don't think it's particularly important, but basically to him... that he can attract the votes of people who would like to, or maybe not would really like to vote for trump, but would rather go for kennedy, because he is more moderate, but at the same time against biden against the democrats, so please, will this affect the election, rather not, you know how we have a somewhat crazy system in america, where actually the majority of the vote ... nothing is decided, we are talking about these so-called electoral votes, and in fact the whole election, well
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, the outcome of the election will depend on the elections in eight or seven states, and even now biden is leading in about two, eh this trump leads in five, maybe six. out of six, so basically, i think kennedy is unlikely to affect these states at all, and if it does, it will be very little, well, about half a percent here and there, so if trump continues to lead, especially in those eight states, then he will probably be the president, and unfortunately, leads by 3-4% in the states where he leads, which is... quite a lot. thank you very much, oleksandr matil, historian, political scientist, professor at rudger university from
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as i promised. now let's talk about russia. oleksandr shulga, head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia, appeared before us. thank you, mr. oleksandr. so, we will once again have such a philosophical-historical, philosophical-political conversation. so, mr. patrushov, one of the leaders of russia, said, that the united states created and dil, that is , the islamic state, as far as i remember, iraq and the levant. created and together with ukraine organized this terrorist attack, which the whole world is now talking about, that is, now, as i understand it correctly, the main narrative is that they will beat, beat, beat the heads of the russians until 95% of the russians are as in an exam at school or university, immediately answer who is to blame, it is america that created
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idols and, together with ukraine, organized a terrorist attack in us, i understand correctly. well, by itself this narrative, according to logic and according to all our previous experience, must be confirmed by specific actions, that is , logically, it cannot be done with one terrorist attack, it must be a series of terrorist attacks. so far, after the terrorist attack in crocusihol, there are many terrorist attacks that seem to have been forewarned, we remember the icons with explosives. which, of course, came from ukraine to the territory of russia, a man was killed there, who was called a ukrainian agent, who was also supposed to carry out a racket, and so on, and so on, but all this is not complete without new terrorist attacks, without new victims among russians , civilians, without
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the effects of a spectacular picture, as we have all seen in crocosit. we are just seeing this fire, and only then will it be possible to fulfill the main goal that the kremlin is currently pursuing on the eve of a new mobilization, on the eve of the fact that nothing, let's say, breakthrough in putin's new term, will happen, accordingly , it is necessary to make a cognitive turn in to the russian consciousness, from issues... of the economy, from issues of finance, from issues of high prices and low wages, which are currently the biggest problems for russians, we must return them to a state of irrationality. i would like, of course, in a state of exaltation, exalted rationality, prestige, victory, we are the greatest, however, since it does not come out at the front, thank god, then it is necessary
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to use another irrational irrational approach, turning to irrationality, fear and rallying around the leader. mr. oleksandr, can he make a mistake in the turn, because ukrainian drivers very often do this... there are cases when they include a left turn, but turn right, or include a right turn and for some reason turn left from the wrong lane, this also happens, and now maybe, now in your opinion, i don't have facts, i have a feeling, maybe because i lived in the soviet union for many years, when i saw, when i began to see total mistrust, that is, at first, i just for the audience, not for you, you know it very well, there are... in the 37th year there were accusations like a latin spy, that is, a person was asked what foreign languages ​​he knew, he spoke latin,
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which means you are latin a spy, although there is never a latin country in the world, that is , or there they were accused of digging an underground passage, that means from tokyo to istanbul, someone dug such a tunnel under the ground, well... in order to do harm to the great soviet union, how many events must take place to start this mistrust, which i remember, in the last 15 years the existence of the soviet union, at least in kyiv, everyone, well , everyone who read more than one book in life, they absolutely did not believe all this talk about the fact that there are latin spies somewhere, or some tunnels are trying to be dug somewhere, well, if we talking about... spies, then, as was rightly noticed, in the soviet union they at least called someone that you
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are a spy of a particular country, or because of their ignorance of latin they at least called a spy, now in russia they simply call everyone in a row and an agent, or not an agent, for whom you worked, for whom you spied, or for whom, nobody even cares about that now, and as for not... trust, of course, we, when i talk about the cognitive reversal, the kremlin's efforts are efforts, that's what they are now trying to do, it does not mean that they have succeeded, and are using they are the same methods as in 99-2000, that is terrorist attacks, and as for mistrust and as for the factors that can influence it, first of all, and this is unchanged, and this was shown... the events of 22- th year, the end of the 22nd year, these are serious failures at the front, er, these
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are serious failures of this myth about the great russian army, and accordingly, er, let's say this, er, clear examples that this war has no perspectives, no matter how many lives there are... and no matter how many financial resources are put there, and thus all the suffering there or the difficulties of everyday life which the russians are experiencing, they accordingly do not lead to anything, but to what it should lead not only to mistrust, but also to what actually disintegrated the soviet union, to sabotage, sabotage at all levels, sabotage, imitation, work, excuse me please, that is, if i understand correctly, it seems so to me, but
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i don’t have facts, after all, you are professionally engaged in this, that is, you already see some flashes of doubt, i am not saying that they are against putin, against russia, for ukraine, for europe, but when doubts begin. what can yes, or maybe not, of course, we are defeating ukraine, but maybe not the way we wanted to win, the event is bad, maybe not so bad, even in this case by 100%, but only by 50, it is yes, according to your opinion, it actually exists, and it even exists among zetpatriots, because russian propaganda itself throws them into these doubts. constantly changing, i.e. some absolutely sometimes opposite narratives, then we capture all of ukraine, then we don’t, then in fact, it was like only the luhansk-donetsk region, and no, then we
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wanted an inland sea. and then no after all new russia and so on and so on, this is already there is even a small, well, like a small 10% compared to the 23rd year, from the first anniversary of the full-scale attack, a decrease in formal support, formal support and and active support is completely different types of support, it's how we all answer that we support putin, and then the prigorzhyn rebellion happens and no one meets us. these several thousand wagnerites, yes, and protect their president, so it is already there, but the question is whether this monolithicity is visible in the russian government, it was shown that it is not so monolithic and not so strong, as it was, for example, during the prigozhin uprising, accordingly, this is what you say about doubts, they are, that , what do you say about
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the questions, they already exist, and... in fact, now they have resorted to the good old method of terrorism so that the russians do not ask these questions, so that they do not have these doubts, so that there is no time for this, it is already , but the question is whether it will lead to what we need and how long it will be stretched in time, so that we pay very dearly for these hesitations of russian society, and we would like not to do this at all, one more question, mr. alexander, again from specifics to such a more... theory, what i see, and what to do about it , i don't know, it's hard for me to imagine, i wouldn't want to be russian, even for billions of dollars a month, to sit somewhere in the kremlin and give advice to someone, why? because now they want to legalize the taliban, and before that they very, very, very neatly criticized nationalist religious organizations and so on, you understand what i thought, well
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, russia tried to be... the leader of the third world, we are, they say, sitting here in the north, next to europe, we will represent your interests, and the third world, or the global south, is obviously by half or a quarter, at least, these are religious, muslim countries, organizations, and when you say that i am for you, and they explode at you, it means that there are crocs here. and then migil says: yes, it’s us, it’s, no, there’s no need to say that it’s in ukrainian, it’s us, then it’s simple here and in theory in russian it’s very difficult somehow, well, that’s all to tie together, there is no coherent system of ideas, as they said about marxism and leninism in their time, well, in fact, russian specialists understand everything why this happened, in fact, both deal and the taliban, they are enemies, and deal and iran
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are enemies, and. .. well, basically, the main version of why the idols did it, and the idols themselves declare that it is precisely the support of these organizations and in fact the countries and regimes behind them, so it would be difficult for the kremlin to admit that, well you know, we support some here, that's why others hit us, and we they made us cry, especially since the states told us that such a thing would happen, they called it... the period , they called it inevitable, they called even deran already said, iran also said, not only the state, that is, enemies surrounded poor russia from two sides, they said, hello, you have terrorist attacks, yes, accordingly, they cannot admit it, because we are moving to the good old one, this is ukraine, although again, really in this stubbornness and in this, well, absolutely from a logical point of view the worthlessness of this version
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is just... the upgrade is what we just talked about with you, by extension, but this, this leads to the fact that the russians need more terrorist attacks and more intensity of events so that they do not have time for these doubts. thank you very much, oleksandr shulga, head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia, was with us, and anna javamelnik will be with you with news from espresso tv. my greetings, thank you for your work, the news team will continue to work, we will tell you about the most important things and i will start with the situation in kharkiv region.


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