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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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tomorrow the house is one hundred and they gathered with the beans, well, it was when 24 years ago, they say, they sat here and remembered the house, well, it is a museum, it is a museum, only if it was somehow pushed, it is a house from the 30s, it is a house... it was built of adobe, but time passed and it was covered with bricks, and the middle remained adobe, there was such an oven, we have a small room where you can cook something here, we are now heating the stove, everything is heated with firewood. opishnya is
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one of the oldest settlements in poltava oblast. usually the first association that falls at the mention of the village is pottery. but today opishnia is visited by those who are simply tired of the city and want an authentic ukrainian retreat. oleksandr used to come to opishnia to visit his grandfather, he saw an abandoned abandoned house opposite, and he wanted it... my grandfather lived nearby, when my wife and i stopped at that estate, we started living there for a few years, and there was this one opposite a house that really was practically abandoned, but i would still like to try to restore it, make it and restore it. such a process began, more like hobby, more like an experiment, but almost no one knew what the result of this experiment would be. the experiment was successful. one
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restored house turned into a small restored farmhouse with a farm. before the war, more than a thousand visitors came here every year. currently, there are already four unique estates on the territory of the ethnic settlement. each of them was restored by oleksandr and his wife with their own money, with the mandatory observance of its authenticity. some things had to be renewed, some had to be purchased, some had to be done practically. put from scratch, to things, this is a unique sofa, also of the same type, here you can use it as a sofa and you can use it as a sofa, wow, usually oleksandr shows newly arrived guests how to heat the stove, then they want to handle everything on their own, all modern conveniences. there is one in the house, so you can
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be nostalgic for your childhood in the village, without having to run to the toilet in the yard in the middle of the night, and this is a 1960 hut, built of opishnya bricks and lime mortar, in addition to ceramics, bricks were also made in the capital of pottery. sometimes we are already 12 we have been doing this for years, and we actually see people who come there, let's say, from one year old. a child, and after 12 years they come with a 12-year-old already a teenager, they come as if to their own home. it turns out, even without having a grandmother in the village, you can still have a completely rural childhood, with firewood, sheep, a pond near the house and, of course, delicious country dishes. shpundra is also prepared here, in beet kvass, vereshchaka is also prepared here, and traditional pishchanska is also prepared here. duck
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porridge, other dishes are prepared here, including and baba sharpanina. in the old farm you can also learn folk art. puppeteers, potters and clay molders conduct master classes here for visitors. you can see such and such a potter's wheel, you can sculpt such and such a thing. and if someone came from the city of naverocation, yes. needs, the folk workshop becomes an authentic co-working space, sometimes many people come to really combine recreation with work, there are almost all conditions for working remotely, and even though the war is a difficult test for everyone who is engaged in green tourism, oleksandr plans to expand. the next experiment is the revival of a small farm on the territory of the ethno-settlement, they also plan... to launch
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an educational quest for children and adults so that children look for things other than pokemon, for example, artifacts from the works of kotlyarevsky and gogol, everything so that everyone can learn a little more about their the country because they will see, you know, this beautiful photo somewhere on instagram about this ethnic house, and the other thing is to really go in and be inspired by all this, this atmosphere, feel and touch pieces of history, green tourism or downshifting - everything that will save samples of ancient architecture makes sense, someone is ready to restore an ancient house for themselves, someone has a desire to... open a museum for the community, this is an archaeological reconstruction, this is a reconstructed trypil dwelling from the beginning of the fourth millennium before of our era, that is , about 600 years ago
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, the people of tripil lived in such dwellings, we are talking about a time when there were no cities and states in mesopotamia in egypt for about 800, or even 1000 years, and at that time on... . more settlements in the world had an area of ​​50 hectares, and this is 450, and there are about 20 here, and they are 200, 300, 250. although our project was aimed at finding the most interesting examples of ukrainian folk architecture. we were interested in trypil housing, because there are theories that it was here 600 years ago that the largest settlements in the world were concentrated. about 3,000 houses were built on an area of ​​4.5 km, which were built from the same materials as ukrainian houses of centuries ago. and about what exactly these houses looked like today researchers have their own assumptions. among the archaeological findings are models of trypil settlements and small houses. it's great that they
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glued them on a little. on some of the models, the ornament has been preserved, and all this gives us the opportunity to more clearly imagine what we could be like... trypil housing. today, it is a great luxury to know exactly what a clay house, built 6,000 years ago, looked like. this became possible thanks to an interesting tryplian tradition of burning it when leaving the house. most likely due to the exhaustion of the black earth resources, then only black earth began to form, they did not live in one place for a long time, there were frequent migrations, transitions through several generations. old settlements, they burn. most likely, these were once again ritual burnings of old settlements that had already been abandoned, but since the house was burning, the high temperature burned a part of the dwelling so well that it actually turned into ceramics, there remained imprints from wooden structures, sometimes there were traces
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of hands, smearing, there is plaster, and there is another opinion that the houses were not burned but burned, and they were one-story, and people lived in ceramic houses. with a reed roof, but with burnt ceramic walls and a ceramic floor, these are two such points of view, they are still alive, and they compete, and discussions are taking place, by the way, we conducted an experiment 19 years ago, we built such a house, then they burned down in order to understand how it all happens, next year it will be 20 years since we did it, we will conduct excavations after 20 years of this house, we will see what was preserved there, what was there under the rain. with sour, and what is preserved. this small trypil settlement was built by archaeologists, historians and volunteers on real localities. in 2007, volodymyr gathered 200 activists who, under the guidance of specialists, built the first trypil house here. since then
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, toloka has grown into an annual festival on the initiative of the unpaid workers themselves. there , several hundred come here in the clay, so everything later for excavations, anyway. museum small festival, and what, that's all, we won't gather anymore, and then we started the annual trypilska festival a lot the trypil civilization existed for a little over 2 thousand years, and it covered huge territories, not only in ukraine, but also partly in romania and moldova. during this time and in different territories, the houses differed, but the people who lived on this land. these are big two-story houses, the dwellings were like this with two rooms, when you enter, there are walls, a partition and one big room, like a studio room, you can even say, to the right of the entrance there was a stove, domed, straight
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round window, near the window altar, it's like this zherdvnik is a place where, most likely , rites were held, where you could... pray and communicate with the parallel world of the gods, here the grain was ground to the state of groats, here there was light and here they rubbed a portion, and then already... pots like and the oven. 15 years ago, during one of the expeditions, volodymyr and his colleagues managed to dig up a baked ceramic hut, which preserved its walls well. this made it possible to measure the height and thickness of the walls and spans between the pillars. these data became the basis for building this house. they also succeeded to learn that thousands of years ago the people of tripoli plastered the walls and did. having only stone tools, after them in the territory of ukraine, tengka was revived only in the 20th
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century. next year, if everything goes well and we hold our festival, we have to plaster it all here, look and paint the house inside. my friends and i have a long-standing idea of ​​creating a skansen, it is to create a closed closed area, a couple of trypil huts, change into the... clothes that trypil residents could wear, and for a day you live in at that time, you eat, yes, you make ceramics, you make fabric, you prepare food, you get fire, you, that is, you immerse yourself as much as possible in the world of the past, and although today we know that the people of trypil are not the direct ancestors of ukrainians, but housing still has a lot in common, because building materials are inextricably linked with. this land, well, look, the tradition of farming, it will already be unbroken on
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our lands from that time, did other ethnic groups come, did they come, was there mixing , was there ethnogenesis, did the people of tripil left fully or partially remained here, the question is also debatable today, oh, but the material that was available to people, that's what it was, that's what they used. this time we showed you a small part of the architectural finds that we managed to find while traveling through central ukraine. these are the authentic schools of slastion in the style of ukrainian arnuvo. and centuries-old smears that are quietly collapsing in the villages, far away. from the main roads and unique mills that need our attention and our understanding, the understanding that these are
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all ours, our treasures, our history and our responsibility. i believe that a terrible ukrainian renaissance is coming, yes, and ukrainian culture will enter the soul of everyone. ukrainian modernism, as a historical style, remained at the beginning of the 20th century. he gave impulses, he gave directions, he opened up... some solutions that we can use in the future. this building was modern at that time. if we want to create something modern, we cannot copy the past, but we must study this past.
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there are 15% discounts on kvayt in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. there are discounts on urulesan 15% in plantain, bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right
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to start negotiations on joining the eu, vitaly portnikov and guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's get out, help to understand everyday life and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always we we are talking about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements
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of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. the project is close to politics. of the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with seestreau. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine, on there will be some katsaps on the borders of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? it's all him. informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. congratulations, the more russian propagandists shout about nazis in ukraine, the more the world is convinced that russians are committing
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crimes and terrorism on the territory of ukraine. it supports 44 countries in gas. creation of a special tribunal for russia for crimes against ukraine, and this is actually a very important first step towards actually convicting russian leaders for the crimes they commit during the aggression against ukraine. at the same time, another such media event, i would say, took place, which is all connected with the same terrorist attacks in the citiholi area, which happened a couple of weeks ago, well, constantly. russian propagandists talk about the fact that ukraine and the united states are literally involved in the crimes, although it is known that the americans warned the russians that there could be these terrorist attacks, but even more information happened, there was a leak of even more information, and so now more and more details are appearing, well,
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for example, an article appeared in... the washington post, which says that in fact they warned not just as naryshkin said, in general and in general, but they are very imprecise , and such very specific warnings were given, and after this article, you know, there are fewer and fewer versions of the events, practically there is only one version, that the russian authorities simply gave the opportunity to carry out this terrorist attack, either expecting a smaller scale or a respite for them. it didn't matter how many russians died if it could be used for propaganda later aggression against ukraine. so, the washington post article came out with the headline: the us told russia that kroc in city hall is a possible target of an attack. more than two weeks before terrorists staged a bloody attack in a suburb of moscow, the us government told russian officials that
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kroku city hall, a popular concert venue, was a potential target, according to reporters. american officials familiar with the situation. the high degree of specificity outlined in the warning underscores washington's confidence that islamic the state was preparing an attack that threatened a large number of civilians. the united states shared its information with russia a day before that public warning, and according to people familiar with the matter, there were even warnings so specific that it threatened to expose the intelligence agencies. of the americans, nareshkin also said that the us special services gave the fsb a warning, the day after moscow received this information, the fsb announced that they had prevented an islamic state attack on the synagogue in moscow. also, 15-year-old islam khalilov, who said he was working in the costume
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room of the concert hall on the night of the attack, said that crocus employees had informed him of the possibility. of a terrorist attack, and they knew, and here it becomes completely incomprehensible, why there was no fire alarm, no fire extinguishing, and even the emergency exits were turned off, so i say, there is exactly one option, that simply the russian authorities gave the opportunity carry out this terrorist attack in order to further justify possible mobilization in russia, everything is also very interesting with the mobilization, because it has become, well, spreading like this... more and more information that the russians are preparing a large-scale mobilization for june, the russians themselves, in particular putin's spokesman, piskov, denies this... but parallel events like this well, well, now let's see what was broadcast on russian tv channels and in general on their
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networks just yesterday, what kind of unity the country was after the terrorist attack, you can imagine that 5 years ago it was like that, i remember what the country was like , how many cries were there because of the other, the third, and now there are no... those cries, let optimism live, there is a feeling that after the tragedy in croc city, the flow of volunteers has increased. i really travel a lot now, i don't always manage to walk around the city that i come to, but i still manage more often, so these, how to call them correctly, points, i guess, right? here is the reception service, by contract they meet in every city, in the busiest places, well, of course, it goes to the same districts. and there's always something, it's just a movement, i can just believe because i see them, if not a queue, then a queue of people, yes all the same, there is a queue, just so that there is a queue, of course
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i have not seen such a thing, but people are constantly entering and exiting there, that is, everything works there, it is not worth it just like that with an abandoned one, therefore, as for the numbers given by the ministry of defense, these are the numbers first in the current year , more than 100,000 people entered the service under the contract, a special surge of activity. in the last week and a half, this is after the events in the crocus network, lobby. excitement is observed at selection points across the country every day at the medical board. over the past 10 days , up to 1,700 people have come. here i am all this i put numbers on paper. approximately 16,000 citizens signed contracts for participation in a special military operation, and most of the candidates were interviewed as the main motive for entering service under the contract. precisely the tragedy of march 22 in the suburbs of moscow, let's listen, at the last point of the choice there was an event in the proxy, this act of terrorism, and i understand that for me my family,
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children, and so that all this does not reach my family, i decided to leave on contact, selling animals that have committed the murder of more than 140 people. must be punished, and nazism karaimsky, who carries this mess and helps this terrorism, must be destroyed, well, that is what you saw, it was spread by the ministry of defense of russia, and in some strange way it coincided with what is happening in russia now, well, this, you know, company enlistment for conscription, that is , that is... of course, it is not mobilization as such, but it is, well, service, just conscript service. but what happens next with the military personnel? then
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such an interesting thing happens with them that literally after serving a month, or there is even less, and they are offered to conclude a contract, because then you will not just serve like that, but also receive money, well, that's actually how this voluntary work happens. which they are all talking about, these are all voluntary, supposedly, these are very often just people who are doing military service and are simply signing contracts with the ministry of defense at a very accelerated pace, this is so-and-so, so-and-so , the finn is so interesting, and apparently it will be for him the justification is precisely this terrorist attack, well, since it is russian society completely swallowed, judging by everything, well... they seem, as you know, to be absolutely unresponsive, therefore, most likely , such terrorist attacks will continue, especially since
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the russians are not fighting directly with those who carried out this terrorist attack, they they are looking for a ukrainian trace there, they invent this ukrainian trace, and of course, when you look in the wrong direction, then those who intend to carry out terrorist attacks, they will carry them out, and the russians boldly claim it in their tv broadcasts, in principle they predict further . to be honest, i'm afraid that between 6 and on the 10th we will face a similar event, as there was new information for you in the curriculum, you said that at the end of may, at the beginning of june we are expecting some kind of big offensive, but this is where you learned about the character, so to speak, the opinion, let's say so . looking for terrorists somewhere, it is not known where
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, the russians themselves behave like terrorists on state television, now they have set out to prove to the whole world that sport is part of the war for them, and their statements in principle make you think that this is so and there is, because that's how they comment the olympics, where russian athletes were not allowed, precisely explaining this by the fact that russia uses sports as part of its propaganda, and so she came to kyiv. the mayor of paris made a statement here and the russian propagandists became hysterical, the mayor of paris anna dalgo said this: i want to tell the russian and belarusian athletes that they will not be welcome in paris, at the same time i want to tell the athletes from ukraine that we will support them with everything forces, therefore to this
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unpleasant ugly nation. animals, i want to remind you that today is 210 years since the day of admission russian troops to paris, and we did n't care then, and we don't care now, whether we like it or not, when we need to destroy you all, as our colleague, deputy tolstoy said, we will do it, just try to send your troops, face us in battles , and europe shuddered. hidalgo's scandalous statement became known on the day of the 210th anniversary of the capture of paris by the russian army. on march 31 , 1814, our regiments entered paris and this date was celebrated in france led by emperor alexander ii. before that, russian troops defeated napoleon's army. useful
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reminders for macron. well, i'll tell you, paris and the french are some kind of painful topic, and napoleon is also for russian propaganda, and putin has already joined in, also talking about napoleon and paris. after the collapse of the ussr, our geopolitical enemies definitely set a goal to destroy what was left of historical russia, that is, to dismantle its core , russia proper, the russian state, to subjugate everything that remains to their geopolitical interests, confidently speaking about this when the former director fsb, former secretary of the council security, and then the president and the commander-in-chief, it’s strange, but someone wants revenge for the failures in the fight against russia since historical times, the failed campaigns of hitler and napoleon against russia and... similar, well, it’s actually
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clear why napoleon, paris and the french suddenly have become such a painful topic for russian propagandists, they have literally been discussing it in every program for a month now, on every tv channel macron and the fact that macron proposed to send troops to ukraine are being discussed, well, not only are they discussing it, they are even inventing new fakes around it, here is a well-known propagandist masha zakharova. which for some reason considers itself somehow related to diplomacy, just the other day invented such a whole story: new information appears about the preparation of a military contingent by perezhem to be sent to ukraine, for these purposes the command of the french foreign legion at the beginning of march approved the composition of the battalion tactical group with the number about 1500 people. it is expected that in april
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the group will be brought to a state of full combat. readiness for operational introduction to the ukrainian theater of war, and the main thing is that russian propagandists talk about this, it is natural that they will strike somewhere, well , first of all, they naturally threaten to kill literally all these french people, they shout about it, sometimes they are even so, you know, fascinated by it that they forget that belarus is a there is a separate one, and they begin to simply tell that there... and it is necessary to attack from the side in belarus again, if a military contingent takes part in a military conflict under the national flag, but the vietnamese could not get it to the united states, but we then we can go to france, that's why means direct intervention.


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