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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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again, yes, it must be said, it must be reminded, but again, i believe that the problem is not only with zelensky, his team, it concerns everyone, as they say, absolutely, i agree with this, andriy, to you there is something to add in this broad discussion, well , they haven't mentioned mimoshenko yet, because tymoshenko did it too , tymoshenko is absolutely not excluded, let 's not take responsibility from the voters either, we remember how the electoral picture changes. and i would say that the whole country grew up, and the whole country gradually realized itself, a separate country, not one that chose its own separate path from russia, well, maybe to saint galicia, to the west in the west of the country, these convictions were from the very beginning, from the 90s, so balanced, but other regions gradually evolved and searched for themselves. and
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they identified themselves and decided who they were with, whether they were with european ukraine or authoritarian russia, and luckily they chose the european path. friends, i would like to remind you that we are working live on the espresso tv channel and are conducting a poll today, we are asking you about this, do you think that mykhailo bolgakov is a ukrainophobe, yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think bolgakov is a ukrainophobe, 0800 211 381 no 0800-211382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote , at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. oleksiy wanted to add something, i understand that it is probably about voting in galicia, and about how galicia was determined over the past 30 years. well, the fact is that, of course, it would be difficult to expect that galicia.
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more than other regions of ukraine voted for rapprochement with russia, but again there were enough illusions and enough politicians who could be used, well, if not pro-russian, then like a bogeyman, so to speak, we remember all these stories, and including the financing of some radical organizations by the then allegedly pro-russian authorities, so once again there are no saints, everyone has to bear. responsibility for what was done, of course, it is not necessary, so to speak, to attribute what was not, but none the less, that is, for at least themselves, each must, must do, draw the right conclusions and move, move in the right direction, but again, again, this does not only apply to ukraine, we see what is happening in europe and what continues to happen in the west, even in countries that it seems that lately ours are great friends and...were not defeated during this stage
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of the war and to understand that everything depends on the ukrainians themselves, on their desire to protect their freedom and independence, and of course, the help of our allies will be indispensable. thank you oleksiy, let's talk about one more topic. on the trust and distrust of ukrainians in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, according to the february survey of the social group rating 40% of ukrainian citizens do not approve of the activities of the verkhovna rada, another 37% rather disapprove, the overall level of distrust has exceeded 75%, now you can see the results of this social survey, while partially or only 19% of the respondents are quite positive about the work of the parliament, as the infographic shows, the level of approval.
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activity of the council has been steadily falling since april 22, so how, gentlemen, to be with the parliament, whom the people do not trust, but it is simply impossible to re-elect him during a war. andrii, i don't really remember such a period when our people trusted the parliament, because they elect it, at least they change it, and they elect and change it, i agree, i really would like to. stand up for the defense of the parliament in the sense that today the deputies have very often simply turned into executors of the willless will of the office of the president and the majority faction, that is, the people who, according to our constitution, are actually the main ones in the country, after all, in our country the parliamentary, presidential republic, suddenly turned out to be obedient, not such servants of the people, yes, servants of the president's office and...
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well, i see it that way, judging by how many deputies want to leave the parliament, we know the statements of david arahamia that were submitted statements about the termination of powers, they are simply not satisfied that the deputies do not want to put up with this role, well, such weak-willed executors, well, in fact, if the deputies in our country do not decide anything, then why do we have so many deputies, well, let us have two person or three people in the country and all these laws are stamped, well, it is clear that i do not support such an approach, i believe that it is precisely the subjectivity of the parliament and the independence of the parliament. and its effective work, they are connected, that is, when the parliament is a force, when the parliament is a body in itself that really determines the policy of the state, then it will be trusted and then it will work effectively, and when all
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the instructions come from above, of course, how can you trust such a parliament, by the way, by the way, the top of the servant of the people in march started to gather, as the zmi writes, deputies in order to unite and improve the work of the factional core, but it is not yet clear whether these meetings were successful, well, at least that is what the ukrainian pravda writes about. oleksiy, as in the conditions of war, this is trust, not trust, a crisis is not a crisis, i honestly do not see how to solve it, how it actually affects the situation in general. i see that, somehow, trust, mistrust affects the activity of the parliament, especially nothing, well , first of all, i agree here that all ukrainian presidents tried to translate the responsibility for the bad state of the country is on
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someone else, and the parliament was the most successful target, it was both under kravchuk and under kuchma, eh, zelenskyi’s problem is that, well, that is... shifting responsibility to the parliament with on his part , it looks strange, because he has a majority in this parliament, no president has had such a majority as zelensky had, that is, he specially selected these people, he said that he took responsibility for them, so to transfer it to them now, to say that they guilty of something, well, somehow, just, well, necomilfu, even with all his attitude towards his former friends, on the one hand, on the other hand, we see that precisely at the decisive moments in ... history, both in 91 and in 96, when the constitution was adopted, and under during the two revolutions, it was the parliament that ensured a way out of the crisis and the preservation of the democratic tradition in ukraine, even the fact that the russians
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are talking about some kind of coup d'état in ukraine, or coups d'état in ukraine, never once did this coup happen, that is , this change did not take place. with some delegitimization of the parliament, the parliament always maintained legitimacy, and therefore this is what shows that these are all fables, so i believe that at least people who think about it with respect to the parliament should be held responsible, understand that we still, if we want to integrate into europe, the parliament should still play a more responsible, more independent role and... it is not necessary to discredit it and not engage in it, as for the situation with the crisis, well, it arises because, well, if the deputies do not decide anything on their own, if earlier there was once during the time of kushma them kept the opportunity to earn
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money in the parliament, and now it has sharply decreased, especially during the war, it is clear that many people who followed this very thing to the verkhovna rada, well, that is, do not see the big picture. sense, but on the other hand, we see that from the opposition factions, or non-power factions, let's call them that, people do not run as from the servants of the people, that is, this also shows something, and if the power is presidential, first of all, it is ready to understand the need for such a tool as a parliament, it should take more initiative to consolidate this parliament, after all, during war there is no war, so to speak. in the classical sense of the word, everyone is working, everyone is ready, with some exceptions, which is true, but most factions are ready to work for our victory in this war, so i think that if there was an initiative from the president, then the parliament could to consolidate and go beyond
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this, this shaky majority, which does not really exist, well, the question is whether or not the president needs it, if he has five or six managers managing everything. then in this story the role of the parliament is simply reduced to one from the departments there, well, if it didn't sound banal, and you mentioned about... the role of the parliament during the crisis stories, well, when the parliament actually made important decisions, we remember that in february 2014 , important decisions were made when yanukovych fled ukraine, but we remember how in july or june 2019, after coming to the presidential seat, zelenskyi dissolved the parliament because there was no parliamentary majority, that is, if... that there is no parliamentary majority, it must either be created , reformat, or during
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in principle, it is possible to work on war and yes , of course, again, this is another boomerang of the first years of zelenskyi's presidency, because they dissolved the parliament, because there is no, there was no majority in it, now there is a majority, there are big doubts, that's why it is necessary to create a new majority, but again this requires the initiative of the president. we understand that the servant of the people faction will not create a new one on its own initiative. beyond any doubt. andrew well, i just wanted to say that there is a chance, in principle, for the parliament to become effective, if there are leaders there, who will be able to unite and create a new majority, it is possible to create a coalition government, but for this you will have to go against the will of the president, you will have to defend your truth and say that it is more important for the country now. and not the system that has developed today, an ineffective system, as we can see, there are doubts that
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the deputies will go for it, but who knows, as mr. oleksiyovych said, at a critical moment for the country, and what moment is not critical, if not now, then the parliament showed miracles and could unite and make important decisions, well, against this background, we... just see how it is, well, a group of people who rule, i don't know, maybe it's during a war, it 's appropriate when there's a concentration of power there, but no one has canceled the constitution during the war, no one said that there are five people who are around zelensky, they manage everything, including trying to fight corruption, but at the same time, former advisers of the security service of ukraine, like artem shilo, whom nabu and the sap of this a week there... he was detained for the fact that he was allegedly at the head of a corruption scheme for 95 million hryvnias in
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ukrzaliznytsia, but this shows that this group of people can not simply, as they say in the youth environment , simply take it all away, and it is still necessary to share power, including, well, monopoly power is not only all the power to them, it's... you know, you know, it's just that in our country everyone is afraid of the words about sharing power, well no, you don't want to share power, share responsibility, monopower is monoresponsibility, well, in principle, but who, who in this situation should be responsible for corruption, but i mentioned about this artem shill, he was released on bail at 30, i understand that he is responsible for corruption, in the literal sense, he is responsible for corruption. he was supposed to control, but this device, which he supervised, was precisely within
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his competence, but he was released on bail of 30 million uah, and these 30 million uah were found much faster than they find money for drones, there serhiy sternenko and serhiy prytula, that is, this money was found very quickly, and this proves once again that there is money in the state, but it is obvious. several people, you know, if he is something violates it, and this one will be confiscated to the treasury, then obviously they will also go to the drone, and andrei, how, how, how do you perceive this whole story with the awl, because he already feels innocent, but the fact is, and in principle, probably not for nothing, well , his guilt has not really been proven, he is a suspect, it continues here, but we see how this detention took place, that is, it is
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an anti-corruption body independent of the president, created under pressure from our western partners, creditors, he was discovered and detained, the national anti-corruption bureau, as we see, right now, on the image, just naboo, the abbreviation, it’s such a greeting, maybe from our western creditors, the president’s office, including, i ’m going to engage in a little conspiracy theory here, you’ll forgive me, but it seems to me that the west is also tired of corruption... history, we remember the ministry of defense, eggs for 17 hryvnias winter uniform, and how long the minister of defense had to be removed during a full-scale invasion, in fact through various publications, through various round tables and statements of foreign foreign diplomats, including , and e
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corruption has not stopped, we see that there are signs of corruption in state-owned enterprises, in the ministry of defense there are also private conversations among military personnel about how it is organized at the lowest level, and i understand that it also reaches the top , for example in some fortunately, not in the combat units, but in the rear, i was told that the commander has to be paid for vacation there, well, the commander has to share it with someone, i guess, people who are close to me, family friends , who did not go anywhere, and that during the war we should pay more attention to it, there are anti-corruption activists who call this mr. shill the people, we have to finish, andriy, we have the deputy of the president's office oleg tatarov, that is, there are threads here,
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andriy yanitskyi and oleksiy mustafin were guests of our program today, gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. let me remind you that during the program we conducted a survey, we asked you whether you consider mikhail bulgakov a ukrainophobe, the results of our in a television survey 73% yes, 27% - no, on youtube the proportion is 72% yes, 28% - no. friends, it was the verdict program, it was hosted by serhiy rudenko, i say goodbye to you until monday, until 8:00 p.m., i wish you a good and peaceful weekend, take care of yourself and your family, goodbye. the village of strylbychi in the lviv region, illegal deforestation has increased here over the past few months, activists of the public organization forest initiatives and society are leading us to the top of the mountain. on the way we see fresh tracks from tracks and tractors.
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this type of transport is used by black loggers to take away the looted wood. here behind... now we see tracks in the forest from small tractors, from various equipment that went out and actually took away this illegally cut forest, and there are a lot of such scars in the forest, you see, there is a much bigger gap and a track from a tractor a more massive, and actually legal felling was not planned here, we talked with the foresters on the eve of the survey, we walk along the path and notice the first logs, the absence of a brand on the cuts and scattered sawdust testify to illegal logging. this is what an illegally cut fresh tree looks like. you see, neither the law enforcement officers nor the foresters have had time to put any brand here yet. so what we are doing now is we fix the diameter in two directions in order to calculate the average diameter
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of this section, and based on this diameter the damages will be calculated. trees are cut down, violators are transported. sawmills, explains activist volodymyr yarotskyi. there they are sawn into boards and beams. this is how plots are enriched by the theft of natural resources, and forests become bald before our eyes. during such illegal actions, illegal felling, topsoil is destroyed , soils are destroyed, plants are ground, plants are destroyed, the undergrowth is destroyed, and, of course, very much with... the subsidiary company, halsil forest of staro sambir, is responsible for most of this forest. activists have been documenting illegal logging here for six years. an area of ​​20 hectares is overseen by foresters. they mark arbitrarily destroyed trees with a special brand. our forests
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are turning into sawdust, which does not enter the state budget of ukraine or the city. by local employees of the state environmental inspection went to the starosambir forestry and recorded illegal fellings. for 2023, experts estimated state losses in this area at 17 million hryvnias. our materials are sent to the police authorities, the prosecutor's office is informed, which supports these materials, and further actions take place within the framework of criminal proceedings and, accordingly, are also involved in the framework of criminal proceedings already for the departure of a joint investigative task force. 70% of arbitrary cuttings are recorded precisely in the starosambir district, other enterprises of the gal-sil-forest account for 30%. acting general director ivan pidhoretskyi provides such statistics
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. according to him, illegal logging is due to the fact that the area is not gasified and residents heat their homes with firewood, but there are still about a hundred sawmills working in this area, that is, there is a great demand for wood. since the 24th year , 16 cases of arbitrary ruble have been identified. per cubic mass of 89 m3, this is about half a hryvnia of damage caused to our enterprise and the state, this is literally in two months, in some of these cases , a forest trespasser has been found, brought to justice, who has to pay damages, some are not found, because we find them, we officially submit these documents to the police, the police conduct an investigation. and looking for the people who caused this damage. to solve the problem, the company's acting director plans to install night camera traps on the territory
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of the staro sambir gausi forest. information about the perpetrators will be passed on to the police. expensive cameras promise to buy for grant funds. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, oleg palyamar, spresso tv channel. friends, congratulations, today we will dedicate our broadcast to mykhailo bolgakov or mykhailo bolgakovo. i think you can guess why, and by the way, we are going to discuss this writer here not for the first time in recent years, because there have been at least two grandiose scandals about bulgakov being banned, his books being banned, and people almost write about the fact that... policemen will go to houses and take away bolgakov's books, burn them, and something will simply be unbelievable, and now we
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see another reason, because the institute of national memory recognized mykhailo bogakov as a russian emperor and a ukrainophobe. today we will talk, and what does this mean and whether the sbu law enforcement officers will come to you, i don’t know who and... whether those books, dog’s heart, master margarita, which are on your shelves, will take you away, and i confess honestly , there are also on my shelves, so we will decide today what will happen to us next, well, for a start, i will say about too and that is enough loud news that cannot be ignored in our cultural space, because yevgeny nyschuk, whom we know in many guises, and in particular as the voice of the maidan, an actor, as a former two-time minister of culture, as the chairman of the shevchenko prize, now he has become the head of the franko theater,
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and well a lot of people listened seriously about this, and all because he replaced mykhailo zaharevich there, who managed the theater for a very long time, and during the last few years, especially, extremely in... hastily from my point of view, because mykhailo zagarevich, well in particular theater, if we remember, all these queues for the konotop witch, all these tickets that cannot be bought at their performance, all this excitement, simply incredible reviews, and all this is definitely the merit of mr. zakharevich in particular, and why he was replaced by yevgeny nyschuk , they did not explain it to us in such a precise way, and yevhen nyschuk also did not... present any of his programs, visions yet, he promised that he would do it, his figure is treated quite differently, if we talk about my observations of people
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who somehow tangential to the theater circle, some people love and respect him, consider him patriotic, consider him a decent person and believe that he is always guided by the best intentions, but others say that they do not consider him, for example, an effective man... because after all, to lead some the institution needs a good manager and not a good person first of all, well, in fact, there are certain cautions, because there are rumors that yevhen neschuk can also become not only the general director, artistic director, but also take the position of chief director, dmytro currently holds this position bogomazov, will it come true? it is not clear whether all this will come true, but... at the same time , evgeny neschuk already told his colleagues from the kyiv channel on the air that he is planning certain such first reforms, and among them, the one that is faster.
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for all tickets to the theater, we will be able to buy the action application, and we will see how it will all work, i will just say that there is a big problem now with buying tickets, in particular for this performance and for many other popular performances of the franko theater, in particular kaidasheva sim "i, there, well, i have not been to the konotop witch until now, because it is simply impossible, there are speculators, who literally buy up all the tickets in half an hour, then transfer them to the trido. quite recently, the theater made such an experiment that it began to sell tickets for one of the performances simply, well, in an analog way from the box office, that is , you had to come to the box office in the morning to stand in line, people began to gather from eight o'clock, from 9 o'clock, and it is clear that not everyone managed to buy, that is, this problem needs to be solved somehow, well, they will try another action, well
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, we will collapse with you... and the action is not the first time we have done this. well, while we wait, what will yevhen nyschuk say? what will be his first steps? ah, well, let's talk about bolgakov. let me remind you once again that the institute of national remembrance recognized him as a russian imperialist and a ukrainophobe. well, the argumentation is familiar to us, his work called "i am white" is often cited. he is enough like that. well, not unfriendly to the ukrainian nation, let's say so, well, and the days of the turbines, of course, and the white guard are remembered by the ossetians, probably the most remembered is this whole quote and in particular the film, where one is outraged, how ukrainians switched to the ukrainian language, how it is, there are no words we normal, how will the cat be, how will the whale be, well , you know all this, but i will say that the epic with
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bulgakov did not last... once, first of all, in 2021, i dare to say that shit, because the idea that bulgakov and boris okunin were banned on the network, that the books were banned, you see, they keep saying this, everything was banned, then it turned out that there was no ban at all, it was simply a matter of restricting imports from russia works of akunin and bulgakov and. then not all, but only some editions with prefaces, which touched on people who went to the occupied crimea, that is, it was all connected only with some publications, and then in defense of bulgakov and fell behind the defense of bolgakov, for example, natasha vlashchenko, tv presenter and blogger, andriy portnov, buzhansky, for example, here such an audience, and also already at the beginning
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of a full-scale invasion. there were rumors again that bolgakov would be banned, that the people who work in the bolgakov museum, which is located on andriivskyi uzvoz, were also very indignant. this topic was discussed talked a lot and closed it, and now we are opening it again, and we will talk about it with volodymyr terishchak, deputy head of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance, mr. volodymyr, i... i congratulate you, so have a good day, mr. volodymyr, say to us, please, what, what awaits us, i have several books by bolgakov at home, i confess to you that what will happen to me, that is, someone will come to me, take these books away, i will be arrested, because social networks are very worried , well, let's first of all, i wanted would like to clarify that in accordance with the law
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on... condemnation and prohibition of propaganda of russian imperial policy and decolonization of toponymy, there was an expert commission that was created in accordance with this law at the ukrainian institute of national memory and which includes authoritative researchers, philologists, historians from different scientific institutions from different regions of ukraine, they approved, worked on and gave their opinion. a professional conclusion about the fact that bulgakov is subject to the law, the figure of bulgakov belongs to the symbolism of russian imperial policy, since bulgakov publicly called for ukrainophobia in his works, demonstrated and called for ukrainophobia, and no one can argue with that either, because...


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