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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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services, and conscripts and reservists can create a personal electronic cabinet in the oberig system. dereban land of the ministry of defense, how did a market appear in bila tserkva instead of housing for the military? about this and much more already at 21 on espresso. we return to the saturday political club. and we already have a new guest, so we have a guest, yes, we will see him now, this is volodymyr hryska, diplomat, minister of legal affairs of ukraine in 2007-2009, head of the russian research center, congratulations, mr. volodymyr, congratulations, sir vitaliy and good health, so what will be the money in the united states, please tell me , this is all possible now everyone asks, someday, someday there will be, someday there will be, the question is only when you see what is happening, how far everything has really gone in shut up and here
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mr. johnson has a really deadlocked situation, because if you go to the left, you will lose your life there, if you go to the right, you will be killed, that is, roughly the same thing, so let's wait, the drama is growing, we'll see, mr. volodymyr, but still, how you think, linguistically speaking, now... there are two options, the first option is to submit to the congress of the lower house of the american parliament, the actual bill that was voted by the senator. we understand that the situation here is a little deadlocked, and the republicans, at least the radical part of them, do not really want to bring this bill to a vote. there is a second option, this is actually the one that johnson allegedly offers, when...
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bill number two will be de facto formed, in which part of the funds will be on credit, part of the funds, as they say, irrevocably, and actually, if we look at these two options, nevertheless, at least one of them is a probable state for ukraine at the moment, and most importantly, in what terms, whether we are talking about days, whether we are talking about weeks, or we are talking about months again , when ukraine still... will not be able to receive this aid, and it will be further blocked by various, well, such political, political, i would say nuances, which are currently appearing in the lower parla chamber of the us parliament. well, mr. andrew, if i had known, i would have won the lottery several tens of millions of dollars, i think it would have been a perfectly clear story, but unfortunately no one knows, neither i know, nor you know, nor johnson himself, i think, knows anything.
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because the situation has really reached a political impasse, and none of the parties wants to give in, how will it affect us, yes , it is absolutely clear, the most negative, if we continue this, this political canicule, excuse me, no us, and our american partners, that would mean that... the situation could become really dramatic for us, you see, the europeans are trying to compensate something like, well there are additional allocations, additional plans, you see, he is talking about some kind of fund, but again, these are still conversations, when it will even be approved, it is not known, some say in washington, well, well, but it will already be in july, so what until july, and what if after making a decision money appears for tomorrow, yes definitely? and this is a delay again,
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in a word, it is a very unpleasant situation, you see, we expected that in the first days of january the aid will be voted and we will receive the necessary money, but, you see, we have the situation is such that, unfortunately, against the axis of evil that was formed, where moscow and beijing are the poles, another axis was formed, the axis of fear, the poles of which, unfortunately, washington and berlin became, that's why everything revolves around this theses, if our nato partners really had more determination and less fear, it seems to me that this topic could be closed as quickly as possible, unfortunately, this is not happening. and tell me, mr. volodymyr, what do you think about this 100 billion nato fund, which proposed to create a general secretary of the north atlantic union.
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stoltenberg talked about him in the last days during the summit dedicated to the 75-75th anniversary of the formation of the north atlantic union, so what... we can see the obvious opposition of hungary to this and that and this decision, but it could be predicted quite easily, how do you generally do you think about such an idea? well, you know, from what i hear from our western friends, the idea now is to synchronize ukraine's course towards the european union and nato to a certain extent, so that at least these processes take place more or less in parallel. recently, there was... a very positive decision for ukraine by the european union about 50 billion euros over the next four years, somewhere this fund proposed by stotenberg resembles something similar, and here it seems to me that we do not need to give it up in any way, it is
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the opposite something that can definitely support us in the long run, the only question is, mr. vitaly, whether er... it will be implemented in the near future, because we simply have a shortage of this time, we don't have it, and if it is only at first long to be discussed, then implemented for a long time, then this precious time for us will simply be lost, and the idea itself seems to me to be extremely interesting, necessary, the only thing, if you consider what nato countries have, in their... on their warehouses, in their hangars and so on, you know, you can do with much simpler solutions, but for this you need political will and the absence of fear, i come back to the same thesis of the thesis, unfortunately, neither very
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often we don't have any partners, they are afraid. more one interesting such controversial topic, putin and idol. putin de facto defends'. idil does not admit that the actual terrorist attack in croc city hall was actually organized by idilites. and we see how all the racist propaganda here, and putin personally, and all his people, all his entourage, just foaming at the mouth and trying to justify the idol, trying to essentially shift all responsibility to ukraine, to demonstrate that these are ukrainians, accordingly in this way to strengthen to a certain extent howling. such belligerent, pro-war sentiments, but in this case, what purpose does putin have? in the final case, will the russian leadership itself succeed in continuing to play this game regarding
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the innocence of idol and the guilt of ukrainians, and ultimately, how will it affect us in the final case? well, you see, mr. andriy, well, for me, at least, there is no great doubt that the fsb is behind this terrorist attack, as it once was, and mr. vitaly, i think, remembers this perfectly, in his time in moscow and in in other countries, when putin needed to mobilize his own population for regular, regular, so to speak to say, exploits, because... no matter what the moscow propaganda is saying now, i was looking for a ukrainian trace there, i found, i found photos of a ship that follows a known course and so on, and i considered this as evidence, well, this is so much, so sewn with white threads, that there is no point in talking about it,
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that putin himself has already received, he really received a surge of this pseudo-patriotism, because you see that a lot of... these drugged russians are going to the military, signing up for the front, talking about the fact that we will , we will fly for for for for for for crocus, and so on, not taking into account a million factors that indicate that the initiators were actually the kremlin authorities, but we understand that russian logic and the logic of a person with... common sense are parallel lines that never do not intersect, what should we expect, what should we expect , what putin was counting on, another surge of chauvinism, a surge of cheer-patriotism in russia, er, what putin actually
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predicted from the very beginning, therefore, the only thing that worries me , this is something that our liberal western countries are picking up somewhere... in these formal condolences to russia, which wants to present this moment and presents it, actually now, as the fact that the whole world is in solidarity with it. that the whole world should gather around the idea of ​​fighting terrorism, and russia is not the aggressor here, but actually the victim. this is another variant of this special information operation, and here we must recognize and give credit to this territory, in this regard, it conducts these operations quite effectively. well, there is another important point here, if we believe that the federal security service of russia is involved in this terrorist act, sgt. about him preparation and organization were known by the united states, which even named crocus city hol
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among the specific objects that may be under attack. and this, mr. vitaly, seems to me to be explained quite simply, because the perpetrators were not russians, but the perpetrators were people from distant, or perhaps nearby , tajikistan, and there, i think, that... american intelligence and not only this one, not only the american one, they work quite effectively and intercept messages that go between one and the other, well, in fact, not so and not so and it's difficult, that's why there are many things that are still not fully clarified, but there are already too many inconsistencies, why, for example, if this crocus is several hundred meters from... an fsb station, from the russian guard, from the police, and so on,
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no one came there for 40 minutes and pretended that nothing was happening there, why, when it had already started, did the security guard, which is usually there, not appear there, moreover, armed to the teeth, many things that indicate that it was not simple yes, it was possible to get people out so that they did not die from a fire that suddenly broke out flared up, well, imagine, setting fire to such a space, where seven to eight 10 thousand people are gathered there, you don't need one canister, it's true, but there were only four of these attackers, moreover, moreover, it was not visible, for one of them to run with this canister or canisters, well, there are too many things that do not come into contact with the general concept, so... that's why i think that fsb ears are definitely present there, and we will still pass the time,
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we will also buy into this information, but in terms of propaganda, putin needs it was 150%. mr. volodymyr, if according to your version, it was done by the federal security service of russia, in principle, so do i. plus or minus to this, i may be inclined, why then i deal also, in fact, comes out like this, in advance of putin, takes responsibility for carrying out this terrorist attack, and another very important detail, which in principle can be noted, is that , what patrushev declares, i quote: the usa created the business and together with ukraine organized a terrorist attack, that is, this is how it all happened. responsibility in this case? well, look what's up today
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in this case, an ideal appeared, well, actually, something long forgotten, not very effective, and hardly something that was paid attention to, and suddenly such a gift, and you can say that you can still do something worth something and can organize such large-scale provocations. tions, terrorist attacks, far from their own, so to speak, cells and so on, well, this is advertising for which you have to pay, very expensive and very much, here everything just falls into your hands and you say yes, that's what we are, here it seems to me that everything is more than made up, and what patricia says, well listen, well, we have to finally understand that any words that... that are spoken by the representatives of the russian authorities must be multiplied
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by zero, it's all the exact opposite, if you want to understand what's going on there, just draw a conclusion, which exactly the opposite of what is being said in moscow, and you will be somewhere close to the situation, and tell me, mr. volodymyr, what do you think when french defense minister sebastien lecorneau talks with russian defense minister serhiy. then it is not because they are afraid that moscow can provoke this type of terrorist attack, let's say, at the olympics in paris, yes, mr. vitaly, but... medvedev does not directly threaten even without any diplomatic deviations, sorry for this word, dear friends, there in paris , the bad macron, as he calls him there in his last words, can just attack you and attack you, they can organize a terrorist attack, and they can
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kill you there, and you are no longer our friend, but a bitter enemy, so what here it is again. anyway, well, well, well, well, directly, someone is speaking it is less open about it, well, we know that there are persons, you can't call them in any other way, who are used as evil parents in order to leak this information and once again, i am back here again, for the third time , to this topic, intimidate the west, intimidate its elites, so that they think that it is better for us to cede the territory of ukraine. somehow more or less than we will deal with unruly, completely inadequate, criminals, but with nuclear weapons in their hands. and one more, in principle very important topic, already more or less our internal, although also connected
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with russia, actually russia blames the head of the sbu in absentia. the kid blames not only him there, but many other ukrainian officials who are related to the power bloc. we understand very well that this essentially means nothing, that it is basically just an informational demonstration that we are doing something there, that we somehow influence something there and demand something. why do they do it, if even, even from the point of view of some logic, it looks like this. extremely funny, well, it's funny for you and me, mr. andriy, and it's funny for normal people, but for the population that inhabits this territory, it's not funny at all, it's normal, it means that we, the authorities, follow our line consistently , and we will fight against these ukranian nazis, fascists there and so on and so
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on, that is what is perceived quite normally by the population itself. that is, that is, let me clarify, that is, the russians believe that one day they, or their so-called weakness, will reach out with their own hands to certain ukrainian military, ukrainian high-ranking officials and so on and the like, that's how i understand it, well, of course they also believe in it, and they believe that this is the only correct decision, and they will fight for it, and they will die only in order to ultimately overcome. the neo-nazi regime that took over ukraine is absolutely true. thank you, thank you, mr. volodymyr. volodymyr ogryzka, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-2009, head of the russia research center was in touch with us. now we will talk with the orientalist mykhailo yakubovich let's talk about the recent elections in turkey, sensational, one might say, elections. congratulations, mr. mykhailo. good evening. well,
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for the first time in many decades , the party of justice and development is led by the president. tayipomdogan, she was defeated in the elections, the people's republican party, the party associated with the name of the founder of the republic of turkey, general mustafa kemal atatürk, is winning by a margin in this election, and with such a percentage that it has not had at all my own, i would say the history of the past decades, that's it is the end of the erdogan era beginning, or is it just a struggle so far that is not clear how it will end in the coming years? no, it's far from over. era, this is a certain signal, especially since these are local elections, far from always those who vote for some candidates in local elections, look at their party affiliation in general elections, and even more so in elections for the head of state, that is, a person can vote for the opposition on local elections, but before that, not wanting
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to see kylychdaroglu at the head of the state actually get votes. vati for erdogan, another question is what internal control, i.e. it is a matter of infrastructure, business, and investment there, it often passes from the hands of the ak party to the opposition, and, for example, the opposition will also hold the majority in istanbul, in other cities where the margin is more than 10%, here but new personnel appear, new old ones, conditionally the same ekremi mamogloz there. lee, who is now, well, predicted not so much as a victory, but a very significant position in the next election. that is, since erdogan is a charismatic leader, the appearance of any... others, if they are that will take advantage, this is a direct threat to him, even not so much the party mood there, but there are certain signals, and erdogan is already reacting to them,
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for example, he is trying to improve relations with biden, with the west, in general, but putin has not come to him so far , that's why he has a certain fork of opportunities here, the foreign policy will change there so very significantly, except that there will be again... such variations, which are far from his first year and not the first time. there is a lot of talk now about the so- called operation erdogan's successor, and actually this successor of his is called zyatya, selchuka, selchuk bayraktar, his name and surname, i think, it is known to many ukrainians, because of the actual unmanned aerial vehicles, which, which... were so often discussed at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, if we return to this operation successor, this means that in
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2028 erdogan may no longer run for president and in fact promote his son-in-law, who by the way is quite influential and quite rated, if you look at the polls, then in fact he is there takes one of top places and can conditionally kill erdogan like this in a few years, what is your opinion, how possible is this? well, to make predictions now for the 27th-28th year is to be very optimistic, firstly, secondly , no matter what, the next years will pass under such intimidation of the third world war, major global conflicts, terrorist for... and if erdoğan manages to convince his voters that such an approach is necessary,
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that is, the renewal of power, but the preservation of all these security guarantees for the turkish people, i.e. that turkey is in the western bloc, and turkey at the same time does not take part in any such military actions, which would not directly threaten, such as syria, it is quite possible, but now it is 27-28 years , and it seems to me that this will be an even more ungrateful task, especially since the appearance of new politicians is possible, the promotion of the same ones that they already have, for example, kylichdaroglu, no one would have thought five years ago that he would win almost half of the votes in the turkish elections, immediately he recruited and left politics, that's why it's turkish politics is not always so predictable, let's not forget that after all, turkey is not russia, it remains. because many during these decades of erdoğan's rule lost this
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understanding that the political landscape could change so seriously in turkey, erdoğan seemed to have succeeded in creating a system of so-called managed democracy where there are elections and there is never a change of power. yes, on the one hand, and we see that it has neighboring countries. far from being democratic, let's start with the same azerbaijan, well, elections too carried out, further east there is a clear situation, turkmenistan, then the turkic world in general, it is mainly based on such chiefdom, it exists, it is a complex very geopolitical and cultural phenomenon, but in the case of the turkish language, we still know that they have democracies in places work, this is a market economy in a country with such developed... trade relations, investments in business, with such export-import balances, to imagine it as not democratic, its market, its tourist infrastructure, everything
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else, will be extremely difficult, that is, yes, there is a certain limit to which authoritarianism operates is the persecution of dissidents, there are certain force decisions, there are not unstudied or, on the contrary , unsolved issues of the so-called coup of 15... there are other issues, but we see that the turkish people, especially the urban population , it remains faithful to this kemal tradition, that is, the idea of ​​oneself as a citizen, a citizen who has the right rights, a citizen who must go and vote, from young to old participation in politics, this is what happens with such a local cultural accent, turkish rallies . and then the elections, everything related to political agitation, it is extremely noisy, specific, but it is there, that is, it is already a layer of turkish culture, not only political. and
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everyday life, and to imagine that turkey is turning into the same azerbaijan, or somewhere even more daring, well, this is only in the case of some very powerful internal and external challenges, and they are also external threats, as well as the earthquake that shook turkey, but the reaction to him was accordingly such that it was still somewhat problematic, but in such key moments of a working democracy, one of the most important such international events, which, in fact, was often discussed here in ukraine, i believe that this is also one of the very important news, events that happened this week, is the strike by the israeli armed forces by the iranian embassy in damascus, and actually in this facility, at this
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facility. several high-ranking officers died there, two generals, five lower-ranking officers are allegedly reported there, and so on, after that, information about a possible response from iran, israel, and not only intensifies israel, in fact, the forces that support israel, the entire information space is shaking from the fact that now and then, sometimes 48 hours, sometimes 72 hours. yes, in this context, what should we expect, will iran escalate, or will it wait for a certain moment in order to strike, yes, and how will israel act in the future, precisely in this context, because such, according to in fact, both political and military ping-pong, he can, among other things
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, extremely hit on... the world order, and therefore on ukraine, on supporting ukraine in including. well, first of all, the government of netanyahu and the military-political leadership of israel knew perfectly well that when it struck this strike, especially a strike on a structure that was essentially part of the iranian consulate, this was a serious step, and israel perfectly understood, what will iran do, at least certain statements and certain actions. who is zagidii? one of the leaders? of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, which was destroyed there, is a man comparable in scale to the calm suleimani, one of the key chains in the links between iran and palestine, in particular the hamas movement, then hizbullah in lebanon, that is, this is a rather important figure, and israel, of course, knocks out such figures. the second moment, 48 hours have already passed,
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the iranian response, well... which was predicted there with ballistic drones aimed directly at israel, is hardly possible, quts day has passed, the so-called jerusalem day in iran, which they celebrate or mark, every year there were many slogans about the fight against world zionism, anti-americanism and various intelligences , and so on, this is classic in them, but at present at the moment, a blow to some israeli proxy is most likely expected, last time there was a response to similar actions: according to the kurdish forces of resistance to viratsia, and now negotiations are taking place between raisi and asha, who is the prime minister of iraq, and it is obvious that somewhere they are agreeing on joint actions in that region, that is, i, in particular, expect an answer, the same for iraq, for pro-western forces there in the north, or in syria, for pro-western, in particular, kurdish forces, which iran constantly accuses of cooperating with israel, perhaps
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arming the houthis with something... , that is, it is faster than everything will be a proxy answer, i would not expect direct attacks here, because israel would hardly take such a risk now, if it were oil would have already jumped to the corresponding price, it is almost 90, so certain market mechanisms are also at work here, which is hard to say, who benefits, who does not, but it is obvious that for oil exporters, the situation here is one that they... can still control, that is, this is one of the steps in the general confrontation between israel and iran, like on a large chessboard, where they will move certain figures, but as long as they have key players and the existence of the states themselves is protected, i.e. they will not fight directly, the iranians can hardly afford it at the moment, and they shouldn't.


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