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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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unfortunately, this is used by the aggressor to intensify the repression of the crimean tatars, because he says: you see, in the decision it is written that there is no discrimination, this is a huge political cover that russia has received today, unfortunately, today the rights defenders, who all these years independently, without any or almost any support from those people who have been pring these gaga conferences, gathering relevant evidence and going anyway, i know, i just can't go into detail here, that there will be a lot more work to do to to prove that... there is racial discrimination against crimean tatars in crimea, that there is racial discrimination against ethnic ukrainians in crimea. thank god, these lawyers who played this lawsuit will not deal with this, no one will let them there, these are public initiatives, and we will have appropriate decisions for the benefit of the ukrainian state and the indigenous crimean tatar people and all crimeans. well, we really see how russian propaganda is now using it, and even russian ghouls, they now started talking about what seems to be the case with the crimean-tatar language on the territory on the occupied peninsula everything is... very nice, everything
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is very normal, and even under ukraine until 2014, it seems that there were big problems with the crimean tatar language, but now russia has come and everything is fine, but i remember, i was born in already independent ukraine , and i studied in the crimean tatar class, if i am not mistaken, now in crimea, in schools there is only one hour, yes in the crimean tatar language, and then, if the relatives want it. children, well, look, first of all, the occupiers formally, yes, formally did not close the schools, where, which were related to of crimean tatar teaching, let's say, until 2014, but today the number of classes is really decreasing, the amount of actual teaching is decreasing, the language for learning crimean tatar practically does not work, there are remnants of learning crimean tatar as a subject, there is pressure on parents to decreased the number. students here, the only
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factor that really ensured the existence of such an education so far is the position of the crimean tatars themselves, this is the position of the families, if this did not happen, it would not have happened a long time ago, against this background, there is a complete ban on ukrainian education, ukrainian-language education, this is the only thing that ukraine has proven, managed to prove, because it is an absolutely obvious fact, the occupiers destroyed it not only factually, this should be proven, but also legally, sort of legally, we covered everything. below zero in crimea, ukraine is educational, that is why the international court stated there, after all, you were forced to state that there really is racial discrimination of ethnic ukrainians about the crimean tatars, i repeat, unfortunately, because of those officials who we were confused, we simply could not prove it, although this is an objective fact, so today there are indeed these provocations, there are statements that are beyond the limit of reasonableness, that there, as if the crimean tatar language is not recognized, well, any lawyer discovers this , well, here is the constitution of the republic of kazakhstan'... 98 there
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is written crimean tatar, here is the framework convention of regional languages, ukraine recognizes protection, but there is even more, it is, as they say, the godfather of lies, it is mr. lavrov who stated this, he also said that in the crimea , until the 14th year, it was apparently not built not a single mosque, that is, you know, all the crimean tatars were waiting for putin to come and build mosques, well, i understand that this is not, well, this is not only absurd, but this is refuted by a simple fact, every crimean tatar in his ... to their population, they are trying to sell, they are simply selling their own, as they say, at international institutions, but again there is a question, you said about the political component, and... indeed, the occupiers are currently
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speculating on this, that it seems to be not ethnic persecution and they are speculating claims of the international court regarding the majlis, and the decision of the international court is written that it is not, let's say, an organization of the people, but some kind of political structure, but i have a question, you see, such an interesting situation is developing, and the people of ukraine approved the law on the country, there established order of legalization of representative institutions of nations. what is the midjlis, later in the 22nd year, due to, you know, the great work of the crimean tatar law enforcers, let 's say, and civil society, the cabinet of ministers approves the procedure for legalizing the midjlis, this in very simple language, then they collect documents, regarding this order, it was not easy, something happened in the crimea, collected, collected, submitted to the cabinet of ministers, the cabinet of ministers accepted it in june 23rd year, for those awarded there, and those awarded there, i have question. they say an asterisk, but if
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the cabinet of ministers had approved this decision on the legalization of the mejlis in time within the framework of these very organizational procedures, if this resolution had been put on the table in a timely manner, maybe something would have happened. have changed, and maybe there will be questions for the people who spent this saturday in kyiv, no, not questions about, i will say so, about them there there are concerns about the crimean tatars, namely the issue of the corresponding article of the criminal code, facilitating hostile activities, weakening the position of ukraine in international institutions, maybe someone will raise it someday, i am sure, that is, in your opinion, this is not some bureaucratic procedure, it is simply politically, i want the authorized bodies to figure it out sooner or later. they will give not only a political, but also a criminal, procedural assessment, and the fact that the assessment will be legal, well, of course, there will be at least a trial, it is obvious that if you are not given what is right, let the court decide, the legal status of the medjalis of the crimean tatar people is really in limbo now, and
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the representatives of the medjalis themselves are already emphasizing this, and ryfat chubarov spoke about it recently, by the way, the discussion is intensifying now in ukraine regarding the status and format the existence of the crimean... peninsula of these territories in general in the context of the return, and there are a lot of speculations, which ayder and i started talking about in the last program, well , first of all, there is speculation on the topic of where the crimean tatars are, why they are not fighting, and it absolutely unfair, we have a battalion formed by representatives of the crimean tatar people, which is joined by representatives of other ethnic groups. indigenous peoples, national minorities, in addition, representatives of the crimean tatar people are firmly embedded in the defense forces of ukraine, and they perform combat tasks in many directions, now every fifth battalion has representatives of the crimean tatar people, and on the other hand, again, the crimean tatar autonomy or the crimean
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area, unfortunately, unfortunately, we see now activation of this discussion, i don't know if it is timely, let's say, well, two different questions, on the first question, how can a person purely civilly... crimea is occupied like this, and the other part of the crimean tatars, let's say this, well, not the diaspora, but part traditional resettlement in the kherson region, was occupied in the first days of the war, maybe it is not the fault of the crimean tatar people, right, well, it is no less their fault, if the bulk of the crimean tatars were in the controlled territory, it is obvious that their share in the army would be greater, it well purely as they say, the arithmetic question, the second arithmetic question, is repression, is an example of repression in the newly occupied territory, where male crimean tatars are persecuted en masse by the aggressor for participating or for possible participation in the civil blockade of crimea, they
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become de facto prisoners of war, i look for this words, that is , well, excuse me with all due respect to any discussion, there is no discussion here, the question is different, namely, why are we discussing what... there really is absolutely no point in physically discussing today, why? impossible to change the constitution, look, there are several factors, the first factor: we live in a democratic country, we cannot precisely bring such things down from above, we have to at least formally, let's say it directly, go through some procedures of discussion or public opinion, logically, otherwise it is impossible, maybe you are talking about a referendum, i am talking about any form provided for by the legislation of ukraine, i am not saying the word referendum, i am not saying the word is some other, i am saying that it is according to a democratic procedure they... you decide at the bank or there by attendance even in sessional halls of the verkhovna rada, this is a broader issue. ugh. chrimokupovany today, the mejlis, again, returning to this issue, has not yet been introduced into organizational relations, i am not saying into the legal system, ukraine has legally and politically
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recognized it, but has not introduced it into the organizational system. and how is it possible to talk about something in general without bringing this body into the organizational system of power, we have a law on the country of peoples, it says with participation, with participation, with participation. according to consultations, that is, we start it first, then when we start it, it arises another question, this is already political, it should be held again after the deoccupation of koroltai, elect medley, these are all logical questions, because both the crimean tatars, as a component of the ukrainian people, and the entire ukrainian people are used to living according to democratic procedures, only after these questions can something legally be done formalize, and that is why i say, you, who today talk about crimean tatar autonomy, or about the region, yes, because they either do not know that... they are useful to society, from urgent issues, the only actual result of which is a distraction stupid, because all these questions today have questions, the protection of the affairs of the crimean people here and today under the conditions of occupation, the work is real, sorry, not kavabreaks, but the real work of deoccupation, reintegration of crimea, i
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cannot talk about the military bloc, but as an example, regarding of the civil block, yes, regarding the civil block of all these issues, just so that you understand the situation, we just conducted and the crimean tatar resource also conducted a number of other organizations. our association for the integration of crimea, which i represent, has already held a series of three strategic forums, uh, regarding of the future of crimea, we have already worked out the relevant proposals for the integration strategy, then yes... plans, then for now we gathered, we began to think about what to do with the organization of the activities of the international crimean platform, because the summits are taking place, this is very correct, this is the correct policy, i i personally support it, but let's talk about the real results here and on the ground, what it gives us, what specific plans, strategies, tasks do we have, there is a lot of work on the shore, someone gives us funds for this, in what amount, which state, we see today there are eight security agreements. it is very good that they are arranged from great britain to finland. only the two of us found the question,
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i quote: support for the development of plans for the reintegration of the occupied territories, if it seems to me that it is great britain and france, well, that's what we have to think about today, that is, in fact, we have, sorry, today, we are not meeting at the constituent assembly of the ob' of the united nations in san francisco on the 45th, we are today the beginning of the battle for the gudal canal, if you compare us by categories. dear, when they start telling us, sorry, you know how it is standards, let's turn over the ukrainian flag, everything will change, it will not change, depending on the fact that today we declare something on a formal level, and even whether we will be able to declare it today, because any constitutional act on crimea, it foresees the realities of the situation, we must first clearly understand about the reintegration strategy, the reintegration strategy was approved in the 21st year before the great war. in the 23rd year, we were promised a new edition, mr. danilov promised, mr. natashev and ms. virishchuk, then we heard another
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statement from mr. danilo, as far as i am wrong, public, well, someone in power or officials is sure that there will be some kind of general strategy for all reintegrated territories, today mr. danilo is no longer the secretary of the national security council, so a new question arises, that’s right, who is there and what will be the new position in the national security council, she is responsible for that , because the apparatus of the nsdc is responsible for the preparation of decisions, and... a year where everyone told us about the diplomatic path, it should be changed at the level of the nsdc, that is, i am talking about the fact that this should be done here and now, when we do it, the strategy will be signed by president zelensky, we will build on this i’m sorry, constitutional yes, well, if i’m not mistaken, in 2021, during the development of the strategy for the de-occupation and reintegration of the peninsula , the image lis of the krymster people and the krymster resource center, etc. took part , now you have not been invited to... well, i don’t know, the zontarsky center of the mejlis, i to be honest, i don't want to give an assessment of those events, it's good that
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this strategy was generally approved, well, it at least does not correspond to the realities of the great war, so let's put an end to it, criticize the document that it is known today to change the roof, it is a thankless task, the only thing i can say is, what can i say, a plan was approved for the development of this strategy in the 23rd year, huh, and here everyone already had a question about lawyers, because there is a plan , but does not change the strategy. that is, on the basis of which, if the strategy has not been changed, the plan is already new, and the second question, and from there, many lawyers, in particular, i saw this plan, sorry for the television, mr. boris, i really hope that we will have an opportunity to do with you a whole separate program on all the mentioned topics, i to you thank you very much for the fact that you were able to point out quite acutely and fairly those points that, well, i think they are sometimes discussed a little too cautiously... in the information space, thank you, boris babinets, representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic
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of crimea, i thank my colleagues, for the fact that we were able to realize another recording of the together beraber program, we would like to remind you that this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel. stay with us and stay with crimea. this is the avdiiv direction. and so a shot, now the military they fire from the m101 cannon, it’s the 105th caliber, i’ll tell you, if there was still enough bull here, it would be really great, you already flew normally, just like that , shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, we’re moving . at a distance of about 10 m from each other and carefully listen to the sky so that
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there is no sound of thrones, here we have a mini-underground hotel complex, such a drone can fly six kilometers, these are the closest positions to us, tambi bambas. then i will fill it up, there is no replacement, we have people in positions without shifts, 10 to 15 days pass like this they missed a day or two. spestirali all come back. the same problem as ours, the problem of personnel, they have it, not to such a degree, but it is there.
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ukraine was able to stabilize the front line, but a new offensive by the russian army is possible in the summer. this is realia donbas, i am yaroslav krechko, and today we will talk about the results of the winter campaign, as well as find out whether the russian federation has reserves to continue advancing and where to expect attacks in the coming months. a noise like a jet plane, followed by an explosion. this is how air bombs sound in the avdiiv direction. well, sometimes often, sometimes not often, well now for this time there, let's say time, it has already arrived normally, the gaps are quite far and do not interfere with the ukrainian artillerymen, that's the shot. this is the avdiiv
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direction, now the military is firing from the m101 gun, it is the 105th caliber, this gun has been in use for over 70 years, according to oryx data, ukraine received three dozen american m-101s from. of lithuania and slovakia, despite their solid age, they are quite accurate, in the summer of the beginning of the 13th, they worked somewhere 50-60 m from their own, that is, the infantry is coming, and we work under the infantry, respectively, about 50 m, it was easy to lay shells, well, of course, it is a little easier to work in the defender, but
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if there was still enough bull here, then it would be great in general. oh, this is our pain a little with bc, at the moment we have a constant shortage, well relatively, well for understanding, yes, if we worked there last spring on the same direction, then the situation with bc was much better, well, we probably worked six times more , because of the current situation, we are very dependent on political conditions, very much. we depend on help, here is the russian army and beyond is trying to advance, after avdiyivka it managed to capture several neighboring villages, but in general the armed forces of ukraine stabilized the front line, although the russian federation is throwing fresh forces into battle, it’s just like that , nawboy, nawboy, nawboy, nawboy, but we ’ve already joked more than once that
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we work so often that one place has been shot at, we control everything there, well... for an hour, half an hour, another group will still pass there, and we will still follow the next group. last year, the 71st hunting brigade of the russian armed forces started near avdiivka. they attacked in the summer in zaporizhzhia, at the end of autumn they returned again near avdiivka. sokil also went all this way, now he is fighting near his home, he himself is from donbas. no matter where we are fighting there in zaporizhzhia, in the donetsk region or there in... somewhere in the kharkiv region or somewhere else there, this is our land, we must defend it, i realized that we need to finish it, a shot, there is an impression targets, cloaking cover, thanks for the work, plus cloaking. the capture of avdiivka
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reduced the length of the front lines. and accordingly the enemy, who had enough serious grouping in this direction. by inertia, he is trying to move further west. it seems to him much slower than expected. but the pressure is significant, and specifically. direction, the immediate task of his group fulfilled, well, i would say that in full. at dawn , we go with the ukrainian pilots first by car, then on foot, we move at a distance of about 10 m,
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from each other, and carefully listen to the sky so that there is no zavkutron, we are lucky with the weather, in such a fog on... hardly or something flies, soon we are there, this is the bakhmut direction. here we have a mini-underground hotel complex. ukrainian pilots spend most of the day in a cramped dugout, flying from here day and night, but the morning fog stopped their work. in touch. what's the weather like there, fog? sure! while the weather does not allow flying, here they prepare kamikaze drones, check the settings of the drone,
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fix the ammunition, here is already a seven-inch drone assembled since the very morning for the task, we have a normal charge, a shot from an rpg, an electrodetonator and an initiation board that works on impact, such a drone will fly to... six kilometers and inflict its damage on the enemy, we currently do not have any equipment as such here, there is nothing, that is, infantry , dugouts, cover, everything that it touches the infrastructure, so that it is not very convenient for them to be in positions, we use such birds, when the fog clears, the military raises repeaters and mavic is the first to go on reconnaissance. on the pilot's screen is a familiar picture, the front edge of the russian defense, a system of trenches where soldiers are hiding
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the russian federation, here, well, if it were a fox hole, a dugout, then from a hole, like a mink, and there they get the closest positions to us, then the shock bepela, bombas are taken to work, the tree somewhat interfered with the pilot, the military immediately reviews the recording from the mavik , then i will fill it in, it should be slightly to the left, it's normal, it's normal. they also learned to survive a little, they quickly run to open areas, they try not to go out there for a long time somewhere above
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the trenches, dugouts, and therefore it takes a lot of time to assemble there, prepare everything, even if you are prepared to fly up and hit them, they can already hear them on the approach, and that is why, unfortunately, we work, well, we simply work on positions on... left, which did not arrive. then several more kamikazes hit the fortifications of the russian army, and the mavic repeatedly changes the battery and returns to reconnaissance. this is the round-the-clock work of ukrainian pilots, and russian fpvs also fly here, not to mention the artillery. there is no reciprocity, we are people. to the position without variable there it takes 10 to 15 days , yes, they make a mistake for a day or two, they wash off and come back, and
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the crews work, well, you can say 24/7, that is, there is a night drone, there is a daytime one, well, as soon as dawn begins , the daytime drone rises immediately, so our work is set up in such a way that it is constantly in the sky there is some one bird watching the front edge ie the same exit approaches. movement, as for this infantry, which is in the trenches, well, it is much calmer for her there, she understands that she can be fooled when there is shelling, the drone hangs, watches, and they calm the brit has also flown mavic before, but it's been almost three months since he learned to fpv. despite the fact that there are many technical nuances in this case and not every drone is a destroyed target, he says, they are very effective. no, well, in general, for example, to fly is not very difficult to learn, that is, the main desire, the most difficult thing, which in principle
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exists even now, is... setting it up, restoring it, collecting the same initiation boards, that is , understand how it works each ammunition, how to collect it all correctly so that it does not become a cutlet by itself, you collect each one yourself day, everything is practically from scratch, even if ready-made drones arrive, there you need to set up video separately, communication separately, we have... antennas for video, three transmitters for different communication frequencies, and all this is changed, constantly raised, lowered antenna, to combine, these are different nuances, to check, to test, that is, well , it is quite difficult, this is already another flank of the bakhmut direction, poseidon bepil of the same
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class. that a fury or a stork for reconnaissance in the near rear of the russian army, more manpower, more manpower approaches, equipment is not so often, but it also appears. here, for example, are russian infantrymen on the front line. here the car hides. into cover, and these are two self-propelled guns firing at ukrainian positions. yaroslav learned to fly on the poseidon for a month and a half, he says, assembling the drone and preparing it for work takes 30-40 minutes. the most difficult thing is the report and landing. it happens that it is more difficult to manage it, especially when welcome. well, in principle, he behaves quite well with the light.
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plus... the autopilot, which in the event of a headwind includes throttles, can stabilize itself, that's it it helps a lot, and besides , it fights the reb very well, in case it gets stuck, it will just go on autopilot and return home, this is a video from mavik of one of the russian assaults, which is repulsed by the soldiers of the 22nd brigade of the armed forces of ukraine under a pincer, during such battles poseidon usually controls the approaches to the leading edge. yaroslav recalls one of the recent attacks: a team came to take off quickly, because an assault was coming, we raised the bot, and flew to the reconnaissance zone, and at the moment there was a battle there, they were approaching, so the equipment was approaching, tanks, our artillery on it justified, they began to run away, and we noticed that a tank approached our positions from the side of the rear, from vakhmut along the highway, we
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passed. him to work on this tank, well, he turned very quickly and began to run back to bakhmut. the target of the attacks of the russian army in this direction is the city of chasiv yar, it is located at a height and in case of capture opens the way further to kostiantynivka or kramatorsk-slovyansk. well, the situation with the time gap is very difficult, but as far as i understand, as far as i know, it is under control. take it in the forehead. the russians are not leaving, they are trying cover from the flanks, there is an advance, but the advance is so tactical, and it happens that today these positions are ours there, and tomorrow they are already repulsed, as of now they do not have the personnel to form operational reserves, volunteers, their flow, he dries up, they are no longer enough to... replace
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the troops at the front, because there are losses, there are sanitary losses, and combat losses, everything is there, without mobilization, hidden or open, they will not have reserves, the same the problem itself, as we have a personnel problem, it is there are some, not to such a degree, but it is there, and everyone expected putin's re-election, and therefore some decision will be made, that is, after the election , he will still... the inauguration, he will change the leadership, not change, and formally change the leadership of the government, the leadership of the military, and then, i think, the mechanism of this, this mobilization will be launched. the strategic goals of the kremlin at this stage, according to experts, are clear, to completely capture donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia and kherson regions, regions that are partially occupied and which, according to
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in russian the constitution of the russian federation considers its own.


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